North Canterbury News: October 31, 2024
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Thursday,<strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>,<strong>2024</strong> | Issue1120 |<br />
Help at hand to increase eel population<br />
Aslippery little customer has<br />
been the focus of fishermen at<br />
the Ashley Rakahuri River<br />
estuary in recent weeks.<br />
Glass eels, the first life stage of<br />
freshwater eels,have captivated<br />
several experienced fishermen<br />
tasked with corralling these<br />
transparent threadlike animals,<br />
all in the aid of science.<br />
The fishermen from the<br />
Ashley Fisherman’s Association<br />
were called on by Jack Wooton, a<br />
visiting PhD student from the<br />
United Kingdom.<br />
Jack, who is being hosted by<br />
NIWA Christchurch, is carrying<br />
out research in New Zealand<br />
focused on freshwater eels,inan<br />
endeavour to improve protective<br />
measures at extraction points on<br />
rivers so the glass eels are not<br />
sucked up and killed before<br />
moving up river to become elver,<br />
and eventually adult eels.<br />
‘‘I carried out part of my work<br />
on the European eel and have<br />
been lucky enough to come to<br />
New Zealand and also study<br />
your species.<br />
‘‘I am focusing on the glass eel<br />
life stage of freshwater eels,<br />
which is the first life stage we<br />
see coming into freshwater.<br />
‘‘This is the smalleststage that<br />
could meet abstraction<br />
infrastructure, so understanding<br />
how they interact with these<br />
areas is key for their protection,’’<br />
Jack says.<br />
To better understand these<br />
‘‘amazing creatures’’, Jack<br />
needed to source some eel for<br />
the studies —afew hundred<br />
were needed.<br />
‘‘As these animals are<br />
nocturnal and like big tides and<br />
the right moon phase. This can<br />
be tricky,’’ he says.<br />
Enter the Ashley Fisherman's<br />
Association.<br />
With local knowledge of the<br />
area, asmall group of the<br />
fishermen helped source the<br />
From this to that... Tiny glass eels (left), after being extracted from the Ashley Rakahuri River estuary, which eventually become adults (right),<br />
as they migrate upstream.<br />
eels needed.<br />
They used specially adapted<br />
nets, (under licence), and fished<br />
at dark on anew moon tide, to<br />
source the eel.<br />
‘‘After two fishing trips we had<br />
all the eels Ineeded.<br />
‘‘This would not have been<br />
possible without the help and<br />
knowledge of the fishermen.<br />
‘‘The local knowledge<br />
provided by this group has<br />
enabled this scientific study to<br />
go ahead.’’<br />
The fishermen say the hard<br />
part about catching the glass eels<br />
was they only came in on the<br />
incoming tide during the night or<br />
early morning when it was<br />
‘‘really dark’’.<br />
The Department of<br />
Conservation gave the project its<br />
blessing, granting special rights<br />
to fish in the night to catch the<br />
‘‘baby eels’’, the fishermen say.<br />
‘‘As the tide started to come in,<br />
we started to slowly catch some<br />
of the eels.’’<br />
The fishermen, some in their<br />
70s, were keen to go again, so<br />
with DoC’s permission asecond<br />
night’s fishing was held.<br />
‘‘So we had our second night<br />
back at the river. The low tide<br />
was at about midnight. It was<br />
very dark, drizzly, and cold, but<br />
we had agood night and Jack<br />
headed back to base in<br />
Christchurch at about 3.30am<br />
with the catch,’’ the fishermen,<br />
who now consider themselves<br />
‘expert glass eel catchers’, say.<br />
Jack has set up asimulated<br />
river flow machine at NIWA, in<br />
Christchurch, designed to see<br />
what sized screen can stop the<br />
glass eels in an endeavour for<br />
industry and nature to work<br />
sidebyside.<br />
.<br />
Continued Page 2<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
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14 AshleyStreet, Rangiora<br /><br />
Editorial:<br />
Advertising:<br /><br />
Pop-Up Funeral InformationDay -OXFORD<br />
MondayNovember 4th between10.30am-1pm<br />
Jaycee Hall, Main Street Oxford<br />
Students contribute to project<br />
Awar memorial at the Loburn Domain<br />
is now open to the public.<br />
The project, which has been awork<br />
in progress for several years, has been<br />
led by theLoburn Domain Advisory<br />
Group, Waimakariri District Council<br />
community and recreation project<br />
manager Isibeal Clark says.<br />
An official opening of the war<br />
memorial will not be held until<br />
February 27, next year, so all members<br />
who have contributed to the project<br />
can attend.<br />
‘‘Loburn School has recently<br />
contributed to the project by<br />
completing the planting around the<br />
memorial as part of their community<br />
service,’’ Isibeal says.<br />
‘‘This is agreat way for the children<br />
to contribute to their local community<br />
and we hope in years to come they will<br />
be able to visit this with their families.<br />
‘‘It has been areally special project<br />
to be involved in and has such<br />
significance for the Loburn area.’’<br />
The memorial will be used for<br />
annual Anzac and similar types of<br />
commemoration services for the<br />
community, but it is hoped it will also<br />
provide areflective space for<br />
individuals and groups to visit at any<br />
Eel’slifecycle begins in the sea<br />
From Page 1<br />
Hesays this will givethe tiny threadlike<br />
glass eels abetter chance of survival,<br />
allowing them to grow into adolescent<br />
elvers,and eventually adult eels further<br />
upstream, where theycan livefor years.<br />
To date he has determined they can get<br />
through to 1.2mm, where the mesh runs<br />
vertical to allow weed and other material<br />
in the river to wash down and off the<br />
screen.<br />
He is working mainly with shortfinned<br />
eels in the Ashley, but in the WaiauRiver<br />
in Southland, 95 percent of eels are longfinned,<br />
which are endemic to New<br />
Zealand and classified as endangered.<br />
Freshwater eels have an unusual life<br />
cyclewhich sees them travelling<br />
between the ocean, estuaries and<br />
freshwater.<br />
They only breed once at the end of<br />
their lifecycle, migrating thousands of<br />
kilometres into the Pacific Ocean, near<br />
Tonga, to release eggs and sperm in a<br />
process called spawning, before dieing.<br />
The fertilised eggs then develop into<br />
larvae called leptocephalii, which travel<br />
back to New Zealand via ocean currents.<br />
Eelsthen enter river estuaries as small<br />
juveniles,known as glass eels, and can<br />
spend ayear or more in the estuaries<br />
before migrating upstream, becoming<br />
darker and commonly know as elvers.<br />
The adulttuna live for arelatively long<br />
Starting to put youraffairs in order, and wondering about your funeral? John Rhind<br />
Funeral Directors <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is holding afuneral information day and<br />
includes ashort informal talk at 10.30am also being available to chat and answer all<br />
you questions over morning tea. On site will be funeral pre-arrangementpacks.<br />
time to remember and learn from the<br />
past.<br />
Ms Clark extended gratitude to the<br />
generous individuals and<br />
organisations, including, the Loburn<br />
Domain Advisory Group, Waimakariri<br />
District Council, RangioraAshley<br />
Community Board, Veteran’s Affairs,<br />
the RNZRSA (Royal New Zealand<br />
Returned and Services’ Association),<br />
Rata Foundation, Daniel Smith<br />
Industries and DGI Morgan who<br />
helped make the project possible.<br />
Loburn Domain Advisory Group<br />
chairperson Duncan Lundy said it was<br />
hoped the memorial would bring new<br />
life to the names of the men and<br />
women who served New Zealand in its<br />
time of need.<br />
‘‘There is acost for democracy and<br />
we should not take it for granted.’’<br />
The wars New Zealanders have<br />
fought in will be added to the<br />
memorial’s portal legs within acouple<br />
of weeks to complete it.<br />
Information about peacekeeping<br />
missions by New Zealandershas also<br />
been included on thememorial.<br />
At the time of the memorial’s<br />
construction, New Zealand had<br />
contributed troops and personnel to<br />
United Nations (UN) peacekeeping<br />
operations in more than 40 missions<br />
Adolescene .. Tiny glass eels become darker and move upstream after months in river<br />
estuariesand become elvers, before growing into adult eels.<br />
time in rivers, lakes, wetlands, ponds and<br />
streams, eating and preparing<br />
themselves for when theyare ready to<br />
begin their migration back out to sea.<br />
When the migrants or tuna heke are<br />
ready to begin their long migration, some<br />
of their features change to help them on<br />
their journey.<br />
Their heads become bullet shaped,<br />
their eyes enlarge, and their fins get<br />
larger and darker to help them on their<br />
journey in thedepths of theocean.<br />
Longfin eels are endemic to New<br />
Special place ... Loburn School pupils with<br />
Principal Stuart Priddy (second from left)<br />
and teacher Mike Reed (front left), along<br />
with Waimakariri District Council landscape<br />
architect Grant Stephens, ,RangioraAshley<br />
Community Board member and Loburn<br />
Domain Advisory Group member Ivan<br />
Campbell (front right) and Loburn Domain<br />
Advisory Group chairperson Duncan Lundy.<br />
across morethan 25 countries since<br />
1948, either under UN auspices or as<br />
partofcoalitions.<br />
Zealand, and are the largest freshwater<br />
eel.<br />
The other eels found in New Zealand<br />
are the native shortfin eel (Anguilla<br />
australis), also found in Australia, and<br />
the naturally introduced Australian<br />
longfin eel (Anguilla reinhardtii).<br />
Longfin eels have the same migration<br />
pattern, are good climbers as juveniles<br />
and are found in streams and lakes, a<br />
long way inland.<br />
They are an important traditional food<br />
source for Māori<br />
Wecover:<br />
•Funeral arranging and cost<br />
•Pre-arranging and pre-paying<br />
•Cremationversus burial<br />
•Questions presented -answered<br />
(Peace of mind foryou.<br />
Certainty forthose youlove.)<br />
Continuing atraditionofcaring for over<br />
140 years.Call us orvisit our websiteto<br />
order afuneral information pack, or a<br />
complimentary in personconsultation.<br />
Amber Leigh Haustein<br />
Administration<br />
Mark Glanville<br />
Location Manager<br />
Funeral Director<br />
(FDNZcert)<br />
Simon Williams<br />
Funeral Director
6<br />
7<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
ECanchair is committed to waterways<br />
3<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>'schairperson<br />
Craig Pauling is committed to abetter<br />
understanding of the issues effecting<br />
the health of Waimakariri’s waterways.<br />
The newly elected chairperson's<br />
commitment comes after he was given a<br />
list of 15 questions formulated by the<br />
Kaiapoi River Protection Society<br />
outlining concerns about the<br />
‘‘disgraceful state’’ of Waimakariri’s<br />
waterways, in particular the Kaiapoi<br />
and Cam/Ruataniwha rivers.<br />
‘‘Firstly, Iwant to acknowledge how<br />
important the Waimakariri, Kaiapoi and<br />
Ruataniwha/Cam rivers are to the local<br />
community and to NgāiTūāhuriri,’’Cr<br />
Pauling says.<br />
‘‘Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> has been<br />
monitoring these awa/rivers for more<br />
than 30 years.<br />
‘‘Since 2016, we have also invested in<br />
research sites and equipment on the<br />
Kaiapoi River to better understand its<br />
health.<br />
‘‘Our research acknowledges<br />
significant river health issues and<br />
shows that broader environmental<br />
Craig Pauling<br />
issues, such as drought conditions,<br />
saline intrusion and frost may<br />
contribute to the impacts.’’<br />
Low rainfall over the Southern Alps<br />
during the year had also contributed to<br />
sustained low flows in the Waimakariri<br />
River, he says.<br />
‘‘This has allowed saltwater from the<br />
coast to get further inland on high tides.<br />
When this happens, the lower tidal<br />
reaches of lowland rivers, such as the<br />
Kaiapoi and Ruataniwha, start to<br />
behave and look more like an estuary<br />
environment.<br />
‘‘Things like aquatic weeds dying off,<br />
riverbeds and banks becoming more<br />
muddy, and the loss of freshwater flora<br />
and fauna are evidence of this.<br />
‘‘Healthy waterways are vital for<br />
thriving ecosystems, communities, and<br />
economies, and Iampersonally keen to<br />
understand more about the factors<br />
effecting these rivers.<br />
‘‘There is of course still work to be<br />
done to better understand these issues<br />
and what can be done about them.<br />
‘‘Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> is<br />
committed to continuing to work with<br />
Waimakariri District Council, Ngāi<br />
Tūāhuriri and the community to do<br />
this.’’<br />
The Kaiapoi River Protection<br />
Society’s chairman, Peter Casserly, of<br />
Kaiapoi, says Cr Pauling’s comments are<br />
pleasing.<br />
‘‘We are on the right path, but this is<br />
just the beginning. There is still alot of<br />
work to be done.<br />
‘‘We will continue nipping at heels<br />
trying to make adifference for our<br />
Thermal Pools GM moving on<br />
The Executive General Manager of<br />
Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa is<br />
moving on after 25 years in the role.<br />
Graeme Abbot, who expects to finish his<br />
role in early 2025, joined the awardwinning<br />
South Island attraction in 2000.<br />
Since then, annual visitor numbershave<br />
increased by 80 percent, turnover has<br />
risen from $3 million to $14million, staff<br />
numbers have tripled and the complex has<br />
grown from 12 pools to 23.<br />
Graeme, who was named Tourism<br />
Industry Champion in 2016, says he has<br />
loved the role.<br />
‘‘Its been aheck of aride sometimes<br />
literally.<br />
‘‘There have been so many highlights —<br />
opening new developments including The<br />
Spa, our aquatic thrill rides and new pools,<br />
smashing visitor number records and<br />
being part of the closeknit community of<br />
Hanmer Springs.<br />
‘‘I’ve seen our team work together to get<br />
through anumber of challenges, including<br />
Covid and the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake.<br />
‘‘They’re an amazing bunch of people<br />
and Iknow whoever gets thisrole can rely<br />
on their support and dedication to the<br />
complex and community.’’<br />
Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa<br />
Management Committee chairperson<br />
Grant Lilly says Graeme has made ahuge<br />
contribution to the business and its region.<br />
‘‘The complex is amajor driver of<br />
tourism in Hanmer Springs and Hurunui.<br />
It has gone from strength to strength under<br />
Graeme's leadership.<br />
‘‘Finding someone with his passion and<br />
Graeme Abbot<br />
commitment won’t be easy, but we’ll work<br />
hard to do so.’’<br />
The complex is owned by the Hurunui<br />
District Council.<br />
Chief executive Hamish Dobbie says the<br />
council is sad to see Graeme go.<br />
‘‘Graeme has played ahuge role in our<br />
community.<br />
‘‘His humble leadership has delivered<br />
exceptional growth to the pools, which are<br />
an important economic generator for<br />
Hanmer Springs and the Hurunui.’’<br />
The complex’s annual dividend of $1.5<br />
million also provides adirect offset to<br />
rates across the whole district.<br />
When asked what he has enjoyed most<br />
about the job, Graeme answers simply:<br />
The people.<br />
‘‘We have ahighly skilled and dedicated<br />
team. Its been an honour to work with<br />
them, growing the complex and the<br />
contribution it makes to the village and<br />
region.<br />
‘‘We now welcome more than half a<br />
million visitors to this place each year.’’<br />
While visitor numbers and revenue have<br />
grown under Graeme’s leadership, the<br />
amount of water the pools use has done<br />
the opposite.<br />
‘‘The complex is 10% bigger than it was<br />
in 2012, but we use 25% less water. That’s<br />
an annual saving of 132 million litres or 52<br />
Olympic swimming pools.<br />
‘‘We’ve progressed some great<br />
sustainability projects —capturing the<br />
methane that comes out with our thermal<br />
water, and using it to power the complex,’’<br />
says Graeme.<br />
Graeme says another highlight has been<br />
working alongside iwi.<br />
‘‘I've always connected with members of<br />
our local hapū Ngāti Kurī.They bring<br />
important perspective to our work and<br />
were now working on developing the<br />
Queen Mary Hospital site together. It has<br />
been an honour to learn from and with<br />
them.’’<br />
Abbot says the role is arare and special<br />
position.<br />
‘‘Where else can you lead one of New<br />
Zealand’s largest tourism attractions in a<br />
picturesque alpine village with just over<br />
1000 residents?<br />
‘‘You’re surrounded by mountains and<br />
forests, get to lead ahighly professional<br />
team and grow abusiness that makes a<br />
major contribution to its community. The<br />
job will be sought after and rightly so.’’<br />
