International Forest Industries February March 2024
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FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />
Planers & Edgers<br />
Harvesters<br />
Lifting & Loading
V E R S A T I L E S E R I E S<br />
5000V<br />
A versatile head, ready for large trees.<br />
The Log Max 5000V is a modern and reliable harvesting head that<br />
can handle a wide range of logging challenges. This is the perfect<br />
mid-range head for both thinning and final felling. The head can<br />
be equipped with a 82 cm saw bar and has a maximum cutting<br />
diameter of 74 cm. It also features Log Max’s Multi-stemming<br />
MK2, that is agile and lightweight, making thinning work easier.<br />
The Log Max 5000V is suitable for those who seek the perfect<br />
balance between agility, capacity, and durability.<br />
What customers say:<br />
“The cutting and feeding are brutally good<br />
and in combination with the new length<br />
measuring unit, Log Max is unstoppable ; )”<br />
PONSSE 34<br />
ROTTNE 38<br />
TIGERCAT 42<br />
34<br />
LOGMAX 39<br />
44<br />
20<br />
12<br />
12 VERMEER<br />
Vermeer Launches LS3600TX Low Speed<br />
Shredder for Efficient Recycling<br />
FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />
With considerable research and<br />
collaboration, the Bandit team brings the<br />
HM6420 hammermill grinder to market!<br />
20 USNR<br />
USNR enjoyed a successful exhibition at<br />
the <strong>2024</strong> IHLA Convention & Exposition in<br />
Indianapolis, IN.<br />
FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />
Planers & Edgers<br />
BID Group is celebrating the Comact<br />
brand’s centennial in <strong>2024</strong>. Since its<br />
humble beginnings in 1924, Comact has<br />
pushed the technological boundaries of<br />
the wood processing industry, elevating<br />
customers’ yields, revenues, and bottomline<br />
profitability. The company has grown<br />
from a small, family-run business to a<br />
global powerhouse with multiple key<br />
locations serving international markets.<br />
BID Group will be commemorating<br />
this huge milestone all year long with<br />
internal and external events.<br />
Stay tuned at<br /><br />
Harvesters<br />
Lifting & Loading<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 1
18<br />
26<br />
22<br />
18 MICROTEC<br />
Established in 2017 as part of a fire<br />
mitigation initiative, Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry<br />
Products has embraced technology and<br />
innovation as core drivers of its operations.<br />
22 GILBERT<br />
Gilbert Planers: maintaining high<br />
productivity in any conditions!<br />
26 SPRINGER<br />
Revolutionizing Wood Processing<br />
Efficiency: Woodgrain’s Partnership with<br />
Springer<br />
28<br />
33<br />
32<br />
28 BID GROUP<br />
Crafting Excellence: BID Group’s Comact<br />
ResawExpert<br />
32 OPTICOM<br />
Sawmills are dangerous environments<br />
for cameras. There’s dust, debris, and<br />
full-sized logs and boards moving at high<br />
speeds.<br />
33 MICROTEC<br />
MiCROTEC supply CT Log to JD Irving’s<br />
sawmill in New Brunswick, Canada<br />
2 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Fully automatic<br />
wrapping and stapling<br />
machine for lumber packages<br />
Innovative solutions for the North American<br />
wood-processing industry<br />
ISSUE 97<br />
FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong><br />
Tel:<br />
Tel:<br />
+44<br />
+44<br />
(0)1442<br />
(0)1442<br />
877<br />
877<br />
583<br />
583<br />
e<br /><br /><br />
Annual<br />
Annual<br />
Subscription<br />
Subscription<br />
UK<br />
UK<br />
and<br />
and<br />
Europe<br />
Europe<br />
£160,<br />
£160, €<br />
230<br />
230<br />
Rest<br />
Rest<br />
of<br />
of<br />
the<br />
the<br />
world<br />
world<br />
US$270<br />
US$270<br />
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+44<br />
+44<br />
(0)1442<br />
(0)1442<br />
877<br />
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617<br /><br /><br />
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Claridge<br />
Claridge<br />
Court,<br />
Court,<br />
Lower<br />
Lower<br />
Kings<br />
Kings<br />
Road<br />
Road<br />
Berkhamsted,<br />
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Herts.<br />
Herts.<br />
HP4<br />
HP4<br />
2AF,<br />
2AF,<br />
UK<br />
UK<br />
Editor<br />
Editor<br />
Robin<br />
Robin<br />
Peach<br />
Peach<br /><br /><br />
Editorial Board<br />
Dr NORTH Patrick AMERICAN Moore – Chairman SALES and Chief<br />
Professor Kevin Lapham Piotr Paschalis-Jakubowicz –<br />
Warsaw<br />
J.P.Media<br />
Agricultural<br />
Inc<br />
University (Poland)<br />
Mr Kim Carstensen<br />
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />
Director General<br />
<strong>Forest</strong> Fax: +1 Stewardship (630) 420 9763 Council<br />
Eduardo Email:<br />
Morales<br />
South American <strong>Forest</strong>ry Consultant<br />
Jo English<br /><br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> Ltd<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> Ltd<br />
Advertising Manager<br />
Advertising Manager<br />
Emma Smith<br />
Emma Smith<br /><br /><br />
+44 (0)1442 877 583<br />
+44 (0)1442 877 583<br />
Publisher<br />
Associate Editor<br />
Robin Peach<br />
Robin Peach<br /><br /><br />
Advertising Production Enquiries<br />
Advertising Production Enquiries<br />
Emma Smith<br />
Emma Smith<br /><br /><br />
Studio Manager<br />
Luke Evans<br />
<strong>International</strong><br />
<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> is published<br />
by <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> Ltd,<br />
2 Accounts Claridge Court, Lower Kings Road<br />
Berkhamsted, Nicola ShuklaHerts. HP4 2AF, UK<br />
<strong>International</strong><br />
<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> (ISSN 1755-6732) is<br />
published bi-monthly by <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong><br />
Ltd GBR and is distributed in the USA by Asendia USA,<br />
17B <strong>International</strong> South Middlesex <strong>Forest</strong> Avenue, <strong>Industries</strong> Monroe is published NJ 08831 and<br />
additional by <strong>International</strong> mailing <strong>Forest</strong> offices. <strong>Industries</strong> Periodicals Ltd, postage paid at<br />
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UK<br />
17B South<br />
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©<br />
<strong>International</strong><br />
<strong>International</strong><br />
<strong>Forest</strong><br />
<strong>Forest</strong><br />
<strong>Industries</strong><br />
<strong>Industries</strong><br />
(ISSN<br />
Ltd<br />
1755-6732)<br />
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IFI<br />
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<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong><br />
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© <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> Ltd 2007 – 2023<br />
IFI uses, as preference, SI units throughout.<br />
All dollars are US unless otherwise stated.<br />
<strong>Forest</strong> fires are one of the<br />
burning issues of our time<br />
I had the good fortune to visit Sequoia and<br />
Kings Canyon National Parks last August<br />
on my way to SFPAExpo sawmilling show in<br />
Nashville.<br />
These magnificent trees are an endangered<br />
species succumbing to over a decade<br />
of intense wildfires. An excellent report<br />
by National Park Service explaining this<br />
phenomenon can be found at Wildfires Kill<br />
Unprecedented Numbers of Large Sequoia<br />
Trees (U.S. National Park Service) (<br />
One bright spot is Calforests recent<br />
acquisition of military aircraft.<br />
California secures seven C-130<br />
Military Aircraft for Fighting Wildfires,<br />
exponentially strengthening Aerial<br />
Firefighting Capabilities<br />
Some weeks ago US Congress passed a<br />
critical issue of importance for California<br />
into law: authorizing the expedited transfer<br />
of seven C-130 aircraft from the United<br />
States Coast Guard to CAL FIRE for wildfire<br />
suppression, search and rescue, and<br />
emergency operations related to wildfires.<br />
In a showing of bipartisan support led by<br />
U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA), Senator<br />
John Boozman (R-AR), and Congressman<br />
Ken Calvert (CA-41), the final version of<br />
the National Defense Authorization Act for<br />
Fiscal Year <strong>2024</strong> (NDAA) includes an effort<br />
that builds on the foundation laid by the<br />
late U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)<br />
in 2018.<br />
This initiative also benefited from the<br />
consistent and critical partnership of<br />
California Governor Gavin Newsom and the<br />
Director and Fire Chief of CAL FIRE Joe Tyler,<br />
who have been instrumental in moving the<br />
effort over the finish line.<br />
From a retardant delivery perspective, a<br />
single C-130 delivers over three times more<br />
than the S-2T Airtankers currently in use by<br />
CAL FIRE. In service for more than 60 years,<br />
the C-130 is a workhorse of military aircraft,<br />
used for troop transportation, medical<br />
evacuation, search and rescue, weather<br />
reconnaissance and many other functions.<br />
Similar C-130s are already in use and have<br />
demonstrated their superior capability<br />
to drop 3,000 gallons (weighing 28,000<br />
pounds) in less than five seconds.<br />
“This transfer of critical aircraft to the<br />
State of California will surely save lives,<br />
improve air quality, protect forestlands,<br />
and reduce carbon emissions,” said Matt<br />
Dias, President and CEO of Calforests.<br />
“Adding seven C-130s to California’s aerial<br />
firefighting force is a truly remarkable<br />
advancement.<br />
Continued on p16<br />
EDITOR<br />
4 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
RADIO<br />
REMOTE<br />
Independently<br />
certified<br />
MEET US AT<br />
INTERMAT <strong>2024</strong><br />
April 24-27<br />
Offering a vast variety of radio remote control products, adaptable to a multitude of applications, throughout<br />
many industries, not limited to:<br />
Agriculture & <strong>Forest</strong>ry Equipment - Cranes & Material Handling - Mobile Hydraulic Machinery – Emergency &<br />
Recovery Vehicles - Industrial Doors & Gates – Propane and Tanker Trucks – Construction Equipment & Machines<br />
– Pumps & Aggregates, PLC Control – Recycling Machinery and more…<br />
See the website for all our global sales locations and more info about the products and applications<br />
WEBSITE?<br />
SCAN ME<br />
PONSSE Manager 2.0 gathers<br />
digital offering into one package<br />
PONSSE Manager 2.0. is a<br />
next-generation digital service<br />
platform and forest machine<br />
management system that<br />
provides customers valuable<br />
data of machines’ location,<br />
productivity figures and fuel<br />
consumption, among others.<br />
The PONSSE Manager monitors<br />
the progress of stands,<br />
plans, and manages machine<br />
transportation, keep track of<br />
machine outputs according<br />
to assortment and print out<br />
measuring certificates.<br />
“With the quick tempo of<br />
the modern world and the<br />
huge amount of data we see<br />
every day, finding the correct<br />
piece of information is often<br />
like trying to find a needle<br />
in the haystack. New Ponsse<br />
Manager is a completely new<br />
Petteri Tuomisto<br />
approach to more sustainable<br />
and more digitalized forestry”,<br />
says Petteri Tuomisto,<br />
Manager, of Digital Solutions<br />
Sales<br />
It’s time to take you back to<br />
the driver’s seat<br />
Miika Soininen, Chief Digital<br />
Officer of Ponsse comments:<br />
“We want to support our<br />
customers, so that they can run<br />
their business successfully”<br />
This has been the guiding<br />
principle, how we have<br />
designed new Ponsse Manager.<br />
All the development has been<br />
based on customer feedback<br />
and customer needs from all<br />
over the world”.<br />
In Ponsse Manager 2.0, the<br />
user can create a personalized<br />
home page focusing on the<br />
most important data. Every<br />
important information is<br />
visible immediately, variations<br />
their machines’ profitability<br />
and helps improve operations’<br />
efficiency.<br />
One of the new key features<br />
is the possibility to download<br />
all reports and, e.g. combine<br />
them in a spreadsheet<br />
with other data to create<br />
new valuable views of your<br />
operations. Mobile applications<br />
will also be available to<br />
download for free from your<br />
app store. “The mobile app<br />
is easy to use on site, with<br />
all required functionalities<br />
available for professionals<br />
working in different roles”<br />
says Jenni Pulkkinen, Project<br />
Manager Digital Solutions.<br />
Ponsse is developing its<br />
digital solutions together<br />
with its customers. The digital<br />
innovations address the right<br />
issues and provide relevant<br />
support for both professionals<br />
working on-site and those<br />
responsible for smooth and<br />
efficient fleet management.<br />
Jenni Pulkkinen,<br />
Project Manager<br />
Digital Solutions<br />
Miika Soininen<br />
can be discovered quickly,<br />
and corrective action can be<br />
taken directly. With the single<br />
sign-on, all digital solutions<br />
required to improve operational<br />
efficiency and productivity<br />
are at the user’s disposal in<br />
one web address. PONSSE<br />
Manager keeps customers up<br />
to date on data that affects<br />
6 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
New Mulching Head for Fire Mitigation<br />
Tigercat releases mulching<br />
head for swing carriers in<br />
response to fire mitigation<br />
equipment requirements in<br />
western North America.<br />
Wildfire is proving to<br />
be one of the greatest<br />
challenges facing foresters,<br />
landowners, governments and<br />
environmental organizations in<br />
the 21st century. The summer<br />
fire season over the last<br />
several years in North America<br />
has devastated millions<br />
of hectares of forest land,<br />
destroying wildlife habitat and<br />
carbon sinks, while releasing<br />
massive amounts of carbon<br />
and particulate matter into<br />
the atmosphere. Excessive<br />
fuel build-up on the ground is<br />
having a devastating effect.<br />
Tigercat recently released<br />
a mulching head designed to<br />
mount on a Tigercat LX830E<br />
carrier. This machine can tackle<br />
steep slopes and operate<br />
within dense stands to reduce<br />
build-up of woody debris as a<br />
mitigation measure to guard<br />
against future wildfires.<br />
The new 4161-15 head has a<br />
1,5 m (59 in) mulching swath,<br />
130 degree wrist pivot, and a<br />
pin-on rake for added utility.<br />
Like all Tigercat mulching<br />
heads, it is strength-to-weight<br />
