#8903 - Oct-Nov 1989
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
LRT Consultation Farce<br />
By lain Beaton<br />
The "community impact<br />
study" done by the consulting<br />
firms ofHemson,<br />
Janes,andTedesco,isn't<br />
the biggest of the LRT studies<br />
churned out for the TIC since<br />
<strong>Oct</strong>ober 1986. But it is the biggest<br />
disappointment. (All it has to say<br />
about Kensington, for example, is<br />
that St. Andrew's be widened from<br />
Spadina to the Parking Garage.<br />
And that making Kensington<br />
A venue, from St Andrew to<br />
Baldwin, northbound may( or may<br />
not) solve LRT-related traffic<br />
problems).<br />
This study was the one that the<br />
community had highest h9pes<br />
for -the one that was going to tell<br />
whether it was worth continuing<br />
consultation with Metro until<br />
they've completed the environmental<br />
report that TIC/Metro<br />
must submit to the Provincial<br />
Minister of the Environment before<br />
the province can pay 75% of<br />
the cost of the LRT. If the TIC<br />
report wiiJ now arrive at Cit~ and<br />
Metro Hall just in time to hook<br />
itself onto the "Village in the<br />
Railway Lands" Olympic bandwagon.<br />
If the Spadina people who<br />
stayed in the consultation to the<br />
bitter end have their way, the<br />
Province will demand that Metro/<br />
TIC submit the report without<br />
further delay, before the project<br />
has gone too far to stop.<br />
This "community impact<br />
study" confirms thai the consultation<br />
process that we though was<br />
happening never happened.<br />
Maybe it's not possible when it's<br />
all run by engineers who hire other<br />
engineers to prove whether engineering<br />
is the answer to a problem.<br />
One of the reasons this particular<br />
study is particularly disap- .<br />
pointing is that it is so polite about<br />
the other $1.84 million of studies<br />
that it's really just anot:Jter chapter<br />
in the same environmental report.<br />
We asked for a study of the LRT<br />
and downtown development from<br />
acommunityperspective. We find<br />
instead a look at the community as<br />
a problem to solve with LRT.<br />
It isn't the independent look at<br />
the LRT we hoped for, because it,<br />
like all the other studies to date,<br />
was written, we now see, entirely<br />
on TIC/METRO's terms. TIC;<br />
through Metro, will have to submit<br />
this report to the province.<br />
There we will have to make it<br />
clear that this report is not the<br />
result of an independent study of<br />
community impacts.<br />
See Tailored to TTC, page 5<br />
Heart of the Country,<br />
Soul of the City,<br />
Organic Growers Eye<br />
Kensington, p. 2<br />
Ghost of Spadina Future?<br />
Condos and Restaurants Proposed for Carwash Site<br />
By Maisela Kekana<br />
Aiea residents were given a chance to air tlieir concerns about<br />
proposed development at the comer of Oxford Street and<br />
padina A venue which would not comply with the City of<br />
Toronto's Official Plan for Kensington.<br />
The proposed building would house a retail store on the first floor,<br />
a restaurant on the second floor, a total of 27 condominium units on<br />
the third; fourth and fifth floors, and two floors of underground<br />
parking, providing spaces for 37 cars. The stated purpose of the public<br />
meeting, which was held at the Kensington Community School on<br />
Thursday (<strong>Oct</strong>. 5) by the City's Planning Advisory Committee, was<br />
to give the people an opportunity to view plans and comment on the<br />
proposed five-storey building and the demolition of the car wash and<br />
auto repair shop which currently operate on those properties.<br />
Twenty-two Years of<br />
Promises:<br />
''Urban Renewal" in<br />
Kensington, p. 3<br />
ON THE MAP<br />
and<br />
Market Gourmet<br />
See page6-7<br />
The proposal also involves consolidating the properties by relocating<br />
a public lane now situated between 8 Oxford Street and 436-438<br />
Spadina A venue .In order for the development to go ahead, a rezoning<br />
and Official Plan Amendment would have to be obtained, because,<br />
according to the Official Plan, the properties fall in different zones.<br />
The west part of the proposed building would not meet with the requirements<br />
under the Kensington part II Official Plan and the zoning<br />
By-law because it would exceed the height limit by 4.6 meters and it<br />
would exceed the permitted density limit for combined residential and<br />
commercial uses. Residents who were unable to attend the meeting<br />
still have time to make iheir views known, by Gary Hodging, Chairman,<br />
City of Toronto Planning Advisory Committee, 2nd. Floor, ~ity<br />
Hall, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2N2. Further information and copies of<br />
the Preliminary Report, which details the proposal, can be had by<br />
calling Helen Coombs or Maureen Fair, of the Planning and Development<br />
Department at 392-7339.<br />
RECYCLE!<br />
lord Lansdowne does!<br />
Picture spread, p. 1 0<br />
Coupons!<br />
See page 11
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
News & Views<br />
l'tiOfO; CHHISKJfliiER HONNU:HE<br />
Mike Olssen (on right) attends to LIBERIT' S offerings of Roast Pork and Buffalo Sausage<br />
Organic Growers Eye<br />
Kensington Market<br />
By R. Boucher<br />
Four am Sunday. A September<br />
morning. A landing<br />
is made at Doug<br />
Nixon's Rob Roy farm. Touch<br />
down, and a burst of laughter<br />
erupts. The "Liberator", borrowed<br />
from John Kois of "Special<br />
Coffee Cafe" (aka ''The<br />
Greeks") on Baldwin Street (one<br />
of his better car buys) has no<br />
brakes. Occupants: chef Michael<br />
Stadtlander, a friend, an assistant,<br />
Market artist Peter Matyas,<br />
and myself, merchant "Farmer<br />
Bob". We make our way to the<br />
farmhouse and settle in.<br />
Now we're ready for anything.<br />
An amazing day is only<br />
beginning. The vision of<br />
Michael Stadtlander (who is<br />
a Kensington Market shopper<br />
and without exaggeration<br />
one of Canada's great<br />
chefs) is about to unfold.<br />
The chefs, the farmers,<br />
an assortment of restaurant biz<br />
types and a smattering of food<br />
lovers gradually begin to arrive.<br />
An estif!1ate of 250-300 sounds<br />
about right.<br />
Presented by "Knives and<br />
Forks", a group of environmentally<br />
concerned chefs, growers<br />
and farmers, the event, called<br />
"Feast of Fields", had the aura of<br />
a rare moment in history. 22 (or<br />
so) chefs, 9 wineries, and one<br />
brewery (Sculler) set up their stations<br />
all over this pleasant rural<br />
escape. Not to be forgotten:<br />
40-50<br />
natural/organic farmers and food<br />
suppliers, some of whom had<br />
displays set up.The restaurants,<br />
wineries and brewery were set up<br />
for all to feast and enjoy. And enjoy<br />
they did. The ultimate in<br />
culinary experiences. The finest<br />
of Canada's wine producers.<br />
World class and no less. The food<br />
and brew was .fantastic too. Definitely<br />
world class.<br />
I can't begin to describe the<br />