TheWidest<br />
MusicVariety<br />
grandchildren and great grandchildren.<br />
That is what this is all about.’’<br />
At aKaiapoiTuahiwi Community<br />
Board meeting last week, which Mr<br />
Casserly and other members of the<br />
Kaiapoi River Protection Society<br />
attended ‘‘as onlookers’’, Waimakariri<br />
deputy mayor and board member<br />
Neville Atkinson, also called on ECan to<br />
investigate the water quality of the<br />
Kaiapoi and Cam/Ruataniwha rivers.<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
ASupreme champion sausage recipe<br />
Cattermoles Butchery owner Fred<br />
Hicklin admits he was shocked when<br />
his latest sausage creation scooped the<br />
top award in its category at the <strong>2024</strong><br />
Dunningham’s Great New Zealand<br />
Sausage competition.<br />
Fred’s Jalapeno, Smoked Cheeseand<br />
Ham Sausage won the gold medal for<br />
the champion in the gourmet varietal (a<br />
mixture of Beef and Pork) class at the<br />
awards, held in Auckland.<br />
‘‘We had entered five sausages and as<br />
they read off the names of thirdplace<br />
winner, then second, and then first in<br />
class, Ithought we had missed out.<br />
‘‘Then they called out Cattermoles for<br />
the Supreme Champion and Imissed<br />
hearing it as Ihad turned to talk to my<br />
sister.<br />
‘‘I was abit shocked but pleased as<br />
it’s all good for our great team hereat<br />
Cattermoles,’’ he said.<br />
This was only the second year Fred<br />
and the small team at the Kaiapoi<br />
Butchery had entered the national<br />
sausage competition.<br />
Last year they won asilver medal.<br />
‘‘We wanted to make our Jalapeno,<br />
Smoked Cheese sausage stand out and<br />
be above all the others who had entered<br />
the same flavours, so we added in some<br />
New Zealand Smoked ham and that<br />
made all the difference.’’<br />
The Kaiapoibased butchery also<br />
earned abronze in the Flavours of the<br />
World categorywith amushroom and<br />
seaweed Korean Pork creation which<br />
Fred says has alovely savourycream<br />
flavour.<br />
Other <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>sausage<br />
makers earning awards at the<br />
competition wereHarris Farms Ltd,<br />
which picked up asilver medal for its<br />
Steak 'n Cheese Burger patty.<br />
Hellers won asilver medal for it<br />
Smokey Saveloys plusabronze medal<br />
for its Homegrown Lamb.<br />
New World Rangiora earned aSilver<br />
for its Jalapeno &Tasty Cheese<br />
Sausage.<br />
More than 800 bangers, snags,<br />
snarlers,meatballs and patties from<br />
108 businesses competed across 16<br />
categories, 13 for sausages and three<br />
mince sections.<br />
Judging was atwostage process. The<br />
firsttook eight days with a34strong<br />
panel assessing composition, taste,<br />
Supreme effort ... Cattermoles Butchery staff Luke Vos (left), Fred Hicklin (owner), Keri<br />
Kelly and Rhys Bennett, celebrating their recent success in the <strong>2024</strong> Dunningham’s Great<br />
New Zealand Sausage Competition.<br />
texture and appearance.<br />
Topscoring category entries then<br />
moved on tothe final round, where they<br />
competed for the Supreme Award, won<br />
by Westmere Butchery of Auckland for<br />
its pork and leek sausage.<br />
Confusion overschoollunch programme<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
The latest announcementonthe future<br />
of the Healthy School Lunches<br />
Programmehas left <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
schools feeling confused.<br />
Associate Education Minister David<br />
Seymour announced lastweek the<br />
revised Ka Ora, Ka Ako /Healthy School<br />
Supplying Growers Since 1981<br />
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Lunches programme will now save $130<br />
million.<br />
He said the new $3 lunches will now<br />
apply to all schools and year levels<br />
already in the scheme,which left<br />
principals scratching their heads.<br />
Earlier this year, the Government<br />
indicated year 0to6students would<br />
continue under the existing scheme,<br />
while year 7to13students would be part<br />
Sizes –2.6m Wide Range–<br />
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of the new programme.<br />
But Mr Seymour said an agreement<br />
had been reached with the<br />
Government's preferredsuppliers to<br />
offerthe $3 lunches across all age<br />
groups.<br />
The present budget is $8.68per<br />
student.<br />
‘‘The programme will deliver<br />
nutritious hot and cold meals, such as<br />
butter chicken curry, chicken katsu,<br />
lasagna, chicken pasta salad and<br />
wraps,’’ Mr Seymour said.<br />
‘‘All students in year 0to8will receive<br />
the same sized meals (240 grams) and<br />
older students will receive larger<br />
lunches (at least 300g), which will<br />
include additionalitems such as fruit,<br />
yoghurt or muesli bars.’’<br />
But Te Kura oTuahiwi principal Dot<br />
Singh fears the revised programme<br />
could leave its existing provider, Lazy<br />
Lunches, out in the cold.<br />
‘‘I am still abit confused,’’ she said.<br />
‘‘We were told our year 0to6student<br />
lunches would stay the same, and they<br />
said if you’ve got culturalneeds and<br />
allergy needs you could continue what<br />
you are doing.<br />
‘‘But now they are saying we need to<br />
go through their providers and I’m<br />
unsure how healthy those lunches are<br />
going to be.’’<br />
Rangiora<br />
<strong>October</strong> 30<br />
November 6, 13<br />
December 4, 11,18<br />
2721202<br />
Healthy lunch ... Kaiapoi Borough School<br />
children give their thumbs up to the Healthy<br />
School Lunches Programme.<br />
Lazy Lunches was established in 2021<br />
to provide lunches to Te Kura o<br />
Tuahiwi, when the kura joined the<br />
scheme.<br />
It has since extended the service to<br />
provide lunches to Kaiapoi Borough<br />
School and Karanga Mai Young Parents’<br />
College, based at Kaiapoi High School.<br />
Kaiapoi Borough School principal<br />
Hayden van Lent said he is grateful the<br />
lunches will continue to be provided for<br />
tamariki.<br />
‘‘We appreciate the importance of<br />
ensuring our tamariki are well fed so<br />
they have the needed energy to learn at<br />
school and keep active throughout the<br />
day.<br />
‘‘It is difficult to know what the new<br />
model will look like until it is in practice<br />
from next year.<br />
‘‘In the interim we are going to<br />
explore both the internal and external<br />
options to see what will be best for our<br />
tamariki.’’<br />
Te Kura oHāpuku, near Kaikōura, is<br />
also part of the scheme, preparing<br />
lunches onsite for its 16 tamariki.<br />
Principal Ripeka Tamepo said the<br />
kura will need to come up with creative<br />
ways ‘‘to ensure we can continue to feed<br />
our tamariki with nutritious meals’’.<br />
‘‘Our tamariki need this as many<br />
whānau are struggling financially and<br />
this programme eradicated kai as a<br />
barrier to education as well as<br />
promoting whanautanga (connections),<br />
manaakitanga (care for others) and<br />
healthy food education.’’<br />
LDR is local body journalism cofunded<br />
by RNZ and NZ On Air.
Rate hike proposal<br />
for medical centre<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Hurunui’s Deputy Mayor<br />
hopes asolution can be<br />
found to avoid ahuge rent<br />
hike for the Cheviot<br />
Medical Centre.<br />
The Hurunui District<br />
Council is proposing to<br />
raise the yearly rent it<br />
charges for the use of the<br />
medical centre building<br />
from $14,484.74to<br />
$24,264.50(excluding GST).<br />
The building has been<br />
leased to the Cheviot<br />
Community Health Centre<br />
(2013) Ltd since 2017.<br />
Deputy Mayor Vince Daly<br />
said he is seeking answers<br />
from council staff why a<br />
rent increase of 67 percent<br />
is necessary for the<br />
community owned health<br />
centre, which serves a<br />
small rural population.<br />
‘‘It has certainly got them<br />
talking at the medical<br />
centre. The last time the<br />
rent was raised it was 22%.<br />
‘‘Some of the things you<br />
can see like rates and<br />
insurance you can’t help,<br />
but we need to see more<br />
information on why some of<br />
the other costs are<br />
increasing.’’<br />
Councillor Daly said he is<br />
meeting with the health<br />
centre and council staff to<br />
seek asolution.<br />
Under the lease<br />
agreement, the rent is<br />
based on covering the<br />
council’s costs, rather than<br />
charging the full market<br />
rental rate.<br />
In abudget prepared for<br />
the Cheviot Community<br />
Committee to consider,<br />
council staff cite cost<br />
increases in staff wages,<br />
contractors’ fees, rates,<br />
insurance and the<br />
maintenance of anew<br />
Cheviot helipad.<br />
The building was<br />
originally the Cheviot<br />
Hospital, which was sold in<br />
1978 by the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Hospital Board<br />
to the then Cheviot County<br />
Council.<br />
The original Cheviot<br />
Hospital opened in 1927.<br />
The Cheviot Community<br />
Committee will consider<br />
the proposal at its next<br />
meeting on November 21.<br />
LDR is local body<br />
journalism cofunded by<br />
RNZ and NZ On Air.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong> 5<br />
Never too late to make asplash<br />
After conquering two bouts of<br />
cancer, Amberley resident Gilbert<br />
Croft decided it was time he<br />
confronted his fear of swimming.<br />
At the age of 79, he enrolled in<br />
adult swim lessons at the<br />
MainPower Amberley Pool.<br />
‘‘I hadn't realised how deeply I'd<br />
carried that fear for 69 years,’’ Mr<br />
Croft says.<br />
He still remembers the moment<br />
the fear began.<br />
Croft was 10yearsold when he<br />
was jostled into the deep end of a<br />
swimming pool by arowdy fellow<br />
student.<br />
He retains avivid memory of the<br />
weight of his leather shoes and<br />
woollen school uniform dragging<br />
him down.<br />
‘‘That fear never really leaves<br />
you. Learning to swim gives you<br />
the ability to control that fear.’’<br />
Controlling the fear, he says, was<br />
made possible thanks to the<br />
dedicated Hurunui District<br />
Council team at the pool, who<br />
recognised his trepidation and<br />
understood the potential risks.<br />
Council’s Amberley pool<br />
supervisor Anne Frankland says it<br />
is challenging for many adults to<br />
admit they can’t swim.<br />
‘‘For many adults, the idea of<br />
learning to swim can seem<br />
daunting, if not impossible.’’<br />
Like Mr Croft, bad childhood<br />
experiences could have created a<br />
fear of water. Others might never<br />
have had an opportunity to learn to<br />
swim, especially if they didn’t grow<br />
up in New Zealand.<br />
This season, Mr Croft, now 80,<br />
has signed on for an Open Season<br />
Pass to the pool.<br />
‘‘I don’t want people who can’t<br />
swim to think they can just jump in<br />
the water,’’ Croft says. ‘‘That fear is<br />
Taking adip ... Gilbert Croft, aged 80, enjoys aswim at the MainPower<br />
Amberley Pool.<br />
nature’s way to keep you safe.’’<br />
Ms Frankland says it is<br />
important to provide asafe<br />
environment where learners feel<br />
comfortable to learn vital water<br />
skills for the first time at any age.<br />
‘‘It is actually never too late to<br />
learn to swim. It is about building<br />
confidence and supporting the<br />
person until they feel competent.’’<br />
There are many reasons why<br />
adults take that first step to learn to<br />
swim, she says.<br />
‘‘Physiotherapists often<br />
recommend swimming and other<br />
exercise in water as excellent for<br />
fitness, as well as rehabilitation for<br />
injuries, and we have several adult<br />
swimmers coming to us because of<br />
this.<br />
‘‘Some of our adult learners tell<br />
us that having children is their<br />
motivation. They want to be<br />
confident in the water with their<br />
children and able to help them if<br />
they get into difficulty.’’<br />
Mr Croft says having cancer left<br />
him needing to do things ‘‘Ihadn’t<br />
done before’’.<br />
There were other reasons as<br />
well. ‘‘My sons can swim. Ihad<br />
decided Ididn’t want them to be in<br />
the same position. Now Ihave<br />
grandchildren and Iwant to be<br />
able to enjoy being in the water<br />
with them.’’<br />
Go to<br />
mainpoweramberleyswimmingpool<br />
for opening times, and<br />
classes.<br />
You’reInvited<br />
Retirement Living<br />
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on-site activities, take aguided village tour,<br />
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Saturday 2November<br />
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0508 783 754<br /><br />
Open Day
6 <strong>North</strong><br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Estuary ‘atreasure’ in need of protection<br />
Aretired English teacher from<br />
Christchurch, who enjoysvisiting the<br />
AshleyRakahuri River estuary at<br />
Waikuku Beach, says the area is ‘‘a<br />
treasure’’and needs moreprotection.<br />
Erick Akeley took part in the recent<br />
‘‘Meet the Locals, Birdsofthe Ashley<br />
Rakahuri Estuary’’ day held at the<br />
estuary by Birds New Zealand and the<br />
AshleyRakahuri RivercareGroup<br />
(ARRG).<br />
The event gave the public the<br />
opportunity to learn aboutthe rare and<br />
endangered birds living, breeding and<br />
nesting in the area and also see some of<br />
them in their natural habitat.<br />
‘‘The birdlife is fantastic at this<br />
estuary,’’Erick says.<br />
He is new to birdwatching and<br />
recently joined ARRG to learn more<br />
about the AshleyRakahuri River birds<br />
and how to protect them for future<br />
generations.<br />
‘‘I am still learning about the birds<br />
and just enjoy sitting here enjoying the<br />
community of the birdlife. It is such a<br />
beautiful place so it would be nice to get<br />
some higher level of protection for it. I<br />
would definitely support it becoming a<br />
reserve.’’<br />
ARRG has been working since its<br />
formation in 1999 to help reverse the<br />
decline in numbers of endangered birds<br />
along the AshleyRakahuri River and at<br />
the estuary, by pest trapping, bird<br />
monitoring, and holding public<br />
education campaigns.<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Oct <strong>31</strong> Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 6<br />
Rise 6:13am<br />
Set 8:13pm<br />
Best 12:05pm<br />
Ok<br />
Times<br />
Rise 5:25am<br />
Set 6:57pm<br />
Moderate SE turning<br />
E<br />
Rise 6:12am<br />
Set 8:14pm<br />
Best 12:25am<br />
Times 12:46pm<br />
Rise 5:44am<br />
Set 8:01pm<br />
Gentle Sbecoming<br />
moderate SE<br />
Enjoying the moment ... Erick Akeley, a<br />
retired Englishteacher from Burnside,<br />
enjoying arelaxing morning bird watching<br />
at the ‘‘Meet the Locals’’ event at the Ashley<br />
Rakahuri River Estuary at Waikuku Beach<br />
and hosted by Birds New Zealand and the<br />
AshleyRakahuri Rivercare Group recently.<br />
The group has won three awards for<br />
its conservation work, the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Aoraki Conservation Award in 2010, the<br />
Australasian Wildlife Management<br />
Society Annual Award for practical<br />
wildlife management in 2018 and the<br />
Group Environment Award at this year’s<br />
Good<br />
Rise 6:11am<br />
Set 8:15pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
1:07am<br />
1:29pm<br />
Rise 6:05am<br />
Set 9:08pm<br />
Moderate SWturning<br />
SE<br />
Good<br />
Rise 6:09am<br />
Set 8:16pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
Rise 6:<strong>31</strong>am<br />
Set10:14pm<br />
Gentle SE<br />
strengthening<br />
Rise 6:08am<br />
Set 8:18pm<br />
Rise 7:03am<br />
Set11:19pm<br />
Moderate Sturning<br />
SE<br />
Rise 6:07am<br />
Set 8:19pm<br />
Rise 6:05am<br />
Set 8:20pm<br />
Rise 7:44am Set12:20am<br />
Rise 8:35am<br />
Moderate SW turning<br />
Moderate S<br />
E<br />
E0.8 mturning<br />
E0.7 mturning<br />
E0.9 mturning<br />
E0.9 m<br />
S<br />
S SE0.8 m E0.8 m<br />
S<br />
SE0.7 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
1:52am<br />
2:16pm<br />
Good<br />
Bird watching ... Agroup of bird enthusiasts taking part in a‘‘Meet the Locals’’ gathering<br />
at the AshleyRakahuri River Estuary.<br />
Waimakariri District Council’s<br />
Community Service Awards.<br />
But it is an uphill battle protecting the<br />
birds against their many natural<br />
predators including rats, mice,<br />
hedgehogs, weasels, ferrets, stoats and<br />
feral cats, and people and vehicles that<br />
put the birds, their nests and chicks in<br />
danger by contravening the Wildlife Act<br />
and violating the <strong>North</strong>ern Pegasus Bay<br />
bylaw regulations, despite numerous<br />
signs along the river and estuary area,<br />
outliningthe regulations.<br />
Birds NZ's <strong>Canterbury</strong> and West Coast<br />
regional representative Anita Spencer<br />
says she was pleased with the turnout at<br />
the event.<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
2:41am<br />
3:06pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
3:33am<br />
4:00pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
4:27am<br />
4:55pm<br />
‘‘It was good to meet people from<br />
Waikuku at the event who wanted to<br />
learn more about the rich birdlife in<br />
