HX Magazine 2023
First edition of the HX Magazine, launched by Stal Hendrix in 2023.
First edition of the HX Magazine, launched by Stal Hendrix in 2023.
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We celebrate a new union of all things <strong>HX</strong> brought together in a new<br />
magazine! After eight editions of the DSHS <strong>Magazine</strong> we wanted to<br />
expand the scope and share more of what we get up to throughout<br />
the year and what inspires us along the way.<br />
“A Year of Many Firsts”<br />
Looking back on <strong>2023</strong>, this year was filled with many firsts for our family. Next<br />
to our recurring events, the Dutch Sport Horse Sales, the Limburg Foal Auction<br />
and <strong>HX</strong> Auctions, we organized a fantastic debut edition of the World Sport<br />
Horse Sales in Ocala, Florida. After which everyone rallied together to help us<br />
take Jumping Peel & Maas, a longstanding national showjumping event, to the<br />
next level. It was such a pleasure to host the first edition of JPM International,<br />
a CSI3* show, at the newest Stal Hendrix venue in Kessel.<br />
We are beyond proud of everyone that has helped to make these events a<br />
success. The teamwork we enjoy every day at our stables and with the external<br />
parties that are involved in all our ventures is what makes our job unlike any<br />
other. This magazine reflects the sentiment of what great collaborations can<br />
achieve.<br />
After an event packed year, we wrap up <strong>2023</strong> with a very fine selection of<br />
moving stories and informative articles to enjoy. After interviewing a wide<br />
variety of equestrians and working together with our favorite content creators,<br />
we proudly present the first edition of <strong>HX</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>. We hope it brings you as<br />
much joy as the featured events and equestrians within our community have<br />
brought us.<br />
All the best and happy reading,<br />
Janou Hendrix<br />
Editor in Chief<br />
Foreword<br />
|<br />
Measured by the purest of passions,<br />
our love for horses.
Contents<br />
20<br />
6<br />
12<br />
Heroes of our time<br />
Eric van der Vleuten's proudest moments<br />
<strong>HX</strong> Highlights<br />
Dorado 212 & Leone Jei take centre stage<br />
14<br />
14<br />
20<br />
24<br />
The Next Generation<br />
Ioli Mytilineou tells an inspiring story<br />
World Sport Horse Sales<br />
A grand debut in Ocala, Florida<br />
<strong>HX</strong> Stallions<br />
Breeding and sport go hand in hand<br />
38<br />
26<br />
28<br />
32<br />
38<br />
45<br />
51<br />
54<br />
Partner Highlight<br />
The Neptunus Structures family business<br />
Olympic Preview<br />
Tips to make the most of your time in Paris<br />
JPM International<br />
Hits all the right notes at first edition<br />
In Pictures<br />
Gauchos at their best by Helen Cruden<br />
Dutch Sport Horse Sales<br />
Confidence and quality pays off<br />
Meet the Locals<br />
Utopia Equestrian Estate is aiming for the top<br />
Limburg Foal Auction<br />
Breaks their record and wins a title<br />
32<br />
Contents<br />
|<br />
Heroes of our Time<br />
Eric van der<br />
Vleuten<br />
Text: Jenneke Smit | Photography: Digishots<br />
In his roles as a rider, trainer and 'father of,' Eric van der Vleuten looks back on an illustrious career. The selfmade<br />
man from Someren, in the Dutch province of Brabant, has performed at the highest level for decades<br />
and this year marks his final appearance as a member of the GCL Madrid in Motion team. At the age of<br />
60, he bids farewell as a top-level athlete, but his drive remains undiminished. Hard work, building strong<br />
relationships, and excellent management have proven to be key elements of his career.<br />
Eric van der Vleuten inherited his passion for horses from his<br />
father. “My father had a sawmill and kept horses as a hobby. We<br />
always had three or four horses at home, and later some ponies<br />
were added. Unfortunately, my father passed away at the age<br />
of 56; I was only 14 at the time. At that moment I was already<br />
riding at Manege Heijligers in Asten, my father had even helped<br />
with building this stable. For me, it was already clear then that<br />
I wanted to continue with equestrian sports, and I felt at home<br />
with the Heijligers family”, reflects Eric van der Vleuten.<br />
Self-made<br />
It was around the same time that Piet Raijmakers was riding<br />
there. “He was seven years older than me and had, just like<br />
me, started at the bottom. André Heijligers really helped me<br />
a lot with riding. At competitions, I often teamed up with Piet<br />
because André always stayed home to run the riding school,<br />
Dutch champion<br />
Gold medal at EC<br />
junior riders with<br />
Young Riders with<br />
Born in Mierlo (NL)<br />
1963 1980<br />
Osins<br />
1980 1981<br />
Expo Visar<br />
1982 1988<br />
Birth of son Maikel<br />
1988 1990<br />
First time competing<br />
in World Cup at the<br />
age of 17<br />
Dutch Champion<br />
junior riders with<br />
Napoleon<br />
Started his own<br />
stable in Mierlo<br />
Competed in WEG<br />
Stockholm with Expo<br />
Matchline<br />
Birth of so<br />
199<br />
6 | Heroes of our time
Pictured is Eric van der Vleuten<br />
in the fields behind the stables<br />
in Someren with Wunschkind 19<br />
and Dana Blue.<br />
and in that way, I learned a lot from Piet too.” At the early age of horses were sponsored by Vink, which was made possible by<br />
17, Eric rode his first World Cup competition in Antwerp, and at their horse loving employer Theo Ploegmakers. Thanks to that<br />
the age of 18, he changed Stal Heijligers for the private stable of partnership, I could remain focussed on top-level sports.”<br />
the Beekmans family in Eindhoven. “The Beekmans family had<br />
an exhibition business, so all the horses had the prefix 'Expo'. After that, Eric was associated with the Audi team of his good<br />
They had around 12 horses for me. With Expo Visar, I won gold friend Eric Berkhof for about ten years. “That was another<br />
at the European Championships for Young Riders. That opened fantastic collaboration. To this day, we are still close friends; we<br />
new opportunities.” A notable aspect of Eric’s life story is that speak to each other almost every week. I have always had a lot<br />
he learned a lot as a rider by observing and listening to others. of respect for the people who have made it possible for me to<br />
engage in my great passion, equestrian sports. And over the<br />
“During my time with the Beekmans family, I trained mostly by years, superb friendships have developed from that.<br />
myself. Mr. Beekman gave me the opportunity to focus on the At one point, I was approached by Wim van der Leegte of<br />
top level, as he was willing to keep the horses for long-term. the VDL Group, who wanted to sit down with me to discuss<br />
About once a week, I trained with Henk<br />
sponsoring both me and Maikel, who<br />
Nooren. At some point, Henk stopped<br />
as a competition rider, and I ended up<br />
at his stable. I was 23 at that time. I<br />
rode there for 2,5 years and then I felt<br />
it was time to stand on my own feet. It<br />
was something I had been preparing<br />
myself for over the years, and with the<br />
“Superb friendships have<br />
developed thanks to<br />
years of collaboration”<br />
was already performing well in youth<br />
competitions back then. Eric Berkhof<br />
had a good stable rider in Henrik<br />
Ancarcrona at that time, so I had an<br />
open conversation with Eric about the<br />
new opportunity, and he encouraged<br />
me to accept Van der Leegte’s offer.<br />
tremendous effort of my in-laws and my wife Mariël, I managed Together with Maikel, we had wonderful years under the flag of<br />
to build my own stable at a piece of land previously owned by VDL Group, with horses like Tomboy, Naomie, Dargita, Parmala<br />
my parents.”<br />
Douce, and of course Verdi.” This collaboration also lasted<br />
about ten years and the good relationship has continued right<br />
Teamplayer<br />
untill the sudden passing of Wim a few weeks ago."<br />
In addition to self-reliance, maintaining good relationships has<br />
been a common thread in Eric’s life. “When I started my own Consistent<br />
stable, the Beekmans family immediately gave me a horse to As a rider, Eric van der Vleuten has consistently performed for<br />
ride for them. Expo Matchline, whom I trained as a young horse about forty years. He won Grand Prix and World Cup competitions<br />
and was later ridden by Dion van Groesen and Rob Ehrens. With and was a member of the Dutch team many times. “I think I had<br />
that horse, I was able to compete in the World Championships a certain talent, and I have always been driven and willing to<br />
in Stockholm, so I could continue performing at the highest work hard. Additionally, I was fortunate to encounter the right<br />
level right away. Later, horses like Balthazar, Vink Especiale, people, which led to the right horses coming my way. It started<br />
Vink Diejasper, and Vink Flower III followed. The last three with André Heijligers, who was my first mentor. I rode many<br />
Competed in WEG<br />
Part of the GCL<br />
Lexington with<br />
Moved to a new<br />
Madrid in Motion<br />
n Eric Jr.<br />
Utascha SFN<br />
stable in Someren<br />
team<br />
4 1998 2010 2011 2013 2016 2017 2021<br />
Competed in WEG<br />
Rome with Vink<br />
Flower III<br />
Competed in EC<br />
Madrid with<br />
Utascha SFN<br />
Received the ‘André<br />
Heijligers award’ for<br />
his contribution<br />
Member of the<br />
KWPN stallion<br />
committee<br />
Retiring from top<br />
sport level<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
Heroes of our time<br />
|<br />
competitive horses, but unfortunately, I have never managed to and I look back on that with a lot of pleasure. It’s amazing to<br />
win a medal at a global championship. That was also the main compete in the same team with your son. From 2024, I won’t be<br />
reason for me to prioritize Maikel’s career at some point. I wanted part of the GCL team anymore, so I can focus even more on other<br />
to do everything to ensure that he would have a horse for the things at home: training and scouting young horses, helping<br />
major championships, and with the stallion Verdi, that was the students, and my duties for the stallion selection committee of<br />
case. It wasn’t easy to keep Verdi, but fortunately, together with the KWPN.”<br />
our good friend Kees van den Oetelaar and the Nijhof family, we<br />
reached an agreement. For us, sport comes first, and money is Family business<br />
not that important. You need it to pay the bills, but otherwise, Eric runs the stable together with his two sons, Maikel and Eric Jr.,<br />
it doesn’t contribute to our happiness. What good is it to sit at and his supportive wife Mariël. “Maikel’s results are a reward for<br />
home on a Sunday afternoon watching<br />
the work of our family and team, and<br />
a Grand Prix on TV, knowing that I have<br />
money in my bank account, but no<br />
horse in the stable to participate in that<br />
Grand Prix? In hindsight, the decision to<br />
keep Verdi for Maikel worked out very<br />
well, but even if the results had been<br />
less favourable, I would never have<br />
“The success of all my<br />
children has the highest<br />
priority for me”<br />
together we enjoy it to the fullest. I have<br />
always lived for the sport, and the same<br />
goes for our sons. It’s a way of life and<br />
only works with a home front that is fully<br />
committed to it. If things are not going<br />
well at home or in the stable, it never<br />
benefits a rider’s focus. I have never<br />
reconsidered that decision. I always try to convey to my students pushed our children to follow my footsteps because it can’t be<br />
when walking the course: you make a plan, stick to it, and then forced. Seven days a week, we work with the horses, which is<br />
