#8902 - Aug 1989
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
Kensinaton Market<br />
<strong>Aug</strong>ust 31, <strong>1989</strong><br />
see page 7<br />
/<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
Kensington Market<br />
; 1· -<br />
"A Kensington People's Paper"<br />
BUT BUYS T.IME ~- -· -· ....<br />
~~~fa~~~·!~~::~~~~~~~r~~~<br />
July 14 the City caught<br />
Kensington by surprise, passing a<br />
by-law that forbids any new<br />
"restaurants, take-out restaurants,<br />
caterer's shops, bake-shops,<br />
places of amusement, taverns,<br />
public houses or clubs in Kensington<br />
for up to a year.<br />
"The growing number of restaurants<br />
and places of amusement in<br />
the area threatens to displace the<br />
traditional produce, meat and<br />
retail stores in the market," says a<br />
letter from Councillor Liz Amer<br />
now being circulated in four languages<br />
to the area. Such estabapplying<br />
for restaurant licences.<br />
Right at the moment it is easier to<br />
start a restaurant in Kensington<br />
than any other kind of business,<br />
because restaurants don't have to<br />
provide parking. For any other<br />
kind of business you do. And for<br />
apartments above a store you do<br />
too.<br />
"Putting in a control by-law is<br />
like a dentist putting in a temporary<br />
filling" explained one planner.<br />
"You put in something that<br />
will ease the pain avd plug the<br />
gap, till you can do the real work."<br />
See "real work" page 2.<br />
·AUGUSTA GA. S Wr 4 RS OVER?<br />
.<br />
o, JUSt one battle,<br />
~<br />
says Gus Fisher<br />
~:~;;.~ttraffic,noiseanddistur- . . ~ . •<br />
~~~A~~~~~:::by<br />
law has asked, first, why pick on For close to three years the battle an explosion. - BAD NEWS, GOOD NEWS? fused to make any modifications<br />
bakeries? Members of the Task raged. And now it's over. ATTACK ON CANOPIES So, the merchants who had the to their canopies. Consumer Gas<br />
Force, unanimously, had another · Consumer Gas has stepped in Consumer Gas was supported by unhappy combination of an ille- moved in towards the end of<br />
f~st, question: "How come we and don~ what th~y have been the City's P!lblic Works Depart- gal canopy and a gas main under July,and mov~ the mains. O~ndidn<br />
t get told before?" threatemng-movmg · the gas me_nt. Public Wo_rks has been it, became the first target of the e:-' of the busmesses are bemg<br />
REASONS FOR BY-LAW mains underneath 6 enclosed ~mgforth~p~stfiveyearstoget two-pronged Consumer-Public bllled-butfor$4000-8000each,<br />
NOT YET CLEAR canopies in front of stores on ndofcanop1esmtheMarket.The Works attack. Bring your can- ratherthanthethreatened$20,000.<br />
The reason fo~ nottelling the Task <strong>Aug</strong>usta "?-venue. C~ti s stree~s by-law allows only opy into conformity with the by- _Fisher ~s ~ot conceding def~t.<br />
Force, accordmg to area planners Accordmg to Consumer Gas flimsy, easily removable, n~n- law, they were told, or it will be H1sassoclalion wants, he says m a<br />
Benham and Fair was that if you spokesperson Allan Pressick, the- permanent struct~s on C1ty demolished. Alternatively, pay letter to Art Eggleton dated Autellpeopleaboutacontrol<br />
by-law issue was simple. The mains were property.AndKensmgton'scano- for Consumer Gas to move the gust 17, "the Gas Company to<br />
that is in the works, you speed up under canopies which were fully pies are on City property. But main at a cost of $15 000- remove ALL the gas mains from<br />
whatever rush you were trying to enclosed. If there had been an un- many of Kensington's canopies $20,0oo per canopy. ' the boulevards of Kensington<br />
prevent.<br />
FLOOD?<br />
detectedgasleakafterstorehours,<br />
the gas would not be able to dishav~.<br />
become semi-perm~ne!'t<br />
additions to the stores they re m<br />
The group of businessmen affected,<br />
led by former Market<br />
Mar~et," at the City'~ ~xpense,<br />
and m the general pubhc mterest.<br />
The "rush" in this case, they say, perse, and there could have been front of. businessman Gustav Fisher, re- see illegal canopies page 3<br />
would have been a flood of people<br />
Dirt Cheap Compost<br />
Last issue we reported that Metro was offering 12,000 backyard com posters for $11.65 each (retail value<br />
