Mid Rivers Newsmagazine 10-23-24
Local news, local politics and community events for St. Charles County Missouri.
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Vol. 21 No. 20 • October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
midriversnewsmagazine.com<br />
2<br />
<strong>24</strong><br />
<br />
PLUS: Villages at Busch Wildlife ■ Cannabis Gummies ■ Dealing with Election Stress
2 I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
FIRE<br />
EQUIP EXPERIENCED FIRST RESPONDERS. We’re on track to respond to over 4,600<br />
emergencies this year – an increase of 49% over the volume ten years ago. Our tax rate is 27%<br />
lower than it was in 2014 because the Missouri Senior Citizen Real Estate Proporty Tax Relief<br />
Program and Hancock Amendment require tax rates to be reduced and puts limits our funding<br />
from new properties. This has prevented us from keeping pace with inflation and rising costs.<br />
TUESDAY, NOV. 5<br />
Cottleville Fire Protection District • Prop. FIRE<br />
Prop. FIRE includes a 12-cent operating tax increase, which would cost the owner of a home<br />
valued at $300,000 less than $6 per month to help your firefighters maintain the quality of<br />
service that you expect of your emergency personnel.<br />
Prop. FIRE enables us to address these challenges and maintain the emergency services that<br />
our community needs to stay safe.<br />
For more information about our proposal, go to CottlevilleFPD.org<br />
(But the first and second<br />
were pretty great, too.)<br />
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October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I OPINION I 3<br />
Why, in our free country,<br />
do we lack education freedom?<br />
What issue could be more important to a<br />
nation’s future than education?<br />
A country is about people. How Americans<br />
act, work, think, choose – live – reflects<br />
their values.<br />
K-12 education, of course, is about learning<br />
to read and do math. This is what we<br />
measure in test scores.<br />
But education is a lot more than acquisition<br />
of technical skills. It is about transmission<br />
of values and our sense of meaning of<br />
what life is about.<br />
It’s these values that determine how we<br />
act, behave, work and deal with life’s many<br />
challenges.<br />
Polling tells us that Americans are generally<br />
unhappy about education in our country.<br />
In a recent Gallup poll, 53% of Democrats<br />
and Democratic-leaning independents,<br />
and 33% of Republicans and Republicanleaning<br />
independents, said they are “completely/somewhat<br />
satisfied with the quality<br />
of K-12 education.”<br />
Dissatisfaction with education in our<br />
country is not limited to those on the receiving<br />
end. A recent Pew Research survey<br />
shows there is also considerable dissatisfaction<br />
with those providing it – the teachers<br />
themselves.<br />
Per the Pew survey, among all U.S. workers,<br />
51% say they are “extremely/very satisfied<br />
with their job.” But among K-12 public<br />
school teachers, only 33% say they are<br />
“extremely/very satisfied” with their job.<br />
When the teachers were asked to rate<br />
academic performance of students at their<br />
school, 48% rated it “fair/poor” and only<br />
17% rated it “excellent/very good.”<br />
When teachers rated behavior of the students<br />
at their school, 49% rated it “fair/poor”<br />
and 13% rated it “excellent/very good.”<br />
When teachers were asked about the problems<br />
they see in the students they are trying<br />
to teach, these are overwhelmingly behavioral<br />
problems. Forty-seven percent say<br />
students show “little or no interest” in learning.<br />
In high schools, this percent increases<br />
to 58%.<br />
The bottom line, as I see it, is students<br />
learn when they are motivated to learn. Students<br />
don’t learn when they are not.<br />
Motivation comes from meaning, that life<br />
matters. This takes us back to the issue of<br />
values.<br />
The culture of meaninglessness and moral<br />
relativism, and the absence of absolutes in<br />
right and wrong, is destroying our kids and<br />
their education as it is our whole country.<br />
We have to change. But the great obstacle<br />
to change in K-12 education is the control of<br />
government in education and the control of<br />
teachers unions.<br />
It is crazy that in a country that is allegedly<br />
about freedom, we have so little of it in<br />
something so vitally important as education.<br />
The good news is school choice programs<br />
are growing around the country. But it is far<br />
too slow.<br />
According to EdChoice, in the 20<strong>23</strong>/20<strong>24</strong><br />
school year, more than a million children<br />
are learning in school choice programs.<br />
This up from almost zero 25 years ago.<br />
But this is one million out of more than<br />
50 million youth in K-12 learning across the<br />
nation.<br />
According to the Freedom Foundation, the<br />
National Education Association, the nation’s<br />
largest teachers union, allocated 34% of its<br />
total 2022/20<strong>23</strong> budget, $176,505,592 of<br />
a budget total $520,208,114 to “political<br />
activism and contributions.”<br />
Our nation’s largest teachers union is<br />
basically about politics, not education. And<br />
the political agenda is left-wing moral relativism.<br />
According to opensecrets.org the NEA’s<br />
super PAC, NEA Advocacy fund, in the<br />
20<strong>23</strong>-20<strong>24</strong> cycle, contributed $18,833,477<br />
to liberal groups and not one cent to conservative<br />
groups.<br />
In their political contributions, $2,525,652<br />
went to Democrats and $47,144 to Republicans.<br />
The NEA defines its mission, on its website,<br />
as “ending racism, sexism, homophobia<br />
and other systemic injustices in schools.”<br />
How about the systemic injustice that parents,<br />
who go to church every Sunday, can’t<br />
free their child from the failing public school<br />
that is forced on them and cannot send their<br />
child to a Christian school to learn values<br />
that they see as truth?<br />
School choice is on the ballot this November<br />
in Colorado, Kentucky and Nebraska.<br />
Parents must be free to educate their child<br />
as they choose.<br />
• • •<br />
Star Parker is president of the Center for<br />
Urban Renewal and Education and host of<br />
the weekly television show “Cure America<br />
with Star Parker.”<br />
© 20<strong>24</strong> Creators.com<br />
Read more on midriversnewsmagazine.com<br />
“We need strong conservative voices to keep the state house<br />
anchored to our Missouri values.”<br />
• Defending the 1st & 2nd Amendments<br />
• Protecting Unborn Life<br />
• Supporting Families & Businesses<br />
• Ensuring Quality Education<br />
• Helping Missouri’s Veterans<br />
• Upholding Conservative Values<br />
• Veterans Advocate<br />
• Proven Local Leader<br />
• Devoted Wife of 40 Years<br />
• Proud Mother & Grandmother<br />
• Strong Christian Faith & Values<br />
• U.S. Navy Veteran<br />
• St. Peters Alderman<br />
• <strong>Mid</strong> America Veterans Museum Founding Member<br />
• Central County Fire & Rescue REHAB 95 Volunteer<br />
• St. Peters Veterans Memorial Commission<br />
• Military Advisor<br />
• Chaplain<br />
VioletForMissouri@gmail.com<br />
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4 I OPINION I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Here’s your sign<br />
The comedian Bill Engvall has a famous<br />
bit called “here’s your sign.” The premise<br />
is that we could save a lot of time if “stupid<br />
people” (his words, not ours) would just<br />
wear signs identifying themselves as such.<br />
One such bit is about the car mechanic who<br />
asks the customer if his tire went flat.<br />
“Nope, I was driving around and the other<br />
three just swelled right up.” That mechanic<br />
needed a sign.<br />
Apparently, there are a bunch of other<br />
people that need signs as well. Shockingly,<br />
some individuals need signs so badly they<br />
are willing to steal them.<br />
Yes, election season is upon us once<br />
again, and with election season comes<br />
election sign theft. KMOV recently aired<br />
a story where a person was caught on<br />
camera stealing a Harris-Walz sign from in<br />
front of a St. Charles County home. In the<br />
video, a man trots up to the sign – which<br />
is squarely planted directly next to a “This<br />
property is protected by video” sign – and<br />
then hustles away.<br />
There are a couple of things to point<br />
out here. First, we hope this is just a stunt<br />
because it’s too frightening to think that<br />
this might be a real video of a person stealing<br />
a sign right next to a reminder that<br />
“you’re on camera.”<br />
It’s a bold strategy, but he got his sign.<br />
Second, and this should surprise no one,<br />
but stealing a few yard signs is not going to<br />
change the outcome of the presidential election<br />
in St. Charles County or in Missouri. It<br />
youtube.com/watch?v=MxkRYEeblOg<br />
(Source: KMOV Youtube/@KMOVStLouis)<br />
is the definition of an exercise in futility.<br />
The die is cast, friend, and the future has<br />
been foretold (spoiler alert: Trump takes<br />
Missouri). Lastly, if the thief believed they<br />
were stealing the sign to show their GOP<br />
bona fides, the Republicans would likely<br />
prefer not to be associated with someone<br />
so desperately in need of a sign.<br />
Obviously, this is a bipartisan issue.<br />
Newsmax reported last week that liberals<br />
also steal political signs. They interviewed<br />
a Virginia homeowner whose bevy of signs<br />
depicting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as<br />
clowns have been repeatedly vandalized<br />
or stolen. “Elect a clown, expect a circus,”<br />
reads one of the signs. Again, our guess is<br />
that the leaders of the Democratic party<br />
would prefer that such shining examples<br />
of complex and intellectual political rhetoric<br />
be left to stand. People wear their own<br />
signs, sometimes.<br />
Now, all kidding aside, political signstealing<br />
for national elections is just foolishness.<br />
It’s a declaration you’re incapable<br />
of self-control and that you’re in desperate<br />
need of a sign. Even more seriously, political<br />
sign-stealing at the local level is a real<br />
problem. It’s also a crime. Some twenty<br />
years ago, former Missouri Senator John<br />
Loudon (R) drafted legislation making the<br />
stealing or defacing of campaign yard signs<br />
a criminal offense. While taking a couple<br />
of Trump-Vance signs from your neighbor’s<br />
yard will not change the outcome<br />
of that race in Missouri, taking candidate<br />
signs for state representatives or municipal<br />
elections – races typically decided by a few<br />
hundred votes – can make a real difference.<br />
Every campaign season, reports of sign<br />
theft skyrocket, and candidates for local<br />
office make complaints. In an era of countless<br />
cameras and Ring Doorbells, it is time<br />
to aggressively work to stop a practice that<br />
is akin to denying free speech. All signs<br />
point to the fact that we need to elevate our<br />
discourse, not steal it away.<br />
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Reporters<br />
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October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
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State Representative
6 I NEWS I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
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NEWS<br />
BRIEFS<br />
City searches for new<br />
city administrator<br />
Cathy Pratt has been named interim city<br />
administrator for Dardenne Prairie, while<br />
the city spins up its official search procedure.<br />
Two ordinances were approved at the<br />
Oct. 16 Board of Aldermen meeting regarding<br />
Pratt. The first authorized the mayor to<br />
execute an employment agreement for an<br />
interim city administrator, and the second<br />
authorized the execution of a consulting<br />
agreement for administrative services.<br />
Mayor John Gotway said that Pratt<br />
recently retired from St. Peters after a long<br />
history with that city, with experience from<br />
writing bills and legislation to managing<br />
municipal projects.<br />
Pratt’s first day with Dardenne Prairie<br />
was Oct. 22, with her contract ending June<br />
2025.<br />
O’FALLON<br />
$14.2 million in bonds approved<br />
for waterworks projects<br />
The O’Fallon City Council approved a<br />
resolution on Sept. 26 authorizing the issuance<br />
of special obligation bonds to pay for<br />
waterworks projects.<br />
The resolution, which passed 9-0, authorizes<br />
issuance of bonds with an approximate<br />
principal value of $14.2 million.<br />
The council next will need to approve<br />
a bond ordinance to authorize the specific<br />
parameters of the bond sale, the first reading<br />
of which will be on Oct. 28, with further<br />
discussion likely occurring in November.<br />
The city plans to do a competitive bond<br />
sale on Dec. 4. Parameters from the bond<br />
ordinance will authorize staff to approve<br />
the winning bid. Closing of the bonds is<br />
expected to occur on Dec. 19.<br />
Use of these bonds for the waterworks<br />
The St. Charles County Ambulance District honors the life of Paramedic<br />
Michael Clarke, who died while on duty on Oct. 15. Clarke was a twoyear<br />
veteran of the department who was known for his affable nature<br />
and positive energy. Earlier this year, Clarke and two colleagues were<br />
recognized by a patient and the SCCAD Board of Directors for their<br />
life-saving efforts at the scene of the gentleman’s Jan. 5, 20<strong>23</strong>, cardiac<br />
arrest. Arrangements for Paramedic Clarke were pending at press time.<br />
(Source: SCCAD)<br />
projects already has been included in the<br />
20<strong>24</strong> and 2025 city budgets.<br />
New city website launched<br />
On Oct. 14, the city of O’Fallon launched<br />
a redesigned city website: ofallonmo.gov.<br />
The redesign was authorized by the<br />
City Council and budgeted in 20<strong>23</strong>. The<br />
redesigned website was unveiled by Communications<br />
Director Tony Michalka at<br />
the council workshop on Oct. <strong>10</strong>. He said<br />
O’Fallon’s IT and communications departments<br />
have been working on the new website<br />
for 12 months.<br />
The new website currently includes<br />
the parks and police department pages.<br />
Those are what were launched on Oct.<br />
14. Currently, the previous website is still<br />
accessible, but after a week, the old web<br />
address will automatically redirect users<br />
to ofallonmo.gov.<br />
This is actually the first of several new<br />
websites coming from O’Fallon.<br />
On Oct. <strong>23</strong>, the city will also launch a<br />
new Heritage & Freedom Fest website. On<br />
Oct. 30, the city will launch new websites<br />
for Select O’Fallon, which is part of the<br />
city’s economic development initiative and<br />
RenaudCenter.com. Those will look and<br />
operate similarly to the main city website.<br />
SSM Health opens facility<br />
in Streets of Caledonia<br />
SSM Health has expanded services in<br />
St. Charles County with a new comprehensive<br />
outpatient center in O’Fallon, in<br />
the Streets of Caledonia development at<br />
301 Caledonia Parkway. A ribbon-cutting<br />
ceremony was held on Oct. 7 for the<br />
grand opening of the new 66,000-squarefoot<br />
outpatient center.<br />
SSM Health officials said the new<br />
healthcare facility is vital for the county<br />
area, providing both community and academic<br />
ambulatory care along the Interstate<br />
64 corridor.<br />
“This new outpatient center enables our<br />
community and academic providers to<br />
work together in one location,” said Jeremy<br />
Fotheringham, SSM Health’s St. Louis and<br />
Southern Illinois regional president. “SSM<br />
Health Medical Group and SLUCare Physician<br />
Group will deliver some of the most<br />
innovative and advanced care through<br />
a comprehensive range of primary and<br />
specialty services. Pediatric patients will<br />
realize a truly differentiated level of care<br />
in this market not offered anywhere else;<br />
families can now receive dedicated pediatric<br />
specialty care including ophthalmology,<br />
audiology, primary care pediatric services<br />
and so much more.”<br />
The outpatient center brings together<br />
SSM Health Medical Group, SSM<br />
Health’s SLUCare Physician Group and<br />
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Pediatrics<br />
Specialty Services, providing several<br />
types of healthcare services in one location.<br />
Residents of O’Fallon and the greater St.<br />
Charles County region will have expanded<br />
access to adult and pediatric urgent care,<br />
adult and pediatric primary care, imaging,<br />
lab work, pediatric specialists, including<br />
outpatient services such as audiology and<br />
others, and prescription services under one<br />
roof.<br />
ST. PETERS<br />
Pagano named president of<br />
Missouri Municipal League<br />
St. Peters Alderman Patrick Barclay surprised<br />
Mayor Len Pagano at the Sept. 26<br />
Board of Aldermen meeting by honoring<br />
Pagano’s recent election as president of the<br />
Missouri Municipal League.<br />
Barclay presented Pagano with a<br />
plaque commemorating a Missouri House<br />
of Representatives resolution, which recognized<br />
Pagano as an “outstanding Missouri<br />
citizen who has long distinguished<br />
himself as the leader of his community,”<br />
and applauded Pagano’s new position as
president of the league.<br />
Pagano’s wife was asked to join him in<br />
sharing the honor, because of the mayor’s<br />
commitment to recognizing the spouses of<br />
elected officials to highlight their role in<br />
supporting the community.<br />
Pagano was selected for the role of<br />
president at the 90th annual Missouri<br />
Municipal League conference held Sept.<br />
15-18 in Branson. The league was formed<br />
in 1934 and is an independent, statewide<br />
nonprofit that works to improve cooperation<br />
between cities in the state to improve<br />
municipal government and administration.<br />
Pagano has been a member of the<br />
league’s board of directors since 2019.<br />
The resolution commemorating his new<br />
role as president also pointed out his other<br />
commitments to the region, including the<br />
St. Charles County Regional Chamber of<br />
Commerce, Knights of Colombus and Lindenwood<br />
University.<br />
Pagano said that the honor caught him<br />
off guard, before recognizing the support<br />
of his wife.<br />
“She’s been with me from day one, from<br />
the first election till now,” Pagano said.<br />
Police report shows DWIs<br />
up, burglaries down<br />
St. Peter Police Chief Andy Ramirez<br />
gave a presentation on the 20<strong>23</strong> End of<br />
Year Fiscal Report at the Sept. 26 Board<br />
of Aldermen meeting and highlighted the<br />
force’s challenges and triumphs.<br />
He noted the police department experienced<br />
“significant staffing issues in 20<strong>23</strong>”<br />
and continues to do so throughout the<br />
worker shortage. Thirteen officers either<br />
retired or left the department in 20<strong>23</strong>.<br />
“At one point we were down to 14 officers,”<br />
Ramirez said, noting the dedication<br />
of the city’s officers and how those<br />
remaining switched shifts, rearranged<br />
personal events and worked extra to fill<br />
in the gaps.<br />
He also detailed the recruiting process,<br />
which requires about <strong>10</strong> months of training,<br />
with four of those working in the field<br />
before being inducted as an officer. The St.<br />
Peters police department is currently short<br />
four officers and is slated to lose two more<br />
in the next 30 days due to retirement.<br />