delights there to tempt our taste<br />
buds. Satisfaction guaranteed.<br />
From lamb consomme to duck<br />
breast canapes to stuffed mushrooms<br />
and more. Everything was<br />
created lovingly with the finest<br />
of ingredients, from or-<br />
Chefs ,farmers and guests assemble to listen to pioneer organic<br />
farmer David Cohlmeyer and other speakers. Not a crumb was left<br />
of the apple-raspberry crisp made with apples fresh off this farm. It<br />
was the creation of Allison Jarvest, Macy Whitlow and Joanne<br />
Yolles from NIKA.<br />
ganic fruits and vegetables to free<br />
range "natural" meats. I've run<br />
outof terms to describe it all - ·<br />
let's just say it could not have<br />
been finer. And smiling faces<br />
roamed from station to station in<br />
varying states of bliss and delight.<br />
As late afternoon came about,<br />
all concerned gathered at the huge<br />
tent set up in the front yard.<br />
Speakers stressed the virtues of<br />
organic and natural foods -<br />
foods grown or raised in traditional<br />
ways. They have superior<br />
taste, quality, and longer shelf<br />
life. After all· we had just<br />
experienced, no one in their right<br />
mind was going to argue. (And<br />
after 300 bottles of wine, everyone<br />
was in their right mind!)<br />
The reason for all of this is to<br />
eventually set up a permanent<br />
organic market somewhere in<br />
Toronto. (Maybe Kensington.)<br />
As the end of a perfect afternoon<br />
lingered and the crowd gradually<br />
departed, symbolically a flock of<br />
Canada geese flew overhead in<br />
perfect formation. Looking up<br />
and beyond I could only imagine<br />
the possibilities. Can Kensington<br />
,handle the challenge? Only<br />
time will tell.<br />
Left: Hand-drawn map, included with invitation, showing<br />
the route through the various specialized cooking areas.<br />
Kensington<br />
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Dirt Cheap Compost<br />
If you want to be good to your<br />
garden and ,participate in the<br />
Metro Toronto trial Home Composting<br />
Program, you should call<br />
public works at 392-5420 and<br />
ask them to put your name on the<br />
reservation list for a composter.<br />
Theyohlycost$11.65. Metro ran<br />
out, but they're getting more.<br />
Persist. You' II save yourself close<br />
to one hundred dollars retail.<br />
Blue Boxes<br />
Last month we issued a challenge<br />
to our neighbourhood<br />
schools to come up with ideas for<br />
posters that would encourage<br />
people to use their blue boxes,<br />
and use them correctly. Drum is<br />
delighted to announce that LORD<br />
LANSDOWNE SCHOOL responded<br />
and in this issue you can<br />
see a selection of their efforts.<br />
We'll run some more next issue<br />
(see "LEARNING WITH YOU"<br />
on page 10).<br />
Commerkal Recycling<br />
Last month we suggested that<br />
the city should come up with<br />
"Blue Buggies". Like a blue box<br />
on wheels with a fitted lid, they<br />
would hold organic waste suitable<br />
for composting. Fruit and<br />
vegetable stores could put all the<br />
rotten produce out in one of these<br />
(if the city would pick it up) and<br />
then the qnl y garbage they'd have<br />
would be folded up cardboard<br />
boxes and the odd wooden crate.<br />
It looks like some parts of the<br />
city are going to get "Brown<br />
Boxes" for kitchen scraps. But not<br />
us. Come on Kensington! Let's<br />
tell the city what we think!<br />
Garbage Woes<br />
Do you have any good ideas<br />
about good places in Kensington<br />
for additional waste containers?<br />
Phone 977-0192 or write to<br />
DRUM's Kensington Environmental<br />
at 72A Kensington Avenue,<br />
Toronto, M5T 2Kl
,. '<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
..<br />
·News & Views<br />
By Alan Schwam<br />
n the spring of 1967, the<br />
people of the Kensington<br />
area (defined as Dundas<br />
to College, Spadina to<br />
Bathurst Streets) were informed<br />
by a letter from<br />
the Mayor's office, City of<br />
Toronto, that a "study of your<br />
neighbourhood" would be carried<br />
out, lasting one year, which<br />
would "lead to a programme to<br />
improve the condition of houses,<br />
stores, streets, sidewalks, parks,<br />
parking, and the features of the<br />
area."<br />
In the summer of 1988 the<br />
City created a Kensington Market<br />
Area Task Force to do a study ·<br />
in much the same terms. Now in<br />
the autumn of <strong>1989</strong>, the Task<br />
Force has been told that the planning<br />
department is going to take<br />
a year to study the same list.<br />
(What the role of the Task Force<br />
is to be is still unclear.) -<br />
The May 2, 1967 study· signalled<br />
Kensington's entry, along<br />
with about 20 other communities<br />
in Toronto into a class of "substandard"<br />
neighbourhoods designated<br />
as "urban renewal" or<br />
"urban renewal study areas". It is<br />
wise at this time in our City's<br />
history for Kensington and other<br />
downtown neighbourhoods to<br />
look back at the onslaught that<br />
followed the introduction of benign<br />
sounding "urban renewal".<br />
Soon, as in all such urban<br />
renewal areas, city officials -<br />
"building inspectors, surveyors,<br />
social interviewers, and representatives<br />
of the City's Planning<br />
Board and Development Department"-<br />
were legally entitled to<br />
enter every property in the area,<br />
to inspect and classify both the<br />
property and the people living in<br />
it as if they were dead insects. At<br />
the same time private developers<br />
and large institutions, often working<br />
together, were engaged in a<br />
frantic hunt to acquire singlefamily<br />
homes or blocks of homes,<br />
preferably on large lots so that<br />
they could be converted to highrise<br />
buildings.<br />
This had happened in 1965 in<br />
the Sussex area (University of<br />
Toronto and the Aura Lee Park<br />
controversy), and was happening<br />
in the Kensington area where<br />
the Toronto Western Hospital was<br />
quietly buying up individual<br />
homes and blocks of homes<br />
whenever they came on the market.<br />
A similar gleam was present<br />
in the eyes of the officials of the<br />
George Brown College. Such<br />
Twenty-two Years<br />
of Promises: ··<br />
. .<br />
''Urban Renewal'' Then and Now<br />
policies, in Toronto's east-end<br />
communities like Don Vale and<br />
Trefann Court, had resulted in<br />
virtual urban guerilla warfare<br />
between City Council's offices,<br />
and the people of those areas.<br />
In the whole city south of<br />
Bloor Street, from the Don to the<br />
Humber Rivers, people were in a<br />
state of shock and confusion. Few<br />
dared to put a penny into the<br />
upkeep of their homes or businesses<br />
because along with urban<br />
renewal came the dread legal<br />
weapon of expropriation,<br />
whereby anybody's property<br />
could be taken away from them<br />
as long as it was for "public purposes";<br />
the compensation paid<br />
was ridiculously low. To combat<br />
this situation in our community,<br />
the Kensington Area Resident's<br />
