Shaggy Sheet Winter 2024

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The<br />

<strong>Shaggy</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><br />

WINTER <strong>2024</strong><br />

Meet Zula<br />

Cover Story<br />

Page 3<br />

A Year of<br />

Good<br />

Page 4<br />

Remembering<br />

a Passionate<br />

Philanthropist<br />

Page 5<br />

Since 1925, saving lives. Building a more humane community. Together.

Board of Directors<br />

Jane Grace, Chairman Emerita<br />

Pauline Pitt, Chairman<br />

Lesly S. Smith, Vice Chairman<br />

Joanie Van der Grift, President<br />

Daniel Hanley, Treasurer<br />

Laurie Raber Gottlieb, Secretary<br />

Directors<br />

Carol Baxter<br />

James D. Berwind<br />

Virginia Burke<br />

Julie Connors<br />

Jack Flagg<br />

Jack Grace<br />

Candy Hamm<br />

Callie Baker Holt<br />

Sam Hunt<br />

Vicky Hunt<br />

Connie Lacaillade<br />

Michael Merriman<br />

Danielle H. Moore<br />

Emilia Pfeifler<br />

Daniel E. Ponton<br />

Marianne Powers<br />

Stephanie Booth Shafran<br />

Hillary Thomas<br />

Betsy Turner<br />

Mish Tworkowski<br />

Nellie Benoit, Emerita<br />

Nancy Brougher, Emerita<br />

Dear Friends and Supporters,<br />



This past year has been filled with remarkable moments at our shelter—heartwarming<br />

adoptions, incredible rescues, and countless stories of hope and healing. None of this would<br />

have been possible without the unwavering support of our community. To each of you who<br />

has donated your time, resources, and love to our cause, we extend our deepest gratitude.<br />

Your kindness has made a world of difference to the animals in our care, providing them with<br />

a second chance at life and a loving home.<br />

In this edition, we are excited to share with you some of the year’s most inspiring stories,<br />

including medical successes, exciting new programs, a volunteer who has devoted nearly<br />

600 hours to our mission, and our impact providing homes for animals across Florida.<br />

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Your support is the heartbeat of our<br />

organization, and we are profoundly grateful to have you by our side. We are looking<br />

forward to 2025 and celebrating our 100th anniversary. Together, we are creating a<br />

brighter future for animals, one that is filled with love, care, and compassion.<br />

Wishing you a wonderful season filled with joy, warmth, and the comfort of knowing<br />

that you are making a difference in the lives of so many.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Sue Berry, CAWA<br />