evaluate afterward to see if there's something to learn from." only possible with a 100 percent commitment. Our son Eric Jr.<br />
has had a somewhat more challenging position compared to<br />
Maikel but has now found his way very well. He is very valuable<br />
for our family business, and we are trying to ensure that he can<br />
now move up a bit. The success of both sons has the highest<br />
priority for me, because they will have to continue with the<br />
business in the future.”<br />
Beauville Z<br />
Supportive family<br />
The majority of the horses with which Eric has been successful,<br />
he trained as young horses himself. “I find that the best way<br />
and derive the most satisfaction from it. Most horses come to<br />
our stable between the ages of five and seven, that has never<br />
changed.” For about five years, he scaled back his own top-level<br />
sports career to give Maikel all the opportunities to compete at<br />
the highest level. “If you want to do what the top riders do these<br />
days; go to a big show every week, you need at least a couple<br />
of competitive horses that can jump the bigger classes. For me<br />
it was the right moment to step back, as Maikel showed all the<br />
potential and determination. Around the same time, I came in<br />
touch with Sergio Moya and Marta Ortega. That resulted in me<br />
becoming the coach of the Spanish team for a while. After their<br />
relationship ended, I started training Marta more intensively,<br />
and when she eventually got too busy with her business, I took<br />
over the training of her horses completely. This resulted in her<br />
sponsorship of Maikel and me, and in 2017, we joined the Global<br />
Champions League team 'Madrid in Motion' sponsored by<br />
Massimo Dutti. We have experienced great successes together,<br />
Breeding<br />
As Eric already mentioned, he is part of the stallion selection<br />
committee of the KWPN. “Besides sport, breeding has had my<br />
interest for years. I carry out my role as a member of the stallion<br />
committee with great pleasure but I am always aware that no<br />
one can predict whether a stallion at the age of 2,5 will become<br />
a Grand Prix horse. If I could, I would be a multimillionaire now.<br />
There are so many factors involved, that’s what we always<br />
experience here in the stable as well. Take Beauville Z for<br />
example. He was purchased by a client of us as one of the<br />
cheaper horses at Holger Hetzel’s auction. Gabriela started<br />
with him in the 1.10/1.20m classes, and no one could have<br />
predicted that he would later come home with Olympic bronze.<br />
At some point, I asked Maikel if he would like to ride him for a<br />
while. Because Beauville Z seemed to be a very nice horse that<br />
jumped a lot of clear rounds. Gabriela had ridden him for about<br />
a year and a half, and Maikel started with him on 1.30m level<br />
when he was eight years old. I told Marta about the horse and<br />
said that we couldn’t see where his potential would end, but<br />
that he gave us a good feeling. She bought Beauville Z and he<br />
has exceeded all our expectations. I am convinced that there<br />
are many more horses that, undiscovered, quietly do their job<br />
at 1.30/1.35m level without getting the chance to fulfil their full<br />
potential. This unpredictability keeps our sport very fascinating!”,<br />
concludes Van der Vleuten.<br />
8 | Heroes of our time
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is also an indispensable reference for fans, riders, trainers, owners, organisers and sponsors.<br />
www.lanneehippique.com • info@lanneehippique.com
Ambassadors<br />
Over the years many horses have developed into true ambassadors. For Stal Hendrix and the auctions;<br />
the World Sport Horse Sales, the Dutch Sport Horse Sales and the Limburg Foal Auction. It is our pleasure to<br />
showcase a small selection of these outstanding horses and riders that are jumping from strength to strength.<br />
1. Isabella<br />
van de Zuuthoeve<br />
Thunder van de Zuuthoeve x<br />
Wandor van de Mispelaere<br />
Kelli Cruciotti VanderVeen<br />
United States of America<br />
2. Katokyboy HDH<br />
Arezzo VDL x Cream on Top<br />
Rachel Fields<br />
United States of America<br />
3. El Primero<br />
Numero Uno x Indorado<br />
Victoria Colvin<br />
United States of America<br />
5. Glamour Girl<br />
Zirocco Blue x Caletto I<br />
Henrik von Eckermann<br />
Sweden<br />
4. Gelvera<br />
Quality Time TN x Numero Uno<br />
Alise Oken<br />
United States of America<br />
6. Gamble<br />
Vingino x Indoctro<br />
Conor Swail<br />
Ireland<br />
10 | Ambassadors
7. James Bond <strong>HX</strong><br />
Douglas x Cash<br />
Samanta Schaefer<br />
United States of America<br />
9. Ginger Blue<br />
Plot Blue x Royal Bravour<br />
Ben Maher<br />
United Kingdom<br />
11. Jean Couture<br />
Arezzo VDL x Douglas<br />
Nicola Pohl<br />
Germany<br />
8. Coronado<br />
Cassini I x Acord II<br />
Nayel Nassar<br />
Egypt<br />
10. Masseltof<br />
Baltic VDL x Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve<br />
Morgane Dassio<br />
Switzerland<br />
12. Viper Z<br />
Vigo D’Arsouilles x Grannus<br />
Martin Fuchs<br />
Switzerland<br />
Ambassadors<br />
|<br />
Highlights<br />
Dorado 212 and Leone Jei<br />
on top of their game<br />
Text: Jenneke Smit | Photo: MacKenzie Clark<br />
Every year, a considerable number of horses are bought and sold by Stal Hendrix. One even more talented<br />
than the other. Last year, quite a few of these horses topped the ranks and gave class-act performances. In<br />
this article, we highlight two of world’s best horses: Rolex Grand Prix Winner Leone Jei of Martin Fuchs and<br />
Pan American Games team medallist Dorado 212 of Laura Kraut. Both horses were scouted by Stal Hendrix<br />
at a young age and are now on top of their game.<br />
Oldenburg bred Diarado’s Boy offspring Dorado 212 teamed<br />
up with Laura Kraut in the summer of 2022 and jumped his<br />
first 5*-Grand Prix last spring, at the age of ten. After good<br />
performances in the Nations Cup final in Barcelona, they were<br />
part of team USA at the Pan American Games in Santiago.<br />
Huge impression<br />
Last November, Laura and Dorado 212 contributed to the gold<br />
team medal at the Pan Am Games and, more importantly, the<br />
US jumping team has secured qualification for the Paris 2024<br />
Olympic Games. Nest to that they finished fourth in the individual<br />
jumping final. “The story of Dorado proves that it is not always<br />
just wisdom, but luck also plays a role”, Emile Hendrix begins.<br />
“Our former stable rider Sophie Hinners rides a horse for us,<br />
Vittorio 8, and he always travels back to our stable for the farrier.<br />
I decided to bring him back to Sophie myself and combined the<br />
trip with a visit to a national show in Germany. That’s where I<br />
saw Dorado jumping. He made a huge impression on me and<br />
jumped two great rounds under his owner Michael Hornung.<br />
Michael is a good amateur rider, who is a doctor by profession<br />
and rides his horses every morning at 6 am before he goes<br />
off to work. Michael purchased Dorado as a young horse and<br />
trained him himself up to 1.45m level. There was always lots of<br />
interest for Dorado. I think I connected with Michael at the right<br />
time and with the right story because he already had many client<br />
requests. Ultimately, we were the first ones who got the chance<br />
12 | <strong>HX</strong> Highlights
to try him. I immediately told our friend Laura Kraut about Dorado,<br />
because I was incredibly enthusiastic about the horse. Laura and<br />
I visited Michael together and tried Dorado, and that’s how we<br />
were able to close the deal. Dorado is a stunning horse with<br />
unprecedented scope. He was already extraordinary back then,<br />
and I am very happy and proud that everything is turning out so<br />
well.” Dorado 212 was bred by the German breeder Bodo Grabs<br />
and is now owned by St.Bride’s Farm. Earlier this year Dorado<br />
earned third place in three 1.50m classes in Wellington, including<br />
the 3*-Grand Prix in January.<br />
Long-awaited dream<br />
Another <strong>HX</strong>-Highlight is Rolex Grand Prix winner Leone Jei,<br />
ridden by Martin Fuchs. He caught Paul Hendrix’ eye as a<br />
six-years-old. In Calgary, the Baltic VDL offspring once again<br />
proved to be among the very best showjumping horses in the<br />
world. In 2021, Leone Jei, who was only nine years old at the<br />
time, contributed to team gold and won individual silver at the<br />
European Championships in Riesenbeck, marking one of the<br />
absolute highlights of his career. In the same year, they also<br />
won the Rolex Grand Prix in Geneva. Martin and Leone Jei<br />
have since become invaluable members of the Swiss team and<br />
recently participated in the European Championships in Milan.<br />
For three consecutive years, they have been part of the winning<br />
team in the Nations Cup competition in Sankt-Gallen, and they<br />
have also claimed the victory in the Rolex Grand Prix of Dinard.<br />
Last September, Martin Fuchs’s long-awaited dream came true<br />
thanks to two magnificent rounds by Leone Jei: they won the<br />
Rolex Grand Prix at the Spruce Meadows Masters in Calgary.<br />
New Superstar<br />
Originally named Hay El Desta Ali, Leone Jei was bred by<br />
Dutchman Gijs van Mersbergen. When at a national show, ridden<br />
by Koen Leemans, he impressed Paul Hendrix. In September<br />
2018 the talented six-years-old grey made his way to Stal<br />
Hendrix. “Paul went to a national competition with clients, and<br />
he was incredibly impressed by the horse that we now know as<br />
Leone Jei. His rider was motivated to sell him but requested a<br />
serious price for him. After trying the horse, we were certain he<br />
would be a good buy. And I must say, as quickly as we bought<br />
him, we sold him. Because Adolfo Juri had been looking for a<br />
good horse for Martin Fuchs for a while. Since the Swiss man<br />
missed out on a horse of his choice in our auction, he was glad<br />
we advised him on such a good horse not long after”, explains<br />
Emile. Paul continues: “From the beginning, I knew Leone Jei<br />
was a very special horse. Such a horse deserves a top rider, and<br />
we knew Adolfo was looking for a new superstar for Martin. You<br />
hope to find a horse like this every year, but it rarely happens.<br />
He has so much scope, canter, personality, and attitude. It is very<br />
satisfying when a horse like this ends up in the right hands and<br />
achieves such good results.”<br />
“The story of Dorado proves that<br />
it is not always wisdom, a hint of<br />
luck also plays a role”<br />
Photo: Digishots<br />
<strong>HX</strong> Highlights<br />
|<br />
The Next Generation<br />
“The main thing I've<br />
been taught is to listen to<br />
my horses and to always<br />
trust my gut feeling”<br />
14 |<br />
The next generation
A<br />
few years ago, Greek showjumping phenomenon Ioli Mytilineou (26)<br />
skyrocketed herself to the absolute top of international showjumping.<br />
After impressing at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington,<br />
Florida, at the beginning of 2021, continuing her good results throughout the<br />
summer in Rotterdam and Knokke, and finishing the outdoor season with<br />
an epic performance at her first European Championship for senior riders in<br />
Riesenbeck, everybody realized Mytilineou is one of the best female riders in<br />
the world and her horse Levis de Muze one of the best horses.<br />
When on a showjumping tour in Mexico, we asked her about her experiences of the past and<br />
her expectations for the future.<br />
How do you look back to the past years and what have you learned from it?<br />
“I will always look back at the year that really skyrocketed my career with huge emotion and<br />
