The Ultimate Guide to the Munros Vol 1 by Ralph Storer sampler
From the pen of a dedicated Munro bagger comes The Ultimate Guide to everything you've wished the other books had told you before you set off. The lowdown on the state of the path, advice on avoiding bogs and tricky situations, tips on how to determine which bump is actually the summit in misty weather... this is the only guide to the Munros you'll ever need.
From the pen of a dedicated Munro bagger comes The Ultimate Guide to everything you've wished the other books had told you before you set off. The lowdown on the state of the path, advice on avoiding bogs and tricky situations, tips on how to determine which bump is actually the summit in misty weather... this is the only guide to the Munros you'll ever need.
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xii<br />
Route Quality Ratings<br />
***** Outstanding<br />
**** Excellent<br />
*** Very Good<br />
** Good<br />
* Fair<br />
<strong>The</strong> best. Outstanding routes in every respect. <strong>The</strong><br />
reason we climb mountains. <strong>The</strong> stuff of memories.<br />
Still great, but just lacking that extra something<br />
that would make <strong>the</strong>m outstanding.<br />
Maybe not <strong>the</strong> best, but still commendable,<br />
perhaps outstanding or excellent in parts.<br />
Nothing <strong>to</strong> prise <strong>the</strong> uninitiated off <strong>the</strong> couch, yet<br />
still good enough <strong>to</strong> provide a satisfying hillwalk that<br />
brings a smile <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> visage.<br />
Could be better, but all <strong>Munros</strong> are worth booting<br />
up for, aren’t <strong>the</strong>y?<br />
Route Rage Alert<br />
Flagged on routes where ‘challenging’ terrain makes<br />
a beach holiday seem not such a bad idea after all.