CBS November Newsletter

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Monthly <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

<strong>November</strong> 2024 Vol. 1 Ed. 3<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Table of Contents<br />

Looking Back<br />

A Note from Rabbi Niles<br />

President’s Message<br />

Marah’s Corner<br />

Calendar of this month’s events<br />

Birthdays<br />

Anniversaries<br />

Yahrtzeits<br />

Services<br />

Onegs<br />

Torah Portion<br />

Torah Study<br />

Open Education for Franchise Corner<br />

Welcome to New Members<br />

Donations<br />

Things to Know/ Previews<br />

Ways to Support <strong>CBS</strong><br />

Board<br />

Contact Us<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Looking Back<br />

Open for Franchise<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

A Note From Rabbi Niles<br />

Dear friends,<br />

<strong>November</strong> is a very quiet month in the Jewish calendar. By now, we have gone through<br />

the intensity and busy-ness of the High Holy Days, plus Sukkot and Simchat Torah, and<br />

there is no major Jewish holiday or festival until Chanukah in late December. So what<br />

will we do to keep ourselves occupied, Jewishly speaking, during this month?<br />

The answer is Shabbat. I noted at the October 7 memorial as well as during the High<br />

Holy Days that the best way to combat antisemitism is by living a vibrant, robust and<br />

committed Jewish life, by participating in the traditions of Judaism and by supporting<br />

other Jews in our community. Shabbat observance is a great way to do that.<br />

Shabbat has many practices and rituals associated with it: lighting candles, saying the<br />

blessings over wine and challah, and attending services. I challenge you to try to come<br />

to at least one Shabbat service during the month of <strong>November</strong>. That is not a lot to ask,<br />

and it may very well add meaning and a sense of connection to your life.<br />

This is not a time for Jews to be detached and alone. In light of Israel's ongoing war,<br />

and highlighted by the rising antisemitism here in our community and around the<br />

world, NOW is the time to stand up and be counted. I urge you to be proud of and<br />

open about your Jewish heritage and identity, to participate in and support <strong>CBS</strong>—the<br />

center of Jewish life in Napa Valley—to the best of your ability. Showing up once a<br />

month for Shabbat services isn't too much to ask of anyone.<br />

Our Jewish spiritual tradition is rich and profound. Let's celebrate it together!<br />

B'shalom, Niles<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

President’s Message<br />


At this time of the year, it is typical to thank the people in your<br />

life for their good deeds. And so, it is with sincere gratitude that<br />

I send a thank you to all who made our HHD services an<br />

enormous success. Sadly, I don’t have space for everyone.<br />

The services went smoothly thanks to Marah, the Ritual<br />

Committee, and experienced/knowledgeable volunteers. Gordon<br />

& his talented musicians along with the congregational singers<br />

of all ages resulted in a unique experience. Numerous volunteers<br />

prepared a bounty of sumptuous nourishment for Selichot, Rosh<br />

Hashanah, Tashlich, Break Fast, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah.<br />

Mark, our security guard, was with us throughout the services<br />

assisted by our <strong>CBS</strong> member greeters.<br />

An additional thanks to Marah who started a new and, wellreceived<br />

tradition of Yom Kippur Pledge Cards. And lastly, Rabbi<br />

Niles who continues to educate and inform us on the meaning<br />

and traditions of being Jewish.<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Marah’s Corner<br />

Marah’s Sweet Dairy Kugel<br />

Ingredients<br />

1 package (16 oz.) wide egg noodles<br />

1 cup butter softened<br />

6 oz. cream cheese softened<br />

2 cups sugar<br />

1 container (16 oz) sour cream<br />

2 tsp. vanilla<br />

1 tsp. cinnamon<br />

6 eggs<br />

8 cups corn flakes<br />

1 tsp. cinnamon<br />

1/2 cup butter melted<br />

Directions<br />

1. Cook noodles according to package directions. Drain well and<br />

set aside to cool.<br />

2. In a large mixing bowl, cream butter and cream cheese until well<br />

combined.<br />

3.Add in sugar, sour cream, vanilla, cinnamon and eggs.<br />

4. Fold in thoroughly cooled noodles. Pour into 13x9x2 inch baking<br />

dish.<br />

5.In small bowl melt butter and mix in cinnamon.<br />

6. In medium bowl, pour butter/cinnamon mixture over corn flakes<br />

and mix until combined. Sprinkle over noodle kugel mixture.<br />

Cover and refrigerate 4 to 24 hours.<br />

7. Bake at 350 degrees F, about 1 hour or until center is set. Let<br />

stand 10 minutes before serving warm or refrigerate and re-heat<br />

before serving.<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Calendar of Events<br />

