UnitCargo World No. 12/2024 - Anniversary Edition 20 Years of UnitCargo
The periodical magazine of UnitCargo. This time it's a special edition to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Experience the development of UnitCargo on 28 pages and learn exciting insights.
The periodical magazine of UnitCargo. This time it's a special edition to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Experience the development of UnitCargo on 28 pages and learn exciting insights.
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unitcargo<br />
world<br />
<strong>Anniversary</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> <strong><strong>20</strong>24</strong><br />
<strong>20</strong>04 – <strong><strong>20</strong>24</strong><br />
Celebrating <strong>20</strong><br />
<strong>Years</strong> <strong>of</strong> Excellence<br />
in Logistics
Contents<br />
IN<br />
A<br />
04<br />
06<br />
08<br />
09<br />
10<br />
11<br />
<strong>12</strong><br />
13<br />
14<br />
15<br />
16<br />
<strong>20</strong><br />
Editorial<br />
Looking Back, Moving Forward<br />
Timeline<br />
<strong>20</strong> <strong>Years</strong> in Motion: Our Path <strong>of</strong> Progress<br />
Milestone: Slovakia<br />
Logistics in Slovakia: Expanding Frontiers<br />
Andreas Breinbauer<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>‘s Rise and Sustainable Innovations: A Personal Reflection<br />
Milestone: Romania<br />
Navigating New Markets: Establishing Foot in Romania<br />
Florian Stessl<br />
A Partnership Built on Vision<br />
Milestone: Serbia & Bulgaria<br />
Bridging the Balkans: Logistics Strategies in Serbia and Bulgaria<br />
Erwin Cootjans<br />
A Friendship for Life<br />
Milestone: Poland<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Poland: A Journey <strong>of</strong> Growth and Innovation<br />
Gerda Haimerl-Hörler<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>`s <strong>20</strong> th <strong>Anniversary</strong><br />
#<strong>UnitCargo</strong>Family<br />
<strong>20</strong> <strong>Years</strong> <strong>of</strong> Highlights<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> in Numbers<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Today: Facts & Figures<br />
22<br />
22 <strong>UnitCargo</strong>: Driving to a Fossil Free Future<br />
23 Principles <strong>of</strong> Multimodal Transport<br />
24 Pioneering the Path: CO2-Neutral Freight Forwarding<br />
26 Our Future? Sky is the Limit
Looking Back,<br />
Moving Forward<br />
Davor Sertić<br />
CEO <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
Dear customers and partners,<br />
This year we celebrate our <strong>20</strong> years anniversary.<br />
To mark this occasion, we are publishing<br />
a special one golden <strong>20</strong>-year issued <strong>of</strong> the Unit-<br />
Cargo Journal.<br />
Today, <strong>20</strong> years later, we are proud to be one <strong>of</strong><br />
the leading freight forwarders in Europe.<br />
Our success is built on a network <strong>of</strong> over 5,000<br />
partners, giving us access to more than 34 countries<br />
across the continent. This extensive network<br />
enables us to <strong>of</strong>fer a wide range <strong>of</strong> intermodal<br />
services with AI support.<br />
From left to right: Davor Sertic in <strong>20</strong>04. This is how <strong>UnitCargo</strong> began, in the basement <strong>of</strong> Davor Sertic‘s home! Our <strong>UnitCargo</strong> truck <strong>20</strong> years ago.<br />
The <strong>UnitCargo</strong> Story:<br />
How It All Began <strong>20</strong> <strong>Years</strong> Ago<br />
Our story began in <strong>20</strong>04, when <strong>UnitCargo</strong> was<br />
founded as a small transport company with a big<br />
vision: we want to <strong>of</strong>fer our customers reliable,<br />
flexible, and cost-effective services for their logistics<br />
needs and thus change the industry.<br />
Today, <strong>20</strong> years later, we are<br />
proud to be one <strong>of</strong> the leading<br />
freight forwarders in Europe.<br />
Our success is built on a network<br />
<strong>of</strong> over 5,000 partners, giving us<br />
access to more than 34 countries<br />
across the continent. This extensive<br />
network enables us to<br />
<strong>of</strong>fer a wide range <strong>of</strong> intermodal<br />
services with AI support.<br />
Our Success<br />
is Built on a Network<br />
<strong>of</strong> Over 5,000 Partners<br />
We has evolved into an innovative and sustainable<br />
company, constantly adapting to the changing<br />
demands <strong>of</strong> the market while maintaining<br />
the highest quality standards. We underline this<br />
with the investment and participation in the startup<br />
Datasol.<br />
From 5 to Over<br />
100 Employees<br />
In this issue <strong>of</strong> the Unitcargo Journal, we look<br />
back on our history and celebrate our successes-<br />
We tell you how we grew from a small team <strong>of</strong> five<br />
employees to an international company with over<br />
100 employees.<br />
Services Expanded and Digitalized,<br />
With People Still Central.<br />
We show you how we have expanded and diver-<br />
sified our services to <strong>of</strong>fer our customers a wide<br />
range <strong>of</strong> solutions for their transport and logistics<br />
projects. We report to you how we have optimized<br />
and digitalized our processes to increase our efficiency<br />
and transparency. And we share with you<br />
how we take our social and ecological responsibility<br />
and are committed to a greener and fairer<br />
world. Despite digitalization and AI, the human<br />
being is more than ever at the center <strong>of</strong> our business<br />
model for us.<br />
Looking Forward to<br />
the Next <strong>20</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />
We thank you, our valued customers, partners,<br />
and employees, for your loyalty, trust, and support<br />
over the past <strong>20</strong> years. Without you, <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
would not be what it is today.<br />
We look forward to the next <strong>20</strong> years, during<br />
which we will continue to work with you and <strong>of</strong>fer<br />
you the best service. We invite you to join us<br />
on our journey and celebrate our anniversary with<br />
us. We hope you enjoy this issue <strong>of</strong> the <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
Journal and wish you happy reading.<br />
With orange regards,<br />
Davor Sertić<br />
CEO <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
4 5
<strong>20</strong> <strong>Years</strong> in Motion:<br />
Our Path <strong>of</strong> Progress<br />
<strong>20</strong>04<br />
Founded in<br />
Vienna,<br />
Austria<br />
