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<strong>Tallink</strong> Grupp<br />
through stormy seas<br />
The CEO of <strong>Tallink</strong> Grupp, which recently celebrated its 35th anniversary,<br />
is the esteemed chief executive PAAVO NÕGENE. <strong>Tallink</strong> Grupp has grown into<br />
the biggest shipping company in the Baltic Sea region and is constantly evolving,<br />
continuously perfecting its services and sustainability. In addition to steering<br />
the course for his own company, Paavo Nõgene is also helping to change Estonia<br />
for the better by drawing attention to key economic and social issues.<br />
Text: anu merila I Photos: tanel murd<br />
As the CEO of <strong>Tallink</strong> Grupp you have more<br />
than 5000 colleagues across different<br />
countries, where the company operates.<br />
No other company in Estonia is that big. What<br />
are the values you live by in your company?<br />
People are at the heart of everything we do.<br />
Both as colleagues and as clients. We offer our<br />
services to people and our services are offered by<br />
people. Even the service provider of the future –<br />
AI – is taught by people. And even though the<br />
world around is changing and our company with<br />
it, we are and will be a people’s company.<br />
Are you available for all your colleagues?<br />
I wrote a letter to my colleagues on 1 May 2018,<br />
promising an open-door policy so everyone in<br />
<strong>Tallink</strong> could always come to me with whatever<br />
was on their mind. This is how it has been and<br />
will continue to be.<br />
Your life is very scheduled. What time does<br />
your workday start and what do you do first?<br />
I wake up at 6:00 and I am in the office by 7:00<br />
every workday. The quiet hours of the early<br />
morning are great for kickstarting the day, getting<br />
an overview of current events, and familiarizing<br />
myself with the plans for the day ahead.<br />
<strong>Tallink</strong>’s slogan is “The Nicest Way Together”.<br />
What is <strong>Tallink</strong>’s unique selling point compared<br />
to its Scandinavian competitors?<br />
We offer a high-quality transportation service<br />
but also memorable experiences in a modern,<br />
environmentally friendly and comfortable setting.<br />
Our team works hard every day to be the best in<br />
our field. I think one of our trump cards is that<br />
we do not compromise on quality.<br />
You are like a Renaissance man, with an incredibly<br />
colourful background. Your father Endel<br />
Nõgene is a beloved conductor, and you started<br />
out in the theatre, performing in the choir of<br />
the opera Carmen as a little boy. You went on<br />
to produce musicals in Vanemuine Theatre, later<br />
becoming the general manager of that same<br />
theatre. After that, you were the Secretary-<br />
General for the Ministry of Culture… How has<br />
a 22-year career in the arts helped you in<br />
your job as <strong>Tallink</strong>’s CEO?<br />
The arts have always been underfunded so the people<br />
who work in that field have had to operate very<br />
efficiently. That experience also comes in handy<br />
when running a company. On the other hand, cultural<br />
awareness has its merits. As an executive, my<br />
background in the arts has maybe broadened my<br />
horizon, and given me a more empathetic nature.<br />
10 The Nicest Way to Beauty