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OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />

Harvester Heads<br />

Prime Movers<br />

& Mulchers<br />


Produce high-quality chips ranging from 3/16” to 1” with a<br />

Bandit whole tree chipper<br />

Why are Bandit chippers the preferred solution?<br />

» Pack chip vans to their maximum capacity<br />

» Chip material requiring less horsepower and fuel<br />

» Proven slide box feed system pulls and compresses material<br />

(drum-style chippers only)<br />

» Cab and loader options are available on select models<br />

» Unmatched dealer support<br />

If you haven’t tried a Bandit unit for your operation, please contact a local Bandit<br />

dealer, email marketing@banditchippers.com or visit our website<br />

www.banditchippers.com and we will be happy to assist you!

OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />



43<br />

LOG MAX 5000V<br />

42<br />

TIGERCAT 544<br />

39<br />

New PONSSE H7 harvester head is a compact, solid,<br />

and powerful choice for all types of logging sites.<br />


SP 661 LF HD<br />

14<br />

38<br />

44<br />

47<br />

47 PONSSE<br />

PONSSE Firefighting equipment<br />

for forwarders<br />

38 TIGERCAT | TCI:<br />

Prime Movers, Dozers,<br />

& Mulching Attachments<br />

44 PONSSE<br />

Ponsse and Forest Fuel Reduction:<br />

Enhancing Sustainable Forestry Practices<br />

OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />


COVER - New PONSSE H7 Harvester Head<br />


The new PONSSE H7 harvester head features<br />

a powerful feed and an excellent powerto-weight<br />

ratio that improve productivity.<br />

Thanks to its improved geometry, the new H7<br />

is able to process large stems with ease.<br />

The advanced PONSSE Active Speed function<br />

is a new feature in the H7 harvester head. It<br />

allows the speed of the harvester head to be<br />

adjusted according to the tree species<br />

and stem diameter. The strong structure,<br />

high sawing power and excellent grip<br />

geometry of the new harvester head<br />

make harvesting even quicker and more<br />

productive.<br />

www.ponsse.com<br />

Harvester Heads<br />

Prime Movers<br />

& Mulchers<br />


International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 1



34<br />

16<br />


Norra Timber Announces Long- Term<br />

Investment Plan for Its Sawmill in<br />

Hissmofors, Sweden<br />

20 COMACT<br />

20<br />

Celebrating a Century of Innovation:<br />

Comact’s Legacy and Vision for the Future<br />

of Sawmilling<br />

34 USNR<br />

The AddVantage uses AI defecting<br />

technology that provides industry-leading<br />

detection and classification of defects<br />

30<br />

30 MiCROTEC<br />

MiCROTEC Connect:<br />

Revolutionizing Wood Processing<br />

at Two Rivers Lumber<br />

36<br />

36 USNR<br />

New! The USNR Compact Shape Saw<br />

delivers big results with a smaller footprint<br />

32<br />

32 SPRINGER<br />

Introducing SAWBOX:<br />

Revolutionizing the North<br />

American Lumber Industry<br />

2 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

ISSUE 101<br />

OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />


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The World At the Point of No Return?<br />


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International Forest Industries Ltd<br />

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The Amazon rainforest is often called a<br />

vital carbon sink, as it typically absorbs<br />

more carbon dioxide than it emits.<br />

However, recent research shows that some<br />

areas are now releasing carbon instead<br />

of sequestering it. This shift is driven by<br />

several factors:<br />

Deforestation: Increased illegal logging<br />

and land clearing for agriculture are<br />

reducing the number of trees available to<br />

absorb carbon.<br />

Wildfires: Rising temperatures and<br />

prolonged droughts have led to more<br />

frequent and intense wildfires, which<br />

release stored carbon back into the<br />

atmosphere.<br />

Climate Change: Altered rainfall patterns<br />

and higher temperatures stress the<br />

forest ecosystem, hindering its carbonsequestering<br />

ability.<br />

If the Amazon rainforest begins<br />

contributing to greenhouse gas emissions<br />

over the long term, several serious<br />

consequences could arise:<br />

Accelerated Climate Change: The release<br />

of stored carbon dioxide and methane<br />

would enhance the greenhouse effect,<br />

leading to faster global warming and more<br />

extreme weather patterns.<br />

Loss of Biodiversity: The Amazon is<br />

home to countless species. As the forest<br />

degrades, habitats would be lost, leading<br />

to species extinction and a decrease in<br />

biodiversity.<br />

Disruption of Water Cycles: The rainforest<br />

plays a crucial role in regional and<br />

global water cycles. Deforestation and<br />

degradation could alter rainfall patterns,<br />

potentially leading to droughts in some<br />

areas and floods in others.<br />

Impacts on Indigenous Communities:<br />

Many indigenous peoples depend on<br />

the Amazon for their livelihoods. Its<br />

degradation would threaten their way of<br />

life, culture, and health.<br />

Increased Natural Disasters: A<br />

destabilized ecosystem could result in<br />

more frequent natural disasters, such as<br />

landslides and floods, affecting both local<br />

populations and distant regions.<br />

Economic Consequences: The loss of forest<br />

resources could impact industries reliant<br />

on biodiversity, such as pharmaceuticals,<br />

agriculture, and tourism, leading to<br />

economic instability.<br />

Global Ecosystem Effects: The Amazon<br />

is a key player in the Earth’s ecosystem.<br />

Its decline could have cascading effects<br />

on global ecological balance, affecting<br />

everything from carbon cycles to ocean<br />

currents.<br />

Overall, if the Amazon continues to shift<br />

from a carbon sink to a carbon source,<br />

it will exacerbate climate change and<br />

have profound impacts on ecosystems,<br />

economies, and communities both locally<br />

and globally.<br />

Related Comment -<br />

June July 2023<br />

How much money is needed<br />

to save the rainforests?<br />

https://issuu.com/forestindustry/<br />

docs/4822_ifi_june_<br />

july_2023?fr=sZjJiZjIzNDQ<br />

Oct Nov 2023 – The super rich can go a<br />

Iong way to saving the planet<br />

https://issuu.com/forestindustry/<br />

docs/4915_ifi_october_november_2023_<br />

digital?fr=sMTQ1MDYyNzczMDM<br />

Dec Jan <strong>2024</strong><br />

Can Amazon Save the Amazon?<br />

https://issuu.com/forestindustry/<br />

docs/4971_ifi_dec_january_<strong>2024</strong>_<br />

digital?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ<br />


EDITOR<br />

4 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

Timber Group is elected the best Ponsse<br />

representative in South America<br />

Competing with five other<br />

companies, Timber Group<br />

won the award for best<br />

Ponsse representative in<br />

South America in 2023.<br />

Coming in third place in the<br />

world ranking, it competed<br />

with 30 other companies<br />

that represent the brand<br />

worldwide. Among the criteria<br />

analyzed for the award are<br />

results in sales, after-sales and<br />

customer satisfaction.<br />

Every year, Ponsse awards<br />

its subsidiary and the brand<br />

representative that stood out<br />

during the period. In 2023, the<br />

Brazilian Timber, considered<br />

the best in South America,<br />

won third place among all<br />

representatives worldwide.<br />

First place went to Wahlers<br />

Forsttechnik, Ponsse’s<br />

representative in Germany<br />

since 1993 and in Austria since<br />

2019.<br />

The Timber Group, which<br />

has represented Ponsse since<br />

2015, officially operates with<br />

the brand in three Brazilian<br />

states (Rio Grande do Sul,<br />

Santa Catarina and Paraná).<br />

This award, presented at the<br />

beginning of August, is not<br />

the first that the company<br />

has received. In 2020, they<br />

achieved first place in the<br />

world ranking.<br />

The focus on customer<br />

needs and the synergy with<br />

Ponsse are highlighted by<br />

Timber Group CEO Jober<br />

Fonseca as the differentiators<br />

for achieving this distinction.<br />

“This recognition validates all<br />

the effort and dedication we<br />

put into our work every day.<br />

It is a testament to our ability<br />

to offer high-quality solutions<br />

and our team’s commitment<br />

to exceeding customer<br />

expectations. This motivates<br />

us to continue evolving and<br />

always seek the best for our<br />

partners and customers.”<br />

For the Executive Sales<br />

Manager and Area Manager<br />

for Dealers at Ponsse<br />

Brazil, Rodrigo Marangoni,<br />

developing the brand through<br />

representatives is also what<br />

sets Ponsse apart. “We are<br />

closer to our customers,<br />

focusing on personalized<br />

service that truly understands<br />

the needs of the field. We feel<br />

that this closeness is what<br />

makes the difference,” says<br />

Rodrigo.<br />

For Jober, after-sales service<br />

is the main differentiator<br />

in achieving customer<br />

satisfaction. “The Timber<br />

Group’s differential lies in our<br />

continuous focus on deeply<br />

understanding our customers’<br />

needs and providing solutions<br />

that truly make a difference<br />

in their operations. Our<br />

specialized technical support,<br />

combined with after-sales<br />

service, ensures that our<br />

customers have confidence<br />

and peace of mind when<br />

operating our equipment.<br />

I believe this combination<br />

of exceptional service and<br />

constant innovation is what<br />

positions us as leaders in the<br />

sector,” he said.<br />

Ponsse South America<br />

Vice President Martin Toledo<br />

also emphasizes that the<br />

Jober Fonseca,<br />

Timber Group, CEO<br />

Rodrigo Marangoni, Executive<br />

Sales Manager & Area Manager<br />

for Dealers at Ponsse Brazil<br />

Area director Martin Toledo<br />

similarity of values ​between<br />

the two companies translates<br />

into results. “We feel that<br />

Timber Group is aligned<br />

with Ponsse’s values ​and<br />

this is reflected in customer<br />

satisfaction. At the same time,<br />

we want this recognition to<br />

be a way to encourage other<br />

representatives in South<br />

America to also achieve<br />

excellent results,” Martin<br />

concluded.<br />

610H Cable Skidder Debut<br />

Tigercat debuted a new skidder<br />

model at this <strong>October</strong>’s Paul<br />

Bunyan forestry equipment<br />

exposition in Cambridge, Ohio.<br />

The 610H cable skidder aims<br />

to be a simple, lower cost<br />

addition to Tigercat’s highly<br />

regarded H-series skidder<br />

line-up.<br />

The Tigercat FPT N6.7<br />

engine delivers 151 kW (202<br />

hp) to the same hydrostatic<br />

driveline as the other H-series<br />

skidders. The machine is<br />

equipped with 620H sized<br />

axles for added durability.<br />

The operator’s cabin<br />

however, is simplified<br />

compared with the other<br />

H-series machines. Rather than<br />

Tigercat’s signature Turnaround<br />

seat, the 610H is fitted with a<br />

fixed position seat angled at 30<br />

degrees.<br />

The heavy-duty winch<br />

provides maximum line<br />

pull at any engine<br />

speed. The winch<br />

can drop loads<br />

and drive away and reel<br />

in a load while driving<br />

using a wet-disk dynamic<br />

clutch. It also has very low free<br />

spool resistance which allows<br />

for easier cable extraction<br />

using a mechanical jaw clutch.<br />

6 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>


V E R S A T I L E S E R I E S<br />

5000V<br />



The Log Max 5000V is a modern and reliable harvesting head that<br />

can handle a wide range of logging challenges. This is the perfect<br />

mid-range head for both thinning and <strong>final</strong> felling. The head can<br />

be equipped with a 82 cm saw bar and has a maximum cutting<br />

diameter of 74 cm. It also features Log Max’s Multi-stemming<br />

MK2, that is agile and lightweight, making thinning work easier.<br />

The Log Max 5000V is suitable for those who seek the perfect<br />

balance between agility, capacity, and durability.<br />

What customers say:<br />

“The cutting and feeding are brutally good and in combination with<br />

the new length measuring unit, Log Max is unstoppable ; )”<br />


Waratah Forestry Equipment H216 hardwood head<br />

Waratah Forestry Equipment<br />

recently introduced the H216 –<br />

a new two-roller head added to<br />

its 200 Series lineup. Built for<br />

hardwood, the H216 is strong<br />

enough to handle the toughest<br />

tree forms with accuracy and<br />

efficiency. Its simple design<br />

with excellent feed power,<br />

delimbing, and large cut<br />

capacity provide productive<br />

tree harvesting.<br />

“The H216 is specially<br />

designed for hardwood,”<br />

said Brent Fisher, product<br />

marketing manager for<br />

Waratah. “This head not only<br />

provides our customers reliable<br />

performance in hardwood but<br />

is equally capable of handling<br />

softwood, debarking and<br />

everything in between.”<br />

Optimal performance in<br />

hardwood<br />

Weighing in at 1495 kg (3,296<br />

lb.), this 200 Series head<br />

features a two-roller design<br />

ideal for hardwood harvesting,<br />

late or <strong>final</strong> thinnings. Floating<br />

roller arms allow for superior<br />

and easy tree horizontal<br />

movement and easy log<br />

transport through the head.<br />

High performance single or<br />

multi-speed options keep<br />

timber moving quickly.<br />

The H216 features the<br />

efficient SuperCut 100S<br />

saw unit with improved<br />

auto tensioning and easier<br />

servicing. With large sawing<br />

capacity, this head can cut<br />

logs up to 750 mm (29.5 in.) in<br />

diameter, while an optional top<br />

saw tackles heavy branching.<br />

The delimb arms provide<br />

excellent delimbing power<br />

across all diameter ranges,<br />

while drive wheel options offer<br />

maximum traction for crooked<br />

wood. The H216 harvester head<br />

utilizes the TimberRite H-16<br />

control system for optimum<br />

head performance, productivity<br />

and measuring accuracy.<br />

Durability for any application<br />

The H216 is built to tackle<br />

the toughest, crooked timber<br />

to the straightest postwood<br />

and everything in between.<br />

While also naturally capable<br />

in softwood, debarking or<br />

multi-tree handling, this head<br />

is designed for efficiency<br />

and agility in thinning and<br />

harvesting applications with<br />

quick cycle times.<br />

A heavy-duty main chassis<br />

saw box, as well as tilt frame<br />

and guarding, provide added<br />

protection and reliability.<br />

Maintenance is simplified<br />

through one position daily<br />

servicing and easy open/close<br />

hinges on the valve cover.<br />

The Waratah H216 is<br />

available to customers in the<br />

United States, Canada, Europe,<br />

Australia, New Zealand,<br />

Asia Pacific, Brazil and Latin<br />

America.<br />



Introducing the FAE PT550, the solution for forestry management. Ideal for major jobs in large, wooded<br />

areas. It can work on soft, uneven ground, handling longitudinal slopes up to 45° and transverse slopes<br />

