Society (Neuauflage 2024)
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EHB PHZH PHLU ( Ed.)<br />
<strong>Society</strong><br />
Authors<br />
Irene Althaus, Simone Ries,<br />
Daniel Sidler and Karin Spielhofer<br />
Level B1<br />
3<br />
Table of Contents<br />
Introduction<br />
Introduction ...............................6<br />
Opener .....................................6<br />
Me and the English-Speaking World ..........9<br />
My Bili Lessons ............................12<br />
How Do I Learn New Vocabulary? ...........13<br />
Useful Tips for Studying New Words ..........14<br />
Consolidation ..............................17<br />
1 Basic Vocational Training<br />
Entering the Professional World ............22<br />
Opener ....................................22<br />
Learning and Studying in Switzerland and in<br />
Malta .....................................23<br />
Consolidation ..............................26<br />
2 Money and Consuming<br />
Buying, Paying, Saving Money ..............32<br />
Opener ....................................32<br />
Budgeting .................................34<br />
Consuming ................................43<br />
Consolidation ..............................45<br />
Key Vocabulary ............................46<br />
3 Risk and Security<br />
Risk and Security ..........................50<br />
Opener ....................................50<br />
Personal Risks .............................51<br />
Social Risks ................................52<br />
Recognising and Reducing Risks .............58<br />
Consolidation ..............................62<br />
Key Vocabulary ............................65<br />
4 Democracy and<br />
Participation<br />
Democracy and Participation .............70<br />
Opener ....................................70<br />
Switzerland as It Presents Itself ..............72<br />
Switzerland – A Democracy .................74<br />
Separation of Powers .......................75<br />
Political Parties from Left to Right ............81<br />
Consolidation ..............................86<br />
Key Vocabulary ............................87<br />
5 Switzerland in Europe<br />
and the World<br />
Switzerland in Europe and the World .....92<br />
Opener ....................................92<br />
Globalisation ..............................94<br />
Winners of Globalisation: Swiss Start-Ups ....96<br />
Losers of Globalisation:<br />
Workers in the Clothing Industry ............98<br />
Switzerland in the Global Economy .........101<br />
Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the<br />
European Union ..........................104<br />
Consolidation .............................109<br />
Key Vocabulary ...........................110<br />
6 Market and Economics<br />
Market and Economics ...................114<br />
Opener ...................................115<br />
Needs ....................................117<br />
Marketing and Advertisement . .............120<br />
Supply – Demand – Market .................122<br />
My Business Idea ..........................124<br />
Consolidation .............................128<br />
Key Vocabulary ...........................129<br />
7 Global Challenges<br />
Global Challenges ........................134<br />
Opener ...................................134<br />
Migration .................................136<br />
Climate Change ...........................143<br />
Consolidation .............................147<br />
Key Vocabulary ...........................148
4<br />
<br />
8 Housing and Lifestyles<br />
Housing and Lifestyles ...................152<br />
Opener ...................................152<br />
Living Accommodations ...................153<br />
Lifestyles . ................................161<br />
Gender Equality ..........................164<br />
Consolidation .............................167<br />
Key Vocabulary ...........................168<br />
9 Work and Future Prospects<br />
Work and Future Prospects ..............172<br />
Opener ...................................172<br />
Planning the Next Steps of My Career .......173<br />
Tips on Applying for Jobs ..................179<br />
Consolidation .............................185<br />
Key Vocabulary ...........................186<br />
10 Culture and Art<br />
Culture and Art ..........................190<br />
Opener ...................................190<br />
Fine Arts .................................191<br />
Painting (20 th Century) .....................198<br />
Consolidation .............................200<br />
Key Vocabulary ...........................201<br />
11 Media<br />
Media ....................................206<br />
Opener ...................................206<br />
The Mass Media and Me ...................207<br />
Media Manipulation .......................210<br />
Fake News ................................214<br />
Consolidation .............................216<br />
Key Vocabulary ...........................217<br />
12 Vocabulary & Skills<br />
Vocabulary & Skills ......................222<br />
How to Compare and Contrast .............222<br />
How to Make a Presentation ................223<br />
How to Give Feedback .....................224<br />
How to Say My Opinion ....................225<br />
How to Describe and Analyse Graphs<br />
and Diagrams .............................226<br />
How to Describe and Analyse a Picture ......228<br />
Picture Credits ............................229<br />
Video and audio files are available at<br /><br />
Reading<br />