Erev Shabbat, <strong>November</strong> 1 (Tishrei 30)<br />

5:30pm Shabbat Noach - Outdoors with Pets<br />

Saturday, <strong>November</strong> 2 (Cheshvan 1)<br />

10:30 am Torah Study with Rabbi Goldstein<br />

Sunday, <strong>November</strong> 3 (Cheshvan 2)<br />

9:30am Religious School<br />

Tuesday, <strong>November</strong> 5 (Cheshvan 4)<br />

All Day Event: US Election Day<br />

Erev Shabbat, <strong>November</strong> 8 (Cheshvan 7)<br />

6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

Faces of Faith with Dr. Wakoh Shannon Hickey<br />

Monday, <strong>November</strong> 11 (Cheshvan 10)<br />

All Day Event: Veterans Day<br />

5:00pm Youth Group: Grades 6 and up<br />

Wednesday, <strong>November</strong> 13 (Cheshvan 12)<br />

6:00pm Rabbi’s Seminar:<br />

The Book of Kohelet: A Manifesto of Contradictions<br />

Thursday, <strong>November</strong> 14 (Cheshvan 13)<br />

3:30pm Your Write to Resilience<br />

Erev Shabbat, <strong>November</strong> 15 (Cheshvan 14)<br />

5:30pm K/1 Class Shabbat Service<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Calendar of Events cont’d<br />

Saturday, <strong>November</strong> 16 (Cheshvan 15)<br />

10:30 am Torah Study with Rabbi Goldstein<br />

Sunday, <strong>November</strong> 17 (Cheshvan 16)<br />

9:30am Religious School<br />

9:45am Shorashim Music with Megan<br />

Tuesday, <strong>November</strong> 19 (Cheshvan 18)<br />

10:30am Soul Sisters Book Club<br />

Wednesday, <strong>November</strong> 20 (Cheshvan 19)<br />

7:00pm Board Meeting<br />

Erev Shabbat, <strong>November</strong> 22 (Cheshvan 21)<br />

6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

Thursday, <strong>November</strong> 28 (Cheshvan 27)<br />

All Day Event: Thanksgiving Day<br />

Erev Shabbat, <strong>November</strong> 29 (Cheshvan 28)<br />

All Day Event: Thanksgiving Friday<br />

6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

Saturday, <strong>November</strong> 30 (Cheshvan 29)<br />

4:00pm & 7:00pm Movie Screening<br />

at Jarvis Conservatory<br />

The Blond Boy From the Casbah<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Calendar of Events cont’d<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Birthdays<br />

11/1 Joan Harris<br />

11/2 Suzanne Mason, Irene Yesowitch, Steve<br />

Gordon, Julie Ann Kodmur<br />

11/5 Roberta Solomon<br />

11/7 David Dell<br />

11/8 David Freed<br />

11/11 Anthony Wilmert, Tulah Shully<br />

11/12 Yair Kaduri<br />

11/13 Caraine Lucas<br />

11/14 Anika Ewig<br />

11/16 Mary Luros<br />

11/17 Peter Willmert, Amina Shully<br />

11/18 Sandi Perlman, Nancy Goldstein<br />

11/19 Jacob Edwards, Hannah Edwards, Nate<br />

Charney<br />

Anniversaries<br />

11/20 Cameron Gerien, Lee Bycel, Lauran<br />

Posner, Maryle Brauer<br />

11/21 Holly Finkelstein, Alan Goldstein<br />

11/22 Lana Winograde, David Margulies,<br />

Jordan Massey, Sue Wollack<br />

11/24 Judy Dumonde<br />

11/25 Elliott Miluso<br />

11/28 Murray Woolf<br />

11/29 Marsha Huber, Aaron Ladrigan, David<br />

Amar, Samuel Luros<br />

Is your Birthday or Anniversary<br />

coming up? Pick a Shabbat to<br />

Sponsor an Oneg<br />

Click Here<br />

11/04 Dave & Charlene Dobrow (17)<br />

11/07 Mara Bleviss & Michael Edwards (32)<br />

11/07 Lisa & Matt Lombardi (16)<br />

11/22 Larry & Lauran Posner (37)<br />

11/26 Larry & Linda Miller (46)<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Yahrtzeits<br />

In Memorium, we remember the anniversaries of our loved<br />

ones, who are no longer with us.<br />

11/1 Marcus Widmann, Dan Weinstein, Miriam Schmidt Percelay<br />

11/2 Vicky Kazes, Pat Warfield, Elliott Kapchan<br />

11/3 Rosalie Becker, Annie Nussbaum, Orville S. Cohen, Joseph Souroujon<br />

11/4 Bernice Cabral, Gladys Shubin<br />

11/5 Marilyn Finkelstein, Joe Freed, Margaret Gert<br />

11/7 Louis Landau, Guy Simon, Carl H. Leman<br />

11/8 Donald Klein, David Mendelsohn<br />

11/9 Sara Sager<br />

11/10 Jay J. Ginsburg, David Cohen<br />

11/12 Ada Sultan, Regina Lunin, Dora Margolis<br />

11/13 Max Fuchs<br />

11/14 Hermine Simon, William Stein, Nonnie Rappaport, Elizabeh J. Heaphy, Rose Shefren,<br />

