#8901 - Jul 1989
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between <strong>Jul</strong>y-December 2015.<br />
Kensington Market<br />
The Kensington Carnival Arts Society crew set sail lor distant<br />
Beaches as fearlessly as Jason's Argos set off to win the golden<br />
fleece. Bus some of their Kensington followers were a bit more<br />
doubtful. Greek tragedy directed by a mad Italian at sunset in the<br />
Beaches? Walking from scene to scene? Interrupting the joggers'!<br />
Competing with the Sonys? .... We need not to have feared. Sec<br />
tviEDEA RIVETTIJ'.:G page 3.<br />
COM-ING!!!<br />
August 12 and 13 will<br />
be quite an adventure<br />
if events of the past<br />
seven years are anything<br />
to go by. Once<br />
again, it's Kensington<br />
Karnival Time!!!<br />
Start Saturday in the market, around<br />
1 Oam. Streets filled with shoppers<br />
and browsers. Radios blaring from<br />
open doors of vintage clothing<br />
stores; fish glistening in trays of ice:<br />
fruits and vegetables being poked<br />
· and squeezed. Then, surprise, a<br />
pedestrian mall on Kensington<br />
A venue, and entertainment. The<br />
side show before the main event.<br />
PARADE 1:30pm<br />
· ·see page 3<br />
see page 1
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between <strong>Jul</strong>y-December 2015.<br />
..1<br />
A Kensington Market residents meeting<br />
Thursday, <strong>Jul</strong>y 20 requested the fire department<br />
to reopen their investigation into<br />
the two alarm blaze tthat· destroyed the<br />
Baldwin Street studio/home of reggae<br />
bandleader Steve Hall and IWW Toronto<br />
secretary Joe Chang.<br />
According to fire marshall<br />
D.C.W.Browne, arson is not suspected.<br />
The fire started at around lO.OOpm, Thursday<br />
<strong>Jul</strong>y 13, in a mildewed second floor<br />
bathroom at175 Baldwin."Fire started in<br />
second floor bathroom by careless disposal<br />
of smokers materials" is Browne's<br />
total comment as to cause.<br />
Damage in the fire, which spread, through<br />
the attic to 173 and 171 Baldwin as well, is<br />
set at $20,000. "It wasn't a big fire" said<br />
Jim Weingarden of the city's fire prevention<br />
office. 'Td say it's unlikely that there<br />
are other reasons." ·<br />
Unlikely or not, rumours have been flying<br />
among market people. Individuals living<br />
at the burned out address had been publicly<br />
'active in recent community efforts to bring<br />
crack/cocaine traffic in the area under control.<br />
And there is always talk of "eviction<br />
fires" around here whenaffordableaccommodation<br />
is lost. Adding fuel to the ru-<br />
ON THE<br />
Toronto Western Hospital wants to expand<br />
its building by 270,000 square feet.<br />
Back in March of this year, about 35 area<br />
residents attended an information meeting<br />
at the hospital to hear the hospital's plans.<br />
A five to eight storey building would be put<br />
on Nassau Street between Bathurst and<br />
Leonard.<br />
The basis of the plan is a drive in clinic.<br />
People would come for procedures done<br />
the same day. The hospital would hope to<br />
treat up to 500,000 patients a year this way<br />
on the site.At the meeting the hospital's<br />
consultants were asked a number ofquestions<br />
that they could not answer-regarding<br />
traffic flow, new parking, and additional<br />
employment on site. The hospital<br />
staff at the meeting emphasised that all<br />
these ideas were in a very preliminary<br />
stage. Community members were assured<br />
that the hospital would not be allowed to<br />
proceed without community involvement<br />
in the planning. Community association<br />
meetings have requested informal discussions<br />
with the hospital now, rather than a<br />
more confrontational approach once they<br />
have their ideas set. People w~\nting progressreportscan<br />
call the City's area planner<br />
at 392-7339.<br />
Notice to Residents<br />
Katz '89 Inc., producers of the CTV series<br />
Katts and Dog, have applied to do some<br />
filming in and around Bellevue Square ori<br />