Project idea<br />
Time<br />
Homework<br />
Follow-up questions<br />
Writing<br />
Watching<br />
Listening<br />
Vocabulary skills<br />
Social form<br />
6<br />
Introduction<br />
Introduction<br />
This chapter is about getting to know each other and about how to learn new vocabulary.<br />
Goals<br />
• You get to know your bili colleagues.<br />
• You know what bili is and are aware of the benefits and challenges.<br />
• You know how best to learn new vocabulary.<br />
• You know how to work with the PIF document at the end of each chapter in<br />
this book.<br />
• You know how to work with the Mind Map document at the end of each chapter<br />
in this book.<br />
Key Vocabulary<br />
approach, bilingual, connections, context, country, create an overview, divide up, improve,<br />
learn by heart, learn in sections, link, manageable portions, main ideas, memorise,<br />
organised, participate, remember, repeat, skills, soft skills, structure, variety<br />
Opener<br />
My bili colleagues<br />
Speed dating<br />
2 minutes/question block<br />
a)<br />
– What makes you smile?<br />
– Who do you respect the most? Why?<br />
– How would your friends describe you in three words?<br />
b)<br />
– If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?<br />
– Describe your best holiday experience.<br />
– Which sports do you like?<br />
1<br />
Einfluss<br />
c)<br />
– What do you normally do at the weekend?<br />
– Who has been the biggest influence 1 in your life?<br />
– What is your favourite childhood book/movie/song/toy?
Introduction 7<br />
d)<br />
– What were you like as a kid?<br />
– What do you like most about yourself?<br />
– If you could, what would you change?<br />
e)<br />
– If you could have a superpower, what would it be?<br />
– Do you have any bad habits 2 ?<br />
– Name three things you dislike most and explain why.<br />
2<br />
schlechte Angewohnheiten<br />
f)<br />
– What do you know about bili?<br />
– What do you hope to gain 3 from your bili lessons?<br />
– What fears 4 do you have about your bili lessons?<br />
3<br />
gewinnen<br />
4<br />
Ängste<br />
First impressions<br />
1. Write down five adjectives that describe you as a person (e.g. funny, creative).<br />
2. Write down five adjectives that describe your partner.<br />
Me<br />
My partner
8<br />
Introduction<br />
3. Discuss in pairs:<br />
a) Compare your adjectives.<br />
b) Why do we see ourselves differently than others see us?<br />
That’s me!<br />
1. Plan a presentation about yourself.<br />
• Support your presentation with audio or visual aids (e.g. pictures, a video, an<br />
audio file, a collage, a PowerPoint presentation).<br />
• Below are possible questions that you could use to design your presentation:<br />
How did I become who I am today?<br />
… had a big influence on my personality.<br />
… is/was an important part in my life.<br />
I grew up in …<br />
I went to school in …<br />
Who am I?<br />
I am … years old<br />
I am Swiss/French/Italian …<br />
I have a sister and …<br />
My best friend is …<br />
My hobbies are …<br />
I work at.../I am a …<br />
I go to school …<br />
My special talents are …<br />
What is important to me?<br />
work, holidays, friends, family,<br />
art, music, religion, sports, technology,<br />
animals, travelling, success, independence,<br />
meeting new people, discovering<br />
new cultures …
Introduction 9<br />
Me and the English-Speaking World<br />
English-speaking world<br />
Many people around the world speak English. In several countries English is natively<br />
spoken by most of the population, and in other countries English is an important<br />
language for the government.<br />
Work in pairs<br />
1. Study the map. What countries coloured in blue do you know?<br />
2. Which countries have you already been to?<br />
3. Choose 2 to 4 unknown countries and research online to find out what they’re<br />
called.<br />
Source: Wikipedia<br />
Countries where English is the native language of the majority.<br />
Countries where English is an official or administrative language, but not the most used language.<br />
English is everywhere!<br />
Work in pairs<br />
1. Think of a typical day in your life. In what situations do you normally encounter 5<br />
English?<br />
5<br />
begegnen<br />
Normally when I (e.g. listen to songs)
10<br />
Introduction<br />
2. These are people/items from English-speaking countries that you most probably<br />
know from your daily life 6 . Do you know their names and where they are from?<br />
What else do you know about them?<br />
6<br />
Alltag<br />
1<br />
Name: Billie Eilish (singer)<br />
Country: USA<br />
2<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
3<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
4<br />
5<br />
6<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
7 8 9<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
10 11 12<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Introduction 11<br />
13 14 15<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
16 17 18<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Name:<br />
Country:<br />
Show and tell<br />
1. Bring an item from an English-speaking country to class.<br />
• Ideas: food items, picture of a musician/athlete/actor/author/influencer, book,<br />
souvenir, toy, piece of clothing, piece of music, poem, money, etc.<br />
• Be prepared to share some information about the item and to also say why you<br />
chose to bring it along.<br />
• The presentation should be no more than 1–3 minutes long.
