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anti-cybersquatting and FDI related services, both inbound and outbound.
Twiggy is a member of various professional organizations including INTA, ITMA, AIPPI, LES, APAA and
HKITMP. Over the years, Twiggy has been playing an active role in the development of IP practice and
Twiggy obtained her LLB from University of London and PCLL from University of Hong Kong. In addition to
Hong Kong, she is also admitted in Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom. She has received many
awards in recognition of her expertise and has continually been named as a distinguished IP practitioner.
Twiggy MH Liu Law Office
Address: 4104 Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, HONG KONG.
Tel: (852) 2155 0288 Fax: (852) 2155 0688