<strong>20</strong>11<br />
New Branch<br />
Bulgaria<br />
<strong>20</strong>14<br />
New Branch<br />
Romania<br />
<strong>20</strong>18<br />
New Branch<br />
Serbia<br />
<strong>20</strong>21<br />
ISO Multi-Site<br />
Certification<br />
<strong>20</strong>23<br />
First EcoVadis<br />
sustainability<br />
rating<br />
<strong>20</strong>06<br />
New Branch<br />
Slovakia<br />
<strong>20</strong><strong>12</strong><br />
ISO<br />
Certification<br />
Vienna<br />
<strong>20</strong>17<br />
Accounting<br />
Slovakia<br />
New Branch<br />
Poland<br />
<strong>20</strong>19<br />
UC Austria<br />
established as<br />
Control Tower<br />
<strong>20</strong>22<br />
Procurement<br />
Department<br />
New Branch<br />
Pitesti, Romania<br />
<strong><strong>20</strong>24</strong><br />
ISO Multi-Site<br />
Re-Certification<br />
UC goes<br />
Intermodal<br />
6 7
Logistics in Slovakia:<br />
Expanding Frontiers<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>‘s Rise and Sustainable<br />
Innovations: A Personal Reflection<br />
Rector (FH) Pr<strong>of</strong>. (FH) Dr. Andreas Breinbauer<br />
Rector and Head <strong>of</strong> the Master‘s Program in „Logistics and Strategic Management“<br />
at the University <strong>of</strong> Applied Sciences at BFI Vienna, Vice President <strong>of</strong> the FH Conference (FHK)<br />
Eva Kovacikova<br />
Branch Office Manager SK<br />
In <strong>20</strong>06, we established the Slovak<br />
branch <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong> in <strong>No</strong>vé Zámky.<br />
Why <strong>No</strong>vé Zámky? Well it was because<br />
it is my hometown. I had prior experience with Unit-<br />
Cargo from my former job, where I worked on the<br />
carrier side. Cooperation especially thanks to open<br />
communication on cooperation, transports and<br />
solving problems that could arise during transport.<br />
Trust as the Foundation<br />
for Success<br />
The decision to work for Unitcargo was built on<br />
trust – trust that what we do is right that the direction<br />
that Unitcargo goes is the one I want to go<br />
and trust in the people I decided to follow. I saw<br />
their dedication and competence. Trust, respect,<br />
and communication are the core values that built<br />
our company and guide our expansion into new<br />
branches. These values shape our strategy, corporate<br />
culture, decision-making, and employee<br />
selection.<br />
I remember our early days in the small space <strong>of</strong><br />
my apartment, where we used the same desk<br />
that also saw the founding <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong> in <strong>20</strong>04<br />
in Vienna. I still have that desk stored in the attic,<br />
perhaps awaiting another branch. Over these<br />
18 years, we have achieved many successes and<br />
faced failures, learned from our mistakes, and<br />
Trust, respect and communication<br />
are the core values that<br />
built our company and guide our<br />
expansion into new branches.<br />
grown into an international company with branches<br />
in various countries.<br />
Each year, we applied our experiences to improve<br />
our services and work quality for customers and<br />
carriers. We also weathered tough times, such as<br />
when a truckload <strong>of</strong> goods was stolen in <strong>20</strong>07, just<br />
a year after our founding. We overcame this crisis<br />
through team unity and significant support from<br />
the parent company in Vienna, for which I am very<br />
grateful.<br />
Learning and Growing<br />
Through Challenges<br />
In <strong>20</strong>08, the global economic crisis hit us hard,<br />
especially affecting the automotive industry and<br />
other sectors. Despite this, we managed to increase<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>its. We have always listened to our<br />
customers‘ needs and sought solutions to their<br />
requirements.<br />
The COVID-19 pandemic in <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> and the energy<br />
crisis in <strong>20</strong>22 were additional major challenges.<br />
The pandemic disrupted consumer spending, industrial<br />
production, investments, and the supply<br />
chain. We faced new issues like employee attendance,<br />
mask-wearing, and testing. These unexpected<br />
events heightened the risk environment,<br />
which is why we maintain up-to-date contingency<br />
plans to minimize impacts.<br />
Today, <strong>20</strong> years after <strong>UnitCargo</strong>‘s founding, we<br />
are proud <strong>of</strong> our achievements. Through trust, respect,<br />
and open communication, we have overcome<br />
many challenges and crises. Our journey<br />
has included obstacles, educational moments,<br />
and successes. We look forward to continued cooperation<br />
and growth, confident that our values<br />
will guide us toward new goals.<br />
I had the privilege <strong>of</strong> witnessing the<br />
rise <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong> from up close. The<br />
reason for this is that I got to know<br />
Davor Sertic through a friend, Gottfried<br />
Kretz, when <strong>UnitCargo</strong> was still a<br />
true startup and I had only been working as the<br />
program director <strong>of</strong> ‚Logistics and Transport Management‘<br />
at the FH <strong>of</strong> BFI Vienna for a few years.<br />
This led to increasingly frequent exchanges and<br />
eventually to a friendship with Davor, whose visions,<br />
innovations, and above all, his implementation<br />
strength and diligence have always continued<br />
to impress me. This can be seen in many areas.<br />
Firstly, in the clear core values <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong>: communication,<br />
respect, quality and excellence, sustainability,<br />
health, and safety, with customer satisfaction<br />
being the focus. <strong>UnitCargo</strong> is a pioneer<br />
in numerous areas: in the introduction <strong>of</strong> modern<br />
and innovative quality and personnel management,<br />
in the field <strong>of</strong> digitalization and sustainability,<br />
which is also demonstrated by numerous<br />
prestigious quality seals and certifications.<br />
Women Make Up 50% <strong>of</strong><br />
the Workforce at <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
Dr. Breinbauer, Managing Director <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Applied Sciences <strong>of</strong> BFI<br />
Mag.a. Eva Schiessl-Foggensteiner with Davor Sertic<br />
Davor and <strong>UnitCargo</strong> were among the first in the<br />
industry to concretely and, above all, credibly<br />
implement demanding diversity standards, with<br />
women making up 50% <strong>of</strong> the workforce, an impressive<br />
