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6029 IFI August September 2024 Digital
6029 IFI August September 2024 Digital
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AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />
100th Edition!<br />
Shredders<br />
& Grinders<br />
Skidders<br />
AI solutions drive<br />
grade recovery
Cuttermill<br />
Chipper Drum<br />
Hammermill (Model HM6420)<br />
Concrete Shaft<br />
Paddle Shaft<br />
Which method is best suited for your application?<br />
Contact a Bandit sales specialist or visit www.banditchippers.com today for more details.
12<br />
TIGERCAT 6900<br />
46<br />
VERMEER LS3600TX<br />
14<br />
The Bandit HM6420 Hammermill<br />
47<br />
18<br />
45<br />
42<br />
Tigercat H-series four-wheel and six-wheel<br />
skidders are designed for serviceability,<br />
reliability, efficiency, and operator comfort<br />
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />
FAE updates its top-of-the-line tracked<br />
carrier. Introducing the PT550<br />
45 PONSSE<br />
Ponsse and Suzano celebrate results<br />
of the Cobra Project<br />
COVER - USNR<br />
The world of automation is common today<br />
in the forest products industry, ushering in a<br />
new era of smart mill technology. And USNR<br />
is on the front lines of that effort.<br />
From the use of deep learning AI in<br />
our highly innovative automated grading<br />
systems, to SAM’s on-the-fly machine<br />
adjustments that automatically correct<br />
cutting and positioning errors, USNR<br />
advancements lead the pack.<br />
Artificial intelligence is now active<br />
on all our auto-grading platforms,<br />
delivering even more value and recovery<br />
while reducing startup times. We’ve<br />
also applied this advanced grading<br />
technology upstream in sawmill edger<br />
and trimmer applications optimizing for<br />
maximum recovery and value.<br />
Visit TPEE booth #711<br />
100th Edition!<br />
Shredders<br />
& Grinders<br />
Skidders<br />
AI solutions drive<br />
grade recovery<br />
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 1
24<br />
26<br />
30<br />
Norra Timber invests SEK 400 million<br />
in advanced X-ray technology<br />
26 BID GROUP<br />
0524<strong>2024</strong>_<strong>IFI</strong>_EtherCAT_TPEE(187mmx125mm).pdf 1 7/11/<strong>2024</strong> 2:21:46 PM<br />
How BID Group’s AI-Powered Smart Vision<br />
Enhances Safety and Efficiency<br />
30 USNR<br />
Pleasant River invests in second USNR<br />
lineal grader<br />
32<br />
Drive Forward with EtherCAT from Delta Motion<br />
BOOTH 841<br />
32 JARTEK<br />
Cutting edge automated solutions -<br />
long term customer relations.<br />
39<br />
C<br />
M<br />
Y<br />
CM<br />
MY<br />
CY<br />
CMY<br />
K<br />
One axis or fifty.<br />
Servo hydraulic or servo electric.<br />
Position, velocity, or force control.<br />
Direct connection or through EtherCAT.<br />
Delta RMC Motion Controllers and<br />
graphical RMCTools software make<br />
complex motion easier, smoother,<br />
and more precise.<br />
Drive over to deltamotion.com or call<br />
1-360-254-8688.<br />
Get your next project moving<br />
forward more quickly than you<br />
thought possible!<br />
39 MiCROTEC<br />
A Unique Approach to Strength Grading:<br />
Virtual Splitting at James Jones & Sons<br />
with the MiCROTEC Solution<br />
40<br />
40 USNR<br />
Red Stag Timber recently started up a new<br />
USNR Bioluma trimline to further increase<br />
production capacity and recovery<br />
2 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
ISSUE 100<br />
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong><br />
Tel:<br />
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Subscription<br />
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the<br />
world<br />
world<br />
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2<br />
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Road<br />
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Herts.<br />
HP4<br />
HP4<br />
2AF,<br />
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UK<br />
UK<br />
Editor<br />
Editor<br />
Robin<br />
Robin<br />
Peach<br />
Peach<br />
robin@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
robin@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
Editorial Board<br />
Dr NORTH Patrick AMERICAN Moore – Chairman SALES and Chief<br />
Professor Kevin Lapham Piotr Paschalis-Jakubowicz –<br />
Warsaw<br />
J.P.Media<br />
Agricultural<br />
Inc<br />
University (Poland)<br />
Mr Kim Carstensen<br />
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />
Director General<br />
Forest Fax: +1 Stewardship (630) 420 9763 Council<br />
Eduardo Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com<br />
Morales<br />
South American Forestry Consultant<br />
Jo English<br />
jo@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
International Forest Industries Ltd<br />
International Forest Industries Ltd<br />
Advertising Manager<br />
Advertising Manager<br />
Emma Smith<br />
Emma Smith<br />
emma@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
emma@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
+44 (0)1442 877 583<br />
+44 (0)1442 877 583<br />
Publisher<br />
Associate Editor<br />
Robin Peach<br />
Robin Peach<br />
robin@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
robin@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
Advertising Production Enquiries<br />
Advertising Production Enquiries<br />
Emma Smith<br />
Emma Smith<br />
emma@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
emma@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
Studio Manager<br />
Luke Evans<br />
International luke@lecreative.co.uk<br />
Forest Industries is published<br />
by International Forest Industries Ltd,<br />
2 Accounts Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road<br />
Berkhamsted, Nicola ShuklaHerts. HP4 2AF, UK<br />
International nicolas@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
Forest Industries (ISSN 1755-6732) is<br />
published bi-monthly by International Forest Industries<br />
Ltd GBR and is distributed in the USA by Asendia USA,<br />
17B International South Middlesex Forest Avenue, Industries Monroe is published NJ 08831 and<br />
additional by International mailing Forest offices. Industries Periodicals Ltd, postage paid at<br />
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©<br />
International<br />
International<br />
Forest<br />
Forest<br />
Industries<br />
Industries<br />
(ISSN<br />
Ltd<br />
1755-6732)<br />
2007 – 2019<br />
is<br />
<strong>IFI</strong><br />
published<br />
uses, as<br />
bi-monthly<br />
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International<br />
units throughout.<br />
Forest Industries<br />
All<br />
Ltd<br />
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distributed<br />
unless otherwise<br />
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additional mailing offices. Periodicals postage paid at<br />
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© International Forest Industries Ltd 2007 – 2023<br />
<strong>IFI</strong> uses, as preference, SI units throughout.<br />
All dollars are US unless otherwise stated.<br />
100th Edition!<br />
Launched in 2007 as a sister publication<br />
to International Mining, International<br />
Forest Industries has grown to become<br />
a leading and influential voice in the global<br />
forestry sector.<br />
Over the years, it has earned a reputation<br />
for delivering comprehensive coverage<br />
on the latest trends, technologies, and<br />
developments in forestry and wood<br />
processing. With a focus on innovation,<br />
sustainability, and industry challenges,<br />
<strong>IFI</strong> serves as an essential resource for<br />
professionals, decision-makers, and<br />
stakeholders across the forestry supply<br />
chain, contributing significantly to the<br />
advancement of the industry worldwide.<br />
I thought I would look at world issues<br />
arising across this period :<br />
The forestry and sawmilling industries<br />
have faced numerous challenges and<br />
changes since 2007. These issues<br />
encompass environmental, economic,<br />
technological, and policy dimensions.<br />
Here’s an overview:<br />
2007-2010:<br />
Economic Downturn & Forest Management<br />
Global Financial Crisis: The economic<br />
downturn led to reduced demand for wood<br />
products, impacting sawmill operations<br />
and forestry management.<br />
Sustainable Forest Management:<br />
Increasing emphasis on sustainable<br />
practices to balance economic needs with<br />
environmental preservation.<br />
2010-2015:<br />
Environmental Concerns & Policy Changes<br />
Deforestation and Conservation: Ongoing<br />
concerns about deforestation, especially<br />
in tropical regions, leading to efforts to<br />
promote conservation and sustainable<br />
forestry.<br />
Certification and Standards: Growth<br />
in forest certification schemes like FSC<br />
(Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC<br />
(Programme for the Endorsement of<br />
Forest Certification) to ensure sustainable<br />
practices.<br />
Climate Change Policies: Introduction<br />
of policies aimed at reducing carbon<br />
emissions from deforestation and forest<br />
degradation, such as REDD+ (Reducing<br />
Emissions from Deforestation and Forest<br />
Degradation).<br />
2016-2019:<br />
Technological Advances & Trade Issues<br />
Technological Innovations: Advances<br />
in sawmilling technology, including<br />
automation and improved efficiency in<br />
wood processing.<br />
Trade Disputes: Tensions between major<br />
timber-producing countries, such as the<br />
softwood lumber dispute between the U.S.<br />
and Canada, impacting trade dynamics.<br />
Urbanization and Land Use: Increasing<br />
urbanization leading to land-use changes,<br />
affecting forest areas and management<br />
practices.<br />
EDITOR<br />
Cont’d on Page 10<br />
<strong>September</strong> 25-27 <strong>2024</strong><br />
4 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Timo Savornin appointed as Ponsse Area Marketing &<br />
Communications Manager, Europe and North America<br />
Timo Savornin has been<br />
appointed as Ponsse<br />
Area Marketing and<br />
Communications Manager,<br />
Europe & North America and<br />
member of the Ponsse global<br />
dealer development team as<br />
of 5 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2024</strong>. In his role<br />
Timo is responsible for the<br />
marketing activities in Europe<br />
& North America, managing<br />
marketing and customer and<br />
dealer communications as well<br />
as working for global dealer<br />
development.<br />
Timo has 15 years of<br />
experience as Area Manager,<br />
North America and Sales &<br />
Marketing Director for several<br />
harvester head manufacturers,<br />
most recently at Nisula<br />
Forest. He has also worked<br />
as harvester and forwarder<br />
operator in Finland and France.<br />
Timo has a degree in Forestry<br />
Engineering and Forest<br />
machine operator.<br />
Timo will be located in<br />
Finland, and he will report to<br />
Jussi Hentunen, Area VP of Asia<br />
and Sales Excellence Team<br />
Lead.<br />
Ponsse’s new solutions for increased<br />
productivity and profitability<br />
Ponsse presents new functions<br />
that support the forest machine<br />
operators in their daily work<br />
and help the forest contractors<br />
to follow up the profitability<br />
and productivity of the machine<br />
park.<br />
These new features are the<br />
PONSSE Scale crane system,<br />
which manages load data<br />
during all work steps, and<br />
the PONSSE High-Precision<br />
Positioning solution, which<br />
helps the machine operator<br />
know the exact position of the<br />
machine and harvester unit.<br />
They also present a material<br />
concept for a cargo space in<br />
fossil-free material. Ponsse<br />
is the first forest machine<br />
manufacturer in the world to<br />
be able to display a part of a<br />
forest machine made of fossilfree<br />
steel from SSAB.<br />
Striving for<br />
a fossil-free future<br />
At the factory in Vieremä,<br />
Ponsse have manufactured<br />
a cargo space for a PONSSE<br />
Buffalo forwarder made of<br />
fossil-free steel from SSAB.<br />
This is a material concept that<br />
investigates the processability,<br />
properties and behavior of<br />
the new material for use in<br />
the manufacture of forest<br />
machinery. The cargo area is<br />
designed for material testing<br />
only and does not correspond<br />
to the production models.<br />
The material concept is part<br />
of the ecosystem project<br />
FORWARD27.<br />
PONSSE Scale<br />
PONSSE Scale is a crane<br />
scale system that weighs,<br />
sorts, saves and processes<br />
load data during all stages of<br />
work. Weighing data collected<br />
facilitates load management.<br />
Exact weight measurements<br />
ensure that the load is optimal<br />
at all times.<br />
The system provides fully<br />
automated weighing during<br />
both loading and unloading<br />
with detailed load registration.<br />
It does not affect the weighing<br />
results if the load is gripped<br />
in the middle or towards<br />
the edges. Load data, load<br />
logbooks and measurement<br />
accuracy data are available<br />
in easy-to-read reports. The<br />
PONSSE Scale has excellent<br />
weather resistance, with<br />
accurate results both in hot<br />
summer temperatures and in<br />
freezing winter temperatures.<br />
PONSSE Scale can be<br />
installed on all Ponsse<br />
forwarders.<br />
PONSSE High-Precision<br />
Positioning<br />
PONSSE High-Precision<br />
Positioning is a solution that<br />
helps the machine operator<br />
know the exact position of the<br />
machine and the harvester<br />
unit. This enables the efficiency<br />
of the felling operation to be<br />
maintained, even under varying<br />
conditions.<br />
Using industry-leading<br />
navigation and positioning<br />
tools alongside Ponsse’s own<br />
advanced technologies such<br />
as Active Crane, High-Precision<br />
Positioning can raise the bar<br />
for reliability to a level that<br />
conventional positioning<br />
systems often cannot achieve.<br />
By defining the exact<br />
position of the harvester unit<br />
and displaying it in a map view,<br />
High-Precision Positioning can<br />
greatly increase harvesting<br />
productivity. The solution<br />
clearly shows where the<br />
operator should cut and which<br />
areas should be avoided. The<br />
location of each felled tree is<br />
saved in the production file,<br />
and the paths created by the<br />
harvester are clearly displayed<br />
to the forwarder.<br />
The new solutions improve<br />
productivity and safety in the<br />
business. They also ensure that<br />
the site is completed reliably<br />
and responsibly on time and on<br />
budget.<br />
High-Precision Positioning<br />
is available in Finland,<br />
Sweden and Germany for all<br />
PONSSE harvesters equipped<br />
with Active Crane, also for<br />
retrofitting. Availability in other<br />
markets will be announced<br />
later.<br />
For more information<br />
Marko Mattila, Chief Sales,<br />
Service & Marketing Officer,<br />
marko.mattila@ponsse.com<br />
Katja Paananen, Chief<br />
Responsibility Officer,<br />
Ponsse Plc,<br />
katja.paananen@ponsse.com<br />
6 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
V E R S A T I L E S E R I E S<br />
5000V<br />
The Log Max 5000V is a modern and reliable harvesting head that<br />
can handle a wide range of logging challenges. This is the perfect<br />
mid-range head for both thinning and final felling. The head can<br />
be equipped with a 82 cm saw bar and has a maximum cutting<br />
diameter of 74 cm. It also features Log Max’s Multi-stemming<br />
MK2, that is agile and lightweight, making thinning work easier.<br />
The Log Max 5000V is suitable for those who seek the perfect<br />
balance between agility, capacity, and durability.<br />
What customers say:<br />
“The cutting and feeding are brutally good and in combination with<br />
the new length measuring unit, Log Max is unstoppable ; )”<br />
New Generation L90 Logstackers for Forico’s mills<br />
Forico has invested in two<br />
New Generation Wagner L90<br />
Logstackers for its mills in<br />
northern Tasmania, the first of<br />
the new generation machines<br />
to be commissioned in<br />
Australia.<br />
The two new ‘Wagners’<br />
arrived at Long Reach Mill in<br />