Despite these challenges, Ramirez said,<br />
“I’m very proud of this group.” He also<br />
went over crime statistics which displayed<br />
data similar to 2022, with a few changes.<br />
DWIs have become a concern, as they<br />
have been trending upward in recent years.<br />
In 20<strong>23</strong>, St. Peters police issued 176 DWIs<br />
and 20<strong>24</strong> has already surpassed that number<br />
with several months to go in the year.<br />
Car theft and burglaries have decreased,<br />
Ramirez said. While auto theft increased<br />
between 2019 and 2021 throughout the<br />
pandemic, over 2022 and 20<strong>23</strong> those<br />
crimes have decreased back to pre-pandemic<br />
levels.<br />
In addition, just 54 burglary incidents<br />
were reported in 20<strong>23</strong>. This is a five-year<br />
low, with 2020 reaching 95 burglaries. The<br />
reduction in these crimes is likely due to<br />
the Criminal Interdiction Task Force, a<br />
partnership between all the law enforcement<br />
agencies in St. Charles County.<br />
Overall, there were 574 arrests resulting<br />
in 162 felonies and 53 pursuits. Ramirez<br />
described how the criminal investigation<br />
division has done “more with less<br />
resources.” Although this task force is short<br />
of two detectives, he stated, “Members of<br />
this team receive specialized training,” and<br />
said it has been “activated several times.”<br />
Alderman Dave Kuppler (Ward 3) congratulated<br />
the police department for the<br />
report. He stated that a key crime statistic<br />
that he looks at is burglaries and highlighted<br />
the importance of giving residents<br />
“a safe place to live.”<br />
“Who’s not afraid of somebody breaking<br />
into their house and taking their stuff?” he<br />
said.<br />
“We had 54 burglaries in the city,” he<br />
added. “That’s a small amount by any<br />
account.”<br />
Preliminary Timber Canyon<br />
single-family residential<br />
community moving<br />
forward in Wentzville<br />
The Timber Canyon Subdivision will<br />
sit on 4.28 acres of land, recently rezoned<br />
for 18 single-family home lots in Wentzville.<br />
The mayor and Board of Aldermen<br />
approved the measure along with the preliminary<br />
record plat approval on the Oct. 9<br />
meeting.<br />
Eric Kirchner from Cochran Engineering<br />
gave a presentation representing AA<br />
Land LLC Development regarding the site,<br />
located south of Interstate Drive on the<br />
east side of Hepperman Road.<br />
He noted that the plans have preserved<br />
2.35 acres of common ground land,<br />
amounting to <strong>24</strong>% of the project, and that<br />
25.1% of the trees in the area are to be preserved.<br />
All of the tree preservation areas<br />
are to be maintained in the easement as<br />
part of the common ground.<br />
“There will be no access to Interstate<br />
Drive,” he added, and went on to explain<br />
water retention concerns. “We’ve been in<br />
conversation with staff about working with<br />
them to possibly do some detention type<br />
of facilities in this area here to slow that<br />
water down.”<br />
Director of Community Development<br />
Douglas Forbeck, noted that staff recommendations<br />
included a water pressure<br />
condition to be addressed throughout<br />
development and both measures were<br />
passed unanimously.<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I NEWS I 7<br />
As an Army Combat Engineer, Schnelting is trained<br />
to fight for us; he’s trained to solve problems.<br />
And that’s just what he’s been doing as<br />
State Representative.<br />
Adam has:<br />
Fought to secure our nation’s southern border<br />
Fully funded our schools<br />
Authored and passed legislation supporting<br />
our military<br />
Fought to keep males out of girls’ sports &<br />
bathrooms<br />
Backs law enforcement<br />
Voted to cut taxes, slash regulations & fight inflation<br />
Second Amendment & Pro-Life Advocate<br />
VALUES<br />
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Adam Schnelting for State Senate<br />
Paid for by Schnelting For Missouri, Mike Sommer, Treasurer.<br />
• Upholding 1st & 2nd Amendment Rights<br />
• Defending the Constitution<br />
• Fully Funding Law Enforcement<br />
• Fighting Tax Hikes & Wasteful Spending<br />
• Standing with Family Farms & Businesses<br />
• Helping Veterans & Society’s Vulnerable<br />
• 35 Years with QuikTrip (Retired)<br />
• Married to Kathy (32 Years)<br />
• Proud Father & Grandfather<br />
• Avid Outdoorsman<br />
• Current State Representative<br />
• Former O’Fallon City<br />
Councilmember<br />
• Former St. Charles County<br />
Municipal League Chairman<br />
• Knights of Columbus & Assumption<br />
Church Member<br />
• O’Fallon Chamber of Commerce<br />
Member<br />
• O’Fallon Elks Member<br />
PHONE: 636-978-9567 • WEB: hinmanforhouse<strong>10</strong>3.com<br />
EMAIL: hinmanforhouse<strong>10</strong>3@yahoo.com<br />
8 I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
ON THE BALLOT: U.S. Senator & Representative, statewide offices<br />
Editor’s Note: While all candidates for<br />
each race are listed, only those who are in<br />
contested races received questionnaires.<br />
Their replies are printed below if they<br />
responded by the deadline. Party affiliations<br />
are marked as follows: Republican<br />
(R), Democrat (D), Libertarian (L), Better<br />
Party (BP), Green (G) and Constitution<br />
(C). Incumbents are marked with an<br />
asterisk. Certain answers are re-printed<br />
from the August Primary Election Q&A.<br />
Answers do not reflect the opinions of<br />
this paper and have not been fact-checked.<br />
Additional questions and answers are published<br />
on midriversnewsmagazine.com<br />
Candidates for U.S. Senator and U.S.<br />
Representative were asked the following<br />
questions:<br />
Q1) What areas would you focus on<br />
while in office to ensure a stable U.S.<br />
economy?<br />
Q2) Aside from the economy, what are<br />
the nation’s two most immediate needs<br />
and how would you work with others to<br />
address them?<br />
Q3) How would you work to reduce the<br />
political divide in the country?<br />
U.S. SENATOR<br />
• Josh Hawley (R)* – Candidate did not<br />
respond.<br />
• Lucas Kunce (D)<br />
Q1) We need to build an economy that<br />
puts American workers in charge, not giant<br />
corporations and foreign oligarchs – an<br />
economy that invests in putting America<br />
first in the next generation of energy, semiconductors<br />
and supply chain independence.<br />
We need to focus on reshoring our jobs and<br />
ensuring that investment and opportunity<br />
stop being shipped overseas.<br />
Q2) 1: We need to get the government<br />
out of people’s lives. Politicians shouldn’t<br />
be able to tell us what to do in the bedroom,<br />
in the doctor’s office or in the workplace.<br />
Missourians deserve to be able to live their<br />
own lives and make decisions for themselves.<br />
2: We need to put an end to pointless,<br />
trillion-dollar wars and invest in a<br />
Marshall Plan for the <strong>Mid</strong>west – a historic<br />
investment in our workers and communities<br />
to rebuild our forgotten towns and<br />
cities, and to finally start making stuff in<br />
America again.<br />
Q3) The greatest divide in our country<br />
isn’t between neighbors who vote for different<br />
candidates, it’s between corrupt politicians<br />
and the people they try to control.<br />
As U.S. senator, I’ll work to get Big Money<br />
and personal enrichment out of politics.<br />
I’ll work to ban all stock ownership and<br />
outside income for members of Congress,<br />
judges and executive branch officials. I’ll<br />
work to overturn Citizens United and abolish<br />
corporate PACs and dark money groups.<br />
I’ll push for these rules to include criminal<br />
penalties for lawbreakers – including jail<br />
time. I’ll work with anyone, from any<br />
party, to move this agenda forward.<br />
• W. C. Young (L) – Candidate could not<br />
be reached.<br />
• Jared Young (BP)<br />
Q1) Decades of irresponsible spending<br />
and poor decision-making by both major<br />
parties have left our country on the brink<br />
of fiscal disaster. Both parties inflate budgets<br />
(and deficits) to buy voter support.<br />
Our national debt has exploded over the<br />
past two decades. The federal government<br />
now spends $400 billion a year just on<br />
interest payments. But we still have time<br />
to act before disaster strikes. If we elect<br />
leaders with real political courage – people<br />
who put the country’s future over their own<br />
political careers – we can implement a plan<br />
to stabilize America’s finances, save Social<br />
Security and begin reducing our crippling<br />
national debt.<br />
Q2) Immigration and international security.<br />
We need a secure border, and we also<br />
need more legal immigrants. We must<br />
stem the flow of illegal immigration while<br />
taking measures that will make legal immigration<br />
easier for qualified individuals.<br />
Internationally, we must support our allies<br />
and stand up to those who are attacking our<br />
interests. Our allies no longer trust us, and<br />
our enemies no longer fear us. We have to<br />
change that. This means continued support<br />
of Ukraine against Russia’s aggression<br />
and support of Israel against Iran and its<br />
proxies. It also means re-investing in our<br />
military.<br />
Q3) As an independent, I am uniquely<br />
positioned to ignore partisan considerations<br />
and focus exclusively on what is best<br />
for our state and our country. My entire<br />
campaign has been focused on reminding<br />
voters that we have more in common<br />
than the two parties try to make us think.<br />
In the Senate, I will continue to carry that<br />
message, working with lawmakers of both<br />
parties to tackle the problems we currently<br />
can’t solve because of hyperpartisan dysfunction.<br />
I’ll judge ideas based purely on<br />
their merits rather than on who they came<br />
from or who will get credit for them.<br />
• Nathan Kline (G)<br />
Q1) The greatest era of shared economic<br />
prosperity in American history was the<br />
result of post-war redistributive, progressive<br />
taxes. I support a return to the Eisenhower-<br />
Nixon tax rates of the 1950s that taxed the<br />
top tax bracket at 91%. This set a ceiling<br />
to wealth hoarding in the U.S. Today, three<br />
old men hoard more wealth than the bottom<br />
165 million Americans. This mis-measures<br />
the worth of Americans. No one is worth as<br />
much as a billion dollars, and none are so<br />
worthless that they should live in the park.<br />
Q2) Sustainability: Climate scientists<br />
have long warned us that we must stop burning<br />
fossil fuels or face a hellish future. Both<br />
Obama and Biden issued more new fossil<br />
fuel drilling permits than Trump. We must<br />
replace both fossil fuel-funded parties with<br />
good ancestors putting future generations<br />
ahead of the short-term profits of multinational<br />
corporations and billionaires. Foreign<br />
Policy: We have 800-plus foreign military<br />
bases. No other country has 25. Empires rot<br />
from the inside, spending their energy on<br />
foreign wars while the homeland withers.<br />
Instead of investing in forever wars, let’s<br />
bring those investments home.<br />
Q3) The political divide in this country is<br />
produced by the theatrical hyperventilating<br />
of the two corporate parties over a small<br />
handful of items that they differ on: guns,<br />
gays and abortion. All of American politics<br />
has been reduced to these few things. Actually,<br />
both of them are in complete agreement<br />
regarding the corporate status quo<br />
that insists that in all aspects of American<br />
life that the market should decide all consequences<br />
and that their only role is to stay<br />
out of the way and to funnel the American<br />
tax base to the priorities of their wealthy<br />
donors.<br />
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE • District 2<br />
• Ann Wagner (R)*<br />
Q1) Inflation is no accident. Reckless<br />
spending by Washington Democrats set<br />
us on a path to the unaffordability we are<br />
seeing in our communities. Groceries are<br />
too expensive, the American dream of<br />
owning a home is unattainable and people<br />
want real leadership from Washington. I<br />
will focus on reducing the out-of-control<br />
and wasteful spending we see in the federal<br />
government. At a time when Americans<br />
are being forced to tighten their budgets to<br />
afford necessities, their government should<br />
be better stewards of their tax dollars.<br />
Q2) The border and reducing crime.<br />
Our open border is both a national security<br />
threat and a humanitarian crisis. The<br />
Biden-Harris administration has endangered<br />
Americans by failing to secure the<br />
border and by refusing to reinstate President<br />
Donald Trump’s successful border<br />
policies. We need to build the border wall<br />
and end illegal catch and release. Also,<br />
Missourians should be able to feel safe<br />
in our communities, and I wholeheartedly<br />
stand against efforts to defund the police. I<br />
am proud to have the endorsement of the<br />
Missouri Fraternal Order of Police and will<br />
always support keeping dangerous criminals<br />
off our streets.<br />
Q3) I have always fought to advance<br />
policies benefiting our country, not special<br />
interests. Whether it was my fight against<br />
sex trafficking, my work to protect small<br />
business and middle-income investors, or<br />
it was my efforts to promote American<br />
energy independence, I built consensus on<br />
each of these issues. I will continue to promote<br />
policies like these with the support<br />
of voters in the 2nd Congressional District.<br />
We can overcome disagreements by tackling<br />
issues benefitting all Americans.<br />
• Ray Hartmann (D) – Candidate did<br />
not respond.<br />
• Brandon Daugherty (L) – Candidate<br />
could not be reached.<br />
• Shelby Davis (G) – Candidate could<br />
not be reached.<br />
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE • District 3<br />
• Bob Onder (R) – Candidate did not<br />
respond.<br />
• Bethany E. Mann (D)<br />
Q1) I will upgrade water infrastructure<br />
so that our water is clean and free of contaminants<br />
like lead and forever chemicals.<br />
This will improve public health, create<br />
high-paying union jobs and attract semiconductor<br />
and battery manufacturers that<br />
rely on clean water. Corporate greed plays<br />
a major role in the struggles that working<br />
families face, from high food and energy<br />
prices to low wages. I will strengthen<br />
anti-trust laws, enhance the power of the<br />
National Labor Relations Board and pass<br />
the ProAct, so that everyone has the right<br />
to collectively bargain for higher wages,<br />
paid family leave and secure benefits.<br />
Q2) Students should be fully supported<br />
from pre-K to secondary education in fully<br />
and equitably funded public schools. I will<br />
address the cost of childcare for working<br />
families, champion universal pre-K and<br />
pass a permanent extension of the Child<br />
Tax Credit. Healthcare access should be<br />
expanded and affordable – not restricted or<br />
used as a bargaining chip against American<br />
workers. I support Medicare For All.<br />
I oppose any and all attempts to criminalize<br />
reproductive healthcare like abortion,<br />
birth control, IVF and HRT. The government<br />
should never have the power to make<br />
private medical decisions that should stay<br />
between a doctor and a patient.<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I 9<br />
ELECTION PREVIEW, from previous<br />
Q3) As a scientist, I am trained to solve<br />
problems by listening, observing and<br />
using good old-fashioned common sense.<br />
I approach problem-solving in the spirit<br />
of curiosity, knowing that everyone has<br />
something to contribute to build a strong<br />
economy and society. As an American, I<br />
believe that there is more that brings us<br />
together than divides us, and Congressional<br />
leaders must set an example by practicing<br />
diplomacy and decency. My campaign<br />
to bring Missourians together means that<br />
I will focus on bipartisan issues like infrastructure,<br />
immigration, securing our supply<br />
chain, supporting all workers and avoiding<br />
partisan gridlock that seeks to divide us.<br />
• Jordan Rowden (L)<br />
Q1) End deficit government spending<br />
and only vote for a budget if it is at the<br />
very least balanced. Then also propose<br />
and work towards cutting the over-bloated<br />
Federal government and decentralize to<br />
give more power back to the states and the<br />
people. This will in turn lead to less federal<br />
regulation of the economy and boost<br />
productivity. Along the lines of what Javier<br />
Milei has done in Argentina. I am also a<br />
supporter of ending the Fed(eral Reserve<br />
Bank), who continue to devalue our currency<br />
and allow the government to spend<br />
us into $35 trillion of debt.<br />
Q2) With the problems with immigration<br />
I support an Ellis Island-type system where<br />
those who want to come and be productive<br />
members of society can come through<br />
ports of entry and get a background check<br />
before being authorized to enter.<br />
As we are marched towards a possible<br />
World War III, I support a non-interventionist<br />
government, as the founders envisioned.<br />
Where we no longer are the world’s police<br />
force and bring our troops home. We can<br />
invest in technology and only respond to<br />
direct attacks on the U.S.<br />
Q3) The political divide is currently<br />
drummed up because of our two-party<br />
system and the tribalism it leads to. I am<br />
offering the voters of Missouri’s 3rd District<br />
a new option that makes the government<br />
so limited that it has little impact on<br />
their lives and therefore makes the political<br />
divide unnecessary.<br />
• William Hastings (G) – Candidate<br />
could not be reached.<br />
The candidates for state and local office<br />
were asked the following questions:<br />
Q1) What qualifies you for this office<br />
(past experience, major accomplishments)?<br />
Q2) What are your top three priorities if<br />
elected?<br />
• Mike Kehoe (R)<br />
Q1) As a leader, small businessman and<br />
first-generation farmer, I have the realworld<br />
experience of creating jobs and<br />
providing economic opportunities for Missouri<br />
families. I have a proven track record<br />
of fighting the liberal agenda, cutting<br />
taxes and advancing solutions that protect<br />
Missouri’s common sense, conservative<br />
values. I have been endorsed by Missouri’s<br />
leading pro-business, pro-agriculture and<br />
pro-public safety organizations and their<br />
thousands of members.<br />
Q2) As governor, I will work to crack<br />
down on crime and illegal immigration,<br />
expand educational opportunities, support<br />
farmers and Missouri’s agriculture industry,<br />
grow our economy and cut taxes.<br />
• Crystal Quade (D)<br />
Q1) Growing up in rural Missouri, my<br />
mom waited tables at the local diner, and I<br />
became the first in my family to graduate<br />
from high school before graduating from<br />
Missouri State as a social worker. Since I<br />
was first elected as state representative in<br />
2016 and House minority leader in 2018,<br />
I’ve made fighting for working families<br />
like the one I grew up in my top priority.<br />
I’ve stood side-by-side with working families<br />
to help defeat anti-worker legislation,<br />
worked to make childcare more affordable<br />
and accessible, and as governor, I’ll<br />
continue putting Missourians over special<br />
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interests.<br />
Q2) My number one priority is always<br />