figure in the logistics sector, and employees<br />
speaking <strong>20</strong> different languages. It’s no<br />
wonder that <strong>UnitCargo</strong> has grown so rapidly and<br />
can <strong>of</strong>fer logistics services in over 35 countries.<br />
Many <strong>of</strong> ‚my‘ students were able to complete an<br />
exciting internship at <strong>UnitCargo</strong>, and not a few<br />
subsequently found employment there, confirming<br />
that <strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s visions and core values are<br />
lived out in practice just as they are communicated<br />
externally. <strong>UnitCargo</strong> has now become a close<br />
partner company <strong>of</strong> the FH <strong>of</strong> BFI Vienna, with<br />
which we can further intensify our collaboration.<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> is the Partner Company<br />
<strong>of</strong> the FH <strong>of</strong> BFI Wien<br />
Davor Sertic has not only further developed intermodality<br />
as a sustainable business sector for<br />
his company, but in his role as division chairman<br />
for transport and traffic in the Vienna Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />
Commerce, he is also a protagonist for modern<br />
sustainable logistics that goes beyond mere<br />
transport from point A to point B.<br />
With his exchange formats he founded, such as<br />
‚Forum Green Logistics‘ and ‚Logistics Salon <strong>of</strong><br />
the Transport Industry,‘ he has set milestones.<br />
Davor Sertic is also a leader in modernizing the<br />
logistics sector and making it attractive to young<br />
people. ‚Logistics Ambassadors‘ visit schools<br />
and highlight the diversity and future viability <strong>of</strong><br />
logistics, from which we all benefit.<br />
I look forward to further creative collaboration<br />
with <strong>UnitCargo</strong> – to another <strong>20</strong> years!“<br />
8<br />
Navigating New<br />
Markets: Establishing<br />
Foot in Romania<br />
Dan Nicolae<br />
Branch Office Manager RO<br />
Intermodal Expert<br />
The Romanian branch <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
company has experienced remarkable<br />
growth and development since its inception in<br />
Bucharest , <strong>20</strong>14. With a focus on providing comprehensive<br />
logistics solutions and leveraging Romania‘s<br />
strategic advantages, we have established<br />
ourselves as a strong player in the market.<br />
Our services include Full Truck Load (FTL) and<br />
Less than Truck Load (LTL) road transportation,<br />
a robust groupage system, and environmentally<br />
friendly intermodal transport solutions.<br />
In <strong>20</strong>14, we launched our operations in Romania,<br />
recognizing the country‘s potential as a key logistics<br />
hub in Eastern Europe. Romania’s strategic<br />
location, bridging Western Europe with Eastern<br />
markets, coupled with its well-developed infrastructure<br />
and access to major European transport<br />
corridors . This provided an ideal environment for<br />
our logistics services.<br />
Romania‘s Strategic<br />
Advantages<br />
Romania boasts an extensive road network, including<br />
the vital A1 Highway, which connects Bucharest<br />
with Western Europe. The country’s position<br />
along the Danube River and its access to the<br />
Black Sea also enhance its logistics capabilities,<br />
facilitating efficient transportation routes for both<br />
road and intermodal transport solutions.<br />
Growth<br />
and Development<br />
Since our establishment in Romania, we have witnessed<br />
substantial growth and development. Our<br />
operations have expanded significantly, driven<br />
by a commitment to excellence and a focus on<br />
meeting the diverse needs <strong>of</strong> our clients. The following<br />
highlights underscore our strong presence<br />
and market leadership in Romania:<br />
• FTL and LTL Road Transportation: Our comprehensive<br />
FTL and LTL services have set industry<br />
standards in reliability and efficiency,<br />
enabling us to handle a wide range <strong>of</strong> freight<br />
requirements. Our ability to <strong>of</strong>fer tailored solutions<br />
has earned us a solid reputation among<br />
our clients.<br />
• Groupage System: We have developed a sophisticated<br />
groupage system, optimizing our<br />
transportation network to consolidate smaller<br />
shipments, reduce costs, and improve delivery<br />
times. This system ensures that our clients<br />
benefit from both cost-efficiency and timely<br />
deliveries.<br />
• Green Transport Solutions: As part <strong>of</strong> our commitment<br />
to sustainability, we have invested in<br />
green transport solutions, including intermodal<br />
transportation. By integrating road and rail<br />
, we minimize our carbon footprint while maintaining<br />
high standards <strong>of</strong> service.<br />
Expansion to<br />
Pitesti in <strong>20</strong>22<br />
In <strong>20</strong>22, we opened our second <strong>of</strong>fice in Pitesti, a<br />
strategic decision driven by the city’s excellent logistical<br />
advantages. Located near the A1 Highway,<br />
Pitesti serves as a crucial junction for national and<br />
international transportation routes. This expansion<br />
allows us to enhance our service capabilities and<br />
better serve our clients by reducing transit times<br />
and improving overall operational efficiency.<br />
Our journey in Romania, spanning over 10 years,<br />
has been marked by significant achievements<br />
and continuous growth. The establishment <strong>of</strong> our<br />
second <strong>of</strong>fice in Pitesti in <strong>20</strong>22 is a testament to<br />
our commitment to expanding our services and<br />
leveraging strategic locations to provide the best<br />
logistics solutions available.<br />
Innovation, Sustainability<br />
and Exceptional Service<br />
A Partnership Built on Vision<br />
Florian Stessl, CEO COMTRiX Logistiks<strong>of</strong>tware GmbH<br />
In <strong>20</strong>05, our journey with <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
and its visionary boss began, on<br />
the recommendation <strong>of</strong> our mutual<br />
friend and business partner Erwin<br />
Cootjans.<br />
Transport Management<br />
System, 4ward<br />
At that time, we were embarking on an exciting<br />
project: the introduction <strong>of</strong> our Transport Management<br />
System, 4ward. This marked the beginning<br />
<strong>of</strong> a collaboration that would define our shared<br />
success.<br />
We are proud <strong>of</strong> our contributions to the Romanian<br />
logistics sector and remain dedicated to furthering<br />
our position as a market leader through<br />