optimized and fitted with large<br />
bearings.<br />
Many of the components<br />
including the bearings,<br />
sprockets, seals and timing<br />
belt are common to the<br />
Tigercat 4061 series mulching<br />
heads and thus field proven.<br />
Hydraulic hoses are routed<br />
through the open tip boom into<br />
the top of the wrist, providing<br />
excellent protection. The<br />
replaceable wear liner is field<br />
serviceable. Removable covers<br />
allow easy access to all service<br />
points.<br />
The LX830E carrier is<br />
powerful, compact and<br />
extremely capable on steep<br />
terrain.<br />
Spare Parts Responsiveness<br />
Tigercat opens west coast parts<br />
warehouse facility to improve<br />
responsiveness, decrease lead<br />
times and extend spare parts<br />
operational hours into Pacific<br />
time zone.<br />
Tigercat <strong>Industries</strong> has<br />
announced that it has opened<br />
a new 3,250 square metre<br />
(35,000 square foot) parts<br />
warehousing and distribution<br />
facility in Kelso, Washington<br />
with a current stock of<br />
inventory valued at $3.5<br />
million.<br />
“We are excited about<br />
opening the western<br />
warehouse for many reasons,”<br />
explains Tigercat parts<br />
manager, Brian Jonker. “To<br />
have inventory closer to our<br />
western dealers and customers<br />
will reduce both downtime<br />
and freight costs. To be able<br />
to potentially service any<br />
customer for an extra three<br />
hours of the day is also a<br />
benefit to the entire Tigercat<br />
network.”<br />
Tigercat’s increased<br />
footprint in the Pacific<br />
northwest demonstrates<br />
ongoing financial commitments<br />
from Tigercat to grow its<br />
support capabilities and<br />
improve the customer<br />
experience.<br />
8 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
30,000<br />
In just over 30 years in business,<br />
Tigercat <strong>Industries</strong> has shipped its<br />
30,000 th machine.<br />
Although a lot has changed at Tigercat since 1992, our dedication to the customer base and relentless<br />
pursuit to innovate and improve remains constant.<br />
A big thank you to everyone who owns, operates, services or hauls Tigercat machines.<br />
Read about Tigercat’s growth at<br />
Epec Oy’s new smart<br />
electronics factory aims<br />
for carbon neutrality<br />
and uses responsible<br />
manufacturing<br />
processes.<br />
The Finnish technology<br />
company Epec opens<br />
a new smart and<br />
environmentally friendly Epec<br />
Smart Factory 1 (ESF1) in<br />
Seinäjoki, Finland. The factory<br />
produces, for example, control<br />
units, displays, sensors,<br />
power distribution units<br />
and telematics units for the<br />
needs of various mobile work<br />
machines and commercial<br />
vehicles. In addition, Epec<br />
designs and develops systems<br />
and software for machine<br />
manufacturer needs.<br />
The state-of-the-art factory<br />
is a significant investment for<br />
Epec and is in line with the<br />
company’s growth goals and<br />
responsibility commitments.<br />
The Managing Director of<br />
Epec, Jyri Kylä-Kaila, explains:<br />
“Responsibility goals are<br />
also pushing the technology<br />
transformation in the mobile<br />
machinery and commercial<br />
vehicle sector. The technology<br />
transformation is accelerating<br />
digitisation and electrification<br />
in mobile machinery and<br />
vehicles. Epec’s products<br />
play a key role in enabling<br />
the development of more<br />
responsible mobile machinery<br />
and commercial vehicles. They<br />
offer solutions for integrating<br />
electronic systems and<br />
control systems, optimise<br />
the efficiency of machines<br />
and promote productivity,<br />
while reducing emissions.<br />
Our products enable the path<br />
towards zero-emission work<br />
Ponsse group technology company Epec<br />
opens a responsible and smart factory<br />
machines. The factory offers<br />
us a significant opportunity<br />
for our growth and for<br />
our customers’ continued<br />
success.”<br />
“We are really excited<br />
about Epec’s new factory.<br />
The rapid development of<br />
technology and increasing<br />
sustainability demands<br />
provide Epec with an excellent<br />
opportunity to contribute<br />
to technology aimed at zero<br />
emissions. Ponsse’s vision is<br />
to be the preferred partner<br />
in responsible forestry,<br />
obliging us to conduct bold<br />
development work from an<br />
environmental perspective as<br />
well. Ponsse aims for more<br />
climate- and environmentally<br />
friendly solutions in product<br />
and service development. The<br />
factory in Seinäjoki is one<br />
concrete step towards this<br />
goal, both in terms of product<br />
offering and daily operations.<br />
Epec supports Ponsse’s<br />
technological development<br />
and plays a part in enabling<br />
our future growth”, says Juho<br />
Nummela, President and CEO,<br />
Ponsse Plc.<br />
Intelligent and sustainable<br />
electronics production<br />
ESF1 aims for carbon neutrality<br />
during operation and uses<br />
sustainable manufacturing<br />
processes. The factory,<br />
covering an area of 8,500 m2,<br />
incorporates energy-efficient<br />
solutions, including electricity<br />
generation from more than 600<br />
solar panels (210 MWh/year)<br />
and a geothermal system.<br />
Heat recovery is achieved<br />
through efficient needle heat<br />
exchangers, and the need for<br />
cooling energy is significantly<br />
reduced by an aluminium grille<br />
in the office wall. All electricity<br />
and heating energy is sourced<br />
from renewable sources.<br />
The ESF1 project<br />
progressed according to<br />
the planned schedule. Epec<br />
moved its headquarters<br />
and production to new<br />
premises at the end of 2023.<br />
The expanded and modern<br />
production facilities enable the<br />
optimisation of manufacturing<br />
processes and improvement<br />
in material flow management.<br />
The opening of the factory is<br />
18 January <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
“Digitalisation and<br />
sustainability are at the<br />
core of ESF1,” says Eeva<br />
Koskela, Epec’s Supply Chain<br />
Director, who led the project.<br />
“Automation, leveraging data<br />
and careful planning ensure<br />
not only productivity but also<br />
work safety and comfort.<br />
The factory is designed and<br />
equipped to better meet<br />
customer needs and stringent<br />
quality requirements. Overall,<br />
the testing and production<br />
technology are top-notch.<br />
Managing Director of Epec,<br />
Jyri Kylä-Kaila<br />
Juho Nummela, President and<br />
CEO, Ponsse Plc.<br />
Eeva Koskela, Epec’s Supply<br />
Chain Director<br />
The relocation project<br />
proceeded smoothly, and it<br />
seems the facilities serve<br />
Epec’s needs excellently.”<br />
10 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Janne Loponen appointed MD<br />
Ponsse Latin America LTDA<br />
Managing Director of Ponsse Latin America<br />
Ltda, Ponsse’s subsidiary in Brazil, is<br />
changing. Janne Loponen has been<br />
appointed as new Managing Director of<br />
Ponsse Latin America Ltda. starting from<br />
<strong>February</strong> 1, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
Janne Loponen’s location will be in<br />
Brazil, and he will report to Marko Mattila,<br />
Chief Sales, Service & Marketing Officer<br />
of the Ponsse Group. Former Managing<br />
Director of Ponsse Latin America Ltda,<br />
Fernando Campos Passos, has served as<br />
the Managing Director since 2018.<br />
Janne Loponen has extensive<br />
international experience within the Ponsse<br />
Group since 2002. He has held various<br />
aftermarket positions in Finland, France,<br />
China, the United States and Brazil.<br />
Epec acquires Bram<br />
Loponen transfers to<br />
his new position from<br />
his current role as<br />
Product Manager for<br />
harvester heads and forwarders, which he<br />
has held since 2016 located in Brazil.<br />
Janne Loponen will assume his new role<br />
immediately. Fernando Campos Passos will<br />
support the transition of responsibilities<br />
to Janne Loponen in the coming months,<br />
and his next steps will be announced later.<br />
We thank Fernando Campos Passos for his<br />
work in leading Ponsse Latin America and<br />
wish Janne Loponen success in his new<br />
role.<br />
Mulching<br />
equipment<br />
specialists<br />
Finnish technology company Epec Oy has<br />
acquired the Dutch Bram Engineers B.V.<br />
The companies have signed an agreement<br />
according to which the company will be<br />
acquired by Epec as of 1st November 2023.<br />
The background of the acquisition is in<br />
a long-term partnership between Bram and<br />
Epec. Bram and Epec have had a valuable<br />
collaboration in delivering products and<br />
services for machine manufacturers for<br />
many years. The acquisition will make it<br />
possible to provide customers software<br />
development and systems engineering<br />
services and products related to software,<br />
electrification, autonomous systems and<br />
control systems even more widely in the<br />
future.<br />
The transaction is in line with Epec’s<br />
growth strategy. Epec has for some years<br />
actively sought expansion opportunities in<br />
Europe.<br />
“The acquisition of Bram Engineers is<br />
an important strategic development step<br />
for us, and together we will be able to<br />
better support the business operations of<br />
both Bram Engineers and Epec’s European<br />
customers. Epec’s customers are not only<br />
looking for high-tech products but also<br />
services that keep them at the forefront of<br />
machine development and manufacturing,”<br />
says Epec’s CEO Jyri Kylä-Kaila.<br />
According to Kylä-Kaila, the acquisition<br />
will strengthen the customer service of<br />
both companies. Bram Engineers is known<br />
for its high-quality service, thanks to which<br />
Epec’s CEO Jyri Kylä-Kaila<br />
the integration of their business with<br />
Epec’s quality requirements promises to be<br />
smooth.<br />
“We have several ongoing projects with<br />
our customers related to, for example,<br />
customized products, which also opens up<br />
new cooperation opportunities for Bram<br />
Engineers’ customers,” he says.<br />
Epec Oy, part of the Ponsse Group, is a<br />
system supplier specializing in advanced<br />
electronics and software for machinery<br />
and commercial vehicles operating in<br />
demanding conditions, electric powertrain<br />
systems, and assistive and autonomous<br />
systems.<br />
Soil tilling, stones crushing and wood<br />
mulching with higher efficiency and<br />
lower energy consumption.<br />
2-speed POWESRHIFT system allows<br />
the machine to switch speed.<br />
Seppi M. - mulching equipment specialists<br />
Tel. Europe: +39-0461 178 75 00<br />
Tel. USA & CA: +1 513-443-6339<br /><br /><br />
#seppimulcher<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 11
Vermeer launches LS3600TX Low Speed Shredder<br />
for efficient recycling<br />
Process a broader range of<br />
materials<br />
Vermeer unveils the LS3600TX<br />
low speed shredder, its latest<br />
innovation for the recycling<br />
industry. This single-shaft<br />
shredder incorporates<br />
exclusive innovations<br />
that efficiently process<br />
contaminated waste streams<br />
and help safeguard critical<br />
machine components.<br />
The Vermeer LS3600TX is<br />
specifically designed to excel at<br />
processing various materials,<br />
including light construction<br />
and demolition waste, wood<br />
waste with contaminants, and<br />
municipal solid waste. It is<br />
well-suited for waste facilities<br />
and land clearing operations,<br />
as well as compost, mulch and<br />
biofuel producers.<br />
“For 30 years, Vermeer has<br />
been a leading manufacturer<br />
of high speed grinders,”<br />
said Jeff Bradley, Vermeer<br />
Recycling and <strong>Forest</strong>ry product<br />
manager. “During that time,<br />
recycling has become a<br />
common practice at public<br />
and private waste handling<br />
facilities and has become<br />
another source of revenue<br />
for many organizations. To<br />
help our customers optimize<br />
their processing capabilities<br />
and handle a wider range of<br />
incoming materials, we have<br />
developed the LS3600TX low<br />
speed shredder. This shredder<br />
allows companies to process<br />
contaminated materials not<br />
suited for a tub or horizontal<br />
grinder.”<br />
Vermeer has designed the<br />
LS3600TX shredder with a<br />
strong focus on maintenance<br />
and accessibility. The engine<br />
bay of the LS3600TX prioritizes<br />
ease of maintenance and<br />
serviceability, featuring large<br />
access doors, multiple ladder<br />
points and a spacious service<br />
platform. This thoughtful<br />
design allows for quick and<br />
efficient maintenance.<br />
Additionally, the LS3600TX<br />
is equipped with a hydraulically<br />
operated access system that<br />
provides full exposure to<br />
the rotor, comb, and belly<br />
conveyor, further streamlining<br />
maintenance procedures. Also,<br />
the belly conveyor can be easily<br />
removed without detaching the<br />
discharge conveyor, minimizing<br />
the invasiveness of service<br />
operations.<br />
The LS3600TX shredder<br />
has a powerful 456-hp (340<br />
kW) CAT Tier 4 Final/Stage V<br />
engine. It operates at a sound<br />
level of only 111.9 db(A). The<br />
shredder features a tracked<br />
undercarriage, which enables<br />
operators to reposition and<br />
maneuver it around a jobsite. It<br />
also comes with a full-function<br />
remote control, allowing<br />
operators to adjust the feed,<br />
access machine data, and<br />
diagnose fault codes from the<br />
comfort of the feed loader’s<br />
cab or a safe distance from the<br />
shredder.<br />
The LS3600TX is equipped<br />
with a 10 ft (3 m) long rotor<br />
featuring wear-resistant<br />
plates for enhanced durability<br />
and dual-bolt tips to help<br />
maintain clamp load. It utilizes<br />
individual bolt-in comb teeth,<br />
each with two usable edges,<br />
which extends their lifespan.<br />
The shredder is built with<br />
a fully mechanical driveline<br />
designed to optimize<br />
horsepower transfer to the<br />
rotor. To safeguard the driveline<br />
system against unshreddable<br />
objects, the LS3600TX includes<br />
a reversible mechanical<br />
transmission with an external<br />
torque limiter that will<br />
automatically disengage the<br />
drive when maximum torque is<br />
reached.<br />
Vermeer offers an optional<br />
cross band magnet for the<br />
LS3600TX to further enhance<br />
its capabilities. This magnet<br />
effectively reduces steel<br />
This shredder allows<br />
companies to process<br />
contaminated<br />
materials not suited<br />
for a tub or horizontal<br />
grinder<br />
Jeff Bradley, Vermeer<br />