CEO<br />


General Information 561-686-3663<br />

Fax 561-686-0940<br />

Donations 561-472-8842<br />

Donations@PeggyAdams.org<br />

PeggyAdams.org<br />

Follow Us! @PeggyAdamsARL<br />

3200 North Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33409<br />

Please call Palm Beach County Animal Care & Control<br />

to report animal abuse or neglect:<br />

561-233-1200<br />

Adoptions 561-686-6656<br />

Spay/Neuter 561-472-8812<br />

Wellness Clinic/Microchip 561-472-8814<br />

Volunteer Program 561-472-8867<br />

Foster Program 561-530-6068<br />

Animal Admissions/Lost or Found Pet 561-686-9797<br />

Berman Memorial Pet Gardens<br />

& Columbarium 561-472-8570<br />

Peggy’s Pantry Food Bank 561-472-8852<br />

Donations & Estate Gifts 561-472-8849<br />

Special Events 561-530-6057<br />

Marketing & Public Relations 561-472-8845<br />

Humane Education Program 561-530-6069


Zula<br />

12-year-old Zula came to Peggy<br />

Adams Animal Rescue League in<br />

February, when her owner could no<br />

longer care for her. Upon intake, our<br />

medical team gave Zula a thorough<br />

senior examination, including<br />

bloodwork. We soon discovered<br />

that Zula had hyperthyroidism, an<br />

endocrine disorder common in<br />

older cats.<br />

When Zula didn’t respond well<br />

to medication, our medical team<br />

decided to pursue an alternative<br />

treatment: radioactive iodine<br />

therapy at a specialty hospital.<br />

Thanks to Olivia’s Fund, we were<br />

able to send Zula to specialist for the<br />

life-saving treatment she needed.<br />

When her treatment was complete,<br />

Zula started her search for a special<br />

family. In June, she met her loving<br />

adopter, Suzanne! Suzanne says Zula<br />

is thriving in her new home.<br />

Olivia’s Fund allows us to seek specialty surgery and treatment for<br />

the dogs and cats in our care who need it most. Thanks to generous<br />

donations from members of our community, we can continue helping<br />

animals like Zula, whose unique situations call for life-saving measures<br />

to restore their quality of life.<br />

If you would like to help animals like Zula,<br />

please consider donating at Peggyadams.org/donate<br />

or becoming a foster parent by visiting<br />

peggyadams.org/foster.<br />

peggyadams.org 3


Part of our mission at Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is to care for, protect, and find quality homes for<br />

homeless and neglected companion animals in Palm Beach County. But our mission doesn’t end at the borders of our<br />

county - we also extend our reach to shelters in need across the state! So far, in <strong>2024</strong>, we have transferred over 1,300 animals from<br />

overcrowded shelters in Florida – giving cats and dogs a second chance to find the loving homes they deserve.<br />

Part of our immense impact relies on the fact that we have a team of 7 veterinarians and over 100 dedicated staff members<br />

that are able to step up and help shelters during times of crisis.<br />

Earlier this year, there was a<br />

hoarding case in Putnam<br />

County where over 200 small<br />

dogs were seized from dire<br />

conditions. Our team jumped into<br />

action to help, and we were able<br />

to transport 22 dogs that were in<br />

need of immediate medical care<br />

back to Peggy Adams. All the<br />

dogs we received from this case were treated, spayed/neutered,<br />

microchipped and have since been adopted!<br />

Over the summer, Hurricane<br />

Debby hit the West Coast, and<br />

Taylor County Animal Control<br />

was directly in its path. This<br />

small shelter had to immediately<br />

evacuate their outdoor kennels<br />

and contacted shelters across<br />

Florida for help. We answered<br />

their call and were able to safely<br />

transport 16 animals, including<br />

a mama cat and her newborn<br />

kittens, into our care.<br />

In September, our team stepped<br />

up when the ASPCA contacted us<br />

about a group of dogs seized from<br />

a large-scale dog fighting ring<br />

in Central Florida. Peggy Adams’<br />

staff drove four hours to St.<br />

Petersburg to pick up seven dogs,<br />

including Josie and her three<br />

young puppies. All seven of these<br />

wonderful pups were placed into<br />

foster care as they waited to be<br />

cleared for adoption.<br />

On September 26, Hurricane<br />

Helene devastated our neighbors in Northwest Florida as it<br />

made landfall as a Category 4. Ahead of the storm, we acted<br />

swiftly with the help of the Bissell Pet Foundation, to transfer 12<br />

dogs who were living in outdoor kennels in Madison County.<br />

Although we were limited on space, an outpouring of support<br />

from foster families helped us secure temporary homes for<br />

these pups as they waited for space in our adoption center.<br />

After the storm passed, we were also able to transfer in 16 cats<br />

from Franklin County with the help of the ASPCA. All animals<br />

received medical attention and a safe place to stay at Peggy<br />

Adams or in foster care while waiting for adoption.<br />

<strong>2024</strong><br />

Holiday Wish List<br />

Give a gift to our shelter animals this holiday season!<br />

They could use things like<br />


anything to make their time at the<br />

shelter more comfortable.<br />

Wish list items can be purchased online and shipped or delivered in person.<br />





TAMING TARZAN (Reactive Dog)<br />


Enroll at peggyadams.org/luckydogtraining<br />

4 <strong>Shaggy</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> | <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2024</strong>