appreciation. It was a year of a lot of firsts, which was incredibly exciting and overwhelming all<br />
at the same time. Of course I’ve always aimed at the top level, but never did I imagine it would<br />
happen with such rapidity. At the time, I knew I had horses that deserved the spotlight, so I’m glad<br />
I was able to give them the recognition they deserve. It was a level that was very new to us all, but<br />
it couldn’t have come at a better time."<br />
"Over the last couple of years I have learnt a lot about myself, my horses and the uniqueness of<br />
what we do. The main thing I have been taught is to listen to my horses and to always trust my<br />
gut feeling. For me, this is a huge part of being successful in the long run. Staying true to yourself<br />
whilst young, naïve, and in the limelight is not easy, but it is something I have learnt and am still<br />
learning to do along the way. A rider that has a connection with their horse is the first person to<br />
notice changes in behaviour; no matter how ‘irrelevant’ these may seem to others. I will forever<br />
remember those years, not only due to my appearances at championships, but because of what<br />
they both taught me throughout. I look back at them with such gratification, but also with a clear<br />
picture of what I could have done better. They have provided me with the ability to physically win<br />
a class, but more importantly, with the tools to extract a win from each loss.”<br />
The next generation<br />
|<br />
What are your best memories from that<br />
time?<br />
“Great memories over the last few years<br />
are definitely not lacking. There are<br />
numerous unforgettable ones- ranging<br />
from my first real 5* grand prix to almost<br />
tasting a gold medal at the Riesenbeck<br />
European Championship of 2021. One<br />
of my favourite memories is not a result,<br />
but feeling all the emotions throughout<br />
the week of the Championship. It was a<br />
real rollercoaster from beginning to end,<br />
and although not the finish we would<br />
have wished for [Mytilineou finished 11th<br />
after being in medal position until the<br />
final round], I wouldn’t change it for the<br />
world. It was a life-changing week that<br />
helped shape the person I am today and<br />
solidified a bond between Levis and I that<br />
is irreplaceable.<br />
If I could go back and feel all the emotions<br />
of the championship again, I would.<br />
Whilst there is so much, there is simultaneously<br />
so little I would change about<br />
how it panned out. It contributed to my<br />
experience in a positive way, allowing me<br />
to grow from the success and the failure.<br />
The last two years have been ones that<br />
will be hard to beat, but if there’s one thing<br />
I know for sure, it’s that I will do everything<br />
in my power to top them. Of course a lot<br />
has changed from then until now, but the<br />
way I approach horses has remained.<br />
They always have been and always will<br />
be my number one priority when it comes<br />
to career-based decisions. I will never<br />
put myself above, as without them, I am<br />
just another number. My eagerness to<br />
be better has definitely developed over<br />
the last few years, as has my admiration<br />
and respect for all athletes that have<br />
remained at the top of the game for years<br />
upon years. The degree of demand at the<br />
highest level is only truly understood once<br />
experienced.”<br />
“Levis is as happy<br />
as a clam”<br />
How is Levis doing?<br />
“Levis is doing great, and I’m sure he’d<br />
appreciate you asking! After a tremendous<br />
year with him in 2021, I decided to take<br />
a step back in 2022. As previously<br />
mentioned, I am learning to listen to my<br />
horses, and that is exactly what I did with<br />
him last year. Following his excellent form<br />
a couple of years ago, I felt as though<br />
he made a lot of efforts in a short time.<br />
Subsequently, he began to get a little<br />
tense in the ring, which I primarily noticed<br />
via the gnawing of the latex covering his<br />
snaffle. With his wellbeing and future in<br />
mind, I decided to drop him down to a<br />
lower level in order to give him the time<br />
he needed to feel comfortable and happy<br />
to be in the ring again. I wanted to reignite<br />
that spark. I knew that once I got that<br />
feeling back, he would be unstoppable,<br />
as he already once was.<br />
Today, I am able to say it was the best<br />
decision I ever made, as he is now as<br />
happy as a clam. He is a horse that I owe so<br />
much to and I couldn’t bear to sense that<br />
he was not feeling his best. All he needed<br />
was a bit of time and comfort in knowing<br />
that it was all going to be okay.”interest, so<br />
if that gets me qualified, I will be delighted,<br />
but if it doesn’t, I still want to be proud of<br />
the way in which I tried. As the original<br />
founders of the Olympics, it would be<br />
great for Greece to have an athlete take<br />
part, so I hope for them that I can make<br />
it happen. With the above being said, we<br />
are still in the process of qualifying, so<br />
although I can plan, I cannot yet assume.”<br />
Levis de Muze has just returned to<br />
his home stables in Lier (Belgium)<br />
after jumping in Mexico with Ioli.<br />
16 |<br />
The next generation
Rain or shine Ioli is the type of athlete that always gives 200%, just like La Perla van de Heffinck pictured at Club Hipico la Silla in Monterrey<br />
It looks so easy when we see you on<br />
course; your riding style is so light and<br />
friendly and the horses seem to love it.<br />
What are some of the most important<br />
principles you learned in the early stages<br />
of your career and what is your training<br />
philosophy now?<br />
“I don’t know if I have a philosophy per<br />
se, but I am definitely a believer of ‘less<br />
is more’. The less we interfere with the<br />
horse, the better. Over the years, with<br />
the help of my trainer and team, I have<br />
developed the system that I believe works<br />
best for me. It is not a “one size fits all”<br />
sport, so it is about creating something<br />
that suits your horses, your work ethic,<br />
your personality, your lifestyle etc. It is very<br />
easy to overcomplicate things, especially<br />
when you feel things aren’t going your<br />
way, but more often than not, the issue<br />
lies within the basics. Instead of trying to<br />
be great at one thing, I try to do everything<br />
well, that when combined, will hopefully<br />
make great. The style I have today stems<br />
primarily from wanting to give my horses<br />
the freedom to be themselves and best<br />
use the conformation they were born<br />
with. All horses are built differently, and so<br />
physically cannot all go in the same shape<br />
or frame- you can’t fit a square peg into a<br />
round hole.<br />
It’s always better to make the wrong<br />
decision, than no decision<br />
Growing up, my trainers and I were always<br />
very focused on the aesthetic side of my<br />
riding, trying to perfect the style. This is<br />
something I am very glad we did, as core<br />
style generally remains, and when in doubt,<br />
we tend to revert to it. However, although it<br />
worked a lot of the time, it didn’t when I ran<br />
into trouble on course, as I found myself<br />
being unreactive in difficult situations. To<br />
this day, I remember Steve Guerdat once<br />
telling me that it’s always better to make<br />
the wrong decision, than no decision.<br />
After thinking about his tip, I realised that a<br />
wrong decision can be learnt from, but no<br />
decision can’t.<br />
“It’s always better<br />
to make the wrong<br />
decision, than no<br />
decision”<br />
The next generation<br />
|<br />
Exclusive Outdoor Experience<br />
At Hendriks we love beautiful equestrian landscapes. That is why we develop equestrian property with the finest and<br />
highest quality designs and materials. Everything we add to our projects emphasizes the most beautiful sides of your<br />
terrain, while at the same time facilitating land users and horses in the daily routine. Hendriks supplies equestrian<br />
landscaping design, property development and property maintenance for large and smaller equestrian projects.<br />
Tatelaarweg 20 - 6941 RB Didam - +31 (0)316 268107<br />
“At the moment I have six horses that I ride myself and<br />
I don’t think they could be more different if they tried!<br />
They all have their qualities and quirks, but my aim is to<br />
help them turn their quirks into qualities.<br />
I am currently working with Sean Crooks, who has<br />
been by my side for five years now and to whom I owe<br />
a huge portion of my success. Training with Sean, we<br />
aimed to shift my riding from passive to active, whilst<br />
trying to maintain my belief of allowing horses to be. He<br />
helped bring that side out of me and embrace the fact<br />
that ultimately, pretty is as pretty does. We work to be<br />
in a position that does not require big movements to<br />
generate a response.<br />
Sean not only bettered the physical aspect of my riding,<br />
but also helped to mature my mentality as an athlete. He<br />
has taught me when to persevere but also when to back<br />
down, how to win but also how to lose, when to be critical<br />
of myself but also when to praise my efforts. All of the<br />
aforementioned does not even include the tangible skills<br />
he has instilled. His support has helped me more than I<br />
can repay him for, but I hope our results have been and<br />
will continue to be evidence of a thriving collaboration",<br />
Ioli concludes.<br />
Seven Oaks gaining experience<br />
with Ioli in Mexico<br />
Levis de Muze (aka Porky) is the man of the house. His<br />
qualities are definitely in abundance and his quirks few<br />
and far between, which is what makes him the incredible<br />
horse that he is. He’s my best friend and he definitely<br />
knows it! Without him, I would, no doubt, be differentboth<br />
as a competitor and as a person. Porky is incredibly<br />
versatile and can, in my opinion, perform on any surface,<br />
at any venue, at any size of fence, in any type of class.<br />
The only thing he needs is a crowd that loves him, and<br />
luckily he always has that.<br />
L’Artiste de Toxandria (aka Beast) is a big, friendly,<br />
banana-eating giant. Beast is the sweetest horse who<br />
thinks a lot of what’s out there will hurt him- especially a<br />
moving leaf. His fear of death is also what gives him his<br />
electric jump, so it’s a trait that works in our favour when<br />
channeled correctly.<br />
La Perla vd Heffinck (aka Pearl) is the only mare I have at<br />
the moment. She is a fighter with eyes on her feet. Her<br />
mentality is unmatched, with her always putting 200%<br />
effort into anything you ask of her.<br />
Seven Oaks (aka Oaksy) loves human touch in any shape<br />
or form. He is the cuddliest horse in the barn and as long<br />
as you’ve got so much as a finger touching him, he knows<br />
he’s safe. Although still very green in his experience, I<br />
have no doubt that he has the qualities to reach the top!<br />
Casanova Hastak (aka Cas) is the pretty boy. He has not<br />
been with me long, but has definitely made an impressionfrom<br />
his big character to his exuberant jumping style. He<br />
is a true warrior and always shows that he’s there for me<br />
once we’ve entered the ring. That fighter attitude is a<br />
substantial part of being a high level sporthorse.<br />
Djoko Z is the newest addition to my string of horses.<br />
He is a 7-year-old stallion, who was produced by my<br />
boyfriend, Harold Megahey, until I took over the reins a<br />
couple of months ago. He is the true definition of a black<br />
beauty, but with a hugely kind heart. Djoko has immense<br />
talent, which is always a good place to start with a young<br />
