Jhb West - Nov 24

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You go, mama!<br />

Meet Cherise van der Vyver, who’s all about hard work, entrepreneurship<br />

and lifting others up. But more than anything, she’s a mom on a mission<br />

… raising her little Miss Mae to take on the world.<br />


Anyone who’s met Cherise van der<br />

Vyver will tell you she just beams with<br />

love, life and laughter. And exactly<br />

that is what she hopes to pass on to<br />

her daughter, Jenna-Mae. But, she<br />

and her husband, Johan are taking a<br />

slightly different (if you want to call it<br />

that) approach to parenthood.<br />

Around two years ago, they started<br />

teaching Jenna-Mae some financial<br />

and entrepreneurial skills. She was<br />

three. So now, if she wants something,<br />

she’ll be savvy enough to know<br />

how to get it all by herself. Like, for<br />

instance, her horse-riding lessons.<br />

With mommy’s help, she opened up<br />

her own business called Jenna-Mae’s<br />

14 Get It Magazine <strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>24</strong><br />

Workshop and started out by making<br />

and selling her own slime to pay for<br />

her horse-riding.<br />

‘Recently she had her eye on a<br />

beautiful hair clip, and I told her<br />

that if she wants it badly enough<br />

- because she already has a zillion<br />

others,’ Cherise chuckles, ‘she needs<br />

to find a way to make money to buy<br />

it. And so, we started making and<br />

selling the prettiest earrings together<br />

… and she was over the moon<br />

when she was finally able to buy her<br />

treasured hair clip as a result of new<br />

skills and hard work.’<br />

Cherise believes that when you<br />

have a skill and some confidence,<br />

you can make money. That’s why<br />

she and her family are giving little<br />

Jenna-Mae a head start on life …<br />

teaching her all the grown-up stuff<br />

she won’t necessarily be learning in<br />

the classroom. Oh, and little Miss Mae<br />

already has a retirement annuity for<br />

when she is older too, so – in her own<br />

words – she doesn’t have to work one<br />

day, just like Ouma.<br />

In their free time, you’ll find this<br />

mommy and daughter duo crafting,<br />

dancing, baking, and enjoying the<br />

outdoors. They also love music<br />

and dancing. But shopping … well,<br />

that’s all Jenna-Mae. Cherise is less<br />

enthusiastic about that one.

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