the East Tamar and Surrey Hills<br />
Mill in Hampshire, Tasmania in<br />
May <strong>2024</strong>. After assembly and<br />
training by the North American<br />
manufacturer Allied Systems<br />
and specialist cargo handling<br />
company Quality Marshalling<br />
of New Zealand, the machines<br />
were commissioned and put<br />
into use in the log-yards in<br />
early June.<br />
Recognising the need to<br />
update their fleet, the Forico<br />
Board had approved the<br />
purchase in April 2022, a<br />
significant capital expenditure<br />
outlay and investment in<br />
supply chain. The machines in<br />
use until that time had been<br />
purchased in 2015 and had<br />
been in service for in excess of<br />
26,000 hours.<br />
“The Wagners are also<br />
considerably more fuel<br />
efficient and have lower overall<br />
maintenance costs compared<br />
to front end loader machines<br />
used over the same operating<br />
period,” said Tim Duncombe,<br />
manager at Forico’s Long Reach<br />
Mill.<br />
The New Generation L90s<br />
were transported from America<br />
by sea and road after a lead<br />
time of around 18 months<br />
on delivery due to demand<br />
for machines and worldwide<br />
challenges on the availability<br />
of components. Making the<br />
journey from Portland USA to<br />
Melbourne, on to the port at<br />
Devonport and then on to the<br />
mill sites by road, the unique<br />
machines would have caused<br />
some ‘head scratching’ as they<br />
were driven under escort to<br />
their final destination, said Mr<br />
Duncombe.<br />
Manager at Forico’s Surrey<br />
Hills Mill Paul Sturzaker<br />
said the operational teams<br />
had identified the need for<br />
additional handrailing to<br />
protect operators exiting the<br />
cab, but beyond that the newly<br />
designed Wagner unit would<br />
significantly improve visibility<br />
and handling.<br />
Tim Duncombe, Site<br />
Manager - Long Reach Mill<br />
Paul Sturzaker, Site<br />
Manager - Surrey Hills Mill<br />
FORICO<br />
Forico is the largest private<br />
forestry and asset manager in<br />
Tasmania, managing 89,000<br />
hectares of plantation forest<br />
for wood fibre production, and<br />
77,000 hectares of natural<br />
forest for conservation,<br />
biodiversity and cultural values.<br />
Achieve new levels of productivity with the BL0/EX, BL1/EX, BL2/EX, BL2/S/EX, BL3/EX, BL4/EX and the<br />
BL5/EX forestry mulchers for excavators from 2 to 36 tons. The innovative Bite Limiter technology reduces<br />
power demand and promotes a consistent working speed, guaranteeing excellent performance when<br />
mulching any type of wood.<br />
Contact us to find the right FAE product for you: info@fae-group.com<br />
fae-group.com<br />
8 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Cont’d from Page 4<br />
www.seppi.com<br />
100th Edition!<br />
2020-2021:<br />
COVID-19 Pandemic<br />
Supply Chain Disruptions: The pandemic<br />
caused significant disruptions in global<br />
supply chains, affecting the availability and<br />
price of wood products.<br />
Labor Shortages: Restrictions and health<br />
concerns led to labour shortages in both<br />
forestry operations and sawmills.<br />
Increased Demand: A surge in demand<br />
for wood products, particularly for home<br />
improvements and construction, leading to<br />
price volatility.<br />
2022-<strong>2024</strong>:<br />
Environmental Policies and Market<br />
Dynamics<br />
Sustainability and Carbon Sequestration:<br />
Enhanced focus on forests as carbon sinks,<br />
with policies promoting afforestation and<br />
reforestation.<br />
Wildfires and Pest Infestations: Increased<br />
frequency and severity of wildfires and pest<br />
infestations (e.g., bark beetles), driven by<br />
climate change, affecting forest health and<br />
productivity.<br />
Technological Integration: Continued<br />
integration of advanced technologies<br />
like remote sensing, GIS, and AI in forest<br />
management and sawmilling for better<br />
resource management and efficiency.<br />
Economic Recovery: Post-pandemic<br />
economic recovery influencing market<br />
demand and investment in the forestry and<br />
sawmilling sectors.<br />
Policy Developments: New policies and<br />
regulations aimed at combating illegal<br />
logging, promoting sustainable trade, and<br />
supporting forest-dependent communities.<br />
Key Issues and Trends<br />
Sustainable Practices: Increasing<br />
emphasis on sustainable forest<br />
management to ensure long-term<br />
ecological and economic viability.<br />
Climate Change Mitigation: Forests play<br />
a crucial role in carbon sequestration,<br />
making their management vital for climate<br />
change mitigation efforts.<br />
Technological Advancements: Innovations<br />
in sawmilling and forest management<br />
technologies are driving efficiency and<br />
sustainability.<br />
Global Trade Dynamics: Trade policies<br />
and disputes continue to shape the global<br />
timber market.<br />
Environmental Challenges: Addressing<br />
deforestation, wildfires, and pest<br />
infestations remains critical for maintaining<br />
forest health.<br />
The forestry and sawmilling industries<br />
are at a crossroads, balancing<br />
economic growth with the urgent need<br />
for sustainable and environmentally<br />
responsible practices.<br />
Its important the timber industry is seen<br />
to plant substantially more trees than it<br />
harvests. A positive note is the world will<br />
always need timber!<br />
EDITOR<br />
Seppi M. - mulching equipment specialists<br />
Tel. Europe: +39-0461 178 75 00<br />
Tel. USA & CA: +1 513-443-6339<br />
sales@seppi.com<br />
#seppimulcher<br />
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10 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
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Offering a vast variety of radio remote control products, adaptable to a multitude of applications, throughout<br />
many industries, not limited to:<br />
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Recovery Vehicles - Industrial Doors & Gates – Propane and Tanker Trucks – Construction Equipment & Machines<br />
– Pumps & Aggregates, PLC Control – Recycling Machinery and more…<br />
See the website for all our global sales locations and more info about the products and applications<br />
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SCAN ME<br />
Shredders<br />
& Grinders<br />
Tigercat 6900 Grinder<br />
The 6900 is a heavyduty<br />
up swing horizontal<br />
grinder designed for high<br />
production and maximum<br />
flexibility. The versatility<br />
of the 6900 makes it<br />
the perfect solution for<br />
grinding a variety of<br />
materials such as forest<br />
biomass from logging<br />
operation, trees, stumps<br />
and root mass from land<br />
clearing operations,<br />
demolition debris and<br />
scrap sawmill material.<br />
The rotor is belt driven and<br />
uses a tensioner system<br />
to engage the drive belt,<br />
eliminating the need for a<br />
clutch. The tensioner system<br />
is hydraulically controlled<br />
and can be lowered while in<br />
service mode, so that the rotor<br />
may be turned manually when<br />
changing tips or knives.<br />
Another unique feature of<br />
the 6900 is the pivoting frame.<br />
The upper frame pivots on the<br />
undercarriage, allowing the<br />
operator to adjust the infeed<br />
angle and discharge height.<br />
The infeed pivots down 4<br />
degrees for feeding long trees<br />
and allows the discharge to<br />
clear large piles. Pivot the<br />
infeed up 7 degrees to act<br />
like a hopper which helps in<br />
feeding branches and brush.<br />
With the infeed in the up<br />
position, it also brings the<br />
height of the machine to under<br />
3,6 m (12 ft) for shipping,<br />
eliminating the need for a<br />
troublesome folding discharge<br />
conveyer.<br />
Thick steel plate infeed<br />
walls are tapered to assist in<br />
directing the feedstock into<br />
the hog box. The discharge<br />
uses a 510 mm (20 in) head<br />
pulley that is available as<br />
magnetic or non-magnetic. The<br />
large diameter allows the use<br />
of a more durable three-ply<br />
discharge belt. It also holds<br />
onto the tramp metal longer<br />
so that it drops away from the<br />
discharge pile. For increased<br />
metal removal, an optional<br />
over band magnet is available.<br />
The entire underside of the<br />
discharge is open to prevent<br />
buildup of material.<br />
The split hog box design<br />
on the 6900 opens fully for<br />
easy servicing of the rotor and<br />
grates. The grate assembly<br />
consists of three separate<br />
liner sections that sit in the<br />
grate frame. The grate frame<br />
hydraulically retracts for easy<br />
removal and installation of<br />
the liners. Optional liners<br />
are available for a variety of<br />
grinding applications.<br />
The 6900 features an<br />
impact detection system<br />
that is designed to mitigate<br />
damage to the machine in the<br />
event that tramp metal enters<br />
Tapered infeed walls assist in directing<br />
feed stock into the hog box<br />
the hog box. When a foreign<br />
object enters the hog box,<br />
an accelerometer detects a<br />
change in rotor speed. When<br />
this occurs, the feed chain and<br />
feed wheel reverse direction,<br />
and the grate frame retracts.<br />
The upper frame pivots on the undercarriage, allowing the<br />
operator to adjust the infeed angle and discharge height.<br />
The large magnetic head pulley<br />
for tramp metal removal<br />
If the foreign object remains,<br />
shear pins will break, allowing<br />
the grate frame to open further.<br />
A large enclosed control<br />
panel located on the side of<br />
the 6900 houses the machine<br />
computer control display,<br />
start/stop switch, diagnostic<br />
ports and remote control<br />
with charging cradle. When<br />
operation is transferred from<br />
the computer control display to<br />
the remote, operation from the<br />
display is removed. A tethered<br />
control is stored in the toolbox<br />
and allows the machine to be<br />
moved forward and reverse,<br />
and pivot the discharge up<br />
and down.<br />
12 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
LS857<br />
Introducing the Tigercat LS857 – a high performance shovel logger<br />
with increased leveling capability.<br />
The unique sloped tail of the LS857 allows greater leveling angles and provides winch assist<br />
chain clearance. Optimized weight distribution, along with Tigercat’s legendary super duty<br />
leveling undercarriage, delivers exceptional stability on steep terrain.<br />
With several boom options, the LS857 can be equipped with a variety of<br />
grapple styles, or the Tigercat 5195 directional felling saw for felling and<br />
shovel logging with a single machine.<br />
www.tigercat.com<br />
Scan to learn more
Shredders<br />
& Grinders<br />
system to attach the holders<br />
to the mill, and each holder<br />
recesses into the mill pocket to<br />
enhance durability.<br />
A Fast Feed Rate<br />
Bandit’s HM6420 is available with screens up to 7 inches and includes an impact detection system<br />
that shuts the system down gently if a contaminant is struck inside the grinding chamber. (Photo<br />
courtesy of Bandit.)<br />
The recently introduced<br />
Bandit HM6420 tracked<br />
horizontal grinder is a<br />
heavy-duty workhorse.<br />
It features a 50-inch<br />
(127-centimeter)-diameter<br />
by 66-in. (168-cm)-<br />
wide hammermill that<br />
incorporates 1.75-in.<br />
(4.4-cm) drum skin<br />
formed from rolled<br />
plate. The machine’s<br />
Cat C32 engine is rated<br />
for 1,200 horsepower<br />
(895 kilowatts).<br />
Bandit showcased the<br />
HM6420 at the recent<br />
Compost<strong>2024</strong> trade<br />
show in Daytona<br />
Beach, Florida.<br />
The Bandit HM6420 Hammermill<br />
Horizontal Grinder Offers<br />
Speedy Feed Rates<br />
Bandit says the HM6420 is<br />
well-suited for grinding<br />
material that may contain<br />
contaminants, thanks to its<br />
standard impact detection<br />
system that idles the grinder<br />
down and disengages the<br />
clutch if it detects an impact<br />
event.<br />
Bandit’s HM6420 Hammers It<br />
The HM6420 joins a Bandit<br />
lineup of horizontal grinders<br />
comprising machines designed<br />
to either “cut it,” “chip it,”<br />
or “hammer it.” This latest<br />
“hammer it” solution has a<br />
40- by 64-in. (102- by 163-cm)-<br />
wide mill opening and a 7-in.<br />
(17.8-cm) main shaft that<br />
Bandit constructs of alloy<br />
steel and tests ultrasonically.<br />
The grinder’s pockets feature<br />
high-strength A-514 steel<br />
construction.<br />
The HM6420 also puts<br />
to work 20 carbide-infused<br />
hammer inserts that Bandit<br />
says can stand up to the<br />
toughest material. The<br />
company uses a patentpending<br />
quick-change pocket<br />
The HM6420’s combination<br />
of a directly driven doubleslat,<br />
track-type steel infeed<br />
conveyor, which measures 16<br />
feet (4.9 meters) long by 64 in.<br />
(163 cm) wide, and a directly<br />
driven 64.75-in. (164-cm)-wide<br />
floating feed wheel allows it<br />
to grind huge quantities of<br />
material at once. The conveyor<br />
can generate over 18,000<br />
pounds (8,165 kilograms) of<br />
pulling power, and the feed<br />
wheel adds another 17,000 lbs<br />
(7,711 kg) of pulling power and<br />
8,650 to 17,300 lbs (3,924 to<br />
7,847 kg) of downforce when<br />
using hydraulic pressure.<br />
Bandit says the HM6420<br />
has one of the market’s fastest<br />
feed rates at 82 to 132 ft (25 to<br />
40 m) per minute. The grinder’s<br />
proportional feed system lets<br />
operators adjust the feed<br />
according to the material<br />
they’re processing, and they<br />
can do so using the machine’s<br />
radio remote with tether<br />
backup. The machine has a<br />
56-in. (142-cm) dual-discharge<br />
system with a 16.6-ft (5.1-m)<br />
stacking height.<br />
Bandit says the HM6420 has one of the market’s fastest feed rates at 82 to 132 feet per<br />
minute. (Photo courtesy of Bandit.)<br />
14 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
25<br />
INTO A<br />
IN 6<br />
WITH<br />
Introducing the Combi-CLL Log Loader, based on the highly<br />
successful Combi-CSS Container is incredibly fast compared<br />
to other methods. It can fully load logs into a 40’ container in<br />
under 6 minutes to a 30t capacity. The risk of accidents to the<br />
workforce is minimised and product damage is eliminated.<br />
The Logs are pre-loaded into the robust, 40’ long high-sided<br />
Tub. The patented push-pull mechanism powers the loaded<br />
Tub into the container. Once inside, the Hatch is closed to hold<br />
the logs securely in place, and the Tub is retracted.<br />
To find out how Combilift can help you unlock every inch of your<br />
storage space.<br />
Carbotech Group announces a new partnership with Woodtech for<br />
the distribution of the Logmeter in United States and in Canada<br />
Carbotech Group has<br />
announced an agreement with<br />
Woodtech, marking another<br />
important step in the sale<br />
of advanced technological<br />
solutions for the forest<br />
industry. Under this agreement,<br />
Carbotech Group will become<br />
the exclusive representative<br />
and manufacturer of<br />
Woodtech’s innovative<br />
Logmeter. Carbotech Group,<br />
with its Autolog unit, will also<br />
provide technical support<br />
during and after the start-up of<br />
the Logmeter.<br />
Logmeter is an automated<br />
system that provides<br />
high-precision volume<br />
measurements and biometric<br />
assessments of logs or stems<br />
in real time, as they are loaded<br />
onto trucks before entering<br />
the sawmill sites. By delivering<br />
accurate and timely data,<br />
Logmeter enables informed<br />
decision-making that improves<br />
operational performance,<br />
strengthens supplier<br />
relationships, and enhances<br />
product quality. This leads to<br />
significant cost reductions<br />
and increased profitability.<br />
Logmeter is already used by<br />
several customers in USA,<br />
including T.R. Miller and<br />
Shuqualak.<br />
Woodtech, the owner<br />
of Logmeter, is a high-tech<br />
company specialized in the<br />
design, development, and<br />
maintenance of cuttingedge<br />
industrial solutions. Its<br />
innovative products digitize,<br />
interpret, and measure<br />