Recycling and <strong>Forest</strong>ry<br />
product manager<br />
contaminants from the<br />
end material, minimizing<br />
contamination in the final<br />
product.<br />
The Vermeer LS3600TX<br />
joins a line of high speed<br />
tub grinders and horizontal<br />
grinders to deliver one of the<br />
industry’s most comprehensive<br />
waste processing and recycling<br />
equipment lines.<br />
For more information about<br />
the Vermeer LS3600TX low<br />
speed shredder, please contact<br />
your local Vermeer dealer or<br />
visit<br />
12 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
30,000 Machine Milestone<br />
Tigercat <strong>Industries</strong> has<br />
announced that it has built and<br />
shipped its 30,000th machine<br />
in January <strong>2024</strong>, just over 30<br />
years into its existence. From<br />
humble beginnings in 1992<br />
when Tigercat had a single<br />
product, very little dealer<br />
representation, and produced<br />
just a handful of machines, the<br />
company has grown steadily,<br />
expanding both its production<br />
capacity and product breadth.<br />
A few quick facts<br />
• Tigercat debuted the 726<br />
feller buncher in April 1992 at<br />
a forestry equipment show in<br />
Quitman Georgia.<br />
• By 1995, Tigercat had two<br />
drive-to-tree feller bunchers,<br />
two track feller bunchers,<br />
and two bunching shear<br />
models with distribution<br />
in Canada and the United<br />
States.<br />
• By 1997, Tigercat had a full<br />
product line to offer southern<br />
US dealers with the addition<br />
of a knuckleboom loader<br />
and the industry’s first<br />
successful, serial production<br />
hydrostatic skidder.<br />
• In 2000, Tigercat was well<br />
on its way to becoming<br />
the dominant player in<br />
steep slope harvesting<br />
applications, offering a<br />
six-wheel drive skidder and<br />
the L830 feller buncher.<br />
Both were destined to<br />
become flagship products<br />
for the company. In addition,<br />
Tigercat entered the<br />
vegetation management<br />
sector with its first mulcher<br />
carrier. The range of carriers<br />
and attachments that have<br />
followed are crucial inputs to<br />
wildfire mitigation strategies<br />
in many regions globally.<br />
• By 2005, Tigercat was<br />
present in Chile, Brazil,<br />
Uruguay, Australia, New<br />
Zealand, South Africa, UK<br />
and Sweden among other<br />
countries.<br />
• In 2012 Tigercat had grown<br />
in 20 years from two to 1,000<br />
employees and introduced<br />
the 880 logger, the first in<br />
a series of versatile, forest<br />
duty swing machines.<br />
Today, Tigercat has the most<br />
complete full-tree product<br />
line-up in the industry, along<br />
with a growing range of CTL<br />
harvesters, forwarders and<br />
harvesting heads. Tigercat<br />
launched a new brand, TCi in<br />
2022 and put the TCi badge on<br />
its first dozer, the 920. In the<br />
last four years, the company<br />
has been developing a line of<br />
material processing products<br />
with two launches to date – the<br />
6500 chipper and 6900 grinder.<br />
<strong>2024</strong> will see a slew of new and<br />
exciting products introduced to<br />
the market.<br />
Tigercat recently opened a<br />
new facility dedicated to the<br />
material processing product<br />
line and is currently building<br />
an additional facility. When<br />
complete the company will<br />
have over 1.4 million square<br />
feet of manufacturing capacity.<br />
That’s 130 000 square metres<br />
or 32 acres under roof. Over<br />
160 dealer locations in 25<br />
countries represent the<br />
Tigercat and TCi brands, along<br />
with an extensive factory<br />
support network. The company<br />
employs over 2,000.<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 13
BID Group celebrates Comact’s 100th anniversary<br />
and Legacy of Innovation and operational excellence<br />
BID Group, a pioneer in wood<br />
processing solutions, has<br />
announced that this year, its<br />
Comact brand is celebrating 100<br />
years of performance, innovation,<br />
and commitment.<br />
The last 100 years<br />
have been a testament<br />
to the hard work and<br />
pragmatic ingenuity<br />
that are the hallmarks<br />
of Comact<br />
Alistair Cook,<br />
CEO of BID Group<br />
Comact was founded on<br />
January 24, 1924, in the Beauce<br />
region of Quebec. Since its humble<br />
beginnings, it has pushed the<br />
technological boundaries of<br />
the wood processing industry,<br />
elevating customers’ yields,<br />
revenues, and bottom-line<br />
profitability. The company has<br />
grown from a small, family-run<br />
business to a global leader with<br />
multiple key locations serving<br />
international markets.<br />
“The last 100 years have been<br />
a testament to the hard work and<br />
pragmatic ingenuity that are the<br />
hallmarks of Comact,” said Alistair<br />
Cook, CEO of BID Group. “The<br />
company’s and brand’s growth<br />
and longevity in this competitive<br />
industry reflect its dedication to<br />
delivering exceptional, highperformance<br />
equipment and a<br />
reputed steadfast service to its<br />
customers.”<br />
The historic partnership<br />
between BID Group and Comact<br />
since 2013 highlighted the<br />
companies’ aligned values and<br />
visions for the future of wood<br />
processing. It has been integral to<br />
developing cutting-edge solutions<br />
that drive productivity and cost<br />
savings for an ever-growing<br />
clientele.<br />
“When Comact joined forces<br />
with BID Group, it was a strategic<br />
decision that has enabled us to<br />
leverage our collective expertise<br />
and legacy of operational lifecycle<br />
excellence,” commented Simon<br />
Potvin, president of Wood<br />
Processing at BID Group. “We are<br />
excited to continue this journey,<br />
honouring our roots while looking<br />
forward to executing our ambitious<br />
strategies that will shape the next<br />
century of wood processing.”<br />
As BID Group celebrates this<br />
significant milestone, it reaffirms<br />
its commitment to breakthrough<br />
transformation, with plans to<br />
integrate artificial intelligence and<br />
other digital technologies to ensure<br />
customers’ operations are prepared<br />
for the decades to come.<br />
When Comact<br />
joined forces with<br />
BID Group, it was a<br />
strategic decision<br />
that has enabled us to<br />
leverage our collective<br />
expertise and legacy<br />
of operational lifecycle<br />
excellence<br />
Simon Potvin,<br />
President of Wood<br />
Processing at BID Group<br />
BID Group is also in an<br />
ongoing process to execute a<br />
comprehensive and progressive<br />
sustainability roadmap that will<br />
set new benchmarks for the wood<br />
processing industry.<br />
The centennial celebrations<br />
will include a series of events<br />
designed to engage customers,<br />
employees, and stakeholders. For<br />
more information on BID Group’s<br />
centennial celebrations and their<br />
impact on the wood processing<br />
industry, please visit:<br /><br />
Timber Processing & Energy<br />
Expo (TP&EE) September<br />
25-27, <strong>2024</strong>, Portland, Oregon KWF Tagung Schwarzenborn<br />
19th – 22nd June<br />
14 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
• Removes flares at debarking speed without<br />
reducing speeds, accelerating productivity<br />
• Improves sawline cutting speed<br />
and log stability<br />
• Ensures entire log’s uniform quality<br />
and size<br />
• Guarantees unmatched debarking precision<br />
thanks to patented design<br />
• Optimizes tooling pressure control and ring<br />
speed with no air seal friction<br />
• Provides quick tool and press roll response<br />
for short gap applications and log control<br />
AVAILABLE SIZES | 17" | 22" | 27" | 31" | 35" (COMING SOON!)<br />
450-435-2121 | |
Bois Cascade to invest additional $140M<br />
to support EWP growth strategy<br />
Boise Cascade has announced<br />
new investments in Alabama<br />
and Louisiana in support of<br />
its engineered wood products<br />
(EWP) growth strategy.<br />
In Alabama, they are adding<br />
I-joist production capabilities<br />
to their Thorsby EWP mill and<br />
converting a plywood layup<br />
line to a parallel laminated<br />
veneer line at the Chapman<br />
plywood facility. The Chapman<br />
investment adds important<br />
integration into the Company’s<br />
EWP growth plans.<br />
In addition, the Chapman<br />
plywood facility extended<br />
employment opportunities<br />
to approximately 50 of the<br />
80 associates affected by the<br />
recently announced Chapman<br />
lumber operations curtailment.<br />
At the Oakdale, Louisiana<br />
facility, major projects planned<br />
include the upgrade and<br />
redesign of the log utilization<br />
center, a new veneer dryer and<br />
press, and modification of an<br />
existing veneer dryer. These<br />
investments are expected to<br />
take place over a two-year<br />
period.<br />
“We are looking forward to<br />
these major expansions and<br />
upgrades to further solidify<br />
our market position in EWP,”<br />
said Chris Seymour, SVP,<br />
Wood Products Manufacturing<br />
Operations. “We have great<br />
teams in the southeastern<br />
U.S. and are pleased to further<br />
invest in our meaningful<br />
asset bases in Alabama and<br />
Louisiana.”<br />
On a total Company basis,<br />
current estimate of capital<br />
expenditures for <strong>2024</strong> is $250<br />
million to $270 million. This<br />
range includes the investments<br />
above and spending on<br />
the previously announced<br />
greenfield distribution<br />
centers in Hondo, Texas and<br />
Walterboro, South Carolina<br />
in their Building Materials<br />
Distribution segment.<br />
Chris Seymour, SVP,<br />
Wood Products<br />
Manufacturing Operations<br />
About<br />
Boise Cascade Company is<br />
one of the largest producers<br />
of engineered wood products<br />
and plywood in North America<br />
and a leading U.S. wholesale<br />
distributor of building<br />
products.<br />
Continued from Page 4<br />
We must continue to<br />
prioritize forest management<br />
and wildfire prevention,<br />
but vigorous and efficient<br />
suppression forces are needed<br />
in trying times as well. The<br />
force multiplier offered by the<br />
addition of these airframes<br />
to fire suppression forces is<br />
critical. Today is a huge step in<br />
that direction.”<br />
“The addition of the C-130s<br />
will undoubtedly enhance<br />
the state’s aerial firefighting<br />
capabilities,” said Joe Tyler,<br />
Director and Fire Chief of CAL<br />
FIRE. According to Chief Tyler,<br />
“These critical assets will aid<br />
in reducing the loss of life and<br />
property while protecting our<br />
natural resources and private<br />
timberlands. I look forward<br />
to these aircraft joining CAL<br />
FIRE’s world-renowned aerial<br />
firefighting force.”<br />
“Between earthquakes,<br />
wildfires and other natural<br />
disasters, California is<br />
one of the most costly and<br />
challenging states for property<br />
insurers and owners. While<br />
we may not be able to prevent<br />
earthquakes, we do have<br />
the tools to combat the most<br />
destructive wildfires.<br />
Transferring these C-130s from<br />
the Coast Guard to CAL FIRE<br />
is a huge step forward in the<br />
state’s ever-vigilant battle<br />
against these fires,” said Rex<br />
Frazier, President of Personal<br />
Insurance Federation of<br />
California. Once the President<br />
signs the bill into law, the<br />
planes will be transferred,<br />
and the State and contractor<br />
will enter into a contract for<br />
the work. The first of the<br />
seven planes will likely be<br />
ready in time for the <strong>2024</strong> fire<br />
year, adding immediate value<br />
to California’s firefighting<br />
capabilities.<br />
Calforests is the preeminent<br />
trade association that<br />
advocates for California’s forest<br />
products sector. Collectively,<br />
Calforests members – private<br />
forestland owners – manage<br />
nearly 3.5 million acres of<br />
forest land throughout the<br />
state and operate nearly the<br />
entirety of the state’s forest<br />
products infrastructure,<br />
including sawmills, veneer<br />
mills, and biomass power<br />
plants.<br />
Matt Dias, President and<br />
CEO of Calforests<br />
Joe Tyler, Director and Fire<br />
Chief of CAL FIRE<br />
16 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Proven smart 2D+3D scanning solutions for log and board optimization<br />
Responsive Customer Care &<br />
the QC Assist Tool<br />
Innovating Mill Operations:<br />
Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry Products’ Journey<br />
with MiCROTEC<br />
Established in 2017 as<br />
part of a fire mitigation<br />
initiative, Blanca<br />
<strong>Forest</strong>ry Products has<br />
embraced technology<br />
and innovation as core<br />
drivers of its operations.<br />
Their journey with<br />
MiCROTEC began in<br />
2020, supported by<br />
MiCROTEC’s customer<br />
care team.<br />
Interview: Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry<br />
Products’ Experience<br />
In October, MiCROTEC sat<br />
down with Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry<br />
Products, a mill situated in<br />
the heart of Blanca, Colorado.<br />
Established in 2017 as part<br />
of a fire mitigation initiative,<br />
Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry Products has<br />
embraced technology and<br />
innovation as core drivers<br />
of its operations. MiCROTEC<br />
began working with Blanca<br />
<strong>Forest</strong>ry Products in 2020 with<br />
the installation of a Lucidyne<br />
scanner and the integrated<br />
QC Assist tool, leading to a<br />
remarkable transformation in<br />
the mill’s performance.<br />
Rick Engebretsen, Mill<br />
Manager of Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry<br />
Products, and his team saw<br />
a significant improvement in<br />
their operations following the<br />
integration of the Lucidyne<br />
scanner. This advanced<br />
technology, coupled with<br />
MiCROTEC’s grading support,<br />
resulted in substantial<br />
enhancements, notably in<br />
uptime, recovery rates, and<br />
reduced downtime. According<br />
to Julian Sanchez, a member of<br />
the Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry Products<br />
team, “We have a more<br />
consistent board flow. Uptime<br />
has increased at least 20%.”<br />
A pivotal aspect of Blanca<br />
<strong>Forest</strong>ry Product’s optimization<br />
is MiCROTEC’s customer care.<br />
Fidel Sandoval, another key<br />
player at Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry<br />
Products, highlighted<br />
MiCROTEC’s quick response<br />
time and real-time support,<br />
crucial for making immediate<br />
machine adjustments and finetuning<br />
to ensure seamless mill<br />
operations.<br />
The introduction of<br />