up to 32°. The ultimate choice for challenging environments.<br />

Contact us to find the right FAE product for you: info@fae-group.com<br />

fae-group.com<br />

8 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

822E<br />



Versatile for thinning and <strong>final</strong> felling.<br />

Powerful lift capacity, tight-tuck boom geometry and compact tail-swing<br />

minimize site impact and residual stand damage in selective felling<br />

applications. The combination of high horsepower and efficient hydraulic<br />

circuits provides the operator with quick, responsive control.<br />

www.tigercat.com<br />

Scan to learn more

Ponsse and Bailey’s sign a dealer agreement<br />





www.seppi.com<br />

Seppi M. - mulching equipment specialists<br />

Tel. Europe: +39 0461 178 75 00<br />

Tel. USA & CA: +1 513 443 6339<br />

sales@seppi.com<br />

#seppimulcher<br />

Ponsse is expanding its<br />

dealer network in the<br />

United States. On 1 July<br />

<strong>2024</strong>, Ponsse signed a<br />

dealer agreement with<br />

the company Bailey’s,<br />

based in Woodland,<br />

California. The new<br />

dealer will focus on the<br />

sales, servicing and<br />

training of PONSSE forest<br />

machines in the states of<br />

California and Nevada.<br />

The company was founded in 1975<br />

by Bill and Judith Bailey in Laytonville,<br />

California. Bailey’s is still a family company,<br />

now owned by the second generation –<br />

Bill’s sons, Nik and Sam Bailey.<br />

Bailey’s has been in the forestry<br />

industry since the beginning. They started<br />

by selling chainsaws and accessories, tree<br />

care products, work clothing and other<br />

forestry equipment. Over time, they have<br />

grown into a premier supplier of forestry<br />

products in the region and are also known<br />

for their marketing catalogue, which is<br />

published annually. In 2014, they expanded<br />

their product line to include sales and<br />

servicing of larger industrial forestry<br />

equipment.<br />

“We are thrilled to partner with Ponsse<br />

and bring their exceptional forest machines<br />

to our customers in California. Ponsse’s<br />

equipment is synonymous with quality and<br />

innovation, and this partnership allows<br />

us to offer our clients the best solutions<br />

for their forestry operations. Our team is<br />

excited to provide the sales, support and<br />

service that Ponsse customers have come<br />

to expect. This new partnership aligns with<br />

Bailey’s mission to support the forestry<br />

community by offering cutting-edge tools<br />

and equipment that enhance productivity,<br />

safety and sustainability in the field.<br />

Customers in California can now access<br />

Ponsse’s complete range of products,<br />

backed by Bailey’s industry expertise<br />

and dedication to customer service. To<br />

celebrate this new partnership, Bailey’s<br />

will be hosting a series of launch events<br />

across California at which customers can<br />

learn more about Ponsse’s machinery, meet<br />

with experts, and see demonstrations of<br />

the equipment in action,” says Nik Bailey,<br />

CEO, Bailey’s.<br />

“The partnership with Bailey’s is<br />

an exciting opportunity for Ponsse to<br />

expand into a new market area. Logging<br />

in California has mainly been done using<br />

traditional methods, but there are signs<br />

that cut-to-length logging is the future<br />

over there as well. There are a few Ponsse<br />

machines in the region already, and we<br />

hope to increase that number. It will be a<br />

long-term process, but we believe Bailey’s<br />

is the right partner for us in the region.<br />

They are well-connected in the local<br />

forestry industry, and as a family company,<br />

it is a great cultural match with Ponsse,”<br />

says Samuel Vidgren, Ponsse Plc, Area<br />

Manager, USA Dealers.<br />

Most of the logging in the region is<br />

steep-slope logging in the mountains.<br />

The estimated standing timber volume in<br />

California is 1.4 billion cubic metres. The<br />

forest cover is mostly softwood – mainly<br />

pine in the mountainous areas.<br />

Samuel Vidgren, Ponsse Plc,<br />

Area Manager, USA Dealers<br />

Bratteborg<br />

South of<br />

Jönköping<br />

5-7 June 2025<br />

10 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>



Independently Certified Radio Remote Controls<br />

Tele Radio’s Panther PLd systems are the clear choice for duties that require high performance levels. Both<br />

our T19-2 and T29-12 meet Performance Level d (PLd), Category 3, equivalent to Safety Integrity Level (SIL)<br />

2 – certificates independently awarded by notified bodies. Whatever the job at hand, our stop function<br />

never fails.<br />

Tele Radio offers a variety of radio remote control products, adaptable to a multitude of applications, throughout<br />

many industries like Agriculture & Forestry Equipment - Cranes & Material Handling - Mobile Hydraulic Machinery –<br />

Emergency & Recovery Vehicles - Industrial Doors & Gates – Propane and Tanker Trucks – Construction Equipment &<br />

Machines – Pumps & Aggregates, PLC Control – Recycling Machinery and more…<br />

See the website for all our global sales locations and more info about the products and applications<br />



FAE enhances the<br />

versatility of its RCU75<br />

remote controlled tracked<br />

carrier with the new<br />

PMM/RCU75 swinging<br />

hammer mulcher.<br />

FAE introduces the PMM/RCU75<br />

swinging hammer mulcher for<br />

the FAE RCU75 remote controlled<br />

tracked carrier.<br />

This head features a<br />

hydraulic hood for better<br />

control of the outflowing<br />

material, a support roller<br />

with integrated skids, a<br />

trapezoidal belt transmission,<br />

and interchangeable<br />

protection chains.<br />

The PMM/RCU can<br />

be equipped with PMM<br />

hammers or Y/3 flails.<br />


FAE is a world leading designer<br />

and manufacturer of heads<br />

for tractors, excavators, skid<br />

steers, special vehicles, and<br />

tracked carriers for forestry,<br />

agricultural, road and demining<br />

work.<br />

With a range of more than<br />

90 products and 400 models,<br />

FAE can meet the most diverse<br />

customer demands. FAE’s range<br />

of heads includes forestry<br />

mulchers, cutters, stump<br />

cutters, stone crushers, soil<br />

stabilizers, road planers, wheel<br />

saws and multitasks. Their line<br />

of tracked carriers includes<br />

tracked carriers with cabs and<br />

remote-controlled tracked<br />

carriers.<br />

FAE focuses on<br />

technological innovation and<br />

build quality to ensure that<br />

its machines offer superior<br />

performance and reliability.<br />

FAE was founded in 1989<br />

in Fondo, Italy, where its<br />

headquarters are still located.<br />

Production, sales, aftersales<br />

service, and parts<br />

distribution are handled by<br />

their 4 production sites, the<br />

headquarters, 7 commercial<br />

branches, and a network of<br />

authorized dealers all over the<br />

world.<br />

FAE has around 400<br />

employees worldwide.<br />

12 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

The new specialist high-performance<br />

chain lubricant for tree harvesters<br />

Mi240 FORESTER provides unparalleled resistance to<br />

abrasive dirt and sawdust build-up on chains.<br />

Prolonging cutting efficiency and keeping filters clear!<br />






DOWN TO -50°C<br />

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Find out more

SP - New Developments<br />

SP was founded in 1978 and presented the world´s first<br />

ever single grip harvester head in 1980.<br />

Wireless harvester head<br />

control system – Dasa7<br />

Introducing the Dasa 7<br />

Wireless. The main advantage<br />

with the wireless system is that<br />

customers will never have to<br />

worry about broken data cables<br />

again – which of course means<br />

increased uptime. Branches<br />

and constant movements<br />

will not be a problem, since<br />

the wireless unit is mounted<br />

in the head. Replacing the<br />

cables with a high-speed,<br />

reliable Wifi connection means<br />

communication between the<br />

operator and the bucking<br />

unit isn’t sensitive to physical<br />

circumstances. This gives<br />

you total freedom to move<br />

the crane or boom and rotate<br />

the head without any risk of<br />

communication failure.<br />

The Dasa7 is the latest<br />

generation control system and<br />

offers lightning fast reaction<br />

times, robust/proven modules<br />

and a used friendly interface.<br />

The Dasa7 Wireless can be<br />

supplied in three different<br />

versions - H50, H60 or H70<br />

software to be able to perfectly<br />

match the needs of your<br />

specific logging operation, from<br />

the simple and cost effective<br />

H50 to the advanced windows<br />

based and fully Stanford 2010<br />

compatible H70 system.<br />

New heavy duty frame<br />

versions<br />

In order to be able to offer<br />

harvester heads perfectly<br />

suited for tracked harvesters<br />

and very demanding operations<br />

SP have developed heavy duty,<br />

so called HD versions, of head<br />

models SP 661 LF and SP 761<br />

LF. Both the 661 and 761 head<br />

models are available with<br />

options such as processing<br />

knives, find end sensor and<br />

top saw making them just as<br />

productive processing decked<br />

wood out of a pile as when<br />

cutting and processing at the<br />

stump.<br />

Dasa7 Wireless<br />

SP 661 LF HD<br />

Tigercat releases a<br />

smaller class mulching<br />

head well suited to<br />

niche applications like<br />

fire mitigation<br />

and remediation.<br />

New 4054-20 Mulching Head<br />

Designed for the Tigercat<br />

470 mulcher, the<br />

4054-20 provides a<br />

complete end-to-end Tigercat<br />

mulching solution for narrow<br />

swath applications and lower<br />

horsepower carriers. The 4054-<br />

20 head has a smaller diameter<br />

drum, a two metre (79 in)<br />

mulching swath and a lighter<br />

weight, more compact design.<br />

Key applications include fire<br />

mitigation and remediation, as<br />

well as right-of-way and site<br />

preparation projects requiring<br />

a smaller, more agile machine.<br />

The smaller size and lighter<br />

weight of the 4054-20<br />

means it can work on<br />

carriers with less attachment<br />

power, while retaining similar<br />

recovery performance to larger<br />

heads equipped on larger<br />

carriers.<br />

Various carbide tools and<br />

hardened steel knife tools<br />

are available to suit a range<br />

of applications. The Tigercat<br />

designed bolt-on tool system<br />

is available for both the open<br />

face rotor and the feed control<br />

rotor.<br />

Manufactured to Tigercat’s<br />

high standards for robustness<br />

and quality, the 4054-20<br />

mulching head offers excellent<br />

durability and reliability.<br />

Carbide welding on the skis<br />

provides extra protection from<br />

wear. The robust housing with<br />

reinforced side covers adds to<br />

the heavy duty build quality<br />

and structural integrity.<br />

The drive system efficiently<br />

transfers power with no belt<br />

slip and reduced belt tension<br />

maintenance. Large, heavy<br />

duty bearings and shafts<br />

ensure long life and high<br />

uptime. Numerous removable<br />

access covers allow easy<br />

maintenance of wear items and<br />

service points. The wear liner<br />

can be serviced in the field and<br />

does not require welding or<br />

rotor removal.<br />

Designed for the Tigercat 470<br />

mulcher, the 4054-20 provides<br />

a complete end-to-end Tigercat<br />

mulching solution for narrow<br />

swath applications and lower<br />

horsepower carriers.<br />

14 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

New Tigercat 234C Loader<br />

Tigercat’s long standing 234<br />

series knuckleboom loader has<br />

been upgraded. The new 234C<br />

has a new boom system, a new<br />

cab, an improved hydraulic<br />

system and more swing torque.<br />

The new 234C boom<br />

system provides increased lift<br />

capacity, and quicker boom<br />

speeds. The boom cylinders are<br />

cushioned at the end of stroke<br />

for smoother boom operation.<br />

Through-tip hose routing is<br />

another new feature. Hydraulic<br />

hoses to the grapple are now<br />

routed through the boom tip<br />

for increased hose protection.<br />

The Tigercat loader<br />

engineering team had the<br />

operator in mind when<br />

designing the 234C. The new<br />

operator’s station is more<br />

comfortable with 16% greater<br />

internal volume, increased<br />

width, and more leg room.<br />

Joysticks and switches are<br />

mounted on the armrests<br />

within comfortable reach.<br />

Improved A/C and heater<br />

controls allows the operator to<br />

set the desired temperature for<br />

a more comfortable working<br />

environment.<br />

Climate controlled<br />

cupholders keep drinks hot<br />

or cold for longer. Dedicated<br />

in-cabin storage areas include<br />

a space for a full size Tigercat<br />

insulated lunch box.<br />

Bratteborg<br />

South of<br />

Jönköping<br />

5-7 June 2025<br />

Operator visibility has been<br />

improved with larger front<br />

and side windows. The wiper<br />

motor, radio and touchscreen<br />

display control system have all<br />

been relocated for improved<br />

sightlines. In addition, a<br />

redesigned swing motor cover<br />

further improves the operator’s<br />

line of sight to the work area.<br />

Hydraulic system<br />

improvements include a<br />

new, larger main pump, and<br />

a new boom valve providing<br />

smoother boom control<br />

and improved flow sharing.<br />




We offer a wide range of:<br />

• Tractor driven PTO Chippers<br />

• Truck driven chippers “Hack-Truck”<br />

• Diesel engine driven chipper units<br />

Follow us<br />

Finally, swing torque has been<br />

increased by 13% over the<br />

234B for improved pull-through<br />

delimbing performance.<br />

100%<br />

MADE<br />


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International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 15<br />