industrial processes in real<br />
time, offering unparalleled<br />
advancements in accuracy<br />
and efficiency. Backed by its<br />
extensive knowledge and<br />
experience in the forestry<br />
industry, Woodtech ensures<br />
that Logmeter is an invaluable<br />
tool for any sawmill.<br />
“We are excited to<br />
collaborate with Woodtech<br />
and increase the use of the<br />
Logmeter system in the<br />
U.S. and Canada,” says Eric<br />
Michaud, VP Sales & Marketing<br />
at Autolog/Carbotech. “This<br />
partnership once again shows<br />
our commitment to providing<br />
cutting-edge technologies that<br />
enhance operational efficiency<br />
and accuracy in the forest<br />
industry.”<br />
Carbotech Group was<br />
formed in 2021 with the<br />
acquisition of Autolog, a<br />
company that specializes<br />
in the optimization and<br />
automation of sawmill and<br />
planer mill processes. Many of<br />
its solutions now use artificial<br />
intelligence. Carbotech Group<br />
later acquired a company<br />
called Sawquip, which<br />
specializes in log breakdown<br />
equipment and sawlines; the<br />
brand now operates under<br />
the Carbotech name. With its<br />
three business units (including<br />
Carbotech, which specializes<br />
in the log and lumber handling<br />
area), the company can offer<br />
a comprehensive solution for<br />
Eric Michaud, VP Sales<br />
& Marketing at Autolog/<br />
Carbotech.<br />
sawmills and planer mills.<br />
including installation on<br />
customers’ sites, start-up<br />
services, and tailored training<br />
and service plans. These<br />
business units have now been<br />
providing the industry with<br />
innovative solutions for 37<br />
years.<br />
For more information,<br />
please contact:<br />
Eric Michaud VP Sales &<br />
Marketing Carbotech Group<br />
eric.michaud@carbotech.ca<br />
SEE US AT<br />
BOOTH #237<br />
16 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
The new high-performance chain<br />
biolubricant for forestry applications<br />
Engineered for full chain lubrication to provide<br />
an active barrier against sawdust and dirt.<br />
Helping to protect your equipment for longer!<br />
FAE updates its top-of-the-line tracked<br />
carrier. Introducing the PT550: the tracked<br />
carrier for big challenges.<br />
FAE has completely updated its top tracked carrier,<br />
introducing the PT550 to replace the PT475. The<br />
PT550 is the FAE tracked carrier for big challenges,<br />
ideal for major jobs in large, wooded areas and<br />
along oil and gas pipelines. Capable of working<br />
on large areas of soft, uneven or swampy ground,<br />
this vehicle can handle longitudinal slopes up<br />
to 45° and transverse slopes up to 32°. All this<br />
thanks to a low ground pressure of 0,41 kg/cm2.<br />
The Caterpillar C13B sixcylinder<br />
engine in the FAE<br />
PT550 guarantees strength,<br />
reliability and global support.<br />
Equipped with a turbocharger<br />
with after cooler, the Tier 4<br />
Final/Stage V engine delivers<br />
536 hp. The combined diesel<br />
particulate filter (DPF),<br />
selective catalytic reduction<br />
(SCR) and diesel oxidation<br />
catalyst (DOC) guarantee<br />
compliance with Tier 4 Final/<br />
Stage V. The PT550 is also<br />
available with a Tier 3/Stage<br />
most demanding conditions.<br />
The lubricated track chains<br />
last longer than conventional<br />
chains and provide a smoother<br />
ride. When combined with<br />
the reliable dozer-type rollers<br />
and oscillating undercarriage<br />
technology, the PT550 offers<br />
superior grip and comfort.<br />
There are two roller guard<br />
options to adapt perfectly to<br />
different environments. The<br />
conventional geometry means<br />
a low center of gravity and<br />
optimal contact between the<br />
chain and the drive wheel, two<br />
fundamental elements that<br />
provide the best performance,<br />
even on slopes. The FAE PT550<br />
wheelbase also extends<br />
the load distribution area,<br />
which means lower specific<br />
pressure against the ground.<br />
The undercarriage frames<br />
are designed to withstand<br />
major stresses and make<br />
maintenance easier.<br />
The PT550 can be equipped<br />
with a forestry mulcher or a<br />
multitask head to crush stone<br />
and till soil. Each machine<br />
can benefit from Active Power<br />
Management technology, which<br />
combines the Floating System<br />
function with the Load Control<br />
function, ensuring that the<br />
head always precisely follows<br />
This new vehicle has<br />
many updated features,<br />
from design changes<br />
to technological upgrades,<br />
starting with the completely<br />
redesigned cab for added<br />
operator comfort and safety.<br />
The PT550’s Cat. 2 ROPS/<br />
FOPS/OPS approved cab<br />
has a new configuration<br />
and an integrated cabin<br />
pressurization system,<br />
an industry benchmark.<br />
Other improvements for<br />
added operator comfort<br />
and productivity include<br />
large Lexan glass windows,<br />
ergonomic joysticks, a<br />
pneumatic seat, a large 10”<br />
touch screen display to control<br />
all operating functions, a 360°<br />
camera system and display,<br />
and a heated and refrigerated<br />
compartment with cup holder.<br />
III A engine for emission-free<br />
markets, rated at 475 hp. The<br />
large 12.5-liter displacement<br />
and the electronically<br />
controlled proportional and<br />
reversible fan cooling system,<br />
designed specifically for the<br />
FAE PT550, guarantee superior<br />
performance for heavy jobs and<br />
in tropical climates.<br />
The FAE PT550’s heavy-duty<br />
undercarriage is designed to<br />
provide superior performance<br />
and reliability, even in the<br />
along the ground and that the<br />
power is managed effectively<br />
during operation. Combined<br />
with the 300/U/SONIC<br />
and 500/U/SONIC forestry<br />
mulchers, FAE’s exclusive Sonic<br />
technology enables the head<br />
to work at maximum capacity<br />
at all times. Sonic technology<br />
adjusts the torque in real<br />
time according to the force<br />
required, for up to 30% higher<br />
productivity.<br />
18 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
1-day and 3-day passes available.<br />
Learn more today!<br />
A two-day<br />
technical<br />
conference that<br />
promises to be an<br />
unforgettable experience,<br />
filled with national &<br />
international perspectives,<br />
networking, and<br />
cutting-edge innovations!<br />
Register at: Conference.DemoInternational.com<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 19
Opticom elevates industrial video monitoring<br />
by offering 10 streams per camera<br />
Opticom Tech, a leader in<br />
industrial video monitoring<br />
solutions, has announced a<br />
groundbreaking advancement<br />
in industrial camera<br />
technology. Opticom’s cameras<br />
now offer the unprecedented<br />
ability to deliver 10<br />
simultaneous video streams<br />
from a single camera, setting a<br />
new industry standard.<br />
We offer a wide range of:<br />
• Tractor driven PTO Chippers<br />
• Truck driven chippers “Hack-Truck”<br />
• Diesel engine driven chipper units<br />
Follow us<br />
Opticom Tech cameras can<br />
now pull 10 video streams from<br />
a single unit—a significant leap<br />
from the industry standard of<br />
three streams. This capability<br />
is a game-changer for<br />
industrial facilities, allowing<br />
multiple stakeholders—such<br />
as operators, managers,<br />
supervisors, and security<br />
personnel—to access real-time<br />
footage simultaneously without<br />
having to access the software.<br />
Each team member can monitor<br />
critical areas without any delay<br />
or interruption.<br />
100%<br />
MADE<br />
www.mus-max.at<br />
“We are incredibly proud<br />
to introduce this innovative<br />
feature that our customers<br />
have been asking for,” said<br />
Heidi Schmidt, Global Sales<br />
Manager at Opticom Tech. “Our<br />
new 10-stream capability not<br />
only enhances security and<br />
operational efficiency but also<br />
demonstrates our dedication<br />
to hearing feedback from<br />
customers and developing<br />
products based on their<br />
needs. This advancement<br />
will undoubtedly set a new<br />
benchmark in the industry.”<br />
Opticom’s cameras are<br />
designed to meet the rigorous<br />
demands of industrial<br />
environments, providing<br />
reliable and high-quality<br />
surveillance. This new feature<br />
will be available across all<br />
Opticom camera models,<br />
ensuring that every customer<br />
can benefit from enhanced<br />
functionality and improved<br />
operational oversight.<br />
Heidi Schmidt, Global Sales<br />
Manager at Opticom Tech<br />
About Opticom Tech<br />
Founded in 1973, Opticom<br />
Tech provides integrated<br />
video monitoring solutions<br />
for industrial applications,<br />
including sawmills, mines,<br />
food processing facilities, and<br />
more. Built to withstand harsh<br />
environments, Opticom’s<br />
rugged cameras<br />
and equipment stand the<br />
test of time.<br />
www.opticomtech.com<br />
MUS-MAX Bioenergy Inserat_92,5x135.indd 1 28.02.24 13:37<br />
20 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
The end of the<br />
road is where<br />
we get started.<br />
Efficient, clean and safe: this is how we envision future<br />
off-road operation with intelligent system solutions.<br />
As a full-range supplier, we supply comprehensive drive systems for off-road<br />
machinery from one source. We develop axles and transmissions with advanced<br />
software functions and combine them with state-of-the-art braking technology,<br />
connectivity and safety solutions. Our answer to meeting the industry’s challenges:<br />
comprehensive and intelligent system solutions, thoroughly matched to each other.<br />
In doing so, we always keep an eye on reducing emissions and remain on our path<br />
to Vision Zero. ZF.com/construction
Major Brands on Show<br />
at TP&EE <strong>2024</strong><br />
<strong>September</strong> 25-27<br />
USNR - Leading advanced technology solutions for<br />
lumber production<br />
Booth # 711<br />
USNR - Blades, knives, and tooling; automated<br />
sharpening and levelling systems<br />
Booth # 725<br />
BID is a leader in operational lifecycle excellence,<br />
transformational wood processing technologies, and<br />
integrated solutions.<br />
Booth # 627<br />
MiCROTEC is one the most trusted scanning &<br />
optimization providers for the sawmilling and wood<br />
processing industry.<br />
State of the art wood conveying, sorting, grading, and<br />
automation processes.<br />
Booth # 409<br />
Booth # 309<br />
Today’s sawmills require dependable, easy-to-use 3-D<br />
scanning – that’s why mills rely on JoeScan scanners<br />
for bucking, carriages, sharp-chains, edgers, gangs,<br />
trimmers and more.<br />
A global leader in 3D scanning and inspection, LMI<br />
Technologies works to advance quality and productivity<br />
with 3D sensor technology.<br />
Booth # 337<br />
Booth # 527<br />
Leading manufacturer of precision motion controllers<br />
for servo-hydraulics and servo-electric motion.<br />
Booth # 841<br />
The Largest Manufacturer Of Multidirectional,<br />
Sideloading And Articulated Forklifts Globally.<br />
Booth # 1025<br />
A market leader in all aspects of the CCTV industry. Booth # 151-1<br />
With over 45 years of experience creating wood hogs<br />
for the forest and sawmill-related industries, Rawlings<br />
consistently demonstrates a reputation for durability,<br />
performance, and reliability.<br />
Booth # 237<br />
HALCO Software’s business is computer<br />
simulation and off-line optimization of forest<br />
industry operations.<br />
Booth # 960<br />
22 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Microtec CT Log X-ray<br />
scans all logs entering<br />
the sawmill<br />
New X-ray technology at<br />
Norra Timber’s sawmills<br />
in northern Sweden will<br />
be able to identify the<br />
internal properties of<br />
logs, such as knots and<br />
other imperfections.<br />
“Our investment amounts<br />
to a substantial total of<br />
SEK 400 million”, says<br />
Norra Timber’s Industry<br />
Manager, Henrik Jönsson<br />
The sawmill in Sävar<br />
bought its first X-ray<br />
equipment back in 2017,<br />
which led to an increase in<br />
production of 6,000 cubic<br />
meters of timber planks a year<br />
- equivalent to 100 fully-loaded<br />
truck trailers. Now Norra<br />
Timber has bought even more<br />
advanced equipment, which it<br />
hopes will lead to an additional<br />
increase in profits.<br />
In addition to providing<br />
information on how the<br />
logs should be turned to<br />
produce more planks, the<br />
new equipment utilizes AI to<br />
provide information on the<br />
Norra Timber invests SEK 400<br />
million in advanced X-ray<br />
technology<br />
quality of the log and the type<br />
of products that different parts<br />
of the log are most suited for.<br />
“The equipment produces<br />
X-rays just like in a hospital.<br />
The difference is that this<br />
scanning is faster. Each log<br />
only takes two seconds to<br />
process”, says Jönsson.<br />
Norra Timber is investing a<br />
total of SEK 400 million in the<br />
new equipment being installed<br />
at its sawmills in Sävar and<br />
Kåge in northern Sweden.<br />
The new X-ray technology,<br />
which should be completely<br />
operational by the autumn<br />
of 2025, will be utilized at<br />
the very beginning of the<br />
production process. As trucks<br />
arrive with the logs, each log<br />
will be scanned to calculate<br />
dimensions and provide an<br />
overview of the log’s internal<br />
properties.<br />
Microtec Goldeneye 900 Scanner at Kåge såg<br />
“By scanning the logs from<br />
the outset we can sort them<br />
according to their quality and<br />
unique internal properties.<br />
If a customer wants highquality<br />
planks for furniture<br />
without knots that are suitable<br />
for undergoing the special<br />
drying process required, we<br />
can identify which logs would<br />
be best before we even start<br />
sawing them”, says Jönsson.<br />
He adds:<br />
“Thanks to the X-rays we<br />
can also calculate the optimal<br />
number of planks we can<br />
generate from each log, which<br />
reduces wastage. We can<br />
therefore extract the maximum<br />
value from each log. A log with<br />
a large branch can be turned<br />
with the help of the X-ray<br />
machine so that the branch<br />
only ends up on one plank<br />
and the next plank is free of<br />
imperfections. Logs account for<br />
75 percent of our costs, so we<br />
want to get as much value from<br />
them as possible”.<br />
The primary purpose of the<br />
investment is to be able to<br />
assign production data to each<br />
individual log. In the future<br />
each log can also be marked<br />
with a unique ID number - a<br />
kind of ‘log fingerprint’.<br />
“The ability to trace our<br />
products and get data about<br />
the timber’s environmental<br />
impact will give us a<br />
competitive advantage. It<br />
will also be a driving force<br />
in how we can improve our<br />
environmental credentials”,<br />
says Jönsson, who concludes:<br />
“By mapping each plank<br />
we can easily go back and see<br />
if something has gone wrong<br />
during the production process.<br />
We can also see how much<br />
energy was used for each<br />
product, which gives us much<br />
better control over costs and<br />
our environmental impact”.<br />
Henrik Jönsson, Industry<br />
Manager Norra Timber<br />
This latest investment<br />
will ensure Norra Timber’s<br />
sawmills continue to be at<br />
the technological forefront<br />
of its industry and remain<br />
competitive in the years to<br />
come.<br />
Norra Timber is a wood<br />
processing company that<br />
manufactures and delivers<br />
products to markets with<br />
high expectations concerning<br />
quality, capacity and accurate<br />
deliveries. Their sawn and<br />
added value products come<br />
from unique, slow-grown trees<br />
that have matured almost 100<br />
years in the forests of northern<br />
Sweden.<br />
24 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Introducing Sawbox: The innovative Wood Processing solution<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Cutting capacity: Up to 8.5 million board feet of wood in two-shift operation.<br />