going to be putting working Missourians<br />
first. We’ll start by making healthcare<br />
more accessible and affordable by taking<br />
on insurance and drug manufacturers.<br />
Then making sure our children are receiving<br />
the best education so they can succeed<br />
by paying our teachers, fully funding our<br />
public schools and expanding access to<br />
pre-K for all Missouri children. Finally,<br />
investing in our infrastructure to keep us<br />
connected. Increasing access to broadband<br />
See ELECTION PREVIEW, page <strong>10</strong><br />
We have carved out a niche in Memory Care<br />
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<strong>10</strong> I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
ELECTION PREVIEW, from page 9<br />
across Missouri is a key to making Missouri<br />
the best place to live, work, run a<br />
business and raise a family.<br />
• Bill Slantz (L)<br />
Q1) I have been in executive leadership<br />
for most of my adult life. I am a family<br />
man, businessman and former state chair<br />
of the Libertarian Party of Missouri. As<br />
governor, I will enact policies that remove<br />
barriers to economic participation, bring<br />
economic growth and spread it more inclusively.<br />
I will defend and protect your individual<br />
freedoms and strive to help every<br />
Missourian flourish.<br />
Q2) 1: End personal property tax. 2:<br />
End Missouri state income tax. 3: Abolish<br />
minimum wage.<br />
• Paul Lehmann (G) - Candidate did not<br />
respond.<br />
• Dave Wasinger (R)<br />
Q1) I am a conservative outsider who<br />
has successfully managed my own business<br />
for over 20 years. I have a proven<br />
record of success in taking on the special<br />
interests. Following the 2008 financial<br />
crisis, I took on the Wall Street banks and<br />
recovered billions of dollars for American<br />
taxpayers.<br />
Q2) As a conservative outsider, I intend<br />
on ending special interests’ control of Jefferson<br />
City, increasing tourism by reducing<br />
crime and making sure we spend more on<br />
our great veterans than illegal immigrants.<br />
• Richard Brown (D)<br />
Q1) Experienced state legislator. Served<br />
eight years in the Missouri House of Representatives.<br />
Numerous leadership positions<br />
currently held including assistant minority<br />
floor leader and Tourism Commissioner<br />
for the state. My skill set is very specific<br />
to many of the tasks required for the job<br />
of lieutenant governor. I am an excellent<br />
communicator and accessible to the public.<br />
Q2) Increasing affordable housing units<br />
statewide. Eliminating the state food and<br />
grocery tax. Expanding childcare and<br />
reforming how the state makes childcare<br />
provider reimbursements.<br />
• Ken Iverson (L)<br />
Q1) I’m not a politician. I’m a creative<br />
problem solver who wants the brightest<br />
future for all Missourians. I can no<br />
longer idly watch our state and nation each<br />
deteriorate into an overextended socialist<br />
experiment that cannot balance its budget<br />
without extreme cuts. Having studied economics<br />
and political philosophy most of<br />
my life, I’ve concluded that government<br />
works best when it promotes and does not<br />
impede the natural, peaceful interactions<br />
of individuals, all seeking the same general<br />
betterment for themselves, their loved<br />
ones and their communities. I found that<br />
liberty is the only moral political philosophy<br />
that meets this standard.<br />
Q2) Ending state tax on income, personal<br />
property and retail sales: These transformational<br />
changes will substantially increase<br />
actual retail sales, tourism, employment,<br />
business opportunities and the size of<br />
paychecks, while reducing crime by lifting<br />
the at-risk young and unemployed out<br />
of poverty. Alaska and New Hampshire<br />
have none of these taxes. Neither should<br />
we. To pay for it, I’ll remind everyone<br />
that state programs that conflict with private<br />
charities and common sense should<br />
be abolished. Huge sectors, such as those<br />
dealing with behavior, addiction and state<br />
economic development should privatize,<br />
become charities or expire; not make off<br />
with our tax dollars.<br />
• Danielle (Dani) Elliot (G) – Candidate<br />
did not respond.<br />
• Denny Hoskins (R)<br />
Q1) As a founding member of the Missouri<br />
Freedom Caucus, I am the only secretary<br />
of state candidate who voted to require<br />
a photo ID to vote in our elections. I will<br />
also use my experience as a certified public<br />
accountant to audit the voter rolls to ensure<br />
only eligible voters vote in Missouri.<br />
Q2) 1: Audit the voter rolls to ensure<br />
non-citizens don’t vote in our elections. 2:<br />
Ensure all ballot language is single subject.<br />
Voters deserve to vote on each subject individually.<br />
3: Defund any public library that<br />
has x-rated materials in the kids section or<br />
is hosting drag queen story hour for kids.<br />
• Barbara Phifer (D)<br />
Q1) Currently a state representative in<br />
District 90. United Methodist pastor for 41<br />
years.<br />
Q2) Professional and impartial oversight<br />
of elections in Missouri. Local control for<br />
local libraries. Competent and efficient<br />
registration of businesses and not-for-profits.<br />
Missouri needs professional, honest<br />
and transparent leadership in this office.<br />
• Carl Herman Freese (L) – Candidate<br />
did not respond.<br />
• Jerome Bauer (G) – Candidate could<br />
not be reached.<br />
• Vivek Malek (R)*<br />
Q1) I am honored to have served as state<br />
treasurer since January 20<strong>23</strong>, and I have<br />
set records for returning unclaimed property<br />
to Missourians, increased the number<br />
of people taking part in the MOScholars<br />
program, pushed the state pension system<br />
to divest from communist China, and<br />
expanded access to the MOBUCK$ lowinterest<br />
loan program. Prior to serving in<br />
state office, I built a successful small business<br />
and served on the Board of Governors<br />
for Southeast Missouri State University.<br />
Q2) I will continue fighting to prevent<br />
taxpayer money from supporting countries<br />
like China by working to pass the Foreign<br />
Adversary Divestment Act. I would also<br />
like to keep working to expand the MOScholars<br />
program to ensure more Missouri<br />
families have educational options for their<br />
children. In addition, I will keep working<br />
to ensure more people across our state are<br />
aware of the unclaimed property program<br />
and receive the money that they are due.<br />
• Mark Osmack (D)<br />
Q1) As a fourth-generation Missourian,<br />
Army combat veteran (two Afghanistan<br />
tours), Bronze Star recipient and having<br />
grown up in a trailer park, truly knowing<br />
Missouri with all our challenges, accomplishments<br />
and boundless potential is what<br />
makes this campaign special. After serving<br />
as an artillery officer in Afghanistan, I used<br />
the GI Bill to earn a master’s degree in<br />
public administration and worked for congressional<br />
members and the House Armed<br />
Services Committee, focusing on appropriations<br />
and fiscal policies. As a husband<br />
and father of two young kids with a third<br />
due in February, protecting and bring more<br />
families to Missouri are my concern.<br />
Q2) 1: Initiate a program called Missouri<br />
Agriculture for Missouri Kids. This<br />
would require (when fiscally responsible)<br />
Missouri agriculture to be used in Missouri<br />
school meals. The meals served should be<br />
made with Missouri crops. Additionally,<br />
no child should go without meals. A truly<br />
great state ensures school children have<br />
free, quality, Missouri-made meals. 2:<br />
Create a program to address daycare shortages<br />
and accessibility gaps. 3: Redeploy<br />
the Missouri National Guard and Highway<br />
Patrol from Texas to Missouri. 4: Modernize<br />
and proactively return unclaimed property<br />
and hire veterans to return lost military<br />
medals. 5: Champion increasing Missouri<br />
teacher pay.<br />
• John A. Hartwig, Jr. (L) – Candidate<br />
did not respond.<br />
• Reagn Haase (G) – Candidate could<br />
not be reached.<br />
• Andrew Bailey (R)*<br />
Q1) I am a decorated combat veteran,<br />
father of four, prosecutor and constitutional<br />
conservative who fights for the<br />
people of Missouri as the 44th Attorney<br />
General. Following the Sept. 11 terrorist<br />
attacks, I was commissioned as an officer<br />
in the Army. For my service, I was awarded<br />
two Army Achievement Medals, an Army<br />
Commendation Medal, a Combat Action<br />
Badge and two Bronze Stars. I served as an<br />
assistant attorney general, assistant prosecuting<br />
attorney for the Warren County<br />
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and as general<br />
counsel for the Missouri Department<br />
of Corrections. In 2019, I joined the governor’s<br />
office and served as general counsel.<br />
Q2) I want to make Missouri the safest<br />
state in the nation, securing a legacy of<br />
freedom, safety and prosperity for generations<br />
to come. In my first full term as<br />
attorney general, I plan to focus on public<br />
safety, consumer protection and protecting<br />
from federal overreach.<br />
• Elad Jonathan Gross (D)<br />
Q1) I previously served as an assistant<br />
attorney general of Missouri. I have since<br />
litigated major cases fighting government<br />
corruption and protecting Missourians’<br />
civil liberties. We need a watchdog for the<br />
people back in the office of attorney general.<br />
Q2) 1: Sue scammers, including those<br />
in government. I will enforce the Do Not<br />
Call List, start a Public Corruption Unit at<br />
the office, and start Missouri’s first Civil<br />
Rights Division to protect workers and<br />
keep government out of our private lives.<br />
2: Protect families. I will start Missouri’s<br />
first coordinated effort to prevent violent<br />
crime. I will protect our land, air and water<br />
and hold the federal government accountable<br />
for poisoning our state with radioactive<br />
waste. I will enforce antitrust law to<br />
stop big corporations from exploiting Missourians.<br />
3: End Missouri’s status as the<br />
puppy mill capital of the country.”<br />
• Ryan L. Munro (L) – Candidate did<br />
not respond.<br />
STATE SENATOR • District <strong>23</strong><br />
• Adam Schnelting (R)<br />
Q1) I am a husband, father, soldier and<br />
conservative state representative with a<br />
proven track record of fighting for my constituents.<br />
Having passed historic pro-life<br />
legislation into law and amending our state<br />
constitution to create the Missouri Department<br />
of National Guard, I have a successful<br />
legislative record. I look forward<br />
to continuing that public service on your<br />
behalf in the State Senate.<br />
Q2) Protecting our children from woke<br />
ideology, cleaning up the special interestswamp<br />
culture in Jefferson City and curbing<br />
elder abuse and neglect.<br />
• Matt Williams (D) – Candidate did not<br />
respond.<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District 63<br />
• Tricia K. Byrnes (R)*<br />
Q1) I’m honored to stand before you as<br />
a dedicated advocate for our families, faith<br />
and freedom. With a master’s degree in<br />
education and a bachelor’s degree in communication,<br />
I believe in the power of clear<br />
communication and effective action. As<br />
a former alderman and current state representative,<br />
I’ve fought tirelessly for our<br />
military heroes, first responders, seniors,<br />
Strawberry Farms subdivision<br />
proposed along Mexico Road<br />
The Kathleen Lask Trust owns 27<br />
agricultural-zoned acres at 8265 Mexico<br />
Road, south and across from Barrington<br />
Drive, about a half mile east of the Lowe’s<br />
Home Improvement store. The property<br />
is currently used as farmland and has<br />
multiple outbuildings. McKelvey Homes<br />
has proposed rezoning the property from<br />
Agricultural to R-1/PUD (planned unit<br />
development) and has proposed an area<br />
plan for a 78-lot subdivision to be named<br />
Strawberry Farms.<br />
The 78 proposed lots would contain<br />
detached single-family homes with a variety<br />
of lot widths. McKelvey is proposing<br />
an amenity area with a playground and<br />
cabana. There also would be a retention<br />
lake on the east side of the development<br />
and a trail throughout the amenity area.<br />
At its Oct. <strong>10</strong> meeting, the O’Fallon City<br />
Council conducted a public hearing and<br />
gave a first reading to a bill that would<br />
approve the rezoning and an area plan.<br />
Prior to the first reading, Mayor Bill<br />
Hennessy said to Phil Brennan, McKelvey<br />
Homes vice president, that if this project<br />
gets approved, Mexico Road must not<br />
have debris on it while the subdivision is<br />
being built.<br />
“The two (Ward 1) council members, the<br />
city administrator and I do not want to<br />
receive phones about mud or other things<br />
on that nice roadway,” Hennessy said.<br />
Brennan said he understood.<br />
Property owner Kathleen Lask read a<br />
statement that described how her family<br />
had bought the farm in 1978 when Mexico<br />
Road was a narrow, winding, two-lane<br />
road with not much around the farm. She<br />
said they grew and sold strawberries,<br />
blackberries and raspberries and provided<br />
things such as corn mazes. Lask said her<br />
family has helped the city grow and have<br />
been part of the community for decades,<br />
but added it is time for the family and land<br />
to move on to other things.<br />
At its Oct. 3 meeting, the Planning &<br />
Zoning Commission voted to give the<br />
zoning request and area plan a recommendation<br />
of approval.<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
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12 I NEWS I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Rezoning of residential development approved near ‘Busch Wildlife’<br />
A large-scale, <strong>23</strong>9-home residential<br />
development near the northwest boundary<br />
of the August A. Busch Memorial<br />
Conservation Area has been approved<br />
by the O’Fallon City Council.<br />
Tall Tree Farm L.P. and Canine Country<br />
Kennel and Farm LLC own 161.6<br />
acres located at 9260 and <strong>10</strong><strong>10</strong>2 Hwy.<br />
DD, near Diehr Road.<br />
In August, the city of O’Fallon<br />
annexed the land along both sides of<br />
Hwy. DD, which had been proposed for<br />
development into the Villages at Busch<br />
Wildlife.<br />
At its Sept. 26 meeting, the council<br />
voted 7-2 to approve a bill that rezones<br />
the land from Newly Annexed to R-3/<br />
Medium Density Residential District.<br />
Council members Debbie Cook (Ward<br />
5) and Linda Ragsdale (Ward 5) voted<br />
against the bill. Council member Deana<br />
Smith (Ward 1) was absent/excused.<br />
The council also moved to exercise<br />
discretion to review and approve the<br />
Villages at Busch Wildlife preliminary<br />
plat, which was previously reviewed<br />
by the Planning & Zoning Commission<br />
(P&Z). The council approved the motion<br />
by voice vote.<br />
Before the rezoning vote, Ragsdale<br />
said she has been hearing from residents<br />
who will be affected by this project.<br />
“Actually, all residents in O’Fallon will<br />
be affected,” Ragsdale said. “I believe<br />
my job on the council is to represent my<br />
residents and take them into consideration,<br />
as well as being responsible with<br />
our tax dollars.<br />
“I am hearing overwhelmingly that<br />
people are against this particular project.”<br />
A letter from Wentzville School District<br />
Superintendent Dr. Danielle Tormala<br />
states though the district does not<br />
currently have the capacity to accommodate<br />
the number of students that may<br />
result from similar large residential<br />
developments, the Wentzville School<br />
District is actively taking steps “to<br />
ensure that we are able to accommodate<br />
upon the completion of such developments.”<br />
Cook said she has been against the<br />
Villages at Busch Wildlife development<br />
from the beginning “for multiple, multiple<br />
reasons.”<br />
She said her constituents would not<br />
get some city services because of the<br />
financial loss caused by this project, and<br />
that the city would lose “about a halfmillion<br />
dollars per year” between the<br />
Post Farms development and the Villages<br />
at Busch Wildlife.<br />
The city’s fiscal analysis for the development<br />
estimates revenues of $457,915<br />
generated annually from various taxes,<br />
with a cost to the city of $519,528 from<br />
various services like police, infrastructure<br />
and code enforcement.<br />
Cook also said she feared for the<br />
safety of “drivers on unsafe, dangerous<br />
roads in the area.”<br />
“Personally, I do not want blood on my<br />
hands. The roads are not ready,” Cook<br />
said.<br />
In an email after the meeting, council<br />
member Steve Koskela (Ward 3) said<br />
he voted “yes” for the project to further<br />
promote the economic development of<br />
the Caledonia commercial corridor.<br />
“The incredible sales tax potential<br />
the completion of the Caledonia Commercial<br />
district will have for the city far<br />
surpasses the economic impact study,”<br />
Koskela stated. “Without rooftops in the<br />
area, retailers are going to continue to<br />
pass on this site.<br />
“The Busch Wildlife Conservation<br />
Area will never have homes, and greatly<br />
impacts the proximity population studies<br />
retailers across the country use when<br />
selecting a property to build their next<br />
business venture on. The impact to services<br />
rendered by the city will be relatively<br />
small, as they are already crossing<br />
this property to provide services to other<br />
city-maintained developments.”<br />
Six people spoke in public comments<br />
on Sept. 26 against the Villages at Busch<br />
Wildlife rezoning. One was O’Fallon<br />
resident Arnie Dienoff, and five were<br />
members of the group Citizens for<br />
Smart Growth in St. Charles County:<br />
Eric Fields, Patrice Giancola-Neuwirth,<br />
Shawn Mann, Helen Proctor-Tu and<br />
Willam Carrier.<br />
Concerns included that Hwy. DD<br />
could not handle the increased traffic,<br />
and the density of the development<br />
doesn’t fit with the surrounding area.<br />
One speaker asked if filling in certain<br />
areas in the Villages development could<br />
risk flooding Hwy. DD at a bridge over<br />
Dardenne Creek.<br />
Carrier expressed concerns about<br />
the analysis done by the city to deter-<br />
See O’FALLON, next page
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I NEWS I 13<br />
New Wentzville public works facility completed $2.6 million under budget<br />
Wentzville’s new public works facility<br />
closeout was celebrated at the Oct. 9<br />
Board of Aldermen meeting.<br />
The project director, Jen Kissinger<br />
from Navigate Building Solutions, gave<br />
a presentation going over the timeline<br />
and completion details. She noted that<br />
the initial design was approved in late<br />
2022 and “went out to bid in early 20<strong>23</strong>.”<br />
By March of 20<strong>23</strong>, LCS LLC was<br />
hired as the general contractor to complete<br />
three buildings: the main public<br />
works facility, a wash station and salt<br />
storage facility.<br />
great team member on the project.”<br />
“Public works, IT and finance were all<br />
part of the project,” she added, displaying<br />
photos of the new site and describing<br />
the modern style and “warm aesthetic<br />
throughout the facility” and how the<br />
finishes and flooring were modest yet<br />
accommodating.<br />
The project was initially slated for<br />
