Jhb West - Nov 24
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Socks gone wild!<br />
Ever wondered where all your lost socks disappear to? Well, they may just have<br />
been reincarnated as one of Donna Kruger’s famous Sockimals!<br />
Under the knife of our resident<br />
Socktologist, Donna Kruger gives<br />
socks a fresh lease on life. Stuffed<br />
and stitched into the most delightful<br />
creatures you’ve ever seen. Think<br />
giraffes, piggies, llamas, Sockosauruses<br />
(yes, you read that right), hippos, ellies,<br />
donkeys, bunnies, and … well, you<br />
get the picture. If it’s cute, Donna’s<br />
probably made it.<br />
Oh .. and she doesn’t really use old<br />
mismatched socks from the laundry<br />
vortex. Only brand-new ones that<br />
have never been worn.<br />
For more than a decade, Donna’s<br />
been expressing herself through<br />
socks. The more colourful and wilder<br />
the pattern, the better ... since Donna<br />
herself is, well bold, bright and busy.<br />
Upon completion, every Sockimal<br />
gets a hug from its creator (because<br />
it’s become a ritual) before it’s ready<br />
to head off to its fureva home. So far,<br />
exactly 4157 Sockimals have been<br />
lovingly adopted. (She’s her father’s<br />
daughter, so yes, she keeps track)!<br />
‘The best part is that each one is so<br />
different, even if they start as identical<br />
pairs of socks. I can never ever create<br />
the exact same animal twice, which<br />
speaks to me too. Each of us are<br />
unique masterpieces and not one<br />
person is the same as someone else.’<br />
Socks have been a thread (pun totally<br />
intended) in Donna’s life since she<br />
was little. She remembers making<br />
mud pies and sifting sand through …<br />
you guessed it … socks with her little<br />
sister, Laura. Later, she was knitting<br />
baby jerseys and making dresses for<br />
her niece. Creativity has always been<br />
in her blood, and though her mom<br />
tried to teach her sewing as a little girl,<br />
it didn’t really click until Donna found<br />
her Sockimal calling later in life.<br />
Needless to say, she has always loved<br />
colour, and she’s come to love people<br />
16 Get It Magazine <strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>24</strong>