Jhb West - Nov 24
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Read me<br />
a story<br />
This is a Book about Fairies. There’s only one problem.<br />
There are monsters hiding around every corner, just waiting to<br />
pull all sorts of silly pranks. Are there even any fairies in this book?<br />
A brilliant new book by Bloemfontien author Jaco Jacobs, with<br />
sensational illustrations by South African freelance<br />
illustrator Theodore Key. Bound to be a firm, firm fave with<br />
children and those who read to them. PanMacmillan, R128<br />
New year. New diary. New pack<br />
of Kitkat Chunkys. And a new<br />
boyfriend. Could life get any better?<br />
Oh yes it can. Also a new dog! But<br />
.. no time for BFF, which is a prob.<br />
From the hilarious Katie Kirby, join<br />
in Lottie’s latest adventure in The<br />
Majorly Awkward BFF Drama of<br />
Lottie Brooks. These really are the<br />
most fun ever ... if you’ve a reluctant<br />
reader, try a Lottie ... guaranteed<br />
hours of reading fun. Puffin, R219<br />
For fans, there’s also another brand-new<br />
Lottie Brook book with a twist!<br />
She’s just found out that you’ve been<br />
reading about her most<br />
EMBARRASSING moments for years ... it<br />
was meant to be her TOTALLY<br />
Essential Guide to Life, she helps you<br />
through those tweenage years with<br />
the best advice on school, friendship,<br />
crushes and, most importantly, SNACKS.<br />
Loads of activities (like quizzes and<br />
would you rather), and space for you to<br />
make notes and write and illustrate your<br />
own diary, as well as a little of mum’s<br />
guidance on the ‘Amazing Journey to<br />
Womanhood’. Puffin, R215<br />
Stepping into his famous dad’s<br />
kitchen, Buddy Oliver is showing<br />
young, beginner cooks just what fun<br />
making dinner can be. With more<br />
than 60 delicious recipes (think quick<br />
and easy pizzas, easy meatballs with<br />
spaghetti, choccy microwave mug<br />
cake), Let’s Cook is a fab book for<br />
those needing to build up their<br />
kitchen confidence. Achievable<br />
dishes, simple recipe methods,<br />
inspiring images, and helpful hints<br />
from Buddy throughout. It’s flavourpacked<br />
food for the whole family. So<br />
mum and dad ... hang up your aprons,<br />
pour a glass of wine and let the kids<br />
make dinner. Penguin, R510<br />
<strong>24</strong> Get It Magazine <strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>24</strong>