MUS-MAX Bioenergy Inserat_92,5x135.indd 1 28.02.24 13:37

Norra Timber announces longterm<br />

investment plan for its<br />

Sawmill in Hissmofors, Sweden<br />

Norra Timber recently<br />

announced a threephase<br />

upgrade of its<br />

Hissmofors, Sweden, sawmill<br />

with an investment of up to<br />

SEK 150 million (US$14.8<br />

million). Approximately<br />

70 people are currently<br />

employed at the sawmill and<br />

the associated planning mill.<br />

Henrik Jönsson, Industrial<br />

Manager at Norra Timber,<br />

said, “The sawmill contributes<br />

to both local jobs and smart<br />

climate products. For us, it is<br />

important to invest here and<br />

thus balance the technical<br />

degree and competitiveness of<br />

our sawmills.”<br />

Norra Skog’s Board of<br />

Directors has previously made<br />

a policy decision regarding the<br />

investments in Hissmofors.<br />

The planned investments will<br />

take place in three stages and<br />

will begin with new postprocessing<br />

along the saw line.<br />

The new machine equipment<br />

will have significantly higher<br />

capacity than the previous<br />

one and therefore enable<br />

production increases.<br />

The sawmill in Hissmofors<br />

currently has an annual<br />

production of approximately<br />

170,000 m3, with the goal<br />

of increasing production to<br />

200,000 m3 within the next<br />

two years. The mill currently<br />

produces spruce and pine<br />

rough sawn and planned into<br />

boards and planks, and the<br />

wood products are sent on to<br />

customers both in Sweden and<br />

abroad.<br />

The investment in the new<br />

machine equipment amounts to<br />

approximately SEK 40 million<br />

(US$3.9 million) and will mean<br />

a production increase of 10,000<br />

m3sv annually. The next two<br />

investment steps that are<br />

planned involve upgrades in<br />

the sawmill line and comprise<br />

approximately SEK 100 million<br />

($9.8 million).<br />

“Of course, the investments<br />

feel great for us at Hissmofors.<br />

We secure jobs and get a<br />

receipt that Norra Skog<br />

believes in us here in Jämtland.<br />

This announcement inspires<br />

confidence in the future,” says<br />

Thomas Haiduga, sawmill<br />

manager in Hissmofors.<br />

Facts<br />

The sawmill in Hissmofors<br />

currently has an annual<br />

production of approximately<br />

170,000 cubic meters, with the<br />

goal of increasing production<br />

to 200,000 cubic meters within<br />

the next two years. Here,<br />

Henrik<br />

Jönsson,<br />

Industrial<br />

Manager at<br />

Norra Timber<br />

Thomas<br />

Haiduga,<br />

sawmill<br />

manager in<br />

Hissmofors.<br />

spruce and pine are sawn and<br />

planed into boards and planks,<br />

and the wooden products are<br />

sent on to customers both in<br />

Sweden and abroad. To make<br />

use of all parts of the forest’s<br />

raw material, Stallströ and<br />

Agricultural litter are made<br />

from the chippings from the<br />

planer. It becomes a litter<br />

product that is clean and free<br />

of dust, which creates a healthy<br />

environment for both animals<br />

and people. Today, around 70<br />

people work at the saw and<br />

planer, which is located just<br />

outside Krokom.<br />

Hampton Lumber Paper-Azzi Campaign aims to showcase benefits<br />

and uses of Northwest wood products<br />

Hampton Lumber has<br />

announced the launch of its<br />

Paper-Azzi Campaign, a fun and<br />

interactive initiative designed<br />

to raise awareness about the<br />

diverse uses and extensive<br />

reach of wood products grown<br />

and manufactured in the Pacific<br />

Northwest.<br />

The campaign invites the<br />

public to spot Hampton Lumber<br />

wrap or products in transit,<br />

lumberyards, or on job sites<br />

and share their photos on<br />

social media with the hashtag<br />

#HamptonLumberJourney.<br />

Each post counts as an<br />

entry to win exclusive Hampton<br />

Lumber merchandise and other<br />

great prizes. Hampton Lumber<br />

will feature submitted photos<br />

on its website and social media<br />

channels.<br />

Hampton operates six<br />

sawmills in the Pacific<br />

Northwest in the communities<br />

of Warrenton, OR, Willamina,<br />

OR, Tillamook, OR, Randle, WA,<br />

Morton, WA and Darrington,<br />

WA.<br />

Most lumber manufactured<br />

by Hampton’s U.S. sawmills<br />

features wrap designed by<br />

high school students from the<br />

communities where Hampton<br />

operates so it’s often easy to<br />

pinpoint where the wood was<br />

grown and processed.<br />

Hampton also manufactures<br />

and markets lumber from<br />

its three sawmills in British<br />

Columbia; Babine Forest<br />

Products, Decker Lake Forest<br />

Products, and Fort St. James<br />

Forest Products.<br />

16 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

Introducing Sawbox: The innovative Wood Processing solution<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Cutting capacity: Up to 8.5 million board feet of wood in two-shift operation.<br />

Log diameters: 10 to 42 in, lengths: 10 to 16 ft 2 in (20 ft on request)<br />

100% self-sufficiency: Cut your own logs, optimize production costs.<br />

Space-saving: Optimum use of fl oor space from 5,400 ft² to a maximum of 10,800 ft².<br />

Long-term predictable prices: Own production ensures stable product prices.<br />

Sustainability and regional added value: Use of local wood, recycling of all wood waste.<br />

Board dimensions: Wide range possible through chipper head, band and rip saws.<br />

Green footprint: up to 75% yield, maximising log utilisation.<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 17

Unmanaged Switches for<br />

Sawmill Video Monitoring<br />

Networks<br />

By: Heidi Schmidt, Global<br />

Sales Manager, Opticom Tech<br />

When you’re setting<br />

up a network for a<br />

sawmill, whether it’s<br />

for production control,<br />

equipment monitoring,<br />

or video surveillance,<br />

there are countless small<br />

and big decisions to<br />

make. With industrial<br />

equipment, computers,<br />

cameras, and other<br />

devices all needing to<br />

work seamlessly together,<br />

choosing the right<br />

network infrastructure<br />

is crucial.<br />

One common decision<br />

we often see with<br />

Opticom Tech customers<br />

in the sawmill industry is<br />

whether to go with managed or<br />

unmanaged switches for their<br />

networks. For many sawmills,<br />

we recommend unmanaged<br />

switches. However, this isn’t<br />

a one-size-fits-all answer. We<br />

always analyze each facility<br />

and their needs before making<br />

a specific recommendation.<br />

Read on for a breakdown<br />

of managed vs. unmanaged<br />

switches and why unmanaged<br />

switches make sense for some<br />

sawmills.<br />

Managed Switches:<br />

Pros and Cons<br />

Managed switches offer more<br />

control and customization over<br />

network operations compared<br />

to unmanaged switches. This<br />

can be beneficial for larger<br />

operations, but it comes at a<br />

cost in terms of complexity and<br />

expenses.<br />

Managed Switches Pros:<br />

• Advanced Control: These<br />

switches allow for detailed<br />

traffic management and<br />

control over data flow,<br />

offering features like VLANs<br />

and port mirroring.<br />

• Enhanced Security: Managed<br />

switches provide support<br />

for advanced security<br />

protocols, which can be<br />

essential in larger networks<br />

where sensitive data is being<br />

exchanged.<br />

• Scalability: If your sawmill<br />

is planning to expand,<br />

managed switches offer<br />

flexible options for growing<br />

networks.<br />

• Remote Management:<br />

You can adjust settings<br />

and monitor the network<br />

remotely using SNMP, CLI, or<br />

web interfaces.<br />

• Improved Performance:<br />

You can prioritize traffic<br />

and minimize network<br />

bottlenecks through efficient<br />

traffic management, which<br />

might be useful for dataheavy<br />

applications like video<br />

monitoring or production<br />

equipment monitoring.<br />

Managed Switches Cons:<br />

• Cost: Managed switches<br />

come at a premium,<br />

which can quickly add<br />

up, especially for smaller<br />

sawmills trying to keep costs<br />

down.<br />

• Complexity: They require<br />

more advanced technical<br />

knowledge for setup and<br />

maintenance, often involving<br />

skilled IT staff.<br />

• Maintenance: Managed<br />

switches demand regular<br />

updates and monitoring,<br />

which increases operational<br />

overhead.<br />

Unmanaged Switches:<br />

Pros and Cons<br />

Unmanaged switches, on the<br />

other hand, are plug-andplay<br />

devices that require<br />

no configuration, making<br />

them well-suited for smaller<br />

operations or sawmills with<br />

straightforward network needs.<br />

Unmanaged Switches Pros:<br />

• Simplicity: There’s no need<br />

for complex setup—just plug<br />

in your devices and get to<br />

work.<br />

• Cost-effectiveness:<br />

Unmanaged switches are<br />

far more affordable than<br />

their managed counterparts,<br />

making them an attractive<br />

option for sawmills looking<br />

to stay within a tight budget.<br />

• Low Maintenance: With no<br />

need for ongoing monitoring<br />

or configuration, these<br />

switches require very little in<br />

terms of upkeep.<br />

Unmanaged Switches Cons:<br />

• Limited Control: While<br />

this simplicity can be an<br />

advantage, you lose the<br />

ability to manage traffic or<br />

prioritize data. However, for<br />

many sawmills, this isn’t an<br />

issue, especially for video<br />

monitoring and equipment<br />

tracking where constant data<br />

flow is key.<br />

• Security: Managed<br />

switches offer more in<br />

terms of security, but for<br />

many sawmills, this may<br />

not be necessary. With<br />

fewer advanced settings,<br />

there’s also less risk of<br />

misconfiguring something<br />

that could lead to security<br />

vulnerabilities.<br />

• Scalability: Unmanaged<br />

switches may struggle to<br />

keep up as your sawmill<br />

grows. If you foresee a large<br />

expansion in the near future,<br />

a managed switch might be a<br />

better long-term investment.<br />

Why Unmanaged<br />

Switches Make Sense<br />

for Many Sawmills<br />

Sawmills depend on reliable<br />

networks to operate machinery,<br />

ensure safety, and maintain<br />

production efficiency. After<br />

25+ years working with them,<br />

we know one of the things<br />

that creates problems for<br />

operators and production:<br />

bottlenecks. When you choose<br />

to use managed switches, if<br />

they’re not set up and managed<br />

properly, they can cause a<br />

bottleneck.<br />

Unmanaged switches,<br />

however, eliminate this<br />

concern. They ensure that<br />

data from video cameras<br />

flows freely. In a sawmill,<br />

where production efficiency<br />

is paramount, an unmanaged<br />

switch ensures continuous<br />

monitoring and data flow<br />

without the complexity of<br />

managing a network.<br />

Cont’d on Page 48<br />

18 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>


The brand<br />

that stands for<br />

commitment<br />

For 100 years, Comact has been at the forefront of wood<br />

transformation. No other brand in the industry better<br />

embodies performance, innovation, and commitment.<br />

Always focused on our customers, we are determined<br />

to shape the future.<br />

Discover our new branding<br />

comact.com/brand<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 19

Celebrating a Century of<br />

Innovation: Comact’s Legacy<br />

and Vision for the Future of<br />

Sawmilling<br />

Since our inception,<br />

we have been at the<br />

forefront of technological<br />

progress. Our dedication to<br />

innovation has consistently<br />

reshaped the wood processing<br />

landscape. One of our most<br />

significant contributions<br />

to the industry has been<br />

in transforming sawline<br />

design and functionality. Our<br />

pioneering work in in-line,<br />

on-the-fly cant optimization<br />

technology has established<br />

new trends by reducing gaps<br />

and increasing production<br />

capacities. The introduction<br />

of the OLI infeed module for<br />

primary breakdown further<br />

optimized recovery based on<br />

log shape, ensuring better<br />

utilization of resources and<br />

maximizing yields. This<br />

advancement has not only<br />

enhanced efficiency but also<br />

set new benchmarks for<br />

performance.<br />

Following the introduction<br />

of our advanced profiling<br />

modules a decade ago,<br />

the recent evolution of this<br />

technology—such as the<br />

double limitless profilers—<br />

has further streamlined<br />

the production process by<br />

eliminating the need for<br />

edgers. This innovation brings<br />

several significant benefits:<br />

it enhances production<br />

performance, boosts<br />

breakdown line speed by up<br />

to 30%, and improves sawmill<br />

flow by reducing the number<br />

of pieces requiring re-run.<br />

Additionally, it lowers edger<br />

operating costs by decreasing<br />

the required workforce,<br />

reducing maintenance needs,<br />

and improving safety by<br />

removing manual operations.<br />

The recent introduction<br />

of the Flare Butt Reducer<br />

has significantly enhanced<br />

processing efficiency.<br />

Comact’s Optimized Flare<br />

Butt Reducer addresses<br />

common log handling issues<br />

by maintaining debarking<br />

line speed regardless of log<br />

shape, reducing the risk<br />

of jamming the debarker,<br />

and improving debarking<br />

quality. This innovation not<br />

only prevents wasted time<br />

As we mark our 100th anniversary in <strong>2024</strong>, we reflect<br />

on a century of groundbreaking innovation and<br />

leadership in the wood processing industry. From<br />

our modest beginnings to becoming a leader in<br />

technological advancements, our journey has been<br />

defined by our commitment to pushing boundaries<br />

and transforming the industry. Under the unified<br />

Comact brand, we continue to build on this legacy,<br />

embracing a vision that promises to drive the next<br />

century of growth and excellence.<br />

20 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>


and damage to downstream<br />

mechanical components but<br />

also ensures the maximum<br />

rate of your sawing line. Often<br />

overlooked in debarking line<br />

design, this equipment offers<br />

substantial benefits, allowing<br />

you to maximize investments<br />

and adapt more effectively<br />

to variations in wood supply.<br />

These advancements reflect<br />

our commitment to pushing the<br />

boundaries of sawline design<br />

and functionality.<br />

Our project services have<br />

played a crucial role in our<br />

evolution. We have established<br />

ourselves as a leader in<br />

delivering greenfield facilities<br />

with exceptional speed and<br />

precision. Our exclusive<br />

capability to supply over 95%<br />

of the equipment required for<br />

these facilities has set us apart,<br />

enabling us to offer best-inclass<br />

operations across North<br />

America. This efficiency and<br />

comprehensive service have<br />

been central to our success and<br />

have reinforced our position<br />

as a top high-tech OEM in the<br />

industry.<br />

Our Wave Feeder, an<br />

industry benchmark with over<br />

1,000 units sold, exemplifies<br />

our dedication to operational<br />

excellence. This innovative log<br />

singulator has set the standard<br />

for modern production<br />

processes and highlights our<br />

focus on setting high industry<br />

standards. By continually<br />

advancing our technology<br />

and improving our products,<br />

we have demonstrated our<br />

commitment to providing<br />

the best solutions for our<br />

customers.<br />

Over the past two years,<br />

we have focused on developing<br />

AI-powered Smart Vision<br />

applications to enhance<br />

process flow and safety. These<br />

advanced Smart Vision systems<br />

are designed to monitor and<br />

interact with plant operations,<br />

providing sophisticated<br />

capabilities for optimizing<br />

processes such as log infeed<br />

and deck management. By<br />

detecting anomalies and<br />

promptly halting the line to<br />

prevent issues, these systems<br />

not only improve operational<br />

efficiency but also enhance<br />

worker safety by continuously<br />

monitoring environmental<br />

conditions.<br />

Looking ahead, our focus<br />

on artificial intelligence (AI)<br />

has elevated optimization<br />

processes to unprecedented<br />

levels. As the first OEM to<br />

introduce IoT solutions and<br />

connected operations,<br />

we have seamlessly integrated<br />

AI with emerging technologies<br />

such as machine learning and<br />

deep learning. This integration<br />

has enabled us to enhance<br />

our offerings and prepare for<br />

the future, ensuring that we<br />

remain at the cutting edge of<br />

technological advancement.<br />

Our commitment to leveraging<br />

AI and IoT underscores our<br />

vision for the next century,<br />

positioning us to lead the<br />

industry in innovation and<br />

performance.<br />

As we honor our past<br />

achievements and embrace<br />

the future, our dedication to<br />

advancing the wood processing<br />

industry remains steadfast.<br />

With a legacy of innovation<br />

and a passion for excellence,<br />

we are committed to shaping<br />

the future with cutting-edge<br />

technology and customerfocused<br />

solutions.<br />

Guided by these principles,<br />

we will continue setting new<br />

standards, driving progress,<br />

and leading the industry into<br />

an exciting new century of<br />

growth and transformation.<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 21