HOMES FIRST SOCIETY, a sion or condominiums. So it is $100+). They ran out. But they're ordering more. Persist. 392-7742<br />
charitable, non-profit organization,<br />
founded by people from<br />
important to retain parts of the<br />
city for affordable housing<br />
Blue Boxes<br />
As we said last month, two difficulties with blue boxes are that not everyone gets them, and many people<br />
several church and _community "Housing for those who have fled are still not sure what can and can't go in them. People in ~partment buildings or night. collection areas<br />
groups, has been offered an op- from areas of political unrest in don't get a blue box unless they phone 392-7742 and request one.<br />
portunity to develop a housing South and Central America here, Kensington needs some kind of a poster explaining what should and shouldn't go in a blue box - in few<br />
projectat29 Wales Avenue, from- in the Kensington Area, provides words, clear pictures, and many languages. WHICH OF OUR SCHOOLS WILL ACCEPT THE CHALerly<br />
owned by Dan and Alice these refugees with the spirit and · LENGE? We'll publish the ones that work.<br />
Heap, as a permanent home for supports necessary tQ establish a Commercial Recycling<br />
South or CeQtral American refu- permanent home." If fruit and vegetable merchants had super blue boxes on wheels, with lids that seal, they could and would<br />
gees. The project would include a Homes First is committed to sort out organic garbage from cardboard while they work. If the city will come up with these "blue bugtwo-bedroom<br />
unit appropriate for meetingwithmembersoftheKen- gies" (AND COLLECT THEM) who wants one? Phone DRUM'S Kensington Environmental at 977-<br />
a small family and 4 single person sington community to ensure wide 0192.<br />
units. community input. For further in- Garbage Woes<br />
In the Heaps' view, other sec- formation you can call Dan The City still says that there aren't any suitable locations for additional litter containers in our area. If you<br />
tions of Metro Toronto are being . Meaney or Linda Wayne at think otherwise, use the area parking map on page 3- to mark places where the City's wrong. Send or bring<br />
replaced by commercial expan- !fomes First Society, 362-2827. to DRUM'S Kensington Environm~ntal at 72A Kensington Avenue, M5T 2K1, or call us at 977-0192.<br />
If it -is, call Drum (416) 977-0192<br />
1<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
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~~ - parklng requlrements.<br />
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If an existing establish-<br />
: rrent is listed above, they<br />
; can continue operating in<br />
1 ~~~~~~~· ~~~~~~f~~E~~~~~~=~ en porarily the rrarket. becorre They a legal will tem- non-<br />
~ conforming land use.<br />
~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~;;~~i!)~ > law can be extended for<br />
< another The Interim year after Control July 1990 By-<br />
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• ...... m Any person or agency rray<br />
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~ if nee:i:rl.<br />
c<br />
ar:::p2al to the Ontario l'1unicipal<br />
Board in respect of<br />
this by-law by filing a notice<br />
of ar:r;eal stati.ng tre cbjection<br />
to the by-law and the<br />
reasons in support of the objection<br />
with the City Clerk.<br />
The last day an ar:peal can<br />
re filed with tre City Clerk<br />
for this by-law is September<br />
11, <strong>1989</strong>.<br />
Further information may<br />
be obtained by telephoning<br />
the planners for the area,<br />
Kyle Benham or Maureen<br />
Fair at 392-7339·.<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
,,_<br />
'<br />
The City's Urban Design depart- NEW BY-LAW NEEDED saying that the rest of the City<br />
ment has come up with a canopy The problem is that the City's shouldn't be like Kensington has<br />
design that they hope_wi!l end t~e Streets By-Law(12519)prohibits n_ow tumed·into sa~ing that Kenfeud<br />
between the City s Pubhc all but the flimsiest structure on smgton should be like the rest of<br />
Works Depart'!lent and members public property. The by-law, the City.<br />
of the _Kensmgton merchant rather than being made for the ENTER URBAN_DESIGN<br />