completion in September of this year,<br />
but was finished in July. Staff was able<br />
to start moving in two months ahead of<br />
schedule as well. In addition, the original<br />
total estimated cost for the project<br />
was $29 million, but ultimately cost just<br />
over $26.4 million after completion.<br />
“Really a great team,” Kissinger concluded.<br />
“Staff was excellent to work<br />
with. The contractors, the design team, it<br />
was really just a lot of great synergy.”<br />
Alderman Manny Macias (Ward 1)<br />
thanked Kissinger and praised the final<br />
Rents Starting at $1,448! *<br />
results.<br />
Mayor Nick Guccione complimented<br />
the work as well.<br />
“We all did a tour and I was very<br />
impressed with the workmanship and<br />
how it turned out,” he said. “Very exciting<br />
project. I was amazed at how fast it<br />
went up.”<br />
“It’s a good project,” he added. “Good<br />
job. You know, coming under budget is<br />
never a bad thing. We appreciate that.”<br />
“You know, coming<br />
under budget is<br />
never a bad thing.<br />
We appreciate that.”<br />
– Mayor Nick Guccione<br />
“LCS was quite low on their bid, and to<br />
their credit, they chose to stand by their<br />
bid. I think it was just over a million dollars<br />
under the next lowest bidder,” she<br />
stated. “There was some concern about<br />
awarding to a bidder who had such a low<br />
bid, but I will tell you that they stepped<br />
up, and they did not spare any expense<br />
in their service to the city. They were a<br />
O’FALLON, from previous<br />
mine the fiscal impact of the Villages at<br />
Busch Wildlife, stating he believes the<br />
ultimate cost to the city would be greater<br />
than estimated.<br />
Also on Sept. 26, a case was filed<br />
in St. Charles County Circuit Court to<br />
challenge, invalidate and set aside the<br />
annexation of certain tracts of real property<br />
by O’Fallon that are owned by Tall<br />
Tree Farm and Canine Country.<br />
The plaintiffs – Nate DeLuca, Casey<br />
DeLuca, Eric Fields and Cyndi Fields<br />
– allege that the annexation does not<br />
comply with state requirements as the<br />
annexed property is not contiguous and<br />
compact to the corporate limits of the<br />
city.<br />
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When Missourians head to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, we will be asked to vote “yes” or “no” on<br />
Amendment 3. Pro-abortion advocates are seeking to amend the Missouri Constitution to legalize abortion<br />
throughout ALL stages of pregnancy. Amendment 3 goes too far. We are asking all people of faith, those<br />
who value women’s health and the sanctity of life to VOTE NO on Amendment 3 this November. Empower<br />
women to choose life and safeguard preborn babies from this dangerous initiative.<br />
1. This Section shall be known as “The Right to Reproductive<br />
Freedom Initiative.”<br />
2. The Government shall not deny or infringe upon a person’s<br />
fundamental right to reproductive freedom ... including but<br />
not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care,<br />
birth control, abortion care, miscarriage care, and respectful birthing<br />
conditions.<br />
3. The right to reproductive freedom shall not be denied,<br />
interfered with, delayed, or otherwise restricted unless the<br />
Government demonstrates that such action is justified by<br />
a compelling governmental interest achieved by the least<br />
restrictive means. Any denial, interference, delay, or restriction<br />
of the right to reproductive freedom shall be presumed invalid.<br />
4. Notwithstanding subsection 3 of this Section, the general<br />
assembly may enact laws that regulate the provision of<br />
abortion after Fetal Viability provided that under no<br />
circumstance shall the Government deny, interfere with, delay,<br />
or otherwise restrict an abortion that in the good faith<br />
judgement of a treating health care professional is needed<br />
to protect the life or physical or mental health of the<br />
pregnant person.<br />
…<br />
8. For purposes of this Section, the following terms mean:<br />
(1) “Fetal Viability”, the point in pregnancy when, in the good faith<br />
judgment of a treating health care professional and based on the<br />
particular facts of the case, there is a significant likelihood of the<br />
fetus’s sustained survival outside the uterus without the application<br />
of extraordinary medical measures.<br />
* Missouri Revised Statutes, Sections 188.0<strong>10</strong> - 188.375 ** Based on Doe v. Bolton<br />
All Saints (St. Peters)<br />
7 McMenamy Rd. | allsaints-stpeters.org<br />
Assumption (O’Fallon)<br />
403 N. Main St. | assumptionbvm.org<br />
Immaculate Conception (Dardenne Prairie)<br />
7701 Town Square Ave. | icdparish.org<br />
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St. Charles Borromeo (St. Charles)<br />
601 N. Fourth St. | borromeoparish.com<br />
St. Cletus (St. Charles)<br />
2705 Zumbehl Rd.| saintcletus.org<br />
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (St. Charles)<br />
2 Seton Ct. | setonscene.org<br />
By using “person” instead of adult or woman, anyone<br />
under the age of 18 could have an abortion or make<br />
any other reproductive decision without their parents’<br />
consent or notification.<br />
Referring to “miscarriage care” promotes the myth that<br />
a “right to abortion” is necessary to preserve care for<br />
miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. This is false. Catholic<br />
hospitals have always provided comprehensive miscarriage<br />
care and will continue to do so regardless of the outcome of<br />
this amendment.<br />
Current Missouri laws* require abortion providers to<br />
explain procedure risks and ensure access to hospital<br />
transfer if needed and to administer medication abortions in<br />
person in case of complications for the woman. These health<br />
and safety standards could be seen as an “interference” or<br />
“delay” and be eliminated, making it even less safe for<br />
women seeking an abortion.<br />
The amendment allows abortions at any time to protect<br />
not only the physical, but also the mental health of the<br />
woman. This means that a health care provider could<br />
justify a late-term abortion due to a woman’s “emotional,<br />
psychological, [and] familial” concerns**. An abortion<br />
provider would decide when a baby could survive outside<br />
the womb, leaving no clear protections for preborn children.<br />
St. Juan Diego (O’Fallon)<br />
1400 N. Main St. | saintjuandiegostl.org<br />
St. Peter (St. Charles)<br />
221 First Capitol Dr. | stpstc.org<br />
Sts. Joachim and Ann (St. Charles)<br />
4112 McClay Rd. | stsja.org
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I NEWS I 15<br />
Executive order banning THC-containing foods not yet in effect<br />
An executive order signed by Gov. Mike<br />
Parson on Aug. 1 banning the sale of foods<br />
containing psychoactive cannabis compounds<br />
like delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol<br />
(THC) in Missouri, unless those foods come<br />
from an approved source, is not yet in effect.<br />
Implementation of the executive order was<br />
delayed when Missouri Secretary of State<br />
Jay Ashcroft rejected the emergency rules<br />
detailing enforcement of the order, as the<br />
order did not meet the requirements of<br />
emergency status as defined in Missouri<br />
statutes, a spokesperson from Ashcroft’s<br />
office stated. The order now may take several<br />
months to be implemented.<br />
Some gummy products containing THC<br />
are packaged in wrappers similar to popular<br />
gummy candy consumed by children, which<br />
can make it difficult to distinguish from<br />
non-THC edibles. These products can be<br />
purchased in gas stations and liquor stores.<br />
On Aug. 29, the Missouri Department of<br />
Health & Senior Services (DHSS) reported<br />
a 600% increase in cannabis poisoning<br />
among children under 5 since 2018.<br />
Under the executive order, retailers<br />
with liquor licenses will face disciplinary<br />
action if they are found selling these products,<br />
according to the Missouri Division of<br />
Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC).<br />
However, the executive order would not<br />
apply to cannabis products sold by licensed<br />
establishments under Missouri’s medical<br />
marijuana laws, regulated by the state’s<br />
Division of Cannabis Regulation.<br />
If Ashcroft had authorized the emergency<br />
regulations, there would be no public comment<br />
period and the restrictions would have<br />
gone into effect after <strong>10</strong> working days. The<br />
standard regulations procedure will now need<br />
to be followed, which might take several<br />
months.<br />
In response to Ashcroft’s decision, on<br />
Sept. <strong>10</strong>, Parson and Attorney General<br />
Andrew Bailey announced the establishment<br />
of a joint task force between the attorney<br />
general’s office and the ATC to combat<br />
the spread of unregulated psychoactive<br />
cannabis products in Missouri.<br />
The ATC will be responsible for investigating<br />
its licensees who sell unregulated<br />
psychoactive cannabis products in their<br />
facilities, collecting evidence of deceptive<br />
marketing practices and referring matters to<br />
the attorney general, according to a governmental<br />
press release.<br />
According to the press release, since<br />
Sept. 1, the DHSS has visited 64 facilities,<br />
finding 39 with unregulated psychoactive<br />
cannabis products present on shelves. Thus<br />
far, 8,929 products have been embargoed<br />
through these enforcement efforts.<br />
The office of the attorney general will<br />
create a specialized new unit within its Consumer<br />
Protection Division to evaluate referrals<br />
from the ATC and use its authority under<br />
the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act to<br />
bring legal action against licensees who continue<br />
prohibited practices related to unregulated<br />
psychoactive cannabis products.<br />
In response to the governor’s executive<br />
order, the ATC filed a proposed administrative<br />
rule amendment that would ban the sale of<br />
psychedelic THC products. This amendment<br />
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disallows retailers from selling embargoed<br />
products and states that “no retailer shall sell,<br />
deliver, hold or offer for sale any food, drug,<br />
device, or cosmetic that has been embargoed<br />
by the Department of Health and Senior Services<br />
pursuant to Chapter 196, RSMo.”<br />
The public comment period on this proposed<br />
amendment is open until Oct. 31.<br />
Anyone may file a statement in support of or<br />
in opposition to this proposed amendment<br />
by mailing a letter to the Division of Alcohol<br />
and Tobacco Control Central Office,<br />
*<br />
Prices subject to change without notice. October 20<strong>24</strong><br />
1738 E. Elm, Lower Level, Jefferson City,<br />
MO 65<strong>10</strong>1, by facsimile at (573) 526-4369<br />
or via email at atc@dps.mo.gov. At this<br />
time there is not a public hearing scheduled<br />
on this order.<br />
After the public comment period closes,<br />
the Joint Committee on Administrative<br />
Rules will have a chance to review the<br />
proposed rule before sending it back to the<br />
secretary of state for publication. The rule<br />
likely would go into effect in late March at<br />
the earliest.<br />
Harvest is a vibrant new home community in O’Fallon<br />
with walking trails, 13+ acre town square, two dog parks,<br />
community gardens, orchards, farmer’s market, food truck<br />
court, pickle ball courts, playgrounds, nature play area with<br />
water feature, and more! Base prices begin in the $540s.<br />
Sales centers are open daily from 11am-5pm. Feel free to visit,<br />
or call Kim Kelly for more information: 314-283-65<strong>10</strong>.<br />
Harvest Heritage: Matt Johnson<br />
1150 Hwy N<br />
O'Fallon, MO 63385<br />
636.<strong>23</strong>6.9318<br />
16 I SCHOOLS I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Lewis & Clark Career Center<br />
hosts Air Force Performance Lab<br />
Lewis & Clark Career Center students test their skills with Virtual Reality in the Air Force<br />
Performance Lab.<br />
(Source: LCCC)<br />
When the Air Force Performance Lab<br />
rolled onto the Lewis & Clark Career Center<br />
last month, it was as valuable an experience<br />
for recruiters as it was for students.<br />
The Career Center, which serves students<br />
from throughout St. Charles County,<br />
is well known for its hands-on approach to<br />
education and exposure to a wide variety<br />
of career paths for aspiring students. The<br />
Air Force is always looking for qualified<br />
candidate leads. The Lab, which boasts<br />
an OculusRift Flight Simulator and three<br />
touchscreen games that test logic, reasoning<br />
and spatial and mechanical skills,<br />
serves both needs. Students had the chance<br />
to learn about Air Force careers and<br />
recruiters were able to engage with potential<br />
airmen.<br />
“This was a great way to connect students<br />
across St. Charles County interested<br />
in technical careers in the Air Force all<br />
in one place,” commented Jessie Skeen,<br />
the Career Center’s services specialist.<br />
“Rather than limiting the lab to one area<br />
high school, the Air Force was able to<br />
share the Air Force Performance lab with<br />
students they know are already interested<br />
in technical careers from all five county<br />
school districts on the same day.”<br />
Elizabeth Parkes, a senior at Liberty<br />
High and police academy hopeful, considered<br />
the experience beneficial.<br />
“At the simulation there were tasks to do<br />
there that would test different abilities and<br />
get faster over time,” Parkes said. “The<br />
last part was to both fly through hoops and<br />
shoot targets simultaneously.”<br />
Fort Zumwalt South student Damien<br />
Luba, who is in the Career Center’s Law<br />
Enforcement program, was impressed with<br />
the virtual reality flight simulator.<br />
“I was already aware of thrust control<br />
and how to change my yaw and pitch on<br />
an airplane,” Luba explained. “The other<br />
screens were basic skills that I could do<br />
well enough and assumed were testing certain<br />
skills.”<br />
He described those skills as being able to<br />
swipe and turn gears and arrows, dropping<br />
packages, accounting for wind and leading<br />
the targets, and moving balls through<br />
progressively quicker hoops. He said he<br />
believes exposures, such as the lab, are<br />
crucial at testing capabilities and identifying<br />
weaknesses.<br />
“It’s important to see how well your physical<br />
capabilities are and if you are good at<br />
doing multiple things at once, especially if<br />
a desired career necessitates that, and it’s<br />
also good to branch out in order to get an<br />
understanding of how the world works,”<br />
Luba said.<br />
The biggest challenge for the future<br />
workforce is gaining professional skills.<br />
The Career Center teaches necessary skills<br />
such as communication, teamwork and<br />
work ethic, which are enhanced through<br />
partnerships with Air Force recruiters and<br />
other viable businesses.<br />
Career Center Director Martin Hanley<br />
believes experimenting and expanding<br />
opportunities to be pivotal in developing<br />
students.<br />
Parkes said the experience didn’t change<br />
her mind, but it did open it.<br />
“I have thought about the military before<br />
as an option and I’m not opposed to it,” she<br />
said.<br />
Luba was already eyeing a military<br />
career with choices of Army 19K crewman<br />
or Air Force pilot.<br />
Whatever their choices, Hanley is sure of<br />
their success.<br />
“We provide real-world, hands-on activities<br />
to help our students actually experience<br />
what they would be doing in their<br />
chosen career field,” he said. “The work<br />
that they will have to do should never be<br />
a surprise to them after being a part of the<br />
Lewis & Clark family.”
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Academy of the Sacred Heart<br />
619 N. Second St. • St. Charles<br />
(636) 946-6127 • ash1818.org<br />
Mr. Tim Horner, 46th Head of School<br />
Founded in 1818, the Academy of the Sacred Heart is a Catholic, independent school for<br />
children of all faiths in grades PK3-8. New instructional technology in 20<strong>24</strong>-25 includes<br />
Promethean Boards – interactive touch panels – that incorporate video, animation, and<br />
interactive simulation into engaging lessons. Students also use 3D printers, explore<br />
coding and program drones in the spacious computer lab. Multiple science labs and a<br />
MakerSpace bring hands-on science to life. Spanish, French, art and music classes, and<br />
daily PE enhance a rigorous curriculum. Students are inspired to become courageous and<br />
confident leaders who attend premier high schools. The beautiful, peaceful, historic<br />
<strong>10</strong>-acre campus is convenient to St. Louis and St. Charles.<br />
Duchesne High School<br />
2550 Elm St. • St. Charles<br />
(636) 946-6767 • duchesne-hs.org<br />
Dominic D’Urso, Principal • Paul Boschert, President<br />
Duchesne High School is a Catholic, college preparatory school that embraces each<br />
student’s unique God-given gifts, shaping leaders in mind, body, and spirit in an<br />
atmosphere filled with faith and tradition. Duchesne offers a curriculum designed for<br />
students with a broad spectrum of abilities and interests, including advanced college<br />
credit and honors courses that challenge the intellectually gifted and basic courses that<br />
strengthen fundamental skills. Our average class size of 13 students, House System,<br />
20 athletic teams, diverse clubs and organizations, and a thriving campus ministry<br />
program encourage all students to achieve academic success, personal growth, and<br />
spiritual development. Numerous scholarships are offered to incoming freshmen; family<br />
scholarships are available based on need. Last year, Duchesne proudly celebrated <strong>10</strong>0<br />
years of making Catholic secondary education available to area families.<br />
Lafayette Academy: A Classical School<br />
20 Hawk Ridge Circle • Lake Saint Louis<br />
(636) 357-96<strong>24</strong> • info@lafayetteacademy.org<br />
lafayetteacademy.org<br />
Katy McKinney, Founder and Head of School<br />
“We have a problem in education. For too long, our children have been sold short! We’ve<br />
done something about it. I founded a classical school in St. Charles to teach children how<br />
to think, not what to think,” said Katy McKinney, Founder and Head of School. Lafayette<br />
Academy is a private K-12 school in Lake Saint Louis dedicated to classical education<br />
and promoting superior educational results. Its students think deeply, love learning and are<br />
taught how to think. Its teachers use a world-class academic program. The result: Happy<br />
children who are learning every single day! It’s what Lafayette does best. Call to learn<br />
more!<br />
Saint Louis Priory School<br />
500 South Mason Road • St. Louis<br />
(314) 434-3690 • priory.org<br />
Father Cuthbert Elliott, O.S.B., '02, Headmaster<br />
Saint Louis Priory School provides a Catholic, Benedictine, college preparatory education<br />
of the highest excellence so as to help talented and motivated young men develop their<br />
full potential as children of God. The mission is further defined as providing a college<br />
preparatory education that develops the key characteristics selective colleges and<br />
universities are looking for in students, including intellectual skills, service, leadership,<br />
sportsmanship, teamwork, and collaboration. Priory is ranked the #1 Catholic High<br />
School in Saint Louis by Niche.com. Saint Louis Priory School – Preparation for An<br />
Exceptional Life.