their neighbourhood. One person said<br />
she had been living in Waikuku for 18<br />
months and hadn’t been down to the<br />
estuary.’’<br />
Birds NZ would also like to see better<br />
protection for the estuary’s birdlife.<br />
‘‘We definitely support anything that<br />
will protect birdlife at the estuary from<br />
human threats. There has got to be<br />
places where wildlife has to come first<br />
and the estuary is one of those places.<br />
‘‘So many places have been touched by<br />
humans. It would be asad thing if alittle<br />
area like this can’t come first.’’<br />
Teddies help young students learn CPR<br />
Teddy bears went to Fernside School<br />
last week to help their youngowners<br />
learn about CPR.<br />
Hato Hone St John encouraged the<br />
young studentsata‘Save the Teddy’<br />
session to learn basic CPR skillsby<br />
getting handson practice with their<br />
favourite teddy bear as part of World<br />
Restart aHeart Day and Shocktober, St<br />
John’s annual awarenessmonth.<br />
St John educators used video links<br />
and Tamariki were encouraged to<br />
practice lifesaving skills on their<br />
Teddy to help learn what to do if<br />
someone suffered acardiac arrest.<br />
The children from three classes<br />
practised what to say when they dialled<br />
111 on their phones, and thenusing<br />
their teddy bears they learned how to<br />
wake them up, and if asked to by the 111<br />
emergency operator, how to start<br />
pushingontheir chest, all to the beat of<br />
apopular song.<br />
Year two teacher and coordinator of<br />
the programme at Fernside School,<br />
LouiseEglesfield, said the shortcourse<br />
was structured at aperfect level forher<br />
young charges.<br />
‘‘It fitted in with the work we have<br />
been doing this year on the living world,<br />
looking after ourselves and helping<br />
thosearound us,’’ she said.<br />
Emergency services had been invited<br />
to the school several times this year to<br />
help the children understand how to<br />
help them do their job when someone<br />
collapses.<br />
‘‘Using their teddy bearswas agood<br />
way for these young children to relate<br />
to the message about what to do when<br />
someone collapses in their family.’’<br />
This is the first time Hato Hone St<br />
John has held inschool sessions with<br />
students and their teddy bears.<br />
Atotal of 62 schools around the<br />
country have registered to participate<br />
in the inaugural Save Your Teddy<br />
sessions, says St John national manager<br />
community education Jacci Tatnell.<br />
‘‘We have so many examples of<br />
children in our ‘Super Saver’<br />
programme who have helped in a<br />
medical emergency,’’ Jacci says.<br />
‘‘It only takes two hands to save a<br />
life.’’<br />
Contact more<br />
information.<br />
In step ... Griffin Beker (left) works on his<br />
teddy bear while classmate Mac Koster<br />
practices on his soft toy squid during aSave<br />
Your Teddy CPR training session run by<br />
Hato Hone St John at Fernside School.<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 4:40am 2.2 10:51am 0.7 5:22am 2.2 11:34am 0.7 6:03am 2.2<br />
6:44am 2.2 12:29am 0.7 7:27am 2.2 1:11am 0.7 8:11am 2.2 1:53am 0.7 8:56am 2.2 2:37am 0.7<br />
Mouth<br />
4:53pm 2.2 11:06pm 0.7 5:33pm 2.1 11:48pm 0.7 6:14pm 2.112:17pm 0.7 6:57pm 2.1 12:59pm 0.7 7:42pm 2.1 1:42pm 0.7 8:30pm 2.1 2:26pm 0.7 9:19pm 2.1 3:11pm 0.7<br />
Amberley 4:40am 2.2 10:51am 0.7 5:22am 2.2 11:34am 0.7 6:03am 2.2<br />
6:44am 2.2 12:29am 0.7 7:27am 2.2 1:11am 0.7 8:11am 2.2 1:53am 0.7 8:56am 2.2 2:37am 0.7<br />
Beach<br />
4:53pm 2.2 11:06pm 0.7 5:33pm 2.1 11:48pm 0.7 6:14pm 2.1 12:17pm 0.7 6:57pm 2.1 12:59pm 0.7 7:42pm 2.1 1:42pm 0.7 8:30pm 2.1 2:26pm 0.7 9:19pm 2.1 3:11pm 0.7<br />
4:39am 1.9 10:49am 0.7 5:21am 1.9 11:32am 0.7 6:02am 1.9<br />
6:43am 1.9 12:27am 0.7 7:26am 1.9 1:09am 0.7 8:10am 1.9 1:51am 0.7 8:55am 1.9 2:35am 0.7<br />
Motunau 4:52pm 1.9 11:04pm 0.7 5:32pm 1.8 11:46pm 0.7 6:13pm 1.8 12:15pm 0.7 6:56pm 1.8 12:57pm 0.7 7:41pm 1.8 1:40pm 0.7 8:29pm 1.8 2:24pm 0.7 9:18pm 1.8 3:09pm 0.7<br />
4:51am 2.2 11:02am 0.7 5:33am 2.2 11:45am 0.7 6:14am 2.2<br />
6:55am 2.2 12:40am 0.7 7:38am 2.2 1:22am 0.7 8:22am 2.2 2:04am 0.7 9:07am 2.2 2:48am 0.7<br />
Gore Bay 5:04pm 2.2 11:17pm 0.7 5:44pm 2.1 11:59pm 0.7 6:25pm 2.1 12:28pm 0.7 7:08pm 2.1 1:10pm 0.7 7:53pm 2.1 1:53pm 0.7 8:41pm 2.1 2:37pm 0.7 9:30pm 2.1 3:22pm 0.7<br />
4:44am 1.5 10:55am 0.4 5:27am 1.5 11:39am 0.4 6:10am 1.5<br />
6:52am 1.5 12:33am 0.4 7:34am 1.5 1:16am 0.4 8:17am 1.5 1:59am 0.4 9:01am 1.6 2:43am 0.4<br />
Kaikoura 5:00pm 1.5 11:10pm 0.4 5:42pm 1.4 11:51pm 0.4 6:25pm 1.4 12:22pm 0.4 7:09pm 1.4 1:05pm 0.4 7:54pm 1.4 1:50pm 0.4 8:40pm 1.4 2:35pm 0.4 9:27pm 1.4 3:22pm 0.4<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
Service honoured<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
7<br />
The valuable voluntary contribution<br />
individuals make in the Waimakariri<br />
District, was recognised at a<br />
Waimakariri District Council ceremony<br />
recently.<br />
Mayor Dan Gordon and Deputy Mayor<br />
Neville Atkinson championed the huge<br />
impact their work has throughout the<br />
district.<br />
Mr Gordon says often the recipients<br />
are shocked when he contacts them to<br />
say they have been nominated.<br />
‘‘It’s just the nature of these<br />
exceptional volunteers.<br />
‘‘They do what that they do, without<br />
ever seeking thanks and<br />
acknowledgement.<br />
Mr Gordon says he and Mr Atkinson<br />
meet each recipient, thank them for<br />
what they do, and then share their story<br />
and achievements with the district.<br />
The exceptional service by Kaiapoi’s<br />
Neill Price, was recognised with a<br />
Mayoral Award.<br />
Mr Price has given many years of<br />
service to Fire and Emergency New<br />
Zealand, Kaiapoi Borough and<br />
Waimakariri councils, and is the<br />
Kaiapoi and <strong>Canterbury</strong> District RSA<br />
President.<br />
He has received aQueen’s Service<br />
Medal for his services to the community.<br />
Youth Service Awards were presented<br />
to two worthy recipients to acknowledge<br />
and celebrate their significant<br />
contributions —Jackson Lewis and<br />
Ryan Beardsmore.<br />
Jackson is the coach of the Kaiapoi<br />
High School Boys Senior Basketball<br />
Team, dedicating hours each week to<br />
these young players and inspiring them<br />
on and off the court.<br />
Ryan, for his age, has given ahuge<br />
amount to his community. He is a<br />
swimming coach with Special Olympics<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, avolunteer surf<br />
lifeguard and amember of the Districts<br />
Civil Defence Response Team NZRT12.<br />
Environmental Award recipients<br />
were: Youth Environment Award, Ruby<br />
GillClifford, West Eyreton School;<br />
Group Environment Award Ashley<br />
Rakahuri River Care Group; Individual<br />
Environment Award, Judith Roper<br />
Lindsay, and Individual Environment<br />
Award, Miles and Gillian Giller.<br />
This year there were eight recipients<br />
of Community Service Awards:<br />
Bev ShepherdWright, who has given<br />
generously of her time to community<br />
over the years especially as aformer<br />
district councillor and with Toot for<br />
Tucker.<br />
Jen Cunningham ,who advocates for<br />
new mums, and pre and post maternity<br />
care at the Rangiora Health Hub. She<br />
also coordinates mealsonwheels.<br />
Warwick Kirwan, was recognised for<br />
his service to Hato Hone St John.<br />
Ian Lennie’s generosity with this time<br />
in anumber of organisation in the<br />
Woodend and Pegasus communities, was<br />
recognised.<br />
Doug Nicholl was recognised as a<br />
strong advocate for the community over<br />
his many years as chair of the Ohoka<br />
Drainage Advisory Group and the<br />
OxfordOhoka Community Board.<br />
Anna White’s services to art,<br />
especially the Oxford Art Gallery, were<br />
acknowledged with an award.<br />
John Woolcott, was recognised for the<br />
years of service to the community as a<br />
Master of Ceremonies and promoting the<br />
businesses and clubs of Kaiapoi.<br />
Ronel Stephens, who is famous for<br />
Ronel's Community Cuppa was awarded<br />
aCommunity Service Award. Ronel has<br />
also been the driving force behind the<br />
Pegasus Community Centre and many<br />
other community initiatives.<br />
Les Cherry, who has made ahuge<br />
contribution to his community, was<br />
recognised. He has been president and<br />
secretary of the Eyreton Hall committee<br />
over many years, and avery talented<br />
piper in the McAlpines <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Pipe Band. He continues to<br />
play the bag pipes at many community<br />
events.<br />
Robin and Vicki Brown were awarded<br />
aBusiness Award, for their 30 years as<br />
owner/operators of Rangiora New<br />
World.<br />
New board confirmed<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
Anew community board has been<br />
confirmed for Hurunui’s south ward.<br />
The Local Government Commission<br />
has rejected an appeal against the<br />
establishment of acommunity board<br />
for next year’s local government<br />
election in the Hurunui District<br />
Council’s south ward, which includes<br />
Amberley.<br />
Eleven objections were received, but<br />
just one, Amberley District Residents’<br />
Association chairperson Roy Myers,<br />
gave an oral presentation to<br />
commissioners at ahearing last month.<br />
Several objectors preferred the<br />
existing ward committee structure,<br />
which comprised representatives from<br />
residents’ associations, the Amberley<br />
Reserves Advisory Group, the Hurunui<br />
Youth Council and three independent<br />
members.<br />
But the commissioners agreed with<br />
the council’s position that acommunity<br />
board elected by the community at<br />
large would be more democratic.<br />
‘‘It may potentially attract<br />
candidates who may not have been<br />
traditionally in aposition that would<br />
result in their becoming members of<br />
the ward committee,’’ the<br />
commissioners said.<br />
South ward councillor Vanessa<br />
McPherson said she is ‘‘delighted with<br />
the outcome’’.<br />
‘‘The decision reinforces the robust<br />
process undertaken by the council to<br />
deliver an outcome that will provide a<br />
fair and effective representation of<br />
benefit to the entire south ward.’’<br />
But Mr Myers said he is disappointed<br />
with the decision, which he believes is<br />
based on ‘‘wrong information’’.<br />
‘‘The argument was that acommunity<br />
board would be able to be more<br />
strategic in its decision making.<br />
‘‘But the existing ward committee<br />
doesn’t have any money to spend.’’<br />
Hurunui Mayor Marie Black told the<br />
commission awalking and cycling fund<br />
of $370,000 has been established from<br />
development contributions since 2010,<br />
but the ward committee has been<br />
unable to agree on how to spend it.<br />
But Mr Myers rejected this and said<br />
the ward committee was unaware ‘‘we<br />
were able to spend it’’.<br />
‘‘How are these five representatives<br />
going to be in contact with the<br />
community? Under the present<br />
structure, you have residents’ groups<br />
which represent their communities.’’<br />
While the new community board will<br />
have five board members, the<br />
commissioners reduced the number of<br />
elected councillors on the board from<br />
four to two.<br />
The commissioners’ also<br />
recommended aHurunui Youth<br />
Council representative be appointed as<br />
an observer.<br />
Remuneration of board members<br />
would cost $36,078 ayear, or $20 per<br />
south ward ratepayer per year.<br />
LDR is local body journalism cofunded<br />
by RNZ and NZ On Air.<br />
eyedentity optical ... Alocallyowned, independent optometry practice which features<br />
eyewear collections in avast array of colours and styles.<br />
eye-dentity optical an<br />
independent practice<br />
eyedentity optical is alocally owned<br />
independent optometry practice<br />
located in the heart of Rangiora<br />
providing comprehensive eye<br />
examinations and specialty eyecare<br />
services for the entire family.<br />
Owners Amanda Rowe and Alan<br />
Hinchliffe built their Rangiora practice<br />
as they are passionate about promoting<br />
in depth, thorough eye examinations<br />
and dispensing quality spectacle frame<br />
and lens solutions, tailored to suit each<br />
individuals specific requirements.<br />
Amanda says one of their maingoals<br />
was for people to feel welcomed when<br />
they stepped into the practice.<br />
They chose the colours to reflect<br />
positively on patients emotions, and<br />
wanted the entire experience to be as<br />
transparent and straightforward, from<br />
the very moment patients visited their<br />
practice.<br />
The optical space features bright<br />
walls and natural materials, and<br />
displays several ranges of the latest<br />
independent eyewear collections<br />
including New Zealand designed and<br />
handcrafted European brands.<br />
They are featured in avast array of<br />
colours and styles, made from avariety<br />
of materials, ensuring their customers<br />
receive the most unique and quality<br />
eyewear products.<br />
Amanda, aqualified Dispensing<br />
Optician who has 30 years experience in<br />
the optics industry says: ‘‘We promote<br />
eyewear with personality so whatever<br />
your style we have aframe for you!’’<br />
By utilising the services of alocal<br />
Rangiora based ophthalmic glazing lab,<br />
eyedentity optical can also offer<br />
specialist bespoke optical products,<br />
reduce the delivery time of your new<br />
glasses, and help the environment by<br />
reducing their carbon footprint.<br />
Three eye exam rooms were built,<br />
with one fully installed with the latest<br />
technological diagnostic equipment,<br />
while the rest are ready to be fitted as<br />
the business grows, Amanda says.<br />
‘‘We’re so excited to be abletooffer<br />
technologically advanced optical<br />
equipment that enables our<br />
Optometrist to specifically tailor the<br />
eye exam for each individual.<br />
‘‘We focus on quality vision care,<br />
educating our patients and building<br />
long lasting relationships for the<br />
future.’’<br />
eyedentity optical is located in the<br />
new building on the corner of the Blake<br />
St Car Park and Hunnibell Lane, and<br />
opens on November 4.<br />
Call 03 243 1110 or visit<br /> to book an<br />
appointment.<br />
Your locally owned<br />
independent optometry<br />
practice<br />
Providing comprehensive<br />
and specialty eyecare<br />
services to Rangioraand<br />
the wider <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
communities<br />
Book online at<br /><br />
call 03 243 1110<br />
3/190 High Street<br />
Rangiora<br />
(Corner of BlakeStCarpark<br />
and Hunnibell Lane)<br />
8 <strong>North</strong><br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Family friendly ... Fireworks will light up the sky at adisplay<br />
at Waipara on Friday, November 8.<br />
Fireworkdisplay<br />
The Waipara Fireworks<br />
display is set to go off with a<br />
bang again this year.<br />
Ahuge display is set to<br />
light up the sky as darkness<br />
falls at the Glenmark<br />
Domain on Friday,<br />
November 8.<br />
The gate opens on the<br />
family orientated event at<br />
5.30pm, and entertainment,<br />
and activities will keep<br />
everyone busy until the main<br />
event arrives.<br />
Alive band, lolly scramble,<br />
face painting, rides, glow<br />
sticks, Peddlemania, waffles,<br />
donuts, asausage sizzle, hot<br />
chips, hotdogs,sandwiches<br />
and coffee will ensure afun<br />
night.<br />
There will also be some<br />
powered pedal cars for kids<br />
for the first time.<br />
Families find the<br />
atmosphere and space great<br />
for young people to run<br />
around and enjoy<br />
themselves as they wait for<br />
darkness and the fireworks<br />
to begin.<br />
The annual event isrun<br />
under the guidance of the<br />
Waipara Fireworks<br />
Incorporated Society, and<br />
has now provided<br />
entertainmenttothousands<br />
for more than 30 years.<br />
The past few years it has<br />
run at aloss, which this year,<br />
for the first time in many<br />
years,has forced aprice<br />
increase.<br />
It will now cost $10 per<br />
person at the gate, with<br />
under 5yearolds free.<br />
If anyone isindoubt about<br />
the display being on due to<br />
the weather, ring (027)<br />
4816933 to check, or visit the<br />
Waipara Fireworks<br />
Facebook page. Do not text.<br />
All takings go toward funding<br />
next year’s display.<br />
Quality teachers available<br />
By DAVID HILL,<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
After adifficult few years, <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>school principals say<br />
they have plenty of quality<br />
teacherstochoose from.<br />
Aglobal teacher shortage in<br />
recent years has seen local schools<br />
competing against Auckland<br />
principals for staff at university<br />
recruiting events.<br />
But education advocate Simon<br />
Green said heading into term four,<br />
local primary schools were well<br />
placed ‘‘to fill their vacant<br />
positions from agood pool of<br />
quality applicants’’.<br />
Mr Green is the Rangiora High<br />
School board of trustees presiding<br />