commumty. . needs of a Kensington, was made In_ an attempt to fmd a CO!flpro-<br />
In the Kensmgton market,cano- to stop outbreaks of Kensington m1se, members of the Kensmgton<br />
pies are the structures that enter- in other parts of the citv! But Task Force asked the City's Urprising<br />
merchants have fastened 1<br />
or built on to the fronts of their I<br />
stores. Some are flimsy, ramshackle.<br />
Some are highly elaborate,<br />
housing several businesses.<br />
Some are so well established that<br />
it' shard to tell when you'regoing<br />
from the canopy to the store. All<br />
are on the public boulevard, and<br />
almost all, by a decision of the<br />
previous City Council, are threatened<br />
with demolition.<br />
Illegal<br />
Canopies<br />
from p.l<br />
"I don't see" he s~ys "how the<br />
canopy can be illegal because its<br />
. on public property, but the Gas<br />
Company can bill the merchant<br />
for work done on public property."<br />
The public danger is· now over,<br />
but the verbal gas wars may be<br />
just beginning. The one consolation<br />
is thatPublic Works will have<br />
to fight its anti -canopies campaign<br />
alone.<br />
L A S T<br />
MONTH<br />
WE .<br />
BY 270,000 SQUARE FEET.<br />
"High level negotiations with ·<br />
the province" is the latest word<br />
on the Hospital's continuing<br />
silence since the March meeting<br />
with the community.<br />
STREET FIRE: the Ontario<br />
Fire Marshal's Office has been<br />
called in.<br />
MENDING 200 ADDI<br />
LOT: that's still the rumour.<br />
Their long-awaited (since<br />
March) Kensington area report<br />
is going to their board this<br />
month.<br />
eTHAT AROUND.2:00 P.M.<br />
Blame Nigel (p.7)<br />
L-----------------------------<br />
AIDS<br />
"The Works" at660Dundas West<br />
is Toronto's newest counselling<br />
and referral centre. Its main objective<br />
is to prevent the spread of<br />
the AIDS virus by educating<br />
people about ~afer sex and safer<br />
injection drug use. "The Works"<br />
provides information and services:<br />
distribution of condoms,<br />
bleach kits, and pamphlets; intensive<br />
private counselling, and referrals<br />
to other social services;<br />
agencies, treatment centres, and<br />
self-help groups.<br />
The centre has also implemented<br />
a service which is unique to this<br />
side of Canada and highly controversial:<br />
our first needle exchange<br />
program. The use of this program<br />
requires that a person bring in at<br />
least one used syringe in order to<br />
receive packaged and sterile ones.<br />
Exchanges are limited to ten clean<br />
needles per person per visit.<br />
However .there is no limit<br />
restricting the amount of used<br />
"works" that can be brought in for<br />
safe disposal. This includes disposal<br />
facilities for discarded syringes<br />
found by people on their<br />
streets, property, or in public<br />
parks.<br />
"The Works" is run by friendly<br />
non-judgmental women and men<br />
who welcome any and all inquiries,<br />
questions and curiosity. Check<br />
out your new neighbours. During<br />
these early stages, "The Works"<br />
is open Monday to Friday from<br />
1 p.m. to 9 p.m.<br />
J<br />
b~m Design 1 Department to<br />
comeup with a design for a can- -<br />
opy, based on what people (merchants<br />
and shoppers) actually<br />
need here. That design will be<br />
revealed and discussed at a public<br />
meeting on September 7th at St .<br />
Stephen's Community House, 91<br />
Bellevue A venue. Meeting time<br />
is 7.00 p.m.<br />
It may be that urban design's<br />
compromise may still be no use. ·<br />
But there's a chance that it goes<br />
beyond the existing streets bylaw<br />
which simply wasn't made<br />
with the survival of Kensington<br />
in mind.<br />
. Is There Life After Bollards?<br />
Some said it was a telephone pole plantation.<br />
Some said it was going to be trees. Some said bicycle racks, benches, ·<br />
gaabage containers. Everyone agreed that whatever else it was, it was<br />
going to stop cars from parking on the sidewalk in front of the Second<br />
Cup.<br />
Two weeks later, the speculation is over, the cardboard tubes removed.<br />
And what we've got is bollards. Concrete, 36 inches high, ten of them<br />