<strong>Jul</strong>y 30, one day after the concert.<br />
They are among the few companies who<br />
film Toronto as Toronto and, as can be<br />
seen from the list of Karnival sponsors on<br />
page 3, they're even. prepared .to. suppqit<br />
the neighbourhood that their show:s· ]lcrb<br />
lives in. · · · • · · •<br />
Drum roll. Bravo. Milan,J.ori<br />
Hello Drum, great paper.<br />
Good Luck. Thank you. Ida<br />
mours is the fact that Hall's band, Imagine,<br />
was widely known to be away at the time,<br />
playing at the Silver Dollar. Bruce Pierce,<br />
assistant to ward 5 city councillor Elizabeth<br />
Amer, agreed to pass on the community<br />
request for a full investigation.<br />
· Whatever the cause of the blaze, the Market<br />
residents are rallied around the people<br />
affected. The"NoGo Fo' Blow Bro' Concert"<br />
in Beliexue Square Park from 11 a.m<br />
to 6 p.m.on Saturday <strong>Jul</strong>y 29 grew to<br />
become a benefit for the Baldwin fire ..<br />
"We play for other people's benefits all<br />
the time," said Hall. "It will be a pleasure<br />
to play for our own." Admission is free,<br />
but donations are requested.<br />
'I nity, have taken steps to win back our<br />
str~~t Kensington has its share of drug<br />
traffic should surprise.no-one. The Market<br />
is so cosffiQpolitan and so encouraging of<br />
diversitythatpushersandbuyerscanblend<br />
right in with the crowd. But because of<br />
superficial and irresponsible media coverage,<br />
Kensington has in the last few months<br />
been used like a film set for stories on<br />
something that is ac.ity-wide problem.The<br />
Toronto paper that twinkles, for example,<br />
did a big feature on cocaine trafficking in<br />
Kensington. The immediate result was that<br />
the number of prospective drug buyers in<br />
the area increased drastically. Perhaps coincidentally<br />
the number of law-abiding<br />
shoppers coming to Kensington declined.<br />
If the media continues to get away with<br />
painting Kensington as Toronto's drug·<br />
Two Kensington Market issues are being<br />
tackled at the same concert on Saturday,<br />
<strong>Jul</strong>y 29 at Bellevue Square Park.<br />
Originally scheduled as a community<br />
drug action awareness event "No Go Fo'<br />
Blow Bro"', the concert has grown into a<br />
direct fire relief benefit for the people at<br />
171-5 Baldwin St.<br />
. .<br />
"NO GO FO' BLOW BRO"'<br />
An alarming increase in Metro of crack/<br />
cocaine use has not left Kensington unscathed.<br />
Area residents, with support of<br />
some members of the business commufortable<br />
making Kensington their habit.<br />
The hope is that the concert will send the<br />
messagethat this is a strong vibrant community<br />
with a lot to offer right now.<br />
clined--'-in the knowledge that their registration<br />
numbers may be wriuen down. Increased,<br />
unpredictable, .highly visible<br />
polieing at key locations has· sent wouldbe<br />
buyers driving through without stop-<br />
. ping. In the long term, though, Kensing-<br />
One effect, in the shortterm, of commumty ton alone·can do. no more about the probactivism<br />
is that club and restaurant owners Jem of substance abuse. than any neighseem<br />
to be making more of an effort to po- bourhood can. But for this e0mmunity the<br />
lice their own esUiblisbmerits. Also the long journey towards public education<br />
number of taxi and limo drivers willing to . and the reshaping of. attitudes is under<br />
make drug runs into the maFket has de- way.<br />
K . • t . . E . . . t J I<br />
e.ftSJflg. 00 . flVJrOD.ffiefl a<br />
· Kensington area residents can get themselves a dirt cheap com poster that turns<br />
leaves, grass clippings, egg shells, peels, etc. into nutrient-rich soil conditioner. And<br />
all for only $11.65. Call Metro Public Works. at 392-5420, while. supplieslast.<br />
Two difficulties with blue boxes are that not everyone gets· them, and people still<br />
haven't figured out what can't go into them. People in apartment buildings, or with<br />
night time garbage collection don't get blue boxes unless you phone 392-7742.In<br />