Association (KARA) was formed<br />
in September 1967 at a meeting<br />
attended by over 300 people in<br />
the old St. Christopher Settlement<br />
House on Wales Avenue.<br />
Kensington looking west towards Toronto Western Hospital.<br />
Only a month later the first<br />
·significant victory was achieved,<br />
when the area's M.P.P. Allan<br />
Grossman made this historic<br />
commitment at a public meeting<br />
during the 1967 Provincial election<br />
campaign. On <strong>Oct</strong>ober 12 of<br />
that year, he said: "The Ontario<br />
Government will not participate<br />
in any further urban renewal<br />
project unless in the initial stages<br />
an urban renewal committee is<br />
established on which there will<br />
be representation of residents of<br />
that area. This urban renewal<br />
committee will provide the vehicle<br />
through which the residents<br />
will present their plans for conservation,<br />
rehabilitation or redevelopment<br />
which they believe<br />
will best suit the needs of the area<br />
in which they reside ...... " (applause).<br />
The "Grossman commitment"<br />
was no accident. Its terms had<br />
been worked out in several faceto-face<br />
meetings t?etween the<br />
Minister and members of the<br />
KARA Executive Board.<br />
Co-o{>eration between embattled<br />
Residents' associations<br />
across Toronto was also developing.<br />
As early as 1965 the Executive<br />
of the Sussex Area Residents'<br />
Association and individuals<br />
from Kensington had co-ordinated<br />
their strategy on the Aura<br />
Lee Court controversy, and by<br />
DRUM oHers space free<br />
of charge for information<br />
about community<br />
~vents. Phone us with<br />
detads, or drop oH a<br />
press release:<br />
72A Kensington Ave.,<br />
2nd floor. 977-0192.<br />
1966, individual memtlers of the<br />
Don Vale, Don Mount, Trefann<br />
Court and Kensington Associations<br />
were working together. The<br />
"Grossman Committment" was<br />
cited in legal argument by all<br />
these groups.<br />
Despite this much-publicized<br />
commitment from Allan Grossman,<br />
it took much hard lobbying<br />
and many meetings before that<br />
election promise was transformed<br />
into government policy. But the<br />
pay-off for these efforts occured<br />
on'Tuesday July 16, 1968, when<br />
the Minister of Municipal Affairs<br />
rose in the Ontario House<br />
and officially read out the terms<br />
of the Grossman letter of <strong>Oct</strong>ober<br />
13, 1967 and acknowledged<br />
them to be Ontario Government<br />
policy.<br />
The City had to capitulate.<br />
Failure to comply would mean<br />
the immediate loss of provincial<br />
urban renewal funds in the Kensington<br />
area. Any pull-out by the<br />
Provincial government would<br />
also jeopardize the Fedeml government's<br />
financial obligations.<br />
In September 1968, By-Law 224-<br />
68 establishing the Kensington<br />
Urban Renewal Committee was<br />
officially proclaimed.<br />
Knowing full well that city<br />
bureaucracy in the planning and<br />
development field lacked the<br />
intimate knowledge of the com-<br />
munity required to produce a<br />
proper plan for the physical and<br />
social improvementof the Kensington<br />
area, KARA and the<br />
Market Business(men's) Association<br />
took the initiative. for such<br />
planning into their own hands. -<br />
Between April and July of<br />
1968 a 14-point programme for<br />
the residential portion of the community<br />
had been approved by the<br />
KARA executive, translated into<br />
Portuguese, and prepared for<br />
circulation to every home in the<br />
area. A short time later, a similar<br />
14-point programme for the<br />
Kensington Market area had been<br />
prepared and widely circulated.<br />
These were pragmatic statements<br />
intended to guide the city planners<br />
in their preparation of an<br />
official plan for the area.<br />
But even before the preparation<br />
of such a plan, the progmmme<br />
drawn up by residents and businessmen<br />
was adopted as a matter<br />
of Council policy. On <strong>Oct</strong>.<br />
23,1969 on a motion by alderman<br />
Paul Pickett from North<br />
Toronto, the aims and objectives<br />
of the -24-point program were<br />
adopted by a committee of Council<br />
and subsequently by Council<br />
itself.<br />
It should be noted (for the historical<br />
record) that despite the<br />
initiatives of the residents and<br />
businessmen of the Kensington<br />
area, it took City Hall staff 13<br />
years to incorporate the 24-point<br />
program into an Official Plan for<br />
the community. This finally did<br />
happen when on March 12, 1981<br />
the "Part II Official Plan" for the<br />
Kensington Area was adopted by<br />
City Council. It received Provincial<br />
approval on July 22 of the<br />
same year.<br />
And the fact of the matter<br />
remains that despite 15 years of<br />
active community involvement,<br />
despite an additional 10 years of<br />
statutory commitment, few if any<br />
of the promises made to help<br />
improve the Kensington area by<br />
various levels of government<br />
have been kept So the question<br />
presents itself again. What can<br />
and must be done if we wish to<br />
live in an improving and not<br />
deteriorating environment in the<br />
Kensington area?<br />
Surely one thing is clear. Left<br />
to their own devices, neither City<br />
Hall, staff, private developers,<br />
nor "outside consultants" will<br />
ever come up with the creative,<br />
dynamic ideas needed to help our<br />
community make a successful<br />
transition to the 1990's and into<br />
the 21st century.The political<br />
direction forpositivechange must<br />
once again come from the people<br />
of the area itself. It is only we<br />
who can get the people we elect<br />
to different levels of government<br />
to cooperate with one another. To<br />
that end, the Kensington Market<br />
Area Task Force must be renewed,<br />
adequately funded, and<br />
given real clout.<br />
..<br />
A Twelve Page DRUM Means More Space:<br />
We are able to offer, in this<br />
second edition, more space<br />
for advertising, a variety of<br />
ads, and a better sponsorship<br />
rate.<br />
For an advertising rates sheet,<br />
We invite articles, photos,<br />
cartoons, art, letters, and information.<br />
Kensington content<br />
gets priority. Send contributions<br />
to: Kensington Market<br />
Drum, 72A Kensington Ave.<br />
call977-0192 Canada MST 2K 1.<br />
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Editorial<br />
I Talking Drum . I<br />
No Spadina Thanksgiving:<br />
Latest LRT Study Another Turkey<br />
~<br />
Last Month<br />
We Reported<br />
The "community impact study" on the effects of the LRT,<br />
promised by Metro to the Spadina Communities fifteen<br />
months ago, has been released (sort ot).lt confirms what<br />
Kensington delegates to the Spadina Transit Consultative<br />
Committee (STCC) have long suspected-that the TTC is continuing<br />
at full speed with the Spadina LRT. And that the.y have<br />
funded much of this detailed design work with close to<br />
$1 ,500,000 (from the province) that was granted for preparation<br />