horse. As the rider, you can feel that he always wants to<br />
do his job and aims to please. He is willing to learn all that<br />
needs to be taught.”<br />
Text: Dinette Neuteboom<br />
Photography: Digishots & Boss Mare Media<br />
The next generation<br />
|<br />
The World Sport Horse Sales<br />
makes a grand debut in Ocala, Florida<br />
For the first edition of the World Sport Horse Sales the teams of Stal Hendrix, Redfield<br />
Farm and Andre Thieme partnered up to organize the first auction of its kind at the<br />
World Equestrian Centre in Ocala, Florida. The highly anticipated debut edition of the<br />
WSHS was - as hoped - a night to remember. With top horses, top sales and an overall top<br />
experience, right in the equestrian heart of the United States of America.<br />
'Have you heard about the auction this Friday? Will you<br />
be at the presentation on Wednesday? Have you tried<br />
one of the horses of the collection?' Just a few questions<br />
buzzing around the enormous grounds of the World<br />
Equestrian Center (WEC) in Ocala. In the shops, the<br />
restaurants and the stables, everywhere the WSHS was<br />
the talk of the town.<br />
The Dutch selection of horses flew out well before the<br />
auction, meeting their US-based peers a few weeks<br />
ahead of time. In the week of the auction the horses<br />
were all moved from their temporary stables to the WEC<br />
show grounds, giving them plenty of opportunity to get<br />
settled in and ready for the big night. The presentation<br />
took place two days before the auction in one of the<br />
many equitation & hunter rings. One by one the horses<br />
were presented in front of a large crowd which that had<br />
assembled to enjoy some wine and cheese but mostly to<br />
view what was for sale and what the buzz was all about.<br />
For the occassion the spotters were decked out in full<br />
cowboy-chique attire, and they had their work cut out<br />
for them. With a 14-horse-strong collection the interest<br />
was high in the athletes who varied from talented<br />
young showjumpers to excellently trained hunters and<br />
equitation horses.<br />
The auction proceeded splendidly with all horses finding<br />
new owners in North America. A big round of applause<br />
was given to the top selling horse of the evening: Dutch<br />
bred six-year-old Masseltof. A KWPN gelding by Baltic<br />
VDL x Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve that was auctioned off for<br />
410.000 dollar. The average selling price was also a fine<br />
number of nearly 174.000 dollar per horse, making the<br />
first edition of the World Sport Horse Sales a resounding<br />
success.<br />
The auction itself was held in a breathtaking arena that<br />
will make every equestrian’s heart beat a little faster.<br />
Surrounded by huge stands and Jumbotron tv-screens,<br />
the setting was as impressive as the lineup of horses.<br />
With the best view from the terrace of the adjacent<br />
Equestrian Hotel, the VIP-guests gathered there and got<br />
to enjoy a delicious dinner and a spectacular fire show.<br />
With a full VIP-area and lots of interested equestrians in<br />
the stands the evening was off to a good start.<br />
20 | World Sport Horse Sales
World Sport Horse Sales<br />
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Step & Repeat<br />
There were many guests who kindly visited the World Sport Horse<br />
Sales. We did not catch them all on camera but it was a pleasure<br />
welcoming everyone to the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Florida.<br />
Nathalie Dean, Hugh Gram, Erynn Ballard<br />
Mrs. & Mr. Kennedy<br />
Erin Carey, Garrett Strain, Claire McDonald<br />
Torano Family & Emile Hendrix<br />
Michel, Janou & Paul Hendrix<br />
Riossa Family<br />
The selection committee<br />
Natasha Willams & Devon Kaminski<br />
Brian Feigus, Erin Engel & Steven Saumell<br />
Kate Bomgaars & friends<br />
World Sport Horse Sales<br />
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Stallions<br />
Grand Prix performances<br />
and potential<br />
Since the end of 2012, the location of Stal Hendrix in Kessel has been equipped with a stallion department.<br />
This allows the stallions to be trained in-house for top-level sport, while they are available to breeders<br />
throughout the season. Over the years, a considerable number of stallions has proven themselves in both<br />
sport and breeding. At top level, <strong>HX</strong> Stallions is represented by Gaspahr. This son of Berlin shows his value<br />
for the Italian team under Giampiero Garofalo.<br />
Pictured: Gaspahr<br />
Gaspahr is one of the flagship stallions. He embodies it all: athletic<br />
conformation, performances at the highest level, a first-class<br />
pedigree and remarkable results in breeding. Like the majority of<br />
the stallions, he underwent the initial years of his training at Stal<br />
Hendrix and has now risen to top level. The impressively jumping<br />
Gaspahr was bred by C.J.P. Helderman and has been competing<br />
with Giampiero Garofalo since 2020. In 2021 they finished in<br />
the 10th place in the Rolex Grand Prix of Rome, after they had<br />
already secured a victory in the Grand Prix of Opglabbeek. In<br />
2022 they triumphed in the 1.50m class of CSI3* Eindhoven and<br />
the Grand Prix of Kronenberg. Gaspahr has represented Italy<br />
in several Nations Cups, including in the final in Barcelona in<br />
<strong>2023</strong>. He jumped a nice round with four faults and proved his<br />
value for the Italian team once again. Paul Hendrix: “Hopefully<br />
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<strong>HX</strong> Stallions
Gaspahr can continue to improve his track record. He is<br />
achieving good results at 5* level and for the Italian team, while<br />
his oldest offspring are making a good impression in the young<br />
horse competitions.” Gaspahr passes on his quality, conformation<br />
and rideability. His first offspring are at the beginning of an<br />
international sports career, such as Laska JDV, Laxton and Lewis<br />
PK.<br />
“We hope Gaspahr will<br />
continue to improve<br />
his track record”<br />
The stallion roster of <strong>HX</strong> Stallions is also regularly enriched with<br />
new talent. There is continuous selection to ensure that only the<br />
most promising sport and breeding stallions are available to the<br />
breeders.<br />
Proven sires<br />
There is a highly diverse offer of stallions at Stal Hendrix. The<br />
‘keur awarded’ stallion Bustique is a proven progenitor of Grand<br />
Prix showjumpers. From his first crop, Maikel van der Vleuten’s<br />
Beauville Z, has been a great ambassador. After winning<br />
individual bronze at the Olympics and the WEG, he was chosen<br />
as the GCL Horse of the Year this year due to his consistent<br />
performances. Bustique is ranked 36th on the WBFSH Sire<br />
Ranking, thanks to successful offspring such as Florida Balia NL,<br />
Bonita vh Keizershof Z, Berdien Z, Jeffrey Jarden and Fabalia.<br />
Another flagship is the Grand Prix stallion Entertainer, who<br />
leaves a mark with offspring performing on 1.50/1.60m level,<br />
including Joelina, Izabella L and Isa. Entertainer excelled at<br />
the highest level with Michel Hendrix and has proven to be an<br />
above-average sire. His offspring break through at the highest<br />
level, and are showcasing good performances in young horse<br />
competitions.<br />
is performing well at 1.45m level with Oda Charlotte Lyngvaer.<br />
In breeding, this eight-year-old stallion is very promising, as his<br />
offspring all seem to be blessed with the same jumping talent<br />
as he has.<br />
Distinguishing eight-year-olds<br />
Very promising for both sport and breeding is the Aganix<br />
du Seigneur son Lambada Shake AG. After an exceptionally<br />
good result in the KWPN performance test, he continues to<br />
demonstrate that he belongs to the top of his age group. Under<br />
Pieter Keunen, he successfully debuted at 1.45m level this year,<br />
and as a breeding stallion, he seems poised to distinguish<br />
himself. From the same year, the Entertainer son Lambrusco is<br />
making a name for himself. Under his breeder Pieter Keunen, this<br />
half-brother of the Olympic showjumper Bardolino is performing<br />
remarkably on 1.40/1.45m level, and there seems to be no end to<br />
his potential. His first offspring were born in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Young talent<br />
In young horse competitions and stallion competitions, the fiveyear-old<br />
Newmarket VM (s.Chacoon Blue) manages to stand<br />
out as well. Under Kars Bonhof, the rider of Newmarket’s coowner<br />
Team Nijhof, he consistently impresses with his excellent<br />
jumping technique, attitude, canter and athletic scope. One<br />
of the youngest talents is the four-year-old Opus One JDV<br />
(s.Cape Coral RBF Z), who covered his first mares this year. He<br />
originates from a first-class damline and is a promise for the<br />
future. Performances genes from Holstein come together in<br />
the pedigree of the three-year-old Dinken son Dinello, who is<br />
approved by Zangersheide. He was one of the standouts at the<br />
Holstein stallion approval and was premium awarded. Dinello’s<br />
first foals are expected next year.<br />
Emerging talent<br />
The 1.50m level stallion Cape Coral RBF Z is proving to be an<br />
excellent progenitor as well. His eldest offspring stand out in<br />
young horse competitions and are in high demand in auctions.<br />
From his first crop, horses such as La Belle Coral <strong>HX</strong>, La Luna<br />
Especiale, Laguna <strong>HX</strong>, Largita and Limited Edition <strong>HX</strong> are<br />
competing on 1.40m level. As a showjumper, the Montender son<br />
Farzack des Abbayes, is making significant steps forward. He<br />
Text: Jenneke Smit<br />
Pictured: Lambada Shake AG<br />
<strong>HX</strong> Stallions<br />
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The portrait of<br />
a family business:<br />
Neptunus Structures<br />
In the heart of Kessel, Limburg, Neptunus Structures stands as a testament to family, tradition, and<br />
entrepreneurial spirit. Dorrie Eilers, alongside her siblings Antoine and Betty, leads this international<br />
business that specializes in designing, manufacturing and building market leading event structures and<br />
temporary buildings. As we sat down with Dorrie, the conversation revealed a rich tapestry of family ties,<br />
business resilience, and a commitment to innovation.<br />
Neptunus Structures isn’t a regular construction company. You<br />
would not call them for a new house or a high-rise office tower.<br />
In the 86 years of its existence Neptunus has become a specialist<br />
in structures for events and temporary buildings. Neptunus<br />
builds with PVC, wood and aluminum. From ten - to even more<br />
than twenty thousand square meters, multiple storeys and as<br />
basic or luxurious as their customer requires.<br />
They do this with just as much love and dedication for a culinary<br />
event Preuvenemint in Maastricht, equestrian events for the<br />
Military of Boekelo, CHIO in Aachen and Rotterdam, the worldfamous<br />
Royal Ascot Racecourse in England, as the F1 Grand<br />
Prix of Zandvoort, Olympic Games, fashion shows by Dior, Yves<br />
Saint Laurent and Louis Vuitton in Paris and dance events such<br />
as Tomorrowland. And of course, JPM International in Kessel.<br />
“We’ve known the Hendrix family for many years and have a<br />
very strong relationship and partnership in building the event<br />
structures for JPM in our hometown.”<br />
Dorrie Eilers forms the management of the Limburg family<br />
business with her sister Betty and brother Antoine. "Since the<br />
beginning of 2000, we have focused on temporary buildings,<br />
with larger spans and up to seventeen meters high: theatres,<br />
sports halls, car showrooms, storage halls, companies that<br />