in an almost straight line. No more parking on the Kensington A venue<br />
east side sidewalk all the way from Baldwin down to where the vegetables<br />
make it impossible anyway. No bicycle racks, benches, etc.<br />
though.<br />
DRUM hereby issues a challenge a) to George Brown College's<br />
aspiring makers b) to the City's urban designers (who didn't get any<br />
say in the ballard plantation caper) and, c) to our own readers: Mr<br />
Siboni' s bollards are strong enough to withstand a charging meat truck.<br />
What can we turn them into?<br />
Kensington Drum is published twelve times a year<br />
by KF Editorial, 72 A Kensington A venue, Toronto,<br />
Ontario, M5T 2Kl.<br />
It is distributed free, door-to-door in the market area,<br />
and is available, free, from our sponsors.<br />
Subscriptions: 12 issues for $18.00<br />
With some people's favourite parking now gone (see above)<br />
it's time to learn the area's alternatives and one-way streets!<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
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Th • DRuM b . . t1<br />
Food Stores fi@~~u; .<br />
M ......---, 'iiEI R•bolo';-------, I s eats t<br />
"'*"""'.. Fruit<br />
I 255 <strong>Aug</strong>usta Avenue 593-9754 I I 60 Kensington Ave. 593-9279 I<br />
I Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Daily.! I The Market's Super Market I<br />
I Groceries I 1 Juice Bar Too 1<br />
~---------1 ~-------,<br />
1 1 BBI Bald":in Street Bakery I 1<br />
1 SA I Sanci Tropical · I<br />
191 Baldwm Street 598-3701 66 Kensington Ave. 593-9625<br />
I European Style Breads And I I Freshest Herbs, Avocadoes, I<br />
I Pastries Baked Fresh Daily I I Mangoes, Exotica, Since 1914 I<br />
~---------1 k~-------4<br />
1l BFI Barraca das Frutas/ 1 IITF I Tutti Frutti Famous Food I<br />
I<br />
Roszler Fruits I 64 Kensington Avenue 593-9281<br />
186 <strong>Aug</strong>usta Avenue 593-9709 I Coffee, Cheese, Nuts, I<br />
I Fruit And Vegetables I I Chocolates, Ca~iar I<br />
~---------1 I · 4<br />
II CAl Casa Acoreana I 1lTH I Fa-;:;.er Bob's Tropic;! 1<br />
1 235 <strong>Aug</strong>usta Avenue, 1 I Harvest<br />
I 593-9717, Nuts Make The Worl~ 70 Kensington Ave. 593-9279 I<br />
I Go Around I For Jah Food ' I<br />
---------~L ~<br />
II CBI Farmer Bob's Country! --------<br />
I Butcher Choice! I Cafes and () ~<br />
1 Oxtails, Beef, Goat, Lamb 1 )j OJi<br />
~~112 Bal~win ~· 592-9095 _I Restaurants~<br />
II eel Caribbean Corner I ijJ;RI The Greeks (LLBO), l<br />
I 67 Kensington Ave. 593-0008 I I 197 1/2 Baldwin St. 597-8771 I<br />
I Fresh Tropical Foods . I 1 Greek and Canadian Food. 1<br />
1 Select Imported Grocenes 1 l.Ihe Original Special Coffee _j<br />
··rfcFI Castle Fru;-----, II KEIKensington ~afe 7--;- I<br />
I 80 Kensington Avenue I I 73 Kensington Ave. 971-5132 I<br />
I 593-9262 I I Good Taste, Best View, I<br />
I Market's Best Produce I 1 Very Local Deliveries . 1<br />
~slcarib~~SeaFi~Market:<br />
~~GIKensin~onGaro~-~<br />
175 Baldwm Street 591-1439 19 Kensington Ave.596-8547 I<br />
I Specializing in Seafood I I Rites of Fall I .<br />
I Monday to Saturday 7am-7pm I I Pumpkin Pie and Borscht I<br />
~---------,c--------~<br />
1l ES !Essence Natural Foods 1 II KD I Kwan~ung Dim Sum I<br />
I 56~ Kensington Ave. 5?6-2176 I Restaurant<br />
Serious Health Food. Fibre. 10 Kensington Ave. 977-5165 (Coffee, Ice Cream, Spice ...) I I Daily Luncheon Specials I<br />
I -I ~ . -. -~ -- - - --<br />
II FFI Fo~g On Food;- ~ - I jl LG I Cafe La Gaffe- - - 1<br />
1 46 Kensmgton Av~. 598-7828 1 I 51 Kensington Ave. 595-5337 I<br />
I B~an Cake, Soy Milk, Fres~ I Mon.- Sat. 11-4, 6-10 (11 on Fri.<br />
L<br />
Rice Noodles. No Preservatives I & ~~Sunday from 5pm _ I<br />
---------' c ~<br />
II Gel Global Cheese Shoppe I 11 L T ILas~ Temptation 1<br />
1 76 Kensington Ave. 593-9251 1 112 Kensmgtqn Ave. 599-2551 -I<br />
1 When It Comes To Cheese I I Great Food - Tempting Times<br />
I WeSpeakYourLanguage I See~upononpage7!!!~- I<br />
---------- ~ . -1<br />
I [![] Iberica Bakery I UMSI Massimo's I<br />
I 209 <strong>Aug</strong>usta Ave. 593-9321 I 1 Sit down, Pick-up and Delivery. 1<br />
1 Custard Tarts, Sponge Cake, 1 I 302 College St., 967-0527 I<br />
1 Bolo De Arroz, Ice Cream I ~izza and Pasta Heaven<br />