Murray Sills<br />

11/15 Estelle Yesowitch<br />

11/16 Ziva Sivan, Jack Siadek, Bertha Kron, Haskell Goldberg, Estelle Eisenberg<br />

11/17 Blanche Goodman Burgheimer, Jerry Kerbis<br />

11/18 Sidney Posner, Rabbi Lori Phillips<br />

11/19 Una Kramer, Marlene Hartstein Schoenfeld, Esther Sternberg<br />

11/20 Morton Postrel, Charles Shapiro<br />

11/21 Frank Pavolillo, Jr.<br />

11/24 Sidney Levy, Malcolm Nanes<br />

11/26 Alice Medine King, Jacob Boverman, Paul Decker<br />

11/27 Norman Gene Alumbaugh, Elvera Shore, Nidra Rosie Rosenthal<br />

11/28 Samuel Cooper<br />

11/29 Rose Cohen<br />

11/30 Joseph Burgheimer, Katie Domfort, Robert Lion Conhaim, David Cohen<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Services & Weekly Torah Portions<br />

Weekly Torah Portion<br />

11/1 Animal Shabbat<br />

Noach<br />

Genesis 6:9−11:32<br />

Services Led by:<br />

11/1 Rabbi Niles & Gordon<br />

Lustig<br />

Click Here for <strong>CBS</strong> YouTube<br />

Oneg Sponsored by<br />

Kathleen Conrey<br />

Service Start Time<br />

5:30 PM<br />

11/8 Faces of Faith<br />

Lech L'cha<br />

Genesis 12:1−17:27<br />

11/8 Rabbi Niles & Shane<br />

Soldinger<br />

Wendy Ellen Cochran in<br />

honor of her son Benjamin<br />

Michael’s 40th Birthday<br />

6:00 PM<br />

11/15 K/1 Class Shabbat<br />

Vayeira<br />

Genesis 18:1–22:24<br />

11/15 Rabbi Niles & Gordon<br />

Lustig, and the K/1 class<br />

Kathleen Conrey<br />

5:30 PM<br />

11/22 Chayei Sarah<br />

Genesis 23:1−25:18<br />

1/22 Rabbi Niles & Gordon<br />

Lustig<br />

David Margulies for his 90th<br />

Birthday<br />

6:00 PM<br />

11/29 Tol'dot<br />

Genesis 25:19−28:9<br />

11/29 Gordon Lustig<br />

Kathleen Conrey<br />

6:00 PM<br />

Education Corner<br />

Consult the Religious School Calendar for all kid-friendly<br />

programming.<br />

Consider joining us on the following dates:<br />

Nov 1: Parshat Noach Pet Friendly<br />

Service<br />

Nov 3: Religious School<br />

Nov 11: Youth Group<br />

Nov 15: K/1 Shabbat<br />

Nov 17: Religious School, Shorashim,<br />

Music with Megan<br />

No RS:<br />

Nov 10<br />

Nov 24<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Welcome to New Members<br />

Introduce a friend to <strong>CBS</strong><br />

Bring a local Bay Area family to any <strong>CBS</strong> service or<br />

activity as your guests. If your referral joins <strong>CBS</strong>,<br />

you will receive a $180 credit on your account.<br />

Congregation Beth Shalom would like<br />

to express a hearty Mazel Tov to:<br />

Amy Hall and Andrew Walleck on their<br />

recent conversion to Judaism.<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Donations<br />

You can celebrate a simcha, commemorate a loss or mark a special<br />

occasion by contributing to Congregation Beth Shalom, in honor or in<br />

memory of someone important in your life. Click the banner above to make a<br />

contribution.<br />

L’Dor V’Dor<br />

.Dedicated In Memory Of Ida L. Eisenstark. - Howard Eisenstark & Teresa Barnes<br />

In Loving Memory of our brother, Jay, who we miss dearly. - Sue & Roy Barush<br />

In Loving Memory of my mother, Clare. You are always on my mind, missing you dearly.<br />

- Sue & Roy Barush<br />

In Memory of Steve Eisendrath - Debbie & Stuart Eisendrath<br />

In Memory Of Samantha Jane Kessler. - Judy Nystrom<br />

In Honor Of 50th Anniversary of Robin and Scott Stearn. - Maxine Miluso<br />

In Honor Of Bunnie Finkelstein’s Birthday. - Maxine Miluso<br />

Shani Revivo<br />

In Honor of Scott & Robin Stearn, Happy 50th Anniversary - Jason & Mary Luros<br />