of ah "environmental report" on the LRT so that the province<br />
could determine whether or not the LRT should be funded<br />
further.<br />
So, in fact, while members of the Spadina communities<br />
have sat patiently on Metro's consultative committee, repeating<br />
all their concerns-to each succeeding consultant, the TTC<br />
has been engineering away at the LRT as quickly as they like.<br />
The track bed has been laid from Queen's Quay to King Street,<br />
and concrete curbs are being installed alongside those tracks<br />
south of Front Street, (in probable violation of the authority<br />
granted the TTC by the Ontario Municipal Board in March<br />
1987).To make matters worse, the time taken to do all these detailed<br />
engineering studies is now being blamed on the members<br />
of the Spadina communities who stayed in the consultation<br />
process. The newspaper that twinkles, for instance, talks about<br />
"the Spadina RT line" that is being delayed by "irate" and<br />
"fractious" Spadina Avenue ratepayers.<br />
This would be only a mild irritation were it not for the<br />
fact that the three years Spadina people have put into the consultation<br />
process - at the urging of the Minister of the<br />
Environment - could now be used to qeny Spadina a full<br />
provincial environmental hearing on the LRT. The Minister of<br />
the Environment can tum down a request for a hearing if in his<br />
judgment it would cause "undue delay'? to the project. And that<br />
is, clearly, the tactic. The TTC has strung out the consultation<br />
process as long as possible while doing every conceivable bit<br />
of design work they could on the thing they've made up their<br />
mind to do. And now they will get people who toe their<br />
journalistic party line to bellyache about all the unreasonable<br />
delays the project is facing - froin ratepayers, "activists", and<br />
a drawn out environmental assessment process.<br />
So, after three years of sitting through hundreds of<br />
hours of engineering, waiting for community concerns to be addressed,<br />
we now run the risk of being denied the hearing we<br />
have waited for - why? because we might, in the opinion of<br />
the Mini~ter, delay the engineers (who haven't stopped work<br />
for one minute during the "consultation").<br />
Suspicions that the province might go for the "undue<br />
delay" theory are not unfounded. The same Minister of the Environment<br />
refused a call for a Harbourfront LRT environmental<br />
hearing in March 1987 on precisely those grounds.<br />
Members of the STCC still opposed to LRT on Spadina<br />
should make their final comments about the consultation and<br />
the LRT to Metro and then withdraw from the MetronTC consultation<br />
process. The Friends of Spadina should call one last<br />
public meeting. And then all members of the Spadina communities,<br />
for or against LRT, should get on the .Province's case to<br />
get this issue to a hearing as soon as possible.<br />
Sorry, We're Late!<br />
Sincere apologiies to Cecil Community Centre whose<br />
<strong>Oct</strong>ober flyer insert is only half as useful as it would have been<br />
if we'd been on time. Sorry, too, to anyone else who was inconvenienced.<br />
A twelve page DRUM allows form ore news, opinions,<br />
pictures, more writers - and more advertising. But also<br />
tougher deadlines, more organizing, and more time for things<br />
. to happen.<br />
Next issue, December 1.<br />
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• that the City had imposed a control bylaw<br />
on the Market area, Prohibiting<br />
new restaurants for up to a year and<br />
that the community had until September<br />
11 to appeal the by-law to the<br />
Ontario Municipal Board.<br />
·At least two letters objecting were<br />
filed with the City Clerk. Now<br />
we must Wait to hear what procedure<br />
must be followed.<br />
• that a last-ditch effort was to be made<br />
- via a public meeting -to come up<br />
with a design for Kensington canopies<br />
that would be suitable for merchants<br />
and placate Public Works who want to<br />
see the canopies gone.<br />
Attendance at the meeting was<br />
sparse but the City's planning<br />
department. went away with a<br />
clear idea of what merchants<br />
need. Now it's up to the Planning<br />
Department to take on Public<br />
Works.<br />
• that we need posters for Kensington explaining<br />
what can and can't go into Blue<br />
Boxes.<br />
Thanks to the grade 7 students at<br />
Lord Lansdowne for taking on<br />
the project (see page 10).<br />
• that the Parking Authority was due to<br />
release their Kensington area study any<br />
day (recommending expansion of the<br />
St. Andrew lot).<br />
This report is still not out, to our<br />
knowledge. <strong>Oct</strong>ober 3 was the<br />
promised date.<br />
• that the Western Hospital was in "high<br />
level" negotiations concerning their pro·<br />
posed 270,000 sq. ft. expansion (and<br />
that was why they'd not responded to<br />
the community requests for consuha·<br />
tion).<br />
Latest word is that the Hospital<br />
will not seek informal talks with<br />
the Community bQt instead will<br />
submit plans direct to the City by<br />
yearend.<br />
• that community residents were con·<br />
cerned with the way media hype fuels<br />
the drug problem in the area rather<br />
than helping to solve it .....<br />
• that there would be a meeting of the<br />
Kensington Community Association on<br />
the third Thursday of September.<br />
There was, but not many people<br />
came. Same for <strong>Oct</strong>ober's meeting,<br />
because of a conflict with<br />
the LRT public info session.<br />
• that Imagine would be playing at Cecil<br />
Community Centre.<br />
It was a fine event. About 120<br />
people showed up. A small crowd<br />
by the band's standards, but large<br />
enough that another date has been<br />
set: <strong>Nov</strong>ember 11 at 8pm. Keep<br />
your eyes open for this one- it's<br />
a smoke and alcohol-free environment<br />
which welcomes people<br />
of all ages, including children.<br />
• that the UNICOLL Credit Union was organising<br />
a community information day<br />
"Parenting in Toronto" to be held on<br />
Glasgow Street.<br />
There were free hot dogs, pop,<br />
balloons, and tables full of information<br />
on everything from<br />
Lamaze to child abuse to first aid<br />
to alternative schools. Kensington<br />
Kamival's Circus Bizarro<br />
entertained in fine style to a small<br />
but apreciati ve crowd (See photo<br />
on page 12).<br />
·J"'~--<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.
News & Views<br />
J<br />
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.II<br />
The Toronto Transit Commission is now working on the<br />
final studies for the Spadina LRf. The LIIT is a new kind<br />
of streetcar line being planned for Spadina Avenue<br />
between the Bloor Subway and the Harbourfront LRf at ·<br />
Queen's Quay. The LIIT is needed to serve new<br />
development at the south end of Spadina. This will replace<br />
the existing bus service, which is getting too crowded and<br />
is delayed in traffic.<br />