terms of what should't go into them, we need some kind of Kensington poster or<br />
flyer explaining the rules in few words, clear pictures, and many Janguages. Any<br />
ideas?.Phone Drum at 977-0192. We'll publish your poster ideas in DRUM.<br />
~ar;.~.1 · th~ their P[Ophec~ will_~e self- A task force work group is looking for places in the market area where there need to<br />
hu I mgf'd ur~s t~ n~~~ c~~:ar~ome qe more containers for litter. And many merchants have expressed their.willingness<br />
e~econ 1,.en ~ e an now tOp'1£ticipatein some<br />
w at they re talkmg about.<br />
Speakers at: the concert planned to emphasize<br />
that community action to win back our<br />
· streets is taking several forms: posters in<br />
the area warning drug buyers to beware;<br />
regular meetings so that area residents learn<br />
to recognize their neighbours; a petition,<br />
signed by more than a thousand people,<br />
presented to the police at a meeting of the<br />
Kensington Task Force; community participation<br />
in the city's task force on drug<br />
abuse; and policing that is unpredictable<br />
enough that drug buyers don't feel com-<br />
The City Parking Authority is recommending<br />
an expansion of the Baldwin/St. Andrew<br />
parking garage. They're asking for<br />
an additional 200 spaces (two to three<br />
11oors on top of the existing building).<br />
To prepare the way for this plan, St.<br />
Andrew Street would be widened-by<br />
adding one westbound lane from Spadina<br />
to the garage entrance. The current City<br />
preferred solution is to take fifteen feet off<br />
the south side of the street. The other<br />
alternative would be to take some sidewalK<br />
off either side. When the Parking Authority<br />
reports, the issue will be discussed by<br />
the Kensington Task Force. (For dates of<br />
Task Force Meetings, and agendas, contact<br />
Merle MacDonald in the City Clerk's<br />
office, 392-7022.)<br />
kind of commercial recycling program, if it increases the number of garbage pickups<br />
the City makes a week. At present there are only two. Information in both these<br />
matters: contact M.J. Buell at the DRUM number-977-0192.<br />
A group of neighbourhood parents became<br />
alarmed at a growing number of children<br />
sent to the park alone or left in the park<br />
unattended. Almost always they are too<br />
young to be alone. (In some cases, these<br />
children are not able to make themselves<br />
understood, or are in thecareofachild who<br />
is not much older than they are, without<br />
I.D). So we made some enquiries. -<br />
Let's say it's about 5:30 or 6:00 in the<br />
afternoon. You and a friend have been<br />
chatting in the park. Your children have<br />
been playing together. The wading pool is<br />
about to close and it's time for putting on<br />
sandals, picking up towels and heading off<br />
for shopping or supper. Suddenly you<br />
become aware that one little child that has<br />
been running with your children is stiH<br />
there; alone- about five years old, still<br />
wearing just a swimsuit or underpants,<br />
without clothes or a towel. You look<br />
around at the park which feels like a<br />
lonelier place than it did half an hour ago.<br />
You are looking at someone else's child,<br />
' with lips that are just a little bit blue and<br />
trembling.<br />
"What's your name?" you say casually<br />
to the child. Or "where's your mom and<br />
dad?" Or you ask the other children if they<br />
know who the child is, and where he or she<br />
lives. You get four different answers. And<br />
now the park is almost empty except for<br />
you and your friend, your children, and<br />
this other child who for any combination<br />
of reasons cannot tell you (or does not<br />
want to tell you) anything about themselves.<br />
How do you feel about leaving the<br />
park, not knowing what will become of<br />
that little person?<br />
In a situation as extreme as this one, you<br />
should not hesitate in sending someone to<br />
a telephone to call the police (the child's<br />
parents may already have called in looking<br />