Log diameters: 10 to 42 in, lengths: 10 to 16 ft 2 in (20 ft on request)<br />
100% self-sufficiency: Cut your own logs, optimize production costs.<br />
Space-saving: Optimum use of fl oor space from 5,400 ft² to a maximum of 10,800 ft².<br />
Long-term predictable prices: Own production ensures stable product prices.<br />
Sustainability and regional added value: Use of local wood, recycling of all wood waste.<br />
Board dimensions: Wide range possible through chipper head, band and rip saws.<br />
Green footprint: up to 75% yield, maximising log utilisation.<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 25
Enhancing Safety and<br />
Efficiency<br />
Safety is paramount in any<br />
industrial setting, and wood<br />
processing is no exception.<br />
Despite measures to ensure<br />
safety, accidents can still occur.<br />
BID’s Smart Vision technology<br />
addresses this critical aspect<br />
by stopping operations before<br />
accidents happen, thereby<br />
enhancing safety without<br />
compromising production. By<br />
minimizing the reliance on<br />
human intervention, Smart<br />
Vision reduces the likelihood<br />
of accidents and creates a safer<br />
working environment.<br />
Smart Vision - Process Flow Monitoring from the Unscrambler to the Sorting Line,<br />
and Any Other Type of Transverse Line<br />
How BID Group’s AI-Powered Smart Vision<br />
Enhances Safety and Efficiency<br />
In the ever-evolving landscape of wood processing, a profound transformation<br />
is underway, driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI). This revolution is reshaping<br />
traditional methods and unlocking remarkable efficiency and quality across<br />
various sectors, with wood processing standing out as a prime example. At the<br />
forefront of this transformation stands BID Group, spearheading innovation and<br />
progress in the industry.<br />
BID’s Smart Vision:<br />
A Game-Changer<br />
AI’s integration into wood<br />
processing is far from<br />
being a fleeting trend;<br />
it represents a fundamental<br />
shift in how we approach<br />
wood grading, robotics,<br />
production line operations,<br />
and optimization decisions.<br />
What distinguishes BID’s AI<br />
from others is not just the<br />
technology itself but the<br />
expertise and dedication of the<br />
team behind it. BID boasts an<br />
integrated team of specialists,<br />
including AI experts, who<br />
collaborate tirelessly to push<br />
the boundaries of what’s<br />
possible. This multidisciplinary<br />
approach ensures that BID’s<br />
solutions are cutting-edge and<br />
tailored to meet each client’s<br />
unique needs, delivering<br />
exceptional results and<br />
ensuring the fastest ROI in the<br />
industry.<br />
BID’s Smart Vision<br />
technology is a prime example<br />
of this innovation. Designed to<br />
help sawmills and planer mills<br />
streamline their operations<br />
and prevent costly jams and<br />
breakages, Smart Vision<br />
harnesses the power of AI to<br />
analyze images and identify<br />
objects of interest in real time.<br />
This results in decreased<br />
downtime, improved process<br />
flow, and better resource<br />
allocation, ultimately driving<br />
productivity and efficiency to<br />
new heights.<br />
Practical Applications of the<br />
Smart Vision<br />
The Smart Vision’s versatility<br />
allows it to be applied across<br />
various stages of wood<br />
processing. For example, at<br />
the trimming line infeed, it<br />
can detect stacked boards<br />
and distinguish them from<br />
timber or single boards,<br />
triggering mechanical<br />
actions to unscramble board<br />
stacks and reduce human<br />
intervention. This capability<br />
extends to the trimmer lug<br />
loader, where it helps control<br />
problematic boards that<br />
can cause downtime due to<br />
improper loading. The system<br />
identifies issues before the<br />
boards are loaded, allowing for<br />
adjustments in loading speed<br />
or board feeding to ensure<br />
smooth operations.<br />
On the trimming line, Smart<br />
Vision detects anomalies such<br />
as skewed boards, broken<br />
26 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
oards, and double boards in<br />
the same lug, replacing the<br />
need for photocell sensors and<br />
manual intervention. Similarly,<br />
at the trimmer outfeed/<br />
sorter infeed, the technology<br />
identifies problematic<br />
situations like skewed boards<br />
and boards that remain on<br />
chains after being cut, ensuring<br />
efficient transition to the sorter<br />
infeed.<br />
Beyond the Trimming Line<br />
BID’s Smart Vision extends<br />
its capabilities to the stacker<br />
infeed/outfeed, where it<br />
detects anomalies such as gaps<br />
between boards, overlength<br />
boards, and broken boards.<br />
It also counts the number of<br />
boards in the stacker, reporting<br />
any missing or fallen boards to<br />
prevent production delays. All<br />
applications are linked to the<br />
PLC, sending alarms to notify<br />
issues and avoid stoppages<br />
and equipment breakages.<br />
More on the Gap Control<br />
Application<br />
The Smart Vision’s Gap Control<br />
for Log Singulation application<br />
immediately identifies logs<br />
that are too short or too small,<br />
eliminating the need to wait<br />
for the scanner to detect them<br />
and preventing the potential<br />
ejection of good logs from the<br />
line. It solves issues such as<br />
lasers being obstructed by<br />
debris, ensuring continuous<br />
and accurate monitoring.<br />
The system provides realtime<br />
measurement of log<br />
position and size in the<br />
wave feeder, monitors deck<br />
and step accumulation, and<br />
Smart Vision - Gap Control for Log Singulation and Log Sorting<br />
detects double log loading<br />
and skewed logs. It optimizes<br />
line feeding, adjusts the<br />
singulation and accumulation<br />
deck’s speed on-the-fly, and<br />
detects off-standard logs<br />
before they reach the sawline,<br />
raising alarms and stopping<br />
production for problematic<br />
logs. This proactive approach<br />
enhances operational<br />
efficiency and safety, offering<br />
advantages like more accuracy<br />
than photocells, predictive<br />
gap control based on log<br />
diameter, and comprehensive<br />
flow management. By<br />
ensuring minimal gaps and<br />
preventing downtimes, Smart<br />
Vision significantly increases<br />
productivity and ensures<br />
smooth, reliable operations<br />
without the need for photocells<br />
in the outfeed conveyor.<br />
User-Friendly and Efficient<br />
One of the standout features<br />
of BID’s Smart Vision is its<br />
user-friendliness. There is no<br />
need for AI-specific knowledge,<br />
making the startup process<br />
seamless. BID’s large team<br />
of wood specialists and data<br />
scientists runs extensive<br />
pre-startup tests and quality<br />
control checks to ensure a fast<br />
and effortless deployment.<br />
Commitment to Innovation<br />
BID’s commitment to constant<br />
innovation ensures that its<br />
AI-enhanced technologies are<br />
the most powerful and reliable<br />
solutions on the market.<br />
This dedication to excellence<br />
is evident in BID’s ongoing<br />
efforts to expand its digital<br />
transformation offerings with<br />
new applications of Smart<br />
Vision, covering all stages of<br />
wood processing.<br />
The Future of Wood<br />
Processing<br />
Artificial Intelligence is<br />
revolutionizing the wood<br />
processing industry, offering<br />
unprecedented opportunities<br />
to improve production flow and<br />
increase profitability. BID’s AIpowered<br />
Smart Vision promises<br />
the fastest ROI in the industry,<br />
peace of mind with integrated<br />
solutions, reliable service, and<br />
consistent production quality.<br />
Stay tuned as BID Group<br />
continues to push the limits of<br />
technology, offering evolving<br />
solutions that ensure the<br />
best results throughout the<br />
operational lifecycle. For more<br />
information on how Smart<br />
Vision can enhance your<br />
operations, contact BID now<br />
or visit www.bidgroup.ca.<br />
Smart Vision - Skewed and Crossed Boards Detection on Trimming Line<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 27
Replacement Option for ControlLogix Motion Modules<br />
RMC User Programs can<br />
offload critical motionrelated<br />
tasks from the PLC<br />
• Easy-to-use and powerful<br />
RMCTools software (freely<br />
downloadable)<br />
• Analog and load cell inputs<br />
for position, pressure or<br />
force feedback<br />
Battle Ground, Washington<br />
— All three of the<br />
Rockwell Automation<br />
ControlLogix analog motion<br />
modules, 1756-HYD02,<br />
1756-M02AS, and 1756-M02AE,<br />
have reached end-of-life<br />
and, as of December <strong>2024</strong>,<br />
have been discontinued and<br />
no longer available for sale.<br />
Rockwell does not have a<br />
replacement option, which<br />
leaves a need for a motion<br />
solution that Delta Motion<br />
is uniquely positioned to<br />
fulfill. Rockwell Automation<br />
recommends that OEMs and<br />
system integrators consider<br />
RMC Motion Controllers<br />
as a replacement for these<br />
modules.<br />
Delta’s RMC Motion<br />
Controllers can duplicate the<br />
function of the discontinued<br />
motion modules. They have the<br />
same I/O signals, communicate<br />
efficiently with Allen-Bradley<br />
PLCs via EtherNet/IP, and<br />
connect to all of the same field<br />
devices as the ControlLogix<br />
analog motion modules. Delta<br />
Motion’s sales and support<br />
team also has the expertise<br />
to support customers in<br />
converting from these modules<br />
to RMC motion controllers.<br />
Features of Delta Motion’s<br />
RMC Motion Controllers<br />
include:<br />
• ±10V outputs (some RMCs<br />
also have ±20mA and<br />
4-20mA options)<br />
• Connection to feedback<br />
devices: Quadrature, SSI,<br />
PWM, Start/Stop (analog<br />
options are also available)<br />
• Single and multi-axis: RMCs<br />
are available from 1 to 50<br />
axes for tightly synchronizing<br />
axes<br />
• Command-based<br />
programming keeps most<br />
control in the PLC, or the<br />
• Extensive control algorithm<br />
options, including dualloop<br />
position-pressure or<br />
position-force control<br />
• Knowledgeable and<br />
responsive technical support<br />
24/7/365<br />
Now, as a Technology<br />
Partner, Delta looks forward to<br />
working with more Rockwell<br />
Automation customers to<br />
achieve the best in industrial<br />
motion control.<br />
BID Group partners with Tough By Nature<br />
BID Group has announced a strategic partnership with Tough By Nature (TBN) to distribute<br />
the revolutionary WonderCoat kiln sticks across North America. This collaboration sets a new<br />
standard in the lumber industry, providing mill operators with longer-lasting, more durable<br />
kiln sticks that enhance efficiency at the stacker and significantly reduce operational costs.<br />
Simon Potvin, President of<br />
Wood Processing at BID Group<br />
Over the past six years,<br />
TBN has developed<br />
a patented coating<br />
and process for southern<br />
yellow pine, enhancing its<br />
natural properties to exceed<br />
industry standards in strength,<br />
durability, elongation,<br />
compression, and warp<br />
resistance. This free of Volatile<br />
Organic Compound (VOC)<br />
product, applied to kiln sticks<br />
to increase their resistance,<br />
represents a groundbreaking<br />
innovation set to transform the<br />
sector.<br />
This partnership enhances<br />
BID Group’s ability to support<br />
its customers with solutions<br />
that drive efficiency and<br />
reliability. “We are excited<br />
about this partnership,”<br />
said Simon Potvin, President<br />
of Wood Processing at BID<br />
Group. “The integration of<br />
Tough By Nature Sticks into<br />
our product offerings aligns<br />
perfectly with our mission to<br />
provide innovative and efficient<br />
solutions to our clients.”<br />
Jeff Yurk, Managing<br />
Partner at Tough By Nature,<br />
expressed his enthusiasm<br />
for the partnership, stating,<br />
“This partnership exemplifies<br />
the innovative spirit and<br />
commitment to excellence<br />
that both companies embody.<br />
We are proud to be working<br />
with BID Group as they have<br />
demonstrated innovation and<br />
success throughout the years.”<br />
TBN’s relationship with<br />
BID Group is built on mutual<br />
respect and a shared vision<br />
for the future. The company’s<br />
extensive experience in the<br />
wood processing industry,<br />
combined with TBN’s<br />
pioneering product, ensures<br />
that customers receive the<br />
highest quality and most<br />
reliable products on the market.<br />
28 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
RemaSawco’s part of the<br />
agreement concerns the<br />
licensing of RemaSawco’s<br />
world-leading system for board<br />
scanning, RS-BoardScannerQ,<br />
which can be used in all parts<br />
of the board handling process<br />
at a sawmill. The agreement<br />
also includes technical support<br />
during commissioning.<br />
Delivery, installation and<br />
commissioning are planned for<br />
the autumn of <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
“Also in North America<br />
we see a growing number of<br />
customers discovering the<br />
market leading properties<br />
and benefits of the market<br />
Ever seen a log like this? Even with safety as a priority and measures<br />
in place to ensure it, accidents can still occur.<br />
BID's Smart Vision can stop operations before accidents happen,<br />
increasing safety without compromising production.<br />
• Detecting production irregularities to prevent significant interruptions<br />
and equipment failures<br />
• Enhancing control mechanisms to optimize product singulation, maximize<br />
process efficiency, and minimize operational downtime<br />
• Minimizing accidents through reduced reliance on human intervention<br />
See how Smart Vision would have<br />
prevented this near miss.<br />
Contact us to learn more.<br />
+1 450-435-2121 | info@bidgroup.ca | bidgroup.ca
Pleasant River invests in<br />
second USNR lineal grader<br />
Pleasant River Lumber Company has invested in a<br />
second USNR VAB-brand lineal optimizer that will be<br />
installed later this year at the Dover, ME, planer mill.<br />
This project includes<br />
controls and comes<br />
only six weeks after the<br />
start-up of the first USNR autograder<br />
at the Enfield, ME, mill.<br />
The performance increase<br />
at Enfield and anticipated<br />
return on investment quickly<br />
justified replacing their existing<br />
optimization system in Dover.<br />
With this new lineal optimizer,<br />
the team at Pleasant River<br />
expects an increase in grading<br />
performance of about 10%.<br />
The USNR VAB-brand<br />
lineal grader’s small footprint<br />
simplifies installation, making<br />
it easy to integrate into existing<br />
production lines. It uses<br />
measurable dimensions and<br />
AI for exceptional accuracy<br />
and can manage standard<br />
and custom grades. The lineal<br />
grader can handle a variety of<br />
species, including southern<br />
yellow pine, spruce, pine and<br />
fir, and hardwoods.<br />
USNR works closely<br />
with Pleasant River Lumber<br />
Company and looks forward to<br />
the benefits they will gain from<br />
this strategic investment.<br />
USNR announces major sawmill project in the UK<br />
For the first time in many<br />
years, an industrial-scale<br />
sawmill will be built from<br />
the ground up in the UK.<br />
This greenfield project is the<br />
result of years of planning and,<br />
as the main supplier, USNR is<br />
pleased to announce it to the<br />
public.<br />
The new mill is designed<br />
for an annual capacity of more<br />
than 250,000 cubic meters of<br />
sawn goods. Its undertaking<br />
comprises the saw line and<br />
two edger lines – including<br />
optimization and controls.<br />
All equipment will be<br />
delivered from USNR’s<br />
Söderhamn facility in Sweden.<br />
USNR will also supply controls<br />
for the log handling and<br />
residuals handling equipment.<br />
The saw line is designed<br />
for maximum yield, using the<br />
latest optimization technology<br />
and curve sawing capabilities.<br />
The customer has extensive<br />
experience with USNR’s band<br />