Antti Eskola appointed Mill Manager of Metsä Fibre’s Renko sawmill<br />

Metsä Fibre has announced the<br />

appointment of Antti Eskola<br />

M.Sc (Engineering) as the new<br />

Sawmill Manager of its Renko<br />

sawmill, effective 1 <strong>November</strong><br />

<strong>2024</strong>.<br />

Eskola brings a wealth of<br />

experience from his previous<br />

roles within Metsä Group,<br />

where he was responsible<br />

for procurement and contract<br />

management for the Kemi<br />

bioproduct mill project. He<br />

has also played a key role in<br />

several strategic procurement<br />

initiatives and held various<br />

positions within the company’s<br />

procurement division.<br />

In his new position, Eskola<br />

will report to Virva Juhola,<br />

Senior Vice President of<br />

Production for Metsä Fibre’s<br />

sawmill business. Metsä<br />

Fibre, a leading player in<br />

pulp and sawmill production,<br />

is known for producing<br />

not only sawn timber and<br />

pulp but also bioproducts<br />

such as biochemicals and<br />

bioenergy, all derived from<br />

sustainable northern wood as<br />

an alternative to fossil-based<br />

materials.<br />

In 2023, Metsä Fibre<br />

recorded sales of EUR 2.5<br />

billion and employs around<br />

1,600 people. Metsä Group,<br />

the parent company, achieved<br />

sales of EUR 6.1 billion and is<br />

owned by more than 90,000<br />

Finnish forest owners through<br />

the Metsäliitto Cooperative.<br />

Antti Eskola<br />

Timber company relies on electric drive<br />

of the wood raw material. For<br />

internal roundwood transport,<br />

they were also looking for<br />

a sustainable solution and<br />

chose the 735 E with an<br />

electric drive. “We identify with<br />

SENNEBOGEN’s values and<br />

also rely on forward-looking<br />

technologies that make a<br />

positive contribution to our<br />

environment,” says Erich<br />

Helfenstein.<br />

Erich Helfenstein,<br />

Head of Roundwood<br />

Procurement<br />

In the picturesque Swiss<br />

canton of Lucerne, the Tschopp<br />

family has been operating<br />

a sawmill since 1959, which<br />

today is one of the most<br />

important and modern wood<br />

processing companies in the<br />

country. The family business,<br />

now in its third generation led<br />

by Ronald and Daniel Tschopp,<br />

employs 130 people and<br />

processes 130,000 solid meters<br />

of roundwood annually on an<br />

80,000 m² site.<br />

Since <strong>November</strong> 2023,<br />

Tschopp AG has been relying<br />

on an innovative solution<br />

from SENNEBOGEN: the<br />

735 E with electric drive and<br />

trailer. The new acquisition<br />

was officially confirmed at<br />

bauma 2022 together with<br />

SENNEBOGEN’s sales and<br />

service partner Kuhn Schweiz<br />

AG. Erich Helfenstein, Head<br />

of Roundwood Procurement,<br />

emphasizes: “We chose the<br />

electric drive for a very simple<br />

reason: fuel prices are high,<br />

and by using the 735 E Electric<br />

Drive, we can massively<br />

reduce our consumption.”<br />

The new material handler<br />

impresses with its outstanding<br />

performance and operates<br />

much more quietly and<br />

smoothly than conventional<br />

diesel machines – a great<br />

advantage in the noisesensitive<br />

environment of a<br />

sawmill.<br />

Tschopp Fo cuses on<br />

Re gion al ity & Sus tain abil ity<br />

Tschopp AG sources its<br />

wood regionally within a 100<br />

km radius. The transport is<br />

organized by the company<br />

itself and is mostly carried out<br />

with in-house trucks to ensure<br />

seamless further processing<br />

at the plant. Sustainability is<br />

also a priority in production: an<br />

in-house wood plant supplies<br />

the site with green energy<br />

through 100 percent utilization<br />

Ef fi cient use with Trailer<br />

The main tasks of the<br />

SENNEBOGEN 735 E include<br />

unloading trucks, removing<br />

wood from sorting boxes,<br />

and feeding the saw line. In<br />

addition to the special trailer<br />

attachment, the material<br />

handler stands out for its<br />

unique features that enable<br />

smooth and efficient operation.<br />

The rear-pivoted boom ensures<br />

optimal weight distribution,<br />

while the robust undercarriage<br />

is capable of towing trailers<br />

weighing up to 30 tons. With<br />

a stacking height of around<br />

10 meters and a reach of 11.3<br />

meters, even challenging<br />

loading and unloading tasks<br />

can be handled effortlessly.<br />

Additionally, the machine has<br />

been equipped with an extra<br />

grid and cameras to ensure<br />

work safety for employees.<br />

22 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

40+ YEARS<br />




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International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 23

BID Group becomes Comact: Pioneering the future of wood processing<br />

VANCOUVER, British Columbia,<br />

September 12, <strong>2024</strong> — BID<br />

Group, a leader in the wood<br />

processing industry for over a<br />

century, has announced its new<br />

identity as Comact.<br />

This transition marks a<br />

significant evolution in the<br />

company’s journey and reflects<br />

its commitment to innovation<br />

and excellence.<br />

From its origins as an OEM,<br />

Comact has been instrumental<br />

in transforming the wood<br />

processing industry. The<br />

company has consistently<br />

invested in research and<br />

development, addressed<br />

customer challenges, and<br />

adapted to their evolving<br />

needs. Through strategic<br />

alliances and acquisitions<br />

of leading brands, Comact<br />

has established itself as<br />

a world-class leader and<br />

pioneer renowned for its highperformance<br />

technology and<br />

equipment and its exceptional<br />

customer engagement.<br />

“The decision to transition<br />

to Comact aligns with our<br />

strategic plan to expand<br />

as a high-tech OEM with<br />

key customers worldwide,”<br />

explained Alistair Cook,<br />

president and CEO. “This<br />

new identity signifies the<br />

beginning of a transformative<br />

phase for us. We are<br />

reaffirming our commitment<br />

to being the premier OEM<br />

in the industry by delivering<br />

cutting-edge technologies,<br />

world-class project services,<br />

and unparalleled dedication—<br />

qualities that have cemented<br />

Comact’s reputation as<br />

a market leader in highperformance,<br />

innovative<br />

solutions.”<br />

As Comact, the company<br />

will continue to focus on<br />

what matters most to its<br />

clients: optimizing operational<br />

performance, leveraging<br />

advanced technologies, and<br />

delivering exceptional field<br />

support. Our comprehensive<br />

project services, including<br />

construction and installation,<br />

will continue without<br />

interruption.<br />

Today, the company is also<br />

unveiling its new brand identity<br />

and logo, which embody its<br />

customer-centric approach<br />

and the robustness and high<br />

performance of its equipment.<br />

The company will gradually<br />

Alistair Cook, Comact<br />

president and CEO<br />

implement the new brand<br />

across all touchpoints starting<br />

now. Customers, partners,<br />

and stakeholders can expect<br />

a seamless transition with no<br />

disruption to its operations.<br />

Further details will be shared<br />

soon.<br />

BID Group, now Comact launches innovative 360° Experience Website<br />

Comact, a leader in wood<br />

processing solutions, is thrilled<br />

to announce the launch of<br />

its innovative new website,<br />

offering a comprehensive<br />

360-degree experience of its<br />

products. This groundbreaking<br />

feature, a first in the industry,<br />

allows visitors to virtually<br />

tour a sawmill and explore<br />

BID Group’s offerings in<br />

an immersive, interactive<br />

environment.<br />

The launch of this website<br />

marks a significant milestone<br />

in Comact’s commitment to<br />

leveraging advanced digital<br />

technologies to enhance<br />

customer engagement<br />

and support. Visitors can<br />

navigate through a fully<br />

operational sawmill, gaining<br />

unprecedented insights into<br />

the company’s solutions.<br />

“We are incredibly excited<br />

to introduce this pioneering<br />

360-degree experience to our<br />

customers and partners,” said<br />

Simon Potvin, President of<br />

Wood Processing at Comact.<br />

“This innovative platform<br />

represents a new era in how<br />

we showcase our solutions<br />

and engage with our audience.<br />

By providing a virtual tour, we<br />

are offering transparency and<br />

accessibility, allowing users<br />

to see the full scope of our<br />

capabilities in a dynamic and<br />

engaging way.”<br />

The website’s 360-degree<br />

experience is made possible<br />

thanks to the support of<br />

Biewer Lumber, who allowed<br />

Comact to film their sawmill.<br />

This collaboration has enabled<br />

Comact to create a realistic and<br />

detailed virtual environment<br />

that accurately reflects the<br />

complexities and efficiencies of<br />

a modern sawmill.<br />

Comact’s new website is<br />

designed to be a valuable<br />

resource for industry<br />

professionals, offering<br />

detailed information about<br />

the company’s full range of<br />

products and services. By<br />

incorporating this innovative<br />

360-degree experience,<br />

Comact continues to push the<br />

boundaries of what’s possible,<br />

setting new standards for<br />

customer engagement and<br />

support.<br />

To explore the new<br />

360-degree experience and<br />

learn more about Comact’s<br />

cutting-edge solutions, visit<br />

www.comact.com.<br />

BID Automation becomes Core Integrators<br />

September 4, <strong>2024</strong>, BID<br />

Automation, a subsidiary<br />

of BID Group known for its<br />

expertise in control systems<br />

across various manufacturing<br />

sectors, is rebranding as CORE<br />

Integrators.<br />

This rebranding signifies the<br />

organization’s continued push<br />

for strategic expansion beyond<br />

wood processing into a broader<br />

range of industries, including<br />

agriculture, food and beverage,<br />

steel, textiles, asphalt<br />

production, automotive,<br />

recycling, biomass, and more.<br />

Despite this diversification,<br />

CORE Integrators will continue<br />

to serve the wood processing<br />

industry.<br />

While the name has<br />

changed, the relationship with<br />

BID Group remains unchanged.<br />

As a part of BID Group, CORE<br />

Integrators continue to<br />

benefit from the same strong<br />

support and resources that<br />

have always empowered<br />

them to deliver exceptional<br />

value to its customers. CORE<br />

Integrators will continue<br />

to leverage BID Group’s<br />

extensive capabilities—all<br />

while advancing its expertise in<br />

system upgrades, robotics, and<br />

plant monitoring and control.<br />

www.coreintegrators.com<br />

24 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>


25<br />

INTO A<br />


IN 6<br />


WITH<br />




Introducing the Combi-CLL Log Loader, based on the highly<br />

successful Combi-CSS Container is incredibly fast compared<br />

to other methods. It can fully load logs into a 40’ container in<br />

under 6 minutes to a 30t capacity. The risk of accidents to the<br />

workforce is minimised and product damage is eliminated.<br />

The Logs are pre-loaded into the robust, 40’ long high-sided<br />

Tub. The patented push-pull mechanism powers the loaded<br />

Tub into the container. Once inside, the Hatch is closed to hold<br />

the logs securely in place, and the Tub is retracted.<br />


To find out how Combilift can help you unlock every inch of your<br />

storage space.<br />



Joey Nelson sings and<br />

plays the guitar on the<br />

main stage at TP&EE<br />

JoeScan Rocks Out at TP&EE<br />

Another Timber<br />

Processing & Energy<br />

Expo was marked a<br />

big success for team<br />

JoeScan. The sawmill<br />

scanner manufacturer<br />

enjoys playing host at<br />

the event, which takes<br />

place just 3 highway<br />

exits away from their new<br />

world headquarters in<br />

Vancouver, Washington.<br />

“<br />

We love getting to see<br />

folks from all over<br />

the world right in<br />

our backyard,” says JoeScan<br />

president and founder Joey<br />

Nelson. “TP&EE lets us chat<br />

face-to-face with sawmill<br />

operators and managers about<br />

the scanning issues affecting<br />

their production.<br />

We also get to sit down<br />

with our optimization partners<br />

to develop new solutions<br />

to these challenges. It’s the<br />

perfect place to check-in with<br />

customers, collaborate, and<br />

generate new ideas.”<br />

JoeScan welcomed visitors<br />

from around the world in their<br />

booth, including integrators<br />

from throughout the US &<br />

Canada, Japan, Germany,<br />

Estonia, and New Zealand.<br />

Music fans were even<br />

treated to a bluegrass<br />

performance from JoeScan’s<br />

founder Joey Nelson, and<br />

his brother Jeff Nelson and<br />

“Uncle” Tony Fuentes of Nelson<br />

Brothers Engineering.<br />

For more information about<br />

JoeScan and its range of<br />

scanning solutions, visit<br />

www.joescan.com<br />

Joey Nelson greets visitors in the JoeScan booth<br />

JoeScan VP of Engineering Jason Farmer discusses sawmill<br />

scanning technology with a TP&EE attendee<br />

26 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

JS-50<br />

X6B<br />



EDGERS<br />

JS-50<br />

WX<br />


EDGERS &<br />

MORE<br />

JS-50<br />

Z8<br />


C FRAME &<br />


International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 27

Bright Wood purchases eight<br />

USNR AddVantage scanners<br />


As their old equipment started<br />

to lag behind what was needed<br />

for the business, Bright Wood<br />

turned to USNR’s AddVantage<br />

scanners for a solution. Bright<br />

Wood purchased eight systems<br />

with the plan to replace<br />

existing scanners and to add<br />

more locations.<br />

The goal was to utilize<br />

the system’s AI defect<br />

programming to help reduce<br />

the amount of waste, create<br />

fewer cutbacks, and produce<br />

an overall better product for<br />

their customers.<br />

An outdated scanning<br />

system can be severely<br />

detrimental to any facility.<br />

From slow processing time<br />

to misallocated manpower to<br />

excess waste, it can be the<br />

weak link that costs a mill<br />

thousands of dollars every<br />

year. This is exactly what led<br />

Bright Wood to search for<br />

alternative scanner options.<br />

The AddVantage uses AIdriven<br />

defecting technology<br />

that provides industry-leading<br />

detection and classification<br />

of defects. But finding the<br />

AddVantage was just the<br />

beginning. Upgrading and<br />

refining their process has<br />

now led Bright Wood to new<br />

ventures and better product.<br />

Also see pages 34 & 35<br />

Burton Mill Solutions acquires Industrial Cutting Tools<br />

Burton Mill Solutions has<br />

announced its acquisition<br />

of Industrial Cutting Tools<br />

(ICT), based in Quitman,<br />

Georgia. ICT specializes<br />

in reconditioning<br />

industrial cutting tools for<br />

sawmill, chip, and pellet<br />

operations throughout<br />

the Southeastern U.S.<br />

This acquisition<br />

significantly expands<br />

Burton’s geographic<br />

footprint and enhances its<br />

technical capabilities, enabling<br />

better service to primary wood<br />

producers who outsource the<br />

reconditioning of their circle<br />

and band saws and machine<br />

knives.<br />

With the addition of ICT,<br />

Burton strengthens its already<br />

comprehensive technical<br />

expertise in wood processing<br />

technology, including wideband<br />

and circle saws, industrial<br />

knives, filing room equipment,<br />

reconditioning services, and<br />

industrial wear parts<br />

Chuck Wert, Senior Vice<br />

President of Burton, expressed<br />

enthusiasm for the acquisition,<br />

saying, “We are thrilled to<br />

join forces with ICT, as this<br />

partnership will enable us to<br />

elevate our service offerings<br />

and better meet the needs of<br />

our customers in the region.<br />

Our teams share a dedication<br />

to innovation and excellence,<br />

and together we will set new<br />

standards in the industry.”<br />

Walter Cowart, General<br />

Manager of ICT, shared his<br />

thoughts on the merger,<br />

saying, “This is an exciting<br />

opportunity for both companies<br />

to build on our strengths and<br />

improve our service delivery.”<br />

While Walter will remain with<br />

ICT’s prior owner, The Langdale<br />

Company, longtime employee<br />

Scot Mathis has agreed to<br />

take on the role of Operations<br />

Manager. Scot expressed, “I am<br />

looking forward to writing the<br />

next chapter in our company’s<br />

story as we continue to<br />

provide exceptional solutions<br />

that genuinely benefit our<br />

customers.”<br />

Dale Brown, CEO of<br />

Burton Mill Solutions, and<br />

sister companies USNR and<br />

Mid-South Engineering,<br />

commented, “I am pleased<br />

to be expanding our cutting<br />

tools service network. This<br />

acquisition aligns with our<br />

overall mission to provide<br />

innovative solutions that<br />

enhance productivity and<br />

efficiency in the wood<br />

processing industry.”<br />

ICT’s southern Georgia<br />

location will complement<br />

Burton’s existing network of<br />

saw and knife reconditioning<br />

service centres in Maine,<br />

South Carolina, Louisiana, and<br />

Alabama.<br />

Walter Cowart,<br />

General Manager, ICT<br />

Chuck Wert, Senior Vice<br />

President of Burton<br />

Dale Brown, CEO of<br />

Burton Mill Solutions<br />

C<br />

M<br />

Y<br />

CM<br />

MY<br />

CY<br />

CMY<br />

K<br />

28 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

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MiCROTEC Connect: Revolutionizing Wood<br />