need temporary extra space due to changing circumstances.<br />
'Temporary' is rather relative: from several months up to 20 years<br />
or even more. We are constantly innovating and expanding<br />
1. 2. 3.<br />
26 | Partner Highlight
Pictured: CHIO Aachen (GER)<br />
our offering. We don't just do this here in Kessel, we also have<br />
branches in England, Germany, Belgium, France, Austria and<br />
Poland. These companies naturally work together but operate<br />
autonomously."<br />
Her brother Antoine is responsible for Research & Development<br />
within the company, he designs the structures and buildings with<br />
his in-house team. Sister Betty manages the Logistics and Finance<br />
departments. The company has a flat organizational structure.<br />
"We have approximately three hundred permanent employees<br />
and another two hundred and fifty flexible workers", Dorrie<br />
explains. "Everyone is extremely involved and as management<br />
we do everything we can to keep employees informed and<br />
committed. We are one team, one family. That is the biggest<br />
difference between a multinational and a family business. We<br />
work with various branches throughout Europe, but the culture<br />
is personal. We show our faces on the construction site and are<br />
approachable. My door is always open. We have a great team<br />
and a common goal: to be the best in our field.”<br />
Everything in-house<br />
Dorrie: "The event structures and temporary buildings are<br />
delivered tailor-made to suit our customers’ needs. The<br />
buildings are of a high standard, sustainable, optimally insulated<br />
and built according to European Building standards.’ Dorrie<br />
Text & photography: Neptunus Structures<br />
Pictured on the left page:<br />
1. Temporary Sportshall for National Sports Centre Papendal (NED)<br />
2. Dorrie, Antoine and Betty Eilers<br />
3. Libéma Open Tennis Tournament Rosmalen (NED)<br />
continues: 'All our structures are modular. All parts are reusable.<br />
After dismantling, everything is cleaned and returned to our<br />
stock. Our modular system allows us to create a temporary<br />
building for the next user with a few adjustments.' This is partly<br />
because Neptunus’ parts and modules are interchangeable,<br />
which is unique in this industry. 'We only purchase basic and raw<br />
materials, but design, develop and produce in-house. Entirely<br />
according to the customer's wishes and needs."<br />
“We have a common<br />
goal: to be the best<br />
in our field”<br />
Bright future<br />
Last year Neptunus celebrated its 85th anniversary. The<br />
thoughts turn to grandfather Anton Eilers, who in 1937 found a<br />
chest containing an old army tent washed up on the beach in<br />
Groningen, The Netherlands. With that tent and the trident on the<br />
lid of the chest, the seed was planted for the company that is now<br />
run by the third generation of Eilers. Love brought Anton Eilers to<br />
Kessel, where father Hans took over the company in 1970 and it<br />
grew into the global player it is today. Dorrie, Betty and Antoine<br />
took over from Dad in 2000 and the fourth generation is now<br />
eager to give the family business a bright future.<br />
Partner Highlight<br />
|<br />
The 2024 Olympics<br />
promise a royally good time<br />
Ah oui Paris, mon cherie! Are you ready to stroll through the gardens of Château de Versailles? The scene<br />
of the Olympic equestrian events next summer. This event is undoubtedly the crowning glory for the top<br />
athletes and their horses. And let’s be honest, what could be more magical than being carried away by the<br />
splendor of equestrian sports at this enchanting location? We did some research and listed several hotspots<br />
and important information, so you can make the most of your Olympic visit to Versailles and Paris.<br />
Some 10.500 athletes, 329 medal games, 48 disciplines it was later expanded into a large palace that served as<br />
and 32 sports. These are the vast numbers that make up the royal court and center of political power in France.<br />
the 2024 Olympic Games. The venue for the Olympic The palace itself is impressive, with beautifully decorated<br />
equestrian sports is the iconic and majestic Palace of halls, corridors, and rooms. Highlights include the Hall of<br />
Versailles. Immerse yourself in<br />
Mirrors (Galerie des Glaces),<br />
historic grandeur from Saturday,<br />
July 27 to Friday, August 6, amid<br />
the fountains of Le Nôtre.<br />
Palace of Versailles<br />
When you get up close to the<br />
“Find yourself between<br />
horses and palaces”<br />
the royal apartments and the<br />
palace chapel. The gardens of<br />
Versailles are famous for their<br />
beautiful design, symmetry, and<br />
formal French style. They were<br />
created by the famous garden<br />
Olympics next year, a visit to the Palace of Versailles is not architect André Le Nôtre. During certain days and times<br />
to be missed. It is one of the most famous palaces in the (mainly in summer), special fountain shows are held in the<br />
world and an important historical monument of France. The gardens with the fountains tuned in to the music, which is<br />
Palace of Versailles was built in the 17th century during the quite a spectacular experience.<br />
reign of King Louis XIV. Originally built as a hunting pavilion,<br />
28 | Olympic preview
18th-century romance<br />
There is a section that is less known on the palace grounds<br />
which is absolutely worth visiting: the estate of Marie<br />
Antoinette: Hameau de la Reine. You can find this beauty<br />
spot only when you take a 20-minute walk through the<br />
gardens. Upon entry you will find Marie Antoinette's ‘peasant<br />
village’. Complete-over-the-top 18th-century romance. Marie<br />
Antoinette was born in Austria and she was the wife of King<br />
Louis XVI. She occasionally escaped the luxurious life in the<br />
palace of Versailles and spent her time on her own estate.<br />
Royal stables<br />
There is also the Grande Ecurie, which when seen from the<br />
air is shaped like a large horseshoe. Here you can visit the<br />
carriage museum, attend a horse show on weekends or<br />
go on a guided tour in the royal stables. An outing not to<br />
be missed for any purebred horse lover. More info can be<br />
found on: www.bartabas.fr.<br />
Dining with French star chef Alain Ducasse<br />
You can also have lunch at the palace. French star chef<br />
Alain Ducasse's lunch restaurant 'Ore' is also an excellent<br />
trick to bypass the queues for Château de Versailles. After<br />
a scrumptious meal the receptionist can usher you into the<br />
palace through a special entrance.<br />
Versailles city<br />
You also have the city of Versailles, which has formed around<br />
the palace over the centuries. Versailles is a charming town<br />
with a cathedral, beautiful stores and a cozy semi-covered<br />
market on Friday and Sunday mornings (Marché Notre<br />
Dame). To top off your visit to the city, we recommend a<br />
historical hot spot: Gaulupeau. This is a pâtissier which was<br />
founded in 1769 and boasts a beautiful tearoom.<br />
More info can be found on: www.chateauversailles.fr<br />
Shopping paradise in Paris<br />
When in Paris... French fashion capital, fashionistas can<br />
indulge in visiting the most beautiful boutiques, window<br />
displays and magnificent department stores. Up for some<br />
shopping? Then visit Galeries Lafayette. All major brands<br />
can be found there, and the roof of the Galeries Lafayette is<br />
the ideal spot for stunning views of Paris. Or how about the<br />
oldest department store in Paris: Le Bon Marché. You see a<br />
lot more real ‘local’ Parisians and fewer tourists here. This<br />
makes it a lot quieter.<br />
Olympic preview<br />
|<br />
Rental<br />
Per day<br />
Per week<br />
Per month<br />
Manual & automatic vehicles<br />
Transport<br />
Customised<br />
High-quality<br />
Services<br />
Lumaro Horsestravel specialises in customised horse transport services<br />
with an individual approach to each customer, horse and journey.<br />
Lumaro Horsetravel manages international and domestic horse transport. Offering a full-service concept,<br />
whilst ensuring that your horse is transported in the best possible conditions in our modern fleet of vehicles.<br />
Lumaro Horsetravel provides services for all your horse transport needs.<br />
Visit our website or contact us for more information.<br />
+31 6 46 62 72 98 | info@horsetravel.nl | Tuurkesweg 9 | 6006 SG Weert | The Netherlands
Catch up with Hermès<br />
As a horse lover, a visit to Hermès is not to be missed. The<br />
famous French luxury brand earned its spurs in equestrianism.<br />
The brand's origins dates back to 1837, when Thierry Hermès<br />
began making harnesses and saddles for horses in Paris. The<br />
brand quickly became a favorite among riders and jockeys and<br />
the influence of equestrianism is still a distinctive aspect of the<br />
brand. You can find three Hermès locations in Paris, so if you are<br />
in the market for some luxury you are in the right place.<br />
Eating in a fairy tale<br />
Another level dining experience is Le Train Blue. When you enter<br />
the restaurant, it's like stepping into a fairy tale. The venue is lit by<br />
dozens of chandeliers and the walls and ceiling are decorated<br />
with beautiful frescoes. This iconic restaurant is located in<br />
the Gare de Lyon train station. Other dining tips include: The<br />
Michelin-starred restaurant Septime, Chez Janou, Ober Mamma,<br />
Le Bofinger and, of course, the dinner show at the Moulin Rouge,<br />
another iconic spot in Paris.<br />
Croissants and eclairs in the morning<br />
A typical French breakfast can be had at Les Deux Magots; a<br />
famous brasserie where you can eat on the scenic terrace sitting<br />
on a, you guessed it, French bistro set. Although the location is<br />
beautiful and the food scrumptious, Les Deux Magots is mainly<br />
special because it appears in several books, pieces of art,<br />
movies and music. Its neighbor is the even more famous Café<br />
de Flore, which is also worth a visit.<br />
Bon voyage<br />
There is so much more to do and experience in Paris. Such as<br />
the Sainte-Chapelle, which is by far the most beautiful church in<br />
Paris. It is best known for its spectacular stained-glass windows.<br />
Père Lachaise Cemetery is the most visited cemetery in the<br />
world because it is the final resting place of celebrities such<br />
as Édith Piaf, Frédéric Chopin, Victor Noir and Molière, and its<br />
beautiful tombs. And then you have the Eiffel Tower, the Arc<br />
de Triomphe, the Louvre, Sacré-Coeur, Notre Dame, Champs-<br />
Élysées... Bon voyage!<br />
Text: Judith Martens<br />
27 July - Saturday<br />
28 July - Sunday<br />
29 July - Monday<br />
30 July - Tuesday<br />
31 July - Wednesday<br />
3 August - Saturday<br />
4 August - Sunday<br />
1 August - Thursday<br />
2 August - Friday<br />
5 August - Monday<br />
6 August - Tuesday<br />
Dressage 09.30 - 18.30<br />
Cross Country 10.30 - 15.30<br />
Jumping 11.00 - 16.30<br />
Grand Prix 11.00 - 16.30<br />
Grand Prix 10.00 - 15.30<br />
Grand Prix Special 10.00 - 16.30<br />
Freestyle to Music 10.00 - 14.00<br />
Team qualification 11.00 - 14.00<br />
Team final 14.00 - 16.30<br />
Indv. qualification 14.00 - 18.00<br />
Individual final 10.00 - 12.30<br />
Bold print are medal days<br />
Olympic preview<br />
|<br />
32 |<br />
JPM International
JPM International <strong>2023</strong><br />
There is only one way to make a first impression. Leave it up to<br />
the Hendrix family to do it right, no better said to do it like no<br />
other. For the first edition of JPM Internnaional was a hit! Thanks<br />
to the efforts of everyone involved in the CSI3* event in Kessel the<br />
show not only lived up to but exceeded expectations. With top-ofthe-line<br />
sport, excellent facilities for the horses, great footing, and<br />
a super atmosphere everywhere on the show ground.<br />