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
by design<br />
Sunday,<br />
Oct. 27<br />
UPPER SCHOOL (9–12)<br />
MIDDLE SCHOOL (6–8)<br />
Open House<br />
12:00 – 4:00 pm<br />
RSVP at visitationacademy.org/admissions<br />
Open House for<br />
All Grade Levels<br />
November <strong>10</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Come see why Saint Louis<br />
Priory School is Missouri’s #1<br />
ranked Catholic high school.<br />
We offer young men an<br />
outstanding preparatory<br />
experience that integrates<br />
Catholic Benedictine values<br />
with a classic liberal arts<br />
curriculum. Visit us during our<br />
open house or schedule a<br />
campus visit to learn more<br />
about Priory, including our new<br />
6 th grade program and our<br />
scholarship opportunities for<br />
new 7 th and 9 th grade students.<br />
We offer exciting scholarship<br />
opportunities for new 7 th and 9 th<br />
grade students. Recipients can<br />
receive up to a $14,350 annual award.<br />
The Father Paul Kidner O.S.B.<br />
Scholarship<br />
(For new 7 th graders) Annual $14,350<br />
half-tuition award<br />
The Saint Benedict Scholarship<br />
(For new 7 th graders) $<strong>10</strong>,000 annual<br />
award<br />
The Monsignor Robert P. Slattery<br />
Scholarship<br />
(For new 9 th graders) $<strong>10</strong>,000 annual<br />
award<br />
The Headmaster Award<br />
(For new 7 th and 9 th graders) $9,000<br />
annual award<br />
Use our QR code<br />
to register for<br />
the Nov. <strong>10</strong><br />
Open House<br />
3020 N. Ballas Rd. St. Louis, MO 63131 | 314-625-9<strong>10</strong>0<br />
visitationacademy.org<br />
Lafayette Academy leads<br />
the state in both reading<br />
and math proficiency.<br />
Build Strong<br />
Foundations<br />
Experience our top-rated<br />
curriculum and teaching methods.<br />
OPEN HOUSE | <strong>10</strong>AM | JAN. 11, 2025<br />
PROVEN<br />
Ranked #1<br />
Catholic<br />
high school<br />
in Missouri<br />
6:1<br />
student-tofaculty<br />
ratio<br />
30 average<br />
ACT score<br />
16 state team<br />
championships<br />
since 2004<br />
priory.org • 314.434.3690, ext. <strong>10</strong>1<br />
Visit Lafayette Academy<br />
and explore our<br />
K-12 programs.<br />
Schedule a tour now!<br />
20 Hawk Ridge Circle | Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 | 636-329-9366<br />
lafayetteacademy.org | Formerly Classical Academy de Lafayette
Scientia<br />
EST. 19<strong>24</strong><br />
Virtus<br />
et<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
31 ST. DOMINIC DRIVE, O’FALLON (636) <strong>24</strong>0-8303 | WWW.STDOMINICHS.ORG<br />
To us, it's more than a school...<br />
IT'S HOME.<br />
St. Dominic High School<br />
31 St. Dominic Drive • O’Fallon<br />
(636) <strong>24</strong>0-8303 • stdominichs.org<br />
Jim Welby, President • Stacy Stewart, Principal<br />
St. Dominic High School is a Catholic, coeducational, college preparatory community<br />
that forms disciples of Jesus Christ in the Dominican tradition of prayer, study,<br />
community and service. With 1,130 students, St. Dominic is large enough to offer<br />
programs to suit any interest, while still maintaining a tight-knit community where each<br />
student is known and cared for as an individual. St. Dominic’s comprehensive, college<br />
preparatory curriculum includes options for students of varying learning abilities,<br />
including a full PLTW curriculum, honors courses, and dual credit opportunities. St.<br />
Dominic offers a unique House System that vertically integrates students to ensure all<br />
students are welcome and have opportunities to get involved. The Wies Family Center<br />
for the Sciences is the newest addition and main entrance to St. Dominic-housing 9<br />
STEM laboratories and a state-of-the-art broadcast journalism studio. Explore the<br />
50-acre campus in person or online at stdominichs.org/admissions<br />
Schedule your visit today!<br />
www.stdominichs.org/admissions<br />
St. John Vianney High School<br />
1311 S. Kirkwood Road • Kirkwood<br />
(314) 965-4853 • vianney.com<br />
Mr. Ian Mulligan, President<br />
Vianney prepares young men for post-secondary education. The college-style schedule<br />
allows students to pursue four subjects in the fall semester, with four all-new subjects in<br />
the spring. This schedule means students can complete five or more courses in one subject<br />
while concentrating on fewer classes at a time. Students learn in one semester what most<br />
schools take a year to cover. They also dive deeper into each subject and develop stronger<br />
connections with their teachers. Over four years, graduates complete 32 credits instead of<br />
the usual 28 or fewer required by other high schools. Visit Vianney and accept the<br />
challenge to be a Griffin!<br />
Discover More<br />
St. Joseph’s Academy<br />
<strong>23</strong>07 S. Lindbergh Blvd. • St. Louis<br />
(314) 394-4321 • sja1840.org<br />
Kara Kelpe, Director of Enrollment Management<br />
St. Joseph’s Academy, a Catholic, college-preparatory, all-girls high school, sponsored by<br />
St. Joseph Educational Ministries and founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet,<br />
has been a leader in education for more than 180 years. An SJA education includes a<br />
robust curriculum with advanced STEM courses taught in the new Weidert Center for<br />
Integrated Science. Other facility enhancements include the St. Joseph’s Chapel, college<br />
advising, and fine arts studios. Values-driven leadership is developed through 60+ clubs<br />
and championship athletics. St. Joe challenges students to grow in faith, knowledge, and<br />
respect for self and others. Visit St. Joe Night for Eighth Graders on Oct. <strong>24</strong> or the Open<br />
House for grades 5-8 on Nov. 3. Register at sja1840.org.<br />
The Catholic Independent school for<br />
Children of all Faiths | Grades PreK3 - 8<br />
Duchesne High School<br />
Discover More at the Academy!<br />
Scan the QR code for upcoming events,<br />
schedule a tour and learn about our<br />
NEW playgroup for children 3 and under.<br />
ash1818.org | 636-946-6127 | admissions@ash1818.org<br />
619 N. Second St. | St. Charles, MO 63301<br />
OPEN<br />
HOUSE<br />
OCT. 27<br />
2550 Elm St. | Saint Charles, MO<br />
<strong>10</strong>am<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Villa Duchesne<br />
<strong>10</strong>801 Conway Road • St. Louis<br />
(314) 8<strong>10</strong>-3435 • villa1929.org Dr.<br />
Dawn Nichols, Head of School<br />
Villa Duchesne is an independent, Sacred Heart school for boys and girls age 3 through<br />
grade 6 and young women in grades 7-12. Whether boys and girls in the Lower School or<br />
young women in the Upper School, Villa Duchesne students learn in a community where<br />
academics and spiritual development are inextricably linked. As a result, their minds are<br />
stretched and their hearts are inspired, deepening the relevance and resonance of every<br />
lesson. Students develop the academic and self-knowledge to change the world. Villa<br />
students seek to understand, look beyond, have faith, ask hard questions, and build<br />
community. Come and visit our beautiful campus to see our confident and creative<br />
learners in action. Our students are at the heart of Villa Duchesne!<br />
Entering Grades 7-12<br />
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 • 12-3 PM<br />
www.villa1929.org/admissions/schedule-a-visit<br />
Visitation Academy<br />
3020 North Ballas Road • St. Louis<br />
(314) 625-9<strong>10</strong>3 • visitationacademy.org<br />
David Colón, Head of School<br />
Visitation Academy is an independent, private Catholic school where students thrive in<br />
an environment that allows them to BE: challenged academically, stimulated creatively,<br />
encouraged athletically, inspired personally, supported emotionally, filled spiritually and<br />
appreciated and loved for their unique, authentic selves. From the coeducational, early<br />
childhood Montessori program for ages two through kindergarten to the area’s only allgirl<br />
program for grades 1-12, "Be Who You Are and Be That Well" drives Visitation’s<br />
academic and spiritual philosophy. Since 1833, Viz has earned its reputation as the place<br />
to BE for an all-girl education. Walk the halls and prepare to BE amazed!<br />
At Villa, we believe that a transformational<br />
education is made even stronger when<br />
students truly know and embrace their God-given gifts!<br />
314.8<strong>10</strong>.3435<br />
villa1929.org<br />
<strong>10</strong>801 Conway Road<br />
St. Louis, Missouri 63131<br />
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754 Spirit 40 Park Drive • Chesterfield, MO 63005
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
1 Room OR Entire Basement<br />
Aesthetic Design & Build<br />
741 Spirit of St. Louis Blvd. • Chesterfield • (636) 532-5008<br />
aestheticdesignandbuild.com<br />
Since 1991, Aesthetic Design has been transforming and enhancing backyard lifestyles with<br />
beautiful decks, curved decks, opening/closing louvered pergolas and roofs, retractable awnings,<br />
shades and screens and under deck ceilings. They focus on design and function. Their reputation<br />
is built on superior construction techniques, attention to detail, creative design and personalized<br />
attention. For the person who is looking for a company that can think outside the box and wants<br />
something unique and creative – Aesthetic Design is the company. Call for a free consultation or<br />
schedule an appointment at their one-of-a-kind showroom.<br />
FREE Design Service • Finish What You Started<br />
AS LOW AS $25 sq. ft.<br />
Professional Painters, Drywall Hangers, Tapers<br />
Licensed Plumbers & Electricians<br />
Call Rich on cell<br />
314.713.1388<br />
Beseda Flooring & More<br />
5773 Westwood Drive • St. Charles • (636) 926-9989<br />
besedaflooring.com<br />
Beseda Flooring & More is celebrating its 39th anniversary as a family owned and operated<br />
business. Featuring quality products, providing incredible customer service and having true trade<br />
craftsmen to install its flooring is what assures their clients of a first-class experience. When<br />
choosing a new floor for your home, Beseda Flooring assists its customers in finding the right<br />
product to meet their specific needs. Their experienced designers will assist you from concept<br />
to installation and everything in between. In-home estimates are always free. It is their hope that<br />
you will make Beseda Flooring & More “your one stop floor shop.”<br />
HomeTown Floors<br />
3790 Harvester Road • St. Peters<br />
(636) <strong>24</strong>4-4951<br />
www.hometownfloorsonline.com<br />
HomeTown Floors is a family owned and operated business offering quality flooring at an<br />
affordable price, with an in-house installation guarantee. Experts work to make the process as<br />
convenient and trouble-free as possible. Maintaining the highest standards of quality, HomeTown<br />
Floors uses the latest technology in flooring tools and equipment and stays educated on the<br />
installation methods of the newest flooring products to hit the market. Offering a variety of<br />
carpet, hardwood, laminate, ceramic and vinyl flooring options, the team at HomeTown Floors<br />
works with customers to determine the best option for each space. They take pride in their work<br />
and treat your home or business like theirs.<br />
Johnson Heating & Cooling<br />
2<strong>23</strong> N. Callahan Road • Wentzville<br />
(636) 332-4141<br />
johnson-heatingandcooling.com<br />
Johnson Heating & Cooling installs dependable, high-quality furnaces, air handlers, air<br />
conditioners, heat pumps and geothermal systems, and its technicians perform service and<br />
maintenance on all brands. They also install air quality products such as humidifiers and electronic<br />
air cleaners. Clean-and-checks ensure homeowners’ heating and cooling systems are operating at<br />
peak performance. Family owned and operated, the business is run by Tracy and Shaun Johnson.<br />
Shaun has over <strong>24</strong> years in the industry and a Journeyman License in several counties. Tracy is<br />
vice president, handling all aspects of customer service. Both make it a goal to educate customers<br />
and provide the most comfortable and quality systems available, installed and serviced by trusted<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I DÉCOR & LIFESTYLES I <strong>23</strong><br />
• Custom Decks<br />
• Opening/Closing<br />
Louvered Pergolas & Roofs<br />
• Retractable Awnings<br />
• Retractable Shades<br />
& Screens<br />
• Under Deck Ceilings<br />
Call for a consultation<br />
or schedule an appointment<br />
to visit our showroom.<br />
(636) 532-5008<br />
Custom Deck Designs<br />
Under Deck Ceilings<br />
Louvered Roof<br />
Louvered Pergola<br />
Retractable Shades<br />
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Retractable Awnings
<strong>24</strong> I DÉCOR & LIFESTYLES I<br />
FALL<br />
ARE<br />
HERE!<br />
UP TO<br />
$600 OFF<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
O’Fallon Family Floors<br />
2693 Highway K • O’Fallon<br />
(636) 566-0866 • ofallonfamilyfloors.com<br />
O’Fallon Family Floors is a premier flooring company dedicated to providing exceptional<br />
products and services to homeowners and businesses in the O’Fallon area. With a commitment<br />
to quality craftsmanship, personalized attention and superior customer service, they specialize<br />
in transforming spaces through innovative flooring solutions. They understand that selecting<br />
flooring is a crucial decision for any project. O’Fallon Family Floors offers a vast selection of<br />
high-quality flooring options, including hardwood, laminate, carpet, vinyl, tile and more. Their<br />
experienced team works closely with clients to assess each family’s needs, preferences and<br />
budget, guiding them through the selection process to find the perfect flooring solution for their<br />
space.<br />
UP TO $1,825.00<br />
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(Additional charges for cleaning expires 11/15/20<strong>24</strong>)<br />
2<strong>23</strong> N. Callahan Road | Wentzville<br />
Also available Up To 0% financing for 60 Months<br />
Mature<br />
FOCUS<br />
Our special section featuring issues,<br />
events, products and services of<br />
interest to our 50-plus readers.<br />
Richbuilt Basements and Remodeling<br />
(314) 403-1142 • richbuiltbasements@yahoo.com<br />
ofallonbasementrefinishing.com<br />
Richbuilt Basements and remodeling have been finishing basements for more than 30 years. A<br />
family-owned organization built on the premise of being trustworthy, honest and reliable, the<br />
company expects the quality of its work to reflect the family’s nature. Its team provides free<br />
in-home inspections. Working with Richbuilt means you’ll get professional measurements and<br />
expert advice to turn your ideas into reality and make your space the best it can be. Customers<br />
count on Richbuilt’s team of carpenters, plumbers and electricians to expertly take their projects<br />
from start to finish, including providing all needed materials, supplies and fixtures. If you’re<br />
considering a basement remodel, let Richbuilt take care of all the details for you. Call today to<br />
learn more.<br />
Schneider True Value Hardware<br />
9 Main Street • St. Peters<br />
(636) 278-4461<br />
stores.truevalue.com/mo/saint-peters/7054/<br />
Schneider True Value Hardware and the Schneider family have been around awhile. After founding<br />
a hardware store in 1878 and joining True Value in 1961, well, knowing hardware just seems<br />
to run in the family. They have the right parts for projects and tools of all kinds. Stop in and<br />
get what you need for electrical or plumbing projects. And don’t forget the holidays are coming.<br />
It could be time for a fresh coat of paint on the rooms where your family gathers, or to clean<br />
the carpet with a machine from Schneider’s or find the perfect power tool for that holiday gift.<br />
Schneider’s True Value is a Stihl Dealer with all their new battery tools. They have answers for<br />
your do-it-yourself projects, holiday preparations and all things hardware.<br />
COMING<br />
November 6th<br />
Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners<br />
(636) 366-9400<br />
snpartners.com<br />
Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners, a 38-store family-owned John Deere dealership, provides<br />
equipment, parts, factory-trained service and warranty work. The company’s 27 locations<br />
across Missouri and Illinois carry a full line of John Deere products from compact construction<br />
equipment, Gator utility vehicles, compact utility tractors, planters, combines, tillage, hay, utility<br />
and row-crop tractors and riding lawn equipment, plus A & I and Stihl products; also available<br />
are attachments for mowers, compact tractors and utility vehicles. Schedule winter service for<br />
your lawnmower, compact tractor or Gator utility vehicle by Dec. 30 and receive free pick up and<br />
delivery. Call today to learn more.