innovation, sustainability, and exceptional service.<br />
As we continue to invest in infrastructure, technology,<br />
and talent, we are confident that this new <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
will play a pivotal role in our future success,<br />
strengthening our capabilities.<br />
Together, we took this bold step and laid the<br />
foundation for a partnership that has withstood<br />
the test <strong>of</strong> time.<br />
Over the years, our partnership has grown, as<br />
have the requirements and opportunities. Together,<br />
we continued to develop 4ward, dynamically<br />
adapting it to new circumstances and taking it to<br />
a whole new level. The result was not just a business<br />
relationship, but a genuine friendship.<br />
Today, we are proud <strong>of</strong> what we have jointly achieved.<br />
Unitcargo is not only an innovative customer<br />
for us, but also a valuable partner with whom we<br />
look forward to shaping the future.<br />
10<br />
Bridging the Balkans:<br />
Logistics Strategies in<br />
Serbia and Bulgaria<br />
Sergey Iltchev<br />
Branch Office Manager BG<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Bulgaria was established<br />
in <strong>20</strong>11 and was since the very beginning<br />
focused on developing a pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />
and reliable transport service from Bulgaria<br />
and Greece to Western Europe and vice versa.<br />
A Friendship<br />
for Life!<br />
Erwin Cootjans<br />
CEO NUNNER Logistics Group<br />
Tanja Malachova<br />
Head Of Human Resources<br />
In <strong>20</strong>18, we established our Serbian<br />
<strong>of</strong>fice in <strong>No</strong>vi Sad, the heart <strong>of</strong> Vojvodina.<br />
This city <strong>of</strong>fers an ideal environment<br />
for growth, boasting a vibrant college hub,<br />
excellent universities, and a fast-developing economy.<br />
<strong>No</strong>vi Sad is a center <strong>of</strong> the automotive industry<br />
and home to a rapidly expanding IT sector,<br />
making it a city rich with talent and opportunity.<br />
From the start, we saw strong results, particularly<br />
in <strong>20</strong>19. Our team in the UCRS <strong>of</strong>fice brought prior<br />
experience from the carrier’s side and received<br />
thorough training at our headquarters and the UC<br />
<strong>of</strong>fice in Slovakia. We started small, working from<br />
a cozy apartment converted into an <strong>of</strong>fice in a<br />
prime location surrounded by shops and restaurants.<br />
Over time, we expanded our team, working<br />
closely together to achieve great results even under<br />
pressure, thanks to excellent communication<br />
and cooperation.<br />
Being based in Serbia, our <strong>of</strong>fice faces unique<br />
challenges with customs and documentation,<br />
as only Croatia and Slovenia are part <strong>of</strong> the EU.<br />
Despite this, we have continually fought to overcome<br />
these hurdles and run a smooth operation.<br />
The COVID-19 pandemic in <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> and the war in<br />
Our goal in Serbia is to unlock<br />
local business potential by<br />
engaging with future clients<br />
and hauliers.<br />
Name <strong>of</strong> Mary Catholic church and Liberty square in <strong>No</strong>vi Sad, Serbia<br />
Ukraine in <strong>20</strong>22 posed further challenges, causing<br />
disruptions in energy supply, factory closures,<br />
and inflation. Despite these obstacles, we<br />
used the opportunity to restructure, reorganize,<br />
and strengthen our team, learning valuable lessons<br />
and emerging more resilient than ever.<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> has become one <strong>of</strong> the strongest transport<br />
companies operating between Western Europe<br />
and the Balkans. Our <strong>of</strong>fice in <strong>No</strong>vi Sad is the<br />
youngest in the group, staffed by talented young<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>essionals trained in our other <strong>of</strong>fices to master<br />
the Balkan market. We are a modern, innovative<br />
company, constantly evolving with trends, which<br />
is why we have developed roles focused on IT<br />
tools, programs, and platforms. This enables us<br />
to provide top-quality information in real time and<br />
deliver pr<strong>of</strong>essional services at the highest level.<br />
Our goal in Serbia is to unlock local business potential<br />
by engaging with future clients and hauliers,<br />
demonstrating the strength <strong>of</strong> the UC group,<br />
and establishing ourselves as leaders in exports<br />
and truck transportation throughout the region.<br />
St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in S<strong>of</strong>ia, Bulgaria<br />
Since <strong>20</strong>19, <strong>UnitCargo</strong> Bulgaria operates from<br />
the heart <strong>of</strong> S<strong>of</strong>ia, in addition to a warehouse with<br />
six ramps as well an external warehouse for out<br />
<strong>of</strong> gauge goods. Through the years, we increased<br />
investments not only in developing our FTL<br />
service to Central Europe, Germany, BENELUX<br />
and France, but also in developing a pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />
groupage service for LTL and distribution in Bulgaria<br />
and Greece. During the past 13 years, Unit-<br />
Cargo went through many changes that were dictated<br />
by the market development, and it made us<br />
continuously work on improving the skills <strong>of</strong> our<br />
team. Our main goal is to become a leader on the<br />
Relations Germany, BENELUX and Central Europe<br />
with reliable service for FTL and LTL.<br />
Since <strong>20</strong>19, <strong>UnitCargo</strong> Bulgaria<br />
operates from S<strong>of</strong>ia with a<br />
warehouse with six ramps and<br />
an external warehouse for out<br />
<strong>of</strong> gauge goods.<br />
<strong>20</strong> years <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong> already.<br />
A long time. I realise that my<br />
friendship with Davor now far exceeds<br />
this period.<br />
I first met Davor when he was still<br />
with his previous company. We saw each other<br />
regularly, had a lot <strong>of</strong> fun, and discussed<br />
various topics, including his plans for starting<br />
a new freight forwarding company in Vienna.<br />
After months <strong>of</strong> preparation, Davor launched<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> from the comfortable basement <strong>of</strong><br />
his home.<br />
I’m proud that with NUNNER Logistics I was<br />
one <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s first customers. <strong>No</strong>tably,<br />