saw technology, which is why<br />
three Sawmaster 1600 quads<br />
and an HBS 1500 horizontal<br />
band saw constitute the core<br />
of the saw line, adding up to a<br />
total of 13 band saw units.<br />
The Sawmaster band saws<br />
are known for their durability,<br />
low energy consumption and<br />
low maintenance costs. This<br />
proven design operates in<br />
hundreds of sawmills all over<br />
the world.<br />
“We have a long history<br />
of cooperation with this<br />
customer, and I believe our two<br />
companies share a common<br />
confidence,” says USNR’s<br />
European Sales and Marketing<br />
Manager Christian Winlöf. “This<br />
is one of the largest projects<br />
so far for USNR’s European<br />
branch and will strengthen our<br />
position as one of the biggest<br />
and most innovative suppliers<br />
to the sawmilling industry.”<br />
Two Catech XT high-speed<br />
edger optimizers handle the<br />
side boards. These state-of-<br />
Christian Winlöf<br />
the-art edgers are fitted with<br />
the latest USNR optimization<br />
technology, offering the<br />
highest capacity the market<br />
has to offer.<br />
New headquarters for OneFortyOne NZ<br />
OneFortyOne NZ Forests is<br />
building a new headquarters<br />
in Hope, Tasman. A key feature<br />
was to show how timber can be<br />
used to achieve a cost-effective<br />
carbon-neutral build.<br />
All the components that<br />
you would normally make from<br />
concrete and steel have, where<br />
possible, a timber alternate<br />
– with the aim that they<br />
sequester more carbon than<br />
was released.<br />
The sheer volume of timber<br />
in this building is a real<br />
statement around what the<br />
company, and industry, stands<br />
for. Construction has been<br />
undertaken by Irving Smith<br />
Architects, Scott Construction<br />
New Zealand and Network<br />
Tasman Limited.<br />
Design highlights include:<br />
• Glulam posts, the equivalent<br />
of concrete in the design.<br />
• LVL rafters, used like steel.<br />
• The timber floor is one of<br />
the largest ever built in the<br />
region, and with the use of<br />
screw piles, construction<br />
time was cut down by almost<br />
a third.<br />
Visit<br />
https://youtu.be/_H0TbZzxKeE<br />
30 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
www.jartek.fi<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 31
In recent years, many<br />
machine suppliers in the<br />
sawmill industry have<br />
thrived, and Jartek is no<br />
exception. While nearterm<br />
investment levels<br />
may taper off, the outlook<br />
for the distant future<br />
appears promising, with<br />
investment levels poised<br />
to rise once again.<br />
The use of renewable materials<br />
is on the rise, with lumber<br />
emerging as a particularly<br />
favourable option. Over these<br />
prosperous years, Jartek<br />
has grown steadily while<br />
maintaining its roots as a<br />
family-owned business, with<br />
a strong focus on building<br />
partnerships.<br />
Although investment<br />
levels have been declining in<br />
Europe, Jartek anticipates that<br />
the market will return to its<br />
pre-boom state in the coming<br />
years, where customers are<br />
more focused on addressing<br />
specific bottlenecks in their<br />
processes. This shift is not<br />
unwelcome news for Jartek,<br />
as the company has been<br />
successfully managing such<br />
projects for the past 20-30<br />
years. Of course, the company<br />
still hopes to see larger<br />
projects come to fruition as<br />
well.<br />
“Our goal is to be as close<br />
to the customer as possible<br />
and to truly understand their<br />
needs. We don’t want to sell<br />
any devices or solutions that<br />
won’t provide real value to the<br />
customer,” says Kari Puustinen,<br />
head of sales and marketing.<br />
Despite Jartek’s<br />
emphasis on<br />
constructing sorting<br />
lines with lifespans of up<br />
to 50 years or more, our<br />
on-site commissioning<br />
typically spans only up<br />
to two years, depending<br />
on project size,”<br />
Our after-sales objective<br />
is to collaborate with<br />
customers on both minor<br />
and major investments<br />
to further enhance line<br />
productivity.<br />
Kari Puustinen, Sales<br />
Director of Jartek<br />
Jartek sees significant<br />
potential in these upgrade<br />
projects, whether it involves<br />
a single device or an entire<br />
production line—especially<br />
now that customers can<br />
purchase both mechanical and<br />
automation solutions from<br />
them. “We have a wide range of<br />
equipment, and we work with<br />
the customer to select the best<br />
possible solution,” Puustinen<br />
explains. For automation,<br />
the company prefers using<br />
modern Beckhoff products,<br />
though other options like<br />
Siemens are also available,<br />
and in many cases, hybrid<br />
solutions combining different<br />
technologies within the same<br />
project are implemented.<br />
Jartek doesn’t run any web<br />
shops or after-sales platforms.<br />
“We might lean towards<br />
tradition, but for us, building<br />
lasting relationships through<br />
human connections is key,”<br />
says Kari Puustinen.<br />
How does this align with<br />
our ethos of “More than<br />
Mechanics”? While expert<br />
mechanics lay the groundwork,<br />
they’re just one piece of the<br />
puzzle. We also prioritize<br />
cutting-edge automation and<br />
ongoing line development.<br />
Jartek is committed to<br />
providing state-of-theart<br />
automation solutions,<br />
32 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
which our customers have<br />
enthusiastically embraced.<br />
These solutions are precisely<br />
tailored to industry needs,<br />
featuring intuitive interfaces,<br />
robust diagnostic capabilities,<br />
and seamless integration<br />
with third-party systems<br />
like reporting tools, whose<br />
importance is steadily<br />
increasing.<br />
Looking to the future,<br />
instead of focusing solely<br />
on modern platforms, we’re<br />
enhancing our after-sales<br />
support through more<br />
traditional investments to<br />
further boost line productivity.<br />
Finnish sawmills, known for<br />
their efficiency despite their<br />
age, have shown us the value<br />
of even minor improvements.<br />
Therefore, we prefer terms<br />
like “service” or “partnership”<br />
over “after-sales,” highlighting<br />
the ongoing nature of our<br />
collaboration.<br />
As a leading supplier<br />
to Finnish sawmills, Jartek<br />
encourages them to connect<br />
with our sales team to discover<br />
how we can work together to<br />
optimize line efficiency.<br />
Roughly one year ago, Jartek<br />
commenced the installation of<br />
its largest project in Finland.<br />
This mill stands as one of<br />
the most advanced sawmills<br />
globally. Logs are seamlessly<br />
fed into the saw infeed by<br />
forklift, and the point at which<br />
the forklift touches the lumber<br />
marks the readiness for<br />
shipment to the customer.<br />
Jartek provided a<br />
comprehensive supply<br />
package, encompassing green<br />
and dry sorting, along with<br />
stick and drying load moving<br />
systems and lumber feeding<br />
from sawline to greensorting,<br />
all of which operate fully<br />
automatically.<br />
The layout was meticulously<br />
tailored to suit the site’s<br />
specific requirements, given its<br />
compact nature, making a fully<br />
automated process the only<br />
viable option. Collaboration<br />
with the Junnikkala team has<br />
been exceptionally fruitful,<br />
particularly in the conceptual<br />
planning phase.<br />
The production lines feature<br />
a blend of standardized<br />
working solutions<br />
complemented by customized<br />
fittings to adhere to the<br />
overarching concept.<br />
This fusion ensures both<br />
high capacity and functionality,<br />
alongside an excellent layout.<br />
Currently finalising startup<br />
procedures, the mill is poised<br />
to serve as a benchmark,<br />
showcasing our capabilities<br />
to customers worldwide with<br />
pride.<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 33
NASHVILLE 2025<br />
A Preview of Forest Products<br />
EXPO 2025<br />
Do you want to be at<br />
the center of the forest<br />
products community?<br />
Are you ready to<br />
see how adaptive<br />
technology is influencing<br />
manufacturing decisions?<br />
Is your company part of<br />
the new manufacturing<br />
age at this critical<br />
moment for the industry?<br />
If you answered yes to any of<br />
the above questions, don’t<br />
second-guess exhibiting<br />
or attending the 38th Forest<br />
Products Machinery &<br />
Equipment Exposition (EXPO).<br />
It’s the place to showcase your<br />
solutions for nearly every stage<br />
of manufacturing and network<br />
with:<br />
• key decision makers who<br />
control major purchasing<br />
budgets,<br />
• mill supervisors looking to<br />
improve efficiency,<br />
• marketing experts seeking<br />
promotional vision, and<br />
• young professionals making<br />
tomorrow’s decisions.<br />
And they’re all looking to<br />
adapt to new markets, adjust<br />
quickly to increased demand,<br />
and bolster operations for the<br />
future!<br />
EXPO 2025, set for <strong>August</strong><br />
6-8, 2025, in Nashville, offers<br />
solutions for nearly every<br />
stage of manufacturing. From<br />
raw material handling to crane<br />
operations; metal detection<br />
and scanning technologies; log<br />
optimization, drying, grading,<br />
sorting, packaging, and<br />
distribution, there are potential<br />
customers onsite to explore<br />
these solutions with you face<br />
to face.<br />
A Connected Community<br />
The Southern Forest Products<br />
Association established<br />
EXPO to help advance the<br />
southern pine and greater<br />
lumber industry and provide<br />
a forum for the exchange of<br />
ideas contributing to improved<br />
sawmill efficiency.<br />
The three-day show<br />
provides a place to connect<br />
and reconnect with colleagues,<br />
connect with customers<br />
new and old, and explore<br />
opportunities. Both firsttime<br />
and returning exhibitors<br />
alike play a vital role in<br />
the continued progress of<br />
the lumber industry. More<br />
importantly, EXPO provides<br />
a place where in-person<br />
meetings are valued over<br />
emails and phone calls;<br />
where a handshake and a<br />
smile between colleagues<br />
communicate genuine respect;<br />
and where sharing ideas is best<br />
accomplished face-to-face.<br />
Cont’d on Page 36<br />
34 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
JS-50<br />
X6B<br />
EDGERS<br />
JS-50<br />
WX<br />
EDGERS &<br />
MORE<br />
JS-50<br />
Z8<br />
C FRAME &<br />
Cont’d from Page 34<br />
A Place for Softwoods and<br />
Hardwoods<br />
While the sawmill machinery<br />
show originated from leaders<br />
looking for a way to improve<br />
softwood lumber production,<br />
today’s EXPO showcases<br />
machinery and equipment<br />
for hardwood and softwood<br />
sawmills.<br />
“Without a doubt, the<br />
hardwood lumber industry<br />
has long been represented<br />
at this show,” said SFPA<br />
Executive Director Eric Gee.<br />
“People come to EXPO with an<br />
exploration mindset, looking<br />
for opportunities to invest in<br />
their operations.”<br />
A long list of manufacturers<br />
serving the hardwood<br />
industry have had a stalwart<br />
presence in EXPO for many<br />
years, including, but not<br />
limited to, companies such<br />
as Corley Manufacturing,<br />
Oleson Saw, SII Dry Kilns,<br />
McDonough Manufacturing, TS<br />
Manufacturing, and Wood-<br />
Mizer.<br />
Why Nashville?<br />
Nashville was selected for<br />
several factors, but, most<br />
importantly, it is positioned<br />
smack in the middle of the<br />
forest action.<br />
The surrounding areas,<br />
including the Eastern U.S.<br />
hardwood community,<br />
represent 42% of all lumber<br />
manufactured in the United<br />
States. And in case you’re<br />
curious, Nashville is within<br />
easy driving distance for 35%<br />
of Southern Pine sawmills and<br />
73% of hardwood sawmills.<br />
That’s just a four-hour drive<br />
from more than half of<br />
Southern sawmills!<br />
With 766 million acres,<br />
forests comprise more than<br />
one-third of the entire U.S.<br />
landscape. Annually producing<br />
more than $100 billion in forest<br />
products, the South’s variety<br />
of tree species and yearlong<br />
harvesting make the region a<br />
first choice for mills that rely on<br />
an available, affordable supply<br />
of sustainable wood products<br />
– and Nashville is right in the<br />
center of it all.<br />
EXPO 2025 will be held<br />
at the Music City Center in<br />
downtown Nashville. Located<br />
in the middle of all the action,<br />
the MCC is the perfect home<br />
base for a fun-filled visit to<br />
Nashville. You’ll experience a<br />
modern business atmosphere<br />
in the new state-of-the-art<br />
facility surrounded by a<br />
thriving culinary, music, sports,<br />
and cultural scene, including<br />
the Country Music Hall of Fame,<br />
the historic Ryman Auditorium,<br />
and the always fun and famous<br />
honky tonks – all within<br />
walking distance!<br />
It’s Time to Get Down to<br />
Business: Face-to-face is Back<br />
For nearly 70 years, this<br />
association-sponsored<br />
trade event has successfully<br />
connected the lumber<br />
manufacturing community.<br />
EXPO has a longstanding<br />
reputation as the place where<br />
connections are formed,<br />
relationships are strengthened,<br />
and deals are closed.<br />
The forest products<br />
manufacturing community<br />
knows EXPO is the place to<br />
get up close to the materials,<br />
resources, equipment, and<br />
technology they need now.<br />
What are you waiting for?<br />
Plan your experience today at<br />
sfpaexpo.com!<br />
NASHVILLE 2025<br />
VIDEO<br />
Evergreen Forest receiving new<br />
equipment following fire damage<br />
800.578.1853<br />
opticomtech.com<br />
After a major fire<br />
damaged several<br />
pieces of equipment<br />
at Evergreen Forest in New<br />
Meadows, ID, USNR is building<br />
new machines to get the mill<br />
running at full capacity again.<br />
The initiative will take place<br />
over the course of several<br />
phases, some of which have<br />
already been completed.<br />
Evergreen has already received<br />
new edger scanning and<br />
optimization systems and a<br />
pony carriage with controls.<br />
Later this year, they’ll<br />
receive a new headrig carriage.<br />
They’re also slated to receive<br />
a new trimmer with MillExpert<br />
optimization and Bioluma<br />
4900LV scanners.<br />
Along with the new<br />
equipment, USNR is committed<br />
to helping Evergreen Forest<br />
bounce back with additional<br />
upgrades, training, and 24/7<br />
support to tackle any issues<br />
that may arise.<br />
USNR works closely with<br />
Evergreen to get production<br />
running even better than before.<br />
36 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
40+ YEARS<br />
visit www.lmi3D.com/wood-ifi24<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 37
With 21 years of industry<br />
experience, Norvin is<br />
excited to introduce<br />
the industry changing<br />
fingerprint system,<br />
MiCROTEC Connect<br />
integrated with CT<br />
technology for hardwood<br />
and softwood mills<br />
across North America.<br />
Norvin’s team serves the<br />
United States, Canada,<br />
Australia, and New<br />
Zealand markets, offering<br />
optimized wood<br />
scanning solutions<br />
Norvin Laudon | Head of Sales<br />
at MiCROTEC- North America<br />
& Australasia<br />
Norvin Laudon is the<br />
New Head of Sales at<br />
MiCROTEC based in<br />
Corvallis, Oregon. Norvin’s<br />
team serves the United States,<br />
Canada, Australia, and New<br />
Zealand markets, offering<br />
optimized wood scanning<br />
solutions. Norvin has 21 years<br />
of wood products industry<br />
experience, with beginnings<br />
in board scanning and<br />
moving into log scanning and<br />
optimization. Norvin has been<br />
with MiCROTEC for 16 years,<br />
where he was a key developer<br />
of the CT Log; using computed<br />
tomography technology<br />
to provide a complete<br />
reconstruction of a logs’<br />
internal features and optimized<br />
cutting solutions.<br />