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October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Beautiful spring yards begin with fall landscaping labor<br />
It’s fall, finally, and with the arrival of<br />
cooler weather, homeowners who want<br />
beautiful yards next spring will need to put<br />
in a little elbow grease now, or hire someone<br />
else to do so. Here are six ways to guarantee<br />
that your yard weathers winter well.<br />
Clean out flower beds and add mulch.<br />
Simply cleaning out your flower beds (use<br />
a leaf blower to make quick work of the<br />
task) and adding a fresh layer of mulch<br />
works wonders. New mulch not only holds<br />
weeds at bay, it also helps retain moisture<br />
around plants, trees and shrubs. A few<br />
flower tips: Roses should be winterized<br />
after a heavy frost. Place a 6-<strong>10</strong> in layer<br />
of mulch over the plant. Prune sparingly,<br />
just enough to shorten overly long canes.<br />
Climbing roses should not be pruned at<br />
this time. Tulips can be planted until the<br />
ground freezes. Once the ground freezes,<br />
apply mulch to spring bulb beds. When<br />
mums finish flowering, leave the flowers<br />
and foliage intact to protect the crown of<br />
the plant and encourage better survival<br />
over the winter. Mulching will contribute<br />
added protection as well.<br />
Prune bushes and trees. Trimming<br />
bushes, shrubs and trees is another inexpensive<br />
way to make a big impact in your<br />
yard’s aesthetic. Use a chainsaw, trimmer<br />
or hedger to remove dead or dying<br />
branches and stems. This preserves the<br />
health of the main branch and improves<br />
the shape of the plant. Pruning also encourages<br />
plants to flower later. Apply mulch<br />
as a “donut” around trees as opposed to<br />
“volcano” mulching which can cause plant<br />
damage such as root girdling.<br />
Keep grass mowed and weeded. Regular<br />
lawn mowing helps your grass stay<br />
healthy and strong and improves the overall<br />
appearance of your yardscape without<br />
spending much money. In the fall, cut<br />
your lawn shorter than during the rest of<br />
the growing season and continue to mow<br />
until your grass goes into hibernation for<br />
the winter.<br />
When selecting plants, pick perennials.<br />
Cold-hardy plant species that will return<br />
again in the spring are a smart money<br />
choice. Most can be planted in the fall,<br />
especially this year with the Old Farmer’s<br />
Almanac predicting a mild fall and moderate<br />
winter in the <strong>Mid</strong>west. Perennials,<br />
especially spring bloomers like peonies,<br />
also can be divided now. When planting<br />
peonies plant only 1-2 inches deep, as<br />
planting too deep can cause flowers not to<br />
form.<br />
Choose native plants. They are more<br />
likely to thrive in your microclimate without<br />
much maintenance or watering. They<br />
are also better for local wildlife and pollinators<br />
and help preserve the balance of the<br />
natural ecosystem. Check out the Missouri<br />
Botanical Garden’s Plants of Merit list<br />
(mobot.org) to find species that will work<br />
well with your landscaping.<br />
Look for deals. Many nurseries and<br />
home improvement stores offer end-ofseason<br />
sales on landscaping essentials<br />
from plants to outdoor power equipment<br />
(Adobe Stock photo)<br />
(mowers, trimmers, leaf blowers, etc.) that<br />
make even big back tasks easier. Watch for<br />
trees and shrubs, which can be planted for<br />
fall now through November. Also, be on<br />
the lookout for fall color perennials with<br />
late-season blooms, such as New England<br />
aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae),<br />
goldenrod (Solidago spp.) and ornamental<br />
grasses. Just be sure to adequately water<br />
your new plantings.<br />
(Sources: TuffMutt Foundation and Missouri<br />
Botanical Garden)<br />
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October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I HEALTH I 27<br />
Well over half of Americans eat mainly “pro-inflammatory” diets that<br />
threaten their well-being, a recent study found. (Adobe Stock photo)<br />
HEALTH<br />
Study finds most Americans<br />
eat ‘pro-inflammatory’ diets<br />
Almost six in <strong>10</strong> Americans eat a<br />
diet high in inflammatory foods, which<br />
increases their risk of health problems like<br />
heart disease and cancer, according to a<br />
new study from The Ohio State University.<br />
“Overall, 57% of U.S. adults have a proinflammatory<br />
diet, and that number was<br />
higher for Black Americans, men, younger<br />
adults and people with lower education<br />
and income,” said lead author Rachel<br />
Meadows, Ph.D.<br />
Meadows and her team used the dietary<br />
inflammatory index, a tool that includes 45<br />
dietary components, to examine the diets<br />
of more than 34,500 adults included in the<br />
National Health and Nutrition Examination<br />
Survey (NHANES).<br />
Examples of inflammatory foods in the<br />
index are red and processed meats, alcohol,<br />
bread and pasta made with white flour,<br />
commercially produced baked goods, fried<br />
foods and food and drinks high in added<br />
sugar. Anti-inflammatory foods are mostly<br />
unprocessed; examples include whole<br />
grains, green leafy vegetables, legumes such<br />
as beans and lentils, fatty fish and berries.<br />
Based on self-reported diets from<br />
NHANES participants, inflammation<br />
values ranging from −9 to 8 were assigned,<br />
with 0 representing a neutral diet. About<br />
34% of those in the study had anti-inflammatory<br />
diets, and the remaining 9% had<br />
neutral inflammatory levels.<br />
Meadows said that while older dietary<br />
recommendations looked at the intake of<br />
certain food groups, inflammation is also a<br />
key element for people to consider.<br />
“Even if you’re eating enough fruits or vegetables,<br />
if you’re having too much alcohol or<br />
red meat, then your overall diet can still be<br />
pro-inflammatory,” she explained. “Moving<br />
toward a diet with less inflammation could<br />
have a positive impact on a number of<br />
chronic conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular<br />
disease and even depression and<br />
other mental health conditions.”<br />
The study was recently published in the<br />
journal Public Health Nutrition.<br />
On the calendar<br />
St. Luke’s Hospital and Schnucks offer<br />
a nutrition class on Monday, Oct. 28<br />
from 2-3 p.m. at Schnucks Kehrs Mill,<br />
2511 Kehrs Mill Road in Ballwin. A St.<br />
Luke’s dietitian will discuss how to find<br />
and make healthier choices at the grocery<br />
store; how to read a food label; and nutrition<br />
recommendations for optimal health.<br />
Participants will also receive samples and<br />
a $<strong>10</strong> Schnucks gift card. The cost is $5 per<br />
person. Register at stlukes-stl.com.<br />
• • •<br />
St. Luke’s Hospital presents Be Still to<br />
Chill: Basics of Meditation on Thursday,<br />
Nov. 7 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Desloge<br />
Outpatient Center Building A, 121<br />
St. Luke’s Center Drive in Chesterfield,<br />
in Conference Room 3. Come to this free<br />
program to learn the basics of meditation<br />
in person. Register at stlukes-stl.com.<br />
• • •<br />
BJC St. Louis Children’s Hospital offers a<br />
Family & Friends CPR course on Saturday,<br />
Nov. 9 from 9 a.m.-noon at Missouri Baptist<br />
Medical Center, 3015 N. Ballas Road, in<br />
Auditorium Rooms 1, 2 and 3. This class uses<br />
the American Heart Association’s curriculum<br />
to teach hands-on CPR skills (course does<br />
not include certification upon completion).<br />
Mercy receives special funding to implement obesity treatment<br />
Mercy recently was awarded nearly<br />
$3 million from the nonprofit Patient-<br />
Centered Outcomes Research Institute<br />
(PCORI) to implement intensive lifestyle<br />
treatment programs for weight loss in its<br />
primary care practices. It is one of only<br />
six health systems in the U.S. to receive<br />
funding for the project.<br />
Mercy plans to use the funds to<br />
launch the Mercy Intensive Lifestyle<br />
Treatment for Weight Loss program,<br />
which will be available both virtually<br />
and in person at all <strong>23</strong>7 of its primary<br />
care clinics across the four states it<br />
serves – Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas<br />
and Oklahoma. Eligible patients will<br />
be referred to the program and will be<br />
able to select individual or group virtual<br />
visits.<br />
Eligibility criteria will include Mercy<br />
patients between the ages of 18 and 85<br />
with a Mercy primary care provider,<br />
Medicare ACO or Medicare insurance,<br />
body mass index of 30 or higher<br />
with an active diagnosis of congestive<br />
heart failure, or a recent hemoglobin<br />
Registration for a seat in this class is for two<br />
people. The cost is $50. Register at classesevents.bjc.org.<br />
• • •<br />
BJC St. Louis Children’s Hospital offers<br />
a Babysitting <strong>10</strong>1 course on Saturday,<br />
Nov. 16 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the SLCH<br />
Specialty Care Center West County, 13001<br />
North Outer Forty Road in Town & Country.<br />
This interactive class, recommended for<br />
kids age <strong>10</strong> and above is a great introduction<br />
to the basics of babysitting. Participants are<br />
asked to bring a baby doll or stuffed animal,<br />
small swaddling blanket or light towel,<br />
baby bottle or water bottle, and a snack<br />
and closed drink. The cost is $25 per child.<br />
Advance registration is required at classesevents.bjc.org.<br />
• • •<br />
Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital<br />
offers a Bariatric Surgery Information<br />
Session on Monday, Nov. 18 from 5:30-<br />
6:30 p.m., live via Zoom. Join a Washington<br />
University bariatric physician to learn<br />
more about surgical treatment options<br />
available at BJC for patients who meet<br />
certain criteria. To register, visit classesevents.bjc.org.<br />
• • •<br />
St. Luke’s Hospital presents Make Peace<br />
with Food: Basics of Mindful Eating on<br />
Tuesday, Nov. 19 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the<br />
Desloge Outpatient Center, 121 St. Luke’s<br />
Center Drive in Chesterfield, in Conference<br />
Room 3 of Building A. Join us for a free inperson<br />
class to learn the basics about mindful<br />
eating. Register at stlukes-stl.com.<br />
A1C level above 9.0. Mercy anticipates<br />
nearly 35,000 of its patients will initially<br />
be eligible.<br />
“The intent of the program is to implement<br />
it across all Mercy primary care<br />
clinics, receive feedback and ultimately<br />
expand the program to all Mercy primary<br />
care patients interested in weight<br />
management regardless of other diagnoses,”<br />
said Ursula Wright, Mercy’s chief<br />
excellence officer.<br />
The program is expected to start for<br />
patients in November 2025.
Continued on next page
Continued on next page
I, John R. Ashcroft, Secretary of State of the State of Missouri, do hereby certify<br />
that the foregoing is a true and correct list, containing the name and address of each<br />
person who has filed a written declaration of candidacy in my office as provided by<br />
Article V, Section (25)(c)(1) and (2) of the Constitution of Missouri.<br />
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Seal of my office<br />
in the City of Jefferson, State of Missouri, this 27th day of August, 20<strong>24</strong>.<br />
I, Kurt Bahr, County Election Authority within and for the county of Saint Charles<br />
do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct list as certified<br />
to me by John R. Ashcroft, Secretary of State, State of Missouri, of the offices for<br />
which candidates are entitled to be voted for at the GENERAL ELECTION to be held<br />
November 5th, 20<strong>24</strong>.<br />
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal.<br />
Done at my office this 2nd day of September 20<strong>24</strong>.<br />
Kurt Bahr<br />
Kurt Bahr<br />
Director of Elections
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I 31<br />
ELECTION PREVIEW, from page <strong>10</strong><br />
teachers, students and taxpayers. I’ve<br />
also championed safe cleanups of nuclear<br />
waste, protecting our families and our<br />
environment. Together, we can uphold our<br />
values of safety, education and affordable<br />
living. Let’s unite to create a prosperous<br />
future for all Missourians, grounded in<br />
faith and freedom!<br />
Q2) 1: Economic growth. Reduce regulations<br />
and taxes to stimulate business<br />
growth and higher-salary job opportunities.<br />
2: Public safety. Increase funding and<br />
improve policies to support law enforcement<br />
to enhance safety in our communities<br />
and large cities. 3: Education reform.<br />
Advocate for parental choice and increase<br />
funding for education to improve student<br />
outcomes. These priorities reflect a commitment<br />
to prosperity, safety and educational<br />
excellence in Missouri!<br />
• Jenna Roberson (D)<br />
Q1) I have been active in politics since<br />
2018. I have organized numerous rallies<br />
in support of bodily autonomy. I have<br />
also testified online and in-person in Jefferson<br />
City on a variety of issues. I have<br />
organized speakers and email campaigns<br />
for board of education, county council<br />
and library board meetings. I believe in<br />
direct democracy and I show up to make<br />
it happen.<br />
Q2) Protecting public schools and libraries,<br />
protecting the right to organize labor,<br />
protecting bodily autonomy.<br />
ducing employable graduates: No Child<br />
Left Behind does more harm than good.<br />
We need a better solution that focuses on<br />
marketable behavior and skills. Increase<br />
the threshold for initiative petition changes<br />
to the Missouri Constitution: When 50.1%<br />
can deny the rights or take the freedoms of<br />
others, this is basic mob rule and is a terrible<br />
world to live in. This change should<br />
include limiting influence from outside<br />
Missouri.<br />
• Chris Chapman (D)<br />
Q1) I’ve been an engineer for the last 30<br />
years. My time as an engineer was identifying<br />
what people wanted and needed, then<br />
determining the best way to accomplish<br />
those goals and convincing others why it’s<br />
the best way to get things done.<br />
Q2) 1: I want to make mental healthcare<br />
more accessible. First responders, union<br />
workers, children and everyone’s daily<br />
troubles put mental healthcare as a priority<br />
in Missouri. 2: Fully fund our public<br />
schools. We need to pay our teachers and<br />
get appropriate funding to our schools. 3:<br />
Supporting our unions.<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District <strong>10</strong>2<br />
• Richard William West (R)*<br />
Q1) I currently hold the title of representative<br />
for this district. I was elected in<br />
2020 to serve District 63. After re-districting<br />
in 2022, I was elected to represent the<br />
<strong>10</strong>2nd District. I served as mayor of New<br />
Melle from 2014 to 2022. I am a retired<br />
police officer in 2008 and a current small<br />
business owner in St. Charles County with<br />
my wife, Lori.<br />
Q2) Illegal immigration, crime and judicial,<br />
public education.<br />
• Alex Hissong (D)<br />
Q1) I was trained as a biomedical<br />
engineer. I enjoy understanding systems,<br />
See ELECTION PREVIEW, page 32<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District 64<br />
• Deanna Self (R)<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District 65<br />
• Wendy L. Hausman (R)*<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District 69<br />
• Scott A. Miller (R)<br />
Q1) I am a father and husband, a veteran,<br />
a small business owner and a resident of St.<br />
Charles for 20 years. I have three graduate<br />
degrees between Indiana University<br />
and Washington University. I worked for<br />
Boeing for 14 years in various information<br />
security, management, IT and business<br />
development positions delivering products<br />
and services to various federal agencies. I<br />
also have a bit of a poet and philosopher<br />
in me, which I think are traits our world<br />
could have a bit more of in our lawmakers.<br />
Q2) Public safety and mitigating illegal<br />
immigration: This would include considering<br />
English as a required language.<br />
Without a common language, we cannot<br />
negotiate conflict peacefully. Improving<br />
the effectiveness of public schools at pro-
32 I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
ELECTION PREVIEW, from page 31<br />
assessing problems and innovating solutions.<br />
As a project manager for a healthcare<br />
IT company, I was responsible for<br />
multimillion-dollar projects on a deadline.<br />
I know how to manage resources and<br />
people to get results. Today, I am a systems<br />
analyst for a large medical laboratory<br />
where I was the lead of COVID-19 testing<br />
and reporting during the pandemic. I know<br />
how to manage a crisis. I’ve spent the last<br />
few years following our state politics very<br />
closely, and I am tired of the dysfunction.<br />
We need a change.<br />
Q2) First, our community was likely<br />
harmed by the processing of radioactive<br />
material, yet the federal government<br />
refuses to make it right. We should fund<br />
an epidemiological study of people with<br />
historic zip codes near the Weldon Site<br />
and Francis Howell High to strengthen<br />
the case for Radiation Exposure Compensation<br />
Act expansion. Second, we need<br />
to ban the sale of select invasive species.<br />
They are destroying our pastures and<br />
natural spaces. I support the bills that Rep.<br />
Bruce Sassmann (R) introduced. Third, we<br />
need to remove the gay marriage ban from<br />
the state constitution. The Obergefell V.<br />
Hodges ruling is not safe. Let the people<br />
vote on it in 2026.<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District <strong>10</strong>3<br />
• Dave Hinman (R)*<br />
Q1) I believe I am the most qualified<br />
candidate due to my local political experience<br />
and community involvement. Some<br />
of my local offices include O’Fallon alderman,<br />
2001-2005; director, O’Fallon Fire<br />
Protection District, 2006-20<strong>10</strong>; O’Fallon<br />
city councilman, 2014-20<strong>23</strong> and your<br />
state representative since 20<strong>23</strong>. I am also<br />
involved in the O’Fallon Chamber of<br />
Commerce, O’Fallon Elks, St. Charles<br />
County Municipal League and Assumption<br />
Church member. Last session in the<br />
Missouri House I worked hard to represent<br />
the residents in District <strong>10</strong>3 by looking for<br />
tax cuts and lessening regulations. I have<br />
been a member of the O’Fallon community<br />
since 1990.<br />
Q2) My top priority for the next legislative<br />
session is to continue reducing taxes.<br />
We can find a way to decrease personal<br />
property taxes for individual taxpayers in<br />
a way that will not hurt taxing jurisdictions.<br />
We need to find a way to stabilize<br />
real property taxes. We had a couple great<br />
plans last session. Secondly, job creation.<br />
Find ways to bring good paying jobs to<br />
our state. Third, education. We were able<br />
to raise teachers’ salaries from $25,000 to<br />
$40,000 and help with retention last session.<br />
We need to allow parents educational<br />
options that are best for their children.<br />
• Amanda Taylor (D)<br />
Q1) I grew up in North St. Louis County<br />
and have lived in O’Fallon for almost a<br />
decade, raising my children here. My deep<br />
roots provide me with a personal understanding<br />
of the community’s needs. With<br />
a master’s degree in biochemistry and<br />
14 years of brain research at Washington<br />
University School of Medicine, my strong<br />
analytical skills are evident. As a substitute<br />
teacher in the Fort Zumwalt School District,<br />
I am deeply connected to educational<br />