for their missing child). The police<br />
number to call is 324-2222, unless. the<br />
child is very young (like a toddler) or in<br />
some kind of danger, in which case you<br />
should call 911.<br />
If you feel that a child is not really lost<br />
but neglected or abused you can call the<br />
Children's Aid Society. Their telephone<br />
number is 924-4646 (924-5334 after<br />
hours). They are not going to swoop down<br />
on the child and carry him or her off to a<br />
foster home. In most cases they are able to<br />
work with the children in a'community to<br />
find out where they belong, and get them<br />
there. Even if the family is· being negligent,<br />
a worker is always going to try to<br />
help the family sort something out rather<br />
than remove the child.<br />
SEE WmsTLE PAGE 4<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between <strong>Jul</strong>y-December 2015.<br />
'<br />
This DRUM beats thanks to:<br />
r;::----------,<br />
IIAF !Augusta Fruit Market I<br />
I 255 Augusta Avenue 593-9754 I<br />
1 Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Daily 1<br />
1 Groceries .1<br />
r=---------,<br />
I 30 St. Andrew Street, 593-6891 I<br />
I Where Elvis Shops<br />
I<br />
1 Counter Culture I<br />
h=-~-------1<br />
IAsl Asylum<br />
I 38 Kensington A venue I<br />
I 595-7199<br />
I<br />
I Style Sanctuary of the Stars I<br />
r.:---------1<br />
,, nnlnatdwin Street Bakery I<br />
I 191 Baldwin Street 598-3701 I<br />
European Style Breads And<br />
I Pastries Baked Fresh Daily I<br />
L _________ l<br />
II BF IBarraca das Frutas/ 1<br />
,,1 Roszler Fruits I<br />
I 186 Augusta Avenue 593-9709 I<br />
Fruit And Vegetables<br />
L _________ l<br />
II CA I Casa Acoreana<br />
I<br />
1 235 Augusta A venue, 1<br />
1 593-9717, Nuts~ Make The World!<br />
I Go Around . ' I<br />
ll c nl F;-m:; Bob's Country!<br />
I Butcher<br />
I<br />
1 191 1/2 Baldwin Street I<br />
I Choice! Beef Goat Lamb 1<br />
rr;---------<br />
1 CCI Caribbean Corner I<br />
I 67 Kensington Ave. 593-000S I<br />
I Fresh Tropical Foods<br />
I<br />
1 Select Imported Groceries 1<br />
~-r.-- ----- --1<br />
I CF I Castle Fruit<br />
I 80 Kensington Avenue I<br />
I 593-9262<br />
I<br />
I Market's Best Produce I<br />
1----~-----l<br />
1 rn:=heckerboard Gallery 1<br />
I 204A BaldwiJ!, Str~c t 979-7254 I<br />
Market Artist<br />
I Market Atelier 12-6 pm. I<br />
1-<br />
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en<br />
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><br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between <strong>Jul</strong>y-December 2015.<br />
JOIN THE<br />
PARADE!!<br />
Everyone loves a parade, they say, wooever<br />
they are. Especially when you get a<br />
choiceoverwhetheryou wantto watch the.<br />
parade or join right in. It's that kind of<br />
opportunity that makes the Kensington<br />
Kamival a true community event.<br />
The parade is Saturday, August 12 only.<br />
It leaves from 26A Oxford Street at<br />
1:30p.m., and winds its way through the .<br />
bustling Saturday market to a Five Star<br />
Parades Band beat.<br />
You can join in all the fun! Kensington<br />
Kamival is looking forparaders to dress up<br />
as creatures, spirits and things of the Market.<br />
Also for volunteers to build these<br />
festive costumes. They're also looking for<br />
jugglers, clowns, and other class acts to<br />
swell the throng and enrich the heady<br />
Kensington mix.<br />
PHONE 967-6253<br />
If you would like to join in or help out in<br />
any way, please call Sandra Whitely at<br />
967-6253 between August 1_ and 5.<br />
Richard Pochinko<br />
The Kensington Carnival Arts Society<br />
dedicates the <strong>1989</strong> Kensington Karnival<br />
to the memory of Richard Pochinko,<br />
one of its founders and guiding<br />
spirits.<br />
"Sometimes I look at the stars in the<br />
sky,and I think, if they are the souls of<br />
those who have gone, Richard must be<br />
one of the brightest." Ida Carnevali<br />
EVENTS<br />
Festivities continue at the Square with activities,<br />
contests and entertainments for<br />