What LRf means is stneetcars -they will run on<br />
exclusive -lanes in the centre of Spadina Avenue, but the<br />
lanes will be designed so that pedestrians and vehicles can<br />
easily cross them.<br />
The TTC is now completing studies for an Environmental<br />
Assessment (EA), which is needed before seeking Metro<br />
Council approval to proceed with the Spadina LRf.<br />
EnvirOnmental Assessment is intended to protect the<br />
environment (.natural, social, cultural), promote good<br />
planning and ensure that the public has the opportunity to<br />
cmnment on projects which may affect them. Review and<br />
cnmm~nts are an important part of the EA process.<br />
We're having two Public lntormation Centres in the<br />
community next week. We want you to come out, look at<br />
the disphiys, and give us suggestions and comments. On ·<br />
display will be the preliminary findings of recent studies,<br />
including:<br />
Community Impact Study<br />
Traffic Impact Study<br />
I"Mking Replacement Study<br />
Accessibility Study<br />
Design Details and Options<br />
Please come to a Public Information Centre- your<br />
comments are important!<br />
E favor compan.-"Cer num dos Centros de Jnforma~ao<br />
0<br />
PUblica- os scus coment3rios silo importantes!<br />
As infonua~Ocs nu.~o Ccntrus de lnfurma~flo PULI\ka scrao a~na s<br />
c n1 ingks.<br />
(LRT - Light Rail Transit)<br />
A Delega9iio de Trans ito de Toronto (TTC -Toronto<br />
Tr•nsit Commission) este actual mente a preparar os<br />
estudos finais relativos ao LRf da Spadina. 0 LIIT e urn<br />
novo tipo de linha de electrico planeada para a Avenida<br />
Spadina, entre o metro de Bloor e o Harbourfront LRT, no<br />
Queen's Quay. 0 LIIT e necessario para servir o novo<br />
bairro situado no extremo sui da Spadina. Este substituira<br />
o sei-vi~o de autocarros existente, o qual se tornou<br />
superlotado e sofre grandes atrasos devido ao trans ito.<br />
0 que o LIIT significa e electricos -· este teriio as suas<br />
pr6prias faixas no centro da Avenida Spadina, faixas essas .<br />
que serao desenhadas de maneira a permitir aos peiies e<br />
vefculos que as atravessem facilmente.<br />
A Dclega9ao de Trimsito de Toronto (TTC) esta em vias<br />
de completar cstudos destinados a uma Ava!ia9iio do Meio<br />
Ambiente (Environmental Assessment), o que e<br />
necessario antes de pcdir a aprovocao do Conselho do<br />
Mctropolitano para proccder a constrUI;ii.o do LRT da<br />
Spadina. A Avalia9iio do Meio Ainbiente eo pro.:esso de<br />
exame provincial. Tal processo e destinado a proteger o<br />
meio ambiente (natural, social, cultural), a promover urn<br />
bom planeamcnto e a assegurar ao publico a oportunidade<br />
de fazer .comentarios sobre projectos que o possam afectat.<br />
0 exame e os coment3rios constituem uma parte<br />
importante do processo de Avaliacao do Meio Ambiente.<br />
Dois Centros de lnforma9iio Pu)Jiica estarao a sua<br />
disposiyiio na comunidada, para a semana que vern.<br />
Queremos que vislte os centros, observe os mostradores e<br />
nos comunique as suas sugestiies e comenuirios. Podera<br />
observar os resultados preliminares de estudos recentes no<br />
mostrador, os quais comprcendt:m:<br />
Estudo do lmpacto sobre a Comunidade<br />
Estudo do Impacto sobre o Trans ito<br />
Estudo da Substitui9ao dos l"drques<br />
de Estacionamento<br />
Estudo da Acessibilidade<br />
Deta!hes do Modelo e Ofl'OeS<br />
ffil~il~iUfi~Hjt( ffilil)<br />
ltSPADINA !iiii'ii~<br />
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m<br />
-- ~Hr---;5<br />
u - .<br />
1 255 Augusta Avenue 593-9754 I I 64 Kensington Avenue 593-92811<br />
1 Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Daily.l I This Month's Super Special: I<br />
FoodSto~s ~ Th• DRUM b · .<br />
ffi·· ~··I lA•..;;;. Fruit Market-, Tuttmuttl>',;;;;.,;;; Food--, . I s eats 1<br />
I G:::erie.~ ______ I 1 Coffee Be~ $2.99/lb (6.60/k.ilo )I I I I I I I<br />
fFoBI Baldwin Street Bakery<br />
~<br />
I fr.i;ll TH I Farmer Bob's Tropical ll<br />
I 191 Baldwin Street 598-3701 I Harvest<br />
I European Style Breads And I I 70 Kensington Ave. 593-9279 I<br />
1 Pastries Baked Fresh Daily 1 tior Jah Food ______j<br />
re,---------1 .<br />
I eel Ca~ibbean Corner I Cafes and<br />
67 Kensmgton Ave. 593-0008<br />
I Restaurants<br />
I<br />
I Fresh Tropical Foods<br />
1 Select Imported Groceries I<br />
0 ~<br />
~<br />
·~cF I Castle Fru~----I f!GRI The Greeks (LLBO),-~<br />
I 80KensingtonAvenue I I 1971/2BaldwinSt.597-8771 I 593-9262 I I Greek and Canadian Food. I<br />
I Market's Best Produce I I The Original Special Coffee 1 lr--------~<br />
IrEs I ~sse~e Natural Food;- -~ jiGs I Gro5sman's Tavern · I<br />
I 56dKensingtonAve.596-2176 I I 379Spadina Avenue 977-7000 I<br />
Serious Health Food. Fibre.<br />
Neighbourhood bar.<br />
I Vitamins. (Coffee, Spices ... ) I I Nightly Entertainment I<br />
~--~------1~--------~<br />
11 Gel Global Cheese Shoppe I 1l KG I Kensington Gardens · 1<br />
I 76 Kensington Ave. 593-9251 I r 19 Kensington Ave.596-8547 I<br />
I When It Comes To Cheese I Rites of Fall<br />
LeSpeakY~Langu~e __ l~um~n~~B~~-J<br />
I[!!] Iberica Bakery I II LU I Le Uyen I<br />
I 209 Augusta Ave. 593-9321 I 1 56 Kensington Ave. 598-3328 1<br />
1 ~ustard Tarts, Sponge Cake, 1 I Finest Vietnamese Cuisine I<br />
~oloDe Arr~ Ice Cre~ __ I Lake-out Too~See ad page11! _J<br />
I UC Uohn's Cheese House · I II LT I Last Temptation · I<br />
I 149 Baldwin Street 593-9531 I I 12 Kensington Ave. 599-2551 I<br />
I Fresh Cheese, Honest Service I 1 Sinful Food - Tempting Times 1<br />
1 New Home-Made Pesto! 1 I See coupon on page 11!!!! I<br />
%ijKenm~tooFroitMar~~~~sjMa~imo's----~<br />
I 34 St. Andrew St. 593-9530<br />
I I Sit down, Pick-up and Delivery. I<br />
·l Fruits, Vegetables, Aloes Too!! I I 302 College St., 967-0527 I<br />
h:reshness Is The Family Business~ 1 Pizza knd Pas~ Hea= _ _ 1<br />
11 KPI Kensington Patty Palace 1 uPc I Peaches Cafe l<br />
I<br />
172 Baldwin Street I I 177 Baldwin Street, 593-7355 I<br />
596-6667 t Get Fresh! Get Fresh!<br />
I Best Jamaican Beef Patty I !_9et Fresh! Get Fres~ _ _ I<br />
~--------~1 ~<br />
IIMBIMicaelense Home Bakery 1 1 1sc I The Second Cup<br />
I 319 Augusta Ave. 923-6266 I I 181 Baldwin Street, 597-8398 I<br />
I<br />
Specializing in Wedding Cakes I 8 New Gourm~t Herbal Teas I<br />
See ad on·page 7. I Absolutely Caffeine Free!!! I<br />
~---------1~--------~<br />
II ME I Melo's Food Centre I 11 SP I Spadina Cafe 1<br />
1 151 Augusta Avenue 596-8344 1 I 401 Spadina Ave. 340~6383 I<br />
I Portuguese Style Sausages I I A Pleasant Change. A little<br />
L Import and Expo~ ____ I ~f the Contin~t in Chinato::·J<br />
II PSI Perola's Supermarket I II SY I The New Siboney I<br />
I 247 Augusta Ave. 593-9728 I 1 169A Augusta Ave. 977-4277 1<br />
1 All kinds of groceries from 1 I Live Bands in the Heart of I<br />
I c::ral and South America- _ ·1. c~ingto~ Fro_m 6pm. LLBO _j<br />
fF~ 0E l Rebelo's I IITB I The Boat I<br />
I ensington Ave. 593-2784 I I 158 Augusta Ave. 593-9218 I<br />
Ill The Market's Super Market I I International Cuisine I<br />
~ · 1 Juice Bar To~ _____ I ~peciali zing in Portugu~ Food<br />