challenges and committed to improving<br />
the local school system. My family’s longstanding<br />
union membership solidifies my<br />
appreciation for unions and their role in<br />
ensuring workers’ rights and strengthening<br />
the middle class.<br />
Q2) I am dedicated to protecting voting<br />
rights and ensuring fair, accessible elections.<br />
I champion “One Person One Vote,”<br />
supporting the initiative petition process<br />
like those that expanded Medicaid and<br />
overturned Right to Work. I aim to address<br />
Missouri’s low rankings in education<br />
funding and teacher salaries, ensuring<br />
schools receive the resources needed for<br />
high-quality education. I am also a strong<br />
advocate for women’s healthcare rights,<br />
including the right to make private medical<br />
decisions and receive necessary treatments.<br />
On the campaign trail, I have heard from<br />
seniors struggling with high rent increases<br />
in senior living communities, and I plan to<br />
create legislation to cap rent increases for<br />
our elderly population.<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District <strong>10</strong>4<br />
• Terri Violet (R)<br />
Q1) Represented residents within District<br />
<strong>10</strong>4 for over <strong>10</strong> years as a St. Peters<br />
alderman. As an elected official I was a<br />
part of maintaining a balanced city budget<br />
while in office. I have an established relationship<br />
working with state, county and<br />
local government leaders. Honorably<br />
served and discharged U.S. Navy veteran.<br />
Have an excellent working relationship<br />
with St. Charles County area fire and<br />
police departments and ambulance district.<br />
Q2) Defending our Constitution is a high<br />
priority. Our First and Second Amendment<br />
rights are under attack and are a great<br />
importance. Defending and protecting<br />
unborn life will be on my list of priorities.<br />
My fellow U.S. military veterans seek a<br />
representative that will be their voice in<br />
Jefferson City – I will be their voice.<br />
See ELECTION PREVIEW, page 38<br />
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Beaven Insurance – Let’s Talk About Medicare!<br />
Between co-pays, deductibles,<br />
coinsurance and benefits, navigating<br />
the landscape of Medicare product<br />
options and insurance terminology<br />
can be confusing and frustrating. You<br />
may be asking:<br />
• Why do I need another plan with<br />
Medicare?<br />
• What is the difference between a<br />
Medicare Supplement and a Medicare<br />
Advantage Plan?<br />
• Why do I need a drug plan if I<br />
don’t take any drugs?<br />
• What about dental and vision<br />
Insurance?<br />
• Can I change my plan in the future?<br />
Finding the right fit matters, which<br />
is why Beaven Insurance is solely<br />
committed to helping its customers<br />
understand their Medicare options<br />
and finding a plan that works for them.<br />
“Not everyone’s situation is exactly<br />
the same,” owner Kathy Beaven<br />
explained. “I may have a husband and<br />
wife sitting in my office, who might<br />
opt for two different Medicare plans<br />
because their individual health concerns<br />
and needs are different.”<br />
As an independent broker, Kathy<br />
can recommend the plans that fit, but<br />
ultimately, it is the clients’ decision<br />
Kathy Beaven<br />
(Beaven Insurance photo)<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
on the policy they select.<br />
“As an independent broker, I’m looking<br />
out for my clients, not an insurance company.<br />
I’m looking at price, benefits and<br />
fit. It’s not one-size-fits-all,” Kathy said.<br />
Kathy is qualified to sell plans from a<br />
variety of carriers.<br />
“I am nationally tested with AHIP<br />
(America’s Health Insurance Plans)<br />
for Medicare and tested by each carrier,<br />
every year in order to be “ready to sell”<br />
their individual products for the coming<br />
year. I have more than 19 years of experience<br />
in the insurance industry,” Kathy<br />
said. “My goal is to take the mystery out<br />
of insurance buying.”<br />
During the annual enrollment period<br />
(AEP), Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 television<br />
commercials for Medicare plans are<br />
never-ending. But customers who rely on<br />
TV ads to make their decisions are not<br />
getting an agent geared to continued service<br />
after the sale or the specifics of the<br />
Missouri market.<br />
“They all say ‘Call us now and we can<br />
offer you this, that or the other thing.’ Or<br />
they say, ‘Let’s see if you’re eligible for<br />
this free option.’ They speak in broad<br />
terms rather than considering your specific<br />
needs. Plus, the first person you talk<br />
with is not someone you will ever talk<br />
to again,” Kathy said. “Most likely, you<br />
will get someone from another part of the<br />
country reading a script from their computer<br />
screen.”<br />
When customers call Beaven Insurance,<br />
they talk with Kathy and work with her<br />
before, during and after they determine<br />
which insurance fits their needs.<br />
“Needs change,” Kathy said. “What<br />
fits someone last year might not be the<br />
best choice this year. My customers know<br />
they can count on me year after year to<br />
find what fits them best. I want to always<br />
be there when my clients call me.”<br />
Kathy said it’s important for people to<br />
know that when working with her there<br />
are no hidden fees.<br />
“You will never pay any more in premiums<br />
by working with Beaven Insurance,”<br />
she said.<br />
“I also know the Missouri market. I live<br />
here. This is my hometown. My work is<br />
rewarding because I know I am making a<br />
difference in the lives of people trying to<br />
find their way through the maze of Medicare<br />
plans.”<br />
Her approach works.<br />
“Nothing is better than when someone<br />
calls and says, ‘You helped my friend.<br />
Can you please help me with my Medicare?’<br />
A referral is the highest compliment,”<br />
she said. “I helped someone, and<br />
they thought enough of our meeting to<br />
say, ‘Hey, call Kathy Beaven.’”<br />
Beaven Insurance<br />
636-549-3800<br />
kathybeaven.com<br />
myinsurance@kathybeaven.com<br />
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St.Peters | 301 Costco Way | 636-279-1700<br />
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Fenton | 88 Western Plaza | 636-600-9881<br />
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Natural Bridge | 9009 Natural Bridge Rd. | 314-427-<strong>24</strong>15<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Dedicated to providing exceptional care to every patient, every time<br />
For more than 150 years, St. Luke’s<br />
and its extensive network of top docs<br />
has made exceptional patient care their<br />
primary focus.<br />
St. Luke’s Hospital, a nationally<br />
acclaimed independent nonprofit, is one<br />
of the best regional healthcare systems<br />
in the United States. Renowned for its<br />
exceptional quality and patient satisfaction,<br />
St. Luke’s has consistently earned<br />
prestigious awards and accolades. The<br />
hospital holds the exclusive alliance<br />
provider status in the St. Louis market<br />
for the Cleveland Clinic Heart, Vascular,<br />
and Thoracic Institute, further solidifying<br />
its position as a leader in cardiovascular<br />
care. Since its establishment in 1866,<br />
St. Luke’s has evolved from a single hospital<br />
location into an advanced network<br />
of care. Its 493-bed hospital in Chesterfield<br />
and 143-bed St. Luke’s Des Peres<br />
Hospital serve as hubs for its 60-plus<br />
specialties and 30 locations throughout<br />
the greater St. Louis area.<br />
St. Luke’s Hospital in Chesterfield<br />
also has a 14-year history of achieving<br />
the Outstanding Patient Experience<br />
Award by Healthgrades. St. Luke’s network<br />
of affiliated physicians routinely<br />
make it onto Top Doc lists both locally<br />
and nationally.<br />
U.S. News & World Report named<br />
St. Luke’s one of the Best Hospitals in the<br />
State of Missouri and a Best Regional Hospital<br />
in the St. Louis Metro. Additionally,<br />
St. Luke’s received “High Performing” ratings<br />
in 13 Frequently Treated Procedures<br />
& Conditions. St. Luke’s Center for Cancer<br />
Care was recognized as one of Newsweek’s<br />
“America’s Best Cancer Hospitals 20<strong>24</strong>”,<br />
one of only 200 nationwide to receive this<br />
recognition.<br />
Dedicated to providing patients with<br />
personalized, high-quality care, St. Luke’s<br />
(St. Luke’s photo)<br />
Medical Group has a network of physician<br />
offices across the region to provide a team<br />
approach to meet every patient’s unique<br />
healthcare needs.<br />
St. Luke’s offers a wide range of primary<br />
care and specialty physicians who<br />
are focused on patient health and wellness.<br />
Practices include primary care<br />
(internal medicine and family practice)<br />
as well as specialty practices in bariatrics,<br />
bone health/endocrinology, breast surgery,<br />
cardiac surgery, cardiology, GI, general<br />
surgery, geriatrics, hospice, infectious disease,<br />
nephrology, neurology, neurosurgery,<br />
OB/ GYN, obesity medicine, oncology,<br />
orthopedics, pain management, palliative<br />
care, pediatrics, plastic surgery, pulmonary<br />
medicine, rheumatology, urology, vascular<br />
surgery, and wound care.<br />
St. Luke’s Physician Referral Service<br />
helps patients find doctors at its main<br />
campus or at a convenient location near<br />
them. It’s easy to learn more about medical<br />
group members online at doctors.stlukesstl.com<br />
or by calling the referral line at<br />
(314) 205-6060. With access to nearly<br />
1,000 physicians in more than 30 locations,<br />
area residents are sure to find dedicated<br />
specialists offering personalized services<br />
based on their medical needs, insurance<br />
plans and personal preferences.<br />
St. Luke’s patient care team can also<br />
assist in scheduling appointments by<br />
phone or online. In case of an immediate<br />
need, specialists can often schedule sameday<br />
appointments – one of the many ways<br />
St. Luke’s stands behind its mission.<br />
St. Luke’s<br />
<strong>23</strong>2 S. Woods Mill Road • Chesterfield<br />
stlukes-stl.com • (314) 434-1500<br />
Find a doctor: (314) 205-6060<br />
LIKE<br />
Historic Charm on the<br />
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FALL & WINTER 20<strong>24</strong> EVENTS<br />
OCT. 26-27<br />
Apple Butter Festival<br />
NOV. 15-17<br />
Deer Widow’s<br />
Weekend<br />
NOV. <strong>23</strong><br />
Christmas Parade<br />
& Open House<br />
(35 minutes from<br />
West County)<br />
636-464-6464<br />
Follow us on<br />
@GoKimmswickMO<br />
US ON<br />
Facebook.com/midriversnewsmagazine<br />
Breadings<br />
Batters<br />
and<br />
P R E M<br />
–<br />
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Q U A L I T Y<br />
When you taste Andy’s Breading and<br />
Batter, you will enjoy the quality and<br />
craftsmanship.<br />
BRIEFS<br />
PLACES<br />
Logan University’s new Physician<br />
Assistant/Associate program joins a roster<br />
of health science degrees at Logan from<br />
the Doctor of Chiropractic to more recently<br />
added degrees, such as the Master of Science<br />
in Applied Nutrition & Dietetics, and<br />
the Master of Science in Strength & Conditioning.<br />
Logan has applied for Accreditation-Provisional<br />
from the Accreditation<br />
Review Commission on Education for<br />
the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA), the<br />
accrediting body for PA programs in the<br />
United States. The first matriculating class<br />
is expected in January of 2026, pending<br />
achieving accreditation at the September<br />
2025 ARC-PA meeting. For more information<br />
visit Logan.edu/Academic/PA.<br />
• • •<br />
On Oct. 2, New Perspective opened its<br />
first senior living community in the state<br />
in Weldon Spring. Located at 400 Siedentop<br />
Road, New Perspective Weldon<br />
Spring provides studio, one-bedroom and<br />
two-bedroom apartments. The community<br />
offers AI-driven fall detection technology,<br />
life and activity programming by LifeLoop,<br />
in-house therapy services from Fox Rehabilitation<br />
and a partnership with Curana<br />
Health to bring resident care into homes.<br />
For more information visit NPSeniorLiving.com<br />
or call (636) 229-1311.<br />
• • •<br />
On Oct. 1, Kiddie Academy Educational<br />
Child Care broke ground on its<br />
new location at 1500 Woodstone Drive in<br />
St. Peters. Owned and operated by Hamid<br />
and Sepi Shirafkan, the <strong>10</strong>,000 square-foot<br />
location will be equipped with <strong>10</strong> classrooms<br />
and feature classroom cameras, a<br />
ZONO sanitation system and an onsite<br />
child development counselor to create<br />
learning plans and activities in line with<br />
Kiddie Academy’s Life Essentials curriculum.<br />
The location will serve 140 children<br />
ages 6 weeks to 5 years. The new academy<br />
anticipates adding 25 jobs to the community.<br />
For more information visit kiddieacademy.com/stpeters.<br />
• • •<br />
MRV Banks joined the American<br />
Bankers Association national campaign to<br />
educate consumers about the rise in check<br />
fraud and how they can protect themselves.<br />
Reports of check fraud have nearly<br />
doubled since 2021, according to a 20<strong>23</strong><br />
report from the Federal Reserve Bank of<br />
Boston. The Practice Safe Checks campaign<br />
works to empower consumers with<br />
tips and tools to help combat the threat<br />
posed by check fraud and check washing<br />
scams. The campaign reminds consumers<br />
that every time they write a check, they are<br />
exposing their personal information, and<br />
encourages them to use digital banking<br />
options to send money whenever possible.<br />
Other check safety tips include using permanent<br />
ink when writing a check, avoiding<br />
blank spaces on a check so criminals can’t<br />
fill them in instead and a reminder that<br />
personal information does not need to be<br />
added to checks. For a full list of recommendations<br />
to keep checks safe, visit practicesafechecks.com.<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I BUSINESS I 35<br />
PEOPLE<br />
Michael (Mick) Burkemper, a retired<br />
board member of Cuivre River Electric<br />
Cooperative in Troy, was honored with<br />
the A.C. Burrows Award by the Association<br />
of Missouri Electric Cooperatives<br />
at that organization’s annual meeting<br />
this month. The award is to recognize<br />
directors and employees of electric<br />
cooperatives for outstanding service to<br />
their cooperative, community and service<br />
areas while displaying leadership<br />
above and beyond to strengthen and<br />
improve the economic and social conditions<br />
in their areas. Burkemper became a<br />
member of Cuivre River Electric Cooperative<br />
in 1977.<br />
• • •<br />
Missouri resident Ann Kathryn<br />
Kehoe was recently awarded “Best of<br />
Show” at the Mosaics Fine Art Festival’s<br />
29th annual event. She was among<br />
nearly <strong>10</strong>0 juried artists from more than<br />
15 states. Kehoe received a cash prize of<br />
$1,000 as the first-place winner for her<br />
handcrafted jewelry.<br />
Experience Vibrant Senior Living<br />
at New Perspective Weldon Spring<br />
Join us for a<br />
Complimentary<br />
Lunch & a Tour!<br />
Get a taste of the good life while discovering all the<br />
wonderful amenities and services we offer.<br />
Check out these features:<br />
• Large spacious apartments<br />
in studio, 1BR and 2BR floor plans<br />
• Stainless steel appliances<br />
• Granite counter-tops available<br />
• In-apartment washer & dryer<br />
• Pet friendly<br />
• Chef created, scratch-made<br />
dining with daily features<br />
• Fitness center<br />
Call Michael Robertson to schedule your tour 636-497-8799<br />
400 Siedentop Road | Weldon Spring, MO<br />
Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care<br />
npseniorliving.com<br />
94<br />
64<br />
N<br />
36 I EVENTS I<br />
LOCAL<br />
EVENTS<br />
October Exhibition - “Earth, Wind,<br />
Fire and Water” is on view at the Crossroads<br />
Arts Council, 3<strong>10</strong> West Pearce in<br />
Wentzville. Gallery hours are from 11 a.m.-<br />
3 p.m. Thursday-Sunday. Details at crossroadsartscouncil.org.<br />
• • •<br />
A Halloween Dance is from 6:30-9:30<br />
p.m. on Friday, Oct. 25 at the St. Peters Cultural<br />
Arts Centre, 1 St. Peters Centre Blvd.<br />
Live DJ by Juke Box Productions. Dress in<br />
costume. Bring your own food and snacks.<br />
Soda will be available for purchase. Tickets<br />
are $7 per person at the door or $6 for St.<br />
Peters and Cultural Arts Centre Members.<br />
For details, visit stpetersmo.net.<br />
Eagles Wings Children’s Charity <strong>10</strong>th<br />
Anniversary Celebration is from 6-9 p.m.<br />
on Saturday, Nov. 2 at Fast Lane Classic<br />
Cars, 427 Little Hills Industrial Blvd. in St.<br />
Charles. Details tat eagleswingskids.org.<br />
• • •<br />
Fort Zumwalt West Grad Night Golf<br />
Tournament is at 11 a.m. (registration at<br />
9:30 a.m.) on Monday, Nov. 4 at the Winghaven<br />
Country Club, 7777 Winghaven<br />
Blvd. in O’Fallon. $125 per person. Details<br />
via email to fzwgradnight@gmail.com.<br />
• • •<br />
Sah Do Mu Sul Booster Club to host a<br />
Chips & Sips Fundraiser to send martial<br />
arts students to the World Tournament in<br />
Scotland on Saturday, Nov. 9 (doors open<br />
at 4:30 p.m.) at VFW Post 5077, 8500<br />
Veterans Memorial Parkway in O’Fallon.<br />
Tickets are $60 per person; email heather.<br />
barcal@gmail.com.<br />
• • •<br />
Frame the Future Gala is at 6 p.m. on<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
Saturday, Nov. 16 at Ameristar Casino<br />
Resort Spa, 1 Ameristar Blvd. in St.<br />
Charles. All proceeds will benefit Habitat<br />
for Humanity of St. Charles County. Tickets<br />
start at $150. Formal attire is required.<br />
For tickets and details, visit hfhgala.org or<br />
call (636) 978-5712.<br />
A Pumpkin Patch is from 11 a.m.-8 p.m.<br />
daily through Thursday, Oct. 31 at Cornerstone<br />
United Methodist Church, 1151 Tom<br />
Ginnever Ave. in O’Fallon. Pumpkins will<br />
be for sale on the front lawn of the church.<br />
For details, email info@csofallon.org.<br />
• • •<br />
Halloween Carnival is at 11 a.m. on<br />
Saturday, Oct. 26 at the St. Peters Rec-Plex<br />
South, 5250 Mexico Road in St. Peters.<br />
Enjoy games, crafts, candy and more. For<br />
ages <strong>10</strong> and under. Wear a costume and<br />
receive a special treat at check-in. Family-friendly<br />
costumes only. Registration<br />
is required for children and guardians at<br />
stpetersmo.net.<br />
• • •<br />
Trunk or Treat with the O’Fallon Police<br />
is from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26 at<br />
CarShield Field, 900 TR Hughes Blvd. in<br />
O’Fallon. For details, visit ofallon.mo.us.<br />
• • •<br />
Halloween Spooktacular on Ice is from<br />
7-9 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 1 at the Rec-Plex<br />
North Ice Rink, 5200 Mexico Road in St.<br />
Peters. Ice skating, games, prizes, music, a<br />
costume contest and a pumpkin decorating<br />
contest. Cost is $12 per person. To register,<br />
visit stpetersmo.net.<br />
• • •<br />
Little Nature Explorer Program is from<br />
<strong>10</strong>-11 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 6 at Broemmelsiek<br />
Park, 1795 Hwy. DD in Defiance.<br />
Enjoy a short hike, storytime, activities and<br />
a snack for children ages 5 and younger.<br />
Cost is $5. Children should dress for the<br />
weather and must be accompanied by an<br />
adult during the entire program. Register at<br />
sccmo.org or call (636) 949-7535.<br />
• • •<br />
Got events? Want publicity?<br />
Send all the pertinent details to<br />
events@newsmagazinenetwork.com.<br />
Event notices for print publication are due at least six weeks<br />
out from the date of the event. Events with advance registration<br />
should be submitted six weeks out from that deadline.<br />