MiCROTEC’s QC Assist tool<br />
marked a turning point for<br />
Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry Products.<br />
Sanchez found the tool userfriendly,<br />
enabling them to<br />
pull boards, identify defects,<br />
and fine-tune optimization<br />
to meet the desired grade<br />
quality. He shared, “It’s easy<br />
to use. We learned how to<br />
use it pretty quickly.” The<br />
tool has empowered Blanca<br />
<strong>Forest</strong>ry Products to operate<br />
independently, creating their<br />
own rules and optimizations as<br />
needed through QC Assist.<br />
Effective Communication &<br />
Collaborative Optimization<br />
Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry Products<br />
specializes in processing<br />
beetle-killed spruce, a wood<br />
18 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
MiCROTEC appoints Ofer Heyman as new Corvallis CEO<br />
Ofer brings a wealth of<br />
experience and a background<br />
in the industry, making him<br />
a valuable addition to the<br />
MiCROTEC team.<br />
Prior to returning to<br />
MiCROTEC, Ofer served an<br />
impressive 17-year tenure<br />
at Lucidyne Technologies,<br />
acquired by MiCROTEC in<br />
2020. Beginning as an image<br />
processing engineer in 1999,<br />
Ofer assumed roles like<br />
senior product and project<br />
manager, director of business<br />
development, and ultimately,<br />
director of operations from<br />
2014 to 2016.<br />
0104024_IFI_DeltaStackFaster(187mmx125mm).pdf 1 1/5/<strong>2024</strong> 12:22:33 PM<br />
species with distinctive<br />
defects. This unique challenge<br />
required specialized attention<br />
from the MiCROTEC team.<br />
Engebretsen explained, “A lot<br />
of why this mill was built was<br />
to help with fire mitigation, and<br />
the biggest fire hazard here<br />
is the beetle-killed spruce.<br />
We run a lot of beetle-killed<br />
spruce. What we’re checking<br />
for is a lot different than other<br />
mill’s products.” Sandoval<br />
emphasized, “At first, it was<br />
hard to get the scanning<br />
perfect. It was too aggressive<br />
in detecting knots, and it<br />
was picking up more than it<br />
should.”<br />
With MiCROTEC’s grading<br />
C<br />
support and imaging teams,<br />
M<br />
the scanner was optimized<br />
Y<br />
to align with Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry<br />
Product’s unique grading CM<br />
needs, ensuring high-speed<br />
MY<br />
operation at an average of 750<br />
CY<br />
FPM and the production of<br />
high-quality lumber that meets CMY<br />
WWPA grading inspections.<br />
K<br />
Blanca <strong>Forest</strong>ry Products’<br />
journey exemplifies the<br />
results of a strong partnership<br />
between technology providers<br />
in the wood products industry<br />
and mills dedicated to<br />
continuous improvement<br />
and operational excellence.<br />
MiCROTEC’s unwavering<br />
support has not only<br />
revolutionized performance but<br />
has also empowered Blanca<br />
<strong>Forest</strong>ry Products to take<br />
control of its grading processes<br />
and reach new heights in the<br />
industry. Their story serves as<br />
an inspiration for operational<br />
excellence through technology<br />
and innovation.<br />
Delta motion stacks up faster.<br />
N ET PRO F I T<br />
More throughput. Higher valued product. More profit.<br />
Cut waste & stack productivity sky-high.<br />
An advanced motion controller gets forest product machinery to<br />
move faster, smoother, and more precisely, which enables<br />
higher productivity, improved product quality, and ensures less<br />
wasted raw material.<br />
The difference with Delta is measurable.<br />
Precisely coordinate multi-axis applications 10X faster. Scrap<br />
will diminish, throughput will rise, and profits will stack up as a<br />
result.<br />
Delta RMC Motion Controllers<br />
1 to 50 axes<br />
Get your free Design Guide<br />
for servo motion control.<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 19
The Bioluma grade optimizer offers<br />
sawmills the highest value optimized<br />
decisions based on grade and recovery<br />
performance.<br />
IHLA<br />
USNR enjoyed a<br />
successful exhibition<br />
at the <strong>2024</strong> IHLA<br />
Convention & Exposition<br />
in Indianapolis, IN.<br />
<strong>February</strong> 5th – 7th <strong>2024</strong><br />
which included<br />
connecting with other<br />
hardwood specialists to<br />
exchange the latest and<br />
greatest information from<br />
the field.<br />
Bioluma sawmill<br />
grade optimizer<br />
USNR shared its AI-driven<br />
optimization technology<br />
at the recent IHLA<br />
show. USNR has applied deep<br />
learning AI to its renowned<br />
scanning and optimization<br />
systems, including (THG).<br />
These systems are proven to<br />
be smart applications.<br />
Now you can edge and trim for<br />
grade and value. Combining<br />
color vision technology<br />
with high density geometric<br />
scanning, the Bioluma sawmill<br />
grade optimizer offers sawmills<br />
the highest value optimized<br />
decisions with grade and<br />
recovery performance.<br />
Designed for transverse<br />
edgers and trimmers, Bioluma<br />
makes value decisions driven<br />
by the accurate detection<br />
of biological and geometric<br />
defects using a combination of<br />
laser profile and visual defect<br />
scanning, combined with stateof-the-art<br />
optimization. The<br />
popularity of this technology<br />
is proven on several continents<br />
with a variety of species and<br />
wood markets worldwide.<br />
Increased Grade, Recovery<br />
and Value<br />
Applying Bioluma grade<br />
optimization technology in the<br />
sawmill increases your finished<br />
grade outturn and recovery,<br />
thereby increasing your total<br />
value.<br />
Edger grade extraction<br />
provides value through remanufacture<br />
or rip based on<br />
the ultimate grade of the wood.<br />
For example a #3 appearance<br />
due to knots can be edged<br />
to #3 wane with confidence,<br />
which maximizes recovery.<br />
Likewise, a low grade 2x8 may<br />
be worth more as two 2x4’s,<br />
one of them being high grade.<br />
Trimmer grade extraction<br />
lets you cut-in-two allowing<br />
a short, high grade piece<br />
without trimloss. ‘Candidate’<br />
trim stock meeting specified<br />
characteristics for wane and<br />
knots can be targeted and<br />
sorted/routed differently<br />
for further unique action<br />
downstream. For example,<br />
by sorting for grade at the<br />
trimmer, you can select more<br />
appropriate drying cycles for<br />
high or low grade products.<br />
What’s Under the Hood?<br />
• The system utilizes USNR’s<br />
latest vision sensor,<br />
Bioluma 4900LV or LVG. The<br />
Bioluma sensors contain<br />
high-resolution digital color<br />
cameras and LED lighting<br />
to provide accurate images<br />
along with increased<br />
reliability.<br />
• The software incorporates<br />
algorithms from the proven<br />
Transverse High Grader<br />
(THG) automated grading<br />
system, used for recognition<br />
and classification of visual<br />
grade defects in the dry mill.<br />
• The Bioluma system<br />
combines this visual<br />
information with the<br />
geometric scan data<br />
generated by the transverse<br />
scanning system to<br />
determine a final solution.<br />
• Fitted with LVG sensors,<br />
the Bioluma system can<br />
also utilize GrainMap (grain<br />
angle) technology used for<br />
specific applications.<br />
Major Elements of a New<br />
Bioluma System<br />
• Bioluma frame ranging from<br />
8’ to 28’ in length<br />
• Bioluma 4900LV or LVG<br />
sensors with high-resolution,<br />
digital color cameras<br />
• High-intensity LED lighting<br />
for defect scanning<br />
• Computer bay<br />
• Optimization software<br />
Defects Detected and<br />
Classified<br />
• Thickness, width and length<br />
• Wane and end-contour<br />
• Warp (crook, bow)<br />
• Skip<br />
• Knot size<br />
• Knot quality<br />
• Other visual characteristics<br />
Visit for full<br />
specifications of the Bioluma<br />
sawmill grade optimizer, the<br />
VAB-brand lineal planer mill<br />
grader, and the Transverse High<br />
Grader (THG).<br />
20 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Millwide. Worldwide. +1.360.225.8267
Grip system installed on<br />
a Gilbert 6 Roll Planer<br />
at Matériaux Blanchette<br />
Amos, QC<br />
This allows for precise<br />
application of the appropriate<br />
force on each board.<br />
Gilbert Planers: Maintaining High<br />
Productivity in Any Conditions!<br />
For over 38 years, Gilbert<br />
Products has been the<br />
leading market provider in<br />
the design and manufacturing<br />
of equipment for the<br />
sawmilling, construction,<br />
forestry, and snow grooming<br />
industries. With a dedicated<br />
focus on innovation, quality,<br />
and production, Gilbert offers<br />
highly profitable methods and<br />
technological equipment that<br />
exceed industry standards.<br />
Gilbert has once again<br />
revolutionized its Planer<br />
Equipment to surpass<br />
expectations.<br />
New options have been<br />
developed, implemented, and<br />
proven to adapt to the specific<br />
requirements of its Planermill<br />
customers. With an increasing<br />
number of customers<br />
receiving wood supplies<br />
from different sawmills,<br />
the variability in products<br />
has become significant.<br />
However, the Gilbert planer<br />
has demonstrated remarkable<br />
performance in handling<br />
boards with varying thickness,<br />
making it the go-to choice for<br />
both thick and thin boards with<br />
different fiber qualities.<br />
As flexibility and<br />
adaptability to new products<br />
become crucial, Gilbert has<br />
introduced the GRIP system:<br />
Gilbert Roll Intelligent<br />
Positioning. This system<br />
is available in all models<br />
of Gilbert’s planers and<br />
is controlled through the<br />
Gilbert Automatic Positioning<br />
System. It enables the precise<br />
movement of top rolls to a<br />
specified position, maintaining<br />
optimum contact with the<br />
board without causing any<br />
damage. This system optimizes<br />
the feeding process for boards<br />
that are too thick, too thin, or<br />
too delicate, ensuring high<br />
operational efficiency and<br />
increasing piece count for<br />
mills.<br />
Utilizing its unique Pull-<br />
Through technology, the Gilbert<br />
Planer effectively manages<br />
each board individually,<br />
ensuring a small gap is<br />
maintained between them.<br />
Safety a priority<br />
Safety is of utmost importance<br />
to Gilbert, and as part of their<br />
commitment to providing the<br />
best planing solutions, they<br />
have continuously developed<br />
automatic upgrades to enhance<br />
planer efficiency and create a<br />
safer environment in the planer<br />
room.<br />
The Gilbert Automatic<br />
Cutterhead Positioning System<br />
enables control over the<br />
cutterheads and an unlimited<br />
number of axes, resulting in<br />
optimal precision and higher<br />
quality grades. This userfriendly<br />
automatic positioning<br />
system facilitates quick and<br />
easy recipe changes, offering<br />
greater flexibility, reduced<br />
downtime, and a safe working<br />
environment. Over the years,<br />
Gilbert has developed various<br />
automatic and safety functions,<br />
including top and bottom head<br />
jointers, side head jointers,<br />
top head pressure plate, width<br />
and height adjustment, aftercut<br />
shoes, and triple pattern<br />
side heads. These automatic<br />
upgrades ensure precise<br />
wood finishing, improve<br />
safety, and increase efficiency.<br />
Adjustments can be made<br />
remotely through the HMI<br />
screen outside the planer room<br />
or via a tablet or phone from<br />
anywhere in the mill. Special<br />
features like the triple pattern<br />
side heads allow for seamless<br />
switching between patterns<br />
without the need for jointing<br />
or changing side heads on the<br />
machine, resulting in a superior<br />
finish and reduced work<br />
requirements.<br />
22 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Planer operator at Red Stag Timber Rotorua New Zealand<br />
Toward the intelligent planer<br />
The Gilbert Engineering team is<br />
currently focused on enhancing<br />
the intelligence of the planer.<br />
They have consistently made<br />
upgrades over the years to<br />
improve performance for their<br />
customers.<br />
In the near future, Gilbert<br />
plans to introduce additional<br />
options, including a semiautomatic<br />
machine that can<br />
self-adjust without operator<br />
intervention.<br />
With a dedicated team of<br />
135 workers committed to<br />
producing the best planer in<br />
the world, along with a highly<br />
skilled team of after-sale<br />
technicians available 24/7,<br />
Gilbert ensures exceptional<br />
support for customers<br />
worldwide.<br />
Our exceptional service<br />
team is equipped to offer<br />
efficient online remote<br />
controlled assistance to<br />
customers, irrespective of their<br />
geographical location. We<br />
invite you to visit our website,<br />, where<br />
you can explore our extensive<br />
range of planers and gain a<br />
comprehensive understanding<br />
of our company and its various<br />
divisions.<br />
VIDEO<br />
800.578.1853<br /><br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 23
Luc Houde,<br />
Executive Vice<br />
President of the<br />
Carbotech Group<br />
Carbotech Group grows with<br />
the acquisition of Sawquip<br />
Carbotech Group recently<br />
expanded its business<br />
with the acquisition of<br />
the Sawquip, a manufacturing<br />
company specializing in the<br />
design and manufacture<br />
of sawmill equipment for<br />
the primary and secondary<br />
breakdown of logs into lumber.<br />
Carbotech Group plans to<br />
further broaden its expand with<br />
the fresh inclusion of the range<br />
of products that came with the<br />
integration of the Sawquip’s<br />
products and services into its<br />
own.<br />
An enhnaced product range<br />
Sawquip’s innovative<br />
products include log turners<br />
and optimized log infeeds,<br />
chipping canters, twin and<br />
quad circular saw modules, as<br />
well as positive cant turners<br />
to allow for controlled curve<br />
sawing, among others. This<br />
strategic step of acquisition<br />
by Carbotech Group allows<br />
addition of new field of<br />
expertise, providing customers<br />
with innovative new solutions<br />
for lumber production.<br />
To standardize procedures<br />
and presentation, Sawquip<br />
equipment will now be part of<br />
the Carbotech brand.<br />
“Uniting Sawquip’s<br />
knowledge and products with<br />
our own will strengthen our<br />
expertise and allow us to<br />
expand our log solutions,”<br />
says Luc Houde, Executive Vice<br />
President of the Carbotech<br />
Group.<br />