Davor implemented the same TMS system as<br />
NUNNER and became a demanding customer<br />
for its supplier. Initially focused on the <strong>No</strong>rth-<br />
West Europe-Turkey route, <strong>UnitCargo</strong> has since<br />
expanded its operations across many lines<br />
throughout Europe.<br />
People were recruited from other countries,<br />
and branches were later established in several<br />
Eastern European countries, driving the company’s<br />
rapid growth.<br />
I recall Davor’s ambitious targets at a company<br />
party when <strong>UnitCargo</strong> was just two years<br />
old—I thought they might be overly optimistic.<br />
However, those targets have not only been<br />
met but far exceeded. <strong>UnitCargo</strong> is now a prominent<br />
logistics company, well-positioned for<br />
the future. I’m grateful that our friendship has<br />
endured over the years and that we still enjoy<br />
quality time together—a friendship for life!<br />
I warmly congratulate Davor and the entire<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> team on their <strong>20</strong>th anniversary and<br />
wish them continued success and enjoyment<br />
in the years to come!<br />
<strong>12</strong><br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Poland:<br />
A Journey <strong>of</strong> Growth<br />
and Innovation<br />
Sebastian Wojcik<br />
Branch Office Manager PL<br />
The journey <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong>‘s Polish<br />
branch is marked by significant milestones,<br />
each contributing to our steady<br />
growth and success. It all began in July <strong>20</strong>15,<br />
when the head <strong>of</strong> our Polish branch joined the<br />
main <strong>of</strong>fice in Vienna. This pivotal moment set the<br />
foundation for what would become a thriving and<br />
dynamic part <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong>.<br />
Consolidation <strong>of</strong> Operations<br />
The <strong>of</strong>ficial registration <strong>of</strong> our Polish branch took<br />
place in January <strong>20</strong>17, in Rzeszów. This milestone<br />
was closely followed by the hiring <strong>of</strong> our very first<br />
employee, who joined us at the start <strong>of</strong> <strong>20</strong>17. Our<br />
team continued to expand, and in <strong>20</strong>19, we established<br />
our second <strong>of</strong>fice in Wrocław. In May <strong>20</strong>19,<br />
our operations were divided into two specialized<br />
teams: one focusing on continental Europe and<br />
the other on Scandinavia. This strategic division<br />
allowed us to better serve our clients across these<br />
regions. However, in May <strong>20</strong>21, we made the<br />
decision to consolidate our efforts by merging the<br />
Rzeszów and Wrocław <strong>of</strong>fices into one unified <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />
continuing our operations from Rzeszów.<br />
In May <strong>20</strong>19, our operations<br />
were divided into two specialized<br />
teams: one focusing on<br />
continental Europe and the<br />
other on Scandinavia.<br />
The city hall, Rzeszow, Poland.<br />
Expanding Capabilities<br />
and Embracing Innovation<br />
June <strong>20</strong>22 marked another important milestone<br />
with our <strong>of</strong>fice relocation. This move allowed us to<br />
expand our team to over 10 members, enhancing<br />
our capacity to meet the growing demands <strong>of</strong> our<br />
clients.<br />
A key development in our service <strong>of</strong>fering came<br />
in <strong>20</strong>23, with the implementation <strong>of</strong> intermodal<br />
transport. This advancement has enabled us to<br />
provide even more efficient and sustainable solutions<br />
to our clients.<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s <strong>20</strong> th <strong>Anniversary</strong><br />
Mag. Gerda Haimerl-Hörler<br />
Partner at HAIMERL HÖRLER Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater GmbH<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> has grown over the past <strong>20</strong><br />
years into a successful and internationally<br />
significant freight forwarding<br />
company. We have had the privilege<br />
<strong>of</strong> serving as <strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s tax advisors<br />
for these two decades. In this article, however,<br />
we want to focus less on the company’s business<br />
successes and more on the people behind Unit-<br />
Cargo. It is always the people who shape an organization<br />
and are responsible for its achievements.<br />
A Visionary Leader<br />
and his Impact<br />
Davor Sertic was highly successful in managing a<br />
large, internationally recognized logistics company<br />
at a young age. Driven by his high standards, he<br />
chose to embark on his own entrepreneurial journey<br />
<strong>20</strong> years ago, despite a promising corporate<br />
career. Davor brought with him a clear vision and<br />
the determination to turn his dreams into reality.<br />
These qualities, along with his commitment to reliability,<br />
integrity, and the desire to elevate the logistics<br />
industry through innovation, have become<br />
hallmarks <strong>of</strong> both Davor and <strong>UnitCargo</strong>.<br />
In addition to our ongoing collaboration on financial<br />
and tax matters, we have supported <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
in its digital transformation, a process that began<br />
over a decade ago.<br />
Innovation leadership<br />
Innovation leadership is a core pillar <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
and Davor Sertic. Beyond his own company, Davor<br />
also recognizes the vital role <strong>of</strong> the logistics<br />
industry as a driver <strong>of</strong> the global economy. It is<br />
no surprise that, alongside his demanding role as<br />
CEO <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong>, he also finds time to advocate<br />
for the logistics sector.<br />
As Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Transport and Logistics Division<br />
at the Vienna Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce, he plays<br />
a crucial role in advancing the interests <strong>of</strong> the industry<br />
and, by extension, the Austrian economy.<br />
A Strong Partnership<br />
for Lasting Success<br />
But it is not just Davor Sertic who drives <strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s<br />
success. Without his partner, Gabriela Tomasikova,<br />
the international and sustainable success<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong> would be unimaginable. Gabriela<br />
skillfully and persistently manages the organization<br />