John Hendrickson joined the Peggy Adams Board<br />

of Directors in January <strong>2024</strong> eager to serve<br />

and make a meaningful difference within the<br />

organization. Reflecting on his impact and<br />

philanthropy nation-wide, we remember John<br />

for taking the time to learn about our needs<br />

and ideas as he stepped up generously.<br />

Although he was quick to pass the credit<br />

for our new Fix-A-Bull program to the<br />

veterinary team and leadership – “They’re the<br />

ones doing the work” - it was John’s generous<br />

lead gift that enabled Peggy Adams to start<br />

offering a free spay and neuter program to the public.<br />

Launched in June <strong>2024</strong>, The Fix-A-Bull pilot program offers free<br />

spay or neuter surgery to any pit bull type dog in Palm Beach<br />

County. Our goal is to increase the number of surgeries this year<br />

for pit bulls and pit bull mixes by removing barriers that may have<br />

prevented pet owners from spaying or neutering their animals in<br />

the past. Our hope is to reduce the number of pregnancies and<br />

unwanted pets surrendered to shelters, when there are already so<br />

many facing an uncertain future.<br />

In the first months of the Fix-A-Bull program, the<br />

available appointments were filled each<br />

week. John was encouraged by the early<br />

success and was ready to encourage<br />

others for their support to expand the<br />

program. He never learned that we<br />

sterilized the 100th dog the week<br />

of his sudden passing on August 19.<br />

His legacy will live on as we continue<br />

this life-saving work into the future. This<br />

has been a truly wonderful program<br />

that started with his vision; and we are<br />

committed to keeping it going, honoring his<br />

wishes, and making a difference.<br />

Our entire team will miss his enthusiasm and genuine care for our<br />

animals and people. “Our beloved friend and board member,<br />

John Hendrickson, was an unwavering supporter of Peggy<br />

Adams Animal Rescue League. His generosity and leadership<br />

have been instrumental in changing the lives of countless<br />

animals. John will be remembered for his generosity and lifelong<br />

love of animals,.” shared Sue Berry, CEO.<br />

Now Offering FREE<br />

Spay/Neuter Surgeries,<br />

Vaccinations, and Heartworm Tests<br />

for Owned Pit Bull Type Dogs<br />

Schedule your appointment at peggyadams.org/fixabull<br />

peggyadams.org 5




Richard is an outstanding Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League volunteer<br />

who has devoted almost 600 hours to helping animals in need! Since<br />

2021, Richard has been a huge help here at the shelter – volunteering<br />

in roles that include cat care, kitten nursery, foster vet tech assistant, and<br />

instrument sterilization.<br />

“Richard is one of those rare jewels of generosity:<br />

he volunteers several days a week, assists different<br />

departments, and he goes above and beyond to ensure<br />

every cat finds a loving home,” says Lua Durham,<br />

Volunteer Program Manager. “Even though volunteering<br />

at an animal shelter may entail emotional challenges,<br />

volunteers like Richard represent a step towards a<br />

more compassionate and caring society.”<br />

When Richard retired after 35 years in the aerospace industry, it was time to find<br />

something to do with all his spare time. A neighbor suggested Peggy Adams, and the<br />

rest is history! Richard volunteers on campus 4 to 5 days a week and also participates in<br />

our Spay Day events.<br />

When asked about his ‘why’, Richard says, “I do this because of all the sweet faces that look<br />

at me each time I attend a shift. To me, it is not only about volunteering, but also a<br />

sense of responsibility. That is what it’s all about!” Thank you, Richard!<br />

For more information, please visit peggyadams.org/volunteer<br />


JACKSON Adopted 3/10 /24 DR. NAVEL Adopted 12/12/23<br />

Jackson has become a part of the family<br />

very quickly! He loves to play with his puppy<br />

sister, even though she’s higher energy. He<br />

also loves belly rubs and is super affectionate.”<br />

- Lisa C.<br />

When I saw Dr. Navel online,<br />

I knew he was the one for me! He is<br />

settling in very well!”<br />

- Karen S.<br />

XENA Adopted 2/10/24<br />

We decided to name her Xena,<br />

after Xena the Warrior Princess! She<br />

is doing amazing so far and she is<br />

such a sweet girl!”<br />

- Adrieana O.<br />

6 <strong>Shaggy</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> | <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2024</strong>


