BUA Vol 8 Issue 4

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Elections yields<br />


experience for students<br />

Members new entrant Mkhonto Wesizwe Youth League<br />

By Fundani Mgabisa<br />

T<br />

he past few months have been both challenging and exciting<br />

for student political structures. The university’s Directorate<br />

of Student Governance and Leadership Development (SGLD)<br />

hosted the TUT SRC elections online, from 03 to 05 September 2024.<br />

These annual elections are held yearly, with eligible voters,which<br />

are registered TUT students.This time logging online and receiving<br />

guidance on how to elect. Contrary from the pre-COVID-19, when<br />

physical voting on campus was a norm.<br />

Post-Pandemic, the university has transitioned to full online<br />

registration for Student Faculty council (SFC) and SRC elections. Both<br />

physical and online students have actively participated in electing<br />

their preferred representatives to lead and represent their interests<br />

to management of their respective campuses and in institutional<br />

(ISRC).<br />

Sandile Ngema, the outgoing Chairperson of<br />

the Faculty of Arts and Design, noted positive<br />

collaboration and tolerance among campus<br />

groups. Second-year student Goitsimang<br />

Sebolawa, who campaigned for his political<br />

party her voting experience was positive. Garankuwa<br />

campus student Fellang Motoung, said<br />

he was incredibly happy as students came out in<br />

numbers to vote.<br />

Members of Action SA's student Chapter<br />

Members of SADTUSC and ANC Members of Student Christian Organisation<br />

page<br />

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