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~A I Sanci Tropical . I 66 Kensington Ave. 593-9625 I<br />
I Freshest Herbs, Avocadoes,<br />
I Clothing<br />
~angoes, Exotic.:_Since 19~ J ______- -<br />
0 rr:;-= ------,<br />
~ [£iJ Farmer Bob's · § Country Butcher Choice! ._ I Oxtails, Beef, Goat, Lamb I<br />
2 1 191 1/2 Baldwin St. 592-9095 1<br />
~ . rEM I Europ~n· Meats-:- -~1<br />
:E 174 1/2 Baldwin St.<br />
C: I Quality European Style I<br />
· 0 I Meats and Sausages I<br />
r· fiMMI Martin's Fish Mark; -,<br />
0 I 78 Kensington Ave, 591 -1284 I<br />
i I When It Comes To Seafood I<br />
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I 30 St. Andrew Street, 593-6891 I<br />
I Home of the Mayan I<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
CoiDntunity/ Arts<br />
"Give them an inch<br />
and they'll take a<br />
mile," grumble bureaucrats<br />
world wide.<br />
' Not here. Here it's,<br />
"give them an awning<br />
and they'll take<br />
a canopy."<br />
Drum photographer<br />
Anna Rewakowicz<br />
captures some of the<br />
variety of the<br />
"temporary unenclosed<br />
structures" on<br />
the boulevards of the<br />
Market - structures<br />
that have etched Kensington<br />
deep in the<br />
mind of many a visitor.<br />
The mayhem of<br />
the open market<br />
Toronto's only concession<br />
to the less-thanclockwork<br />
past.<br />
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Community/ Arts<br />
Corner Drop-in<br />
Three Years Old-·<br />
By Robert Davis<br />
At 7:30 weekday mornings,<br />
many homeless and<br />
low-income people are<br />
heading into The Comer Drop-in<br />
Centre at 203 Augusta A venue<br />
for a free cup of coffee and a<br />
sandwich. The Drop-in, which is<br />
three years old this month, is a<br />
welcome oasis for the upwards<br />
of 100 people who use its services<br />
each day. Many of those<br />
who drop in arc regular users.<br />
Some have been street people for<br />
many years. Others are inadequately<br />
housed - paying most<br />
of their income for rundown<br />
rooms. A very few of the lucky<br />
ones arc living in non-profit housing.<br />
·<br />
"The Comer" offers a daytime<br />
drop-in between 7:30 am<br />
' 1 and 2 pm, Monday to Friday.<br />
The meal program always has<br />
coffee and sandwiches, and soup<br />
, 1 every day at noon. Sometimes .<br />
there arc other things to eat as<br />
well. Two community workers<br />
provide a referral service. They<br />
offer counselling about things like<br />
health care, drug and alcohol<br />
abuse, housing, and welfare.<br />
Literacy tutoring, a music group,<br />
and movies are offered, and a<br />
telephone for people who need to<br />
usc it.<br />
Funding for the drop in comes<br />
from all three levels of govcmmentas<br />
well as private donations.<br />
The program is sponsored by St.<br />
Stephen's Community House.<br />
Opportunities arc available for<br />
volunteers to assist in all aspects<br />
of the program, including helping<br />
with the meal program, housing<br />
search program and socialrecreation<br />
activities. We are specifically<br />
interested in finding one<br />
or two Kensington resident
CoiDIDunity/ Arts<br />
Learning with You<br />
1) Last time we asked: if your geography<br />
book had to have one chapter for each country<br />
represented in your class, how many· chapters<br />
would it have? And what countries would those<br />
be? We're still interested in replies on this.<br />
2) Now, thanks to Lord Lansdowne's grade 7<br />
students, and teacher Joan Halliday, maybe Blue<br />
will be well fed.<br />
3) Your next challenge is to find out what happens<br />
to each of the various types of recylable<br />
material you put in, and next to, Blue.<br />
Put your findings in words, pictures or<br />
diagrams and getthem to DRUM. We'll follow the<br />
story./ ~ "" , \<br />
BE<br />
SMART<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
DATES<br />
TO<br />
WATCH<br />
• Tuesday evenings in <strong>Oct</strong>ober<br />
Howard and His Doghouse plus<br />
guests. Stand-up Bass and vocals.<br />
"Like Tom Waits with a Kensington<br />
feel". Last Temptation, 12<br />
Kensington Ave. no cover. info.<br />
599-2551<br />
- Wednesday evenings in<br />
<strong>Oct</strong>ober Big Rude Jake. Soulful<br />
R&B. Last Temptation, 12 Kensington<br />
Ave. no cover. info 599-<br />
2551.<br />
-Thursday evenings in <strong>Oct</strong>ober<br />
Tamas Legar. Original Acoustic<br />
Rock. Last Temptation, 12 Kensington<br />
Ave. no cover, info<br />
599-2551.<br />
- Monday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 16, Free<br />
Movies "Children of the World"<br />
Series (Chile, Guatemala,<br />
Korea)suitable for families and<br />
young people. 7:00 pm Cecil<br />
Community Centre.<br />
• Wednesday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 18,<br />
Public Forum "Can We Stop<br />
Racism in Our City?" Organized<br />
by Councillor Liz Amer's office<br />
in cooperation with local school<br />
trustees and Jack Layton. 7:30<br />
pm Cecil Community Centre.<br />
- Thursday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 19,<br />
Kensington Community Association<br />
meeting, 7:00 pm St.<br />
Stephens Community House.<br />
- Friday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20, Three<br />
music films: "Bluegrass Country"(1974)"TorontoJazz"(1964)<br />
"Best Damn Fiddler From Calabogie<br />
ro Kaldae (1%8) 2:00pm<br />
Sanderson Library.<br />
·Friday, Saturday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<br />
and 21 Leslie Spit Treeo. Last<br />
Temptation, 12 :{(ensington Ave.<br />
info 599-2551.<br />
·Monday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 23, Free<br />
Movies "Children of the World"<br />
series (Peru, Sri Lanka, Somalia)<br />
7:00 pm, Cecil St. Community<br />
Centre.<br />
• Monday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 30, Free<br />
Movies "Children of the World"<br />
series (New Guinea, . Nairobi,<br />
Thailand, Australia, Hong Kong).<br />
7:00 pm Cecil St. Community<br />
Centre.<br />
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- Monday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 30, Groundbreaking<br />
ceremony at Toronto<br />
Artists Centre and Club, 303 Augusta<br />
Ave. 7pm-1am. Call920-<br />
4969 to get on the invitation list.<br />
• Tuesday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 31 "A<br />
comme Artiste" featuring Kensingtonian<br />
Christophe Bonniere<br />
at 8:00pm on TVOntario (channel<br />
19, cable 13 - also cable 2 on<br />
Sunday, <strong>Nov</strong>ember 5, and cable<br />
13 Monday, <strong>Nov</strong>ember 6)<br />
·Wednesday <strong>Nov</strong>ember 1, Free<br />
Lecture "The Jews of Toronto- A<br />
History" Dr. Stephen Speisman,<br />
Archivist, Canadian Jewish Congress,<br />
7:00 pm, Cecil Community<br />
Centre.<br />
- Saturday and Sunday; <strong>Nov</strong>ember<br />
4 and 5 "Mothers &<br />
Sons (who loves you most) SU<br />
PERSHOW" (show continues to<br />
1990) works by Claude Bonniere,<br />
Christophe Bonniere, Dagmar<br />
Matyas, Peter Matyas.<br />
B.Y.O.M. (Bring Your Own<br />
Mom) .reception (2:00pm to<br />
midnight) Checkerboard Gallery<br />
204A Baldwin Street.<br />