It was an exciting summer for our shelter animals and campers alike!<br />

Over six week-long sessions, kids ages 8-14 learned all about what goes<br />

on here at Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League. Activities included:<br />

Reading to the animals - to help them relax<br />

Canine interactions - including ambassador shelter dogs and<br />

puppy socializing<br />

Preparing and distributing enrichment for all the shelter animals<br />

- 650 service hours were issued this summer for their hard work!<br />

Visits from shelter staff - highlighting their specialties here<br />

at Peggy Adams<br />

Creative projects - like Adoption Advocacy Posters and paintings<br />

created with the dogs<br />

Looking for more fun? Our Humane Education department<br />

has opportunities for kids to participate all year long, including:<br />

• Summer and Spring Break Camps<br />

• Rescue Readers<br />

• Youth & Family Programs, like the<br />

In Service to the Animals Day on Nov. 25<br />

• School/Homeschool Programs<br />

• Scout Opportunities<br />

Valentina had a very good time<br />

at summer camp. She learned a<br />

lot every time I picked her up,<br />

she talked for hours about all the<br />

activities she did...This summer<br />

camp exceeded my expectations!”<br />

- Jennifer, Valentina’s Parent<br />

Learn more at peggyadams.org/edu<br />

PAWS<br />

Professionals Advocating Welfare Support<br />

PAWS<br />

For more information, please contact<br />

sionals Advocating paws@peggyadams.org Welfare Support<br />

or 561.530.6066<br />

Help us save lives,<br />

become a PAWS<br />

member today!<br />

Suggested age range for PAWS members is 21-50.<br />

PAWS is a<br />

group of young professionals<br />

committed to broadening and enhancing the base<br />

of support for animal welfare in Palm Beach County.<br />

Members of the program help raise awareness of<br />

Peggy Adams’ mission while creating a strong<br />

network of like-minded individuals passionate<br />

about animal advocacy. In addition to supporting<br />

more than 35,000 animals annually, benefits of<br />

PAWS includes:<br />

• Exclusive invitations to social & donor<br />

events throughout the year<br />

• 10% discount on a regular<br />

price adoption<br />

• Networking opportunities<br />

• <strong>Shaggy</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> newsletter<br />

• 20% discount for placement in<br />

Publicity Hound Magazine<br />

peggyadams.org 7


CORNER<br />

Corporate support for Peggy<br />

Adams is greatly appreciated.<br />

Local businesses can help in<br />

many ways, from employee<br />

service group projects to<br />

event sponsorship.<br />

By becoming a business partner or<br />

sponsor at one of our events, not only will<br />

you get the satisfaction of helping those<br />

who cannot speak for themselves, but<br />

you will also be branding and marketing<br />

your company with one of Palm Beach<br />

County’s oldest and favorite charities. We<br />

can discuss opportunities and present a<br />

proposal that will best fit your business<br />

goals while supporting our mission.<br />



Many businesses HOST DONATION DRIVES that support the needs of our<br />

shelter, including pet food and treats, pet toys, and items from our Amazon or<br />

Chewy wish lists. Others host special events and donate a portion of sales to<br />

Peggy Adams.<br />

To host a drive, please contact our team at marketing@peggyadams.org<br />

For Corporate Sponsorship Contact:<br />

Anne Schmidt at 561.530.6066 or<br />

events@peggyadams.org<br />


& WELCOME<br />

TO OUR NEW<br />


VOLUNTEERING is an excellent way<br />

to get your company involved in our<br />

cause. We offer group and corporate<br />

volunteer opportunities for single-day<br />

or recurring projects. Shown here is<br />

a group from K9 Resorts who visited<br />

our campus and helped sort and<br />

repackage food in our Peggy’s Pantry<br />

community pet food bank!<br />

To fill out an interest form, please visit peggyadams.org/corporate<br />

8 <strong>Shaggy</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> | <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