Processing at Two Rivers Lumber<br />

MiCROTEC teams up with<br />

Peak North America for<br />

the Next Generation<br />

of Sawmilling.<br />

In the summer of 2025,<br />

Peak North America,<br />

in collaboration with<br />

MiCROTEC, will install the<br />

next generation greenfield<br />

Two Rivers Lumber sawmill in<br />

Alexander City, Alabama.<br />

MiCROTEC will provide all<br />

scanning and optimization<br />

technology for the complete<br />

mill. Driven by MiCROTEC’s<br />

CT Log scanner, the MiCROTEC<br />

Connect solution will link each<br />

step of the process, allowing<br />

full traceability from log to <strong>final</strong><br />

product.<br />

A standout feature of the<br />

sawmill is the integration of<br />

Real Performance Machinery’s<br />

ProDog end dogger system and<br />

ProSaw gang with MiCROTEC’s<br />

CT Log.<br />

This combination,<br />

leveraging ProDog’s rotation<br />

and positioning capabilities,<br />

maximizes the CT Log’s full<br />

potential.<br />

“We are so excited to release<br />

the full power of CT Log’s<br />

optimization capabilities by<br />

pairing it with RPM’s end<br />

dogger. The fact that each<br />

log can be optimized and<br />

sawn to its full potential with<br />

a minimum of positioning<br />

limitations, and to a much<br />

higher precision than<br />

traditional sawing equipment,<br />

makes this a match made in<br />

heaven. In this case, 1 + 1 truly<br />

does equal 3!” says Norvin<br />

Laudon, Head of Sales at<br />

MiCROTEC.<br />

The advanced scanning<br />

solutions for this project<br />

include MiCROTEC’s<br />

CT Log scanner, Logeye<br />

multi-sensor log scanner,<br />

Logeye Stereo 360° imaging<br />

system, Goldeneye Transverse<br />

lumber scanners, and<br />

integrated software and inline<br />

components, creating a fully<br />

connected mill.<br />

“We can release the full power of CT Log’s optimization capabilities by pairing it with RPM’s end dogger.”<br />

30 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

The MiCROTEC Connect<br />

solution, based on the CTscanned<br />

logs, ensures that<br />

each log can be traced from<br />

virtual to real boards and that<br />

individual boards can be traced<br />

back to their original logs at<br />

each production step without<br />

any gaps.<br />

A standout feature of the<br />

sawmill is the integration<br />

of Real Performance<br />

Machinery’s ProDog<br />

end dogger system<br />

and ProSaw gang with<br />

MiCROTEC’s CT Log<br />


Norvin Laudon, Head<br />

of Sales at MiCROTEC<br />

“Simply put, MiCROTEC<br />

Connect allows tracking of<br />

every sawn product through<br />

each step of the production<br />

process back to its parent<br />

log, providing unprecedented<br />

insight into the sawmilling<br />

process. The true power of<br />

knowing how the value of<br />

each piece of lumber changes<br />

through the process is that it<br />

allows the mill to know exactly<br />

where the largest opportunities<br />

for value increases are.”<br />

explains Norvin Laudon.<br />

This project marks a<br />

significant advancement in<br />

the log breakdown process,<br />

starting from log optimization<br />

to secondary processing, all<br />

based on CT scanned logs.<br />

The strategic partnership<br />

with Peak North America<br />

showcases a new level of value<br />

and resource efficiency for the<br />

industry.<br />

“We are excited to work<br />

with MiCROTEC to deliver what<br />

we believe will be the next<br />

generation of log breakdown<br />

technology, coupled with bestin-industry<br />

equipment for all<br />

other areas of the mill.”<br />

Leif Norrgard, CEO of Peak<br />

North America<br />

This collaboration promises<br />

to set new standards in the<br />

industry, combining top-of-theline<br />

technology from various<br />

partners to create superior<br />

solutions, while furthering<br />

sustainability efforts through<br />

optimized resource use and<br />

reduced waste.<br />

Peak North America (PNA)<br />

are a vertically integrated<br />

solutions provider of industrial<br />


VIDEO<br />





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opticomtech.com<br />

construction services across<br />

North America, specializing in<br />

the wood processing sector.<br />

Ground prep underway for Two Rivers Lumber<br />

sawmill in Alexander City, Alabama<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 31


Sawbox - from<br />

debarking via<br />

scanning to<br />

stacking<br />

Introducing SAWBOX: Revolutionizing<br />

the North American Lumber Industry<br />

From Log to Lumber<br />

with One Operator<br />

The lumber industry<br />

is on the cusp of<br />

a technological<br />

revolution, and<br />

SAWBOX is leading<br />

the way with its<br />

groundbreaking ability<br />

to turn logs into lumber<br />

with just one operator.<br />

This innovative sawmill<br />

solution is designed<br />

to meet the needs of<br />

modern wood processing<br />

operations, providing a<br />

compact, automated system<br />

that ensures efficient, high<br />

quality lumber production.<br />

Most importantly, the SAWBOX<br />

allows you to process<br />

diameters up to 42 inches<br />

that you would not be able<br />

to handle in your normal<br />

production operations. For<br />

businesses in North America<br />

the SAWBOX promises to be<br />

a game changer, delivering<br />

benefits that are too significant<br />

to ignore.<br />

Key Benefits of SAWBOX<br />

• Self-Sufficiency<br />

One of the outstanding<br />

features of SAWBOX is its<br />

ability to make companies<br />

self-sufficient. By allowing<br />

companies to cut their own<br />

logs, SAWBOX helps optimize<br />

production costs and ensures<br />

a steady supply of raw<br />

materials. This level of control<br />

over the production process<br />

can significantly improve a<br />

company’s profitability and<br />

operational efficiency.<br />

• Cost-Effective Investment<br />

Setting up a SAWBOX is<br />

much more affordable than<br />

traditional sawing technology.<br />

The reduced investment costs<br />

make it possible for smaller<br />

companies to own and operate<br />

their own sawmills, paving the<br />

way for greater autonomy and<br />

financial stability.<br />

• Increased vs Enhanced Yield<br />

and Efficiency<br />

SAWBOX is designed to<br />

maximize the use of each log,<br />

achieving yields of up to 75%.<br />

This high level of efficiency<br />

not only reduces waste, but<br />

also increases the overall<br />

production, making the most of<br />

the available resources.<br />

• Sustainability and Regional<br />

Added Value<br />

SAWBOX supports the use of<br />

local wood and the recycling<br />

of all wood waste, promoting<br />

sustainability and boosting the<br />

local economies. By sourcing<br />

wood locally and minimizing<br />

waste, companies can reduce<br />

their ecological footprint and<br />

contribute to sustainable<br />

forestry practices.<br />

• Predictable Pricing<br />

With SAWBOX, companies can<br />

enjoy long-term stable product<br />

prices by controlling their<br />

own production processes.<br />

This predictability is crucial<br />

for maintaining competitive<br />

pricing and ensuring customer<br />

satisfaction in a fluctuating<br />

market.<br />

• Impressive Cutting Capacity<br />

The SAWBOX can process up<br />

to 8.5 million board feet of<br />

lumber in a two-shift operation.<br />

It accommodates logs from 10<br />

to 42 inches in diameter and<br />

from 10 to 16 feet 2 inches<br />

(on request 20 feet) in length,<br />

available upon request. This<br />

versatility makes it suitable<br />

for a wide range of lumber<br />

dimensions.<br />

• Space Efficiency<br />

SAWBOX is designed to fit into<br />

spaces ranging from 5,400 to<br />

10,800 square feet, allowing for<br />

optimal use of available space.<br />

This compact footprint is<br />

perfect for companies looking<br />

to maximize their production<br />

capacity without the need for<br />

large, sprawling facilities.<br />

32 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

Embrace the Future with<br />

SAWBOX<br />

For North American wood<br />

processing companies, the<br />

benefits of adopting SAWBOX<br />

are clear. Whether you are<br />

a sawmill, CLT or a gluelam<br />

facility, integrating the<br />

SAWBOX into your production<br />

line can lead to significant<br />

improvements in efficiency,<br />

cost savings, and sustainability.<br />

As the industry continues<br />

to evolve, staying ahead of the<br />

curve is essential. Discover<br />

how SAWBOX can transform<br />

your business, making it more<br />

competitive and resilient in<br />

a rapidly changing market.<br />

By investing in SAWBOX, you<br />

will not only improve your<br />

manufacturing capabilities,<br />

but also contribute to a more<br />

sustainable and economically<br />

vibrant community.<br />

Explore the possibilities<br />

of SAWBOX and take the first<br />

step towards a more efficient<br />

and sustainable future for your<br />

wood processing business.<br />

About SPRINGER<br />

The family-owned company<br />

located in Austria (Europe),<br />

Greer (USA) and Nanaimo<br />

(Canada), plans, develops, and<br />

produces machines and state<br />

of the art solutions for the<br />

The optimized cutting process of Springer´s Sawbox<br />

Machining Center<br />

wood processing industry.<br />

All processes, such as<br />

transporting, sorting, grading<br />

of wood, and automation,<br />

are implemented at the<br />

highest technological level.<br />

Special attention is placed on<br />

sustainability.<br />

The climate-neutral company<br />

employs more than 500 people<br />

worldwide and is managed<br />

by the third generation of the<br />

Springer family, Timo Springer<br />

and Gero Springer.<br />

www.springer-usa.com<br />

Sorter, Stick Laying, Stacking<br />

1 Logs, 2 Debarker, 3 Machining Center, 4 Sorter, 5 Robot on Linear Axis, 6 Lumber packages<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 33


AddVantage Chop<br />

Saw Optimizer<br />

An outdated scanning<br />

system can be severely<br />

detrimental to any<br />

facility. From slow<br />

processing time to<br />

misallocated manpower<br />

to excess waste, it can be<br />

the weak link that costs a<br />

mill thousands of dollars<br />

every year. This is exactly<br />

what led Bright Wood<br />

to search for alternative<br />

scanner options leading<br />

them to the AddVantage<br />

scanner from USNR.<br />

Upgrading with AI<br />

The AddVantage uses AI<br />

defecting technology that<br />

provides industry-leading<br />

detection and classification of<br />

defects.<br />

But finding the AddVantage<br />

was just the beginning.<br />

Upgrading and refining their<br />

process has now led Bright<br />

Wood to new ventures and<br />

better product.<br />

AddVantage features<br />

The key to the AddVantage<br />

scanner’s success is deep<br />

learning artificial intelligence<br />

technology. As more lumber<br />

passes through the system,<br />

the AddVantage scanner hones<br />

its ability to spot high-quality<br />

wood and identify defects more<br />

precisely. It can even identify<br />

defects within defects.<br />

This allows the system<br />

to better understand when<br />

defects can be sawed off to<br />

enhance the quality of the<br />

original board, and when a<br />

board needs to be outright<br />

rejected, minimizing waste of<br />

product and money.<br />

How it all began<br />

As is the case for many growing<br />

businesses, Bright Wood<br />

found themselves in a bit of a<br />

pickle. Their team was ready to<br />

expand, but their equipment<br />

was not. Outdated machines<br />

made it impossible to scan<br />

their product at the rates<br />

required to reach the goals<br />

they wanted to set. At the<br />

forefront of this issue was their<br />

scanning systems.<br />

“Before, we had another<br />

scanner in place [from a<br />

different company],” says<br />

Scanner Technician Stephanie<br />

Garcia. “It was very slow,<br />

outdated…Production through<br />

the plant wasn’t the best. It<br />

wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t as<br />

optimal as it could be.”<br />

And so, the team went<br />

looking for a new scanner,<br />

one that could keep up with<br />

demand. One that had AI<br />

learning capabilities. Which<br />

is how they came upon the<br />

AddVantage.<br />

AddVantage uses four-sided multi-spectral vision, infrared, laser, and geometric<br />

