Tallink Silja Line Voyage publication valid until 4.2025

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The souvenir<br />

If you are someone who likes to preserve<br />

memories by holding on to cute<br />

objects or giving gifts to loved ones –<br />

here is a set of collectibles to bring<br />

back for just the right person.<br />

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❶ Captain Bear<br />

❷ Pens with playful floating elements<br />

❸ Ship’s chocolate<br />

❹ Ship’s replica<br />

1<br />

❶ Inflatable ball<br />

❷ Cardgame Black Cloud<br />

❸ Cardgame Memory<br />

❹ Pencil set<br />

❺ Electronic drawing pad<br />

Fun and games<br />

Although the ship has multiple activities for kids,<br />

here we have a couple more options like card<br />

games that adults are also welcome to join in.<br />

Drawing is a classic activity that never really goes<br />

out of style. And by the way, the electronic<br />

drawing board works very well with<br />

long car rides. The paper never<br />

runs out and the pencil never<br />

leaves any stains. You<br />

should try it out!<br />

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4<br />

The Nicest Way to Beauty<br />


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