High-quality expertise<br />
Sawquip has 35 years of<br />
experience and is a North<br />
American pioneer in the<br />
manufacture of curve sawing<br />
equipment. Carbotech’s<br />
facilities in Plessisville, Quebec<br />
will now help to manufacture<br />
the equipment for Sawquip. To<br />
ensure the continuity of this<br />
proven expertise, Carbotech<br />
Group has also appointed<br />
Pierre Lafond, Carbotech’s<br />
Vice President, Operations,<br />
to lead the transition and<br />
integration. Mr. Lafond already<br />
has extensive experience in<br />
manufacturing equipment<br />
similar to that produced by<br />
Sawquip. After-sales service<br />
and support will also be<br />
provided by Carbotech’s<br />
dedicated team.<br />
“We are delighted to have<br />
concluded this transaction,<br />
which will undoubtedly result<br />
in a winning synergy that<br />
will drive Carbotech Group’s<br />
continued growth. On our<br />
end, this sale will allow us to<br />
devote 100% of our resources<br />
to Cardinal’s development and<br />
activities,” mentions Pascal<br />
Pierre Lafond Vice,<br />
President Operations at<br />
Carbotech <strong>International</strong><br />
Labranche, President of former<br />
Sawquip owner Équipements<br />
Cardinal Inc.<br />
Carbotech Group<br />
Carbotech Group was born<br />
of Carbotech’s acquisition of<br />
Autolog. Along with their new<br />
plant in the southern United<br />
States, the two specialists in<br />
their fields boast over 70 years<br />
of experience in comprehensive<br />
sawmill solutions for the wood<br />
industry.<br />
Timber Processing & Energy<br />
Expo (TP&EE) September<br />
25-27, <strong>2024</strong>, Portland, Oregon<br />
24 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
The.<br />
Automatic.<br />
Sharpener.<br />
#teamfranzen<strong>2024</strong><br />
Celebrating a milestone: successful Installation completion at Woodgrain.<br />
Revolutionizing Wood Processing Efficiency:<br />
Woodgrain’s Partnership with Springer<br />
Woodgrain La Grande Oregon, a leading<br />
manufacturer in the wood processing<br />
industry, embarked on a groundbreaking<br />
project to enhance the efficiency of its log<br />
processing line, focusing on the infeed<br />
of the debarker line, merchandizer, and<br />
downstream sawmill. Cooperating with<br />
Springer, an advanced wood processing<br />
solutions provider, Woodgrain achieved<br />
exceptional performance processing<br />
various softwoods, including pine, white<br />
fir, and Douglas fir.<br />
Project Overview:<br />
The primary goal of<br />
Woodgrain’s project was to<br />
achieve a plant design of 15<br />
logs per minute, ensuring<br />
a continuous and efficient<br />
workflow. Springer provided<br />
equipment that could operate<br />
consistently at 21 cycles per<br />
minute with an average log<br />
gap of 5 feet. The debarking<br />
line, powered by Cambio<br />
technology, was set to operate<br />
at a maximum speed of 250<br />
feet per minute.<br />
Wood Type and Dimensions:<br />
Woodgrain focuses on<br />
processing softwoods such as<br />
pine, white fir, and Douglas<br />
fir. The timber lengths vary,<br />
with a minimum of 12 feet and<br />
a maximum of 40 feet, with<br />
the major portion centered<br />
around 23 feet. The diameter<br />
specifications include a<br />
maximum butt-end diameter of<br />
35 inches and a minimum log<br />
top diameter of 6 inches.<br />
System Components:<br />
The integrated wood<br />
processing system includes a<br />
stem infeed deck spanning 32<br />
feet, a screw unscrambler with<br />
15 21-ft long “screws,” a screw<br />
feeder with 13 3-ft long feeder<br />
“screws,” a receiving V-chain<br />
conveyor of 31 feet equipped<br />
with a duplex chain, and a<br />
waste handling system with<br />
two scrapers underneath.<br />
Advantages of Springer’s<br />
Technology:<br />
The collaboration with Springer<br />
introduces several advantages<br />
that significantly enhance<br />
Woodgrain’s log processing<br />
efficiency. Springer’s proven<br />
26 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Innovation in action:<br />
Woodgrain adopts Springer’s<br />
proven screw technology for<br />
greater efficiency<br />
screw technology plays a<br />
pivotal role in providing<br />
smooth, optimum efficiency,<br />
high speeds, and low noise<br />
during the feeding process<br />
to downstream systems.<br />
This technology combines<br />
the functions of separation,<br />
alignment, and acceleration<br />
into a single, integrated<br />
system.<br />
The system’s ability<br />
to handle logs of varying<br />
shapes and sizes contributes<br />
to increased flexibility and<br />
adaptability in the processing<br />
line. This feature is especially<br />
crucial when dealing with the<br />
specified softwood varieties<br />
that can exhibit diverse<br />
characteristics.<br />
Conclusion:<br />
Woodgrain La Grande Oregon’s<br />
collaboration with Springer<br />
is an excellent example of<br />
collaboration that leads to<br />
improved log processing<br />
efficiency. By incorporating<br />
advanced technology and<br />
expertise, Woodgrain achieved<br />
and exceeded the specified<br />
performance parameters,<br />
setting new standards in the<br />
industry. This partnership<br />
showcases a commitment<br />
to innovation, sustainability,<br />
and the continual evolution<br />
of wood processing methods,<br />
contributing to the growth and<br />
success of the <strong>International</strong><br />
<strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong>. Woodgrain<br />
and Springer paved the way<br />
for a new era in sustainable<br />
and high-performance log<br />
processing.<br />
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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 27
Crafting Excellence: BID<br />
Group’s Comact ResawExpert<br />
In the ever-evolving landscape of wood processing, a groundbreaking<br />
innovation from BID Group, the Comact-branded ResawExpert, emerges<br />
as a transformative solution set to redefine operational efficiency in<br />
sawmills. Guided by a thorough comprehension of the intricacies in<br />
the wood processing sector, this innovation embodies creative design,<br />
premium materials, and state-of-the-art technology, signifying a<br />
notable progression in the field of resaw optimization. Its main benefits<br />
include maximizing recovery and product value, setting a new standard<br />
for efficiency in the industry.<br />
28 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
The ResawExpert by Comact:<br />
Pioneering Vision and AI<br />
Integration<br />
Traditionally, wood<br />
processing has seen<br />
the integration of<br />
Artificial Intelligence (AI)<br />
in various stages, such as<br />
grading, trimming, edging,<br />
and breakdown. However,<br />
the resawing process has<br />
remained a crucial focal point<br />
where the right decisions<br />
are vital to prevent costly<br />
consequences. The Comactbranded<br />
ResawExpert steps<br />
into this critical role as the first<br />
resaw optimizer powered by<br />
both vision and AI, addressing<br />
challenges in decision-making<br />
precision and dimensional<br />
accuracy.<br />
At the heart of the<br />
challenge lies the pivotal<br />
role of the resaw, a step<br />
of wood processing that is<br />
common for the production of<br />
softwood specialty products<br />
and hardwood. A wrong<br />
decision at this juncture can<br />
potentially reduce the quality<br />
and value of the products<br />
as well as increase wastes.<br />
Ensuring precision in reading<br />
dimensions and identifying<br />
defects becomes imperative to<br />
optimize the cutting process<br />
effectively. The conventional<br />
approach relies on basic<br />
scanners to measure block<br />
sizes, with operators manually<br />
deciding the cutting strategy<br />
based on visual inspection.<br />
Once a cut is completed,<br />
altering the decision becomes<br />
impossible.<br />
The ResawExpert<br />
introduces a revolution<br />
in resaw optimization,<br />
employing precise geometrical<br />
measurement and AI-driven<br />
visual defect detection,<br />
ensuring the maximization<br />
of recovery and product<br />
value. Unlike the traditional<br />
approach, where operators rely<br />
on visual cues, this innovative<br />
system utilizes AI to assess<br />
different combinations of<br />
cuttings based on the grade of<br />
each face, and the downstream<br />
operations like edging and<br />
trimming. The optimization<br />
logic considers the total<br />
surface value, introducing an<br />
innovative approach to resaw<br />
optimization.<br />
The ResawExpert<br />
accommodates both manual<br />
and automated turning<br />
solutions. Thanks to the<br />
integrated rotation scanner, the<br />
system validates the execution<br />
using an end camera, ensuring<br />
accuracy and accountability in<br />
the process. If rotation is not<br />
executed properly, the system<br />
will rotate around the block<br />
again to send the right face to<br />
the resaw.<br />
ResawExpert<br />
Optimizer Interface<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 29
Scan this QR code<br />
to see it in action<br />
This integration of vision<br />
and AI not only enhances<br />
decision precision but<br />
also introduces a level<br />
of consistency that is<br />
unattainable through manual<br />
processes.<br />
Designed for practicality, the<br />
ResawExpert can be seamlessly<br />
added to existing production<br />
lines. Its installation between<br />
two sets of rolls requires only<br />
10 to 12 feet of space, with no<br />
significant speed limitations<br />
imposed by the scanner, as it<br />
can optimize up to 450 feet<br />
per minute. It is compatible<br />
with various types of resaws,<br />
whether horizontal or vertical.<br />
Block sizes can vary from 3<br />
to 30 inches, with no length<br />
limitation. The scanner<br />
measures the block with a<br />
precision of 0.030 inches for<br />
the thickness and width, and<br />
0.125 inches for the length,<br />
offering a scan density of 0.125<br />
inches.<br />
The optimization<br />
parameters align with industry<br />
best-in-class, utilizing the same<br />
software and platform as other<br />
successful Comact scanners<br />
like TrimExpert, EdgExpert,<br />
and GradExpert. The system<br />
optimizes based on industry<br />
grades like NHLA’s standards,<br />
but also based on clear wood<br />
cuttings and any in-house<br />
grade, allowing the flexibility<br />
required to manage a broad<br />
variety of products to maximize<br />
yield and value. Comact’s<br />
proven AI engine leverages the<br />
images coming from 4K colour<br />
cameras, which are integral<br />
to the ResawExpert’s success<br />
and form the backbone of all<br />
Comact optimizers. Developed<br />
in-house, the AI deep learning<br />
models for hardwood are<br />
specifically tailored for wood<br />
processing, derived from<br />
extensive data analysis and<br />
a deep understanding of the<br />
unique characteristics of<br />
hardwood.<br />
This in-house approach to<br />
AI model development not only<br />
ensures high performance but<br />
also allows BID and Comact to<br />
continually refine and enhance<br />
its models based on real-world<br />
wood processing challenges.<br />
The utilization of AI in wood<br />
processing is not merely a<br />
trend; it is a proven strategy<br />
that delivers tangible results,<br />
as evident by the success of<br />
BID’s AI-powered solutions<br />
across the industry.<br />
Transforming Resawing for<br />
the Future<br />
The The Comact-branded<br />
ResawExpert emerges as<br />
a trailblazer in the wood<br />
processing industry,<br />
introducing a transformative<br />
solution to the critical process<br />
of resawing. By seamlessly<br />
integrating vision and AI,<br />
it addresses longstanding<br />
challenges in decision<br />
precision and consistency.<br />
30 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Integrated scanner to validate executed rotation. Sends a signal for additional rotation if it was not executed properly<br />
Not only does this innovation<br />
enhance operational efficiency<br />
as well as maximize recovery<br />
and product value, but it<br />
also marks a significant step<br />
towards a more intelligent and<br />
automated future for wood<br />
processing.<br />
As sawmills navigate<br />
the complexities of wood<br />
processing, embracing<br />
technologies like the<br />
ResawExpert becomes crucial<br />
for staying at the forefront<br />
of efficiency, productivity,<br />
and quality. BID Group’s<br />
commitment to excellence<br />
shines through in this<br />
pioneering solution, offering<br />
a glimpse into the future of<br />
resaw optimization. For further<br />
details and to explore the<br />
transformative capabilities<br />
of the ResawExpert, reach<br />
out to your BID Group sales<br />
representative. at<br /><br />
Interior of the scanner while scanning a block<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 31
An Opticom camera took<br />
a direct hit by a board<br />
at a West Fraser sawmill<br />
and continues to work as<br />
expected.<br />
Sawmills are dangerous<br />
environments for<br />
cameras. There’s dust,<br />
debris, and full-sized<br />
logs and boards moving<br />
at high speeds.<br />
Opticom Camera<br />
survives direct hit at<br />
West Fraser Sawmill<br />
In a West Fraser mill in<br />
Florida, an Opticom CC04<br />
camera took a direct hit by<br />
a board moving on the line—<br />
and it survived. The camera<br />
still works; it just had to be<br />
remounted on a new vibration<br />
mount.<br />
Here’s a photo provided<br />
by the mill that shows the<br />
immediate aftermath of the<br />
incident. Because West Fraser<br />
puts safety first, the operator<br />
was in his cab and all workers<br />
were safely outside the danger<br />
zone of the board.<br />
This CC04 camera was (and<br />
is again) mounted on the mill’s<br />
edger to watch the edger tailor<br />
because, as the facility’s Lead<br />
Electrician, Richard Akers,<br />
pointed out, “Sometimes<br />
things don’t always move<br />
correctly, so the operator can<br />
see what’s going on back<br />
there.”<br />
In this case, a couple of<br />
boards got stuck when the<br />
tailor was shifting. Boards<br />
behind them ramped up and<br />
slammed right into the camera.<br />
A board hit the camera and<br />
knocked it off its mount, then<br />
another board came behind<br />
and pushed it farther away.<br />
“At one point, the camera<br />
was hanging from one cord,”<br />
said Akers. “We were honestly<br />
surprised the cord held up.”<br />
Here’s a zoomed-in shot<br />
of the camera right after the<br />
incident. The board moved<br />
it about 4-5 feet away from<br />
its mounted position, which<br />
was on the right side of this<br />
photo—by the electrical wiring.<br />
As any safety-conscious<br />
sawmill would, the team<br />