profiles to identify and classify a wide range of characteristics<br />

34 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>


The importance of support<br />

While the AddVantage checked<br />

all the boxes, Bright Wood’s<br />

Director of Optimization<br />

Keenan Stovall says the real<br />

clincher was the care and<br />

dedication the USNR team<br />

displayed in helping Bright<br />

Wood every step of the way.<br />

From providing round-theclock<br />

support to following<br />

up on important software<br />

adjustments needed for the<br />

Bright Wood facilities to<br />

offering hands-on training<br />

for operators, Stovall says<br />

it was the USNR promise of<br />

quality customer service that<br />

led his team to choose the<br />

AddVantage.<br />

“[The USNR employees]<br />

want to work with us. We talk<br />

every week…We didn’t want to<br />

feel like we were on an island.<br />

We didn’t want to feel like we<br />

couldn’t have engagement<br />

and improvement…Chad and<br />

the team have been a great<br />

resource.”<br />

It’s all in the details<br />

Installation began in one of<br />

Bright Wood’s larger facilities<br />

in Madras. From the very start,<br />

precision was a must.<br />

Bright Wood largely<br />

processes a variety of wood<br />

for window and door parts, as<br />

well as finger joint pieces, so<br />

sending off perfect boards is an<br />

essential part of the business.<br />

And their scanner can’t get in<br />

the way.<br />

“We were at a point where<br />

we knew we needed to do more<br />

scanning and optimizing,”<br />

Stovall said. “That’s what we<br />

do, we break down wood and<br />

we wanted to be really good<br />

at…We did feel like we had<br />

maxed out our current scanners<br />

and we couldn’t really get any<br />

more out of them the way that<br />

they were and we thought that<br />

artificial intelligence was a way<br />

to take a step beyond what we<br />

were currently.”<br />

As the first AddVantage<br />

scanners went in, Garcia<br />

and her team kept in<br />

regular contact with USNR<br />

representatives and engineers<br />

to make adjustments and<br />

create a scanning system that<br />

was optimized for their work,<br />

including catching some of<br />

their more common defects like<br />

grain distortion, blue stains,<br />

and heart defects.<br />

While these adjustments<br />

were in the works, additional<br />

USNR staff worked closely with<br />

the team at Bright Wood to<br />

properly train operators on how<br />

to use the machine. Between<br />

onsite training, weekly<br />

phone calls, and hands-on<br />

adjustments, the Bright Wood<br />

team soon had a better scanner<br />

and a team of proficient<br />

operators.<br />

Better results<br />

26 - 30 May 2025,<br />

Hannover.<br />

And the benefits were near<br />

instantaneous. By USNR’s<br />

second and third visits to the<br />

facility to make adjustments,<br />

Bright Wood was already<br />

seeing significant gains.<br />

Even during test runs, the<br />

new AddVantage scanners<br />

were breaking Bright Wood<br />

processing records. And,<br />

according to Stovall, the<br />

system was substantially<br />

better at spotting fixable<br />

issues, rather than outright<br />

rejecting a flawed board.<br />

“One of the things that was<br />

happening in our old system<br />

is we would have a board that<br />

would have a solution error or<br />

no solution, it would go all the<br />

way to the saw, it would stop,<br />

and then the saw operator<br />

would have to stop production,<br />

pull that piece out, drop it off<br />

somewhere, and it would have<br />

to be cut manually. This new<br />

system just doesn’t have that<br />

problem.” Workers can use<br />

their time more productively.<br />

No need to spend hours sifting<br />

through “rejected” boards or<br />

waste thousands on product<br />

that could have been saved.<br />

And when the team isn’t<br />

bogged down by numerous<br />

shortcomings from their<br />

equipment, the potential for<br />

growth significantly increases.<br />

Moving forward<br />

With new technology comes<br />

new opportunity. Bright Wood<br />

has expanded their product<br />

offering into dimensional<br />

products, running 22 million<br />

board feet through the seventh<br />

scan line in their Culver facility<br />

alone.<br />

Their next goals include<br />

expanding in hardwood and<br />

poplar species, as well as fully<br />

realizing the scope of what<br />

deep learning AI technology<br />

has to offer. “There’s more to<br />

be tapped into,” says Stovall,<br />

“and we look forward to<br />

exploring the technology’s full<br />

potential.”<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 35

New! The USNR Compact Shape Saw<br />

delivers big results with a smaller footprint<br />

USNR launched at TP&EE<br />

Show the all-new<br />

Compact Shape Saw<br />

(CSS) system, the industry’s<br />

most advanced secondary<br />

processing system. It offers<br />

durability, reliability, and<br />

higher accuracy, resulting<br />

in superior quality lumber<br />

and chip production, all in a<br />

significantly smaller footprint.<br />

Smaller footprint, better<br />

output<br />

The Compact Shape Saw<br />

(CSS) was designed from the<br />

ground up to provide advanced<br />

solution capabilities including<br />

skewed sideboards, improved<br />

lumber finish, and less off-size<br />

lumber. The result is higher<br />

recovery and higher value.<br />

The machine requires 53%<br />

less linear space than an<br />

equivalent USNR HSS layout<br />

and it significantly improves<br />

contact with each piece as it is<br />

processed, adding stability and<br />

improving the quality of boards<br />

being produced.<br />

It’s also taken maintenance<br />

access to the next level with a<br />

unique walk-up design that’s<br />

the most ergonomic on the<br />

market. This, plus maintenance<br />

advancements like Quick<br />

Change Assemblies and<br />

Automatic Maintenance Pins,<br />

make for safer, quicker repairs.<br />

The CSS is comprised of<br />

individual modules all working<br />

together to provide the<br />

highest-quality products and<br />

the most efficient operation<br />

Easier installation and<br />

maintenance<br />

USNR accomplishes as much<br />

pre-assembly as possible in<br />

The unique walk-up maintenance platform makes the<br />

CSS the most ergonomic system on the market.<br />

Easy-to-access service platform<br />

the shop, so very little is left to<br />

be done in the field, lowering<br />

overall installation cost. The<br />

CSS then scales up quickly to<br />

production levels for faster ROI.<br />

They have also taken<br />

maintenance access to the next<br />

level with a walk-up design<br />

that is the most ergonomic<br />

system on the market.<br />

36 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>


The CSS also comes with<br />

maintenance advancements<br />

like Quick Change Assemblies<br />

and Automatic Maintenance<br />

Pins for safe and quick repairs<br />

and operation<br />

CSS feed modules<br />

Infeed, intermediate, and<br />

outfeed modules feature<br />

rolls driven either by coupled<br />

gearboxes or drivelines<br />

• Interchangeable, lift-out<br />

press roll assemblies<br />

• Interchangeable, slide-out<br />

bed roll assemblies<br />

• Infeed and intermediate<br />

modules slide sideways for<br />

best-in-class maintenance<br />

access<br />

CSS Canter<br />

CSS canter module<br />

Delivers the best secondary<br />

breakdown solutions on the<br />

market when paired with the<br />

Compact Shape Gang<br />

• Best-in-class stability<br />

• Profiler and canter function<br />

independently to accurately<br />

follow the solution curve<br />

• Achieves a 96’ curved radius<br />

or 4” per 16’ on curved<br />

solution<br />

• Chipper-profiler system<br />

operates with ±6° of rotation<br />

• Chipper can process up to<br />

12” nominal cants<br />

CSS Gang<br />

Variable bedline sawbox<br />

always splits the cut between<br />

the top and bottom arbors on<br />

all cant sizes:<br />

• Designed from the ground up<br />

for shifting timber pockets<br />

on top and bottom arbors<br />

• Fully automatic saw<br />

mismatch and arbor wear<br />

adjustment via setworks on<br />

top and bottom arbors<br />

• Vertical saw guides give<br />

unparalleled access for saw<br />

change<br />

• Oversized turret bearing<br />

used as pivot for increased<br />

stability and precision<br />

CSS infeed, intermediate, and outfeed modules<br />

The CSS Gang has a variable height sawbox with variable bedline.<br />

This means that all cants are always split evenly between the top<br />

and bottom arbors as they are being processed through the gang.<br />

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International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 37