With the new role, Norvin<br />
is excited to introduce the<br />
industry-changing fingerprint<br />
system, MiCROTEC Connect,<br />
integrated with CT technology<br />
for hardwood and softwood<br />
mills across North America. The<br />
system offers massive benefits<br />
for mill-wide value & recovery<br />
optimization.<br />
MiCROTEC Connect<br />
MiCROTEC Connect is the real<br />
fingerprint system based on<br />
CT-scanned logs. Through<br />
the integrated and innovative<br />
scanner and software<br />
solutions and the implemented<br />
MiCROTEC Ai platform, each<br />
log can be traced from virtual<br />
to real boards. Likewise, the<br />
individual boards can be traced<br />
back to their original logs and<br />
recognized at each production<br />
step without any gaps. This<br />
modular concept offers huge<br />
benefits for mill-wide value &<br />
recovery optimization.<br />
MiCROTEC is the only<br />
company offering scanning and<br />
optimization solutions from<br />
log to final board, providing<br />
innovative scanning solutions<br />
focused on recovery and<br />
sustainability. MiCROTEC’s<br />
customer support is backed<br />
by a team of industry experts,<br />
including ex-graders,<br />
engineers, and specialized<br />
technicians. The scanning<br />
solutions offered by MiCROTEC<br />
allows logs to be graded and<br />
sorted by quality and optimizes<br />
the cutting solution with the<br />
highest value in real time. The<br />
company’s board scanning<br />
technology is well-known in<br />
the industry in the Lucidyne<br />
and Goldeneye scanners,<br />
revolutionizing automated<br />
defect detection and grading.<br />
For more information<br />
on Norvin’s new role or<br />
MiCROTEC’s solutions, email<br />
norvin.laudon@microtec.us,<br />
or visit microtec.us.<br />
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38 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
A Unique Approach to Strength Grading:<br />
Virtual Splitting at James Jones & Sons with<br />
the MiCROTEC Solution<br />
James Jones & Sons Ltd,<br />
one of the UK’s largest<br />
and most progressive<br />
timber processing<br />
companies, chooses<br />
MiCROTEC Goldeneye<br />
scanners for their<br />
strength grading lines in<br />
Aboyne and Lockerbie for<br />
British spruce and larch<br />
timber processing.<br />
The 5th generation family<br />
business installed the<br />
first Goldeneye scanner<br />
for strength grading in 2003<br />
and has since relied on<br />
MiCROTEC, a company that<br />
looks back on more than 25<br />
years of experience in the<br />
development of scanners for<br />
machine strength grading.<br />
In 2021, James Jones & Sons<br />
decided to invest in two new<br />
Goldeneye scanners including<br />
X-ray for their strength grading<br />
lines, one in their Aboyne<br />
location and one in the<br />
Lockerbie location.<br />
This new generation of<br />
scanners is more compact,<br />
does not rely on water<br />
cooling, and is overall easier<br />
to maintain compared to the<br />
models from 20 years ago.<br />
The Goldeneye allows James<br />
Jones & Sons to grade boards<br />
used for construction according<br />
to EN-14081 standards. The<br />
in-line moisture meter M 3<br />
Scan measures the moisture<br />
content of every single board.<br />
Boards with a moisture content<br />
outside the target range are<br />
automatically rejected.<br />
The project applies the<br />
approach of double and<br />
triple virtual splitting, first<br />
introduced by MiCROTEC who<br />
is still exclusively offers the<br />
triple virtual splitting solution.<br />
Before sawing, the Goldeneye<br />
software utilizes a virtual board<br />
splitting mechanism, dividing<br />
a board lengthwise into two or<br />
three parts. This segmented<br />
data is then forwarded to the<br />
strength grading software,<br />
which treats each part as an<br />
independent board.<br />
James Jones & Sons and<br />
MiCROTEC look back on a<br />
long-standing partnership.<br />
Reflecting on the collaboration,<br />
Tobbe Sandberg, Technical<br />
Manager at James Jones &<br />
Sons emphasizes the pivotal<br />
role of MiCROTEC’s Goldeneye<br />
X-ray grading technology in<br />
their operations, “James Jones<br />
& Sons Ltd has used Goldeneye<br />
X-ray grading for many years<br />
at its Aboyne and Lockerbie<br />
sites.When the time came to<br />
upgrade the strength grading<br />
in Aboyne and Lockerbie, we<br />
chose MiCROTEC Goldeneye<br />
again due to its reliability,<br />
good service and the longestablished<br />
relationship we<br />
have with MiCROTEC.”<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 39
Big installation in New Zealand<br />
Andy Archer,<br />
Operations Manager:<br />
Sawmill & Secondary<br />
Processing<br />
“<br />
Red Stag Timber is one<br />
of the largest sawmill<br />
corporations in New<br />
Zealand currently<br />
producing over 600,000<br />
cubic meters of Radiata<br />
Pine and Douglas Fir<br />
per year. The company<br />
recently started up a new<br />
USNR Bioluma trimline<br />
to further increase<br />
production capacity<br />
and recovery.<br />
The trim line project<br />
went very well; good<br />
installation, machinery<br />
went together well, and<br />
start-up was smooth. We’re<br />
very happy with the result<br />
and performance.” says Andy<br />
Archer, Mill Manager.<br />
Red Stag Timber is focused on<br />
growth and efficiency.<br />
Building on the successful<br />
installation of the USNR dual<br />
quad log line and dual edger<br />
lines, the decision was made to<br />
unleash the full potential of the<br />
sawmill by installing a second<br />
trimline and stacker line.<br />
This new trimmer line in<br />
the Rotorua, NZ, mill features<br />
a high-speed multi-saw<br />
Clamshell trimmer to maximize<br />
trim accuracy and flexibility.<br />
Bioluma 2900LV scanning<br />
sensors are paired with USNR’s<br />
new MillGenius trimmer<br />
optimizer for a powerful<br />
system that delivers high<br />
value, recovery, throughput,<br />
and reliability. Red Stag Timber<br />
is the first to use MillGenius<br />
software in New Zealand.<br />
Upstream, a Revolver lug<br />
loader uses MillTrak cameras<br />
to manage the backlog as it<br />
deals boards into lugs ahead<br />
of the scanning system. The<br />
line also features the renowned<br />
all-electric and infinitely<br />
positional Multi-Track Fence<br />
to maximize trim saw accuracy<br />
and flexibility.<br />
USNR provided the PLC<br />
controls, operator consoles,<br />
and HMI’s for the line along<br />
with a PLC-based safety<br />
system. The mill uses the<br />
WinTally Sorter Manager to<br />
setup sorts and manage bins,<br />
while the PLC and HMI systems<br />
generate alarms, messages,<br />
and downtime reports for the line.<br />
Red Stag Timber saw<br />
an immediate increase in<br />
production with the installation<br />
of the second trimline. The<br />
piece-per-minute bottleneck<br />
at the original trimline<br />
disappeared, and the log gap<br />
has been reduced to increase<br />
piece count. The mill has also<br />
seen a reduction in stoppages<br />
from board handling issues.<br />
Clamshell Trimmer<br />
Investing in this line has<br />
increased Red Stag’s current<br />
capacity and it’s designed<br />
for further expansion. The<br />
next stage is to add a second<br />
sawline to the sawmill<br />
operation.<br />
To watch a short video of the<br />
operation, click here.<br />
This high-speed trimmer operates at 240 lpm and features a fulllength<br />
hinged top for exceptional access during saw changes,<br />
ensuring all maintenance can be accomplished from the floor level<br />
and up. Learn more about the Clamshell trimmer here.<br />
Revolver Lug Loader<br />
Accommodating a wide range of products for sawmill, planer mill,<br />
and reman plant applications, the Revolver lug loader is very fast<br />
and its electric/pneumatic design reduces wear components.<br />
Read more about the Revolver Lug Loader here.<br />
40 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Sharpens.<br />
#teamfranzen<br />
Chains.<br />
Tigercat Skidders<br />
Tigercat 6-wheel skidders are built for extreme<br />
duty and high production applications<br />
Tigercat builds the<br />
most advanced,<br />
efficient, and refined<br />
skidders on the market.<br />
Tigercat H-series fourwheel<br />
and six-wheel<br />
skidders are designed<br />
for serviceability,<br />
reliability, efficiency,<br />
and operator comfort.<br />
Tigercat skidders<br />
have large spacious<br />
cabs with generous<br />
window area to provide<br />
unmatched visibility on all<br />
sides. Lower windows on the<br />
front and rear provide a better<br />
line-of-sight to all wheels. The<br />
interior uses a mix of molded<br />
plastic panels and removable<br />
steel panels. The molded, easy<br />
to clean rubber floor mat has<br />
durable checkered aluminum<br />
plates at the high touch points.<br />
The Turnaround® system<br />
lets the operator rotate<br />
the seat 220°. Effortless<br />
pushbutton controls lock<br />
and unlock the seat in any<br />
position in the range. The<br />
operator has full control of all<br />
machine functions including<br />
drive controls. The 220° seat<br />
rotation improves operator<br />
visibility, greatly reduces neck<br />
strain, and allows the operator<br />
to easily exit either side of the<br />
cab.<br />
A durable, heavy duty air<br />
ride suspension seat with<br />
heating and cooling keeps the<br />
operator comfortable all day<br />
long. The reclining seat is fully<br />
adjustable with seat angle and<br />
seat extension adjustment. Tilt<br />
up adjustable armrests along<br />
with adjustable lumbar support<br />
all contribute to operator<br />
comfort. A secure five-point<br />
harness comes standard for<br />
improved safety.<br />
The HVAC system provides<br />
excellent cooling capacity<br />
and well-placed air vents for<br />
operator comfort. The larger<br />
intake filter keeps the cabin air<br />
clean. The fan speed control<br />
is infinitely variable from zero<br />
to 100% and a defrost option<br />
is available which cycles the<br />
A/C on and off automatically<br />
to keep the windows clear. A<br />
climate-controlled cup holder<br />
is connected to the system to<br />
heat or cool drinks.<br />
The Tigercat 635H swing boom skidder increases the working<br />
envelope for increased production<br />
42 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Operator controls are<br />
conveniently located on the<br />
armrests. Differential lock<br />
buttons are on the joystick<br />
and can engage front and<br />
rear separately. LED lights<br />
above the buttons illuminate<br />
when they are active. A cruise<br />
control button maintains the<br />
current engine speed allowing<br />
the operator to release the<br />
pedal. The grapple constant<br />
pressure button also turns on<br />
an LED indicator on the joystick<br />
alerting the operator that the<br />
constant pressure is activated.<br />
635H Swing Boom<br />
Tigercat six-wheel skidders<br />
are field proven with 25<br />
years of development and<br />
real-world applications in the<br />
most demanding extraction<br />
operations on the planet. The<br />
635H is a Tigercat’s highest<br />
capacity skidder. With sixwheel<br />
drive and a massive<br />
grapple, the machine is built<br />
for extreme duty and super<br />
high production logging<br />
operations. The 635H swing<br />
boom skidder is the newest<br />
addition to the six-wheel<br />
skidder line up. With a<br />
210-degree rotation, the swing<br />
boom increases the working<br />
envelope of the skidder, which<br />
means the operator spends<br />
less time manoeuvring the<br />
machine. Tethering device<br />
set-ups are reduced due to<br />
the wider working range. Dual<br />
rotate motors and a large<br />
swing bearing make gathering<br />
and moving bunches effortless<br />
on steep slopes.<br />
The Tigercat FPT N67 Stage<br />
V engine, 155 kW (208 hp)<br />
and combined with Tigercat’s<br />
efficient drive system, the 612<br />
impressively handles adverse<br />
terrain while minimizing wheel<br />
spin.<br />
The 612 is stable and<br />
robust, offering high ground<br />
clearance while maintaining<br />
a narrow stance, allowing<br />
easy navigation through tight<br />
trails and rough conditions.<br />
The moveable shield can<br />
be used as an anchor while<br />
winching. The dual winch and<br />
moving fairlead allows the<br />
operator independent control<br />
over two separate cables. The<br />
optional heavy-duty crane<br />
and blade tongs offer even<br />
more versatility for extracting,<br />
maneuvering and sorting logs.<br />
The Tigercat 612 grapple<br />
skidder is designed to excel<br />
in tight selective harvesting<br />
applications.<br />
A key design aspect of the<br />
612 platform is the oscillating<br />
centre section. By allowing a<br />
fixed front axle, it narrows the<br />
stance of the machine, allowing<br />
easier navigation through tight<br />
stands.<br />
Both 612 configurations<br />
feature stress-free<br />
serviceability. Easy access to<br />
daily service points, a tilting<br />
cab, and thoughtful layout of<br />
major components contribute<br />
to making maintenance smooth<br />
and uncomplicated.<br />
The versatility of the 630H makes it perfect for various silviculture<br />
applications<br />
630H Silviculture Carrier<br />
Tigercat recently released<br />
the 630H silviculture carrier<br />
to address deficiencies that<br />
many forestry companies find<br />
with modified ag tractors for<br />
pre-planting site preparation<br />
applications.<br />
Based on Tigercat’s skidder<br />
platform, the machine is<br />
equipped with hydraulic<br />
connectors and several<br />
drawbar receiver variations<br />
to adapt to a variety of plow<br />
or mounding implement<br />
connection points. In addition,<br />
the carrier can be equipped<br />
with an optional winch and<br />
bolt-on fairlead system. The<br />
whole package is factory<br />
equipped and ready to work.<br />
612<br />
The Tigercat 612 dual winch<br />
skidder was created to<br />
manage the extraction<br />
function in challenging<br />
terrain selective felling<br />
applications, while<br />
preserving the value and<br />
quality of the residual<br />
stand. The machine can be<br />
equipped with a dual winch,<br />
movable back shield fairlead<br />
system, as well as a crane and<br />
front blade tongs.<br />
The 612 dual winch skidder is also available as a grapple skidder<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 43
With proven results in<br />
gains in productivity<br />
and fuel consumption,<br />
the fleet of this<br />
forwarder in Brazil<br />
reaches 10 machines,<br />
in less than two years<br />
after launch<br />
PONSSE Mammoth<br />
gains ground in Brazilian<br />
transloading operation<br />
Herd of Mammoths<br />
invades Brazilian forests.<br />
Perhaps this would<br />
be the most creative call for<br />
this text. The truth is that<br />
10 PONSSE Mammoths are<br />
already in operation in Brazil,<br />
Ponsse’s largest forwarder.<br />
There are 50 machines spread<br />
across the world that have<br />
been gaining ground and<br />
showing what they came<br />
for: great efficiency and<br />
productivity.<br />
There are already three<br />
companies that are betting<br />
on the results of PONSSE<br />
Mammoth, one of which<br />
already has a fleet of eight<br />
of this forwarder model<br />
capable of transporting 25<br />
tons of wood in a single trip.<br />
Designed to support high<br />
extraction volumes, even over<br />
long transfer distances, this<br />
machine stands out for its high<br />
energy efficiency. It has already<br />
demonstrated significant<br />
advantages in optimizing<br />
fuel consumption and wood<br />
extraction capacity per work<br />
cycle.<br />
PONSSE Mammoth was<br />
launched in 2022 and the first<br />
machine to come to Brazil<br />
began operations in January<br />
2023. Still in 2023, Ponsse<br />
released the first results of the<br />
equipment in Brazilian forests<br />
and since then this imposing<br />
forwarder has been gaining<br />
ground , especially where there<br />
is greater demand for wood<br />
transportation.<br />
“This is a machine designed<br />
for high transfer demands,<br />
an important fact for Brazil,<br />
which harvests at all times of<br />
the year and in large volumes.<br />