and operations <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong>. Her integrity,<br />
honesty, and reliability make her an indispensable<br />
leader and an invaluable partner.<br />
“As Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Transport<br />
and Logistics Division at the<br />
Vienna Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce,<br />
Davor Sertic plays a crucial role<br />
in advancing the interests <strong>of</strong> the<br />
industry and, by extension, the<br />
Austrian economy”.<br />
Together, Davor and Gabriela form a strong team<br />
that embodies <strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s remarkable drive, both<br />
externally and internally. Despite their success,<br />
they have remained down-to-earth, always attentive<br />
to the everyday concerns and challenges <strong>of</strong><br />
both their customers and employees. <strong>UnitCargo</strong> is<br />
an innovative, reliable, and fair partner.<br />
We are very proud to have collaborated with Unit-<br />
Cargo, Davor Sertic, and Gabriela Tomasikova for<br />
<strong>20</strong> years. We wish you, dear Gabi and dear Davor,<br />
continued success and a future full <strong>of</strong> new opportunities<br />
and challenges.<br />
14<br />
#<strong>UnitCargo</strong>Family:<br />
<strong>20</strong> <strong>Years</strong> <strong>of</strong> Highlights<br />
Davor Sertic presents an award to<br />
Kuehne & Nagel in <strong>20</strong>15<br />
In <strong>20</strong>15, a delegation from UC visited the 350th anniversary<br />
celebrations <strong>of</strong> Saint-Gobain<br />
Our CEO was interviewed by ORF in <strong>20</strong>15<br />
At the <strong>UnitCargo</strong> Academy, new employees are trained for the challenging<br />
tasks <strong>of</strong> the logistics (<strong>20</strong><strong>12</strong>)<br />
In <strong>20</strong><strong>12</strong>, UC received high-ranking visitors: the Austrian Minister for Women‘s Affairs<br />
and the Deputy Mayor <strong>of</strong> Vienna<br />
This is what it looked like 11 years ago in our <strong>of</strong>fice in<br />
Slovakia<br />
Because the timely movement and storage <strong>of</strong> goods is also an art, UC‘s <strong>20</strong>15 Christmas party was held at the Albertina in Vienna.<br />
The ‘forum green logisitcs’ initiated by Davor Sertic in <strong>20</strong>13 was very well received, including by the later<br />
Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz<br />
The ORF became aware <strong>of</strong> UC back in <strong>20</strong>11 and visited the<br />
<strong>of</strong>fice in Vienna<br />
Forum green logistics is a success story and is growing<br />
from year to year (<strong>20</strong>15)<br />
Its all about networking...<br />
Representatives <strong>of</strong> Södra from Sweden visit the <strong>of</strong>fice in<br />
Vienna<br />
Joint activities away from the <strong>of</strong>fice were and are a central component <strong>of</strong> UC‘s corporate<br />
philosophy. The photo shows the team on a skiing day in <strong>20</strong>13<br />
Thanks to his expertise, Davor Sertic is a welcome speaker at many events, such<br />
as here at the BFI University <strong>of</strong> Applied Sciences in Vienna (<strong>20</strong>13)<br />
Eating, drinking and laughing together unites the team (<strong>20</strong>15) The <strong>of</strong>fice in Bulgaria celebrates its 5th birthday with bowling together in <strong>20</strong>16<br />
16<br />
Davor Sertic during a speech at a Christmas<br />
party<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> team at the TransLogistica Poland trade fair in Warsaw, <strong>No</strong>vember<br />
<strong>20</strong>23<br />
The apprentice exchange programme with the<br />
ÖBB Rail Cargo Group starts in <strong>20</strong>19<br />
The former deputy mayor also visited the anniversary<br />
celebrations in <strong>20</strong>19<br />
Numerous guests attended the celebration to mark<br />
the company‘s 15 th anniversary<br />
Davor Sertic‘s role at the Vienna Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce also<br />
includes attending press conferences<br />
The first intermodal transport route was opened in <strong>20</strong>22<br />
The UC initiative ‘Logistics Ambassador’ makes young people aware <strong>of</strong> the world <strong>of</strong><br />
logistics and its diverse career opportunities (<strong>20</strong>21)<br />
Davor Sertic visited the <strong>of</strong>fice in Poland in <strong>20</strong>19<br />
The bonds within the company were strengthened during a<br />
joint hike (<strong>20</strong>22)<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> wins the vote for Logistics Brand <strong>20</strong>23, which is organised by the trade magazine ‘Verkehr’ and<br />
decided by experts.<br />
A delegation from Laos led by the Minister <strong>of</strong> Public Works<br />
and Transport visits the Haus der Wiener Wirtschaft (<strong><strong>20</strong>24</strong>)<br />
The team from Vienna celebrates Christmas in a festive setting in <strong>20</strong>22<br />
The Christmas parties are always a good opportunity for employees to get to<br />
know each other better in private as well (<strong>20</strong>23)<br />
Although there is only one Christmas party at one <strong>of</strong> our locations, all employees from<br />
all seven branches are invited to attend (<strong>20</strong>23)<br />
18 19
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Today:<br />
Facts & Figures<br />
50,000<br />
50%<br />
Female<br />
employees<br />
7<br />
Offices<br />
Full truck and part loads per year<br />
18<br />
Languages<br />
Spoken<br />
14<br />
Nationalities<br />
Contracted<br />
trucks on<br />
our corridor<br />
1<strong>12</strong><br />
Metric tons <strong>of</strong> CO2<br />
emissions could<br />
be saved<br />
1500<br />
<strong>12</strong><br />
10<strong>20</strong>000 300+<br />
35<br />
Kilometres traveled by road so far<br />
CO2<br />
reduction<br />
Loading points<br />
for intermodal including<br />
Scandinavia<br />
Cups <strong>of</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee<br />
consumed in one<br />
year in our Vienna<br />
branch<br />
Countries served<br />
<strong>20</strong> 21
GENK<br />
MALMO<br />
POZNAN<br />
WIEN<br />
The European Green Deal, approved by the European<br />
Commission in <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>, aligns with <strong>UnitCargo</strong>‘s<br />
vision <strong>of</strong> greener logistics, pushing companies to<br />
set ambitious carbon reduction targets.<br />
Balancing Complexity<br />
with Reliability<br />
The challenge for <strong>UnitCargo</strong> is to maintain the<br />
advantages <strong>of</strong> unimodal transport—simplicity,<br />
speed, and reliability—within the more complex<br />
