The Ultimate Guide to the Munros Vol 1 by Ralph Storer sampler
From the pen of a dedicated Munro bagger comes The Ultimate Guide to everything you've wished the other books had told you before you set off. The lowdown on the state of the path, advice on avoiding bogs and tricky situations, tips on how to determine which bump is actually the summit in misty weather... this is the only guide to the Munros you'll ever need.
From the pen of a dedicated Munro bagger comes The Ultimate Guide to everything you've wished the other books had told you before you set off. The lowdown on the state of the path, advice on avoiding bogs and tricky situations, tips on how to determine which bump is actually the summit in misty weather... this is the only guide to the Munros you'll ever need.
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<strong>The</strong> Go-Take-a-Hike Mountaineering Club<br />
<strong>Ralph</strong> S<strong>to</strong>rer President<br />
Compiler of routes, penner of words, s<strong>to</strong>pper of<br />
bucks, all-round good egg. His packed lunch of<br />
choice: Marjorie’s Seedling plum jam sannies.<br />
GiGi<br />
Cus<strong>to</strong>dian of <strong>the</strong> Common Sense<br />
Farer (fairer?) of <strong>the</strong> Ways, arbiter of disputes,<br />
friend <strong>to</strong> all. Named after <strong>the</strong> two embarrassing<br />
grooves occasioned <strong>by</strong> <strong>to</strong>o much fence-sitting.<br />
Her packed lunch of choice: it depends.<br />
F-S<strong>to</strong>p<br />
Controller of <strong>the</strong> Camera<br />
Advisor of <strong>the</strong> Aperture. Recorder of <strong>the</strong> Ridiculous.<br />
So-named because he’s always f***ing s<strong>to</strong>pping<br />
<strong>to</strong> take pho<strong>to</strong>graphs. His packed lunch of choice:<br />
ginger snaps.<br />
Needlepoint Companion of <strong>the</strong> Compass<br />
Wary Watcher of <strong>the</strong> Wea<strong>the</strong>r. Finds featureless<br />
plateaus intimidating, doesn’t understand GPS,<br />
barely understands a compass. Her packed lunch of<br />
choice: fettuccini swirls.