CBS November Newsletter

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Services & Weekly Torah Portions<br />

Weekly Torah Portion<br />

11/1 Animal Shabbat<br />

Noach<br />

Genesis 6:9−11:32<br />

Services Led by:<br />

11/1 Rabbi Niles & Gordon<br />

Lustig<br />

Click Here for <strong>CBS</strong> YouTube<br />

Oneg Sponsored by<br />

Kathleen Conrey<br />

Service Start Time<br />

5:30 PM<br />

11/8 Faces of Faith<br />

Lech L'cha<br />

Genesis 12:1−17:27<br />

11/8 Rabbi Niles & Shane<br />

Soldinger<br />

Wendy Ellen Cochran in<br />

honor of her son Benjamin<br />

Michael’s 40th Birthday<br />

6:00 PM<br />

11/15 K/1 Class Shabbat<br />

Vayeira<br />

Genesis 18:1–22:24<br />

11/15 Rabbi Niles & Gordon<br />

Lustig, and the K/1 class<br />

Kathleen Conrey<br />

5:30 PM<br />

11/22 Chayei Sarah<br />

Genesis 23:1−25:18<br />

1/22 Rabbi Niles & Gordon<br />

Lustig<br />

David Margulies for his 90th<br />

Birthday<br />

6:00 PM<br />

11/29 Tol'dot<br />

Genesis 25:19−28:9<br />

11/29 Gordon Lustig<br />

Kathleen Conrey<br />

6:00 PM<br />

Education Corner<br />

Consult the Religious School Calendar for all kid-friendly<br />

programming.<br />

Consider joining us on the following dates:<br />

Nov 1: Parshat Noach Pet Friendly<br />

Service<br />

Nov 3: Religious School<br />

Nov 11: Youth Group<br />

Nov 15: K/1 Shabbat<br />

Nov 17: Religious School, Shorashim,<br />

Music with Megan<br />

No RS:<br />

Nov 10<br />

Nov 24<br />

@cbsnapa www.cbsnapa.org 707-253-7305

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