12<br />
Introduction<br />
My Bili Lessons<br />
What is bili?<br />
1. Read the text below:<br /> (adapted);<br /><br />
Berufslehre/Bili_zwei_Sprachen_in_einem_Fach (translated and adapted)<br />
What is the<br />
advantage?<br />
Bilingual lessons mean using what<br />
you have learned in elementary<br />
school and not forgetting it. Worries<br />
that learning both languages (German<br />
and English) might affect professional<br />
training have been shown to be<br />
wrong. With enhanced English skills<br />
the professional perspectives are improved.<br />
But what is typical for bilingual<br />
lessons?<br />
Two languages<br />
are spoken<br />
In bilingual lessons students speak two<br />
languages, German and English. Students<br />
learn important technical terms in both<br />
languages. The focus is on the content.<br />
Learners read short texts, solve tasks, and<br />
write and speak in English. In addition,<br />
students deepen their knowledge with<br />
small projects, such as a presentation or a<br />
poster.<br />
2. Have a look at this workbook. What topics do you find interesting?<br />
3. Clarify possible questions about your bili lessons in class.<br />
Our bili class rules<br />
1. In pairs write down possible rules for the bili lessons on cards.<br />
2. Discuss the rules in class and select the ones that everybody agrees on and that<br />
you would like for your future bili lessons.