From the moment the horses, grooms, and riders arrive, everything is taken care of.<br />
There is help offloading the trucks, gifts by Kevin Bacon's for the horses & grooms<br />
when they get their accreditation at the show office and a free breakfast every<br />
morning in the grooms restaurant. Moving on from the stables, the warm-up and<br />
show arena a meticulously maintained by LHK Projects. Being in the business of<br />
constructing equine arena footings the LHK-crew knows how facilitate a good<br />
foundation. "For this event we especially adapted the footing of the outdoor arena.<br />
On a day-to-day basis this arena facilitates training of horses. Footing for a show<br />
- which is used much more intensively over a short period of time - needs to have<br />
a different composition", Michel Hendrix explains. The efficiency and the way<br />
the tractors are driven in sync by the operators during the footing maintenance<br />
represents how the rest of show is organized. Everything runs like clockwork and<br />
every detail is thought of.<br />
"For years we been going over the idea to organize an international event. The<br />
national show - Jumping Peel & Maas - has been a real highlight for our family for<br />
years. But if you want to stay innovative you have to evolve", Tim Hendrix says. "We<br />
see and learn a lot at every show we visit, and we've tried to combine all the great<br />
ideas and implement them at JPM International."<br />
JPM International<br />
|<br />
Specialized in equestrian arena footing,<br />
lawn installation and sports fields.<br />
From earthworks, to construction and maintenance.<br />
Located in the Netherlands<br />
Operating worldwide<br />
+31 (0)6 29 25 68 15<br />
info@lhkprojects.nl<br />
Location, location, location<br />
Finding a suitable venue was the first task. "Choosing at which of our stables we'd<br />
like to host the event took some time. After having contemplated the options, we<br />
decided that for a new event we'd also like to change the venue and the newest<br />
stables in Kessel would be a fantastic place to transform into show grounds. We<br />
aimed to create the feeling of a boutique show but with all the granduer of a big<br />
event venue", adds Janou. The family has more than succeeded in their efforts<br />
to facilitate a grand event. The crowds gathered during the program highlights to<br />
find out what the first international edition of JPM had in store. Thanks to excellent<br />
weather conditions the stands were full, the bar was buzzing with chatter and the VIP<br />
was a hub of meetings and greetings between partners, guests and longstanding<br />
relations of the Hendrix family.<br />
A much appreciated spectacle<br />
Taking full advantage of the setting, the program also contained a business<br />
breakfast meeting and a night, inviting local entrepreneurs to enjoy the atmosphere<br />
and connect whilst seeing showjumping sport at its best. With top course-builder<br />
Louise Konickx and associates the excitement was in the air during the jump-offs<br />
and show classes. With the crowds cheering on their favorites and oeh's an ah's<br />
flying through the air, the absolute winner of this show was the sport. Celebrated<br />
riders and horses showed their skills and put on a much appreciated spectacle.<br />
"We could not be happier with how the first edition of JPM International turned out.<br />
We are very grateful for everyone who made the event such a success and we are<br />
already eagerly awaiting the second edition next year!", concludes Janou<br />
“JPM International<br />
is a boutique show<br />
with grand allure”<br />
Congratulations<br />
With many classes and many winners there is not<br />
enough space congratulate everyone. However,<br />
some combinations made history by earning the first<br />
place in the highlight classes of the show. A short<br />
summary of the top duos who can return in 2024 to<br />
defend their titles:<br />
Winning combinations<br />
1. Master of JPM<br />
Pieter Keunen & Jackson Paulowna<br />
1. CSI1* Grand Prix<br />
Veronica Tracy & Munin<br />
1. CSI3* Grand Prix<br />
Petronella Andersson & Clapton Mouche<br />
JPM International<br />
|<br />
The Editor in Chief's Favorites<br />
Besides good work and show outfits, plus the absolute best<br />
products for our horses, we all have personal favorites as well.<br />
Not everything is equestrian related but I find these places, items<br />
or views inspirational or they bring me joy. Let me share my<br />
favorites and maybe they become yours too.<br />
Coco - Paris<br />
If you happen to be at the Paris 2024 Olympics<br />
or in Paris in general a must visit restaurant is<br />
Coco. You will find delicious food with great live<br />
entertainment there and if you're lucky they will<br />
play a song reflecting your name or origin :)<br />
A Must Watch<br />
One of the greatest soccer players<br />
of all time. If you haven't seen his<br />
Netflix series, please watch it. It gives<br />
a real insight in David Beckham's<br />
extraordinary career.<br />
Diary of a CEO<br />
An inspirational podcast with weekly new<br />
CEO's that talk about any kind of business.<br />
Always interesting to hear what entrepeneurs<br />
have to say and what their stories are.<br />
Whoop!<br />
The first podcast of a Diary of a CEO I listened<br />
to featured an impressive conversation with<br />
Whoop founder Will Ahmed. A Whoop is wearable<br />
performance coach - made personal. Whoop helps to<br />
optimize your health, fitness and life. Check out the<br />
greatest in sport, you will notice they wear a Whoop.<br />
Salle Privée<br />
'Le Temps Perdu'<br />
This fragrance translates to<br />
'In Search of Lost Time' and is<br />
my favorite scent a the moment<br />
Golden Goose sneakers<br />
Golden Goose Ball Star are my all time favorite<br />
sneakers, eventhough they already look<br />
'distressed', they will match with every outfit<br />
Favorites<br />
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38 | In pictures<br />
La Fiesta de la Tradición, San Antonio de Areco.<br />
Gaucho is a word synonymous with Argentina, a land<br />
that has the ability to transport you back in time<br />
to the origins of the most guarded traditions of Argentine<br />
life, traditions that are most celebrated at “The Festival of<br />
Tradition” in San Antonio de Areco in November every year.<br />
The historic town of San Antonio de Areco, has been the centre of one of the<br />
greatest cultural celebrations in South America since the festival’s inauguration<br />
in 1939. Thousands of Gauchos and their forthcoming generations descend<br />
upon the town for the weekend of festivities to celebrate the pride they hold<br />
for their Criollo horses, for their traditional attire, their leather tack and delicate<br />
silverware, and their skills as horsemen. To most, it is the highlight of their year,<br />
with men such as 'Gaucho Gomez' (pictured left) who proudly tells us that this is<br />
his 70th year of parading and competing with his 'Tropilla'. He began when he<br />
was four years old and has not missed a year since, and now does so with his<br />
son and grandson by his side.<br />
Saturday is dedicated to the ‘Jineteada’ (rodeos) and ‘Tropillas’, where over<br />
2000 horses take part. Sunday is dedicated to all of the Gauchos and their<br />
families parading their horses and, in some cases, ponies, through the town.<br />
The most spectacular part for any horseman is the celebration of the ‘Tropillas’.<br />
A Tropilla is a group of geldings who willingly follow a mare with a bell attached<br />
to her, known as ‘the godmother’ of the troupe, whilst the rider rides another<br />
horse leading the mare. Each group of geldings have to be of the same<br />
colouring and markings, they have to be tame enough to be willingly caught<br />
and, in some cases, tacked up, factors all of which contribute to their marks in<br />
the competition. The most breath-taking part of the Tropilla comes right at the<br />
end of the day, as the sun begins to fall, the dust rises as over 600 horses are<br />
let loose in the paddock of the ‘Parque de Criollos’ in what is known as the<br />
'Entrevero'. The Tropillas, run loose in every direction at full gallop, you lose<br />
sight of them through the dust, as the minutes pass all you can hear is the noise<br />
of the bells coming from the 60 or more mares, and of the hooves across the<br />
grass until they are called to a stop. That is the moment that takes one’s breath<br />
away. As the dust settles, you begin to make out the traces of the 600 horses<br />
again and despite the complete chaos of the previous minutes, the air clears<br />
to reveal each group of Tropillas reunited with each other, never wavering far<br />
from their mares. It is truly one of the most extraordinary spectacles of tradition<br />
and equestrianism to witness.<br />
In pictures<br />
|<br />
In the ‘Jineteada’ and ‘Tropillas’<br />
the sight of hundreds of horses<br />
provides a real spectacle.<br />
The day after generations of gauchos<br />
proudly parade through the town.<br />
40 | In pictures
In pictures<br />
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42 | In pictures
Photography by Helen Cruden<br />
Helen is a British born but nomadic at heart, equestrian photographer brought<br />
up surrounded by horses between England and France. She is passionate<br />
about encapsulating the timeless moments of the greatest sporting<br />
achievements across the showjumping and polo world, with an underlying<br />
drive beyond sport, to tell the untold stories of horsemanship from around<br />
the world, from the depths of South America to the Middle East and Europe.<br />
In pictures<br />
|<br />
Another vibrant edition of the<br />
Dutch Sport Horse Sales<br />
Over the past 19 years, the Dutch Sport Horse Sales has evolved into an annual highlight. Only<br />
the most promising five to seven-year-old jumping talents can enter this auction, resulting in<br />
another remarkable edition this year. With the average price being 25 percent higher than last<br />
year a new record was set, aligning perfectly with the offered quality. Additionally, it was a<br />
reunion with many regular clients at the Peelbergen Equestrian Centre.<br />
The six-year-old son of Cornet Obolensky, Mr. Cornike,<br />
had everyone on the edge of their seats during the 19th<br />
edition of the Dutch Sport Horse Sales. He was sold for<br />
a top price of €560,000 by a clever buyer from Canada.<br />
There was significant interest from abroad in the 16<br />
promising showjumping horses, including two reigning<br />
Dutch champions. The auction culminated in a successful<br />
and atmospheric evening, with a large number of bidders<br />
on the auction floor and over the phone.<br />
Top sellers<br />
Within the collection, quality clearly triumphed over<br />
quantity. Three horses were dropped from the lineup for<br />
various reasons in the weeks leading up to the auction,<br />
leaving 16 to be auctioned. This did not prevent the<br />
collection from setting a new record. Four horses were<br />
sold over €360,000, led by the highly talented Mr. Cornike,<br />
who gathered a lot of attention during the Sunshine Tour<br />
last spring. He was bred and still partly owned by Vincent<br />
and Jonna Voorn, who had a memorable evening at the<br />
Dutch Sport Horse Sales. This outstanding son of Cornet<br />
Obolensky was sold for €100,000 more than the Dutch<br />
champion of the seven-year-olds: the high-quality mare<br />
Labelle ES (s.Mosito van Hellehof). This remarkable<br />
mare was purchased by Dutch buyers who will keep<br />
her for her current<br />
rider, Gaj Riossa.<br />
The talent and<br />
impressive results of<br />
Google des Forets<br />
(s.Armitages Boy)<br />
did not go unnoticed<br />
“We had unwavering<br />
confidence in these horses<br />
from the start”<br />
either, as this seven-year-old gelding was acquired for<br />