young and old alike-bike and banner decorating<br />
contests, story-telling, face-painting,<br />
magic shows, puppetry, and of course,<br />
the ever-popular Circus Bizarro, with its<br />
talking tigers and singing hats ... and much<br />
more, probably. But with Karnival nothing<br />
is for sure.<br />
One thing definite, this year marks the premiere<br />
of the Kensington Chickencoop<br />
Kabaret. It should be an .entertainment<br />
highlight, along with a two hour concert<br />
Sunday night by the Five Star Parades Orchestra,<br />
and a play "Harvest of Whirlwinds"<br />
by Teatro Sin Fronteras.<br />
To~onto professionals, bands and other<br />
performers from the Kensington community,<br />
a talent contest. And the Kensington<br />
beer garden will be back. What more could<br />
you ask?<br />
FAMILY<br />
So get your families, your picnic lunches<br />
and your joie de vivre, and come on down<br />
to the Market on August 12 and 13 for a<br />
summer weekend you'll never forget. We<br />
may not be able to tell you exactly what's<br />
going to occur, or when it will, but we qm<br />
definitely tell you, as can anyone whq's<br />
ever seen a previous Karnival, that you'll<br />
have a wonderful time regardless.<br />
One thirty. Listen. You hear drums. Look up, you see them high above the crowd on<br />
Baldwin--giant puppets and stilt walkers approaching you, surrounded by mimes,<br />
jugglers, clowns, gryphons, satyrs, and various members of the Kensington chicken<br />
coop .... All cavorting to the beat of John Millard's Five Star Parades Band. The seventh<br />
annual Kensington Karnival is under way.<br />
The parade, gathering followers all the way, ends up at Bellevue Square, off<br />
Augusta. There the chicken crows. After that, the three things you can be sure of<br />
are creativity, chaotic fun, and surprise. The outdoor spectacular nature of the<br />
Karnival is in the best tradition of the street theatre festivals seen in the market areas<br />
of old cities and towns in Italy, France and Portugal.<br />
"In Italy they had public squares where people met for business, met for politics,<br />
or came to see the comedia performed," says Kamival founder, Ida Carnevali. "It<br />
came from the Roman forum, and to meet, there were no permits. They were lucky.<br />
In Italy there are no performances inside in the summer. In every village and town,<br />
there are festivals in the street. You bring your own chair."<br />
Like many an innocent strolling the far<br />
western end of the Beaches at sundown<br />
<strong>Jul</strong>y 12-16, we found ourselves transfixed<br />
- in a · world of myths and royals, raging<br />
bulls and fire eaters. Along with cyclists<br />
and evening walkers we were dmwn around<br />
the bay by the fires, fifes and drums, and<br />
stayed enchanted at the far tip of Ashbridges<br />
Bay until long after dark.<br />
Conceived and directed by Ida Carnevali,<br />
this production of MEDEA tells the<br />
classical story of Jason's quest, his betrayed<br />
promise to Medea and her horrific<br />
revenge.<br />
Adapted from Euripede's Medea and<br />
Ovid's Metamorphoses, Andrew Keirn's<br />
script combined respect for the source and<br />
the tragedy with a judiciously funny, finely<br />
· honed wit. The danger in a more conventional<br />
setting would be that the audience<br />
could take refuge from the tragedy behind<br />
the wit, and actors work too hard at perfecting<br />
moments.<br />
No such danger here. The audience<br />
moves, anticipates the lines, tries to guess<br />
where the next scene will be -- to have a<br />
better view of the next inevitable horror.<br />
Carnevali's cast, superbly, keeps up with·<br />
the play.<br />
The audience begins its voyage- blanket<br />
in hand - with Jason, played by Arturo<br />
Fresolone, and the Argonauts on the beach.<br />
Lit by bonfires, Jason's father tells his son<br />
that he must go across the Aegean to retrieve<br />
the Golden Fleece. As the sun sets in<br />
the background, the five actors cut a beautiful<br />
profile standing in the lake with the<br />
sail flapping in the breeze. And so begins<br />
