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<strong>MONDAY</strong><br />

<strong>ARTPOST</strong><br />

<strong>2024</strong>-<strong>1007</strong><br />

ISSN1918-6991<br />

<strong>MONDAY</strong><strong>ARTPOST</strong>.COM<br />

Columns by Artists and Writers<br />

Bob Black / bq / Cem Turgay / Fiona Smyth<br />

/ Gary Michael Dault / Kai Chan / Kamelia<br />

Pezeshki / Lee Ka-sing / Malgorzata Wolak<br />

Dault / Shelley Savor / Tamara Chatterjee /<br />

Tomio Nitto / Yam Lau /<br />

<strong>MONDAY</strong> <strong>ARTPOST</strong> published on Mondays. Columns by Artists and Writers. All Right Reserved. Published since 2002.<br />

Edit and Design: DOUBLE DOUBLE studio. Publisher: Ocean and Pounds. ISSN 1918-6991. mail@oceanpounds.com<br />

Free Subscription: https://mondayartpost.substack.com / Support: https://patreon.com/doubledoublestudio


Sketchbook<br />

Tomio Nitto

CHEEZ<br />

Fiona Smyth

Leaving Taichung<br />

Station<br />

Bob Black<br />

The voice of two pipes songing<br />

the sky this morning is grey and arched, autumn’s racoon ghost all bushy-tailed<br />

and rancorous<br />

what throws shadows on our hearts, the owl’s wing at night, the sudden tree cracking in the wind<br />

the hum as leaves fall through mud on the heath<br />

the hung kites in the trees fracture, fickle in the earth and mind<br />

another story buried with spanner and flower<br />

another name lost to the pebble, still<br />

you go on<br />

a pause as every word washed off in the bath falls at your feet<br />

and you pick up the hair matted off the floor<br />

tell me then reader, how shall this too end<br />

with a word or time stuck in a ditch, the ice cubes quaking in a glass<br />

the inevitable purge<br />

have you memorized the wind on the way to the grave you could not find<br />

for: the writer Marc Nash

Greenwood<br />

Kai Chan<br />

Drawing<br />

45 x 36 cm, acrylic on rice paper

Poem a Week<br />

Gary Michael Dault<br />

Boulders on Back Beach<br />

mossy boulders<br />

on Back Beach<br />

weeping<br />

like armchairs<br />

claim<br />

your jade seat<br />

before<br />

a bee pillows it<br />

with pollen<br />

and makes<br />

a flower out of it

Travelling Palm<br />

Snapshots<br />

Tamara Chatterjee<br />

Canada (September, <strong>2024</strong>) – We arrived in<br />

Curve Lake to a traffic jam of vehicles all<br />

looking for parking before winding our way<br />

down to the pow wow. We walked several<br />

kilometers, arriving late for the grand entry.<br />

As the gathering came into view; a sense of<br />

elation and excitement grew within. After a<br />

jaunt around the festivities; we settled down<br />

to watch the dancers, some in spectacular<br />

regalia. Several dancers had red hand prints<br />

covering their mouths. Seemingly a striking<br />

contrast of protest and recognition, whilst<br />

celebrating culture and history. It was a<br />

remarkable experience, which I hope to repeat<br />

next year.

Gary Michael Dault<br />

From the Photographs,<br />

2010-<strong>2024</strong><br />

Number 48: Palette: a Beginning, an Ending.

ProTesT<br />

Cem Turgay

Caffeine Reveries<br />

Shelley Savor<br />

Quiet Sorrow

TERRAIN, ten. (Photographs by Lee Ka-sing, haiku by Gary Michael Dault<br />

in response). Read this daily collaborative column at oceanpounds.com<br />

Little Theatre<br />

the old house is full of drama:<br />

curtains parting<br />

and closing again

Several ways of not to miss<br />

a single issue of <strong>MONDAY</strong><br />

<strong>ARTPOST</strong>.<br />

subscribe.mondayartpost.com<br />

<strong>ARTPOST</strong> contributors<br />

Cem Turgay lives and works as a photographer in<br />

Turkey.<br />

Fiona Smyth is a painter, illustrator, cartoonist and<br />

instructor in OCAD University's Illustration Program.<br />

For more than three decades, Smyth has made a name<br />

for herself in the local Toronto comic scene as well as<br />

internationally.<br />

http://fiona-smyth.blogspot.com<br />

Gary Michael Dault lives in Canada and is noted for<br />

his art critics and writings. He paints and writes poetry<br />

extensively. In 2022, OCEAN POUNDS published two<br />

of his art notebooks in facsimile editions.<br />

Kai Chan immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong in<br />

the sixties. He’s a notable multi-disciplinary artist who<br />

has exhibited widely in Canada and abroad.<br />

www.kaichan.art<br />

Kamelia Pezeshki is a photographer living in Toronto.<br />

She continues to use film and alternative processes to<br />

make photographs.<br />

www.kamelia-pezeshki.com<br />

Ken Lee is a poet and an architectural designer based<br />

in Toronto. He has been composing poetry in Chinese,<br />

and is only recently starting to experiment with writing<br />

English poetry under the pen name, “bq”.<br />

Lee Ka-sing, founder of OCEAN POUNDS, lives in<br />

Toronto. He writes with images, recent work mostly<br />

photographs in sequence, some of them were presented<br />

in the format of a book.<br />

www.leekasing.com<br />

Robert Black, born in California, is an award-winning<br />

poet and photographer currently based in Toronto.<br />

His work often deals with themes related to language,<br />

transformation, and disappearance.<br />

Shelley Savor lives in Toronto. She paints and draws<br />

with passion, focusing her theme on city life and urban<br />

living experiences.<br />

Tamara Chatterjee is a Toronto photographer who<br />

travels extensively to many parts of the world.<br />

Tomio Nitto is a noted illustrator lives in Toronto. The<br />

sketchbook is the camera, he said.<br />

Yam Lau, born in British Hong Kong, is an artist and<br />

writer based in Toronto; he is currently an Associate<br />

Professor at York University. Lau’s creative work<br />

explores new expressions and qualities of space,<br />

time and the image. He is represented by Christie<br />


Under the management of Ocean and Pounds<br />

Since 2008, INDEXG B&B have served curators, artists,<br />

art-admirers, collectors and professionals from different<br />

cities visiting and working in Toronto.<br />

INDEXG B&B<br />

48 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto<br />

Booking:<br />

mail@indexgbb.com<br />


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