€470,000 by a German buyer. The scopey Lancer JDV<br />
(s.El Salvador) changed owners for €360,000 and is<br />
heading to Great Britain. The average price reached over<br />
€224,000: a significant increase compared to previous<br />
years.<br />
Dutch Sport Horse Sales<br />
|<br />
Horse of the Year: Quantum Robin V<br />
At the beginning of the evening, the <strong>2023</strong> Youngster and Horse<br />
of the Year were announced. After an astounding Grand Prix<br />
victory at CSIO4* Prague, Quantum Robin V has demonstrated<br />
the ability to compete with the world’s best combinations,<br />
making him a fantastic ambassador for the auction where he was<br />
sold in 2018. The potential he showed as a five-year-old has now<br />
translated into performances at the highest level, earning him<br />
the title of DSHS Horse of the Year. This offspring of Carambole<br />
was bred by Jan Greve and came to Stal Hendrix at the age of<br />
five. Russian Valeria Sokolova and the BWG Stables purchased<br />
him in the auction the same year. This brought Quantum Robin<br />
V to the stable of the Schröder brothers in Tubbergen, where<br />
he has been ridden by Irish rider Matt Garrigan since early 2021.<br />
In August 2022, they made their debut in their first 1.50m Grand<br />
Prix, and they have already achieved 20 international top-ten<br />
results so far. Celebrating their first big win last July with a 1st<br />
place in the 1.55m Grand Prix in Prague. “Quantum Robin V was<br />
a very promising young showjumper when we had him, and he<br />
continued to develop well at the BWG Stables. Under the care<br />
of the Schröder brothers, he has been expertly trained and that<br />
has already led to remarkable results. For us as an auction, it’s<br />
the ideal scenario when top talents find their way to the right<br />
place, and that is certainly the case with Quantum Robin V”, said<br />
Paul Hendrix. An award created by the Limburg artist Jos Dirix<br />
was presented to Ben Schröder on behalf of BWG Stables and<br />
Quantum Robin V’s rider, Matt Garrigan.<br />
Youngster of the Year: Oracle<br />
Exactly one year after being auctioned at Dutch Sport Horse<br />
Sales, the Kannan daughter Oracle has added a title to her list of<br />
accomplishments. Thanks to her consistent performances under<br />
Brian Feigus, she was honoured as the Youngster of the Year. In<br />
the United States, the mare has already delivered remarkable<br />
performances. She won the seven-year-old class in Saugerties<br />
in early September and was victorious at the same competition<br />
at the end of August. Earlier this year, Brian Feigus and Oracle<br />
claimed the victory in two seven-year-old classes in Lexington as<br />
well as in Ocala. The Kannan daughter came into the hands of<br />
Stal Hendrix as a three-year-old and initially had a foal sired by<br />
Cape Coral RBF Z. Once under saddle, it quickly became evident<br />
that Oracle was very talented. Last year, she was sold as a future<br />
prospect in the Dutch Sport Horse Sales. “Oracle has very good<br />
origins, and such a pedigree rarely disappoints. She is a halfsister<br />
to the Grand Prix stallion Whitaker, who participated in the<br />
World Equestrian Games, and is a typical offspring of Kannan.<br />
With her carefulness, scope, and mindset, a bright future awaits<br />
her. It’s nice to see that she already stepped up during her first<br />
year in USA.” Emil Spadone of Redfield Farm became co-owner<br />
at last year’s Dutch Sport Horse Sales, and this talented horse<br />
set off for America.<br />
46 | Dutch Sport Horse Sales
Pictured are the members of the<br />
selection committee, plus the gentlemen<br />
that received the award on behalf of the<br />
Horse of the Year, Quantum Robin V,<br />
Ben Schröder & Matt Garrigan<br />
Very pleased<br />
All in all, there is ample reason<br />
for great satisfaction among the<br />
Dutch Sport Horse Sales team.<br />
The evening was entirely dedicated<br />
to highquality horses, a<br />
good atmosphere and exciting<br />
bidding duels. “Almost all horses<br />
surpassed €100,000, which is in line with the quality of this carefully selected group of horses. We have been<br />
able to welcome many foreign clients at our auction and look forward to seeing further development of the horses.<br />
We had unwavering confidence in these horses from the start, and our expectations have been met at the auction”,<br />
concludes Paul Hendrix, one of the five members of the selection committee together with Yves Houtackers<br />
and Emile, Michel and Timothy Hendrix.<br />
Dutch Sport Horse Sales<br />
|<br />
The Red Carpet<br />
The Dutch Sport Horse Sales rolls out the red carpet every year.<br />
It is our pleasure to show you a small selection of the equestrians that<br />
joined us for a fantastic evening.<br />
Derin Demirsoy, Wilma Hellström, Ioli Mytilineou<br />
& Harold Megahey<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Goltz<br />
Kate Bomgaars & Colleen Walsh<br />
GDS Training<br />
Liana Jones, Alexa Lallos & Jen Delia<br />
Hattel Horse<br />
Virag & Gyula Budai<br />
“Always a warm<br />
welcome and a great<br />
ambiance”<br />
Marni von Schalburg & Ashley McInnis<br />
Nina Mallevaey, Julie Welles, Nick Skelton & Maria Costa<br />
48 | The Red Carpet
“We look forward to<br />
it every year”<br />
Chris Sorenssen & Sean Crooks<br />
Jelena Erdem & Beliz Balkir Crook<br />
Laura Klaphake & David Will<br />
Fanny Rivon, Olivier Philippaerts, Bob Martens &<br />
Nicola Philippaerts<br />
Maggie Kehring & Mark Finnerty<br />
Vani Khosla, Kristin Nyberg, Mathijs van Asten &<br />
Marinus den Doelder<br />
Alex Gill, Barry O'Connor, Tiernan Gill & Joe Burke<br />
Rachelle Hanemaaijer & Maikel van der Vleuten<br />
Erin Carey, Ashley March, Cassie Kahle & Natasha Williams<br />
Janika Sprunger & Henrik von Eckermann<br />
Cem Siyahi & Emile Hendrix<br />
The Red Carpet<br />
|<br />
Meet the Locals<br />
Utopia Equestrian Estate:<br />
A new top spot to the area<br />
Utopia Equestrian Estate is still in the making, but the facility is already<br />
gathering lots of attention. The owners are aiming to contribute to the<br />
flourishing equine sector in the province of Limburg by realizing a topnotch<br />
barn with anything a modern equestrian and horse could want to<br />
enhance their performance level.<br />
A few years ago, the 12-hectare plot where Utopia EE is being "When we were looking for a plot to build a stable of our own,<br />
built was a thriving mink farm. It came up for sale when the we came across this property in Meijel. It was a bit too large for<br />
Dutch government banned fur farming in 2021. Fast forward to our plans of just having a small private stable. However, we liked<br />
<strong>2023</strong> and we meet up with the new owners, funnily enough in the area, and I figured if we were going to construct an indoor<br />
the former fur shed of the farm. This part of the property has arena and stables, why not create more facilities and generate a<br />
been re-developed first and the cozy cottage now houses the business out of it", Wiro explains.<br />
family; Esther and Wiro Bakker and their children Yasmijn (13) and<br />
Quinten (10). The family chose Meijel as their new home after The couple hired an architect and started sketching out the facility<br />
having lived in Portugal for 12 years. Both<br />
that should be ready in time to facilitate<br />
Esther and Wiro are local to the province<br />
of Limburg and are proud to be able to<br />
contribute to the flourishing equestrian<br />
sector in the south of the Netherlands.<br />
Utopia Equestrian Estate will be a stateof-the-art<br />
training facility with many<br />
“We have a big plot<br />
but have only built<br />
48 stalls to rent out”<br />
foreign Olympic teams during their run-up<br />
to Paris 2024. "Every construction works<br />
has its challenges. Personally, I find it very<br />
interesting to solve any issues that come<br />
up. However, we have always stated to<br />
the building crew that we aim to open<br />
early April. If the weather eases up a bit,<br />
options especially developed to enhance the level of training it is still possible - but with the Dutch weather, you never know."<br />
and the health of horse and rider. On the nitrogen permit<br />
(stikstofvergunning in Dutch) there is room for a whopping 96 The company's logo has five stars in it - which is purposely done<br />
horses, however only half of this number (48) stalls are built to to mark the level of service and top-of-the-line accommodation<br />
be rented out.<br />
that will be Utopia EE. "If you want to distinguish yourself you<br />
have to be innovative. That is why besides the luxury horse<br />
There are a total of four all-inclusive stable units containing facilities and apartments, we will also focus on wellness and<br />
twelve stalls each (with private wash stalls, solarium, tack room sustainability", Esther continues. There will be a rehabilitation<br />
& storage rooms). Three of these units are meant for professional centre and horse gym. The parties that rent units at Utopia can<br />
showjumping teams. The fourth unit will be made available for make use of this and we will have a limited number of stalls<br />
the equine rehabilitation centre and horse gym. In a separate available for external parties."<br />
part on the property there is a smaller barn where Esther will<br />
keep her own horses.<br />
50 | Meet the locals
"We are currently negotiating with a veterinary clinic to see if<br />
they are willing to take the lease of the reha-centre and one unit.<br />
There is the opportunity to start one's own company situated on<br />
the grounds of Utopia. Everything will be ready to go. We'd like<br />
to help someone start their own business in the equine wellness<br />
sector as long as they share our passion and make the health of<br />
the horse their number one priority."<br />
Along the way the couple have learned that finding the right<br />
people to collaborate with is an important part of success.<br />
"We have a fantastic group of professionals that advise us",<br />
Wiro emphasizes. "We have our own horses, and have a few<br />
dressage horses together with Kirsten Beckers, but by no<br />
means are we experienced enough to figure everything out<br />
on our own. We are very fortunate to have a skilful and very<br />
efficient architect, Tim Lommen. He has worked for several other<br />
equestrian development projects in the area. We also have a<br />
fantastic maintenance manager that I've known for years and we<br />
have Eva van den Adel on board who manages the estate. Also,<br />
the other parties that are currently contributing to Utopia are all<br />
great at what they do. Like the local contractors who are eager<br />
to collaborate on such a big project."<br />
Esther adds: "To make Utopia EE as sustainable as possible<br />
we've hired a consultant to help us with that part of the process.<br />
We are trying to minimize our footprint and everything from<br />
the building materials, the waste disposal and the landscaping<br />
is being managed with sustainability in mind. Just as a small<br />
example, we've been advised to construct a bee highway to<br />
enrich the biodiversity in the area."<br />
We also enjoy connecting with different parties in the area and<br />
learn from their experiences. Such as big equestrian centres, like<br />
Meet the locals<br />
|<br />
of equestrian<br />
heaven<br />
3 stores in the equestrian heart of Europe<br />
Wide range of high end brands<br />
10% discount for members<br />
Worldwide shipping<br />
Peelbergen which is just 20 minutes away and Sentower Park in<br />
Belgium. We've supported a few international shows local to the<br />
area to get the Utopia EE name out there and to get in contact<br />
with the equestrian community. After having lived abroad for so<br />
long, we are still finding our way."<br />
