Tallink Silja Line Voyage publication valid until 4.2025

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Bordeaux is<br />

the colour<br />

30% red + 11% green +<br />

14% blue equals the number<br />

one colour of this year.<br />

There is something comforting<br />

and warm about<br />

bordeaux hues and<br />

chocolate shades that<br />

aim to dominate our<br />

wardrobes now.<br />

PRADA<br />

Boss boots<br />

They will take you through<br />

the streets, the parks and<br />

even muddy roads.<br />

They are the ultimate city boots.<br />

Boots BOSS<br />

HERMES<br />

T-shirt<br />

GANT<br />

Shacket<br />

BOSS<br />

Jacket + shirt<br />

= shacket<br />

If you add one good<br />

thing to another, the result<br />

is something double as good.<br />

Shacket is a shirt that resembles a<br />

jacket and oh how practical it is! Add<br />

a rollneck sweater or a T-shirt underneath<br />

and you’ve got yourself<br />

a versatile everyday outfit.<br />

Hairclip,<br />

scrunchies,<br />

hairbow JEAN<br />


LOUIS<br />


Good<br />

hair day<br />

Wearing one of these<br />

accessories guarantees you a good<br />

hair day. Scrunchies, hairclips and<br />

bows are all very much appreciated.<br />

Mercedes Benz<br />

Fashion Week<br />

Street style<br />

100 The Nicest Way to Beauty

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