Jhb West - Nov 24
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Story time tales. Fun reads for tweens.<br />
And a cook book to get the kids into the kitchen!<br />
Imagine an elephant’s wedding - all excited bride and naughty groom,<br />
finches weaving flower wreaths and a ceremony under the baobab<br />
tree. Magical. And just one of the four short stories aimed at five to<br />
10 year olds in The Tame Ways of Wild Animals by local author Irma<br />
Raspel. Beautiful illustrations, fun stories ... bedtime stories should<br />
always be this good. Also available in Afrikaans. Rockhopper Books. R199<br />
from Exclusive Books.<br />
My First South<br />
African Animals is<br />
just brilliant to read<br />
at home or on your<br />
next game drive.<br />
The board book<br />
has photos of all the<br />
animals you’d expect to see .. giraffe<br />
and springbok, lion and ellies, lizards<br />
and dung beetles. Name the animals,<br />
tick them off, and then listen to the<br />
sounds they make … scan in the<br />
code on the back of the book and<br />
download the free app. Great fun.<br />
HPH, R157 from Exclusive Books.<br />
For the under six year olds,<br />
Once Upon a Hippo, written<br />
by the award-winning Ken<br />
Wilson-Max and illustrated by<br />
Zinelda McDonald, is great fun.<br />
Inspired by traditional African<br />
stories, the children will love<br />
the advice from the oxpeckers,<br />
laugh at the antics of the<br />
monkeys, and gasp when the<br />
hippo rolls on the fire and<br />
burns its tail, before finding<br />
out why the hippo has no fur.<br />
Hodder Children’s Books, R230<br />
from Exclusive Books.<br />
Mart is a jolly lucky mouse. He lives in<br />
a quiet alleyway behind a restaurant,<br />
where the head chef, every night,<br />
places a large plate of delicious<br />
leftovers outside the back door. All for<br />
Mart. But then ... horrors ... Zeus the<br />
scruffy dog and his best friend<br />
Chopper, a blue-bottomed fly,<br />
discover the restaurant, and want<br />
to share the leftovers. Local mum,<br />
teacher and author Michelle Linde has<br />
written a delightful story about the<br />
meaning of generosity, friendship and<br />
kindness. A Big Plate of Kindness is<br />
beautifully illustrated by 28-year-old<br />
Durban illustrator Thabiso Gcwensa.<br />
R160 from michelle@purpleninja.co.za<br />
Compiled by: KYM ARGO<br />
<strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>24</strong> Get It Magazine 25