intermodal model, typically combining trucks and<br />
trains in Europe. Trains <strong>of</strong>fer clear benefits for long<br />
distances, including lower energy use, reduced<br />
road congestion, and decreased pollution. Legislative<br />
changes have also eased the burden <strong>of</strong><br />
documentation and allowed higher unit loads on<br />
road segments.<br />
Despite these benefits, intermodal transport<br />
introduces complexity and slower transit times<br />
compared to unimodal transport. This can be problematic<br />
for supply chains operating on a „just in<br />
time“ basis.<br />
To address these challenges, <strong>UnitCargo</strong> is rapidly<br />
expanding its traffic management team, ensuring<br />
it can continue to deliver the punctual, reliable<br />
service its clients expect.<br />
The challenge for <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
is to maintain the advantages<br />
<strong>of</strong> unimodal transport -<br />
simplicity, speed, and<br />
reliability - within the more<br />
complex intermodal model,<br />
typically combining trucks<br />
and trains in Europe.<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> intermodal transport routes<br />
CO2<br />
reduction<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>: Driving<br />
to a Fossil Free Future<br />
Dan Nicolae<br />
Branch Office Manager RO<br />
Intermodal Expert<br />
By <strong>20</strong>30, <strong>UnitCargo</strong> aims to eliminate<br />
fossil fuels in all its operations, as declared<br />
by founder and CEO Davor Sertic. Leveraging<br />
its expertise in intermodal transport, Unit-<br />
Cargo plans to expand its routes across Europe,<br />
increasing daily departures. The use <strong>of</strong> systems<br />
that allow access not only to established terminals<br />
but also to standard sidings will enable trains<br />
to get closer to final destinations, reducing the<br />
need for road transport in the last leg.<br />
Davor Sertic highlighted that intermodal transport<br />
is management-intensive, leading to a planned<br />
increase in staff. The transition to a fossil-free<br />
future will begin with trains for long-distance routes,<br />
followed by the adoption <strong>of</strong> electric-powered<br />
tractor units for initial and final legs. Sertic is confident<br />
that as battery costs decrease, these electric<br />
units will become cost-effective.<br />
Vision <strong>of</strong> Greener Logistics<br />
Truck transport has long been central to European<br />
supply chains, <strong>of</strong>fering simplicity, reliability, and<br />
speed. However, growing concerns over climate<br />
change, financial, and social costs have prompted<br />
a shift towards a multimodal approach, utilizing<br />
two or more transport modes.<br />
Principles <strong>of</strong> Multimodal Transport<br />
Mag. Thomas Preisinger - Attorney at law<br />
Multimodal transport involves moving<br />
goods using at least two different<br />
transport modes under a single contract,<br />
unlike situations where separate<br />
contracts are made with different carriers.<br />
Various modes, such as rail, road, air, sea, and<br />
inland waterways, can be used. The rise in container<br />
transport has increased the use <strong>of</strong> multimodal<br />
systems, typically governed by a single freight<br />
contract covering different modes.<br />
In Austria, unlike Germany, there are no specific legal<br />
regulations for multimodal contracts. Instead,<br />
the “network system” established by case law governs<br />
these contracts. Under this system, the carrier’s<br />
liability depends on the legal regime applicable<br />
to the mode <strong>of</strong> transport where the damage<br />
occurred. If the location <strong>of</strong> the damage is unknown,<br />
the claimant can choose the most favorable<br />
liability law. Challenges arise in applying these rules,<br />
particularly when damage occurs across multiple<br />
segments. Internationally, there’s no unified<br />
legal framework for multimodal transport relevant<br />
to Austria, leading to a lack <strong>of</strong> standardization.<br />
Freight contracts <strong>of</strong>ten incorporate standard terms<br />
like the AÖSp, which must align with mandatory<br />
legal provisions and the principles established by<br />
case law. While Austria lacks comprehensive legal<br />
regulations for multimodal transport, certain<br />
international conventions provide guidelines e.g.<br />
the Montreal Convention and CIM (Uniform Rules<br />
concerning the Contract <strong>of</strong> International Carriage<br />
<strong>of</strong> Goods by Rail) <strong>of</strong>fer limited rules for specific<br />
multimodal transport scenarios. There is a clear<br />
need for a more developed contractual framework<br />
covering all aspects <strong>of</strong> modern transport modes,<br />
ensuring clarity for all parties involved.<br />
22<br />
Pioneering the Path:<br />
CO2-Neutral<br />
Freight Forwarding<br />
This approach involves maximizing the use<br />
<strong>of</strong> low-emission Euro 5 and Euro 6 trucks<br />
and minimizing empty runs through advanced<br />
route planning and transport<br />
flow coordination, which significantly<br />
enhances vehicle utilization and reduces<br />
CO2 emissions.<br />
Leading the Charge<br />
in Carbon Footprint<br />
Reduction<br />
Davor Sertić, CEO<br />
In recent years, the global spotlight<br />
has increasingly focused on environmental<br />
protection, making sustainability<br />
a critical issue in both business<br />
and politics. The European Union‘s ambitious climate<br />
goals, established in <strong>20</strong>18, mandate a 40%<br />
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by <strong>20</strong>30<br />
compared to 1990 levels. These stringent policies,<br />
coupled with rising raw material costs and<br />
shifting competitive landscapes, have compelled<br />
the freight forwarding and logistics industry<br />
to rethink its strategies. <strong>UnitCargo</strong> is at the forefront<br />
<strong>of</strong> this transformation, aiming to become the<br />
first CO2-neutral freight forwarder.<br />
A Commitment to<br />
Sustainable Transformation<br />
The push for sustainability and digitalization is rapidly<br />
reshaping the logistics industry, with companies<br />
like <strong>UnitCargo</strong> leading the charge. For<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>, sustainability is not just a trendy buzzword<br />
but a deeply ingrained core value that has<br />
shaped the company’s strategy and underpinned<br />
its success since its founding in <strong>20</strong>04. <strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s<br />
business model is built around three key pillars:<br />