the tragedy.<br />
The highlight is when nature and actors<br />
conspire to produce a truly memorable<br />
scene. Under the light of a full moon the<br />
audience happens upon . a burning sun,<br />
guards and an impressive King Aeetes on<br />
stilts. The King, played by the tall Andrew<br />
Keirn, dominates the scene. His face covered<br />
with jewels and mesh, he looks ljJ
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between <strong>Jul</strong>y-December 2015.<br />
Cool and Safe!<br />
Families who use the wading pool and<br />
park are asked to be mindful of a few<br />
regulations, which will help everyone to<br />
have a safe and fun time.<br />
1. No disposable (paper) diapers<br />
in the pool. Children who are in diapers<br />
should wear a close fitting pair of cotton<br />
pants (like training pants) and if possible,<br />
plastic pants on top.<br />
2. Everyone must wear a swimsuit<br />
or shorts.<br />
3. Don'tdrinkthewater! Ithasbeen<br />
treated.<br />
4. No running on the concrete _area<br />
around the pool. /<br />
5. Ifyouareplayingasplashygame,<br />
please be careful about who gets splashed.<br />
6. Please do not put any of the following<br />
things in the pool: food, kleenex,<br />
dogs, shoes, bikes, sandy toys, rocks etc.<br />
7. Everyone should wear shoes or<br />
sandles everywhere else in the park. Bare<br />
feet are not safe!<br />
FOR SALE: lovely baby carriage (Gen- world! (Weather permitting)<br />
dron) with hood, safe crib (white) with ·. INFANT MASSAGE WORKSHOP:<br />
mattress both in great condition. Three I 1(2 hour sessions, book, massage<br />
533-9950 · oil,August8, IO,and 13.InstructorChefyl<br />
FOR SALE: VW 'Sunbug' Beetle (74): Brenman BS CMT. Limited spaces<br />
. as is. Phone 596-8991, Chris. Bug lovers available. A special opportunity!<br />
only. 977-0192<br />
KIDS HELP PHONE 1-800-668-6868: a FOR RENT: Apartment. Big, two bednational<br />
toll-free telephone counselling room. Heart of the market. Washer and<br />
information and referral service to troub- dryer included. Air-conditioned. Conled<br />
and disturbed children of all ages. tact Ton:[ 593-2784 or 593-2781.<br />
SUNGLASSES: Cat Enterprises. 235 . KF EDITORIAL: 977-0192. Research,<br />
Augusta A venue, on the comer of Bald- writing, editing. Letters, rhetoric, rewin<br />
Street. Shades for the whole wide ports. By appointment.<br />
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Long summer days and evenings mean lots of time in -the park for city<br />
children and sometimes it just isn't possible for parents or babysitters<br />
to take them. The issue of whether your child is ready to be allowed<br />
to go without you is a tricky one.<br />
Legally there is no minimum age. But it is against the law for any<br />
person responsible for a child who is under 16 years of age to leave<br />
them on their own without making reasonable provision for care and<br />
supervision. · Parents have to make decisions based upon their own<br />
child's maturity and physical development. Age doesn't mean very<br />
much because children mature and grow at highly individual rates.<br />
~ The Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto does advise,<br />
E however, that no child who is under school age should be out alone.<br />
~ For other children, they shouldn't be out in the community, regardless<br />
_ of how well you think you know everyone, until:<br />
~ they understand the concept of time,<br />
m • they know their full name, address, and to whom they may give<br />
::5 that information, ·<br />
S • they understand the concepts of personal safety and where or from<br />
C, whom they can get help in an emergency.<br />
-~ Finally, children should always be in the company of at least one<br />
c other child. And children who are just learning to take care of<br />
~ themselves should not be given the added responsibility of caring for<br />
4 younger brothers or sisters.<br />
Parks and Recreation offer a programme<br />
for children between the ages of 3 and 13<br />
in Bellevue Squiire Park from I 0:30am to<br />
5:30pm. During these times, from Mon<br />