Tigercat | TCi:<br />

Prime Movers, Dozers,<br />

Mulching Attachments<br />

In addition to timber<br />

harvesting, Tigercat | TCi<br />

machines are used in<br />

many industrial applications<br />

including construction,<br />

land clearing, silviculture,<br />

site preparation, forest<br />

management and fire<br />

mitigation — wherever highly<br />

mobile, durable and reliable<br />

carriers are required for rugged<br />

terrain, high duty cycles,<br />

extreme temperatures, and<br />

high levels of airborne debris.<br />

TCi 920 dozer<br />

Originally designed for forestry<br />

applications, the TCi 920 is a<br />

rugged and powerful dozer<br />

that is capable of handling the<br />

toughest jobs both in and out<br />

of the forest. Unlike standardbuild,<br />

mass production dozers,<br />

the 920 is built forest-ready<br />

without the need for optional<br />

guarding or heavy-duty<br />

packages.<br />

The 920 dozer is powered<br />

by a 4.5 litre 4-cylinder FPT<br />

engine. It makes 135 hp<br />

(net) and 168 hp (maximum).<br />

The Tier 4 <strong>final</strong> engine<br />

aftertreatment system does<br />

not require a diesel particulate<br />

filter or EGR.<br />

The 920 dozer uses a 6-way<br />

power, angle and tilt, or PAT<br />

blade. The blade is available<br />

in 3 sizes. Blade width options<br />

include 3,2 m or (10.5 ft), 3,6 m<br />

(11 ft), and 3,7 m (12 ft). Blade<br />

movements are quick thanks<br />

to a large hydraulic pump.<br />

Blade function speeds are<br />

fully configurable within the<br />

intuitive touchscreen machine<br />

control system.<br />

The structure of the blade<br />

is designed to reduce stress in<br />

areas where other blades tend<br />

to crack. An integrated and<br />

boxed in spill guard is included<br />

on the top of the blade’s<br />

moldboard.<br />

The TCi 920 dozer is capable of the toughest applications in and<br />

out of the forest<br />

The blades structure along<br />

with large lift and tilt cylinders<br />

is designed to handle heavy<br />

abuse in applications like<br />

stump removal.<br />

The ergonomically designed<br />

cab offers an exceptionally<br />

rugged, quiet and comfortable<br />

workspace with excellent<br />

heating and cooling capacity.<br />

The large parallel action<br />

seat has many adjustments<br />

to suit any operator. The seat<br />

cushion moves independently<br />

of the seat back rest. The<br />

seat back reclines and is fully<br />

adjustable, with seat angle and<br />

seat extension adjustment,<br />

as well as lumbar support.<br />

The seat suspension is strong<br />

and durable, featuring weight<br />

adjustment and firmness<br />

control. Combined with cab<br />

climate control system,<br />

integrated heating and cooling<br />

keeps the operator comfortable<br />

in any weather conditions.<br />

The 920 was designed to<br />

maximize operator visibility.<br />

The full-length cab door<br />

windows allow the operator to<br />

see the tracks and both sides<br />

of the blade where it contacts<br />

the ground, with clear visibility<br />

to the end bits.<br />

The sloping front engine<br />

enclosure provides excellent<br />

visibility to the front of the<br />

machine. The sweeps are<br />

aligned with the cab pillars<br />

to be out of the line of sight,<br />

and unlike competing dozers,<br />

the exhaust stack is located<br />

behind the cab in line with the<br />

rear quarter post, resulting in a<br />

completely clean hood.<br />

The 920 dozer is available<br />

with a number of rear<br />

attachment options. The rear<br />

retrieval hitch is available on its<br />

own, or with the 910 kg (2,000<br />

lb) counterweight. In addition,<br />

auxiliary hydraulics allow the<br />

machine to run a winch or other<br />

rear implements. The 18 tonne<br />

(40,000 lb) rated recovery<br />

winch includes a four-roller<br />

fairlead and integrated hitch.<br />

Functions include power reel<br />

in and out and manual free<br />

spool. The ripper attachment is<br />

a 2-barrel parallelogram design<br />

with 3 pockets and shanks. It<br />

was designed to deliver high<br />

pry-out and penetration forces<br />

and has a robust structural<br />

design. Choice of penetration<br />

or centreline teeth are<br />

available.<br />

4161-15 mulching head<br />

Tigercat has released a<br />

mulching head for swing<br />

carriers in response to<br />

fire mitigation equipment<br />

requirements. The 4161-15 is<br />

a 1,5 metre (59 in) heavy-duty<br />

swing-to-tree mulching head<br />

optimized for use on Tigercat<br />

800 series carriers.<br />

The 4161-15 uses many field<br />

proven components common to<br />

other Tigercat mulching heads.<br />

The rotor design is similar to<br />

4061 series mulching heads.<br />

The 4161-15 offers a choice of a<br />

standard drum or feed control<br />

rotor (FCR). FCR is equipped<br />

with depth gauges in front<br />

of each tooth to control the<br />

cutting depth, reducing load<br />

on the machine. Tool choices<br />

include standard carbide,<br />

heavy-duty rock resistant<br />

carbide, and hardened steel<br />

knife style.<br />

The 4161-15 pivots 130°<br />

(+/- 65°) left or right on a<br />

hydraulically controlled wrist.<br />

Through-tip hydraulic hose<br />

routing through the open<br />

boom tip to the wrist manifold<br />

minimizes exposed hoses,<br />

aiding in reduced wear and<br />

damage.<br />

When paired with the<br />

Tigercat LX830E, this minimal<br />

tail swing, leveling machine<br />

is highly effective at fuel<br />

load management and fire<br />

mitigation on steep slopes and<br />

within tight stands.<br />

Cont’d on IBC<br />

The 4161-15 heavy-duty swing to tree mulching head is<br />

optimized for use on Tigercat 800 series carriers<br />

38 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>



Harvester Heads<br />

New PONSSE H7 harvester head is a<br />

compact, solid, and powerful choice<br />

for all types of logging sites.<br />

The key to fast,<br />

efficient, and<br />

economical<br />

harvesting<br />

Ponsse has a long history<br />

of manufacturing<br />

harvester heads. The<br />

first PONSSE harvester head<br />

was made in Vieremä in 1986.<br />

PONSSE harvester heads have<br />

been designed to withstand<br />

even the toughest conditions.<br />

They are characterised by<br />

a simple and solid structure<br />

which enables them to be<br />

used in various harvesting<br />

applications from harvesters to<br />

track-based solutions.<br />

Each harvester head model<br />

is designed on the basis of<br />

efficiency, durability and ease<br />

of use. Harvester heads must<br />

withstand extreme conditions<br />

while operating accurately and<br />

as gently as possible without<br />

damaging the trunk surface<br />

unnecessarily.<br />

All PONSSE harvester<br />

heads are manufactured and<br />

designed at the Ponsse factory<br />

in Vieremä. The design process<br />

is comprehensive and covers,<br />

in addition to mechanical<br />

parts, operating controls and<br />

software. The manufacturing<br />

process is highly automated<br />

to ensure high quality and<br />

measuring accuracy.<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 39

The frames of harvester heads are<br />

machined from a single piece after the<br />

welding assembly. This guarantees the<br />

highest quality with excellent precision.<br />

Durable hoses and delimbing knives form<br />

an important part of reliability.<br />

Ponsse’s selection includes 10 different<br />

harvester heads for different conditions<br />

from thinning to regeneration felling and<br />

processing. The basic product features<br />

in all models include powerful feeding<br />

as well as quick and efficient sawing.<br />

The harvester heads can be adjusted<br />

according to the trees harvested and the<br />

base machine used, ensuring smooth<br />

operations and a long service life. Their<br />

strong grip and accurate measuring<br />

system ensure excellent measuring<br />

accuracy.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

40 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

10<br />

1 <br />

The PONSSE H5 is a multipurpose<br />

harvester head especially suited for<br />

efficient thinning.<br />

2 <br />

The PONSSE H6 is praised as the best<br />

multipurpose harvester head on the<br />

market. It’s suited to a variety of uses,<br />

ranging from thinning sites with small<br />

trees to regeneration felling.<br />

3 <br />

The New PONSSE H7 is a compact,<br />

solid, and powerful choice for all<br />

types of logging sites. The New H7 is<br />

available with Active Speed variable<br />

feeding speed system.<br />

4 <br />

The PONSSE H7 HD is a very robust<br />

and strong harvester head primarily<br />

for large wheeled harvesters and<br />

tracked based machines. The structure<br />

is based on the popular H7 model, but<br />

it has been reinforced for the special<br />

operating conditions of track-based<br />

machines.<br />

5 <br />

PONSSE H7 HD Euca is designed for<br />

processing and debarking eucalyptus<br />

trees. Thanks to its excellent geometry,<br />

the H7 HD Euca works well also with<br />

big trees. Suitable for both wheeled<br />

and track-based machines.<br />

6 <br />

The sturdy PONSSE H8 harvester<br />

head represents the largest and most<br />

powerful harvester head range for<br />

wheel-based Ponsse harvesters. Its<br />

solid structure and advanced functions<br />

make H8 an extremely durable and<br />

economical tool, with which harvesting<br />

is efficient. Thanks to it´s shape it also<br />

features superior winter features with<br />

minimized snow packing. The Ponsse<br />

H8 is available with Active Speed<br />

variable feeding speed system.<br />

7 <br />

The PONSSE H8 HD is a robust<br />

harvester head with high power and<br />

excellent geometry for demanding<br />

conditions. The H8 HD is designed for<br />

demanding use on large track-based<br />

machines with a powerful hydraulic<br />

system. Also available with a top saw.<br />

8 <br />

The PONSSE H8 HD is ideal solution<br />

for track-based machines.. The H8<br />

HD Euca is an effective tool in forests<br />

where the diameter of eucalyptus<br />

stems can be up to 50 cm.<br />

9 <br />

Strong power, reliable structure and<br />

accurate control in the same package.<br />

PONSSE H9 is excellent in processing<br />

but suits felling and multi-stemming<br />

processing very well. The H9 head<br />

is a real multifunction head. Fast,<br />

effective, rational and most important<br />

productivity. A harvester head of<br />

this size class has never been this<br />

versatile.<br />

10 <br />

The PONSSE H10 is the largest<br />

harvester head in the selection,<br />

suitable for processing large diameter<br />

trees. With a very robust structure,<br />

the H10 is designed for track-based<br />

machines weighing over 25 tonnes.<br />

In spite of its size, the H10 is not<br />

only suitable for processing but also<br />

felling.<br />

New PONSSE H7 - a highly productive midsized harvester head<br />

Sharing a lot of the same<br />

features than H8, new<br />

PONSSE H7’s powerful<br />

feed and excellent power-toweight<br />

ratio add productivity<br />

to operations in all types<br />

of sites. Maximum feed<br />

speed at the correct length,<br />

combined with controlled feed<br />

acceleration and deceleration,<br />

reduces feed damage and<br />

improves machine efficiency.<br />

Thanks to new H7’s<br />

improved geometry, it can hold<br />

up even big trees conveniently.<br />

The adjustable grip pressure<br />

of delimbing knives and feed<br />

rollers, while feed rollers<br />

support trees from below,<br />

guarantees minimal friction<br />

and a firm grip during feeding.<br />

Easy-to-use automated<br />

systems ensure fast cutting<br />

and adjust sawing according<br />

to the tree diameter, improving<br />

the efficiency of sawing and<br />

extending the service life of<br />

the saw blade and chain.<br />

The advanced Active Speed<br />

function is a new feature in<br />

H7 harvester head. It enables<br />

adjusting the speed of the<br />

harvester head according<br />

to tree species and trunk<br />

diameters. This further<br />

improves feeding performance,<br />

thus raising the work efficiency<br />

and productivity to entirely new<br />

levels.<br />

Thanks to its robust<br />

structure, great sawing power,<br />

excellent gripping geometry<br />

and uncontested ability to<br />

enable faster, more efficient<br />

harvesting, new PONSSE<br />

H7 can add value to your<br />

operations at all types of<br />

logging sites.<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 41

The Tigercat 544 is a great<br />

match for selective harvesting<br />

applications in mixed diameter<br />

hardwood and conifer stands<br />

The 340-degree wrist is<br />

field-proven in felling head<br />

applications where maximum<br />

dexterity and positive control<br />

are required. It is best matched<br />

to Tigercat 822 series carriers.<br />

575<br />

Tigercat harvesting<br />

heads are built to match<br />

the high-performance<br />

capabilities of Tigercat<br />

track and wheel carriers<br />

and are well suited to a<br />

variety of jobs including<br />

at-the-stump harvesting,<br />

roadside processing and<br />

debarking.<br />

The new 544 is Tigercat’s<br />

lowest weight class<br />

harvesting head for<br />

track harvesters. Based on the<br />

proven 534 design, the 544<br />

is a three-wheel drive head<br />

with triangulated wheel arm<br />

geometry. The chassis, covers<br />

and tilt frame are designed<br />

to handle the rigors of track<br />

carrier operating conditions.<br />

Four cast steel knife arms, and<br />

fixed front and back knives<br />

provide excellent delimbing<br />

quality.<br />

Targeting trees in the 15-50<br />

cm (6-20 in) diameter range,<br />

the 544 has a maximum main<br />

cut capacity of 790 mm (31 in)<br />

along with a 790 mm (31 in)<br />

feed wheel opening, and 760<br />

mm (30 in) maximum knife<br />

arm opening to handle the<br />

occasional larger tree.<br />

Available with an optional<br />

560 mm (22 in) cut capacity<br />

top saw , the 544 is a great<br />

match for selective harvesting<br />

applications in mixed diameter<br />

hardwood and conifer stands.<br />

Operating weight ranges from<br />

Tigercat Harvesting Heads<br />

1700 kg (3,760 lb) with<br />

standard rotator and link up to<br />

2140 kg (4,720 lb), allowing the<br />

head to be mated to Tigercat<br />

H822 and H855 series carriers<br />

with standard or telescopic<br />

boom sets.<br />

The hydraulically actuated<br />

measuring wheel promotes<br />

positive contact and reduces<br />

component wear. Diameter<br />

measuring on the wheel arms<br />

and front knife arms provides<br />

accurate measurement. An<br />

efficient high-flow hydraulic<br />

system matched to Tigercat<br />

carriers provides excellent<br />

performance and outstanding<br />

fuel economy.<br />

Optional 360 degree<br />

continuous rotation with<br />

through-tip hose routing<br />

and robust, stable wireless<br />

communication is available on<br />

select carriers. Various rotator,<br />

feed motor, feed wheel, knife<br />

arm, and wheel arm choices are<br />

available to tailor the 544 for<br />

specific applications.<br />

For maximum productivity<br />

and performance in eucalyptus<br />

processing applications,<br />

the 544 debarking package<br />

includes several features to<br />

increase productivity and<br />

performance. The feed wheels<br />

and the wheel arm geometry<br />

are designed for debarking,<br />

spiraling the trees during<br />

feeding for better performance.<br />

The feed motor sizes are<br />

tuned for high demand and<br />

productivity. Unique front and<br />

back knife geometry provides<br />

comprehensive tree coverage.<br />

570<br />

The 570 is a 2 wheel-drive head<br />

with canted, independent drive<br />

arms. It is most productive<br />

working with trees 15-50 cm (6-<br />

20 in) in diameter in softwood<br />

and hardwood stands. The 570<br />

The 575 is a heavy duty threewheel<br />

drive harvesting head<br />

with canted, independent drive<br />

arms and is best suited to instand<br />

harvesting in the 18-56<br />

cm (7-22 in) diameter range.<br />

It is very effective in tough<br />

applications and difficult stem<br />

profiles including large limbed<br />

hardwood and crooked trees.<br />

With optional mechanically<br />

timed processor knives for<br />

easier picking, the 575 is<br />

also an excellent roadside<br />

processing head.<br />

The Tigercat 570 harvesting head with the optional fixed<br />

340-degree rotating wrist<br />

is designed to work with the<br />

H822, H845 and H855 carriers,<br />

or a 20-25 tonne forestry<br />

excavator. With optional<br />

hydraulically timed processor<br />

knives, the 570 can also be<br />

used for roadside processing.<br />

The 570 is available with<br />

a fixed wrist for applications<br />

where positive control when<br />

felling high value trees<br />

and trimming large limbs<br />

is required. The fixed head<br />

design combines two proven<br />

technologies – the Tigercat<br />

570 harvesting head and the<br />

Tigercat 340-degree wrist.<br />

The 575 features Tigercat’s<br />

unique three-two Autoshift TM<br />

drive system. When processing<br />

a tree, the head starts in threewheel<br />

drive, maximizing feed<br />

force for faster acceleration<br />

and quickly powering through<br />

bigger trees. As the load<br />

drops, it automatically shifts<br />

to two-wheel drive, improving<br />

efficiency and increasing feed<br />

speed up to 30%.<br />

Cont’d on IBC<br />

42 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

Log Max 5000V:<br />

The ultimate Harvesting Head<br />

for unparalleled logging<br />

performance<br />

The logging industry demands reliable and efficient<br />

equipment to tackle the toughest challenges in<br />

harvesting operations. Introducing the Log Max 5000V,<br />

a state-of-the-art harvesting head that combines<br />

durability, agility, accuracy, and intelligence to<br />

revolutionise logging worldwide. With its reinforced<br />

design, advanced features, and improved servicing<br />

capabilities, the Log Max 5000V sets a new standard<br />

for modern and powerful harvesting heads.<br />

Durability and Cutting<br />

Performance:<br />

The Log Max 5000V boasts a<br />

reinforced frame designed to<br />

withstand the most demanding<br />

logging applications. The<br />

slimmed-down saw box<br />

enhances performance in<br />

snowy conditions, ensuring<br />

optimal cutting efficiency.<br />

Equipped with the new 318<br />

MK2 - 30cc saw, this harvesting<br />

head delivers fast and troublefree<br />

cutting up to 74cm,<br />

guaranteeing exceptional<br />

cutting performance.<br />

Measuring Precision and<br />

Simplified Maintenance:<br />

Accurate measurement results<br />

are crucial in today’s harvesting<br />

operations, and the Log Max<br />

5000V meets this requirement<br />

with its redesigned measuring<br />

unit. The length measuring unit<br />

incorporates smart features,<br />

including a contactless sensor,<br />

easier lubrication, and durable<br />

tapered bearings. Furthermore,<br />

the harvesting head’s<br />

improved accessibility, wellorganised<br />

hoses, and grease<br />

nipples facilitate simplified<br />

maintenance and servicing.<br />

Enhancements and Updates:<br />

To enhance the Log Max<br />

5000V’s durability and<br />

longevity, several updates<br />

have been implemented. The<br />

design of the measuring wheel<br />

hole has been improved,<br />

reinforcing the stoppers for<br />

the feed roller arms inside the<br />

frame, thus increasing strength<br />

and stability. The length<br />

measurement function has<br />

been significantly improved<br />

through the introduction of<br />

a new measuring wheel unit<br />

with a larger wheel, ensuring<br />

superior measurement<br />

accuracy.<br />

Advanced Saw Unit:<br />

The Log Max 5000V<br />

incorporates the enhanced saw<br />

unit 318 MK2 19 cc (True-Cut)<br />

or 30 cc, carefully designed<br />

to optimise work processes.<br />

Upgrades include a more<br />

robust saw bar mount with<br />

protective covers and rubber<br />

seals, ensuring protection<br />

against dirt and moisture. The<br />

saw bar holder now utilises<br />

premium-grade Hardox 450<br />

material, offering increased<br />

strength and longevity.<br />

Additionally, the placement<br />

of the “saw bar home” sensor<br />

has been optimised for easy<br />

access during maintenance.<br />

On the 30cc version the saw<br />

valve is mounted directly to the<br />

motor which greatly increases<br />

responsiveness.<br />

Improved Multi-Stemming<br />

Unit MK2:<br />

The Log Max 5000V’s multistemming<br />

unit has undergone<br />

a redesign, resulting in reduced<br />

weight, increased lifespan,<br />

and simplified serviceability.<br />

The relocation of cylinders<br />

and improved hose protection<br />

increase durability and<br />

minimise the accumulation of<br />

snow and dirt.<br />

Enhanced Four-Point<br />

Measuring MK2:<br />

The Log Max 5000V’s fourpoint<br />

measurement MK2<br />

features new components and<br />

functions to excel in harsh<br />