Customer, Team, and Supplier. These pillars<br />
are meticulously coordinated to support a sustainable<br />
and environmentally focused corporate<br />
policy, all guided by the stringent international<br />
EN ISO 14001:<strong>20</strong>18 standard. While the complete<br />
elimination <strong>of</strong> climate-damaging emissions is not<br />
yet economically viable or technically feasible,<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> remains steadfast in its commitment<br />
to minimizing its environmental footprint.<br />
The company achieves this through strategic investments<br />
in technology and active participation<br />
in climate protection projects, adhering to the<br />
“avoid, reduce, compensate” principle.<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s long-term vision is clear:<br />
achieving CO2 neutrality to safeguard<br />
the environment for future<br />
generations. The company’s commitment<br />
extends beyond transport<br />
optimization. As part <strong>of</strong> its corporate<br />
social responsibility efforts, <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
is continually working to reduce its carbon<br />
footprint through initiatives like remote<br />
work, reducing paper waste via digital solutions,<br />
and promoting virtual meetings across its branches.<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>‘s journey towards a sustainable<br />
future is not just a response to industry pressures<br />
but a proactive mission to lead the logistics sector<br />
into a new era <strong>of</strong> environmental responsibility.<br />
The company’s steadfast dedication to reducing<br />
its carbon footprint underscores its role as a trailblazer<br />
in sustainable freight forwarding.<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong>’s long-term vision is clear: achieving CO2 neutrality<br />
to safeguard the environment for future generations.<br />
Our commitment extends beyond transport optimization.<br />
24<br />
Our Future?<br />
Sky is the Limit<br />
Davor Sertić, CEO<br />
Where do I see <strong>UnitCargo</strong> in the next<br />
five years? This question is very difficult<br />
to answer based on my experiences<br />
over the last <strong>20</strong> years. One may<br />
wish to steer the company in a certain direction,<br />
but predicting how the economy and reality will<br />
evolve is a challenge.<br />
Scan the QR-Code to find out<br />
more about the world <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong>:<br />
Embracing AI and Data:<br />
Shaping the Future <strong>of</strong> <strong>UnitCargo</strong><br />
We have taken a significant step by investing in<br />
the company Datasol, which focuses on AI and<br />
data. In five years, this will help <strong>UnitCargo</strong> become<br />
a data-driven company with many automated<br />
processes. Our employees will gain more time to<br />
engage in conversations with customers and our<br />
carriers, address their needs and desires, and find<br />
solutions. Our employees will be trained for the<br />
age <strong>of</strong> AI, and we will employ new staff with these<br />
skills. This training has already begun, reflecting<br />
our commitment to staying ahead in a rapidly<br />
changing industry.<br />
Innovation and Training<br />
Additionally, intermodality with craneable trailers<br />
will play a major role, and we aim to manage 25%<br />
<strong>of</strong> our volume intermodally. Employee training<br />
will be crucial to ensure we can leverage these<br />
new methods effectively. As the complexity <strong>of</strong> logistics<br />
continues to grow, the companies that can<br />
adapt and provide innovative solutions will remain<br />
We have taken a significant<br />
step by investing in the company<br />
Datasol, which focuses on AI<br />
and data. In five years, this<br />
will help <strong>UnitCargo</strong> become a<br />
data-driven company with<br />
many automated processes.<br />
successful. We aspire to continue competing at<br />
the top <strong>of</strong> the logistics “Champions League,” and<br />
we are committed to being an innovative and reliable<br />
partner for our customers, freight partners,<br />
and employees, both now and in the future.<br />
Looking forward, our vision is to not only embrace<br />
technological advancements but also to reinforce<br />
the human elements that define our business.<br />
This balance between innovation and personal<br />
connection will be key to our continued success.<br />
26 27
From Scandinavia to the Balkans!<br />
We believe in a fossil-free logistics world<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Speditions Ges.m.b.H.<br />
Hietzinger Kai 13/ Top 7<br />
1130 Vienna, Austria<br />
Tel: +43 1 577 25 03<br />
Fax: +43 1 577 25 03 <strong>20</strong>0<br />
E-Mail: wien@unitcargo.at<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> s.r.o.<br />
Michalská bašta 27B<br />
SK-940 02 <strong>No</strong>vé Zámky, Slovakia<br />
Tel: +421 35 6444 110<br />
Fax: +43 1 577 25 03 <strong>20</strong>0<br />
E-Mail: slowakei@unitcargo.at<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Sp z.o.o<br />
ul. Wspolna 4a<br />
35-<strong>20</strong>5 Rzeszow, Poland<br />
Mobile: +48 793 213 247<br />
Fax: +43 1 577 25 03 <strong>20</strong>0<br />
E-Mail: polen@unitcargo.at<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Bulgaria ltd.<br />
Bul. “Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Tzvetan Lazarov“<br />
№ 97<br />
1582 S<strong>of</strong>ia, Bulgaria<br />
Tel: +359 2 902 4 850<br />
Fax: +359 2 902 4 889<br />
E-Mail: bulgarien@unitcargo.at<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Romania SRL<br />
Str. Constantin Ghercu<br />
Bucharest, Romania<br />
Mobile: +40 744 311 740<br />
Fax: +43 1 577 25 03 <strong>20</strong>0<br />
E-Mail: romania@unitcargo.at<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Romania SRL<br />
Str. Nicolae Dobrin<br />
Nr. 105, Etaj 2<br />
Mun Pitesti, Romania<br />
Mobile: +40 748 111 848<br />
Fax: +43 1 577 25 03 <strong>20</strong>0<br />
E-Mail: romania@unitcargo.at<br />
<strong>UnitCargo</strong> Transport Intelligence<br />
D.O.O.<br />
Dr Svetislava Kasapinovića 2b<br />
21000 <strong>No</strong>vi Sad, Serbia<br />
Tel: +381 21 301 59 60<br />
Fax: +43 1 577 25 03 <strong>20</strong>0<br />
Mobile: +381 60 531 10 40<br />
E-Mail: serbia@unitcargo.at<br />
IMPRINT | Media Owner and Publisher: <strong>UnitCargo</strong> Speditionsges.m.b.H.<br />
Editorial <strong>of</strong>fice/Design and Layout: ADMAN werbeagentur<br />
Contact: <strong>UnitCargo</strong> Speditionsges.m.b.H., Hietzinger Kai 13/Top 7, 1130 Vienna, Austria<br />
Tel: 28 +43 1 577 25 03 Fax: +43 1 577 25 03 <strong>20</strong>0 E-mail: marketing@unitcargo.at www: www.unitcargo.at<br />