reviewed the footage to see<br />
what happened, which is when<br />
they discovered the stuck<br />
boards that led to the backup,<br />
ramping, and direct hit.<br />
The Opticom camera<br />
worked through it all. Akers<br />
said, “When we watched the<br />
footage, the camera went black<br />
for a second, then came back<br />
on to a different view because,<br />
of course, it had been pushed<br />
to a different spot.”<br />
“All we had to do was<br />
replace the mount,” he said.<br />
The camera continues to<br />
work, even after a high-speed<br />
direct hit. “This is a testament<br />
to the durability of Opticom<br />
cameras.”<br />
West Fraser uses Opticom<br />
cameras primarily for<br />
monitoring operations in<br />
areas that are hard to see from<br />
operator cabs. “We’ve done our<br />
research, and they’re the best<br />
cameras that are available,”<br />
said Akers. “Plus, Opticom is<br />
super knowledgeable about<br />
sawmills and what we need for<br />
video monitoring.”<br />
You can see how the<br />
camera is being held up by<br />
the board and one cord<br />
32 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
JD Irving, Limited<br />
purchases a MiCROTEC CT<br />
Log for installation in its<br />
veneer sawmill, located<br />
in St. Leonard, New<br />
Brunswick, Canada.<br />
MiCROTEC supply CT Log to<br />
JD Irving’s sawmill in<br />
New Brunswick, Canada<br />
MiCROTEC’s CT Log is<br />
a worldwide unique<br />
computed tomography<br />
scanner in the wood products<br />
industry, allowing JD Irving,<br />
Limited to scan and digitally<br />
reconstruct the internal<br />
features of their logs in 3D.<br />
Delivering the optimal<br />
cutting solution in real-time,<br />
this technology is consistent<br />
with JD Irving, Limited’s<br />
mission to ensure the use of<br />
100% of every tree.<br />
The computed tomography<br />
scanner provides a complete<br />
reconstruction of the internal<br />
features of the logs, allowing<br />
the logs to be graded<br />
and sorted by quality and<br />
optimization.<br />
The CT Log solution<br />
developed by MiCROTEC’s<br />
industry-leading engineers<br />
provides quality grading and<br />
virtual grading information<br />
in addition to the full 3D log<br />
description.<br />
Integrated with MiCROTEC’s<br />
Maxicut Pro, Winlog, and<br />
MiCROTEC Connect, the CT Log<br />
communicates with the Logeye<br />
Stereo, providing the head<br />
rigg operator the exact degree<br />
of log rotation to provide<br />
maximum value. Working<br />
with the CT Log, MiCROTEC’s<br />
Maxicut software optimizes<br />
cutting patterns based on<br />
value.<br />
The newest investment<br />
is part of JD Irving, Limited‘s<br />
continued partnership with<br />
MiCROTEC. Their recent<br />
investment of the CT Log is<br />
accompanied by a commitment<br />
of 5 MiCROTEC Logeye Stereos,<br />
which execute 360° scans<br />
during rolling, adding to the<br />
information gained before the<br />
log is sawn.<br />
The CT Log solution and<br />
Logeye Stereo applications will<br />
be installed in <strong>February</strong>.<br />
JD Irving, Limited is a<br />
producer of maple, birch<br />
and poplar wood products,<br />
headquartered in Saint John,<br />
New Brunswick, Canada.<br />
MiCROTEC is a global<br />
leader in innovative scanning<br />
solutions for the wood<br />
products industry.<br />
Picture from left to right: Bob Bell, Sales Account Manager MiCROTEC, Norvin Laudon, Direct<br />
MiCROTEC Vancouver, Arianna Giudiceandrea - CSO MiCROTEC, Susan Coulombe - General Manager<br />
J.D Irving Limited, Frank Jöst - CEO MiCROTEC, Jerome Pelletier - Vice President J.D. Irving Limited, Jody<br />
Gallant - Business Improvement Manager J.D. Irving Limited<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 33
Harvesters<br />
Ponsse’s fundamental<br />
purpose of developing<br />
sustainable solutions<br />
for the benefit of our<br />
customers and the<br />
environment is more<br />
topical today than ever<br />
before. Recognizing that<br />
technologies drive all<br />
change, we have utilized<br />
new digital solutions in<br />
our new machines in a<br />
more versatile way.<br />
Difference through technology<br />
We aim to offer more<br />
comprehensive<br />
solutions that are<br />
able to help our customers<br />
ensure both the productivity<br />
of their work and fulfilment of<br />
their responsibility targets –<br />
even better than before.<br />
Together we can continue<br />
discovering new ways to<br />
develop the world to a better<br />
direction.<br />
We are in the center of<br />
the forest ecosystem and<br />
our passion is to ensure its<br />
well-being. By innovating<br />
sustainable solutions, we<br />
support the development of<br />
responsible forestry.<br />
Ponsse’s versatile and efficient<br />
harvesters guarantee the best<br />
possible productivity, and<br />
they adapt easily to all kinds<br />
of environments. In terms of<br />
comfort, our harvesters are in a<br />
league of their own. Following<br />
our customers’ wishes, we also<br />
pay special attention to the<br />
usability and serviceability of<br />
our harvesters.<br />
Our range of Scorpion<br />
harvesters meets all the<br />
requirements of forestry<br />
today. The Scorpion harvester<br />
was first introduced to the<br />
general public in 2013 and<br />
has since become Ponsse’s<br />
flagship product. Soon after its<br />
launch, the Scorpion became<br />
a global sales success and<br />
an international symbol of<br />
responsible forestry. Now,<br />
eleven years later, the Scorpion<br />
34 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
The cabin workspace<br />
is now more practical,<br />
and the quiet Scorpion<br />
landscape office<br />
has been developed<br />
specifically with the<br />
operator’s comfort and<br />
ability to keep working<br />
in mind<br />
Jan Kauhanen,<br />
Product Manager,<br />
Harvesters, at Ponsse<br />
more practical, and the quiet<br />
Scorpion landscape office has<br />
been developed specifically<br />
with the operator’s comfort<br />
and ability to keep working<br />
in mind,” says Jan Kauhanen,<br />
Product Manager, Harvesters,<br />
at Ponsse.<br />
The Scorpion is<br />
characterised by its visibility<br />
and manoeuvrability. One of<br />
the most visible improvements<br />
has shed its skin. The stability<br />
of the PONSSE Scorpion is in<br />
a class of its own and provides<br />
power and productivity on<br />
environmental terms with small<br />
surface pressure. In product<br />
development, attention has<br />
been paid above all to even<br />
better work ergonomics, safety,<br />
cabin visibility and usability.<br />
“As earlier, development<br />
of the new Scorpion range<br />
has been based on feedback<br />
from forest machine users,<br />
which we have utilized to<br />
put the upgrades now being<br />
introduced into production.<br />
The cabin workspace is now<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 35
is the one-piece front window,<br />
which reaches all the way<br />
up to the cabin roof to offer<br />
even better visibility and<br />
safe working in any weather<br />
condition. In addition, the<br />
unique crane solution provides<br />
excellent visibility in all<br />
directions.<br />
Besides numerous new<br />
features, PONSSE Scorpion<br />
harvesters have been fitted<br />
out with an advanced fifth<br />
It’s also quick and simple<br />
for operators who have<br />
used the earlier Opti<br />
generation to switch over<br />
to using the new Opti 5G<br />
system<br />
Markku Savolainen,<br />
Product Manager,<br />
Equipment<br />
Automation at Ponsse<br />
generation PONSSE Opti 5G<br />
information system and a<br />
completely upgraded user<br />
interface. The user-friendly<br />
information system is the<br />
most modern on the market<br />
and its smoothness and speed<br />
take the user experience to a<br />
completely new level.<br />
“The fully upgraded Opti 5G<br />
user interface together with<br />
the recently launched Opti 8<br />
computer sets a new standard<br />
for the usability of Ponsse<br />
forest machine information<br />
systems. It’s also quick and<br />
simple for operators who<br />
have used the earlier Opti<br />
generation to switch over to<br />
using the new Opti 5G system,”<br />
explains Markku Savolainen,<br />
Product Manager, Equipment<br />
Automation at Ponsse.<br />
The Opti 5G information<br />
system also enables the<br />
PONSSE Harvester Active Crane<br />
management system, which<br />
gives the harvester a new way<br />
to control the crane and work<br />
more efficiently. The operator<br />
can use Active Crane to control<br />
the movement of the harvester<br />
head instead of individual<br />
crane functions. This allows<br />
the operator to concentrate<br />
on timber processing rather<br />
than crane work. Active Crane<br />
is easily controlled using two<br />
levers, one of which controls<br />
the harvester head height<br />
from the ground, while the<br />
other controls the direction<br />
of the movement. The system<br />
also ensures that the crane’s<br />
functions slow automatically<br />
before the range of movement<br />
ends, thereby preventing<br />
irritating hits to the mechanical<br />
structures and operator.<br />
When the operator indicates<br />
the required location, Active<br />
Crane performs the lift and<br />
uses the boom and extension<br />
automatically.<br />
The role of digital tools<br />
becomes more essential in<br />
successful machine operations,<br />
and it is already today a sheer<br />
prerequisite for ensuring<br />
competitiveness. Due to that<br />
we continuously develop our<br />
digital solutions to help our<br />
customers stay in the forefront<br />
of development.<br />
Thinning density assistant –<br />
testing a new technology in<br />
real operating environment<br />
For the first time in the<br />
history of forest machines,<br />
Ponsse’s technological concept<br />
enables the measurement<br />
of the standing tree stock in<br />
addition to harvested trees.<br />
Thinning density assistant is<br />
a technology concept we use<br />
for researching and developing<br />
innovative technologies to<br />
measure the trees that are left<br />
in the forest in addition to the<br />
trees that are harvested. The<br />
idea behind the concept is to<br />
recognize the trees around<br />
the harvester as well as their<br />
precise position. Using the<br />
gathered data, the assistant<br />
guides the driver in finding<br />
the right thinning density.<br />
At the same time, the driver<br />
PONSSE Manager 2.0 is a<br />
next-generation digital service<br />
platform and forest machine<br />
management system that<br />
provides customers valuable<br />
data of machines’ location,<br />
productivity figures and fuel<br />
consumption, among others.<br />
The Manager 2.0 provides an<br />
individual user experience<br />
with a personalized summary<br />
page and extensive reporting<br />
options. It helps logging<br />
companies to monitor the<br />
progress of stands, plans,<br />
keep track of machine outputs<br />
according to assortments<br />
and print out measuring<br />
certificates.<br />
“With the quick tempo of<br />
the modern world and the huge<br />
amount of data we see every<br />
day, finding the correct piece<br />
of information is often like<br />
trying to find a needle in the<br />
haystack. New Ponsse Manager<br />
is a completely new approach<br />
to more sustainable and more<br />
digitalized forestry” says<br />
has precise and continuous<br />
information of both the<br />
location of wheel tracks and<br />
the trees left in the forest,<br />
which is also documented by<br />
the system.<br />
New Ponsse Manager<br />
is a completely new<br />
approach to more<br />
sustainable and more<br />
digitalized forestry<br />
Petteri Tuomisto, Manager,<br />
of Digital Solutions Sales<br />
Petteri Tuomisto, Manager, of<br />
Digital Solutions Sales.<br />
For more information about<br />
PONSSE Manager 2.0 please<br />
visit:<br />
36 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Wallingford’s announces distribution<br />
of HSP Gripen of Sweden<br />
Wallingford’s Inc. has<br />
announced a new partnership<br />
with HSP Gripen of Sweden,<br />
one of the largest global<br />
manufacturers of forestry,<br />
construction, and terminal<br />
grapples.<br />
Wallingford’s Inc., with its<br />
head office in Oakland, Maine<br />
has distribution facilities in<br />
New Hampshire, Oregon,<br />
Quebec, and Alberta. Founded<br />
in 1975, Wallingford’s is the<br />
largest wholesale distributor<br />
of logging supplies in North<br />
America. Since December<br />
2021, Wallingford’s, Inc. is a<br />
member of the pewag Group,<br />
a global leading company in<br />
traction devices and industrial<br />
chain solutions (founded 1479)<br />
headquartered in Austria.<br />
Chip Wallingford, President<br />
of Wallingford’s Inc. stated “We<br />
are very excited about this new<br />
relationship with HSP Gripen,<br />
and look forward to adding this<br />
high-quality line of grapples to<br />
our product portfolio.”<br />
In 1994, one of Sweden’s<br />
many machine operators grew<br />
tired of the poor offering and<br />
mediocre quality of grapples<br />
and decided to start developing<br />
and manufacturing his own<br />
brand. He had an idea of what<br />
was required from a grapple<br />
for it to work efficiently and<br />
last a long time. Today, HSP<br />
Gripen is one of the leading<br />
companies within the grapple<br />
manufacturing sector. HSP<br />
Gripen has all its production<br />
based in Hudiksvall, Sweden.<br />
HSP Gripen is manufactured<br />
using the latest technology<br />
to produce grapples of the<br />
absolute highest quality. HSP<br />
Gripen is also designed so that<br />
you will be able to maintain a<br />
high level of productivity and<br />
work fast.<br />
The unique shape of the<br />
claws to improve timber<br />
handling, the twin cylinders<br />
that provides low and even<br />
shaft loading – meaning less<br />
wear, and the high strength<br />
steel are just some of the<br />
excellent features you get<br />
when choosing a grapple tool<br />
from Gripen.<br />
“We are happy and proud<br />
to become a trusted part of<br />
Wallingford’s network in the<br />
North American market,”<br />
says Tomas Jonsson, owner of<br />
HSP Gripen. Gripen is already<br />
an established brand in the<br />
forestry sector in the Swedish<br />
and Nordic markets. “We have<br />
however sold and delivered our<br />
grapples to the North American<br />
market already since 2000, so<br />
with this collaboration we see<br />
the potential in gearing up and<br />
expand further together with<br />
Wallingford’s Inc.,” Jonsson<br />
continues.<br />
“HSP Gripen has just<br />
launched a new 5-year plan<br />
where the company will double<br />
its sales volume by 2028.<br />
This includes, in addition to<br />
a couple of new products, to<br />