‘Tis The Season for Giving<br />

Donations received by December 31 can provide tax advantages for <strong>2024</strong>.<br />

We appreciate the generosity of our donors, which makes our lifesaving work possible. As you<br />

get ready to toast the new year, please consider these smart ways to wrap up <strong>2024</strong> and make a<br />

difference for the animals in our care.<br />

Types of Gifts<br />


If you have owned a stock for more than one year and it has<br />

grown in value, you may avoid taxes on the appreciated value<br />

and qualify for an income tax charitable deduction based<br />

on today’s market value when you itemize. You will enjoy the<br />

same benefits with a gift of appreciated cryptocurrency.<br />


If you would like to support Peggy Adams but your stocks<br />

or cryptocurrency have fallen in value, it is best to sell them<br />

first and then donate the cash. This allows you to record the<br />

loss as a tax deduction and qualify for an income tax<br />

deduction for the gift.<br />


Contributing to Peggy Adams through your Donor Advised<br />

Fund gives you the flexibility to support our animals while<br />

enjoying favorable tax benefits. You can recommend a grant<br />

or recurring grant now to have an immediate impact. This is<br />

a great way to simplify your charitable giving.<br />


If you are 70½ or older, you can give any amount<br />

up to $100,000 per year from your IRA directly to<br />

Peggy Adams. You will not pay income taxes on the<br />

transfer. If you are required to take minimum<br />

distributions, you can use this transfer to satisfy all<br />

or part of your obligation.<br />


Consider a gift to the Peggy Adams Endowment Fund<br />

with the Community Foundation for Palm Beach<br />

and Martin Counties. Contact us to see how your<br />

gift can be designated to benefit Peggy Adams<br />

Animal Rescue League FOREVER.<br />


One-time or monthly recurring donations<br />

can be made with a credit card on<br />

our website at, peggyadams.org/donate<br />

Information to provide your financial advisor:<br />

Legal Name: Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League of the Palm Beaches, Inc. Federal ID Number: 59-0637811<br />

We will be happy to discuss how your gift can best benefit our animals. Please contact<br />

Kati Erickson, CAP®, Director of Development and Marketing at 561.472.8576 or K.Erickson@peggyadams.org.<br />

Transferring Stock or Wiring Funds?<br />

Kindly notify our Development office of your intent so that we may properly credit and acknowledge your generosity.<br />

561.946.7551 or Development@peggyadams.org<br />


Whether celebrating a special occasion or cherishing a memory, commemorative bricks offer a unique<br />

and personal way to honor your pet or loved one. Bricks can be placed on the walkway in front of the<br />

Lesly S. Smith Pet Adoption Center, Raber Training Pavilion, or Berman Memorial Pet Garden.<br />

With custom engraving, you can leave a lasting tribute, creating a permanent reminder<br />

of the special bond you shared! Clipart and personal pet photos can be added.<br />

Donations begin at $250.<br />

Interested in learning more?<br />

Contact Juliette Rohr at J.Rohr@peggyadams.org or 561.472.8570<br />

peggyadams.org 9

We are a<br />


for your annual vaccinations<br />

and prevention needs.<br />

• Vaccinations<br />

• Microchipping<br />

• Spay/Neuter<br />

• TNVR (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return)<br />

• End of Life Services<br />

• Flea and Heartworm Preventatives<br />

SCAN HERE for prices and a<br />

complete list of services or visit<br />

peggyadams.org/wellnessclinic<br />

Hours:<br />

Monday & Wednesday<br />

9:30 AM to 5 PM<br />

Closed Saturday & Sunday<br />

Appointments Only. No Walk-Ins.<br />


11:00 AM - 6:00 PM<br />


HELP<br />

REDUCE<br />

CAT<br />


Free Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) Program<br />

TNVR is recognized as the most efficient and humane<br />

way of stabilizing the population of outdoor cats and<br />

preventing the spread of disease. Outdoor cats are<br />

humanely trapped, spayed/neutered, vaccinated,<br />

microchipped, left-ear tipped, and then returned to<br />

their outdoor homes to live happy, healthy lives.<br />


peggyadams.org/tnvr<br />

10 <strong>Shaggy</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> | <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