member, and is aleadership<br />
adviser with Evaluation<br />
Associates, working with<br />
principals and school boards in<br />
Otago and <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
While there is aslight overall<br />
drop in primary school rolls in<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, he said more<br />
specialist structured literacy<br />
teacherswere required.<br />
Additional classroom release<br />
time for teachersmeant relief<br />
teacherswere also needed.<br />
‘‘The secondaryschool job<br />
market remains challenging for<br />
our high school principals,’’ he<br />
said.<br />
Rangiora High School has 22<br />
vacancies for next year, mainly due<br />
to short term teaching positions,<br />
promotions and new opportunities<br />
opening up. But principal Bruce<br />
Kearney said the positions are<br />
filling up fast.<br />
The school roll is expected to<br />
close in on 1800 students next year,<br />
butMrKearney said growth could<br />
Leadership adviser ... Simon<br />
Green.<br />
begin to slow down, in the short<br />
term at least.<br />
‘‘Our role can fluctuate<br />
depending on the rolls of our<br />
contributing schools and there is a<br />
sense we are seeing the end of a<br />
bubble.’’<br />
Longer term that could change<br />
with new subdivisions planned in<br />
the Waimakariridistrict.<br />
‘‘We don’t want to grow much<br />
more,’’ Mr Kearney said. ‘‘But I<br />
don’t think it would make<br />
economic sense for the<br />
Government to build anew<br />
secondaryschool on anew site<br />
when both Rangiora and Kaiapoi<br />
have land for more growth.<br />
‘‘Communities may need to<br />
accept that big schools are more<br />
economical. Auckland has been<br />
managing schools of up to 3000<br />
students for years.’’<br />
Mr Kearney said it was possible<br />
the Ministry of Education could<br />
build another primary school<br />
across the road from Rangiora<br />
High School, next to the school<br />
farm, in 10 years time.<br />
Last year Kaiapoi High School<br />
had 22 vacancies to fill, but<br />
principal Jason Reid said he has<br />
just one vacancy advertised on the<br />
Education Gazette, for now.<br />
For the first time in adecade<br />
Kaiapoi will have aslight dip in its<br />
year 9roll for next year. ‘‘I don’t<br />
think it is indicative of anything<br />
other than apopulation blip,’’ Mr<br />
Reid said.<br />
With several contributing<br />
schools, including Woodend<br />
School and Te Kura oTuahiwi,<br />
bursting at the seams, growth at<br />
Kaiapoi High School is set to<br />
continue for sometime yet.<br />
For now, Mr Reid is expecting<br />
the roll to remain at 1080 next year,<br />
just under the site capacity of 1100.<br />
LDR is local body journalism cofunded<br />
by RNZ and NZ On Air.<br />
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10 <strong>North</strong><br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Hair cut marathon fundraiser<br />
Shake rattle and roll. .. Eleven year olds (from left)Flynn Wallace,<br />
Jaxon Bloomfield and Ted Hewetson, all from Southbrook School,<br />
take part in the nationwideShakeOut earthquake practisedrill held<br />
last Thursday.<br />
Drop, coverhold<br />
All across the land at<br />
precisely 9.30am (or there<br />
abouts), last Thursday<br />
morning, school children<br />
were diving for cover under<br />
desks and chairs.<br />
Over 675,449 participants<br />
nationwide were registered<br />
online to take part in the New<br />
Zealand ShakeOut, anational<br />
earthquake drill and tsunami<br />
hīkoi.<br />
The children at SouthBrook<br />
School took it all in their<br />
stride as they followed the<br />
‘drop, cover and hold’ mantra.<br />
‘‘It has value as we have to<br />
conduct emergency drills<br />
twice ayear to help our<br />
tamariki learn what to do<br />
when the shakes start,’’ says<br />
Southbrook Schoolprincipal<br />
Julie Walls.<br />
‘‘Afterall, we live on shaky<br />
isles and it’s good for them to<br />
learnwhat to do in an<br />
emergency.’’<br />
She says teachersalso took<br />
the opportunity to talk to the<br />
younger children about<br />
earthquakes and what was<br />
happening, plus it was a<br />
chance for the children to<br />
learn how to help their<br />
family, friends and<br />
community be safe by getting<br />
involved in emergency<br />
preparedness.<br />
Ted Hewetson (11) says it<br />
was fun learning how to<br />
protecthimself with the<br />
‘turtle’ manoeuver,covering<br />
his head and making himself<br />
as as small as possible.<br />
Cutting hair for 24 hours was<br />
tiringbut alot of fun, says the<br />
crew at Tom’s Chop Shop in<br />
Rangiora.<br />
They raised over $8000 for<br />
Community Wellbeing<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> in the Charity Cut<br />
AThon.<br />
Community Wellbeing NC<br />
spokesperson Louise Leitch<br />
says barber CharlieKnox was<br />
keen to repeat several earlier<br />
24hour haircuttingmarathons<br />
he had been part of, andhe<br />
wanted to support alocal<br />
charity.<br />
‘‘One of our board members<br />
was talking with Charlie and he<br />
liked the idea.<br />
‘‘We met with Charlieand<br />
owner Tom and talked with<br />
them about supportingus<br />
during the recent national<br />
mental health awareness<br />
week.’’<br />
She says the barbers went out<br />
andfound support from many<br />
local businesses who came on<br />
board donating gifts andprizes.<br />
‘‘The money it raised will go<br />
towards supportingmental<br />
health care in the community<br />
anditcomes at agood time as<br />
we have alot of demand for our<br />
services now,’’ says Louise.<br />
Owner Tom Weddell says all<br />
their regular patrons stepped<br />
up and booked asession to be<br />
part of the CutAThon.<br />
‘‘We also had family and<br />
friends come along for atrim or<br />
cut, everyone was busy for the<br />
time they were there,’’ says<br />
owner Tom Weddell, who was on<br />
deck for 16 hours.<br />
‘‘Barbers CharlieKnox and<br />
Well done ... Tom’s Chopshop owner Tom Waddell.<br />
Regan Topp did the whole 25<br />
hours as they carried on<br />
working after the time was up.’’<br />
He says the business's other<br />
two young barbers also<br />
completed 12hour shifts to aid<br />
the project.<br />
‘‘What was even more amazing<br />
were the people who just<br />
walked in off the street,’’ Tom<br />
says.<br />
‘‘Many often picked up a<br />
broom and started sweeping up<br />
all the stray hair for ashort<br />
time, then left. They were<br />
awesome.<br />
‘‘Others also came in for cut<br />
after they had been out on the<br />
town. There were some funny<br />
people there all through the<br />
night and we never really had a<br />
moment to sit around and think<br />
about it.’’<br />
Tom says he and the crew of<br />
hardworking barbers also<br />
appreciated all the food and<br />
drink supplied by businesses<br />
and people in Rangiora, to help<br />
them get through the long night<br />
of haircutting.<br />
‘‘We are thankful to all who<br />
supported us as we raised $8567<br />
for Community Wellbeing NC.<br />
Businesses supporting the<br />
project included: Hanmer<br />
Springs Thermal Pools &Spa,<br />
Rangiora Toyota, Mitre 10 Mega<br />
Rangiora, Mike Pero Real<br />
Estate Rangiora, Propaganda<br />
Streetwear and Skate Rangiora<br />
FRI 15–SUN 17 NOV<br />
FRI 15 &SAT 16 NOV<br />
great offers on<br />
weeKly faves<br />
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Fresh Skin-On Chicken Breast Fillets<br />
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$<br />
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EA<br />
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Certain products maynot be available in all stores. Savingsare based on non-promotionalprices. Storeprices maydiffer from the recommended non-promotional price.See our terms &conditions fordetails. Limits mayapply, tradeis<br />
notsupplied. Prices applyfromMonday28th <strong>October</strong> to Sunday 3rdNovember <strong>2024</strong>. Promotion pricing excludes City Market, UberEats or anyother third-party provider.Price Promise prices maychangewithout notice.
Love your home<br />
12 LOVE YOUR HOME Onestop shop ... Mauds Soft Furnishings’ owner Maureen Bolt displays some of the large<br />
selection of wall coverings made from recycled materials.<br />
through all their options.<br />
Maureen started Mauds Soft<br />
‘‘This includes helping our clients Furnishings 24 years ago, and brings to<br />
select the right curtain fabric, roller the table awealth of experience in the<br />
blinds or Roman blinds,what tracks suit industry after acareer in upholstery,<br />
their room’s colour decor, and what sewing for several large wellknown<br />
other accessoriesthey may require.’’ companiesinChristchurch.<br />
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We specialise in:<br />
painting airless spraying<br />
Rollers and<br />
plastering water blasting<br />
more<br />
Reach 64,000 potential<br />
roof spraying<br />
customers withusevery week<br />
specialised coating systems<br />
Phone 03 327 4919<br />
Local, family owned business who has<br />
Phone today to findout how<br />
been in business for over 30 years.<br />
Mauds Soft Furnishings<br />
<strong>31</strong>32840<br />
Members of masterpainters.<br />
88 Williams Street,<br />
Please contact Dan for afree quote<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
on 0275 340 878<br />
PO Box 54, Kaiapoi<br />
(up long driveway)<br />
Email:<br />
Mobile: 027 245 8140<br /><br />
Email:<br />
2721648<br /><br />
2721647<br />
Love Your Home<br />
with JANET BRAMHAM<br />
Supply and Installers of<br />
all types ofspouting<br />
With years of expertise &<br />
a passion for helping clients<br />
achieve their homeownership<br />
10 Year no leak guarantee<br />
goals. I specialise in securing<br />
the best mortgage options<br />
tailored to your needs.<br />
Mauds,furnishingNChomes for 24 years<br />
The latest trends in window coverings<br />
are muted colours and recycled<br />
materials, and you can find out all about<br />
them at Mauds Soft Furnishings in<br />
Kaiapoi. Owner Maureen Bolt says these<br />
two trends are starting to dominate the<br />
market now.<br />
‘‘It used to be all aboutbig bold<br />
abstracts on window coverings, now the<br />
colour palettes our customersare<br />
asking for are softer, muted and neutral<br />
tones. The other big change is the<br />
growing use of recycled materials.’’<br />
Among the very extensiverange of<br />
colours and material options available<br />
in the showroom at Mauds Soft<br />
Furnishings are an ever expanding<br />
number of polyesterbased curtains<br />
made from recycled plastics.<br />
‘‘We have avery good range of new<br />
recycled materials on show herethat<br />
are very versatile, hang beautifully, hold<br />
their colour very well and each metreis<br />
made from at least 20 recycled plastic<br />
bottles.’’<br />
At Mauds Soft Furnishings, Maureen<br />
says they providethe full serviceof<br />
window treatments for new and existing<br />
homes, and commercial buildings.<br />
‘‘We will go to the clients’ placeto<br />
carry out afree measure and quote, then<br />
we will sit down with them and talk them<br />
2721646<br />
‘‘I started working out of my garage in<br />
Kaiapoi and over the next couple of<br />
years as my business expanded, we got<br />
so busy we had to upsize our workspace<br />
several times.<br />
‘‘In 2013 we moved the business to 88<br />
Williams Street, Kaiapoi, because we<br />
needed the extra space for our 10strong<br />
work force, and to meet all our clients’<br />
needs.’’<br />
Mauds Soft Furnishings is signposted<br />
up the long driveway at 88 Williams<br />
Street.<br />
The showroom hours are Monday to<br />
Thursday 9am to 3pm, and closed<br />
Friday.<br />
Appointments with aconsultant to<br />
talk about your soft furnishing<br />
requirements, can be made by phoning<br />
03 327 4919.<br />
The onsite showroom has an<br />
extensive range of fabric and blind<br />
samples for clients to look at, and select<br />
from.<br />
As athank you to valued customers,<br />
Maureen is offering free installation for<br />
all jobs confirmed in the month of<br />
November.<br />
Mauds Soft Furnishings are also<br />
offering for their November Spring Sale,<br />
30% off sunscreen rollers, wooden<br />
venetian and aluminium blinds.<br />
•Continuous spouting made on site, largecolour rangeavailable<br />
•High gradeand thickermaterialused<br />
•Repair or replaceany type of gutter<br />
•Undertakeall insurancework<br />
•Independently owned and operated<br />
•Competitive pricing<br />
Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Districts<br />
Call Marvin 027371 4179 |<br />
2721650<br />
2722078<br />
Scan to start<br />
the process.<br />
Mortgage Advisor<br />
021 0421 817<br />
Be in to<br />
Wina$250<br />
Grocery Voucher<br />
Every day for 60 days!<br />
Purchase anyWattylproduct 4L and<br />
aboveand go in thedraw.<br />
Scan theQRcodein-storeorText‘WTL’<br />
followed by your receiptnumberand<br />
name to 875togointhe dailydraw.<br />
Promotion runs 1<strong>October</strong> <strong>2024</strong> to 30 November <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Promotion For full terms runs 1<strong>October</strong> and conditions <strong>2024</strong>visit to30November <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
For full terms and conditions visit<br />
100% LOCALLY<br />
GARDE<br />
Lawn andGarden<br />
Sorted.<br />
Tui<br />
Compost<br />
40 litre<br />
141806<br />
Number 8<br />
PottingMix<br />
40 litre<br />
245877<br />
$10 39 $10 79 $22 98<br />
Number8<br />
Hardwearing Lawn<br />
Seed 1kg<br />
247094<br />
Garden Highlights<br />
LandscapeBarkMedium<br />
15-25mm<br />
40litre<br />
353708<br />
Tui<br />
Tui<br />
Performance Organics<br />
Organic Potting Mix 30L<br />
Colours<br />
2001995<br />
243568<br />
$27 84 $16 98<br />
Bloom<br />
Niwashi<br />
GardenTrowelAsh<br />
TraditionalJapanese<br />
320959<br />
Right-HandedGarden Tool<br />
standard<br />
327842<br />
$14 98 $44 98<br />
Yates<br />
Weed nFeed LawnWeedKiller<br />
andFertiliser<br />
4litre<br />
138437<br />
AllPurpose<br />
Lawn Seed 1kg<br />
2027437<br />
$10 98 $8 79 Trade<br />
Number 8<br />
Plastic Leaf Rake Assorted<br />
$5 99<br />
Taurus<br />
GARDEN Compost Bin<br />
400LitreBlack<br />
235403<br />
Atlas<br />
Trade<br />
Braced<br />
GardenRake<br />
16Tooth<br />
Black<br />
&<br />
Orang ge<br />
103752<br />
$39 99<br />
Jobmate<br />
Wheelbarrow 72 litre<br />
376875<br />
39 99<br />
$69 $129
DeWALT<br />
Chainsaw-5.0Ah<br />
Kit<br />
2030159<br />
DeWALT<br />
Cordless BlowerKit 144km/h<br />
18 Volt,5Ah<br />
398307<br />
Bosch<br />
EasyAquatak120<br />
WaterBlasteraster<br />
1500 Watt<br />
347482<br />
Lawnmaster<br />
Petrol Lawnmower<br />
460mmm 171cc<br />
399833<br />
$299<br />
Was$399<br />
$299<br />
Was$399<br />
$170<br />
$499<br />
DeWALT<br />
Cordless Hedge<br />
Trimmer Kit<br />
550mm 18 Volt,<br />
5Ah<br />
398298<br />
DeWALT<br />
Cordless Line<br />
Trimmer Kit36cm<br />
Cut 18Volt, 5Ah<br />
398303<br />
Yardforce<br />
Petrol<br />
Chainsaw<br />
2000560<br />
Black+Decker<br />
Cordless Hedge<br />
Trimmer18Volt<br />
267755<br />
$299<br />
Was$399<br />
$299<br />
Was$399<br />
$179<br />
$151<br />
Was$419<br />
$199<br />
Now<br />
9<br />
Was$4299<br />
$3799<br />
Now<br />
BONUS<br />
Bosch<br />
UniversalAquatak<br />
135 WaterBlaster 1900 Watt<br />
347485<br />
MTD<br />
Ride on Mower<br />
439ccRed<br />
376288<br />
200kg<br />
Trailer<br />
124674<br />
Prices valid until 19 th November <strong>2024</strong><br />
Not in conjunction withany other offers.While stocks last.<br />
100% LOCALLY<br />
GARDE<br />
2191656<br />
• Post Driving<br />
• Stock Fencing<br />
• Stockyards<br />
• Post and Rails<br />
• Lifestyle etc<br />
Ph Andy Horn<br />
021 214 1201 or<br />
(03) <strong>31</strong>49460<br />
Servicing<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for over25yrs!<br />
•Sales, Servicing &<br />
Parts<br />
•All Makes &Models<br />
•Qualified Motorcycle<br />
Engineers<br />
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fault testing<br />
•Quality 2nd Hand Bikes<br />
&UTV’s<br />
•Repairs &Dismantling<br />
•Insurance Repairs<br />
2177981<br />
163 Stokes Road, Balcairn<br />
Ph (03) <strong>31</strong>2 9844 or 027 205 5724 (AH)<br /><br /><br />
Get the latest local news<br />
when you visit<br /><br /><br />
Harvest Time!<br />
Local Business Serving The LocalArea.<br />
• Hay -Baleage -Straw<br />
Medium square, round, conventional.<br />
Double mower conditioners, wrapping.<br />
Individual wrapping, squares and rounds<br />
• All agricultural and cultivation work<br />
• Direct drilling -Giant discing -Ploughing<br />
-Power harrow -Air seeding<br />
We look afteryour needs like we look afterour own!<br />
All heading and windrowing<br />
requirements<br />
• Daily Freight Run to Ch-Ch &Return.<br />
Ph: 0274 517 063<br />
0274 321 581 (Bus)<br />
03 <strong>31</strong>4 4565 (H)<br />
23<strong>31</strong>792<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
4x44<br />
Centre and<br />
Automotive Repairs<br />
AA Certified Repairer<br />
Scott Base Amberley<br />
17<br />
Farmerswelcome weekend rain<br />
Labour Weekend rain has provided some<br />
relief for Hurunui farmers juggling hungry<br />
stock with tight feed stores.<br />
