Home Textile Exports November 2024

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PROFILE 45<br />

Woolmark+ aims to accelerate<br />

low-impact wool production,<br />

promote circularity, enhance<br />

animal wellbeing, and improve<br />

woolgrowers’ livelihoods.<br />

brands to make defensible claims. Building on detailed<br />

ecological assessment of 130 wool farms, this study<br />

has identified a set of core metrics that can costeffectively<br />

verify on-farm performance. A pilot project<br />

will look at operationalising these metrics.<br />

4. Nature Positive Impact Program:<br />

This program will connect investors with research,<br />

development, and conservation projects that reduce<br />

emissions, enhance biodiversity, promote climate<br />

resilience and enable circularity.<br />

NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />


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