Jhb West - Nov 24

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SWEET<br />

& SUNNY<br />

Tasty Summer squash, beautiful and bizarre<br />

leaf snaps and nectar rich flowers<br />

Garden tasks for <strong>Nov</strong>ember<br />

• It is still a good time to plant Summer flowers<br />

like impatiens and begonias for shade, and<br />

dahlias, gazanias, gaillardia, gaura, marigolds,<br />

portulaca and salvia for sun.<br />

• Feed roses and hydrangeas once a month<br />

and water more often if it gets very hot. Renew<br />

mulch to keep the soil moist for longer.<br />

• Succession sowing of most vegetables can<br />

be continued up until the end of this month.<br />

• In the absence of rain, water deeply at<br />

least once a week.<br />

• To prevent fungus diseases in the lawn, do not<br />

water during the hottest time of the day. Rather<br />

water early in the morning or late afternoon.<br />

We’re planting …<br />

Cuphea Sweet talk because<br />

it’s the perfect pollinator plant.<br />

It produces nectar-rich flowers in<br />

shades of bright red, deep pink, or<br />

lavender splash. Plants are low growing<br />

and compact, suitable for a sunny bed,<br />

border or containers. They are heat tolerant<br />

and flower from Spring to Autumn. For<br />

a neat and colourful border, space<br />

plants 20 to 30cm apart. Plants are<br />

heat tolerant but will do best with<br />

regular deep watering in<br />

Summer. Fertilise once<br />

a month.<br />

<strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>24</strong> Get It Magazine 29

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