·Monday, <strong>Nov</strong>ember 6, Amicrowave<br />
cooking demonstration<br />
by Ontario Hydro. Opportunity<br />
to gather information about microwave<br />
cooking. (Note: not an<br />
opportunity for tasting recipes)<br />
Free. 7:OOpm Sanderson Library.<br />
- Saturday, <strong>Nov</strong>ember 11,<br />
Imagine(Reggae), 8pm Cecil<br />
Community Centre.<br />
• Friday, <strong>Nov</strong>ember 17, Free<br />
film "Nothing Sacred" a comedy<br />
starring Carol Lombard. 2:00pm<br />
Sanderson Library.<br />
·Saturday, <strong>Nov</strong>ember 18, Dale<br />
Lawlor, a freelance make-up artist<br />
and hair stylist working in<br />
advertising and fashion, will do a<br />
limited number of make-overs.<br />
Register at the front desk .2:00<br />
pm Sanderson Library.<br />
- Friday and Saturday, <strong>Nov</strong>ember<br />
24 and 25, Reggae Revelation,<br />
Last Temptation, 12 Kensington<br />
Ave.<br />
599-2551.<br />
Hey, what's happening???<br />
If you have an event to publicize let us know.<br />
Drum 977-019)<br />
For info call<br />
Activity based cooperative learning, multi-age<br />
grouping, team teaching, peace and justice, parent<br />
participation.<br />
On-site day-care available. There are a few spaces<br />
available for children JK-Grade 3. DAS is a downtown<br />
board school with a small population.<br />
Downtown Alternative School, 20 Brant Street.<br />
393-1882 (mornings).<br />
!( ~~,· ~<br />
·<br />
~ ~ '<br />
~rnCD> w iJDm~@<br />
child care centre<br />
Full and part-time spaces now available for children 2 1/2<br />
to 5 years.<br />
A small non-profit daycare. Whole foods menu. Individual<br />
and creative development. Call 368-9124.<br />
39 Carr Street, Toronto, Ontario ,.<br />
Co01munity & Arts.<br />
St Step~en's Opens Its House_<br />
By Peigi Rockwell<br />
Balloons on the ceiling, ice Tables were festooned with Public School and community<br />
cream dribbling down children's banners and leaflets. 1St. counselors at 10 Major St.<br />
chins and adults jostling to ensure<br />
Stephen's current programs in Its daycare and ESL training<br />
they'd get their taste of a confict resolution, English lan<br />
programs have an even longer<br />
Chinese pork dumpling - on guage training, daycare, the Chinese<br />
history. The banner at the ESL<br />
Sept. 27 the atmosphere in St.<br />
Elderly Persons Centre, serv- . display proclaims a 2~th anni<br />
Stephen's crowded gymnasium ices for seniors, Portuguese versary. Both programs date<br />
was festive.<br />
The event was St. Stephen's<br />
group, a drop-in for the homeless,<br />
youth employment group,<br />
from the era when St. Stephen's<br />
was an extension of the Anglican<br />
Community House's first open AIDS program and youth sports<br />
Church. Called the<br />
house,· celebrating 15 years of<br />
continuous service to the Kensington<br />
community.<br />
While children played at his<br />
feet, Bob Wong, provincial<br />
Member of Parliament for the<br />
reflect the variety of people who<br />
make up this community.<br />
When St. Stephen's first was<br />
incorporated as a non-profitcharitable<br />
organization in 1974 it had<br />
Nathanael Institute, it offered<br />
religious guidance, social services,<br />
English classes, youth<br />
groups, a summer camp and a<br />
nursery to the primarily Jewish<br />
community.<br />
Kensington area and Ontario a budgetof$20,000, a small resident<br />
staff and mainly in-house home for new immigrants to<br />
Today, Kensington is still<br />
Minister of Citizenship, spoke<br />
of the importance of S t Stephen's<br />
to this multi-racial, multi-ethni_c<br />
community in a province which<br />
he claims has the largest cultural<br />
mix in the world. ·<br />
Politicians, community leaders<br />
and friends of St. Stephen's<br />
munched on the goodies made<br />
by the ESL cooking class and<br />
wandered about the gym admiring<br />
the displays set up by St.<br />
Stephen's various groups and<br />
services.<br />
programs. Today it has a budget<br />
of $2 1/2 million, 80 staff members,<br />
350 volunteers and 15 different<br />
programs. It has mushroomed<br />
out from it's base at 91<br />
Bellevue to include the drop-in<br />
for the homeless at 203 Augusta,<br />
an AIDs program and youth theatre<br />
ensemble for street kids called<br />
Kytes at 93 Harbord, a Youth<br />
Employment Counselling Centre<br />
at 799B College' St., a second<br />
daycare centre at King Edward<br />
Canada. And with each wave of<br />
newcomers, St Stephen's Community<br />
House has made an effort<br />
to serve their distinct needs<br />
by keeping in tune with this culturally<br />
rich and every changing<br />
neighborhood.<br />
Although the official Open<br />
House is over, St. Stephen's<br />
promises to continue as an open<br />
Community House for all Kensington<br />
residents for years to<br />
come.<br />
~ ~"'?, ~ 87<br />
Q"?, ~ ~ Ke":sington-<br />
Clippers<br />
t ' r--------n<br />
1 Coupons! 1<br />
I - I<br />
'Coupons!'<br />
With coupons merchants .1<br />
I increase their sales. Custom-I<br />
1 ers increase their savings. 1<br />
Mothers & Sons<br />
. (who loves you most)<br />
I Kensington Market Drum's Discount Coupons ••<br />
I<br />
.Shop I<br />
and Save Kensington!!!!!<br />
L _________j<br />
r - -As hi~ry conlin7es- -,<br />
I to repeat itselr . . . I<br />
-~ ' ! "'t.~!<br />
I 12 LLEVUE AVE I<br />
Reception: Saturday & Sunday, <strong>Nov</strong>ember 4 & 5<br />
fJ71-93Z7<br />
2 p.m. to Midnight Checkerboard-Gallery • 204A Baldwin Street • 979-7254 I 20 ~ .o FF . I<br />
Show continues thru to 1990 1 ~~ ;,';~ ~~~~~~:,~ 1<br />
B.Y-O.M. 'Bring Your Own Mom'<br />
L _____ ~ _j<br />
Finest Vietnamese. Cuisine<br />
a<br />
m<br />
L.L.B.O<br />
LB 'UYBR<br />
:;;<br />
•<br />
.u<br />
m<br />
•<br />
56 Kensington Ave.<br />
Toronto, Ont., M5T 2Kl Tel: (416) 598-3328<br />
micaillle#U-. . .<br />
Zt<br />
- "-L. .JJo,.,. Ba:h.,.'l<br />
cftJ.<br />
~~~ C. REBELO & SONS<br />
r.;--------;,<br />
I FUN Natural Hallowe'e~<br />
1 Treats. Stock up early!! 1<br />
I \- .;;· I<br />
110% OFF ;~ ·'1<br />
fhis coupon!! I<br />
I<br />
~d K~sington Av.=_597~~<br />
rLast TemPiationl-= - -<br />
I 12 Kensington<br />
I 599-2551<br />
I Sinful<br />
Temp<br />
I Times<br />
I<br />
1 Pay for<br />
1 an Entree<br />
1 get a Free Appetizer<br />
~ - 311 AUQUSTA AVE. PHONE 8231261<br />
L..-------------- - ----' ~ith _:his Coupo~ J<br />
I<br />
II<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
u and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote =· ' '1: Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
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Kensington Carnival Arts Society's Circus Bizarro at Unicoll's<br />
Parenting Information Day held last month on Glasgow Street. See "Last Month We Reported",<br />
page4.<br />
00 For rent cmd sale<br />
HOUSE for sale in Palmerston<br />
A venue (South of College) .Two ,<br />
Storey Victorian Style. Good<br />
Condition, ideal for renting.<br />
Asking$279,000. 960-5302(day) .<br />
920-4328 (eve.)<br />
APARTMENT on Augusta Ave.<br />
2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room,<br />
2 appliances, everything new.<br />
