CBS November Newsletter

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The Blonde<br />

Boy from<br />

Casbah<br />

Two showings on<br />

Saturday<br />

<strong>November</strong> 30th at<br />

the Jarvis<br />

Conservatory<br />

Follows the<br />

childhood of the<br />

filmmaker Antoine<br />

Lisner. He travels to<br />

Algiers to present a<br />

feature-length film<br />

while being<br />

accompanied by his<br />

son, who was the<br />

same age as him<br />

when he left Algeria<br />

in 1962.<br />

4 & 7 pm On <strong>November</strong><br />

General Admission:<br />

$15<br />

Tickets available<br />

online or at Jarvis<br />

Conservatory<br />

CLICK TO<br />


19th at 10am,<br />

tune your radio<br />

dials to 91.3<br />

KSVY Sonoma<br />

and hear <strong>CBS</strong>’ own Efi Lubliner<br />

interviewed about the upcoming<br />

movie screening.

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