~--------- --------~<br />
I JC !John's Cheese House · I II Pel Peaches Cafe . I<br />
I 149 Baldwin Street 593-9531 I 1177 Baldwin Street, 593-7355 - I<br />
I Fresh Cheese, Honest Service I 1 Get Fresh! 1<br />
1 New Home-Made Pesto! 1 I Breakfast Special $L95 I<br />
I~MIKen~ngtonMar~--ll<br />
~ITheSecondCu~--~<br />
FISh Company . 1181 Baldwin Street I<br />
I 189 Baldwin St. 593-9269 I I 597-8398 See ad on page 7. I<br />
I Come Experience Fresh Fish I 1 Customers Deserve The Best!! 1<br />
~ I ~--------~<br />
11 KPI Kensington Patty Pal~-, lllir]The New Siboney<br />
I 172 Baldwin Street I 169A <strong>Aug</strong>usta Ave. 977-4277 I<br />
596-6667 .· _ I Live Bands in the Heart of Ken- I<br />
~ I Best Jamaican Beef Patty I ~ingto~ From 6pm. LLBO _ J<br />
0> k:------..;_ __, -<br />
...... _ IILU ILusitaniaGrocery 1 Clothing ·j·, -<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
DRUM offers space<br />
free of charge for information<br />
about community<br />
events. Phone<br />
us witiTdetails, or drop<br />
off a press release: 72A<br />
Kensington · A venue,<br />
2nd floor. 977-0192<br />
FREE<br />
DRUM'S Community Page asked the offices of the four politicians<br />
we elect to tell us where they can help most, and who the individuals<br />
in their offices are. TODAY, the CITY and CANADA. Next issue,<br />
METRO and the PROVINCE.<br />
then Lesley Silver is doing<br />
· · · ELIZABETH AME Maura'swork.SueMcDonough<br />
Parentmg m Toronto IS the name Spadina south of the back of the R repre- Amer's sec tar · '<br />
f · · '" · ' · se ts WARD 5 ( h' h · 1 d re y, IS a ten year<br />
o acommumtym.ormatwnevent credit union's main branch at 245 n w IC me u es CI'ty Hall t tar. .<br />
db h U · · · d · the K · to · ) ve eran, s tmg out m<br />
sponsore yt _e m_versitiesan College St. to Cecil Street Com- ensi~g n com_mu~uty on former Mayor John Sewell's of-<br />
Colleges Credit Umon on Sun- munity Centre, and will be turned Toronto City Copncll smce last fice. She can often help point ou<br />
day' September 17' from noon to into a pedestrian mall for the ~ovember . She won the seat p~e- to therightdepartmentorindi~id-<br />
5pm. . duration of the event. VIOusl_y . held by Dale Martin. 1 ual right off. And she is a key<br />
HERE WE. COME! . All angles of parentmg, raange- Parenting in Toronto is part of (~artm IS now .our Metro Coun- . source of information.<br />
. mg from sexual ~buse to pre~atal 'the community credit union's ctllor.) . FE<br />
Scaddmg Court Community care, to safety w~ll ~e exa~med. outreachprogrammeandis being The City ~as m?st po:ver t? DERAL MP<br />
Centre has received $4,831.00 . Twenty org~msauons, mclud- co-ordinated by Ted Brown. supp_ortKensm~ton sspectalresi- DANHEAP(NDP)represents<br />
from the Ministry of Culture and mg the Council on Drug Abuse, For more information call dential an~ busmess ~haracter or TRINITY -SPADINA in Ottawa.<br />
Communications, towards · the The Institute for the Prevention (416) 978-3900. todestro~,It.ForKensm~tonAmer His riding office at 323 College<br />
costs of developing a Steel Band of Child Abuse, the LaMaze supports a balanced mix of small Street tries to deal with small and<br />
in this area. They are planning the Childbirth Association of Ontario, busmes~es, as ~ell as housin!? for large problems that involve the<br />
purchase, delivery and storage of sever~ day car~ centres, th_e the social mix of the ~eig~- fede~ govemme~t. Heap's two<br />
drums as well as the selection of Kensmgton Carnival Arts Soci- bouthood. Affordable housmg m constituency assistants, Aara<br />
studen'ts forthe band. With drum- ety and the Cecil Street Commu- Ke~sington is a priority." Suksiand Manna Wong, and Heap<br />
mer and teacher Harris Todman nity Centre, will set up informa- . Smce the last municipal elec- himself can help to cut red tape in<br />
they will begin to recruit mem- tion booths on Glasgow St. for the ~Ion, Metro and City councillor's areas like immigration, unembers<br />
in the Fall. This project is ~ay. There will be exhibitions of Jobs have become more clearly ployment insurance, Canada<br />
jointly sponsored by Ryerson mterest to parents and children as s~parate .. Go t~ Amer at the ~ity Pension Programmes, and many<br />