593-9314. Ask for Saul<br />
1972 STRETCH CADDY<br />
LIMO. GoOd condition. Certifiable.<br />
Call593-9279 Or 362-4349<br />
HEALTH<br />
2 newly reno. treatment rooms at<br />
Kensington Massage Therapy<br />
Clinic. ATMOSPHERE DE<br />
LUXE.$295.00 per month. Call<br />
Nancy Platt R.M.T. 599-7405<br />
----------<br />
01 Yard sales<br />
12<br />
SALE Walk up the lane through<br />
the iron gates between Kensington<br />
Market Fish Co. and Patty<br />
King Bake Shoppe. on the south<br />
side of Baldwin, street. Sunday<br />
<strong>Oct</strong>ober 29. 11-6.<br />
02 Chdd care<br />
FREE<br />
CENTRE has spaces now available<br />
for children 2 1/2 to 5 years.<br />
Small non-profit centre in this<br />
area. Whole foods menu, individual<br />
approach. Tel. 368-9124.<br />
BYSITTING? Tell your neighbours<br />
with a DRUM HUM ad.<br />
NEED CHILDCARE? try putting<br />
an ad in the DRUM IfUM.<br />
COURSE offered by St. John's<br />
Ambulance of Metro Toronto.<br />
You get a certificate at the end of<br />
the course. Four Thursday afternoon<br />
sessions: <strong>Oct</strong> 12,19,26 and<br />
<strong>Nov</strong> 2., 4-5 p.m. You have to be<br />
· 11 years old or older. To register<br />
call the Sanderson Library 393-<br />
7653, or go to the front desk.<br />
03 Help wcmted<br />
GRANDPARENT- type of person<br />
wanted to plan and supervise<br />
craft activities as part of Parent<br />
Child Drop-In programme at Cecil<br />
Street Community Centre~· A<br />
warm, caring person is needed<br />
who likes children, and is interested<br />
in crafts. English AND<br />
Chinese language skills an asset.<br />
$7.00/hour. 598-2403 ask ' for<br />
Madeline.<br />
for busy bake-shop. Part-time,<br />
afternoons and weekends.<br />
If you live, work or study on our •<br />
map (see page 6-7) YOU CAN •<br />
25 word maximum (5 lines) : Kensmgton address:<br />
596-6667. Ask for Ray.<br />
04 Help at hcmd ·<br />
has a few places available,forchildren<br />
JK-Grade 3. See the ad on<br />
page11.<br />
KIDS HELP PHONE 1-800-<br />
668-6868 free telephone counselling<br />
information and referral<br />
service for troubled children of<br />
all ages.<br />
. TIONLINEprovidesfreeconfidential<br />
information on various<br />
aspects of health. call 923-3300<br />
andaskforthetapeofyourchoice.<br />
SHOPS For information about<br />
the next series of dasses call<br />
977-0192.<br />
OS Swap Colun11<br />
06 Personal<br />
07lostcmd found<br />
people by advertising in DRUM!<br />
LAUREL E: we found your blue<br />
and white bead bracelet. You left<br />
it in the health food store. Call<br />
977-0192.<br />
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
•<br />
:Name:<br />
•<br />
00 For rent and sale •<br />
01YardSale :<br />
02 Child care •<br />
03 Help wru;Ited • Phone number:<br />
04 Help at hand :<br />
05 Swap Column •<br />
06 Personal • Classification Months to run (max. 3)<br />
07 Lost and found • --<br />
Phone Drum at 977-0192 : Attach ad to this slip. Staple please.<br />
or use the slip on the right and • '<br />
mail or deliver your ad to: DRUM •<br />
HUM at 72A Kensington Ave- : ~<br />
nue, Canada M5T 2Kl. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 -....<br />
•<br />
A One-Stop Artists' Centre<br />
To Open On Augusta<br />
Kensington Market will provide<br />
500Torontoartistswiththeirown<br />
· environment in which to create<br />
and network, if Step Cassidi' s .<br />
dream comes true.<br />
Cassidi, an artist and systems<br />
analyst, is poised to open the<br />
Toronto Artists' Center and Club<br />
(T ACC) at 303 Augusta Ave., in<br />
the space previously occupied by<br />
Thrift Villa.<br />
He is transforming the 14,000<br />
square foot building into a large<br />
gallery which will be open to the<br />
public, with thirty to forty studios<br />
and other services reserved for<br />
TACC's membership. He plans<br />
to provide member artists with<br />
such service-s as: storage space,<br />
rehearsal and performance space,<br />
a darkroom, cafe, art supplies<br />
store, photocopy services, classes,<br />
guest lecturers, desktop publishing,<br />
a newsletter, art consultation,<br />
etc.<br />
He hopes to attract visual artists,<br />
writers, sculptors, dancers<br />
and performers to the Centre. He<br />
already has 50 members signed<br />
up and has a membership ceiling<br />
of 150 for the time being with the<br />
hope of eventually opening the<br />
Centre up to 500 artists.<br />
. "The focus ofthe Centre," says<br />
Cassidi, "is to provide an environment<br />
where dedicated artists<br />
can thrive ... where they don 'tneed<br />
to depend on government and corporate<br />
sponsorship."<br />
He has taken 10 years to develop<br />
the project and is convinced<br />
that the centre will be a success.<br />
, , :..,<br />
C\rui&\ih~ H. v-. --<br />
"Toronto artists have an<br />
enormous amount to say but there<br />
are very few venues," says Cassidi<br />
who is confident that T ACC<br />
will provide the necessary gallery<br />
space and artistic expertise to<br />
showcase the artists' work.<br />
According to Cassidi, his<br />
Centre should have a profound<br />
and positive effect on the Market.<br />
He says the surrounding business<br />
people have given him their full<br />
support and they think the Centre<br />
will help increase their property<br />
value.<br />
The membership fee for artists<br />
is $120 quarterly and potential<br />
members will only be admitted<br />
after they show their portfolio, resume,<br />
letter of artistic intent and<br />
two references. The studios will<br />
rent for $65/week and there will<br />
be a 20% commission charged for<br />
work sold in the gallery.<br />
Cassidi will be relying on his<br />
computer expertise to set up a<br />
computerized mailing system and<br />
to produce a newsletter and art related<br />
software for members.<br />
Phase 1 of the renovations to<br />
create the gallery and public area<br />
will begin Monday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 30<br />
with an official ground-breaking<br />
ceremony at 7pm. Cassidi is inviting<br />
anyone with an interest in<br />
the Centre to attend the celebration<br />
at 303 Augusta Ave. However,<br />
he asks that you phone him<br />
at 920-4969 to have your name<br />
placed on the invitation list.<br />
Cassidi says the Centre will officially<br />
open at the end of <strong>Nov</strong>ember.<br />
don 1 f<br />
ff3<br />
Writing/Editing: .............. David Perlman, Mosho Buell, Moiselo Kekono,<br />
Peigi T. Rockwell, Robert Davis, Robert Boucher,<br />
loin Beaton, Dole Martin, Sky Stollmeyer.<br />
layout/ Assembly: .......... Peigi T. Rockwell, Ted Dyment (Blackbird Design<br />
· · Collective), Mo$ho Buell<br />
Photography: ................:.. Anno Rewakowicz, Christophe Bonniere, David<br />
Perlman, Peigi T. Rockwell, Paul Casselman<br />
Advertising: ...................... Moiselo Kekono, Mosho Buell, Robert Boucher,<br />
David Perlman<br />
Circulation: ....................... David Perlman, Chris Melo, Moiselo<br />
. Buell, Robert Boucher, and friends<br />
Printing :........................... Weller Publishing<br />
Kensingtoon & Drum: ..... Peter Matyas