Sadly, however, the organisers of the<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern A&P Association’s Rangiora<br />
Show had to cancel the eventearly<br />
Saturday morning as the rain tumbled<br />
down, making it too wet and dangerous to<br />
show animals and too wet for exhibitors<br />
and spectators.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Federated Farmers<br />
meat and wool chairwoman and Marble<br />
Point Station farmer Sara Black says local<br />
farmers enjoyed ‘‘a great long weekend’’,<br />
with reports around the Hurunui of<br />
between 50mm and 100mm of rain.<br />
‘‘It was just nice staying home and<br />
watching it rain.<br />
‘‘There are afew lambs around, but<br />
because it was awarm and gentle rain,<br />
they would have pulled through.’’<br />
With an adverse events committee<br />
meeting due to be held on Tuesday<br />
evening (<strong>October</strong> 29), Mrs Black says she<br />
expected the mood to have changed.<br />
‘‘It is the first one Ihave actually looked<br />
forward to because it was getting so dry.’’<br />
But Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> president Karl Dean says<br />
more rain is needed to breakthe drought.<br />
‘‘The worst thing is to get some green<br />
shoots growing from this rain and then in<br />
acouple of weeks they burn off because<br />
there is no follow up rain.’’<br />
Mr Dean says the region is still<br />
‘‘technically in an adverse event’’.<br />
Areasonable lamb drop with good<br />
survivability should be reason to<br />
celebrate, but with farmers already cutting<br />
stock numbers by 20% to 30% to manage<br />
their feed, there were fewer ewes lambed.<br />
Furthermore, amild winter has yet to<br />
restore ground moisture and pasture<br />
loadings are still tight with no excess feed<br />
in the region.<br />
AWaiau farmer whose family has kept<br />
weather records since 1913 has tracked<br />
last summer as the worst for rainfall on the<br />
farm, and this year is shaping up to be a<br />
record breaker for all the wrong reasons.<br />
Until this year, 1998 was the worst start<br />
on the farm, with 12mm between January<br />
1toApril 30, at only 41% of average<br />
New start ... Newborn lambs are getting away to agood start in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, but<br />
an underlying drought is making it tough for farmers. Inset ...<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Federated<br />
Farmers meat and wool chairwoman and Marble Point Station farmer Sara Black. PHOTOS: FILE<br />
rainfall.<br />
Last summer just 90mm was recorded<br />
(at 28%), and the 429mm of total rainfall to<br />
September 30 is 57% of the 990mm<br />
average. This was worse than, in order,<br />
2001, 2015, 1998 and 1988.<br />
Some parts of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> are<br />
getting to the end of lambing after starting<br />
in mid to late August, while properties on<br />
steeper hills started later.<br />
Mrs Black said few farmers would be<br />
flourishing, and they were managing their<br />
feed supply and demand.<br />
‘‘Farmers are still worried and<br />
apprehensive about being at the whims of<br />
the weather.<br />
‘‘Even though they've had amild winter<br />
they are still anxious about the season<br />
ahead, and we aren't back to where we<br />
should be for rainfall, and winter and<br />
spring is when we bank all that moisture<br />
and generally go dry.<br />
‘‘It feels like another drought isn't far<br />
away and we hope for rain.’’<br />
She said the forecast for the next few<br />
months was expected to be warmer and<br />
drier than normal. and farmers were<br />
headed into them with extremely low<br />
moisture levels.<br />
‘‘I spoke to another farmer today who<br />
suggested that we were over 200mm<br />
behind on where we’d expect to be over<br />
winter alone. You can appreciate that<br />
farmers continue to anxiously await the<br />
next few months.’’<br />
Culverden farmers report receiving<br />
nearly 283mm for the year to the start of<br />
this month, when the 30year average for<br />
these nine months is 436mm.<br />
Mrs Black said farmers would have been<br />
facing an unsustainable situation if they<br />
had not reduced ewe flocks in the leadup<br />
to lambing.<br />
‘‘Keep in mind alot of ewes scanned<br />
back on previous years, and there were<br />
reports of 20% to 30% back on last year, so<br />
there just isn't as many lambs or stock on<br />
farms.<br />
‘‘So there’s less mouths to feed for what<br />
is there and it was pretty much astanding<br />
start. The feed is growing, the ground is<br />
warm and the grass is comingaway, but I<br />
wouldn't say we were inundated with feed<br />
by any stretch of the imagination and we’re<br />
still in catch up mode.<br />
‘‘As the wild spring weather comes<br />
through we've had afew days of warm<br />
weather and then gusty norwest days and<br />
it doesn't take much to dry things out<br />
again.’’<br />
Cnr Anderson St and Saleyard Dr, Amberley<br />
Ph: 03<strong>31</strong>4 7539<br />
2606885<br />
Servicing the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> area<br />
for Hedge and Shelterbelt Trimming<br />
andTopping<br />
• Machine hasareachof15m<br />
• Has both flail andsaw<br />
attachments<br />
• Grabattachment forclean up<br />
· Water well drilling · Lifestyle block supply<br />
· Rural water supply · Pump testing<br />
· Submersible pump installation and removal<br /><br />
0800 001165<br /><br />
2703929<br />
027222 1587 ·<br />
0<br />
7<br />
Dairyfarm sales expected to liftinspring<br />
By TIMCRONSHAW<br /><br />
Dairy farm sales are expected to pick up,<br />
as ageing and other farmers come to grips<br />
with ahigher payout and list their<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>properties.<br />
The province is one of the forwardmoving<br />
regions for farm sales over winter<br />
and listings usually come on in arush over<br />
spring.<br />
But real estate agents report fewer<br />
listings in spring catalogues than<br />
expected, and wonder if rising payout<br />
forecasts are discouraging farmers from<br />
entering abacklog of properties on the<br />
market.<br />
PGG Wrightson real estate manager<br />
Peter Newbold said the rural market was<br />
looking better than last year and mid<br />
November would reveal how spring sales<br />
unfolded.<br />
‘‘There’s alot of people that have<br />
wanted to move on for awhole lot of<br />
reasons whether it’s succession or<br />
retirement or whatever and they are<br />
probably thinking things are alittle bit<br />
more settled and the future looks abit<br />
better so lets go and list our property and<br />
move on.’’<br />
Some sectors had more listings than<br />
others with spring selling yet to kick into<br />
gear, he said.<br />
‘‘I would have thought there might have<br />
been more dairy [listings]. Iwould be<br />
surprised if our competitors didn’t agree<br />
and Ithink some of that comes back to<br />
people thinking: ‘Gee that payout looks<br />
good, lets bank it’.<br />
‘‘Hindsight is awonderful thing and<br />
often they bank it and miss the cycle so<br />
they hang on there too long ...Often when<br />
you sell you can use those funds for<br />
something else because who knows what<br />
its going to be like for acouple of years.<br />
Fonterra’s midpoint increase to $9 a<br />
Heads up ... Rural estate agents are<br />
picking the dairy farm market to lift as<br />
farmers weigh up whether ahigher payout<br />
is agood time to sell. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON<br />
kilogram of milksolids was matched this<br />
month by Synlait.<br />
Mr Newbold said the fewer dairy listings<br />
than expected included the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
market. From asheep and beef<br />
perspective there are anumber of listings<br />
and support blocks, but definitely dairy<br />
listings have been quieter. It is also abusy<br />
time of the year for them with calving and<br />
the weather has had an impact and people<br />
are probably sitting back to see where<br />
things are going to sit.<br />
Overall conditions were better than six<br />
months ago with the last couple of Reserve<br />
Bank official cash rate changes lifting<br />
sentiment. When farmers could afford to<br />
finance loans and buy farms at the right<br />
price then more sales would come<br />
through, he said.<br />
‘‘The real estate market in all areas,<br />
especially rural, has been sitting on the<br />
bottom of atrough for anumber of years.<br />
If you look at all the external factors like<br />
interest rates and inflation they’ve hit that<br />
rural market the hardest in 20 or 30 years<br />
soIthink we are just starting to come out<br />
of that and there will be aclimb up, but<br />
more controlled than in previous years.’’<br />
He said beef and dairy prices were<br />
positive with possibly some improvement<br />
ahead for the problem area of sheep<br />
returns. Some late listings were expected<br />
to come on to the market over the next four<br />
to six weeks and there could be distinct<br />
spring and autumn markets.<br />
‘‘Are there buyers out there? Yes there<br />
are, but there’s not thousands of them and<br />
they will be selective and they will not be<br />
paying on acapital gains story. They will<br />
be paying on something showing areturn<br />
and that.s something vendors need to be<br />
aware of.’’<br />
Nationally, the Real Estate Institute of<br />
New Zealand (REINZ) tracked 33 more<br />
farm sales for anearly 19% increase for<br />
the three months ending August,<br />
compared with the same period ayear<br />
ago. The 923 farms sold nationally in the<br />
General Farm Maintenence -Dairy Conversions -Effluent Pond Construction<br />
• Excavators -5x23Tonne tracked excavators<br />
&2x14tonne wheeled excavators<br />
• Sakai 7tonne double drum vibrating roller<br />
&14tonne construction roller<br />
• On site screening of shingle products<br />
• 3x Graders<br />
• Transporter -permitted47tonne<br />
• Trucks<br />
• KomatsuD65 Bulldozer rfo forPipelaying,<br />
in Tracking and Land Clearing.<br />
• Cat615 Scraper<br />
Shane Dwyer<br />
Ph 0274 661 025<br />
Blue Lewis<br />
Ph 0275 258 358<br />
year to August was down 166farms<br />
compared with the previous year.<br />
Rural spokesman Shane O'Brien said<br />
August sales were similar to sales for the<br />
month in 2023 and 2022, despite<br />
headwinds faced by much of the rural<br />
sector.<br />
August is traditionally aslow month for<br />
sales as many sellers wait for the warmer<br />
spring months and the traditionally busier<br />
selling months of <strong>October</strong> to December.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> was up 11 sales in the three<br />
months to August with only Auckland<br />
ahead of this, while Otago was back 12<br />
sales and the West Coast down seven sales.<br />
Mr O'Brien said real estate agents across<br />
the country were reporting increased<br />
inquiries after dairy farm sales dropped<br />
by 24.7% and dairy support farms by 10.8%<br />
over this period. Nationally, the median<br />
price for all farms sold across the three<br />
months was $28,625 per hectare, arise of<br />
15.8% from $24,720 last year.<br />
2722579<br />
NairnElectrical,proudlysupporting rural <strong>Canterbury</strong> since1975.<br /><br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
03 <strong>31</strong>36104<br />
Leeston<br />
03 3243752<br />
4.2metrebays.3.6 metreheight.<br />
6metredepth.Kitsetonly.<br />
Electrical problems or maintenance?<br />
Use our unrivalled industrial electrical<br />
service for:<br />
• Dairy sheds and irrigation<br />
• Power reticulation<br />
• Effluent control<br />
• Dryers, conveyors and generators<br />
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7day breakdownservice<br />
6900 INC<br />
27107<br />
789<br />
82 Carters Road, Amberley<br />
T: 03 <strong>31</strong>4 8<strong>31</strong>1 |<br />
Hours: Monday -Friday 7am -5pm<br />
Saturday 8am -12.30pm<br />
• WOF • Service<br />
• Wheel Alignment<br />
• Tyres<br />
• Automotive Repairs<br />
20 USA DAY<br />
56 Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Woodend<br />
03-<strong>31</strong>2 7703<br /><br />
Get the latest local news<br />
when you visit<br /><br /><br />
Advertise<br />
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spending power<br />
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For aFREE professional advertising consultancy for your business, get in touch today.<br />
2721495<br />
Gleamingdisplay ... The line up at the American Classic Car Club car show at Gladstone Park in Woodend in aprevious year.<br />
14 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
An Americana extravaganza<br />
Itwill be everything Uncle Sam and<br />
apple pie next weekend when the<br />
American Classic Car Club of<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> hosts its annual USA Day, at<br />
Gladstone Park, Woodend.<br />
All American origin vehiclesare<br />
welcome to join in the fun on Sunday,<br />
03 <strong>31</strong>4 8335 03<strong>31</strong>3 2840<br /><br />
November3,from 10am to 3pm.<br />
USA Day is acelebration of<br />
Americana with amix of modern and<br />
classic allAmericanorigin vehicles.<br />
It includes everything from the first<br />
Ford V8s producedright up to the latest<br />
Mustangs,Camaros and Chargers.<br />
The annual car show extravaganza<br />
began back in 1971 at Waikuku Beach.<br />
It soon outgrew the facilities and the<br />
club moved it to Gladstone Park in<br />
Woodend.<br />
Depending on the weather, president<br />
Murray Marshall says the day always<br />
attract large crowds,who enjoy the 500<br />
to 600 vehiclesdrawn to the event.<br />
‘‘Oneofthe attractions will surely be<br />
our major sponsor Classic Workshop in<br />
Christchurch.<br />
‘‘They are awell set up garage<br />
specialising in classic cars and they will<br />
have four or five of their own mid to late<br />
1950s cars and Mopars on show,’’ Mr<br />
Marshall says.<br />
The USA Day celebration is aunique<br />
event showcasing many unique cars.<br />
‘‘There will be an eclectic mix of<br />
beautiful cars on show in various states<br />
of restoration.<br />
‘‘While some will be fully restored,<br />
others will be ongoing projects, and<br />
others may be presentedjust as they<br />
rolled out of the factoriesinDetroitall<br />
those years ago, in all their beauty flaws<br />
and all.’’<br />
Mr Marshall says this is the magic of<br />
owning aclassic car.<br />
‘‘It is either fully restored or as it is.’’<br />
The 2023 USA Day top five trophy<br />
winners were BestinShow, Best Open,<br />
BestOriginal, Best Hot Rod, Best Pick<br />
Up, Best Classic Car and the Ian<br />
Armstrong Plate.<br />
Ian’swife Diane donated the plate in<br />
2013 in Ian’smemory and is aclub<br />
member only award.<br />
The show feature this year will be the<br />
Cars<br />
Motorbikes<br />
Vans<br />
Utes<br />
Boat Trailers<br />
BrakeDust<br />
Removal<br />
Kerb<br />
damaged<br />
wheel?<br />
We come<br />
toyou!<br />
Qualitytransformationat<br />
affordable prices!<br />
Call Paul 022 159 7826<br /><br />
Christchurch <strong>North</strong>&<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
2722678<br />
Luxury cruiser ... A1935 Chrysler on<br />
display during the American Classic Car<br />
Club’s annual USA Day car show at<br />
Gladstone Park in Woodend last year.<br />
wellknown Christchurch band Sign of<br />
the Firebird which will entertain<br />
throughout the day.<br />
There will also be spot prizes, a<br />
variety of trade, food and coffee stalls.<br />
This year the American Classic Car<br />
Club’s supporting charities are Blind<br />
Low Vision NZ Guide Dogs and Big<br />
Brothers Big Sisters <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Everyone is welcome at the show to<br />
support the charities and have an<br />
enjoyable day.<br />
Entry is $10 per person, and 15 and<br />
under free.<br />
PH 327 8582<br />
2571320<br />
For the latest local news<br /><br />
29 Southbrook Road, Rangiora<br />
Ph 03 941 <strong>31</strong>75 |<br />
Price listed is for ASX LS. Price excludes on road costs which includes WoF, Registration, Road User Charges, a full tank of<br />
fuel and a Tyrewise stewardship fee of$<br />
FROM<br />
$36,990+ORC<br />
Prepare toroar<br />
INCL<br />
3 YEAR<br />
PLAN*<br />
*terms apply.<br />
RANGIORA NISSAN,29Southbrook Road, Rangiora. Ph: 03 941 <strong>31</strong>75
2 6 8<br />
7<br />
22<br />
Stock need qualityfeed to realise potential<br />
Tohave highperforming livestock,<br />
animals have to have the right fuel to<br />
help them realise their genetic potential,<br />
Beef +Lamb New Zealand Central South<br />
• Discing<br />
• Ploughing<br />
• Vaderstad – Opus Chisel Plough<br />
• Vaderstad Carrier<br />
• Roller Drill<br />
• Allen Direct Drill – with seed and fertiliser options<br />
• Cultivation Drill – with seed fertiliser options<br />
• John Deere Disc Drill<br />
• Front and rear mower Conditioners<br />
• 4 and 2 Rotor Rakes<br />
• Variable Chamber Round Baler<br />
• Large Square Baler<br />
• Fusion 3plus Baler<br />
We offerafull servicefromcultivation<br />
to grassharvesting<br />
JAMES-027 4384377<br /> waiauenterprises<br />
ContractingLTD<br />
Pankhurst Contracting Ltd isafamily run<br />
business that has been supporting the<br />
area for over 30 years.<br />