Introduction 13<br />
“Nice to know”: Languages worldwide<br />
Connect the terms on the left with the correct statement.<br />
The United Nations (The<br />
UN)<br />
Mandarin<br />
This is the lingua franca of the modern<br />
era.<br />
This language has the most native<br />
speakers.<br />
300 Number of languages spoken in the<br />
world<br />
English<br />
Has six official languages: Arabic,<br />
Chinese, English, French, Russian<br />
and Spanish.<br />
7000 Number of writing systems that exist<br />
worldwide<br />
How Do I Learn New Vocabulary?<br />
How many words can you memorise?<br />
Vocabulary game<br />
Individual<br />
1. Try to memorise 7 as many words from the list below as you can. You have three<br />
minutes to learn the words by heart 8 (including meaning and spelling 9 ).<br />
2. Put your word list away and write down all the words you remember 10 .<br />
3. Check your answer and count the words.<br />
7<br />
merken<br />
8<br />
auswendig lernen<br />
9<br />
Rechtschreibung<br />
10<br />
sich erinnern/behalten<br />
apprenticeship<br />
Berufslehre<br />
employer<br />
Arbeitgeber<br />
unemployed<br />
arbeitslos<br />
ability<br />
Fähigkeit<br />
vocational training<br />
Berufsausbildung<br />
contract<br />
Vertrag<br />
employee<br />
Mitarbeiter<br />
manager<br />
Geschäftsführer/Chef<br />
company<br />
Firma<br />
employment<br />
Anstellung<br />
soft skills<br />
soziale Kompetenzen<br />
salary<br />
Lohn<br />
occupation<br />
Beruf<br />
technical terms<br />
Fachbegriffe<br />
practical know-how<br />
praktisches Wissen<br />
qualification<br />
Qualifikation<br />
technical skills<br />
technische Fähigkeiten<br />
dual-track<br />
zweigleisig<br />
apprentice<br />
der/die Lernende<br />
instructor<br />
Lehrmeister<br />
4. Who could remember the most words? Share your strategy with the rest of the<br />
class.<br />
5. What other strategies do you know to memorise words?
14<br />
Introduction<br />
Useful Tips for Studying New Words<br />
Tips for learning vocabulary<br />
1. Read the text “9 tips for learning new vocabulary” and try to find the matching<br />
title for each section:<br />
11<br />
wiederholen<br />
Use a dictionary<br />
Use word families<br />
Test yourself<br />
Keep a vocabulary list with a clear structure<br />
Repeat 11 the new word<br />
Use AI tools as learning support<br />
12<br />
Vielzahl, Varietät<br />
Use a variety 12 of ways to remember new words<br />
Don’t try to learn too many new words at once<br />
Use the words in a sentence<br />
9 tips for learning new vocabulary<br />
Tip 1: Don’t try to learn too many new words at once<br />
13<br />
sicher<br />
Making long lists of words is often not a very successful technique. Focus on<br />
learning only 10 new words at a time. Practice and use the words as often as possible.<br />
Once you are confident 13 you know them, find a different set of 10 words and<br />
repeat the process.<br />
Tip 2:<br />
Make a short list of words (using cards, a notebook, or your mobile phone) you<br />
want to learn and take that list with you wherever you go. You can also pin short<br />
lists of words around the house (e.g. above your bed, next to your computer, on<br />
the back of the bathroom door). Make sure your list is well organised and has a<br />
clear structure. For example:<br />
Word Translation Example Symbols<br />
Apprentice Lernender/Lernende I am an apprentice.<br />
I am learning new<br />
skills from an instructor.<br />
Tip 3:<br />
14<br />
Forschung<br />
Research 14 shows that learning a word in context is much more effective than trying<br />
to learn a word in isolation. Using your language skills in context will help you<br />
remember how and when to use words. Try to formulate a sentence of your own<br />
using that word. Your example sentence should say something personal about<br />
you.<br />
Tip 4:<br />
15<br />
Hilfe<br />
Dictionaries are an effective aid 15 in checking and learning vocabulary. Try to get<br />
into the habit of looking up new words. You can use a paper dictionary or an online<br />
dictionary on your mobile phone (e.g.,
Introduction 15<br />
Tip 5:<br />
Ask a friend to help you test if you remember the new words. You can hand them<br />
your cards, your wordlist, your mobile phone, etc. They can, for example, give you<br />
the definition based on which you guess the word.<br />
Tip 6:<br />
When you learn a new word, it is common to suddenly start noticing it, which<br />
means you hear or see it a lot more. That makes it easier to remember the word.<br />
However, there are also times when you learn a new word and then don’t see or<br />
use it for a long time. One way to help you remember the word is to repeat it 5 or<br />
6 times in a row 16 . Repeating words every day for three or four days will help store<br />
the new word in your long-term memory.<br />
16<br />
hintereinander<br />
Tip 7:<br />
When you learn a new word (e.g. “happy”), try to find as many words as you can<br />
in the same word family (happily, happiness). That is a quick and efficient way to<br />
expand 17 your vocabulary.<br />
17<br />
erweitern<br />
Tip 8:<br />
Some words are better drawn as pictures or acted out 18 . You don’t have to use the<br />
same techniques over and over again.<br />
Tip 9:<br />
Artificial intelligence can be an enormous help in language learning. The greatest<br />
learning success is achieved when you use AI tools to help you understand a word<br />
in context and learn it that way. Use an AI tool and give it orders such as:<br />
– Give me 4 easy synonyms for improve.<br />
– Give me 2 simple sentences with the word salary.<br />
Share your prompting ideas in class!<br />
18<br />
durchspielen<br />
Source: https://www.englishpracticeonline.<br />
com/10-tips-learning-new-vocabulary/ (adapted)
16<br />
Introduction<br />
Learning vocabulary with Mind Maps<br />
19<br />
organisieren<br />
Mind Maps can be very helpful for learning vocabulary. Mind Maps help you organise<br />
19 and structure new vocabulary. They can have different structures.<br />
1. Complete the Mind Map below with the following words:<br />
to receive – to buy – How do you get to work? – to become – Can you get me a coffee? – Sometimes, I need more<br />