Public School, Alexandra Park _ well as snacks and refreshments. about thmgs hke parks, neigh- other areas.<br />
CommunityCentreandScadding . Glasgow St. runs parallel to bourlioodplanning,dev~lopment, Office hours at 323 College<br />
Court. wast~ removal, rec~chng, com- Street(phone967-3729)areMonl<br />
. mun!ty centres,pubhc works and day, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri-<br />
M • t f M t• A t 17 <strong>1989</strong>. f public health. Go to Martin at day, 10 a.m. to 5:30p.m., arid<br />
Ill u es 0 a ee Ing, ugus ' . ' 0 Metro fo_r r~gio!l~l concerns su~h W~dnesday _12 noon to 5:30p.m.<br />
Th K • t C •t A • • as transit, pohcmg, and social Chmeseservice:(byappointrnent)<br />
e ensing on omm.uni y SSOCiation services.Amercanbereachedat Mondayl0a.m.to5:50p.m.and<br />
Attendance: 13<br />
Meeting began at 7:15pm.<br />
This association has been holding<br />
meetings every 3rd Thursday<br />
for the last 3 months. Primarily<br />
tenants and some business people<br />
have been attending. Up to this<br />
point the objectives have been to<br />
focus on issues one at a time,<br />
build momentum, have a membership<br />
drive in September with<br />
the view of having elections and<br />
formalizing association in the near<br />
·future.<br />
Items of concern and discussion<br />
that followed:<br />
1) Request from T.V. production<br />
company "TNT", looking for<br />
community in which to film "Mr.<br />
T. " episode involving a "crack<br />
bouse" .Request not discussed as<br />
"TNT" rep did not show up.<br />
2) Handout from "Homes First<br />
Society" regarding proposal to<br />
convert Dan & Alice Heap's former<br />
house into non-profit housing<br />
for Central American Refugees.<br />
Looking for support from<br />
the community.<br />
Joe Chang & Steve Conroy<br />
interested in attending informal<br />
meeting regarding the non-profit<br />
housing. General consensus of<br />
the group is support, but residents<br />
of that street and square should<br />
m know. Joe and Steve will report<br />
~ back to the group.<br />
,_ 3) Concern about the "bad<br />
..,..: press" the community has had<br />
M late! y.<br />
1i) Conclusion reached that the<br />
::J "bad press" has caused some good<br />
::J pressure in terms of dealing with<br />
cema bo utgettmgmorerepresen-<br />
.<br />
~ tationfromthecommunity. There<br />
6<br />
is a mailing list of almost 100<br />
(generated from previous meetings).<br />
It is necessary to have a<br />
broader base before elections are<br />
held. It was pointed outthat electing<br />
officers who have designated<br />
responsibilities does not necessarily<br />
mean establishing a hierarchy.<br />
Conclusion: Forthenextmeeting<br />
(Sept. 21) work on publicizing<br />
it well and have some kind of<br />
structure prepared for the meeting.<br />
There will be a working<br />
meeting on Sept. 11 at 203 <strong>Aug</strong>usta<br />
(Comer Drop-in) at 7:00 to<br />
plan for the meeting on Sept. 21.<br />
5) Information wanted on<br />
possible building on the Bellevue<br />
parking lot and plans for expansion<br />
of existing parking lot at St.<br />
Andrews/Kensington.<br />
There is supposedly a Parking<br />
Authority study for the area in the<br />
works, but as yet they have notreported<br />
back. Some are opposed,<br />
in principle, to recommending<br />
more parking anywhere. Many<br />
people in the community are in<br />
support of more parking. 200<br />
spaces on top most likely will be<br />
recommended for St. Andrew. Is<br />
being monitored by some people<br />
in the community. In further negotiations<br />
may want to bargain<br />
for tr~de-offs (ie. combining affordable<br />
housing with the expanded<br />
parking.)<br />
6) Discussion wanted regard<br />
inginterimHoldingBy-law#521-<br />
89.<br />
There will be some explanation<br />
of the Interim Holding Bylaw<br />
in the next issue of the<br />
"Kensington Market Drum". This<br />
association could lobby against<br />
individual applications by specific<br />
restaurants as well as in<br />
support of the interim by-law.<br />
While the by-law doesn't affect<br />
existing restaurants, if a restaurant<br />
loses . its licence it cannot<br />
reopen (Makes flipping difficult).<br />
This may be helpful in regards to<br />