Renee Cazares<br />

In loving memory of Morton Sherman - Anne & Debbie Percelay<br />

In loving memory of Miriam Schmidt Percelay - Anne & Debbie Percelay<br />

In memory of Alexander Cohn - Bar Diamond<br />

In memory of Ilene C. Herman - Irwin Herman<br />

In memory of Fred Herman - Irwin Herman<br />

In memory of Ann Herman - Irwin Herman<br />

In memory of Milton J. Goldman - Fred & Kathryn Goldman<br />

In memory of Willard Krasnow - Fred & Kathryn Goldman<br />

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund<br />

In loving memory of my dear father, Israel Trakhtenberg, towards his Yahrzeit<br />

- Margaret Trachtenberg<br />

Brett Bergman<br />

Barbara Diamond<br />

In thanks for all Rabbi did for me in my conversion process. - Amy Hall<br />

Bimah Flowers<br />

Deborah & Bradley Wasserman<br />

Ner Tamid Cemetery<br />

In memory and appreciation of Jan Shrem for his kindness in helping with the Jewish<br />

Historical Society of Napa Valley in its formation. - Donna Mendelsohn

Things to know/ Previews<br />

<strong>November</strong> 19th,<br />

The Confidante<br />

by Christopher Gorham<br />

Please contact Sabina at<br />

binniepsych1@comcast.net<br />

with questions.<br />

New members welcome<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Things to know/ Previews<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Things to know/ Previews

Things to know/ Previews<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Things to know/ Previews<br />

Join Rabbi Goldstein for an interactive and lively<br />

discussion of the Book of Kohelet, also known as<br />

Ecclesiastes. This ancient biblical book, clearly<br />

influenced by Greek Stoic philosophy, is unique in the<br />

Hebrew canon. Join us as we explore its author's<br />

reflections on the passage of time, impermanence,<br />

and life's fragility and seeming absurdity at times.<br />

Many of this book's themes and passages have had<br />

outsized impact on the Western intellectual and<br />

literary tradition.<br />

No prior knowledge of the Bible is required.<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Things to know/ Previews<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

The Blonde<br />

Boy from<br />

Casbah<br />

Two showings on<br />

Saturday<br />

<strong>November</strong> 30th at<br />

the Jarvis<br />

Conservatory<br />

Follows the<br />

childhood of the<br />

filmmaker Antoine<br />

Lisner. He travels to<br />

Algiers to present a<br />

feature-length film<br />

while being<br />

accompanied by his<br />

son, who was the<br />

same age as him<br />

when he left Algeria<br />

in 1962.<br />

4 & 7 pm On <strong>November</strong><br />

General Admission:<br />

$15<br />

Tickets available<br />

online or at Jarvis<br />

Conservatory<br />

CLICK TO<br />


19th at 10am,<br />

tune your radio<br />

dials to 91.3<br />

KSVY Sonoma<br />

and hear <strong>CBS</strong>’ own Efi Lubliner<br />

interviewed about the upcoming<br />

movie screening.

General Admission $65 - under 21 tickets $15<br />

Club Member - 2 complimentary tickets<br />

RSVP: info@juddshill.com | 707-255-2332 |<br />

juddshill.com<br />

Celebrate Hanukkah with Judd’s Hill! Enjoy classic holiday<br />

dishes like savory brisket and crispy latkes, paired<br />

perfectly with our handcrafted wines. This year’s nonprofit<br />

beneficiary is the Humane Society of the North Bay.<br />

They will be bringing adoptable pups ready to find their<br />

forever homes! Stop by for some puppy cuddles and the<br />

chance to change a life through adoption.

Things to know/ Previews<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Ways to Help <strong>CBS</strong><br />

Please consider purchasing from these<br />

vendors and ordering from the links below<br />

to further support <strong>CBS</strong><br />

Click to purchase a plaque for the<br />

memorial board.<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

Board of Trustees<br />

2024 - 2025 <strong>CBS</strong> Board Officers<br />

Eve Kahn - President: President@cbsnapa.org<br />

Scott Brown - Treasurer: Treasurer@cbsnapa.org<br />

Lara Shumer - Secretary<br />

Roberta Solomon - Past President<br />

Contact Us<br />

Please reach out with any questions, concerns, or just to have a<br />

cup of coffee and a chat. Our doors are always open to you.<br />

Rabbi<br />

Niles Goldstein<br />

rabbi@cbsnapa.org<br />

Synagogue/Education Director<br />

Marah Peresechensky<br />

office@cbsnapa.org<br />

Music Director<br />

Gordon Lustig<br />

gordondlustig@gmail.com<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

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