We carryry out cultivation, drilling, hay,<br />
baleage, post driving and vineyard marking.<br />
Ben 027 677 5882<br />
David 027 433 7004<br />
E:<br />
272<br />
22 268<br />
7<br />
2722674<br />
Island extension manager Dean<br />
Sinnamon says.<br />
‘‘As alot of people are buying in<br />
supplementary feed, the focus needs to<br />
be on feed quality, otherwise money can<br />
be wasted for little return.<br />
‘‘When we’re thinking about feed<br />
quality we must target crude protein,<br />
metabolisable protein, neutral detergent<br />
fibre, trace elements and minerals,’’ he<br />
says.<br />
‘‘Getting asimple feed test done is a<br />
costeffectiveexercise. It allows us to<br />
make informed decisions when putting<br />
together feed budgets so we can achieve<br />
our animal production goals.<br />
‘‘The more we know, the better our<br />
decisionmaking.’’<br />
Feed supplements are best used to<br />
complement the available feed.<br />
When protein is limiting production, a<br />
highprotein hay, silage or grain will be<br />
the best complement and, as ageneral<br />
rule, will also be the most cost effective.<br />
Where there is an energy deficiency<br />
identified, cereal grain is the ideal<br />
supplement.<br />
If the remainder of the diet is high in<br />
protein, it isbesttochoose alowprotein<br />
feed.<br />
If paddockfeed (for example forage)is<br />
deficient, such as during winter, then a<br />
foragebased supplement would be the<br />
feed of choice.<br />
During summers, following agood<br />
spring, there may be an excess of dry<br />
pasture to be grazed.<br />
Grain supplementation will enhance<br />
feed utilisation and increase the<br />
nutritivevalue of the total ration.<br />
The choice of supplement depends on<br />
the amount and quality of paddock feed<br />
available, and the status of the grazing<br />
animals and their changes in nutrient<br />
demand throughout the year.<br />
Now operating a McHale Fusion 4 Bailer/wrapper with<br />
film on film capability.<br />
Four rotor rake<br />
6m mower/conditioners<br />
For all your cultivation<br />
and drilling requirements<br />
PH: 027 435 9668<br />
Get fit with part time work delivering<br />
newspapers and mailers into letterboxes.<br />
•Regular weekly work<br />
•Noexperience necessary<br />
•We are alocally owned company<br />
•It’s easy, wedrop the newspapers/mailers to your door<br />
You are what you eat ... To gain high performanceanimals they need to be fed the right<br />
fuel to help them realise their genetic potential says Beef +Lamb.<br />
Whenlambs are weaned, if a<br />
percentage of the ewes are in suboptimal<br />
bodycondition (below body<br />
condition score 3), use alot of feed to get<br />
there.<br />
This approach is preferable to<br />
gradually increasing body condition over<br />
the next 100 days to joining.<br />
Shortterm supplementation with a<br />
highenergy cereal grain will preserve<br />
some paddockfeed and return the ewes<br />
to ideal bodyweight more quickly. This<br />
also allows them to maintain condition<br />
over summer, with lower nutrient<br />
requirements, which may better match<br />
the quality of feed on offer.<br />
The smaller and lighter the animal, the<br />
higher thefeed’s nutritivevalue needs to<br />
E:<br />
be, due to limited rumen capacity.<br />
Highquality hay is abetter<br />
supplement of protein and energy than<br />
very wet silage, and highprotein, high<br />
metabolisable energy grain should be<br />
used when paddock feed is not limiting.<br />
Wet silage and lowquality hay are<br />
better fed to larger animals, such as<br />
crossbred ewes or cattle.<br />
The choice of grains often comes down<br />
to cost and availability.<br />
The choice should be made on its cost<br />
per megajoule of metabolisable energy<br />
and /orthe cost per gram of protein, and<br />
based on replacing the missing nutrients<br />
in the animal’s diet.<br />
Another consideration in grain<br />
selection may be the risk of acidosis and<br />
the time available to introduce the grain<br />
slowly to allow adaptation of the rumen<br />
bacteria in acidosis prevention.<br />
Oats and lupins are the safest grains to<br />
feed, because the introduction time is<br />
minimal.<br />
Conversely, wheat requires<br />
introduction over 14 days.<br />
If pellets are an option, the same<br />
considerations apply.<br />
Unless they are ahaybased pellet,<br />
they should be treated the same as wheat<br />
and their use based on their nutritive<br />
valueand cost effectiveness.<br />
Ahelpful link is afeed cost calculator<br />
(New South Wales Department of<br />
Primary Industries)<br />
au/animalsandlivestock/nutrition/ costsandnutritivevalue/feedcostcalculator<br />
This online tool calculates and<br />
compares protein, energy and other<br />
components for different mixes of<br />
livestock feeds.<br />
—Beef +Lamb New Zealand<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Include your name, address,<br />
email, phone number<br />
OR SCAN<br />
THE<br />
QR CODE<br />
Planning your stock feed<br />
When planning feed for your<br />
stock, energy is considered<br />
the main limiting feed<br />
component.<br />
As arule, the protein<br />
concentration of asheep’s<br />
diet should be around 6–8<br />
percent for adult<br />
maintenance, 12–16% for<br />
young growing stock, and at<br />
least 15% for lactating ewes.<br />
One bale of hay weighs<br />
2025kg, which equates to 40<br />
to 50 bales/tonne, whereas<br />
one round bale is equivalent<br />
to 1215 conventional bales.<br />
A25kg bale of hay has the<br />
equivalent feeding value of<br />
two 14kg bales of barley<br />
straw, or 120kg direct cut<br />
silage, or 70kg wilted silage<br />
and maize silage, or 16kg<br />
barley meal or 1416kg of<br />
pasture dry matter.<br />
Direct cut grass silage has<br />
1230 tonnes per hectare<br />
(t/ha), adensity of 700900kg<br />
per cubic metre (kg/m3) and<br />
1318% dry matter.<br />
Wilted grass silage has<br />
1230t/ha, 500800kg/m3 and<br />
2030% dry matter, while<br />
mature maize silage has<br />
3070t/ha, 500600kg/m3 and<br />
2035% dry matter, and green<br />
maize silage has 3070t/ha,<br />
500600kg/m3 and 2025% dry<br />
matter.<br />
To estimate the amount of<br />
silage in asettled stack, a<br />
cubic metre of silage<br />
averages 800kg (0.8 tonne).<br />
Calculate the volume of<br />
the stack in cubic metres,<br />
then multiply by 0.8.<br />
The answer is the amount<br />
of silage in tonnes.<br />
Feed planning ... One round bale of hay equates to 12 to 15<br />
conventional bales of hay.<br />
To estimate dry matter<br />
content of silage, twist the<br />
silage in your hand to see<br />
how easily the juice is<br />
expressed.<br />
If the juice is easily<br />
expressed by hand, the dry<br />
matter is less than 18%, but if<br />
the juice is expressed with<br />
difficulty the dry matter is<br />
1822%.<br />
If little or no juice is<br />
expressed, but your hands<br />
are moist, the dry matter is<br />
2227%.<br />
When considering silage<br />
feeding stack dimensions,<br />
the maximum height of the<br />
feeding face for selffeed<br />
cattle should be 2.0m, while<br />
selffeed sheep is 1.3m.<br />
The width required for<br />
selffeeding silage for cattle<br />
should be 150mm per head<br />
for 24 hours’ access, and for<br />
sheep 30mm per head for 24<br />
hours’ access.<br />
When it comes to silage to<br />
hay conversions, one tonne<br />
of direct cut silage equals<br />
nine bales of hay, one tonne<br />
of wilted silage equates to 15<br />
bales of hay, and one tonne<br />
of maize silage is equivalent<br />
to 1415 bales of hay.<br />
When doing an assessment<br />
of crop yields, cut one<br />
square metre of green<br />
material and weigh.<br />
The weight in kilograms<br />
multiplied by 10 gives ayield<br />
of green material in tonnes<br />
per hectare kg/sqm x10=<br />
tonnes/ha.<br />
—Extract from Beef +<br />
Lamb New Zealand’s ‘‘A<br />
guide to feed planningfor<br />
sheep farmers’’<br />
Hayshed fire ... FENZ is warning people to take care when storing baled<br />
hay this season.<br />
FENZ warns people to<br />
take care storing hay<br />
Fire and Emergency is<br />
reminding people baling hay this<br />
season to take their time and to<br />
make sure the job is done<br />
properly.<br />
National wildfire manager<br />
Tim Mitchell says conditions are<br />
challenging for hay making.<br />
‘‘The frequent rain and<br />
overcast conditions we are<br />
seeing in many areas of the<br />
country is making it difficult to<br />
get good drying between cutting<br />
and bailing of hay,’’ Mr Mitchell<br />
says.<br />
‘‘If hay is too moist when baled,<br />
there is heightened risk the<br />
haystack could spontaneously<br />
combust.<br />
‘‘With it looking likely that<br />
drought conditions may continue<br />
in some eastern areas of the<br />
country this summer, losing<br />
precious feed could be<br />
disastrous.<br />
‘‘Heating is undesirable, not<br />
only because there is adanger of<br />
fire from spontaneous<br />
combustion, but because it also<br />
impairs or severely reduces the<br />
nutrient content in the hay.’’<br />
It is important not to rush the<br />
process, he said.<br />
‘‘Every year Fire and<br />
Emergency is called out to hay<br />
barn fires. This can often result<br />
in the loss of entire bales or even<br />
barns or sheds.’’<br />
We’ve got abale size and shape<br />
to suit your needs<br />
We’ve got the gear to get the job<br />
done once and done right<br />
We can cart anything from bulk<br />
to bales, you name it<br />
We take care of all your<br />
groundwork needs from<br />
ploughing to precision<br />
drilling<br />
24 <strong>North</strong><br />
SPORT<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Anon-stop 5500km rowing journey ahead<br />
The numbers are astounding as Nicky and<br />
Bob Parr of Pegasus prepare to row<br />
across the Atlantic Ocean in support of<br />
Frontline Heroes.<br />
Over Christmas and the New Year, the<br />
couple will be spending 60 to 70 days at<br />
sea.<br />
Rowing 5500km nonstop, inall<br />
weathers and seas they will journey from<br />
the Canary Islands to Antigua in the<br />
Caribbean as part of the World’s Toughest<br />
Weare seekingapplications from outgoing,friendlyand enthusiasticpeopletojoinour team and<br />
have the followingpositions available:<br />
ShowroomTeamMember-<br />
Permanent<br />
Weekend work required<br />
Up to 40 hours<br />
Thesuccessful applicantwill be:<br />
Physicallyfitand strong<br />
Able to work as part of ateamand<br />
independently<br />
Have excellentcommunicationskills<br />
Able to think proactively<br />
Able to work hard andsmart<br />
Must be customer focused<br />
Have excellentorganisational and computer<br />
skills<br />
TradeDrive Thru Team Members<br />
FixedTerm<br />
Weekend work required<br />
Up to 40 hours<br />
Thesuccessful applicantwill be:<br />
Customer focused<br />
Working insideand outside<br />
Knowledgeablewithtimber, hardware and<br />
building products<br />
Physicallyfitand strong as heavy lifting is<br />
required<br />
Able to work as part of ateam<br />
Able to think proactively<br />
Able to Work hard and smart<br />
Able to help customerswiththeir projects or<br />
trade enquiries<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Garden Products Team Member<br />
FixedTerm<br />
Weekendworkrequired<br />
Up to 40 hours<br />
Thesuccessful applicantwill be:<br />
Customer focused<br />
Youwillbeworking insideand outside<br />
Youmust be physically fit andstrong<br />
Youwillberequiredtoclimb ladders and use<br />
lifting equipment<br />
Able to work as part of ateam<br />
Able to thinkproactively<br />
Able to work hardand smart<br />
Help customers select therightproduct for<br />
theirneeds<br />
Customer ServiceCheckoutTeam<br />
MembersFixed Term<br />
Weekend work required<br />
Up to 40 hours<br />
Thesuccessful applicantwillbe:<br />
Customer focused<br />
Working inside andoutside<br />
Knowledgeablewithtimber, hardware and<br />
buildingproducts<br />
Physically fit and strong as heavylifting is<br />
required<br />
Able to work as part of ateam<br />
Able to thinkproactively<br />
Able to Work hardand smart<br />
Able to helpcustomers withtheir projectsor<br />
tradeenquiries<br />
McAlpines have an active drug&alcoholpolicyinplace,apre-employmentdrugtestand medical<br />
willberequired. ApplicantsmustbeaNew Zealand resident or hold avalid work visa.<br />
Ifany of thesepositions sound likeyou,send your application andCVto:<br />
Seasonal FixedTermRoles<br />
McAlpines Mitre10 Mega<br />
PO Box1003,<br />
Rangiora 7440<br />
Or email<br />
Row, an international fleet race.<br />
Nicky says individually, they will row<br />
two hours on /two hours off, 24 hours a<br />
day for the entire trip.<br />
‘‘We will paddle an estimated minimum<br />
of 1.5 million oar strokes,’’ she says.<br />
Their tiny purposebuilt Rannoch R25<br />
boat is named the Donald Hailey after<br />
Nicky's late dad, ahighly accomplished<br />
rower.<br />
It is only seven metres long and the<br />
rowing station is open to the elements<br />
across the vast Atlantic which at times<br />
2723928<br />
will be over eight kilometres deep.<br />
The couple sold their house in Pegasus<br />
to buy the boat and all the safety<br />
equipment needed to complete the row.<br />
They begin their journey from La<br />
Gomera in the Canary Islands on<br />
December 12.<br />
If they survive the three months at sea,<br />
capsizes, swordfish and sharks, they will<br />
be world record holders as the oldest<br />
combined age couple to achieve the feat.<br />
Their goal is to raise the profile of<br />
Pilgrim Bandits (NZ) and to generate<br />
funds in support of frontline heroes and<br />
heroines.<br />
Nicky, aged 62, is amedalwinning<br />
Dragon Boater and retired registered<br />
nurse.<br />
Bob, 67, is aretired sixtime Emmy<br />
Awardwinning television producer with<br />
aPhD in Defence Studies, an exmember<br />
of HM Special Forces and the Patron of<br />
Pilgrim Bandits (NZ).<br />
The couple has been preparing for this<br />
epic adventurefor over ayear, raising<br />
awareness of the work they do within the<br />
charity for serving exforces personnel,<br />
and first responders.<br />
The Glimmering Sea Trust has been<br />
established to help the couple row the<br />
Atlantic Ocean for the purpose of<br />
supporting Pilgrim Bandits, acharity<br />
supporting heroes and heroines who are<br />
struggling to overcome injuries and posttraumatic<br />
stress consequent of their<br />
frontline service.<br />
Bob says he hopes to raise $50,000 for<br />
Pilgrim Bandits NZ.<br />
You can follow Nicky and Bob's<br /> or their<br />
Facebook page —Glimmering sea. To<br />
donate<br />
glimmeringsea<br />
Nicky says they have completed all the<br />
mandatorytraining out on the open water,<br />
spending almost 150 hours rowing along<br />
the East Coast of the UnitedKingdom in<br />
all weathers.<br />
‘‘Althoughthe seas were nothing like as<br />
large to be found in the Atlantic, Bob<br />
rediscovered seasickness bigtime.’’<br />
Home ... Nicky and Bob Parr, with The<br />
Donald Hailey, their sevenmetre rowing<br />
boat.<br />
‘‘We discovered that sleep deprivation<br />
will be ahuge obstacle to overcome. We<br />
were both surprised by the strengths that<br />
we still have despite the advancing years,<br />
and physical weaknesses that we need to<br />
work on before we get to the start line in<br />
December,such as back strength and<br />
flexibility.’’<br />
The boats are tracked electronically,<br />
and their progress can be monitored<br />
through<br />
Each boat carries asatellite telephone<br />
and other electronic equipment, all<br />
powered by solar panels, including a<br />
watermaker that turns seawater into<br />
fresh drinking water.<br />
Food will be acombination of freezedried<br />
campingstylemeals and snacks.<br />
‘‘I am acoeliac, so we have opted for a<br />
glutenfree diet to feed us both. We are<br />
carrying 65 days of ration and there is<br />
little chance for fishing,’’ she says.<br />
Nicky says throughout the crossing,<br />
they'll be posting regular updates on<br /> and their Facebook<br />
page, including video shorts and aregular<br />
blog, assuming their communications<br />
keep working. The couple are now<br />
preparing to ship the boat and themselves<br />
south to the Canary Islands, off the coast<br />
of Africa for the start.<br />
Rangiora Bridge Club<br />
Grey Pairs: <strong>North</strong>/South: SDenise Lang/Sue McIlroy 1, Christine Sweeney/<br />
Janene Mussen 2, TomRose/Judy Bruerton 3. East/West: WDarryl Dowthwaite/<br />
Robyn Findlay 1, Dawn Simpson/Helen Phillips and David McRae/Fern McRae<br />
equal 2.<br />
Individual: N/S: Jan Roose/Irene Carson 1, Derek Wilson/RichardLuisetti 2,<br />
Joyce Gray/Robyn Dawson 3. E/W: Jenny Story/Peter Story 1, Lorraine Proffit/<br />
Peter Whithead 2, Rhondda Bergman/Linda Lian 3.<br />
JuniorEvening: N/S: Lee Ford/David Barker 1, Diane Graham/Trish Warnes 2,<br />
Janine Laws/Gerard McCrea 3. E/W: Annette Caldwell/Gail Dunlop 1, Tim<br />
Marshall/Murray Messervy 2, Kate Whitehead/Anne Bagrie 3.<br />
Individual: Robyn Dawson/Sue McIlroy 1, Jim Knight/Ken Fox 2, Jill Amer/<br />
Bunty Marshall 3.<br />
Rangiora 9hole golf<br />
Stableford: Men: Cliff Boddy 23, 1; RichardLuisetti 22, 2; John Gregan 20, 3.<br />
Ladies: Jane Dunbar 21, 1; Pam Holland 18, 2; Robyn Gillman 17, 3.<br />