controlling the drug trafficking in<br />
the area.<br />
7) Discussion wanted regarding<br />
appointment of Lawyer<br />
(Morris Manning) to Metro's<br />
committee of drug control.<br />
8) Report on fundraising concert<br />
in the park (No Go Fo' Blo,<br />
Bro- July 29).<br />
Some misunderstandings have<br />
risen in regards to the organization<br />
of this concert and the press<br />
that it received. Will be discussed<br />
at the next meeting.<br />
9) Business people in the area<br />
(not part of business association)<br />
are preparing their own ideas of ·<br />
developing the market. Apparently<br />
they are getting architectural<br />
plans drawn up. They would<br />
like to liaise with this association.<br />
11) Report regarding "The<br />
Works" (a place for counselling<br />
and needle exchange).<br />
. Erin reported briefly. There<br />
will be a report in the "Drum" in<br />
the next issue. It needs to be<br />
emphasized that "The Works" will<br />
benefit the community instead of<br />
just focusing on the needle exchange<br />
aspect. A full report from ·<br />
~rin and Len will be made at the<br />
next meeting.<br />
Adjournment: 9:30pm.<br />
NOTE: Workingmeeting-7:00<br />
p.m., September 11. "Comer<br />
Drop-in", 203 <strong>Aug</strong>usta.<br />
Kensington Community Association<br />
Meeting-7:00p.m., Sept.<br />
2~ . St. Stephen's Community<br />
House, 91 Bellevue Ave .<br />
Bona fide community<br />
groups<br />
are invited to<br />
inquire abou~<br />
use of this space<br />
for circulation of<br />
information<br />
prior to public<br />
meetings.<br />
392-7911. Dale Martin can be Wednesday12noonto5:30p.m.<br />
rea~hed at 392-4044. Amer's Chineseservice(noappointment)<br />
office staff: Bruce Pearce and Thursday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dan<br />
Maura Mcintyre share the posi- Heap's traditional hours in the<br />
tion ofExecutiveAssistant. Bruce, Trinity-Spadina office are Saturwh?h~sworkedi_nJackLayton'offtce<br />
m the past IS concentrating<br />
day from 10a.m. to I p.m.Noap<br />
pointment is needed. Take note<br />
with community groups. Maura, though. As of October 1, the ofon<br />
leave until December, usually ficeismoving to anew location at<br />
looks after land use matters. Until 394 Euclid A venue. ·<br />
This column is for students of all ages.·<br />
For you to read and to write.<br />
Read this to someone who can't read<br />
and help them to write to us. DRUM<br />
wants to hear from you. Here are a things<br />
on our minds. 1. What do people YOU<br />
know say about the news - papers, TV,<br />
radio?<br />
these days in Ontario, when you get to<br />
grade 9 you're supposed to be able to do<br />
a course on "Canada Today." That's based<br />
on their assumption that in Grade 8 you<br />
did a course on "Canada Yesterday."<br />
What history did YOU learn in Grade 8?<br />
3. Someone we know suggests you<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
c<br />
.. ..<br />
'<br />
FACES-<br />
OF<br />
/"<br />
DATES TO<br />
WATCH<br />
- Monday Sept 4. Labour Day<br />
(holiday)<br />
- Tuesday September 5. Most<br />
schools open. .<br />
-Thursday September 7th public<br />
meeting on at St Stephen's Community<br />
House, 91 Bellevue<br />
A venue. Meeting time is 7.00 p.m.<br />
(See "Reprieve for Kensington's<br />
Canopies" p.3)<br />
- Monday September 11. Kensington<br />
Community Association<br />
(KCA)WorkGroupmeetsat7:00<br />
p.m., 203 <strong>Aug</strong>usta Avenue. To<br />
prepare Jor September 21 General<br />
Meeting.<br />
-Monday Sept 11. Free Movie at<br />
CecilCommunityCehtre. 7:00pm<br />
"90 Days" (NFB 1985)<br />
-Tuesday September 12Cityplan<br />
91 Task Force meets on at 6:00<br />
p.m. in the Council Chamber at<br />
City Hall. Pub!ic may observe.<br />
-Wednesday,September13.Kensington<br />
Market Area Task Force<br />
meets 6:30 p.m. at City Hall,<br />
Committee Room No.5. Open to<br />
public. Agenda from Merle<br />
MacDonald 392-7022<br />
- Saturday, Sept. 16 Annual<br />
General Meeting of the Midwifery<br />
Task Force of Ontario. (9:30am<br />
to 4:00pm<br />
-Sunday, Sept 17 "Parenting in<br />
Toronto" Free Community information<br />
event. See the article on<br />
page 6.<br />
- Monday, Sept. 18 Free movie at · ·<br />