grow our business outside<br />
our home markets, so this is<br />
completely in line with our<br />
business plan and we are very<br />
much looking forward to the<br />
new collaboration” says Maria<br />
Flöjt, newly appointed CEO at<br />
HSP Gripen.<br />
To learn more visit: www.<br /> , www.hsp.<br />
se/en or call 1-800-323-3708.<br />
Tomas Jonsson, owner<br />
of HSP Gripen<br />
Chip Wallingford President<br />
at Wallingford’s Inc.<br />
Maria Flöjt, newly<br />
appointed CEO at HSP<br />
Gripen.<br />
DYNA acquires Vortex Chippers<br />
DYNA Products of Millington,<br />
Michigan have announced that<br />
they have recently acquired the<br />
rights to be the sole exclusive<br />
manufacturer and marketer of<br />
the full line of machinery using<br />
the patented Vortex design.<br />
The unique Vortex design lends<br />
itself to significant measurable<br />
performance improvements<br />
in the operation of machines<br />
using this technology.<br />
DYNA now includes a<br />
growing line of woodchippers.<br />
This grows the product line<br />
and integrates perfectly<br />
into the current offerings of<br />
DYNA Products’ high quality<br />
professional grade firewood<br />
processors and wood splitters.<br />
Vortex branded products<br />
are now becoming available<br />
through the current and<br />
growing rental and dealer<br />
network in place throughout<br />
the country and international<br />
markets. Go to<br />
and to www.<br /> or call 989 823<br />
6200 for more information.<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 37
Rottne’s most flexible harvester – H11D<br />
Rottne’s most flexible<br />
harvester has now been<br />
improved in several<br />
aspects. The machine will<br />
receive the newly developed<br />
joystick panels that were<br />
previously launched in<br />
Rottne’s new forwarder series.<br />
They provide a much more<br />
modern impression and better<br />
ergonomics for the driver with<br />
more adjustment options. The<br />
panels have a much higher<br />
safety classification due to<br />
additional redundant features<br />
and high-quality components.<br />
The cabin will be painted<br />
blue instead of being foilcovered.<br />
This is partly for visual<br />
design but also to ensure it<br />
stays in good condition during<br />
many hours in the forest.<br />
H11D will also receive RCA<br />
(Rottne Crane Assistance),<br />
providing excellent support<br />
for both beginners and<br />
experienced operators. The<br />
driver determines the direction<br />
and speed at which the grapple<br />
should move. The system<br />
then performs the task using<br />
robust sensors on the crane<br />
and software developed for this<br />
purpose.<br />
As the name suggests, the<br />
system assists the driver in<br />
operating the crane with good<br />
precision and the right speed<br />
throughout the shift. The<br />
system optimizes the crane’s<br />
functions in a better and more<br />
energy-efficient way, saving<br />
both time and money.<br />
The driver receives better<br />
support during operation,<br />
resulting in higher production<br />
throughout the shift. RCA also<br />
provides an easier path for less<br />
experienced drivers to achieve<br />
higher production.<br />
The system can be<br />
customized with different<br />
speeds and smart features in<br />
the machine’s control system.<br />
RCA is available for both crane<br />
options we offer, 10.3m or<br />
11.3m.<br />
The machine’s hydraulic<br />
system has been updated with<br />
a focus on energy savings and<br />
improved performance. If the<br />
market demands sprinkler<br />
equipment, it is also integrated<br />
into the machine’s control<br />
system.<br />
Work lighting is<br />
continuously updated with the<br />
latest technology, using lamps<br />
with less risk of reflection in<br />
those positions. Lights that<br />
illuminate towards the crane<br />
are of that model.<br />
The software in the<br />
harvester is regularly<br />
updated to comply with the<br />
latest forestry standards.<br />
RCA also allows the crane<br />
position to be saved in the<br />
harvester’s production file for<br />
later analysis by third-party<br />
programs, such as thinning<br />
monitoring.<br />
It is possible to display<br />
real-time information about<br />
the harvester’s production<br />
calculated according to a<br />
piece-rate price list and hourly<br />
cost that can be specified in<br />
the machine’s menus. This<br />
is another improvement<br />
in Rotnne’s most flexible<br />
harvester.<br />
38 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
Advanced Saw Unit:<br />
The Log Max 5000V<br />
incorporates the enhanced saw<br />
unit 318 MK2 19 cc (True-Cut)<br />
or 30 cc, carefully designed<br />
to optimise work processes.<br />
Upgrades include a more<br />
robust saw bar mount with<br />
protective covers and rubber<br />
seals, ensuring protection<br />
Log Max 5000V:<br />
The ultimate Harvesting<br />
Head for unparalleled<br />
logging performance<br />
The logging industry demands reliable and efficient<br />
equipment to tackle the toughest challenges in<br />
harvesting operations. Introducing the Log Max 5000V,<br />
a state-of-the-art harvesting head that combines<br />
durability, agility, accuracy, and intelligence to<br />
revolutionise logging worldwide. With its reinforced<br />
design, advanced features, and improved servicing<br />
capabilities, the Log Max 5000V sets a new standard<br />
for modern and powerful harvesting heads.<br />
Durability and Cutting<br />
Performance:<br />
The Log Max 5000V boasts a<br />
reinforced frame designed to<br />
withstand the most demanding<br />
logging applications. The<br />
slimmed-down saw box<br />
enhances performance in<br />
snowy conditions, ensuring<br />
optimal cutting efficiency.<br />
Equipped with the new 318<br />
MK2 - 30cc saw, this harvesting<br />
head delivers fast and troublefree<br />
cutting up to 74cm,<br />
guaranteeing exceptional<br />
cutting performance.<br />
Measuring Precision and<br />
Simplified Maintenance:<br />
Accurate measurement results<br />
are crucial in today’s harvesting<br />
operations, and the Log Max<br />
5000V meets this requirement<br />
with its redesigned measuring<br />
unit. The length measuring unit<br />
incorporates smart features,<br />
including a contactless sensor,<br />
easier lubrication, and durable<br />
tapered bearings. Furthermore,<br />
the harvesting head’s<br />
improved accessibility, wellorganised<br />
hoses, and grease<br />
nipples facilitate simplified<br />
maintenance and servicing.<br />
Enhancements and Updates:<br />
To enhance the Log Max<br />
5000V’s durability and<br />
longevity, several updates<br />
have been implemented. The<br />
design of the measuring wheel<br />
hole has been improved,<br />
reinforcing the stoppers for<br />
the feed roller arms inside the<br />
frame, thus increasing strength<br />
and stability. The length<br />
measurement function has<br />
been significantly improved<br />
through the introduction of<br />
a new measuring wheel unit<br />
with a larger wheel, ensuring<br />
superior measurement<br />
accuracy.<br />
against dirt and moisture. The<br />
saw bar holder now utilises<br />
premium-grade Hardox 450<br />
material, offering increased<br />
strength and longevity.<br />
Additionally, the placement<br />
of the “saw bar home” sensor<br />
has been optimised for easy<br />
access during maintenance.<br />
On the 30cc version the saw<br />
valve is mounted directly to the<br />
motor which greatly increases<br />
responsiveness.<br />
Improved Multi-Stemming<br />
Unit MK2:<br />
The Log Max 5000V’s multistemming<br />
unit has undergone<br />
a redesign, resulting in reduced<br />
weight, increased lifespan,<br />
and simplified serviceability.<br />
The relocation of cylinders<br />
and improved hose protection<br />
increase durability and<br />
minimise the accumulation of<br />
snow and dirt.<br />
Continued on Page 48<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 39
Tigercat Harvesters<br />
Tigercat builds a<br />
full range of cut-tolength<br />
harvesting<br />
solutions including<br />
track harvesters,<br />
wheel harvesters,<br />
harvesting heads and<br />
control software<br />
1165 harvester<br />
Available in both six and<br />
eight-wheel drive, the<br />
1165 is a 22-tonne, high<br />
production harvester that is<br />
best suited to extreme duty<br />
clear fell and selective cut<br />
applications, steep slopes, and<br />
the toughest terrain. Tigercat’s<br />
unique WideRange® drive<br />
system increases working<br />
travel speed while delivering<br />
extremely powerful tractive<br />
effort for high performance<br />
in steep terrain and quick instand<br />
travel on good ground.<br />
The 1165 blends high<br />
performance with fuel<br />
efficiency with advanced<br />
hydraulic circuits.<br />
40 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
The Tigercat 1165 harvester<br />
matched with the 534<br />
harvesting head, working in<br />
Sweden<br />
The 534 harvesting head uses the new Tigercat D7 control system<br />
Dedicated pumps power<br />
the drive, harvesting head,<br />
crane, fan and cooling circuit<br />
functions. In addition, a closed<br />
loop drive system provides<br />
excellent performance and<br />
response on steep slopes.<br />
A pressure and flow-controlled<br />
piston pump drives the cooling<br />
fan, maintaining optimal<br />
operating temperatures at the<br />
lowest possible fan speed.<br />
The crane features Tigercat’s<br />
efficient and operatorfriendly<br />
ER® technology. The<br />
hooked profile of the main<br />
boom promotes excellent rightside<br />
visibility.<br />
Not only is the crane efficient<br />
but also simple in design,<br />
without external parallel<br />
linkages.<br />
With an extreme duty slew<br />
system and 360° continuous<br />
rotation, the cabin rotates<br />
with the crane. The cabin<br />
is spacious with excellent<br />
visibility and clear line-of-sight<br />
to the wheels. Operators will<br />
find all the creature comforts<br />
including a comfortable and<br />
highly adjustable climatecontrolled<br />
seat with a<br />
four-point harness and full<br />
Bluetooth ® connectivity.<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 41
The Tigercat 534 harvesting<br />
head is matched to Tigercat’s<br />
1165 harvester and sized<br />
for optimal productivity in a<br />
150-500 mm (6-20 in) stem<br />
diameter range. The 534 is a<br />
three-wheel drive head with a<br />
triangulated wheel arm design.<br />
Four cast steel knife arms,<br />
along with a fixed front and<br />
back knife, provide excellent<br />
delimbing quality. The 534<br />
uses the new Tigercat D7<br />
control system. This system<br />
offers powerful functionality,<br />
simplicity and intuitive<br />
operator navigation.<br />
There are two types of<br />
bucking control available for<br />
D7. Priority-based bucking<br />
logic utilizes a list of operatorentered<br />
log specifications.<br />
D7 Optimization level uses a<br />
value-based logic.<br />
Both Tigercat D7 Priority<br />
and Optimization levels offer<br />
StanForD Classic, StanForD<br />
2010, and PDF production<br />
reporting. Reports can be<br />
viewed onscreen or exported<br />
for later analysis. D7 also<br />
sends production volume data<br />
to RemoteLog®, Tigercat’s<br />
optional telematics system.<br />
When equipped with a<br />
GPS receiver and the GeoInfo<br />
software. D7 provides an active<br />
navigation application using<br />
the machine’s current position<br />
on a georeferenced map.<br />
The 1165 is powered by the<br />
Tigercat FPT N67 engine with<br />
Tier 2, Tier 4, stage V, or noncertified<br />
configurations.<br />
H822E and LH822E track<br />
harvesters<br />
The H822E and LH822E<br />
harvesters combine a compact<br />
upper assembly with tight<br />
tuck boom geometry to<br />
minimize residual stand<br />
damage in selective harvesting<br />
applications. The combination<br />
of high horsepower and<br />
harvester head optimized<br />
hydraulics provide the operator<br />
with responsive control,<br />
quick feeding and powerful<br />
delimbing and debarking<br />
capability. The result is high<br />
productivity and lowest cost<br />
per tonne of processed logs.<br />
42 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
The Tigercat H822E<br />
harvester working in<br />
Northern Quebec<br />
Pair with a Tigercat harvesting<br />
head for a full factory-backed<br />
package.<br />
Several purpose-built<br />
boom system options are<br />
available including, 8,2m (27<br />
ft) fixed, 9,1m (30 ft) fixed,<br />
and 10,8m (36 ft) telescopic<br />
configurations. The hydraulic<br />
hoses, tubes and connections<br />
are protected along the entire<br />
length of the boom. All booms<br />
use the patented ER system,<br />
which allows the machine<br />
operator to extend and retract<br />
the boom in a horizontal<br />
motion smoothly and quickly<br />
using a single joystick. The ER<br />
boom system improves fuel<br />
efficiency, increases production<br />
and reduces operator fatigue,<br />
especially in smaller stem, high<br />
cycle applications.<br />
The E-series engine<br />
enclosure was redesigned to<br />
provides improved roof access<br />
for cleaning debris. The new<br />
boom slider also works to shed<br />
debris, preventing build-up in<br />
hard-to-reach areas.<br />
The clamshell style enclosure<br />
and drop-down side platform<br />
allow easy access to all sides of<br />
the engine.<br />
The cab includes a durable,<br />
roomy, air ride seat with<br />
heating and cooling. The fulllength<br />
front window and narrow<br />
side posts provide the operator<br />
an excellent view of the tracks<br />
and surrounding area.<br />
The LH822E features<br />
Tigercat’s patented leveling<br />
system, providing exceptional<br />
stability in steep slope<br />
applications and optimum<br />
weight transfer. It uses two<br />
massive hydraulic cylinders<br />
and heavy steel sections<br />
for a solution that is both<br />
simple and robust. Due to<br />
the unique geometry of the<br />
leveling system, the machine<br />
is well balanced on slopes.<br />
Regardless of the angle of the<br />
undercarriage in relation to<br />
the upper, the track pressure<br />
is even all the way along the<br />
bottom of the tracks as long as<br />
the upper is close to horizontal.<br />
This makes the machine feel<br />
very stable and predictable.<br />
In addition, the ramped<br />
undercarriage (both the front<br />
idler and the rear gearbox are<br />
set higher than the centre-line<br />
of the undercarriage) allows<br />
the machines to easily drive up<br />
over rocks and stumps.<br />
The H822E and LH822E are<br />
powered by the Tigercat FPT<br />
N67 engine with Tier 4, stage V,<br />
or non-certified configurations.<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 43
Bandit <strong>Industries</strong> announces a new<br />