Super Summer<br />
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6.2M X4.8M SLEEPOUT<br />
*Discountoffer excludes aluminium joinery.<br />
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Terms and Conditions: Offer available on new orders placed with aparticipating Versatile franchisebetween 1November to 30 November <strong>2024</strong>,where theestimated delivery date is on or before 28 February 2025.Savings shown are based onChristchurch branch prices. As each Versatile franchise is<br />
independently owned and operated and sets its own pricing, prices offered may differfromthose shownand mayvaryfromregiontoregionthroughoutNew Zealand. Allpricesinclude GST. Some exclusions apply. For full terms and conditions please visit
26 <strong>North</strong><br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
New potatoes at<br />
community garden<br />
The first crop of potatoes has been<br />
plantedinWaikari’s new Great<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern Community Garden.<br />
The garden has been aworkin<br />
progress for asmall group of Waikari/<br />
Hawarden residents, who worked for<br />
ayear with the HurunuiDistrict<br />
Council to secure alease for land<br />
which was used for sheep grazing for<br />
many years.<br />
The 0.8 hectares (2 acres) of former<br />
railway land, is north of the Waikari<br />
Health Centre and adjacent to the<br />
Waikari Domain, says sculptor Alison<br />
Erickson, who lives in Waikari with<br />
her partner, artist Sam Mahon and<br />
their teenage daughter Charlie.<br />
The soil was tested and found to be<br />
clear of toxins.<br />
‘‘It is beautiful rich darksoil 12<br />
inches deep,’’ Alison says. ``After<br />
Covid alot of people felt that the<br />
community needed something to bring<br />
people back together again, working<br />
for acommon goal. Growing food for<br />
our community seemed agood way to<br />
achievethis.’’<br />
The potatoeswere planted on<br />
<strong>October</strong> 16, using arestored Ferguson<br />
tractor pulling an ancient potato<br />
planter.The tractor was driven by<br />
89yearold John Sidey, and the potato<br />
planter was operated by Surrey Earl,<br />
both of whom have lived in Waikari all<br />
their lives.<br />
The vintage tractor and potato<br />
planter were restored by the two men.<br />
Alison says the the community<br />
garden is ‘‘a very positive thing’’for<br />
Waikari.<br />
‘‘It is fantastic havingthe older<br />
people to work beside and to learn<br />
from them.<br />
‘‘Charlie, our daughter who is homeschooled,<br />
joined in the potato<br />
planting.<br />
‘‘Someone handedher abowl of<br />
Maori potatoes to plant so she was part<br />
of it too.<br />
‘‘Through this project we have met<br />
people in the village we would never<br />
havemeet otherwise.’’<br />
Toot 4Tucker food drive<br />
The power of asmall town can be heart<br />
warming, says Kaikoura’slocal Women’s<br />
Lions Club.<br />
Lion Toni Batey says many are<br />
struggling all over New Zealand toput<br />
food on their tables and ‘‘Kaikōura isn’t<br />
immune’’.<br />
So the local Womens Lions club set<br />
about organising ‘Toot 4Tucker’,aidedby<br />
their 34strong membership, five fire<br />
engines, and many locals covering every<br />
street.<br />
‘‘Within an hour we collected multiple<br />
boxes. We were blown away by the<br />
response and Iknow we missed some,’’<br />
says Toni.<br />
People can still donate direct to the<br />
Food bank at TeWhare Putea.<br />
ECan adopts annual report<br />
Local Democracy Reporter<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s regional<br />
council has come through<br />
achallengingyear with a<br />
bigger budget surplus<br />
than expected.<br />
Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> has adopted<br />
its 2023/24 annual report<br />
with asurplus of $1.58<br />
million,above the<br />
budgeted surplus of<br />
$0.49m.<br />
The bigger surplus was<br />
due to afunding boost of<br />
$1.09m more than<br />
expected from Waka<br />
Kotahi NZ Transport<br />
Agency.<br />
‘‘Over the past financial<br />
year, we’ve faced<br />
changing expectations<br />
from central Government,<br />
our mana whenua<br />
partnersand our<br />
communities, as well as a<br />
changing environment,<br />
which have all added<br />
layersofcomplexity to our<br />
mahi,’’ chairperson Craig<br />
Pauling said.<br />
The council has faced a<br />
backlog of consents, but<br />
staff have been working<br />
hardtoget on top of them,<br />
he said.<br />
‘‘Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> has the<br />
highest number of<br />
resource consents of any<br />
region in Aotearoa,<br />
around 26,000.<br />
‘‘These have built up<br />
over time due to volume,<br />
the increasing complexity<br />
of applications, changing<br />
Annual report ... Cr Craig Pauling (right) and Cr Deon<br />
Swiggs were elected as the new chairperson and deputy<br />
chairperson recently.<br />
community expectations,<br />
adegrading environment<br />
and the need to bridge the<br />
gap between new<br />
legislation, current plans,<br />
court rulings and the<br />
development of new<br />
plans.’’<br />
Councillor Pauling said<br />
staff are on track to clear<br />
the backlog by the end of<br />
the year.<br />
The council has also<br />
made some organisationwide<br />
changes and is<br />
already ‘‘seeing positive<br />
results’’, he said.<br />
During the year the<br />
council has boosted river<br />
resilience and<br />
biodiversity funding,<br />
begun work on anew<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Regional<br />
PolicyStatement and<br />
boosted public transport.<br />
In the year to June 30,<br />
there were 14.5 million<br />
passenger trips on the<br />
council’s public transport,<br />
whichisthe highest levels<br />
since the 2010 and 2011<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> earthquakes.<br />
Come and visit one, or both of our<br />
new Beachgrove Show Homes<br />
on the 2nd of Novemeber. The<br />
Beachgrove development will<br />
have abouncy castle, BBQ, and a<br />
chance to win win atrip to Fiji.<br />
5+7McGarry Drive<br />
Beach Grove Kaiapoi<br />
Saturday 2November<br />
11:00am -4:00pm<br />
Lot 320 | Beachgrove | Kaiapoi<br />
Lot <strong>31</strong>2 | 10 RiceSt|Beachgrove | Kaiapoi<br />
2 2 1 1 1 111m 2 232m 2 2 1 1 1 1 119m 2 <strong>31</strong>4m 2 3 2 2 1 1 142m 2 <strong>31</strong>4m 2 3 2 2 1 2 146m 2 371m 2<br />
$629,000<br />
$645,000<br />
$689,000<br />
*<br />
Artist Impression Only<br />
*<br />
Artist Impression Only *<br />
Artist Impression Only<br />
03 <strong>31</strong>30<strong>31</strong>9<br />
Lot309 | Beachgrove | Kaiapoi<br />
Lot273 | Beachgrove | Kaiapoi<br />
*<br />
Artist Impression Only<br />
$719,000<br />
*T&Cs Apply. Offer Valid to30/11/<strong>2024</strong>
Waimakariri Sailing Club<br />
Afundraising quiz evening for the club will be held at CBK Craft Bar in Kaiapoi<br />
on Monday, November 25 at 7pm. Spot prizes, auction, raffles and food and drink<br />
avaiable. Six people maximum per team. To register pay $60 to the club’s bank<br />
account 03 0674 0091930 00 or register your interest at, or<br />
022601 6272.<br />
Waiau Fireworks<br />
The sky will shine brightly above the Waiau Rugby Club grounds on Saturday<br />
night, November 2, as the annual fireworks display is held.<br />
The event promises to be agreat night out for the whole family with abouncy<br />
castle, rideon jeeps, tasty food stalls and live music from The Meaniez. Gates<br />
open from 5pm, and the pyrotechnicdisplay will kickoff as darkness falls. Entry<br />
is $10 per person with under 5s free. Postponement date is Sunday, November<br />
3.<br />
Follow the Waiau Fireworks Facebook page for updates, and if anyone is able<br />
to lend ahand at the event at the gate, carparking or manning stalls they can<br />
contact Leon on 027 774 8168.<br />
Police acknowledge report<br />
Police acknowledge the Independent<br />
Police Conduct Authority’s (IPCA) findings<br />
into a fleeing driver incident in<br />
Christchurch last year, where apassenger<br />
died after the vehicle crashed.<br />
Shortly after 2am on September 17,<br />
2023, officers stopped a vehicle in<br />
Christchurch and discovered the<br />
driver was breaching his licence conditions<br />
and the vehicle was not roadworthy.<br />
The vehicle was issued apink sticker,<br />
ordering it off the road, and the driver<br />
was instructed to drive it directly to a<br />
specific address.<br />
The vehicle was instead located a<br />
short time later at ameet of ‘‘antisocial<br />
road users’’.<br />
Police signalled for the vehicle to<br />
stop and, when it didn’t, initiated a<br />
pursuit, however the vehicle was lost<br />
sight of.<br />
The vehicle was located crashed into<br />
atree in Rangiora ashort time later.<br />
A backseat passenger was found<br />
deceased.<br />
The IPCA has ruled that while certain<br />
aspects of Polices pursuit policy<br />
were not followed, the officers actions<br />
were not responsible for the crash.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> District Commander<br />
Superintendent Tony Hill says Police<br />
staff make quick decisions in highpressure,<br />
dynamic situations every<br />
day.<br />
‘‘Our staff have been reminded of our<br />
policies around fleeing vehicles and<br />
pursuits.<br />
‘‘While some elements of our procedure<br />
were not followed in this case, the<br />
overall decisionmaking was sound,<br />
and we are pleased the IPCA has<br />
agreed with us that our staff did not<br />
cause this crash.<br />
‘‘We implore people who are being<br />
signalled to stop please just stop.<br />
‘‘Its not worth risking the lives of<br />
yourselves or others, and you are<br />
putting everyone in harms way when<br />
you choose to flee,’’ he says.<br />
BROOMFIELD 17 Dalbeg Road<br />
Make It What YouWant<br />
Arareopportunitytosecureaparceloflandinthe popular<br />
Broomfield District.<br />
Theproperty comprises awoolshed and coveredyards,<br />
along with asubstantial workshop providing thenew<br />
owners with avarietyofoptions.This property lies in wait<br />
forthe next person to jump at theopportunitytosecure,<br />
make their own, and enjoythe views.<br />
Deceased estate,must be sold.<br /><br />
PGG WrightsonReal EstateLimited,licensed under the REAA2008<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $340,000 (GST<br />
Inclusive) VIEW BY APPOINTMENT<br />
Kevin Rowe<br />
M 027 609 4227<br />
E<br />
Helping grow the country<br />
Same great<br />
service, more<br />
in your pocket!<br />
Keeping it real, in real estate<br />
Free Marketing Package<br />
$12,500 +GST FlatFee<br />
No Sale,NoFee<br />
No Upfront Costs<br />
KirstynBarnett<br />
021 <strong>31</strong>2 230<br />
Arizto Ltd. Licensed REAA 2008
Pegasus 19A Lakeside Drive<br />
Lakesideluxe, anescapefrom the ordinary<br />
Anopportunity to acquire thisexceptional contemporary apartmentwithaliftfor ease ofliving. Enjoy the<br />
sweepingviews across Lake Pegasus togetherwithnature'severchanging seasons, spellbinding sunrises and<br />
moonrises. Watch the whiteswans, thehobby yachts.Soakupthe sun setting onthe Port Hillswhile enjoying<br />
refreshments on theupper deck. Soaring ceilings, skylight, floor-to-ceiling windows, stacker doorslet the light<br />
flood the home. Featuring stateofthe art amenities and secureoff-street parking forthe toys. With the lifestyle<br />
mecca of Pegasus on yourdoorstep includingchampionship golfcourse, wildlife sanctuaryand beach, outdoor<br />
enthusiasts willrevel in thechoicesavailable. Providingareal senseofretreat yet is onlysome20minutes drive<br />
from Christchurch.<br /><br />
3 1 2 2<br />
Auction (unless sold prior) 12pm, Thu21Nov <strong>2024</strong><br />
3Deans Avenue, Chch<br />
View Sat/Sun 10.30-11am&Wed 5.30-6pm<br />
Lance Farrant 027 2282846<br /><br />
Aaron Laing 027 747 2833<br /><br />
After asix-month<br />
sabbatical leave, Bayleys<br />
Rangiora welcomes back<br />
JANE<br />
MOODY<br />
Pegasus 4Pegasus Main Street<br />
Arare opportunity<br />
overlookingthe wetlands<br />
Situated in aprime, quiet location overlooking the Te<br />
KohangaWetlands this 623sqmsection offersan<br />
idealcanvas for youtobuild your dreamhome with<br />
beautiful bird songand sunrises to greet you every<br />
morning.<br />
With ascarcity of sections in thetown, especially<br />
overlooking the wetlands, acting now is amust to<br />
securethisslice of paradise.<br /><br />
623 sqm<br />
Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior)<br />
1pm, Tue26Nov <strong>2024</strong><br />
251-253 High Street, Rangiora<br />
Jane Moody 027 455 0161<br /><br />
Her successful 20years in real<br />
estate selling lifestyle and<br />
residential properties ensures<br />
you will benefit from her<br />
experience and knowledge.<br />
Jane looks forward to the opportunity<br />
of working with you- buying or selling,<br />
large property orsmall. She is<br />
committed toproviding you with<br />
individual service and along with<br />
her enthusiastic personality and<br />
professional reliable hardworking<br />
approach will help you achieve<br />
your real estate goals.<br />
Considering your next move?<br />
Contact Jane today.<br />
Jane Moody | 027 455 0161<br /><br />
What’s happening in your<br />
community...<br />
Biodiversity Volunteer Celebration<br />
Come celebrate our biodiversity champions.<br />
This is your chance to connect with biodiversity<br />
groups from around the district and to get involved.<br />
• Sunday 10November |11am–2pm<br />
• Trousselot Park, Kaiapoi<br />
We'll have asausage sizzle, activities with our<br />
rangers and volunteer organisations, games, music<br />
and more!<br />
If you’re part of agroup that is interested in hosting a<br />
stallpleaselet us know at<br />
Sort Your Special Alcohol Licence<br />
Before Summer<br />
With summer fast approaching,Council is encouraging<br />
anyone wantingtohostapartyorevent whereyou’re<br />
sellingand supplyingalcohol to getyourlicence<br />
applicationsortednow.<br />
Types ofevents include but are not limited to<br />
private functions (birthdays and weddings),<br />
festivals, sporting events, bus trips, farmers’<br />
markets, and wine tastings.<br />
The application process takes aminimum of<br />
20 working days, so if event planners want their<br />
special licence before Christmas, they need to<br />
have their application in by 21 November.<br />
Aspecial alcohollicence is only valid foraparticular<br />
event, or series of linked events,orsocialgatherings<br />
that arespecified within that licence. If youare<br />
organising agroup of events that areunrelated to<br />
each other, or of differentsize, youwillrequire one<br />
applicationformper event.<br />
Aspecial alcohol licence is also required for<br />
businesses wanting to serve complimentary<br />
alcohol totheir customers, for example high-end<br />
hair salons or boutique retailers.<br />
Here are acouple of things that you need toknow<br />
before applying:<br />
• There are noworking days between 20December<br />
and 15January. This means that applications are<br />
not processed during this time.<br />
• This also means that Special Licence events up<br />
to 14 February 2025 will be affected.<br />
• Applications received less than 20days before<br />
the event are unlikely tobeconsidered.<br />
To apply for your special alcohol licence, go to<br /><br />
Free EnglishLanguageClasses<br />
Is English your second language? Improve your<br />
speaking and listening skills atour local English<br />
language classes. These classes are fun and social<br />
and cover agood range of interesting topics.<br />
• Saturdays until 7December |10am–1pm<br />
• Rangiora Town Hall Function Room<br />
To enrol contact Julie or<br />
phone 027 403 8245.<br />
Free Digital<br />
Skills Classes<br />
Ancestry Library<br />
Use the Ancestry Library database to<br />
research your family history.<br />
Rangiora Library<br />
Wednesday 6November • 10–11.30am<br />
KaiapoiLibrary<br />
Wednesday 13November • 10–11.30am<br />
Bookings Essential<br /><br />
03 <strong>31</strong>1 8901<br />
Helping you get back<br />
on your feet.<br />
NgāMahi amuri ake nei<br />
A<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> based<br />
online support directory<br />
helping you take your next step.<br />
Saveyour old<br />
batteries…<br />
Drop your used household<br />
batteries at your local<br />
transfer station’s battery<br />
recycling station.<br />
—<br />
Find out more recycling tips<br />
at<br /><br />
Mobile Community Hub.<br />
Helping toreach vulnerable communities<br />
Making it easier foryourorganisationtosend<br />
support and resourcestovulnerablecommunities.<br />
For more information and how to hire visit:<br />
30 <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2024</strong><br />
Find what you need<br />
in our classifieds!<br />
Phone 03 <strong>31</strong>3 2840 to get<br />
the most out of your advertising in<br />
the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Have an<br />
opinion<br />
on a local<br />
topic?<br />
Write us a<br />
Letter to<br />
theEditor!<br />
Email our<br />
Editor<br />
Robyn at<br />
robyn.bristow<br />
@ncnews<br /><br />
Find the perfect fit for<br />
your business by<br />
advertising your job<br />
vacancies in our<br />
classifieds and<br />
public notices.<br />
Need to<br />
advertise your<br />
LIQUOR<br />
LICENCE?<br />