Both Esther and Wiro grew up in Limburg. Wiro says: "I used to<br />
be a co-owner of a company in Ittervoort. We made silicones<br />
and oil-additives for the industry. By the time Esther and I met I'd<br />
sold my shares in the business, and we set out on a sailing trip<br />
around the world for five years. Finally settling in Portugal and<br />
now Meijel."<br />
"We hope to make a home here, where we can enjoy horse<br />
sports and also be a part of a community. Besides all the facilities<br />
for the horses we are also keen on providing wellness for the<br />
people that live and work at Utopia EE. We have 9 apartments<br />
and one family cottage to rent for the team members of the<br />
renting parties. Next to that we have a gym and physiotherapy<br />
room for everyone to work on their fitness, by themselves or with<br />
a personal trainer. And to top it all off we have a luxurious lounge<br />
that is fit for entertaining or hosting meetings, seminars, dinners<br />
and so forth. We really look forward to it all being ready to use<br />
and to welcome our first guests", Esther concludes.<br />
What's in a name?<br />
Utopia Equestrian Estate lends its name from<br />
two of Esther's first horses. Ella Utopia (Rousseau<br />
x Blanc Rivage) and her foal Norma Utopia (by<br />
Trafalgar). Both horses have passed away and<br />
their ashes will get a special place somewhere<br />
on the grounds of Utopia. "We are not per say<br />
looking for perfection, like the name suggest.<br />
We will definitely aim to create an ideal setting<br />
for horse and rider but the name really refers to<br />
these wonderful horses of my past. This way I<br />
keep their memories alive", Esther explains.<br />
“If the Dutch weather<br />
doesn't slow us down, we<br />
aim to open by mid-April”<br />
November <strong>2023</strong><br />
June <strong>2023</strong> August <strong>2023</strong> April 2024<br />
Meet the locals<br />
|<br />
Limburg Foal Auction<br />
The most successful live<br />
auction of the Netherlands<br />
We look back on the 23rd edition of the Limburg Foal Auction<br />
with great satisfaction. In a time when achieving new sales<br />
records is certainly not a given, the auction achieved an average<br />
price of €11.500. Calculated over a substantial number of 78<br />
showjumping foals, the Limburg Foal Auction earned the title<br />
of the most successful live foal auction of the Netherlands.*<br />
The Limburg Foal Auction aims to contribute to the market<br />
promotion in the southeast of the Netherlands. And it is<br />
interesting to look at the why this auction was such a success. “I<br />
have been saying for years that we are in the middle of one of<br />
the very best breeding areas in Europe. This was underlined at<br />
the European Championship in Milan, where two horses bred in<br />
Limburg finished in the top ten individually”, says Paul Hendrix,<br />
referring to Henrik von Eckermann’s Iliana and the stallion<br />
Highway TN of Willem Greve.<br />
Quality foals<br />
In the southeast of the Netherlands, it is not only the sport that is<br />
flourishing, but the breeding is also of an unprecedented level.<br />
The majority of the foals in the Limburg Foal Auction come from<br />
this breeding area, thus possessing great potential. Furthermore,<br />
over the years, this auction has built a strong reputation, thanks<br />
to both the high sales percentage and a series of top performing<br />
references. Current examples of successful horses sold through<br />
the Limburg Foal Auction include multiple Grand Prix winner<br />
Ginger-Blue of Ben Maher and other 1.50/1.60m level performers<br />
like Parrandero of Giavanna Rinaldi, Janeiro of Max Routledge<br />
and Madiba AG Z of Ashley Vogel. Inextricably linked to the<br />
auction’s success is, of course, Stal Hendrix’s extensive network<br />
of clients. The association with the Dutch Sport Horse Sales,<br />
held a day earlier, is also a key ingredient. All of this contributed<br />
to the Limburg Foal Auction achieving the highest average<br />
price for showjumping foals in the Netherlands this year. With<br />
an average of over €11.500, other renowned live auctions were<br />
outperformed. Particularly considering the large number of 78<br />
foals, almost twice as many as most other auctions. Once again,<br />
there was a great deal of international interest in the foals. They<br />
were sold on the auction floor and online to countries including<br />
the United States, Italy, Ireland, Finland, Canada and Germany.<br />
Promising fillies<br />
The Chacco-Blue filly Cruela Grandia Z (ds.Mr.Blue) proved to<br />
be the top seller of the evening, fetching a price of €35.000.<br />
She was bred by Tonnie Grandia and has three mares in her<br />
pedigree stacked up that have all competed at a minimum of<br />
1.40m level. There was significant interest in valuable fillies<br />
during this auction, with an average price reaching €12.500,<br />
demonstrating that buyers are still willing to invest in genetically<br />
outstanding mare material. Such as the filly Take On Me D (s.Cape<br />
Coral RBF Z), who was sold for €30,000. Another notable Cape<br />
Coral RBF Z offspring, Triomphe Especiale, is heading to the<br />
States for €28.000. There was also significant interest in Annika<br />
Z (s.Aganix du Seigneur), acquired by top riders Richard Vogel<br />
and Sophie Hinners for €29.000. Expectations were exceeded<br />
during the auction in the Peelbergen Equestrian Centre. With an<br />
average price of €11.564, the 2022 average price was sucseded<br />
by nearly €1.000, setting a new record. As a result, the majority<br />
of breeders went home feeling content. Just like a large number<br />
of buyers, that were able to purchase first-class showjumping<br />
foals with great potential for sport and breeding.<br />
54 | Limburg Foal Auction
Chacco-Blue filly Cruela Grandia Z<br />
(ds.Mr. Blue) was the top seller of<br />
the evening for 35.000 euro.<br />
* How did the auction<br />
earn its winning title?<br />
Not taken for granted<br />
The organization of the Limburg Foal Auction has been managed<br />
by Stal Hendrix since 2012. Since then, significant changes have<br />
been made, such as specializing in showjumping foals. Many<br />
breeders are willing to retain their best foals for this auction, and<br />
after the success in <strong>2023</strong>, there is even more reason to do so.<br />
Paul Hendrix is very pleased with this development. “Through<br />
this auction, we aim to bring together the best breeders and<br />
buyers. With such an average price and relatively few foals that<br />
sold below expectations it’s safe to say that most breeders went<br />
home very satisfied. Our auction consistently proves its value,<br />
and we are delighted that we have been able to continue the<br />
upward trend of recent years in this edition. Especially with such<br />
a high number of foals and in these economically challenging<br />
times, breaking auction records is by no means taken for<br />
granted. I am proud that we, together with the breeders, have<br />
succeeded so well this year.”<br />
The Barnbridge Report<br />
Every month independent auction platform<br />
Barnbridge releases a report with all the auctions<br />
data combined. In the report the numbers are<br />
analyzed and a summary of the highest selling<br />
auctions per country and discipline are revealed.<br />
As are the stallions that sired the most foals, in<br />
which country foals sell for the higest price and<br />
how many lots in total were auctioned off.<br />
A comparison between the current month and<br />
the month before is also highlighted to give<br />
viewers and idea of the trends that are going on<br />
in the world of auctions. To have a look at the<br />
latest report, scan the code below.<br />
Two days after the excellently conducted live auction, another 46<br />
foals were auctioned in the online edition. In this auction, foals<br />
were sold to countries such as Spain, Germany, France, Slovakia<br />
and Ireland. Top seller was the Comme Il Faut filly Tiffany FT,<br />
who was sold to France for €11.000. For €10.000, the Emerald<br />
van ‘t Ruytershof son Excellent went to a new Dutch owner.<br />
The majority of the foals were sold, reaffirming the Limburg<br />
Foal Auction’s contribution to promoting the sale of promising<br />
showjumping foals from the region.<br />
Text: Jenneke Smit<br />
Limburg Foal Auction<br />
|<br />
Top-level training & wellness facilities - all under one roof<br />
Utopia Equestrian Estate will be a highly sustainable, state-of-theart<br />
horse facility. Ideally located in the south of the Netherlands near<br />
several showjumping event venues.<br />
This estate presents an exclusive environment for professional<br />
showjumping teams to stable, train and optimize the performance of<br />
their horses.<br />
Horses stabled at Utopia EE are welcome to use the rehabilitation<br />
centre & horse spa, including an aquatrainer, vibration plate & treadmill.<br />
GUESTS - APRIL 2024<br />
Private stable units<br />
12 high-end stalls<br />
2 wash stalls + solarium<br />
Fully furnished tack room<br />
with fridge & freezer<br />
2 large storage rooms<br />
Team breakroom<br />
with kitchenette<br />
Estate facilities<br />
Eb and flow arenas<br />
Indoor (35x60m)<br />
Outdoor (40x90m)<br />
2 horse walkers<br />
(8-horse capacity each)<br />
2 covered lunge pens<br />
Multiple sand & grass<br />
paddocks<br />
Scan the code to find out more or visit<br />
The main building features a luxurious lounge for entertaining and a gym<br />
with separate physiotherapy room.<br />
There are also nine fully furnished high-end apartments and one familycottage<br />
available for rent.<br />
Utopia Equestrian Estate<br />
Meijel, The Netherlands
Save the Dates 2024<br />
World Sport Horse Sales<br />
15 MARCH<br />
World Equestrian Center<br />
Ocala, Florida, USA<br />
Dutch Sport Horse Sales<br />
23 - 24 SEPTEMBER<br />
Peelbergen Equestrian Centre<br />
Kronenberg, the Netherlands<br />
JPM International<br />
30 MAY - 2 JUNE<br />
CSI3*/CSI1*/CSI-YH<br />
Kessel, the Netherlands<br />
Limburg Foal Auction<br />
25 SEPTEMBER<br />
Peelbergen Equestrian Centre<br />
Kronenberg, the Netherlands<br />
Colophon<br />
Janou Hendrix<br />
Eva van den Adel<br />
Hendrix Events B.V<br />
marketing@stalhendrix.nl<br />
Equitext<br />
info@equitext.nl<br />
PRINT<br />
Printvisie<br />
www.printvisie.nl<br />
As stated in the articles or:<br />
P3: Horseware & Tori OC Equine<br />
Photography<br />
P5: Digishots, Helen Cruden<br />
P10-11: Andrew Ryback, Sportfot,<br />
Equine Sport Photography,<br />
Katherine Hay, 1Clic<br />
P14-19: Digishots<br />
P20-23: Maven Photo & Film &<br />
Eva van den Adel<br />
P24-25: Sportfot & Helen Cruden<br />
P28-31: Shutterstock & Adobe stock<br />
P32-35: Kim Hendriks & Equitext<br />
P37: Courtesy of the brands<br />
P45-47: Digishots & Thomas<br />
Holbecher<br />
P54-55: Digishots<br />
As stated in the articles or:<br />
Eva van den Adel<br />
A special thanks goes out to<br />
Digishots. Year round they are<br />
our preferred supplier for all our<br />
auction and event photography.<br />
With the first edition of our new<br />
magazine having a whole new<br />
look and feel, we thank them for<br />
thinking with us and willingness to<br />
experiment along with our ideas.<br />
Although the utmost care has been taken<br />
in compiling this publication, we do not<br />
accept liability for the consequences of any<br />
(printing) errors and or omissions.<br />
Save the Dates<br />
|<br />
18 karaat roségouden oorhanger met parels en diamant<br />
JEWELLERY o.a. Leon Martens • Pomellato • Chantecler • Chopard • Tamara Comolli • Royal Asscher • Fope • Mattioli<br />
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IWC • Breguet • Jaeger-LeCoultre • Blancpain • Breitling • Panerai • Chopard • Tudor • Tag Heuer • Chanel • Longines<br />
Stationsstraat 39-41 Maastricht • T. +31 (0)43 325 63 63 • www.leonmartens.com