Jhb West - Nov 24
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Pool side. And a pina colada salad. All<br />
bananas and mango and pineapple<br />
and coconut. It’s time, says Chantal<br />
Lascaris, for salads to take centre<br />
stage. To bring them over to the main<br />
event. Not only for lunch or dinner,<br />
but breakfast and dessert, too.<br />
The Ultimate Salad Book dishes<br />
up the classics - think Caprese and<br />
Waldorf and coleslaw, followed by<br />
three-ingredient salads - cucumber,<br />
onion and walnut; avo, artichoke<br />
and tomato. There’s a breakfast<br />
option - with butternut, portobellini<br />
mushrooms, chickpeas and spinach<br />
added to your eggs, and a glorious<br />
grilled veggie stack - prettiest dish in<br />
the book. Fish and chicken bulk up<br />
greens for main dishes, and there’s a<br />
creamy cos and rump salad that’s a<br />
joy. For sweet endings, fruity salads,<br />
like the Very Cherry Berry Salad with<br />
a Cointreau dressing. These are no<br />
sitting-on-the-side wallflowers ...<br />
they’re centre-stage-main-event<br />
delish. Struik, R400 from bookstores<br />
or, for a signed copy, directly<br />
from chantallascaris.com<br />
A trio of Summer friendly<br />
wines from De Krans. Dry<br />
Pinotage Rosé 20<strong>24</strong> - soft<br />
and smooth, with fine red<br />
fruit flavours, perfect with<br />
fresh summer salads, the<br />
Free-Run Chenin Blanc<br />
20<strong>24</strong> - all fresh ripe banana,<br />
guava and passion fruit<br />
with hints of lime, serve<br />
with a chicken braai or<br />
pasta, and the Wild<br />
Ferment Unwooded<br />
Chardonnay<br />
20<strong>24</strong> - with well<br />
rounded full flavours<br />
of lime, grapefruit<br />
and creamy<br />
butterscotch, serve<br />
with pastas, pizzas,<br />
firm fleshed fish<br />
or chicken off the<br />
coals. R90 a bottle<br />
from your local wine<br />
stockist or from<br />
dekrans.co.za<br />
Compiled by: KYM ARGO<br />
Luxury RTDs - ready to drink - are<br />
perfect for pool parties and picnics<br />
and festivals ... and we’re rather<br />
enjoying these new Samuel<br />
Gelston’s Irish Whiskey premixes - a<br />
classic Samuel Gelston’s Whiskey &<br />
Lime Soda and the more summery<br />
Whiskey & Apple Spritz. Around<br />
R89 for a six pack from Makro, also at<br />
takealot.com and liquordrop.co.za<br />
20 Get It Magazine <strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>24</strong>