The Ultimate Guide to the Munros Vol 1 by Ralph Storer sampler

From the pen of a dedicated Munro bagger comes The Ultimate Guide to everything you've wished the other books had told you before you set off. The lowdown on the state of the path, advice on avoiding bogs and tricky situations, tips on how to determine which bump is actually the summit in misty weather... this is the only guide to the Munros you'll ever need.

From the pen of a dedicated Munro bagger comes The Ultimate Guide to everything you've wished the other books had told you before you set off. The lowdown on the state of the path, advice on avoiding bogs and tricky situations, tips on how to determine which bump is actually the summit in misty weather... this is the only guide to the Munros you'll ever need.


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xxi<br />

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SECTION 8<br />


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SECTION 6<br />

LOCH TAY<br />

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Page xix<br />

<strong>by</strong> distinctive summits linked <strong>by</strong><br />

undulating ridges that give great ridge<br />

walking. <strong>The</strong> Glen Lochay and Glen<br />

Lyon groups are greener and gentler<br />

still, with less well-defined summits<br />

a<strong>to</strong>p broad, rolling ridges that make<br />

great tramping country. Of course,<br />

<strong>the</strong>se generalities mask some<br />

important exceptions.<br />

As <strong>the</strong> nearest region <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> most<br />

populated parts of Scotland, <strong>the</strong><br />

Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Highlands contain many of<br />

<strong>the</strong> country’s most popular <strong>Munros</strong>.<br />

Only <strong>the</strong> Central Highlands’ Ben Nevis,<br />

<strong>the</strong> highest in <strong>the</strong> land, is climbed<br />

more times than Ben Lomond, <strong>the</strong><br />

nearest Munro <strong>to</strong> Glasgow and <strong>the</strong><br />

centrepiece of Scotland’s first National<br />

Park, created in 2002. O<strong>the</strong>r popular<br />

mountains include Loch Earn’s Ben<br />

Vorlich (one of <strong>the</strong> nearest <strong>to</strong><br />

Edinburgh), <strong>the</strong> spectacular Cobbler<br />

(only a Corbett, but what a Corbett!),<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ric Schiehallion and Ben Lawers<br />

& Meall nan Tarmachan (reached <strong>by</strong><br />

a road that climbs <strong>to</strong> a height of<br />

550m/1800ft between <strong>the</strong>m).<br />

If you’re new <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Scottish<br />

Highlands, <strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Highlands<br />

are a good place <strong>to</strong> start: easy access,<br />

a variety of mountains, a whole host<br />

of different routes, extensive views<br />

over deep glens and ribbon lochs…<br />

and no less than 46 <strong>Munros</strong> <strong>to</strong> bag.

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