All events will be listed online and in print when sent in with<br />
enough advance notice.<br />
Hands-on Heritage Gourd Crafting is<br />
from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9<br />
at the Historic Daniel Boone Home, 868<br />
Hwy. F in Defiance. Participants partake<br />
in the entire gourd crafting process, from<br />
scrubbing the gourd to preparing the surface<br />
for crafting. Bring a lunch. Cost is<br />
$5 per person. Pre-registration is required.<br />
The program is held outdoors under a<br />
pavilion. Wear clothing that can get dirty.<br />
For ages 12 and up. To register, visit stccparks.com<br />
or call (636) 798-2005.<br />
• • •<br />
Holiday Cookie Decorating is from<br />
6:30-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at<br />
Memorial Hall in Blanchette Park, 1900<br />
W Randolph St. in St. Charles. All participants<br />
will learn and use different decorating<br />
techniques and take home their cookies.<br />
For ages 15 and over. The cost is $60 per<br />
person and includes all supplies To register,<br />
visit stcharlesparks.com.<br />
• • •<br />
A Candy Cane Hunt is from 11 a.m.-<br />
noon on Sunday, Dec. 8 at Gould Building<br />
at Wapelhorst Park, 1875 Muegge Road<br />
in St. Charles. Santa’s elves have hidden<br />
hundreds of candy canes throughout the<br />
park to find. Expect a visit from Santa<br />
and hot cocoa. $15 per person. For ages<br />
14 and younger. Bring a bucket or bag to<br />
collect the candy canes. For details, visit<br />
stcharlesparks.com/programs.<br />
• • •<br />
Storytime With Santa is from 6-7 p.m.<br />
on Sunday, Dec. 15 at Webster Park Community<br />
Building, 2201 S. River Road in St.<br />
Charles. Children can wear pajamas and<br />
bring a blanket and pillow. Cost is $15 per<br />
person. Register at stcharlesparks.com.<br />
SSM Health’s Drug Take Back Drive<br />
continues through Oct. 27 at St. Joseph<br />
Hospital - Lake Saint Louis, St. Joseph<br />
Hospital - St. Charles, St. Joseph Hospital<br />
- Wentzville, DePaul Hospital and Cardinal<br />
Glennon Children’s Hospital.<br />
• • •<br />
Walk for Women’s Health is at 8 a.m.<br />
on Saturday, Oct. 26 at Progress West Hospital,<br />
2 Progress Point Pkwy. in O’Fallon.<br />
Stay after the walk for family-friendly<br />
activities and food vendors. Details at<br />
my.onecause.com.<br />
• • •<br />
Open House and Pumpkin Drop is<br />
from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26 at<br />
the St. Charles County Regional Airport–<br />
Smartt Field. Experimental and home-built<br />
aircraft and historic military aircraft and<br />
vehicles. Tour the Commemorative Air<br />
Force Museum and more. At <strong>10</strong> a.m., the<br />
pumpkin drop begins. At noon, the WW II<br />
B-25 and TBM bombers “carpet bomb” a<br />
target with pumpkins. View a fully functional<br />
robot from FIRST® Super Hornets<br />
Robotics Team. Static displays and aircraft<br />
rides are subject to availability. For details,<br />
call (636) 949-1893.<br />
• • •<br />
Golden Hour Hike is from 5-6:15 p.m.<br />
on Monday, Oct. 28 at Quail Ridge Park,<br />
560 Interstate Drive in Wentzville. Discover<br />
the natural beauty of the outdoors<br />
on a 1- to 3-mile guided hike with a Park<br />
Ranger. Trails are a mix of paved and natural<br />
surfaces. Dress for the weather. All ages<br />
are welcome. Free event, but pre-registration<br />
is requested at sccmo.org or by calling<br />
(636) 949-7535.<br />
• • •<br />
Hike Through the Seasons is from 4-6<br />
p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at Klondike<br />
Park, 4600 Hwy. 94 South in Augusta, featuring<br />
a ranger-guided 3-mile hike. Dress<br />
for the weather and wear hiking boots.<br />
Bring a water bottle. All ages are welcome.<br />
Free event. Pre-registration is required at<br />
stccparks.org or call, (636) 949-7535.<br />
• • •<br />
Fall Tree Walk is from <strong>10</strong>-11 a.m.<br />
on Saturday, Nov. 1 at the Rau Garden,<br />
Blanchette Park, 1900 Randolph St. in St.<br />
Charles. A Park Horticulturist will lead<br />
a walking discussion. Learn which trees<br />
change leaf color, when, and why. Wear<br />
comfortable shoes and bring binoculars.<br />
All ages are welcome. Free event. Registration<br />
is required at stcharlesparks.com.<br />
• • •<br />
Drive-Thru Flu Vaccinations are from<br />
8 a.m.-noon on Nov. 2 at SSM Health,<br />
1603 Wentzville Parkway. Self-pay and<br />
insurance are accepted. Appointments are<br />
encouraged. Details at (314) 955-9600 or<br />
visit ssmhealth.com/access/need-care-now.<br />
• • •<br />
Well Read Wonderers is from noon-2<br />
p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3 at Broemmelsiek<br />
Park, 1795 Hwy DD in Defiance. A<br />
nature-based book is selected each month<br />
to discuss and venture out on a nature hike,<br />
weather permitting. Free event but pre-registration<br />
is requested. For ages 18 and up.<br />
November’s book is Grandma Gatewood’s<br />
Walk by Ben Montgomery. For details,<br />
visit sccmo.org.<br />
• • •<br />
Ugly Sweater Bingo is from 7-9 p.m.<br />
on Friday, Dec. 13 at Memorial Hall in<br />
Blanchette Park, 1900 W Randolph St. in<br />
St. Charles. Registration can be made as<br />
either an individual or a group of 8 per<br />
table. Cost is $25 per person or $180 per<br />
table of 8. For ages 21 and over only. Cost<br />
includes admission, all Bingo rounds, beer<br />
and soda. Guests may bring in their own<br />
food. There will be a costume contest for<br />
the ugliest sweater, winner will receive<br />
a prize. To register, visit stcharlesparks.<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
A’mis Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria: A slice of Italy in St. Charles County<br />
A’mis Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria in<br />
O’Fallon is not fancy; it’s family. It’s the<br />
type of place you go to when you want<br />
to gather with loved ones to enjoy good<br />
food and share great times. Cozy booths<br />
line one side of the restaurant, perfect for<br />
couples or pairs of friends, tables can be<br />
pushed together to make room for jovial<br />
family gatherings, and the menu features<br />
literally something for everyone.<br />
A’mis’ menu features the four pillars<br />
of every great Italian restaurant: pasta,<br />
pizza, chicken and steak. As for the latter,<br />
only hand-picked Black Angus New<br />
York Strips will do – available in a <strong>10</strong>- or<br />
16-ounce cut.<br />
Among A’mis’ standout entrées is its<br />
Chicken Parmigiano. Perfectly breaded<br />
and fried, it is topped with housemade<br />
tomato sauce and a select blend of cheeses.<br />
Chicken isn’t the only parmigiano offered.<br />
Customers also can indulge in a Veal Parmigiano<br />
and an eggplant version of the<br />
classic dish.<br />
Speaking of classics, A’mis’ pasta menu<br />
features Lasagna, Spaghetti and Ravioli,<br />
of course, but it also has an exceptional<br />
Tortellini. Not every Italian restaurant<br />
gets Tortellini right. A’mis does. The hamstuffed<br />
donut-shaped pasta joins sweet<br />
peas and earthy mushrooms in a rich<br />
cream sauce that is neither too thick nor<br />
too thin. In fact, the sauce is just right. It’s<br />
buttery, peppery and decadent. You won’t<br />
be tempted to cover it with parmesan. It’s<br />
perfect as is.<br />
Other menu items that customers rave<br />
about are the restaurant’s three types of<br />
pizza: a St. Louis Thin Crust topped with<br />
a blend of provel and mozzarella cheeses,<br />
a Chicago-style deep dish and a New<br />
York-style that is still uniquely A’mis.<br />
“It’s our dough that makes the difference.<br />
Our pizza dough is prepared fresh from<br />
scratch every single day with the best<br />
ingredients,” explained Shabtai Moria,<br />
who opened the original A’mis in Rock<br />
Hill with Ami Damte in 1988, followed<br />
A’mis Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria<br />
3728 Monticello Plaza • O’Fallon • (636) 329-8787 • amispizza.com<br />
Hours: 11 a.m.-9 p.m., daily<br />
A’mis is currently looking to add to its team. Call to learn more.<br />
by the O’Fallon location 17 years ago.<br />
The dough gives the pizzas the perfect<br />
chew but it’s the brick oven they’re<br />
baked in that gives them their crisp crust.<br />
Even the mighty Manhattan, a mammoth<br />
19-inch family-style pie, is crisp from<br />
edge to edge. This is not a floppy, foldable<br />
pizza. This is an authentic, hand-tossed<br />
pizza that is loaded with cheese and can<br />
be topped with up to seven different meats<br />
and up to nine veggies and other toppings.<br />
All of A’mis’ dishes are available for<br />
dine-in or carryout.<br />
The Manhattan is available by the slice<br />
for lunch, with or without a salad, from<br />
11 a.m.-4 p.m. daily as are the restaurant’s<br />
classic pastas, its Chicken Parmigiano<br />
as a sandwich and even an all-American<br />
burger.<br />
Salads served with warm Italian rolls<br />
are another popular choice for lunch.<br />
A’mis is well-known for its house-made<br />
salad dressings, especially its signature<br />
Italian that is available as a to-go item for<br />
use at home. The Italian dressing is the<br />
perfect topping for the Combination Salad<br />
that also features provel cheese, black<br />
olives and pepperoncinis, but it’s A’mis’<br />
house-made Balsamic dressing that pairs<br />
best with the restaurant’s Salata Mista, a<br />
combination of mixed greens, red onions,<br />
The lunch “slice” Manhattan and lunch size<br />
Tortellini with a warm Italian roll.<br />
(Kate Uptergrove photo)<br />
pecans, cranberries, black olives and Gorgonzola<br />
crumbles.<br />
It’s delicious,” Moria said, “and it’s<br />
available in two sizes, which means it can<br />
be a hearty dinner option or a light lunch.”<br />
No matter what you order, A’mis promises<br />
to treat your family like theirs and<br />
prepare every menu item – for dining in<br />
or carry-out – with a little bit of Italy and<br />
a smile.<br />
Be the first to know.<br />
Local news, sports, schools stories, health and events<br />
delivered directly to your inbox.<br />
Sign up Today!
38 I<br />
October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
ELECTION PREVIEW, from page 32<br />
• Tara L. Murray (D)<br />
Q1) I have a bachelor’s degree in<br />
political science and a master’s degree<br />
in elementary education, both from<br />
Truman State University. I have been<br />
a middle school teacher for the past 30<br />
years (including this fall). I have been<br />
an active volunteer for many campaigns<br />
ranging from school board to U.S. Senate<br />
and presidency. Besides campaigns, I also<br />
volunteer at the food pantry associated<br />
with my school district, spending much of<br />
my summers helping feed those in need<br />
in the Ritenour School District. Before<br />
deciding to run for office, my “retired<br />
dream job” was to be the director of the<br />
Ritenour Co-Care Food Pantry.<br />
Q2) 1: I have been a public school<br />
teacher for 30 years so I hope to teach<br />
those in Jefferson City who are trying<br />
to dismantle the public school system<br />
and denigrate teachers, what the real<br />
needs of our schools and students are and<br />
what resources are necessary for public<br />
schools to be successful. 2: I want bodily<br />
autonomy for everyone. The government<br />
should not interfere with anyone’s<br />
health care decisions and abortions are<br />
healthcare. 3: All Missourians should<br />
have enough money to live, eat, provide<br />
for their families. Unions help make this<br />
happen. Unions fight for better working<br />
conditions, benefits and pay.<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District <strong>10</strong>5<br />
• Colin Wellenkamp (R)<br />
Q1) I have spent the majority of my<br />
career representing cities, counties and<br />
states across the nation. I’ve been able<br />
to bring other regions tens of millions of<br />
dollars in resources and economic opportunities.<br />
I want to put that experience<br />
and expertise to work for my home state<br />
of Missouri. As a teacher, school board<br />
member and former small business owner,<br />
I can be a versatile and passionate advocate<br />
for the St. Charles City region in our<br />
state’s capitol.<br />
Q2) My top three priorities are: 1: Continue<br />
to improve and adequately resource<br />
our schools so teachers and our education<br />
infrastructure have the budget and support<br />
needed to deliver a world-class education<br />
to our kids. 2: Make our infrastructure<br />
more resilient and low-impact to our freshwater<br />
resources and ecology. Resilient<br />
and sustainable surface transportation,<br />
utilities and development that work for our<br />
residents are paramount to developing our<br />
economy and attracting opportunities to<br />
our state. 3: Expand care for women, children<br />
and our first responders.<br />
• Ron Odenthal (D)<br />
Q1) As your next state representative, as<br />
somone who can represent you, because I<br />
am one of you. I am a father, have been a<br />
proud union member and am very happy<br />
to be a St. Charles homeowner. As a proud<br />
public school graduate and parent of public<br />
school graduates, I know how important<br />
it is to properly fund our public schools.<br />
I will fight for what is important to you<br />
because it is important to me too.<br />
Q2) It’s very simple: Fully fund our<br />
schools and pay our teachers; lower prices<br />
for our families and get the government<br />
out of our lives.<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District <strong>10</strong>6<br />
• Travis Wilson (R)*<br />
Q1) Current office holder for this district.<br />
Q2) Economic development, workforce<br />
development, infrastructure improvement.<br />
• Karen Edge (D)<br />
Q1) I have a master’s degree in electrical<br />
engineering from Washington University<br />
and a master’s degree in divinity from Eden<br />
Seminary. I worked at Boeing/McDonnell<br />
Douglas as an engineer for over 37 years<br />
and I was a United Methodist pastor. I’ve<br />
traveled all over the world and have had<br />
to deal with different cultures and personalities<br />
to solve problems. Because of my<br />
experience dealing with difficult situations<br />
and my ability to problem solve, I believe<br />
I will be able to reach across the aisle and<br />
pass legislation that will improve all of<br />
Missourians lives.<br />
Q2) Improving the lives of Missouri’s<br />
working families through strong unions,<br />
affordable childcare and fully-funded<br />
public schools with an increase in teachers’<br />
pay.<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District <strong>10</strong>7<br />
• Mark Matthiesen (R)*<br />
Q1) As a successful business operator<br />
over the last 20 years I have learned from<br />
the bottom up how legislation impacts<br />
every person in Missouri regardless of<br />
economic status and situation.<br />
Q2) Homeowners need to have the<br />
growth of property taxes curbed to a bare<br />
minimum. Students need every possible<br />
education opportunity that is available,<br />
See ELECTION PREVIEW, next page<br />
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October <strong>23</strong>, 20<strong>24</strong><br />
I 39<br />
ELECTION PREVIEW, from previous<br />
regardless of economic status. Private<br />
property rights are supreme to government<br />
opinions.<br />
• Gary Wester (D)<br />
Q1) In my career, I have been employed<br />
in a multitude of work environments from<br />
entrepreneurship to large corporations<br />
working in environmental labs, government<br />
facilities and industrial settings. I<br />
have held leadership roles in chemistry<br />
laboratories and quality control/assurance<br />
departments. Additionally, I wrote<br />
requests for proposals (RFP), managed<br />
budgets and built quality systems from<br />
the ground up. I believe that the combination<br />
of these experiences and working<br />
with diverse groups of colleagues brings<br />
significant knowledge and preparation<br />
towards helping me solve many problems<br />
for Missourians.<br />
Q2) Missourians must have access to<br />
certified public schools, protect a woman’s<br />
right to healthcare, and expand renewable<br />
energy throughout the state. A quality<br />
public education is a right, a woman has<br />
autonomy over her body, workers have a<br />
right to bargain collectively and a healthy<br />
environment is essential for all Missourians.<br />
Missouri is making poor decisions<br />
on minimum wage, equality, healthcare<br />
and renewable energy. I want to change<br />
the conversation and direction of state<br />
government.<br />
STATE REPRESENTATIVE • District <strong>10</strong>8<br />
• Mike Costlow (R)<br />
Q1) I have been privileged to represent<br />
my neighbors as an alderman for the city<br />
of Dardenne Prairie for six years, serving<br />
as president of that board for the<br />
past two. In my time there I have been<br />
exposed to legislative challenges and<br />
opportunities that required collaboration<br />
with lawmakers locally and in Jefferson<br />
City. While there I have fought against<br />
irresponsible “ready, fire, aim” spending,<br />
sponsored and passed statutes to<br />
stop excessive tax breaks for developers<br />
and protected residents through updated<br />
right-of-way construction policies following<br />
the O’Fallon home explosion due<br />
to utility installation.<br />
Q2) My top priority in Jefferson City<br />
is to build Missouri into the best place in<br />
the nation to raise a family. This includes<br />
taking measures to reduce maternal mortality,<br />
improve our educational system<br />
through expansion of school choice and<br />
allowing our economy to grow by eliminating<br />
taxes that dissuade investment in<br />
our state. In our district this also means<br />
addressing the environmental issues in<br />
Peruque Creek to keep the lake and surrounding<br />
region healthy for children to<br />
play and grow.<br />
• Susan Shumway (D)<br />
Q1) I am the most qualified as I have<br />
been a passionate chaplain advocate for<br />
my patients and families in hospitals and<br />
hospice. As a local church pastor I have the<br />
experience of leading an organization.<br />
Q2) My priorities are to legislate opportunities<br />
so that Missouri’s youth are not<br />
wanting to leave this state when they can<br />
and instead want to stay as it has a vibrant<br />
economy, health care that addresses people’s<br />
needs at all stages of life, and is educating<br />
our youth.<br />
• Patrick Andrew Miller (G)<br />
Q1) I was born and raised in Lake Saint<br />
Louis, graduated from Holt High School,<br />
and studied philosophy at the University<br />
of Notre Dame (Bachelor of Arts, valedictorian<br />
candidate) and Princeton (Master<br />
of Arts). I spent two months at the Global<br />
Priorities Institute in Oxford. I serve<br />
as a deacon at my childhood church of<br />
Dardenne Presbyterian and was asked to<br />
serve on the board of directors for Restore<br />
St. Charles. This fall, I have been substitute<br />
teaching in the Wentzville School<br />
District, predominantly in the special education<br />
department at Duello Elementary. I<br />
love our community and want to promote<br />
democratic participation and peace.<br />
Q2) Campaign finance reform: We need<br />
more transparency about the money politicians<br />
accept. PACs subvert democracy<br />
and allow special interests, foreign powers,<br />
and corruption to influence our elections.<br />
Politicians should wear the logos of their<br />
sponsors like in Nascar. Abolish slavery in<br />
Missouri prisons: Prison slavery is inhumane,<br />
outdated, hurtful to our communities,<br />
impairs rehabilitation and undercuts<br />
the fair labor market. You cannot love your<br />
neighbor and deny them the fruits of their<br />
labor. Voting reform: Ranked and approval<br />
voting better represent voters’ preferences<br />
than our current system. However, legislators<br />
are seeking to ban these processes,<br />
perpetuating an antagonistic two-party<br />
system.<br />
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