Holding a<br />
Have items to<br />
SELL?<br />
Looking to BUY?<br />
Looking for a<br />
NEW TEAM<br />
MEMBER?<br />
Looking for your<br />
NEXT JOB?<br />
Want to promote<br />
your TRADE?<br />
WE<br />
CAN<br />
HELP<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda<br />
today<br />
<strong>31</strong>3 2840<br />
027 536 6224<br />
Public Notice<br />
The following Hurunui District Council Bylaws are currently open<br />
for Public Consultation:<br />
Livestock Movement Bylaw review<br />
Cemeteries Bylaw review<br />
Consultation dates:<br />
Friday 1November, 8am -Sunday 1December, 5pm.<br />
To read more, please visit:<br /><br />
Have your say:<br />
Public Notices<br />
Find that perfect fit<br />
for your business<br />
by advertising your<br />
job vacancies in<br />
our classifieds and<br />
public notices.<br />
Navigation Training<br />
06 –08November 24<br />
Thegeneral public is to be advised thataNew Zealand<br />
Army Exercisewill be conducted In theWaimakariri<br />
Basinand knownasthe CraigieburnForestParkand<br />
Conservation Area Castle Hill 6-8 November.<br />
Theexercise will involveupto48 personnel of 2/1<br />
Royal NewZealand InfantryRegiment fromBurnham<br />
MilitaryCamp.<br />
Training will involvesoldiers conducting Navigation<br />
Training in the above location.<br />
Training will take placebetween 8am and 11pmdaily in<br />
these locations,Troops will be carrying equipment and<br />
weapons.<br />
TheActivitywill also involvethe movementoftroop’s<br />
weapons and equipmentfromBurnham MilitaryCamp<br />
to the above locations.<br />
The New Zealand Army takes firerisk seriously and will<br />
ensurefiremitigation is present.<br />
For moreinformationplease contact:<br />
2/1 RNZIR Course Manager<br />
Phone 022 100 4539<br />
Oxford RFC<br />
Notice of Annual General Meeting<br />
Oxford Rugby Club<br />
Monday 4th November,<br />
7pm at the rugby club rooms<br />
10 Showgate Drive, Oxford<br />
Combined JAB &Senior AGM<br />
Many roles to be filled and new<br />
committee members always encouraged.<br />
All welcome 2720848<br />
Email: (please state which section of<br />
which Bylaw(s), and attn to Aidan Chrystal).<br />
Post: Hurunui District Council, PO Box 13, Amberley 7441,<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, (Attn Aidan Chrystal).<br />
Online: Please visit the website address listed above.<br />
Drop in: To your local library/service centre, alibrarian can<br />
assist you to fill in an online form.<br />
Public NoticeofAdoption of<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern PegasusBay Bylaw<strong>2024</strong><br />
The Council adopted its <strong>North</strong>ern Pegasus Bay<br />
Bylaw<strong>2024</strong> on 1<strong>October</strong><strong>2024</strong>under theprovisions<br />
of Section 145 of theLocal Government Act2002.<br />
The Bylawcomes into effectfrom1November<strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Copies are available on the Council’s website<br />, oratCouncil service centres<br />
and libraries.<br />
The main changestothe Bylaware:<br />
•Added‘Protectthe naturalvaluesoftheforeshore<br />
and estuary environment while acknowledging<br />
communityvalues associated with itsuse’tothe<br />
overall purposeofthe Bylaw.<br />
•Introduced anew clause and schedule for the<br />
activity of landing andtakingoffaircraft that will<br />
be supported with auser agreement developed<br />
with the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Recreational Aircraft Club.<br />
•Introduced a new clause and schedule for<br />
holders ofFish and Game Hunting Licenses to<br />
use dogs in areduced area of theAshley Rakahuri<br />
estuarineareaduringgamebird huntingseason.<br />
•Introduced anew clause requiring dogs to be on a<br />
leashontheseawardfacingsideofthespitadjacent<br />
tothelowtidemarknorthoftheWaikukunorthern<br />
carparkand south of theAshleyRiver /Rakahuri.<br />
•Changed the Bylaw rules for fires to prohibit all<br />
open-air fires.<br />
•Introducedanewclauseprohibitingthesettingoff<br />
fireworksinthe Bylawarea<br />
•Removedthe need foranagreementwithFenton<br />
Reserves/Entitlements Trustees.<br />
•Included anew clause that acknowledges the<br />
Hurunui District Council <strong>North</strong>ern Pegasus Bay<br />
Bylaw.<br />
The purpose of the bylaw is to control activities on<br />
the beaches, including the foreshore and adjacent<br />
land areas of <strong>North</strong>ernPegasus Bay.<br />
Educational<br />
TUITION available. Primary<br />
and secondary (Math,<br />
English, Science) up to<br />
NCEA level 3. Each<br />
student on an individually<br />
tailored programme. Kip<br />
McGrath Rangiora has<br />
been serving the local community<br />
for 30 +years. Give<br />
us acall (03) <strong>31</strong>3 3638 or<br />
book your free assessment<br />
online https://www.<br /><br />
2722685<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
CARS, Vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. — Please phone<br />
027-258-8366.<br />
Public Notices<br />
Property Wanted<br />
LIFESTYLE block<br />
wanted to buy, 10 acres,<br />
Rangiora surrounds (Eyrewell,<br />
West Eyreton, Loburn<br />
etc). Cash buyer up to<br />
$700k. Bareblocks(no covenants),<br />
blocks with sheds,<br />
any condition/size house<br />
considered.<br />
Ph/txt 027 787 9648.<br />
Entertainment<br />
Gardening<br />
A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />
to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />
work. For aquote, phone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
Firewood<br />
SPLIT 6m Black Poplar<br />
$400, Split Hardwood Mix<br />
3.7m @ $400. Phone<br />
Mobile 021 993 497.<br />
LocalbandTootnCroon entertain at theRangiora<br />
RSA, 82 Victoria St,onFriday8th November,<br />
starting at 7.30pm.Enjoyanevening of popular<br />
songs from the 1960s and 1970s, with allthe<br />
harmonies. Sing along, dance andenjoythe<br />
memories. Entry$10 cash at thedoor.<br />
welcomes the returnof...<br />
Saturday 02November<strong>2024</strong> 7.30pm<br />
(Cash Tickets) Adult $30.00 from:<br />
Sally Macs, Amberley; Sefton Garage and<br />
Stans 7Day Pharmacy,Rangiora, or Online:<br /><br />
Set Menu 2Course Meal<br />
(Entry &Main)<br />
PH 027 411 9840<br />
2721934<br />
To Let<br />
Personal<br />
Trade&Services<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
2684112<br />
3BDRM farm cottage<br />
becoming available for rent<br />
suit retired couple. Phone<br />
021 026 45683.<br />
PEGASUS gent seeks a<br />
younger (50+) slim, congenial<br />
lady with no dependents<br />
who is perhaps alittle<br />
lonely, and who might like<br />
to enjoy the company and<br />
pleasure of an older single<br />
charming man. I enjoy<br />
dining out, social occasions,<br />
walks / drives,<br />
movies /shows, conversation<br />
/laughter or just casually<br />
hanging out together.<br />
Phone 027 659 4425.<br />
RegTradesman<br />
Interior,exterior.<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>Painters<br />
specialising in decoratingfor<br />
over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />
Free quotes.<br />
Covering NthCanty,Oxford,<br />
Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />
Rob03327 7899<br />
or 027432 3520 2227597<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Trade&Services<br />
★Garden Clean-ups<br />
★Pruning<br />
★Lawn Mowing<br />
★Garden Maintenance<br />
Call us todayfor aFREE quote<br />
PH 0800 4546 546<br />
(0800 4JIMJIM)<br />
Qualitylocal professionals<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Ph:027 846 5035<br />
Hayand<br />
Baleage<br />
making<br />
Conventional or<br />
round bales<br />
Full joborpartjob<br />
Ph 0274 782 925<br />
Bill’sLiquid<br />
Waste<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 <strong>31</strong>4 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
CRAIGS Trees<br />
(03) 327-4190<br />
Free Quotes<br />
027 2299 454<br /><br />
Professional friendly fast service<br />
No job too big ortoo small<br />
•Shearing •Crutching •Tailing •<br />
•Drenching •Foot Trimming •<br />
•Stock Removal •<br />
Call Shaun Adams for afree quote<br />
021 204 1274 or 03 960 <strong>31</strong>12<br /><br />
Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
2225862<br />
ARBORIST qualified.<br />
Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
pruning, height reduction,<br />
hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
tree planting, firewood.<br />
Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />
Edwards 027 259 6741<br /><br />
storage, kitchen, bathroom<br />
&laundry renovation, automatic<br />
gates, int /ext paint-<br />
ing. LBP Builder, we do it<br />
all. Ph 021 351 900.<br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
BUILDERS Father &<br />
son’s team. Amac Builders<br />
are available to help you<br />
with your building needs.<br />
High standards, low<br />
overheads, no job too<br />
small. Check us out on fb.<br />
Amac Builders Ltd. Phone<br />
027 <strong>31</strong>8 4400.<br />
SWEEPS.<br />
Time to service your fire.<br />
Accumulation ofsoot seriously<br />
affects performance.<br />
Latest rotary brush technology.<br />
Free moisture check<br />
on wood. Safety inspection.<br />
All work insured and guaranteed.<br />
From $80 single<br />
story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br /><br />
HOUSE cleaner available.<br />
$40ph 20+ years experience,<br />
honest, reliable and<br />
hardworking. I am very<br />
thorough. Ph 022 064 9334.<br />
Trade &Services<br />
DEB’S Private Transport. KITCHEN,<br />
Appointments, outings, renovations,<br />
shopping, airport transfer.<br />
Phone 021 289 9256. Email<br /><br />
DON’T have time to clean.<br />
Call Leanne 027 214 3483.<br />
Own cloths & products<br />
provided.<br />
HAP’S FARM and<br />
gardening service, sheep<br />
shearing, crutching,<br />
drenching etc, fencing<br />
repairs, gardening, pruning,<br />
small tree trimming etc.<br />
Phone 021 267 4025.<br />
bathroom,<br />
decking,<br />
pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />
reliable licenced builders.<br />
Ph Don 027 727 9162<br /><br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
<strong>31</strong>3 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
25 + years experience.<br />
Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />
waterblasting. For a free<br />
quote, please ph Steve 03<br />
<strong>31</strong>4 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />
PAINTER & decorator,<br />
interior, exterior, commercial<br />
& residential, roofs,<br />
waterblasting, spray paint<br />
finish. Available now. Contact<br />
Mike 027 9<strong>31</strong> 1876.<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 40<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />
roof repairs, waterblasting,<br />
moss treatments, re<br />
pointing, gutter cleans,<br />
repairs, snow straps,<br />
exterior painting & more.<br />
Free quotes. Call Vinnie<br />
027 505 7779.<br />
Plastering &Painting<br />
Services<br />
Locals with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
Allworkmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone021 344 023<br />
Trusted Trades & Professional Services<br />
2502479<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
CARAVAN wanted with<br />
shower and toilet, needing<br />
repairs ok or any condition.<br />
Also wanting ahorse float<br />
and atrailer. Ph Steve 027<br />
6220 011<br />
TOOLS, Garden, Garage,<br />
Saw Benches, Lathes, cash<br />
buyer. —Phone 355-2045.<br />
always buying records.<br />
Excellent prices paid. 430<br />
Colombo Street, Sydenham,<br />
Chch. 366 3278.<br />
Open 7days<br />
ATURNTABLES and Hi<br />
Fi gear wanted. Pennylane<br />
Records, Sydenham, 7<br />
days, plenty of parking, or<br />
we can come to you. Ph 366<br />
3278<br />
MUSIC BOOKS wanted.<br />
Pennylane Records, Sydenham,<br />
7 days, plenty of<br />
parking. Ph 366 3278<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
wanted, Kiwi and overseas<br />
artists. Blue Note, Prestige,<br />
Riverside, ECM, Verve,<br />
Impulse, CTI, Milestone<br />
etc. Top prices paid for<br />
good titles. Please phone<br />
Dave 021 222 6144,<br />
Pennylane Records, Chch.<br />
7days.<br />
For Sale<br />
TENT for sale, brand Great<br />
Outdoors, model Resort,<br />
Generation 2, colour Forest<br />
- Grape, 2.7 x 4m plus<br />
sunroom and windbreaks.<br />
Excellent condition, $500.<br />
Please phone 021 390 114<br />
or 021 2121168.<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys <strong>31</strong>32840 or email<br />
Air Conditioning<br />
Automotive &Recovery<br />
Butchery<br />
Carpet Cleaning<br />
2638408<br />
Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />
0272 588 366<br />
Eftpos available<br />
• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />
• Vehicle Servicing &<br />
Repairs<br />
• Tyres&Punctures<br />
• Jump Starts<br />
• Towing &Salvage<br />
• Courtesy Car Available<br />
13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />
Swannanoa<br />
Mon –Fri 8am –5pm<br />
Oxford Butchery<br />
Shane Frahm<br />
We cankill&processyour stock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since1957<br />
Ph <strong>31</strong>2 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 021 269 1817<br />
2227889v3<br />
Lucy Laxon<br />
027 777 5478<br />
–Commercial<br />
–Residential<br />
–Upholstery<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
Ear Health<br />
Electrician<br />
Engineering<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 230 9401<br /><br /><br />
Funeral Director<br />
Give our friendly team acall and let us look<br />
after all of your funeral needs<br />
•Full funeral Services<br />
•Pricing Plan Options<br />
•Direct Cremation options<br />
•Memorial Services<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
Convenient Locations<br />
Rangiora <strong>31</strong>3 6948<br />
Christchurch 379 0178<br /><br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery •All nonFerrous<br />
Ph (03) 338 7000<br />
Mike 0274 818 544 •Robbie0274 818027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
Starlink /TV /Security<br />
• Starlink aerial mounng • Wi-Fi extensions<br />
• TV wall mounng • Home audio installaon<br />
• Alarm installaon<br />
• Security camerainstallaon<br />
Mark Hubball 027 4725<strong>31</strong>4<br /><br />
1902273<br />
2273277<br />
2696627<br />
2666483<br />
• EarHealthchecks.<br />
• Wax removalusing Microsuction<br />
• Removal of foreign bodies<br />
• Basic hearing aidcare<br />
• ACC provider<br />
• WarVeteran provider<br />
• No medicalreferral<br />
required<br />
ClinicsinRangiora,Amberleyand Kaiapoi<br />
Rest homes/retirement villages,booking byprior arrangement.<br />
Bookings:Online |Phone 020 4124 25 25<br />
Email | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
2324849<br />
Landscaping<br />
Landscaping -Fencing<br />
& Earthworks<br />
03 <strong>31</strong>3 9375 •027 369 3974<br /><br /><br />
2136148<br />
p 03 <strong>31</strong>3 7144 |<br />
Need an Electrician? Get$100 $100 offToday!<br />
Today !<br />
•Alterations •Audio &HomeTheatre •Heatpumps•Inspections&<br />
much more •Lighting•NewHouses•No HotWater Breakdowns<br />
•Residential &CommercialMaintenance •Security&Alarms<br />
•Solar Intalls •Test&Tagging •TV&Data<br />
Limitedtimeoffer—Call nowtoreceive $100 offyourfirstjob!!<br /><br />
Plumber /Gas Fitter<br />
• New Builds<br />
• Renovations<br />
• Maintenance<br />
• Blocked<br />
Drains<br />
• Pump<br />
Services<br />
Turf Aeration<br />
2719195<br />
• Spoutings<br />
• Gas Hobbs<br />
• Hot Water<br />
Gas<br />
Conversions<br />
• Travel<br />
Anywhere<br />
Lawns·Sportsfields·Parks·Golfcourses<br />
Greatresultsinimprovingturfhealthusingless<br />
fertilizerandwater!Allowsbetterdrainage,plusair<br />
andmoisturetoreachtherootzone.Self-propelled<br />
andtractormountedmachinesavailable.<br />
Booknowtogetthisworkdonethroughwinter/spring,and<br />
seetheresultsthroughnextsummer.<br />
PhoneRogeron0274 324352<br />
Advertise your trade or service inour<br />
Trusted Trades &Professional Services<br />
Phone Amanda today and get your<br />
business noticed 03<strong>31</strong>3 2840 or email<br /><br />
2660908<br />
2679956<br />
2269236<br />
For your Engineering needs<br />
187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br /><br />
Plumber<br />
Recently relocated to Oxford,withover<br />
25 years'experience.<br />
ContactDarrentodiscussyourplumbing, heating<br />
and drainlaying needs throughout<strong>North</strong> &<br />
Mid-<strong>Canterbury</strong>, from newbuildstorenovations:<br />
Ph 027279 4999<br />
Certified Plumber & Drainlayer<br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
03 <strong>31</strong>32840<br />
Plumbing<br />
Forall<br />
general<br />
aspects of<br />
plumbing<br />
Discounts forover<br />
65 yearsold<br />
Fast friendly service<br />
Allworkguaranteed<br />
2702865<br />
Aaron McCartney<br />
Certifying Plumber<br />
Cell 027 366 9091<br />
A/H 03 <strong>31</strong>0 2137<br />
FreeCall:<br />
0508 44EVER<br />
EMAIL:<br /><br />
2172994<br />
To book your spaceinthisguide,phone Amanda Keys <strong>31</strong>32840oremail
Rangiora Hyundai and Isuzu<br />
Nearly SOLD<br />
OUT!!!!!!!!!<br />
Come visit us<br />
Rangiora Hyundai and Isuzu .<br />
Rangiora<br />
2Kingsford Smith Drive, Rangiora<br /><br />
03 928 3283<br />
OPEN Monday-Friday 8am-5.30pm |Saturday (Sales Only) 8am-4pm |Sunday CLOSED<br />