THE 3|3|3 RULE:<br />

Navigating Your Pet’s Adoption Journey<br />

The 3/3/3 rule of adoption helps new pet parents understand the adjustment<br />

process a pet goes through in the first 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months in their<br />

new home.<br />

In the first 3 days, new pets often feel overwhelmed and may<br />

be shy, nervous, or unsure of their new surroundings. They may<br />

take time to eat, relax, or trust.<br />

After 3 weeks, they start to settle in, learn your routine, and<br />

show more of their personality. This is when behavioral patterns<br />

and training opportunities emerge.<br />

By 3 months, most pets feel fully comfortable and secure in their<br />

new home, developing strong bonds with their family. Understanding<br />

this timeline helps set realistic expectations and supports a successful<br />

transition<br />

Over the summer, Peggy Adams Animal Rescue league<br />

teamed up with NBC, Hills Pet Nutrition, and Telemundo<br />

to record a nationwide commercial promoting adoptions for<br />

Clear the Shelters. This national PSA educated the public on<br />

the<br />

SCAN<br />

3/3/3<br />

HERE<br />

rule of adoptions and featured Peggy Adam’s<br />

campus, staff, and animals!<br />

Want to watch the video?<br />

English Español<br />


A Special Reunion Made Possible Through Safety Net<br />

Andre, a veteran and cancer survivor, reached out to Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League for help<br />

with his beloved dog, Georgie. Andre was facing health challenges and wouldn’t be able to care for<br />

Georgie while he recovered. Keeping families together is our top priority, and when we heard Andre’s<br />

story, we knew we had the resources to make a difference.<br />

Safety Net is a program funded by our generous supporters that keeps pets and their families<br />

together by providing food, medical care, or temporary pet housing. Through this program,<br />

we were able to take Georgie in and give Andre peace of mind that his beloved family<br />

member was well taken care of while he recovered. We matched Georgie with a loving<br />

foster family. During her time with them, Georgie received medical care, spay surgery,<br />

and heartworm preventatives.<br />

After six weeks apart, Georgie was bouncing off the walls when she saw Andre walk in<br />

to take her home. Her happy wagging tail said it all! Now, she and Andre are looking<br />

forward to many more years of tail wags and cuddles together.<br />

Many thanks to Georgie’s amazing foster family who made this reunion possible!<br />

Help make stories like Georgie’s possible. Become a<br />

foster or donate today at peggyadams.org/donate<br />

peggyadams.org 11

Non-Profit Org.<br />

U.S.Postage<br />

PAID<br />

Tropical Mail<br />

3200 N. Military Trail<br />

West Palm Beach, FL 33409<br />

peggyadams.org | 561.686.3663<br />

@PeggyAdamsARL<br />



Do you love animals but don’t have the time or<br />

capacity to care for one all year long?<br />

Join our lifesaving foster team! Benefits include...<br />

Helping animals in need<br />

A short-term commitment<br />

Students can earn community service hours<br />

It’s FREE – we provide everything you need<br />

Fosters help provide a loving and safe home for underage kittens and puppies,<br />

injured animals needing care, or those who just need a break from being in a<br />

shelter environment while they wait to be adopted. Currently, we are seeking<br />

homes open to fostering larger adult dogs through our Couch Surfer program.<br />


Adult Dog fosters!<br />

OAKLEY<br />

DOODLE<br />



If you are interested,<br />

please contact us at<br />

foster@peggyadams.org.<br />

To see what pets we have<br />

available to foster, visit<br />

peggyadams.org/foster<br />

DIANE<br />


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