Cecil Community Centre "Cold<br />
Journey" (NFB 1972) 7pm<br />
· - Thursday September 21 Kensington<br />
Community Association<br />
(KCA) General Meeting . 7:00<br />
p.m. at St. Stephen'sCommunity<br />
House.<br />
- Saturday, Sept 23 Local reggae<br />
band IMAGINE plays at Cecil<br />
Community Centre. That's all we<br />
knew about it when we went to<br />
press.<br />
- Monday, Sept. 25. Free movie at<br />
Cecil Community Centre. "The<br />
Heat Wave Lasted 4 Days"<br />
- Wednesday Sept. 27 Free Chinese<br />
Movie, 7pm info 599-0409<br />
(afternoons)<br />
Join our Eager<br />
Beaner Club!<br />
10 lbs purchased - 11th lb free<br />
$1.00 off per lb on all coffee<br />
~,e!~w~.~~.~t. 5- O~c~t. 14 l'~~<br />
Toronto, Ontario '-'<br />
MST IL9 ~<br />
(416) S97 - 8398<br />
( Inside Kensinaton Mu.ket<br />
·--·-·:;:;~<br />
--second to none -<br />
5.~ ~I~@ HU:<br />
1!44-;:?t~A~<br />
• Nhan d~lli~c cildi,<br />
sinh nh ~ t . party ..<br />
294 College Sl.<br />
Toronlo. Om. M5i 111!.)<br />
jj()hl -*.'. ~~- ii!i ).~<br />
~t II.:.:.;. for ..<br />
r el 9~3 8469<br />
~AG~,<br />
TUES. ·FRI. I Jam. 7pffi<br />
SAT. I lam-5:30pm<br />
PHONE 923·2085<br />
v<br />
l 12COUEGEST.<br />
Wanted:<br />
CRUCIAL PHOTO ...... .<br />
If you captured the moment Drum<br />
wants to know!!<br />
By 1:30 Kensington Abe. was free of parked 9ars.<br />
Merchants, more shoppers than usual, CITY TV, and the editor<br />
of Drum waited. Drum beats in the distance drew closer, and<br />
closer, and then faded away.<br />
You can blame it all on drum-band leader Nigel. If you want to.<br />
When the parade got held up in some traffic on <strong>Aug</strong>usta Ave., he<br />
decided to liven things up a little with a rim-rapping African dance<br />
rhythm that set everyone's feet a-dancing. Including, unfortunately,<br />
the police horse at thehead of the parade. ·<br />
We are told the horse put his foot through the police car.<br />
And the police ordered the parade straight to the park. And straight<br />
to the park they went. All except the police car . . We got the police<br />
car at Baldwin and Kensington. But we didn't get the photo of the<br />
horse doing his deed. Did yo,u?<br />
$50 REWARD<br />
!( ~~, ~rnCP> w 11Dcu~rn<br />
child care centre<br />
~'Z! ' .<br />
~~ '•<br />
Full and part-time spaces now available for children 2 1/2<br />
to 5 years.<br />
A small non-profit daycare. Whole foods menu. Inividual<br />
and creative development. Call 368-9124.<br />
39 Carr Street, Toronto, Ontario<br />
lcouPoNS! ____ lriast -T~mptation - ~Jl<br />
I COUP ON S 1 112 Kensmgton Ave. )~·I<br />
I · 1 1 599-2551 ,. 1·<br />
II! you mi~sed out t~e l~st 1 Sinful Foo'!v · ·<br />
1 t1me, don t worry thiS t1me, 1<br />
but don't miss out next<br />
1 Temptingl<br />
1 Times<br />
ltime._Merchants increase I I<br />
!their sales. Customers 1<br />
I increase their savings. 11 Pay for<br />
Kensington Market Drum's I an Entree<br />
!Discount Coupons. I get a Free Appetizer<br />
!Making the lmoossible I I with this Coupon!<br />
~ossible_:_ _ _ ~ _ _j L ________ _j 7<br />
::::'\<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
[T =--t>ll.J-Jl\1 1113M I<br />
···coMMUNITY.ADS ·.<br />
-~-~~-~~~~-------~<br />
00 For rent and sale 03 Help wanted<br />
hidden in heart of Kensington. at Baldwin Street Bakery, full<br />
Private, fenced yards, woodstove, time. Opportunity for advancecedar<br />
bathroom, country kitchen, ment. 598-3701. Ask for Terry.<br />
parking, $1500.+utilities RELIABLE HELP NEEDED<br />
581-1423 (12-6) · for busy bake-shop. Part-time,<br />
APARTMENT on <strong>Aug</strong>usta afternoons and weekends.<br />
Avenue 2 bedrooms, kitchen, 596-6667. Ask for Ray.<br />
living rom, 2 appliances, everything<br />
new. 593-9314 ask for Saul<br />
04 Help at hand<br />
------~---<br />
01 Yard sales<br />
02 Child-care<br />
NANNY REQUIRED (live-out)<br />
to provide care in our home weekdays<br />
11:30-4:300ctober-Junefor<br />
fun, bright 2 year-old, Experience,<br />
reliability required.<br />
532-5187<br />
en CENTRE has spaces now avail<br />
~ able for children 2 1/2 to 5 years.<br />
T""" Small non-profit centre in this<br />
~ area. Whole foods menu, indi<br />
M vidual approach. 368-9124<br />
1i5<br />
:::J<br />
C><br />
:::J<br />