Even with its robustness, we<br />
already have data that prove<br />
that the PONSSE Mammoth<br />
delivers greater efficiency<br />
energy, optimizing the cost per<br />
cubic meter harvested”, added<br />
Rodrigo Marangoni.<br />
About PONSSE Mammoth<br />
The PONSSE Mammoth<br />
forwarder, the brand’s largest<br />
to date, has a load capacity<br />
of 25 tons of wood. Equipped<br />
with the latest technology and<br />
CVT transmission, the model is<br />
ideal for the most demanding<br />
operations, long transfer<br />
distances and high volumes of<br />
wood.<br />
“This transfer machine<br />
has demonstrated excellent<br />
acceptance by South American<br />
customers, mainly due to<br />
its load capacity, energy<br />
efficiency and high onboard<br />
technology. In addition to all<br />
the advantages presented<br />
previously, the PONSSE<br />
Mammoth is an important<br />
differentiator in reducing<br />
CO2 emissions in forestry<br />
operation”, concluded Rodrigo.<br />
Ponsse’s Rodrigo<br />
Marangoni - Commercial<br />
and Marketing Executive<br />
Manager<br />
44 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Caio Razzano Rossmann<br />
Forestry Maintenance<br />
and Materials Manager -<br />
Operational Excellence<br />
Gains in productivity<br />
and better energy<br />
efficiency are positive<br />
results for tire<br />
machines, compared<br />
to adapted tracks, for<br />
forest harvesting in<br />
flat areas<br />
According to Ponsse’s<br />
Commercial and<br />
Marketing Executive<br />
Manager, Rodrigo Marangoni,<br />
the harvesting module<br />
equipped with ten PONSSE<br />
Cobra harvesters showed<br />
an average gain of 8% in<br />
productivity, compared to<br />
crawler excavator machines<br />
adapted with harvesting heads,<br />
under the same conditions of<br />
land. “Maintaining the same<br />
operating conditions in the<br />
compared modules, there were<br />
moments, throughout the<br />
year of data analysis, when<br />
machines and some operators<br />
of the Cobra Project achieved<br />
productivity greater than 30%,<br />
compared to the adapted<br />
machines”, he highlighted.<br />
Ponsse and Suzano celebrate<br />
results of the Cobra Project<br />
For Suzano’s Forestry<br />
Operations Manager, Gilmar<br />
Baldo Junior, the results<br />
obtained in the project are<br />
extremely relevant. “A positive<br />
point we highlighted was<br />
energy efficiency. In this<br />
case, fuel consumption was<br />
approximately 12% lower”,<br />
he stated. Furthermore,<br />
Gilmar highlights the gain in<br />
ergonomics for operators, as<br />
the tire machine (8x8) adapts<br />
better to terrain conditions.<br />
To put the project into<br />
action, the two companies<br />
signed a technical cooperation<br />
agreement, and many of the<br />
challenges were overcome<br />
with alignment between the<br />
parties involved. Training<br />
the workforce and providing<br />
maintenance services for<br />
greater mechanical availability<br />
of the machines were the<br />
focus of the teams in order<br />
to explore the best of each<br />
piece of equipment and each<br />
professional in that module.<br />
The main highlight of the<br />
project is the innovation in<br />
adopting tire machinery for<br />
flat areas, instead of adapted<br />
tracks, a very common scenario<br />
in Brazilian forestry operations.<br />
“The relevance [of the Cobra<br />
Project] is high, given that it is<br />
a hitherto disruptive test within<br />
the Brazilian forestry market.<br />
The initiative, in fact, meets the<br />
concept of Innovability that we<br />
have here at Suzano, where the<br />
search for solutions innovative<br />
and sustainable solutions<br />
has guided our actions for<br />
a hundred years. The Cobra<br />
Project represents a significant<br />
step in this direction,<br />
demonstrating Suzano’s<br />
commitment to exploring new<br />
approaches and technologies<br />
to optimize our operations<br />
and promote the sustainable<br />
development of the industry”,<br />
said Caio Razzano Rossmann,<br />
Manager of Suzano Operational<br />
Excellence.<br />
Marangoni explains that<br />
due to past situations - cost<br />
of acquisition, maintenance<br />
and support, local regulations,<br />
flexibility of use -, harvesting<br />
in flat areas using excavators<br />
adapted with a forestry head<br />
still prevails in Brazil. However,<br />
the market is dynamic and<br />
these same reasons need<br />
to be reevaluated. “Ponsse<br />
Suzano’s Forestry<br />
Operations Manager, Gilmar<br />
Baldo Junior<br />
strongly believes that we can<br />
change this scenario by gaining<br />
productivity, ergonomics and<br />
energy efficiency by adopting<br />
tire machines manufactured for<br />
forest harvesting activities”,<br />
added the executive.<br />
Other factors must<br />
also be evaluated before a<br />
total conversion of a forest<br />
harvesting fleet, but the results<br />
of the Cobra Project bring yet<br />
another solution option to be<br />
evaluated. “In view of the tests<br />
and scenarios applied, we,<br />
at Suzano, understand that<br />
this equipment model (tire<br />
harvester) will be considered<br />
in future acquisitions for forest<br />
harvesting in flat areas”,<br />
concluded Rossmann.<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 45
Shredders<br />
& Grinders<br />
comfort of the feed loader’s<br />
cab or a safe distance from the<br />
shredder.<br />
The LS3600TX is equipped<br />
with a 10 ft (3 m) long rotor<br />
featuring wear-resistant<br />
plates for enhanced durability<br />
and dual-bolt tips to help<br />
maintain clamp load. It<br />
utilizes individual bolt-in<br />
Vermeer LS3600TX low speed<br />
shredder for efficient recycling<br />
Earlier this year Vermeer<br />
unveiled the LS3600TX<br />
low speed shredder.<br />
This single-shaft<br />
shredder incorporates<br />
exclusive innovations<br />
that efficiently process<br />
contaminated waste<br />
streams and help<br />
safeguard critical<br />
machine components<br />
Jeff Bradley,<br />
Vermeer Recycling<br />
and Forestry<br />
product manager<br />
The Vermeer LS3600TX<br />
is specifically designed<br />
to excel at processing<br />
various materials, including<br />
light construction and<br />
demolition waste, wood<br />
waste with contaminants, and<br />
municipal solid waste. It is<br />
well-suited for waste facilities<br />
and land clearing operations,<br />
as well as compost, mulch and<br />
biofuel producers.<br />
“For 30 years, Vermeer has<br />
been a leading manufacturer<br />
of high speed grinders,”<br />
said Jeff Bradley, Vermeer<br />
Recycling and Forestry product<br />
manager. “During that time,<br />
recycling has become a<br />
common practice at public<br />
and private waste handling<br />
facilities and has become<br />
another source of revenue<br />
for many organizations. To<br />
help our customers optimize<br />
their processing capabilities<br />
and handle a wider range of<br />
incoming materials, we have<br />
developed the LS3600TX low<br />
speed shredder. This shredder<br />
allows companies to process<br />
contaminated materials not<br />
suited for a tub or horizontal<br />
grinder.”<br />
Vermeer has designed the<br />
LS3600TX shredder with a<br />
strong focus on maintenance<br />
and accessibility. The engine<br />
bay of the LS3600TX prioritizes<br />
ease of maintenance and<br />
serviceability, featuring large<br />
access doors, multiple ladder<br />
points and a spacious service<br />
platform. This thoughtful<br />
design allows for quick<br />
and efficient maintenance.<br />
Additionally, the LS3600TX is<br />
equipped with a hydraulically<br />
operated access system that<br />
provides full exposure to<br />
the rotor, comb, and belly<br />
conveyor, further streamlining<br />
maintenance procedures. Also,<br />
the belly conveyor can be easily<br />
removed without detaching the<br />
discharge conveyor, minimizing<br />
the invasiveness of service<br />
operations.<br />
The LS3600TX shredder<br />
has a powerful 456-hp (340<br />
kW) CAT Tier 4 Final/Stage V<br />
engine. It operates at a sound<br />
level of only 111.9 db(A). The<br />
shredder features a tracked<br />
undercarriage, which enables<br />
operators to reposition and<br />
maneuver it around a jobsite. It<br />
also comes with a full-function<br />
remote control, allowing<br />
operators to adjust the feed,<br />
access machine data, and<br />
diagnose fault codes from the<br />
comb teeth, each with two<br />
usable edges, which extends<br />
their lifespan. The shredder is<br />
built with a fully mechanical<br />
driveline designed to optimize<br />
horsepower transfer to the<br />
rotor. To safeguard the driveline<br />
system against unshreddable<br />
objects, the LS3600TX includes<br />
a reversible mechanical<br />
transmission with an external<br />
torque limiter that will<br />
automatically disengage the<br />
drive when maximum torque is<br />
reached.<br />
Vermeer offers an optional<br />
cross band magnet for the<br />
LS3600TX to further enhance<br />
its capabilities. This magnet<br />
effectively reduces steel<br />
contaminants from the<br />
end material, minimizing<br />
contamination in the final<br />
product.<br />
The Vermeer LS3600TX<br />
joins a line of high speed<br />
tub grinders and horizontal<br />
grinders to deliver one of the<br />
industry’s most comprehensive<br />
waste processing and recycling<br />
equipment lines.<br />
46 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Shredders<br />
& Grinders<br />
Rawlings Horizontal Grinder<br />
The company is constantly looking at ways to improve<br />
their equipment to make the machines more durable<br />
and easier to maintain. In response to recent trends,<br />
Rawlings is thinking outside the box and recommends<br />
systems that incorporate a combination of equipment.<br />
For example, utilizing horizontal high-speed and slowspeed<br />
grinders as the primary grinder for processing<br />
larger-size materials such as railroad ties, pallets,<br />
construction, demolition, and hurricane debris,<br />
while using the vertical grinders and hammermills to<br />
produce a smaller, more consistent particle size.<br />
By splitting the material<br />
loads through<br />
different grinders<br />
and incorporating product<br />
screening, it allows the<br />
equipment to process the<br />
material more effectively<br />
while producing consistent<br />
feedstock,” says Judi Tyacke,<br />
Rawlings project manager.<br />
The company’s solid<br />
steel Super Hi Inertia Rotor<br />
TM is designed from rock<br />
crusher technology, making<br />
it extremely tolerant of<br />
contaminants, rocks, and<br />
metal without catastrophic<br />
maintenance costs if metal<br />
enters the grinding chamber.<br />
The Rawlings rotor is also<br />
designed to maximize inertia<br />
while minimizing its weight.<br />
Rawlings Wood Hogs motto is<br />
“innovation not imitation.”<br />
“With the increase of inertia,<br />
our machine runs at lower rpms<br />
than competitor machines and<br />
half the speed of conventional<br />
hammermills, resulting in<br />
overall savings of electricity<br />
and maintenance costs. The<br />
cam profile of the Rawlings<br />
rotor prevents feed surges by<br />
keeping material closer to the<br />
cutting edge of the bits. This<br />
translates to better productivity<br />
as the in-feed conveyor is<br />
stalled less frequently, and less<br />
down time, as the increased<br />
energy reduces the number of<br />
motor drive stalls.<br />
During Rawlings’ 45 years<br />
of designing wood grinding<br />
systems, our company has<br />
learned that most of its clients<br />
are asking for grinders to<br />
obtain the smallest finished<br />
product on a single pass or<br />
one-stage pass through the<br />
grinder. We often suggest<br />
that this is not always the<br />
most economical option long<br />
term, running the grinder and<br />
related equipment at full surge<br />
capacity results in frequent<br />
equipment breakdowns,<br />
high consumption of spare<br />
parts and costly maintenance<br />
repairs. Incorporating several<br />
types of equipment into the<br />
system allows the customer<br />
to protect their investment<br />
while producing a highquality,<br />
consistent end product.<br />
For that reason, Rawling’s<br />
engineers have made<br />
significant changes to the hog<br />
case that allow its customers’<br />
maintenance teams easier<br />
access to the hog rotor,<br />
sizing grates and internal<br />
case liners. Over<br />
the years, several<br />
customers have<br />
wanted a Rawlings<br />
solid rotary hog<br />
but did not have the<br />
overhead clearance in their<br />
existing footprint to allow for<br />
a clam shell opening type of<br />
machine, Rawlings says. “Our<br />
engineering team took this<br />
feedback and did a redesign of<br />
the hog case. This new model<br />
opens hydraulically from the<br />
rear of the machine, allowing<br />
full access to the hog’s internal<br />
wear components and rotor for<br />
ease of maintenance.”<br />
More recently, a customer<br />
contacted the company looking<br />
for a 2-inch minus product,<br />
as his feedstock was 12-inch<br />
minus with approximately<br />
40 percent of the material<br />
already sized to 2-inch minus.<br />
“After thoroughly looking over<br />
the project parameters, we<br />
suggested a vibratory shaker<br />
deck to screen off and separate<br />
the material, removing the<br />
2-inch accepts prior to grinding<br />
it through a Rawlings vertical<br />
drop feed hog,” Tyacke says.<br />
“This is a common practice to<br />
reduce the amount of tonnage<br />
to the machine, resulting in<br />
cost savings of spare parts,<br />
maintenance, and overall<br />
electricity costs. Simply put, it’s<br />
less expensive to screen it than<br />
grind it.”<br />
www.wastewoodhogs.com<br />
Rawlings Vertical Feed<br />
Wood Grinder<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 47
UK, Europe, South Africa,<br />
US East Coast<br />
CONTACT: Robin Peach<br />
International Forest Industries Ltd<br />
Tel: +44 (0)1442 877 777<br />
Fax: +44 (0)1442 870 617<br />
robin@internationalforestindustries.com<br />
Japan<br />
CONTACT: Shigeru Kobayashi<br />
Japan Advertising Communications, Inc.<br />
Star Bldg., 3-10-3 Kanda Jimbocho<br />
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051<br />
Tel: 81-3-3261-4591<br />
Fax: 81-3-3261-6126<br />
Email: Shig-kobi@media-jac.co.jp<br />
Western USA (AZ, CA, NV, UT)<br />
Australia, & New Zealand<br />
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />
J.P.Media Inc<br />
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />
Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com<br />
Western USA (MT, ID, OR,WA) & Canada<br />
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />
J.P.Media Inc<br />
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />
Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com<br />
Bandit IFC<br />
www.banditchippers.com<br />
BID GROUP 29<br />
www.bidgroup.ca<br />
Combilift 15<br />
www.combilift.com<br />
Delta Motion 2<br />
www.deltamotion.com<br />
Demo International <strong>2024</strong> 4 & 19<br />
www.demointernational.com<br />
Franzen 41<br />
www.franzen-machines.com<br />
FAE 8<br />
www.fae-group.com<br />
Halco Software Systems 38<br />
www.halcosoftware.com<br />
Jartek 31<br />
www.jartek.fi<br />
Joescan 37<br />
www.joescan.com<br />
LMI Technologies 37<br />
www.LMI3D.com<br />
Logmax 7<br />
www.logmax.com<br />
Microtec 3<br />
www.microtec.eu<br />
M&I Materials 17<br />
www.mimaterials.com<br />
Mus-Max 20<br />
www.mus-max.at<br />
Opticom 36<br />
www.opticomtech.com<br />
Rawlings 16<br />
www.rawlingsmanufacturing.com<br />
Rottne 9<br />
www.rottne.com<br />
Ponsse 5<br />
www.ponsse.com<br />
Seppi m 10<br />
www.seppi.com<br />
Southern Forest Products AssociationOBC<br />
www.SFPAEXPO.com<br />
Springer 25<br />
www.springer-usa.com<br />
tele radio 11<br />
www.teleradio.com<br />
Tigercat 13<br />
www.tigercat.com<br />
Timber Processing and Energy Expo 23<br />
https://timberprocessingandenergyexpo.com<br />
USNR F/C<br />
www.usnr.com<br />
ZF Group 21<br />
www.zf.com<br />
US Mid-West, Central & Mountain<br />
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />
J.P.Media Inc<br />
1163 E.Ogden Ave, Ste. 705-359 Naperville<br />
IL 60563, USA<br />
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />
Email: lapham@jpmediainc.com<br />
48 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Log Max 5000V:<br />
The ultimate Harvesting Head<br />
for unparalleled logging<br />
performance<br />
The logging industry demands reliable and efficient<br />
equipment to tackle the toughest challenges in<br />
harvesting operations. Introducing the Log Max 5000V,<br />
a state-of-the-art harvesting head that combines<br />
durability, agility, accuracy, and intelligence to<br />
revolutionise logging worldwide. With its reinforced<br />
design, advanced features, and improved servicing<br />
capabilities, the Log Max 5000V sets a new standard<br />
for modern and powerful harvesting heads.<br />
Durability and Cutting<br />
Performance:<br />
The Log Max 5000V boasts a<br />
reinforced frame designed to<br />
withstand the most demanding<br />
logging applications. The<br />
slimmed-down saw box<br />
enhances performance in<br />
snowy conditions, ensuring<br />
optimal cutting efficiency.<br />
Equipped with the new 318<br />
MK2 - 30cc saw, this harvesting<br />
head delivers fast and troublefree<br />
cutting up to 74cm,<br />
guaranteeing exceptional<br />
cutting performance.<br />
Measuring Precision and<br />
Simplified Maintenance:<br />
Accurate measurement results<br />
are crucial in today’s harvesting<br />
operations, and the Log Max<br />
5000V meets this requirement<br />
with its redesigned measuring<br />
unit. The length measuring unit<br />
incorporates smart features,<br />
including a contactless sensor,<br />
easier lubrication, and durable<br />
tapered bearings. Furthermore,<br />
the harvesting head’s<br />
improved accessibility, wellorganised<br />
hoses, and grease<br />
nipples facilitate simplified<br />
maintenance and servicing.<br />
Enhancements and Updates:<br />
To enhance the Log Max<br />
5000V’s durability and<br />
longevity, several updates<br />
have been implemented. The<br />
design of the measuring wheel<br />
hole has been improved,<br />
reinforcing the stoppers for<br />
the feed roller arms inside the<br />
frame, thus increasing strength<br />
and stability. The length<br />
measurement function has<br />
been significantly improved<br />
through the introduction of<br />
a new measuring wheel unit<br />
with a larger wheel, ensuring<br />
superior measurement<br />
accuracy.<br />
Advanced Saw Unit:<br />
The Log Max 5000V<br />
incorporates the enhanced saw<br />
unit 318 MK2 19 cc (True-Cut)<br />
or 30 cc, carefully designed<br />
to optimise work processes.<br />
Upgrades include a more<br />
robust saw bar mount with<br />
protective covers and rubber<br />
seals, ensuring protection<br />
against dirt and moisture. The<br />
saw bar holder now utilises<br />
premium-grade Hardox 450<br />
material, offering increased<br />
strength and longevity.<br />
Additionally, the placement<br />
of the “saw bar home” sensor<br />
has been optimised for easy<br />
access during maintenance.<br />
On the 30cc version the saw<br />
valve is mounted directly to the<br />
motor which greatly increases<br />
responsiveness.<br />
Improved Multi-Stemming<br />
Unit MK2:<br />
The Log Max 5000V’s multistemming<br />
unit has undergone<br />
a redesign, resulting in reduced<br />
weight, increased lifespan,<br />
and simplified serviceability.<br />
The relocation of cylinders<br />
and improved hose protection<br />
increase durability and<br />
minimise the accumulation of<br />
snow and dirt.<br />
Enhanced Four-Point<br />
Measuring MK2:<br />
The Log Max 5000V’s fourpoint<br />
measurement MK2<br />
features new components and<br />
functions to excel in harsh<br />
conditions. The introduction<br />
of a contactless encoder in<br />
the lower delimbing knife<br />
enhances its lifespan and<br />
simplifies maintenance. The<br />
lower delimbing knife now<br />
incorporates an “Active Lower<br />
Knife” function, increasing<br />
lifting power and optimising<br />
tree holding capability.<br />
Additionally, the design<br />
modifications, such as a new<br />
axel nut and improved cable<br />
routing, enhance durability and<br />
reduce the risk of snow and ice<br />
packing.<br />
Conclusion:<br />
The Log Max 5000V represents<br />
a groundbreaking advancement<br />
in the logging industry. With<br />
its unparalleled durability,<br />
cutting performance, precise<br />
measurement capabilities, and<br />
simplified maintenance, this<br />
harvesting head sets a new<br />
benchmark for productivity,<br />
efficiency, and reliability.<br />
Experience the power of the<br />
Log Max 5000V and unlock its<br />
potential to revolutionise your<br />
logging operations.<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> IBC
48 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
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54 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
See page 6<br />
Ponsse’s new solutions for<br />
increased productivity and<br />
profitability –<br />
Ponsse Scale crane system<br />
& PONSSE High-Precision<br />
Positioning solution<br />
Visit us at Stand A20<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 55
56 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
See page 14<br />
Bandit’s HM6420 is available<br />
with screens up to 7 inches and<br />
includes an impact detection<br />
system<br />
that shuts the system down<br />
gently if a contaminant is struck<br />
inside the grinding chamber.<br />
(Photo courtesy of Bandit.)<br />
Visit us at Stand A25<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 57
See page 42<br />
Tigercat 6-wheel skidders<br />
are built for extreme<br />
duty and high production<br />
applications<br />
58 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 59
60 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
See page 18<br />
FAE updates its top-of-the-line<br />
tracked carrier. Introducing the<br />
PT550: the tracked carrier for<br />
big challenges.<br />
Visit us at Stand S13<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 61
See page 49<br />
Log Max 5000V:<br />
The ultimate Harvesting Head<br />
for unparalleled logging<br />
performance<br />
Visit us at Stand A24<br />
62 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 63
Bright Wood purchases eight USNR AddVantage scanners<br />
As their old equipment started<br />
to lag behind what was needed<br />
for the business, Bright Wood<br />
turned to USNR’s AddVantage<br />
scanners for a solution. Bright<br />
Wood purchased eight systems<br />
with the plan to replace<br />
existing scanners and to add<br />
more locations.<br />
The goal was to utilize<br />
the system’s AI defect<br />
programming to help reduce<br />
the amount of waste, create<br />
fewer cutbacks, and produce<br />
an overall better product for<br />
their customers.<br />
An outdated scanning<br />
system can be severely<br />
detrimental to any facility.<br />
From slow processing time<br />
to misallocated manpower to<br />
excess waste, it can be the<br />
weak link that costs a mill<br />
thousands of dollars every<br />
year. This is exactly what led<br />
Bright Wood to search for<br />
alternative scanner options.<br />
The AddVantage uses AIdriven<br />
defecting technology<br />
that provides industry-leading<br />
detection and classification<br />
of defects. But finding the<br />
AddVantage was just the<br />
beginning. Upgrading and<br />
refining their process has<br />
now led Bright Wood to new<br />
ventures and better product.<br />
Read the full article here.<br />
To read other USNR related<br />
posts click here.<br />
64 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
USNR Introducing new innovations at TP&EE!<br />
USNR ‘s powerful history<br />
as a strong visionary<br />
leader has brought many<br />
important innovations<br />
to the industry, and it’s<br />
time to unveil our next<br />
groundbreaking product<br />
We’re revealing a<br />
brand-new piece of<br />
equipment exclusively<br />
at this year’s Timber Processing<br />
& Energy Expo, <strong>September</strong><br />
25-27 in Portland, OR. We’re<br />
thrilled to introduce this latest<br />
product offering from USNR<br />
that is as innovative as you are.<br />
We’ll also be showcasing<br />
new advances in optimization<br />
and panel technology. You’ll<br />
be able to see special displays<br />
from our parts and upgrades<br />
teams and meet our expansive<br />
network of experts so you can<br />
learn more about what USNR<br />
has to offer.<br />
Join us as our special guest<br />
with this form and be one of<br />
the first in the world to witness<br />
this exciting moment!<br />
TO read previous USNR posts<br />
click here.<br />
development.<br />
Visit us at TP&EE<br />
Booth #711<br />
<strong>September</strong> 25-27 <strong>2024</strong><br />
Portland, OR<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 65
66 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
See page 26<br />
How BID Group’s AI-Powered<br />
Smart Vision Enhances Safety<br />
and Efficiency<br />
Visit Bid Group at TP&EE<br />
Booth #627<br />
<strong>September</strong> 25-27 <strong>2024</strong><br />
Portland, OR<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 67
See page 39<br />
A Unique Approach to<br />
Strength Grading:<br />
Virtual Splitting at James<br />
Jones & Sons with<br />
the MiCROTEC Solution<br />
Visit us at Booth #409<br />
<strong>September</strong> 25-27 <strong>2024</strong><br />
Portland, OR<br />
68 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 69
Sawbox - from<br />
debarking via<br />
scanning to<br />
stacking<br />
From Log to Lumber<br />
with One Operator<br />
The lumber industry<br />
is on the cusp of<br />
a technological<br />
revolution, and<br />
SAWBOX is leading<br />
the way with its<br />
groundbreaking ability<br />
to turn logs into lumber<br />
with just one operator.<br />
Visit us at Booth #309<br />
<strong>September</strong> 25-27 <strong>2024</strong><br />
Portland, OR<br />
Introducing SAWBOX: Revolutionizing<br />
the North American Lumber Industry<br />
This innovative sawmill<br />
solution is designed<br />
to meet the needs of<br />
modern wood processing<br />
operations, providing a<br />
compact, automated system<br />
that ensures efficient, high<br />
quality lumber production.<br />
Most importantly, the SAWBOX<br />
allows you to process<br />
diameters up to 42 inches<br />
that you would not be able<br />
to handle in your normal<br />
production operations. For<br />
businesses in North America<br />
the SAWBOX promises to be<br />
a game changer, delivering<br />
benefits that are too significant<br />
to ignore.<br />
Key Benefits of SAWBOX<br />
• Self-Sufficiency<br />
One of the outstanding<br />
features of SAWBOX is its<br />
ability to make companies<br />
self-sufficient. By allowing<br />
companies to cut their own<br />
logs, SAWBOX helps optimize<br />
production costs and ensures<br />
a steady supply of raw<br />
materials. This level of control<br />
over the production process<br />
can significantly improve a<br />
company’s profitability and<br />
operational efficiency.<br />
• Cost-Effective Investment<br />
Setting up a SAWBOX is<br />
much more affordable than<br />
traditional sawing technology.<br />
The reduced investment costs<br />
make it possible for smaller<br />
companies to own and operate<br />
their own sawmills, paving the<br />
way for greater autonomy and<br />
financial stability.<br />
• Increased vs Enhanced Yield<br />
and Efficiency<br />
SAWBOX is designed to<br />
maximize the use of each log,<br />
achieving yields of up to 75%.<br />
This high level of efficiency<br />
not only reduces waste, but<br />
also increases the overall<br />
production, making the most of<br />
the available resources.<br />
• Sustainability and Regional<br />
Added Value<br />
SAWBOX supports the use of<br />
local wood and the recycling<br />
of all wood waste, promoting<br />
sustainability and boosting the<br />
local economies. By sourcing<br />
wood locally and minimizing<br />
waste, companies can reduce<br />
their ecological footprint and<br />
contribute to sustainable<br />
forestry practices.<br />
• Predictable Pricing<br />
With SAWBOX, companies can<br />
enjoy long-term stable product<br />
prices by controlling their<br />
own production processes.<br />
This predictability is crucial<br />
for maintaining competitive<br />
pricing and ensuring customer<br />
satisfaction in a fluctuating<br />
market.<br />
• Impressive Cutting Capacity<br />
The SAWBOX can process up<br />
to 8.5 million board feet of<br />
lumber in a two-shift operation.<br />
It accommodates logs from 10<br />
to 42 inches in diameter and<br />
from 10 to 16 feet 2 inches<br />
(on request 20 feet) in length,<br />
available upon request. This<br />
versatility makes it suitable<br />
for a wide range of lumber<br />
dimensions.<br />
• Space Efficiency<br />
SAWBOX is designed to fit into<br />
spaces ranging from 5,400 to<br />
10,800 square feet, allowing for<br />
optimal use of available space.<br />
This compact footprint is<br />
perfect for companies looking<br />
to maximize their production<br />
capacity without the need for<br />
large, sprawling facilities.<br />
70 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Embrace the Future with<br />
SAWBOX<br />
For North American wood<br />
processing companies, the<br />
benefits of adopting SAWBOX<br />
are clear. Whether you are<br />
a sawmill, CLT or a gluelam<br />
facility, integrating the<br />
SAWBOX into your production<br />
line can lead to significant<br />
improvements in efficiency,<br />
cost savings, and sustainability.<br />
As the industry continues<br />
to evolve, staying ahead of the<br />
curve is essential. Discover<br />
how SAWBOX can transform<br />
your business, making it more<br />
competitive and resilient in<br />
a rapidly changing market.<br />
By investing in SAWBOX, you<br />
will not only improve your<br />
manufacturing capabilities,<br />
but also contribute to a more<br />
sustainable and economically<br />
vibrant community.<br />
Explore the possibilities<br />
of SAWBOX and take the first<br />
step towards a more efficient<br />
and sustainable future for your<br />
wood processing business.<br />
About SPRINGER<br />
The family-owned company<br />
located in Austria (Europe),<br />
Greer (USA) and Nanaimo<br />
(Canada), plans, develops, and<br />
produces machines and state<br />
of the art solutions for the<br />
The optimized cutting process of Springer´s Sawbox<br />
Machining Center<br />
wood processing industry.<br />
All processes, such as<br />
transporting, sorting, grading<br />
of wood, and automation,<br />
are implemented at the<br />
highest technological level.<br />
Special attention is placed on<br />
sustainability. The climateneutral<br />
company employs more<br />
than 500 people worldwide<br />
and is managed by the third<br />
generation of the Springer<br />
family, Timo Springer and<br />
Gero Springer.<br />
www.springer-usa.com<br />
Sorter, Stick Laying, Stacking<br />
1 Logs, 2 Debarker, 3 Machining Center, 4 Sorter, 5 Robot on Linear Axis, 6 Lumber packages<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 71
JUNE / JULY <strong>2024</strong><br />
APRIL / MAY <strong>2024</strong><br />
SAWLINES • Forwarders • Mulchers • Wood Drying Technology<br />
JUNE / JULY <strong>2024</strong><br />
APRIL / MAY <strong>2024</strong><br />
Thinning Harvesters • Chippers<br />
FEB / MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />
DEC / JANUARY <strong>2024</strong><br />
FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />
Planers & Edgers<br />
Harvesters<br />
Lifting & Loading<br />
Planers & Edgers<br />
Biomass<br />
Steep Slope<br />
Harvesting<br />
Felling Heads<br />
72 International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong>
Harvester<br />
Heads<br />
Forestry<br />
Mulchers<br />
Track<br />
Carriers<br />
Skidders<br />
Shredders<br />
& Grinders<br />
Scanning<br />
& Optimisation<br />
JUNE / JULY 2023<br />
APRIL / MAY 2023<br />
LIGNA<br />
JUNE / JULY 2023<br />
APRIL / MAY 2023<br />
Chippers<br />
Access to the<br />
Timber Stand<br />
Feller<br />
Bunchers<br />
Forwarders<br />
Harvester<br />
Head Launch<br />
CVT Technology<br />
New Harvester<br />
International Forest Industries | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER <strong>2024</strong> 73
Fine tune your strategy<br />
<br />
NASHVILLE, TN • AUG 6-8, 2025 <br />
<br />
<br />
Exhibit sales<br />
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Space Today!