time until I get what she wants.<br />
to become<br />
I get angry if my<br />
employer ist not happy with<br />
my work.<br />
to bring<br />
to understand<br />
Sometimes, I need more time<br />
until I get what she wants.<br />
to get<br />
Did you get your<br />
contract on time?<br />
to arrive<br />
As soon as my salary is on<br />
my bank account, I will get<br />
the new shoes.<br />
Follow-up question<br />
1. What are some ways to structure a Mind Map for learning vocabulary? Give examples.
Introduction 17<br />
Vocabulary in my society workbook<br />
Each chapter in this book ends with a PIF (Personal Idiom File) and a section with<br />
space to create your own Mind Map.<br />
Each PIF contains 20 10–25 words. This is the key vocabulary 21 that you need to know<br />
for each chapter. You can identify other words in the chapter that are important to<br />
you and add them to the PIF. The PIF has different approaches 22 (translation, example<br />
sentence, symbol). It is organised alphabetically.<br />
20<br />
enthalten<br />
21<br />
Hauptwortschatz<br />
22<br />
Ansätze, Konzepte<br />
Word Translation Example Symbols/Personal notes<br />
achieve erreichen I’ve been working all day, but I feel as if<br />
I’ve achieved nothing.<br />
structured strukturiert I always structure my material. Same word as in German<br />
The Mind Map at the end of the chapter will help you organise and structure your<br />
vocabulary. Use the vocabulary from the PIF.<br />
1. Identify 10 words in this chapter that you would like to learn and add them to the<br />
PIF (p. 18).<br />
2. Fill in the Mind Map (p. 20).<br />
Consolidation<br />
How I learn new vocabulary<br />
1. Discuss in pairs:<br />
a) Which of the tips for learning new vocabulary have you already tried?<br />
b) What tip have you never tried before?<br />
2. Formulate a realistic goal for how you will learn new words.<br />
a) What strategy do you use?<br />
b) How often do you use it?
18<br />
Introduction<br />
Key Vocabulary<br />
Personal idiom file (PIF)<br />
Keyword Translation Example Symbols/Personal notes<br />
approach Ansatz, Konzept I try to use different approaches when<br />
learning new words.<br />
bilingual bilingual This book is used in bilingual classes.<br />
connections Verbindungen A clear overview helps me see connections.<br />
create an overview einen Überblick gestalten If I create an overview, it will help me<br />
to see connections.<br />
divide up aufteilen I always divide up the learning material<br />
into small portions.<br />
improve verbessern I want to improve my English skills.<br />
learn by heart auswendig lernen I can’t learn by heart if I haven’t understood<br />
the material.<br />
learn in sections in Sequenzen lernen I like learning different sections at<br />
different times.<br />
link verbinden I always try to link new material with<br />
what I already know.<br />
manageable portions<br />
zu bewältigende,<br />
überschaubare Teile<br />
When I make a study plan, I plan<br />
manageable portions.<br />
main ideas Hauptideen I always highlight the main ideas in<br />
a text.<br />
memorise auswendig lernen I try to memorise as many words as<br />
possible.<br />
organised organisiert I keep my vocabulary lists well<br />
organised.<br />
participate teilnehmen I try to actively participate when I am<br />
in class.<br />
personal skills persönliche Fähigkeiten Personal skills like time management<br />
are important for success.
Introduction 19<br />
remember sich erinnern an I can remember new words easily.<br />
soft skills soziale Kompetenz Soft skills like communication and<br />
teamwork are important in the<br />
workplace.<br />
structure strukturieren I always structure my material.<br />
variety Varietät/Vielfalt I use a variety of approaches when<br />
learning new words.
20<br />
Introduction<br />
My Mind Map<br />
Presentation<br />
about myself<br />
Introduction<br />
English-speaking<br />
world<br />
How do I learn<br />
new vocabulary