conditions. The introduction<br />

of a contactless encoder in<br />

the lower delimbing knife<br />

enhances its lifespan and<br />

simplifies maintenance. The<br />

lower delimbing knife now<br />

incorporates an “Active Lower<br />

Knife” function, increasing<br />

lifting power and optimising<br />

tree holding capability.<br />

Additionally, the design<br />

modifications, such as a new<br />

axel nut and improved cable<br />

routing, enhance durability and<br />

reduce the risk of snow and ice<br />

packing.<br />

Conclusion:<br />

The Log Max 5000V represents<br />

a groundbreaking advancement<br />

in the logging industry. With<br />

its unparalleled durability,<br />

cutting performance, precise<br />

measurement capabilities, and<br />

simplified maintenance, this<br />

harvesting head sets a new<br />

benchmark for productivity,<br />

efficiency, and reliability.<br />

Experience the power of the<br />

Log Max 5000V and unlock its<br />

potential to revolutionise your<br />

logging operations.<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 43

Ponsse and Forest Fuel Reduction:<br />

Enhancing Sustainable Forestry Practices<br />

Introduction<br />

The global focus on<br />

sustainable forestry practices<br />

has intensified in recent<br />

years, with increasing<br />

recognition of the importance<br />

of managing forests not only<br />

for timber production but<br />

also for ecological balance,<br />

biodiversity, and climate<br />

change mitigation.<br />

One critical aspect of this<br />

management is forest fuel<br />

reduction, a strategy aimed at<br />

decreasing the accumulation<br />

of combustible materials, such<br />

as deadwood, underbrush, and<br />

other organic matter, which can<br />

lead to catastrophic wildfires.<br />

Ponsse, a leading<br />

manufacturer of forest<br />

machinery, plays a vital role in<br />

advancing these sustainable<br />

practices through innovative<br />

technologies designed<br />

to enhance forest fuel<br />

reduction efforts. Says Timo<br />

Savornin, Area Marketing and<br />

Communication Manager at<br />

Ponsse Oyj<br />

The Role of Ponsse in<br />

Sustainable Forestry<br />

Ponsse, headquartered in<br />

Finland, is renowned for its<br />

commitment to developing<br />

high-quality, efficient, and<br />

environmentally friendly<br />

forestry machinery.<br />

Since its inception in 1970,<br />

the company has consistently<br />

pushed the boundaries<br />

of technology to meet the<br />

evolving needs of the forestry<br />

industry. Ponsse’s machinery<br />

is designed to operate in a<br />

variety of forest environments,<br />

enabling the harvesting and<br />

processing of timber while<br />

minimizing environmental<br />

impact.<br />

One of the key contributions<br />

of Ponsse to sustainable<br />

forestry is its development of<br />

versatile and efficient machines<br />

that can be used for both<br />

traditional timber harvesting<br />

and forest fuel reduction.<br />

These machines, including<br />

harvesters and forwarders,<br />

are equipped with advanced<br />

features that allow for precise<br />

cutting, sorting, and removal<br />

of unwanted biomass. This<br />

capability is crucial for<br />

reducing forest fuel loads,<br />

which in turn helps prevent<br />

the occurrence of large-scale<br />

wildfires.<br />

Cont’d on Page 46<br />

Forest Fuel Reduction involves the strategic<br />

removal or modification of vegetation to<br />

lower the risk of wildfires<br />

44 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

Integrated<br />

Operations Group<br />

IOG was initially formed to fill a<br />

void for specialized full-phase<br />

heli-logging services in the forest<br />

industry. Since then, they have<br />

utilized their cumulative production<br />

forestry skill sets to expand into a<br />

variety of services and sectors.<br />

Commercial Thinning<br />

IOG is leading a resurgence in true<br />

commercial thinning in BC. Utilizing<br />

European-inspired technology<br />

and processes, they are helping to<br />

change the way BC thinks about<br />

ground-based forest harvesting. This<br />

includes:<br />

• True high-retention commercial<br />

thinning<br />

• CTL equipment fleet includes three<br />

high-production harvesters, two<br />

full-sized forwarders, and a shortlog<br />

self-loader<br />

2023<br />

Commercial Thinning Advancement<br />

& Company Growth<br />

IOG commits to doubling their<br />

commercial thinning production<br />

with the purchase of two additional<br />

harvesters and a new Ponsse Buffalo<br />

forwarder. A short-log self-loader<br />

was also purchased. Several singlestem<br />

and salvage opportunities are<br />

underway and they have significantly<br />

increased their participation in the<br />

utility sector. Work is underway to<br />

secure an interior office location and<br />

increase their Campbell River office<br />

footprint.<br />

<strong>2024</strong>+<br />

New merch, TV show, & Advanced<br />

Operations<br />

IOG buys new Ponsse Buffalo<br />

Forwarder, to work with their Ponsse<br />

Cobra and Fox Harvesters. They<br />

launch their own merchandise line<br />

and are proud to be featured in CTV/<br />

Discovery Channel’s first series of<br />

Timber Titans.<br />

Intergrated Operations Group<br />

Campbell River,<br />

British Columbia, Canada<br />

(250) 914-8050<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 45

Cont’d from Page 44<br />

Forest Fuel Reduction: A<br />

Critical Component of Fire<br />

Management<br />

Forest fuel reduction involves<br />

the strategic removal or<br />

modification of vegetation<br />

to lower the risk of wildfires.<br />

This process can include<br />

thinning dense stands of trees,<br />

removing dead or diseased<br />

trees, and clearing underbrush.<br />

By reducing the amount<br />

of combustible material,<br />

forest managers can create<br />

conditions that slow the spread<br />

of fires and make them easier<br />

to control.<br />

Ponsse’s machinery plays a<br />

significant role in this process<br />

by providing the tools needed<br />

to carry out fuel reduction<br />

efficiently and effectively. For<br />

example, Ponsse harvesters are<br />

equipped with powerful cutting<br />

heads that can selectively<br />

remove smaller trees and<br />

brush, which are often the<br />

most flammable components<br />

of a forest. Additionally, Ponsse<br />

forwarders are designed to<br />

transport this material out of<br />

the forest with minimal soil<br />

disturbance, preserving the<br />

forest floor’s integrity and<br />

promoting regeneration.<br />

Technological Innovations in<br />

Ponsse Machinery<br />

Ponsse has invested heavily<br />

in research and development<br />

to create machines that<br />

are not only efficient but<br />

also adaptable to various<br />

forestry practices, including<br />

fuel reduction. Some of the<br />

technological innovations in<br />

Ponsse’s machinery include:<br />

• Advanced Control Systems:<br />

Ponsse machines are<br />

equipped with state-ofthe-art<br />

control systems<br />

that allow operators to<br />

precisely manage the<br />

cutting and processing of<br />

timber and biomass. These<br />

systems ensure that only<br />

the necessary materials are<br />

removed, leaving the forest<br />

healthier and less prone to<br />

fire.<br />

• Low-Impact Designs: The<br />

design of Ponsse machines<br />

emphasizes low ground<br />

pressure and minimal<br />

soil disturbance, which<br />

is crucial for maintaining<br />

the ecological balance<br />

of the forest. This design<br />

is particularly important<br />

in sensitive areas where<br />

traditional heavy machinery<br />

might cause significant<br />

damage.<br />

• Energy Efficiency: Ponsse’s<br />

commitment to sustainability<br />

extends to the energy<br />

efficiency of its machines.<br />

The company has developed<br />

engines and hydraulic<br />

systems that maximize fuel<br />

efficiency, reducing the<br />

carbon footprint of forestry<br />

operations.<br />

The Future of Ponsse and<br />

Forest Fuel Reduction<br />

As the frequency and intensity<br />

of wildfires continue to rise<br />

globally, the importance of<br />

forest fuel reduction will<br />

only grow. Ponsse is wellpositioned<br />

to lead the forestry<br />

industry in this area, thanks<br />

to its ongoing commitment to<br />

innovation and sustainability.<br />

The company’s machines will<br />

play an increasingly critical<br />

role in helping forest managers<br />

reduce fuel loads, protect<br />

ecosystems, and mitigate the<br />

effects of climate change.<br />

In conclusion, Ponsse’s<br />

contribution to forest fuel<br />

reduction is a testament to<br />

the company’s dedication to<br />

sustainable forestry practices.<br />

By providing the tools needed<br />

to manage forests responsibly,<br />

Ponsse is helping to ensure<br />

that forests remain healthy,<br />

productive, and resilient in the<br />

face of future challenges. Says<br />

Timo Savornin, Area Marketing<br />

and Communication Manager<br />

at Ponsse Oyj.<br />

Ponsse firefighting Equipment:<br />

The wireless remote controller can adjust the water spray direction<br />

vertically and horizontally, as well as the spray pattern. The local<br />

rescue department<br />

46 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

PONSSE Firefighting equipment for forwarders<br />

Ponsse firefighting<br />

equipment to be<br />

installed in the load<br />

spaces of forwarders for<br />

extinguishing wildfires.<br />

Forest machine is the<br />

most natural and effective<br />

way to access a forest<br />

fire area. Operations in<br />

difficult terrain come as<br />

second nature to them,<br />

and they have more than<br />

enough capacity in their<br />

hydraulic system for<br />

There when needed<br />

The firefighting equipment is<br />

delivered to the fire location<br />

as a single package - and<br />

after it has been connected to<br />

forest machine hydraulics, the<br />

equipment is ready to operate.<br />

The 10 m³ water tank of the<br />

firefighting equipment can be<br />

filled with its own pump from<br />

a natural water source or the<br />

tank of a fire truck. The water<br />

cannon has a range of 47<br />

metres and a turning radius of<br />

360 degrees.<br />

A carefully thought-out<br />

system<br />

• An economical solution - the<br />

forwarder can be engaged in<br />

productive forest operations<br />

when the firefighting<br />

equipment is not needed.<br />

• The water tank withstands<br />

the use of various chemicals<br />

mixed with water, as well<br />

as seawater. It is also light<br />

enough to be lifted into the<br />

machine load space.<br />

• The powerful pump can fill<br />

the water tank from a natural<br />

water source or the tank of a<br />

fire truck.<br />

• The wireless remote<br />

controller can adjust the<br />

water spray direction<br />

vertically and horizontally, as<br />

well as the spray pattern.<br />

The local rescue department<br />

is responsible for planning<br />

firefighting activities. A<br />

properly trained rescue<br />

employee is responsible for<br />

the safety of firefighting.<br />

Rescue personnel operate<br />

the firefighting equipment<br />

and guide the forest machine<br />

operator’s actions when putting<br />

out fires.<br />

demanding conditions.<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 47


UK, Europe, South Africa,<br />

US East Coast<br />

CONTACT: Robin Peach<br />

International Forest Industries Ltd<br />

Tel: +44 (0)1442 877 777<br />

Fax: +44 (0)1442 870 617<br />

robin@internationalforestindustries.com<br />

Japan<br />

CONTACT: Shigeru Kobayashi<br />

Japan Advertising Communications, Inc.<br />

Star Bldg., 3-10-3 Kanda Jimbocho<br />

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051<br />

Tel: 81-3-3261-4591<br />

Fax: 81-3-3261-6126<br />

Email: Shig-kobi@media-jac.co.jp<br />

Western USA (AZ, CA, NV, UT)<br />

Australia, & New Zealand<br />

CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />

J.P.Media Inc<br />

Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />

Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />

Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com<br />

Western USA (MT, ID, OR,WA) & Canada<br />

CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />

J.P.Media Inc<br />

Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />

Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />

Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com<br />

US Mid-West, Central & Mountain<br />

CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />

J.P.Media Inc<br />

1163 E.Ogden Ave, Ste. 705-359 Naperville<br />

IL 60563, USA<br />

Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />

Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />

Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com<br />

Cont’d from Page 18<br />

For video monitoring in particular,<br />

unmanaged switches are ideal since<br />

they let all the data flow through without<br />

interference, keeping camera streams and<br />

bandwidth running smoothly.<br />


Bandit IFC<br />

www.banditchippers.com<br />

COMACT 19<br />

www.comact.com/en/<br />

Combilift 25<br />

www.combilift.com<br />

FAE 8<br />

www.fae-group.com<br />

Halco Software Systems 37<br />

www.halcosoftware.com<br />

Joescan 27<br />

www.joescan.com<br />

Log Max 7<br />

www.logmax.com<br />

LMI Technologies 23<br />

www.LMI3D.com<br />

Microtec 3<br />

www.microtec.us<br />

M&I Materials 13<br />

www.mimaterials.com<br />

Sawmills operate anywhere from a<br />

few dozen to a few hundred cameras on<br />

their video monitoring network. They also<br />

have PCs, servers, and other devices on<br />

the same network. Unmanaged switches<br />

make those smaller video networks easy<br />

to manage, plus:<br />

• They are plug-and-play, so no need to<br />

configure them.<br />

• You can be up and running almost<br />

instantly.<br />

• They allow for faster communication<br />

through the network.<br />

• They support large bandwidth.<br />

Managed switches, while offering<br />

more customization, come with the risk of<br />

speed and bandwidth limits imposed by<br />

IT configurations. This can cause network<br />

issues, including device dropouts or<br />

freezing, which results in unpredictable<br />

downtime. For most sawmills operating<br />

fewer than 50 cameras, unmanaged<br />

switches are the most efficient and costeffective<br />

solution.<br />

Mus-Max 15<br />

www.mus-max.at<br />

Opticom 31<br />

www.opticomtech.com<br />

Ponsse FC/5<br />

www.ponsse.com<br />

Rawlings 12<br />

www.rawlingsmanufacturing.com<br />

Seppi m 10<br />

www.seppi.com<br />

Southern Forest Products Association 2/29<br />

www.SFPAEXPO.com<br />

Springer 17<br />

www.springer-usa.com<br />

Tele Radio 11<br />

www.tele-radio.com<br />

Tigercat 9<br />

www.tigercat.com<br />

USNR OBC<br />

www.usnr.com<br />

If your sawmill requires more advanced<br />

features, you can consider using a mix of<br />

managed and unmanaged switches to get<br />

the best of both worlds. Regardless, this<br />

is an important conversation to have with<br />

your video monitoring partner.<br />

About the Author<br />

Heidi Schmidt, Global Sales Manager<br />

Opticom Tech, opticomtech.com<br />

Heidi has worked in the video technology<br />

space for 20 years, building expertise in<br />

CCTV, industrial video applications, new<br />

product development, video network<br />

solutions, and more. As a sales leader<br />

at Opticom Technologies, she helps<br />

customers implement robust video<br />

monitoring solutions for unique and harsh<br />

industrial environments.<br />

48 International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong>

Tigercat Harvesting Heads<br />

Cont’d from Page 42 573<br />

568<br />

The 568 harvesting head is a<br />

robust, high performance head<br />

designed for tracked carriers.<br />

It is best suited for road-side<br />

processing applications, with<br />

trees in the 15-55 cm (6-22 in)<br />

range.<br />

With timed knife arms and<br />

triangulated wheel arms,<br />

the 568 can quickly pick and<br />

maintain positive tree contact<br />

and control. The patented<br />

four-two Autoshift drive system<br />

provides extra power and<br />

positive grip when feeding<br />

large trees, fast speed in<br />

smaller trees, and full manual<br />

control when desired.<br />

Knife arms feature doubleedged,<br />

replaceable blades<br />

with optimal contour for clean<br />

delimbing. The front floating<br />

knife with spring preload<br />

follows the contour of the tree,<br />

further enhancing delimbing<br />

performance. Other features<br />

of the 568 include optional<br />

continuous rotation with<br />

conventional boom or throughtip<br />

hose routing, laser diffuse<br />

or through-beam find end<br />

sensors, colour marking and<br />

various feed wheels.<br />

The 573 is a heavy duty<br />

three-wheel drive triangulated<br />

harvesting head best suited to<br />

medium and large tree profiles<br />

in the 40-60 cm (16-24 in)<br />

diameter range. Feed rollers<br />

close down to 6 cm (2.5 in) for<br />

maximum versatility. The top<br />

knife and lower/back knife<br />

pivot on the same side of the<br />

chassis frame, aligning the<br />

position and flow of each stem<br />

centrally through the head.<br />

This arrangement promotes<br />

positive contact with all three<br />

feed rollers and the measuring<br />

wheel at all times. The result<br />

is better quality and accuracy,<br />

reduced fuel consumption, and<br />

greater processing speed. The<br />

orientation also provides the<br />

operator with a clear sightline<br />

to the measuring wheel. The<br />

573 is standard equipped with<br />

continuous rotation for ease of<br />

use and superior hose routing<br />

and protection.<br />

534<br />

The Tigercat 534 harvesting<br />

head is matched to Tigercat’s<br />

1165 harvester and sized for<br />

optimal productivity in a 15-50<br />

cm (6-20 in) stem diameter<br />

range. The 534 is a locked<br />

The Tigercat 573 is standard equipped with continuous rotation<br />

three-wheel drive head with a<br />

triangulated wheel arm design<br />

to maintain positive tree<br />

contact and control. Four cast<br />

steel knife arms, along with<br />

a fixed front and back knife,<br />

provide excellent delimbing<br />

quality. Optional mechanically<br />

timed front knife arms assist<br />

with picking from piles when<br />

processing.<br />

Tigercat D7 control system<br />

All Tigercat harvesting heads<br />

use the Tigercat D7 control<br />

system. There are two types<br />

of bucking control available<br />

for D7. Priority-based bucking<br />

logic utilizes a list of operatorentered<br />

log specifications.<br />

D7 Optimization level uses a<br />

value-based logic.<br />

Both Tigercat D7 Priority<br />

and Optimization levels offer<br />

StanForD Classic, StanForD<br />

2010, and PDF production<br />

reporting. Reports can be<br />

viewed onscreen or exported<br />

for later analysis. D7 also<br />

sends production volume data<br />

to RemoteLog®, Tigercat’s<br />

optional telematics system.<br />

When equipped with a<br />

GPS receiver and the GeoInfo<br />

software, D7 provides an active<br />

navigation application using<br />

the machine’s current position<br />

on a georeferenced map.<br />

Cont’d from Page 38<br />

630H silviculture carrier<br />

Tigercat is putting focus<br />

on gaining efficiencies in<br />

the silviculture side of the<br />

forestry cycle. Many forestry<br />

companies struggle to<br />

prepare post-harvest sites<br />

for replanting with modified<br />

agriculture tractors. These<br />

machines are not up to the<br />

task, often suffering from<br />

insufficient power and cooling<br />

capacity and structural<br />

durability.<br />

Tigercat recently released<br />

the 630H silviculture carrier<br />

to address these deficiencies.<br />

Based on Tigercat’s skidder<br />

platform, the machine is<br />

equipped with hydraulic<br />

connectors and several<br />

drawbar receiver variations<br />

to adapt to a variety of plow<br />

or mounding implement<br />

connection points. In addition,<br />

the carrier can be equipped<br />

with an optional winch and<br />

bolt-on fairlead system. The<br />

whole package is factory<br />

equipped and ready to work.<br />

Powered by the Tigercat FPT<br />

N67 engine, it produces 203<br />

kW (272 hp) for T4f and noncertified<br />

emissions compliance<br />

levels, and 206 kW (277 hp)<br />

for Tier 2 emission levels. The<br />

630H carrier has a top speed<br />

of 23 km/h (14 mph)<br />

Initial studies indicate<br />

that the 630H carriers are<br />

quicker, more productive,<br />

and more fuel efficient than<br />

the modified tractors that<br />

they are replacing. Operators<br />

are safe and comfortable in<br />

a modern climate controlled<br />

cab equipped with an air<br />

The 630H Silviculture Carrier<br />

ride suspension seat and<br />

ergonomic armrest mounted<br />

controls.<br />

International Forest Industries | OCTOBER / NOVEMBER <strong>2024</strong> IBC

Millwide. Worldwide. +1.360.225.8267 usnr.com

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