Tallink Silja Line Voyage publication valid until 4.2025

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Photos: VIDA PRESS<br />

and SUPPLIERS<br />

TRENDS<br />

to try now<br />

No matter if 13 is your lucky number or sign of<br />

unluck, these 13 trends will give your wardrobe<br />

a stylish boost. Opt for a bold statement<br />

necklace or a safe cozy roll-neck<br />

sweater and stay up to date.<br />

1<br />

Animal instinct<br />

Unleash your inner animal with the<br />

trendiest prints of<br />

the season. Tigers<br />

and leopards are<br />

welcome, rawrrr!<br />

DIOR<br />

Blouse<br />



Knitwear FREEQUENT,<br />


Two is company<br />

No, you are not suffering from<br />

double vision. Similar coloured<br />

tops are a convinient way to<br />

dress as they match 100%.<br />

Preppy is back<br />

The polo shirt’s appeal has<br />

probably something to do with<br />

the fact that it’s a rare fashion<br />

item, comfortable,<br />

but also smart at<br />

the same time.<br />

Wear it separately,<br />

under<br />

a classy<br />

blazer or a<br />

cool denim<br />

jacket.<br />

Polo GANT<br />

Paris<br />

Street Style<br />

TOMMY<br />


Cap NEW ERA<br />

For all the<br />

bohemian<br />

souls<br />

Practically anything<br />

can be made out of<br />

velvet. This fabric is<br />

unisex, versatile and<br />

always giving<br />

cozy vibes.<br />

98 The Nicest Way to Beauty

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