Hammermill horizontal grinder!<br />
With considerable<br />
research and<br />
collaboration, the<br />
Bandit team brings the<br />
HM6420 hammermill<br />
grinder to market!<br />
This highly productive<br />
40” capacity grinder<br />
is designed and<br />
manufactured to be an<br />
alternative solution for those<br />
grinding applications that<br />
may contain contaminants.<br />
A Caterpillar C32, 1,200<br />
horsepower engine provides<br />
ample torque and horsepower<br />
for optimal machine<br />
performance and productivity.<br />
The heart of the HM6420<br />
is a 50” diameter x 66” wide<br />
hammermill. The heavy-duty<br />
mill features a 1.75” drum skin<br />
custom formed from rolled<br />
plate. The mill is supported by<br />
a 7” main shaft constructed<br />
of alloy steel that has been<br />
ultrasonic tested. Each pocket<br />
within the mill is manufactured<br />
from high strength A-514 steel.<br />
These combinations create<br />
a structural sound mill for<br />
added durability and integrity.<br />
The mill is equipped with<br />
20 carbide infused hammer<br />
inserts built to withstand the<br />
toughest material fed into<br />
the machine. Each holder is<br />
securely attached to the mill<br />
via a patent-pending quick<br />
change pocket system. Each<br />
holder recesses into the mill<br />
pocket, increasing durability. A<br />
44 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
top plate covers the pocket and<br />
holds in place by six hex bolts.<br />
The hammer insert is attached<br />
to each holder utilizing two<br />
bolts. With this set-up, the mill<br />
hardware is easier and quicker<br />
to replace.<br />
A heavy-duty slat-style<br />
infeed conveyor is directly<br />
driven generating over<br />
18,000 pounds of pulling<br />
power. The large diameter<br />
feed wheel is also directly<br />
driven and provides an<br />
additional 17,000 pounds of<br />
pulling power and 8,650 to<br />
17,300 pounds of down force<br />
when hydraulic pressure is<br />
applied. These combinations<br />
allow the HM6420 to grind<br />
massive quantities of material<br />
efficiently and effectively at<br />
one time.<br />
A proportional feed system<br />
is standard and regulates the<br />
feed system from 82 – 132<br />
feet per minute. The HM6420<br />
has one of the fastest feed<br />
rates on the market allowing<br />
it to quickly process material.<br />
The proportional feed system<br />
allows operators to adjust the<br />
feed based on material being<br />
processed ensuring maximum<br />
output and grinder efficiency,<br />
all while achieving a higher<br />
quality end-product.<br />
Three screens are located<br />
on the top side of the HM6420<br />
mill. A variety of screen<br />
sizes are available up to<br />
7” to produce various endproduct<br />
sizes. The top feed<br />
wheel moves upward, and<br />
a removable screen cradle<br />
allows for quick screen set-up<br />
changes. All work for screen<br />
changing is performed outside<br />
of the machine.<br />
An impact detection system<br />
is standard and designed to<br />
limit damage if a contaminant<br />
is struck inside the grinding<br />
chamber. Once an impact<br />
event is detected, the grinder<br />
will idle down, open the gate,<br />
disengage the clutch, and<br />
reverse the feed.<br />
A 56” wide height<br />
adjustable discharge with<br />
a stacking height of 16’ 8”<br />
is standard. The height of<br />
the discharge can easily be<br />
adjusted accommodating<br />
various grinding scenarios<br />
and situations. The standard<br />
wireless remote controls all<br />
grinding and tracking functions<br />
and features an LCD screen<br />
that will display engine<br />
coolant temperature, engine<br />
oil pressure, engine load<br />
percentage, engine RPM, and<br />
battery voltage.<br />
Bandit initially debuted<br />
the HM6420 at the 2023 Con<br />
Expo show in Las Vegas. After<br />
the show, further evaluation<br />
and testing was conducted<br />
and the machine was then<br />
demonstrated to a variety<br />
of customers and dealers at<br />
Bandit’s 40th Anniversary<br />
event in September of 2023.<br />
Final testing of the HM6420<br />
took place in the fourth<br />
quarter and the machine will<br />
begin production in the first<br />
quarter of <strong>2024</strong>. Bandit will<br />
be showcasing the HM6420 in<br />
<strong>February</strong> at the Compost Show<br />
Which grinding method should you choose for your operation?<br />
Give a Bandit sales specialist a call today!<br />
in Daytona Beach, Florida.<br />
The addition of the HM6420<br />
expands the already diverse<br />
line of Bandit horizontal<br />
grinders available. Customers<br />
can choose from various mill<br />
configurations that will “CUT<br />
IT,” “CHIP IT,” OR “HAMMER<br />
IT.”<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 45
Liebherr unveiled the new<br />
LH 26 M Timber Litronic for<br />
efficient timber handling<br />
at LIGNA in Hanover. Thanks<br />
to its extremely compact<br />
design and exceptional<br />
manoeuvrability, this specialist<br />
machine is ideal for use in<br />
sawmills and lumber yards<br />
where space is at a premium.<br />
The new handling machine<br />
also boasts impressively<br />
low fuel consumption when<br />
operating at maximum capacity.<br />
Liebherr also demonstrated its<br />
new integrated tyre pressure<br />
monitoring system on the<br />
material handler for the first<br />
time.<br />
Thanks to its compact<br />
design and exceptional<br />
manoeuvrability, this specialist<br />
machine is ideal for work in<br />
sawmills and lumber yards<br />
where space is at a premium.<br />
With the LH 26 M Timber<br />
Litronic, Liebherr presented<br />
a new timber truck that<br />
extends its existing portfolio<br />
to include a lighter machine<br />
with an operating mass of<br />
between 23,500 and 26,000<br />
kg. Liebherr also showcased its<br />
new, integrated tyre pressure<br />
monitoring system as part<br />
of its trade fair exhibit. This<br />
system allows the desired<br />
target tyre pressure to be set<br />
and monitored on the display in<br />
the operator’s cab. The system<br />
became optionally available for<br />
Liebherr material handlers from<br />
October.<br />
Liebherr’s trade fair exhibit<br />
also included a straight 6.6 m<br />
long boom and a 5 m long stick<br />
with an angled stick end as<br />
well as a Liebherr type GM 10B<br />
wood grapple with a capacity<br />
of up to 1.30 m². The machine<br />
configuration also includes the<br />
1.2 m high, rigid cab elevation<br />
Thanks to its compact design and exceptional manoeuvrability, this specialist machine<br />
is ideal for work in sawmills and lumber yards where space is at a premium.<br />
Liebherr presented the new<br />
LH 26 M Timber Litronic at LIGNA<br />
• Powerful machine for efficient timber handling<br />
• Thanks to its compact design, it is ideal for use<br />
in sawmills and lumber yards with limited space<br />
• The new addition is the smallest machine in<br />
Liebherr’s existing portfolio of material handlers<br />
in the 25-tonne range<br />
LFC 120 for optimum visibility<br />
and a 3 m wide support blade<br />
at the rear. Maximum splash<br />
protection is provided thanks<br />
to the hot-dip galvanised<br />
mudguards, which also serve<br />
as a platform for easy and safe<br />
access to the operator’s cab.<br />
The new machine combines<br />
high driving performance with<br />
compact dimensions<br />
The engine power of 125<br />
kW / 170 hp provides the<br />
system with a large amount<br />
of torque, which allows the<br />
machine to accelerate quickly.<br />
In combination with the high<br />
pump flow, this guarantees<br />
fast, dynamic work movements<br />
and therefore maximum<br />
handling capacity.<br />
Thanks to its compact<br />
design, the new machine<br />
is ideal for use in confined<br />
spaces. It’s extremely small<br />
front and tail swing radius<br />
enables the machine to turn<br />
around completely even in very<br />
narrow operating locations. The<br />
minimal contours of the right<br />
front side enable the machine<br />
to work very close to sorting<br />
lines or timber stacks as it is<br />
always within the width of the<br />
undercarriage. This ensures an<br />
excellent view of the working<br />
area, ensures additional safety<br />
and prevents collisions.<br />
Four-wheel steering for<br />
greater manoeuvrability and<br />
integrated tyre pressure<br />
monitoring system<br />
To ensure excellent<br />
manoeuvrability and agility, the<br />
LH 26 M Timber is equipped<br />
with four-wheel steering as<br />
standard. The four-wheel<br />
steering increases driving<br />
46 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
stability and thus improves<br />
the machine’s directional<br />
stability. The automatic<br />
steering reversal, which is<br />
also standard, guarantees the<br />
correct steering direction at<br />
all times, when travelling both<br />
forwards and in reverse.<br />
To allow the operator<br />
to keep an eye on the tyre<br />
pressures, the machine<br />
features Liebherr’s new<br />
integrated tyre pressure<br />
monitoring system. The desired<br />
target tyre pressure can be set<br />
on the display in the operator’s<br />
cab. If the current tyre pressure<br />
deviates from the set target<br />
pressure, a warning is shown<br />
on the display. The integrated<br />
monitoring system not only<br />
increases safety, but also<br />
results in increased driving<br />
comfort as well as reduced tyre<br />
wear.<br />
Optimised undercarriage<br />
concept with efficient travel<br />
mode for trailer operation<br />
The electric pivoting angle<br />
adjustment in the travel motor<br />
provides additional torque,<br />
maximum acceleration and<br />
a higher drawbar pull. This<br />
ensures a consistently good<br />
driving performance even on<br />
inclines. Optimal adjustment of<br />
both the engine speed and flow<br />
rate ensures impressive fuel<br />
efficiency even at top speed.<br />
For longer distances, the<br />
combination of a material<br />
handler and trailer is the<br />
optimal choice. The powerful<br />
travel drive and robust axles<br />
enable the machine to tow<br />
trailers with a weight of up to<br />
60 tonnes.<br />
The 3 m wide undercarriage<br />
and rear support blade give<br />
the machine a high degree<br />
of stability during handling<br />
operations, which also means<br />
the load capacity can be<br />
further increased; for example,<br />
when loading and unloading<br />
the trailer. This enables<br />
more timber to be handled<br />
during each cycle to increase<br />
productivity. The support blade<br />
can also be used for clearing<br />
work and thus increases safety<br />
in the timber yard.<br />
Liebherr unveiled the new LH 26<br />
M Timber Litronic timber truck at<br />
LIGNA in Hanover<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> 47
UK, Europe, South Africa,<br />
US East Coast<br />
CONTACT: Robin Peach<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> Ltd<br />
Tel: +44 (0)1442 877 777<br />
Fax: +44 (0)1442 870 617<br /><br />
Japan<br />
CONTACT: Shigeru Kobayashi<br />
Japan Advertising Communications, Inc.<br />
Star Bldg., 3-10-3 Kanda Jimbocho<br />
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051<br />
Tel: 81-3-3261-4591<br />
Fax: 81-3-3261-6126<br />
Email:<br />
Western USA (AZ, CA, NV, UT)<br />
Australia, & New Zealand<br />
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />
J.P.Media Inc<br />
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />
Email:<br />
BID Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F/C / 15<br /><br />
Delta Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br /><br />
Demo <strong>International</strong> <strong>2024</strong> . . . . . . . . 12<br /><br />
Franzen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br /><br />
Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD) . . . 8<br /><br />
Halco Software Systems . . . . . . . . . 27<br /><br />
Joescan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2<br /><br />
LMI Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17<br /><br />
Logmax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IFC<br /><br />
Opticom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br /><br />
Cont’d from Page 39<br />
Ponsse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br /><br />
Rawlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br /><br />
seppi m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11<br /><br />
Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br /><br />
Tele-Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br /><br />
Tigercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br /><br />
Timber Processing and Energy Expo . . .OBC<br /><br />
USNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br /><br />
Wood Transport & Logistics . . . . . . 48<br /><br />
Western USA (MT, ID, OR,WA) & Canada<br />
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />
J.P.Media Inc<br />
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />
Email:<br />
US Mid-West, Central & Mountain<br />
CONTACT: Kevin Lapham<br />
J.P.Media Inc<br />
1163 E.Ogden Ave, Ste. 705-359 Naperville<br />
IL 60563, USA<br />
Tel: +1 (630) 420 9752<br />
Fax: +1 (630) 420 9763<br />
Email:<br />
Enhanced Four-Point Measuring MK2:<br />
The Log Max 5000V’s four-point<br />
measurement MK2 features new<br />
components and functions to excel<br />
in harsh conditions. The introduction<br />
of a contactless encoder in the lower<br />
delimbing knife enhances its lifespan<br />
and simplifies maintenance. The lower<br />
delimbing knife now incorporates an<br />
“Active Lower Knife” function, increasing<br />
lifting power and optimising tree holding<br />
capability. Additionally, the design<br />
modifications, such as a new axel nut<br />
and improved cable routing, enhance<br />
durability and reduce the risk of snow and<br />
ice packing.<br />
Conclusion:<br />
The Log Max 5000V represents a<br />
groundbreaking advancement in the<br />
logging industry. With its unparalleled<br />
durability, cutting performance, precise<br />
measurement capabilities, and simplified<br />
maintenance, this harvesting head<br />
sets a new benchmark for productivity,<br />
efficiency, and reliability. Experience the<br />
power of the Log Max 5000V and unlock<br />
its potential to revolutionise your logging<br />
operations.<br />
48 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong>
The Taylor Group<br />
has announced it’s<br />
acquired 85% of the<br />
shares of CVS Ferrari<br />
(CVS) from NEIP III<br />
and BP.<br />
The transaction’s closing,<br />
which has been advised<br />
on the seller’s side<br />
by BNP Paribas and on the<br />
buyer’s side by Angle Advisors,<br />
took place <strong>February</strong> 1, <strong>2024</strong>.<br />
“I am delighted to welcome<br />
CVS to the Taylor Group of<br />
Companies family,” said<br />
Robert Taylor, The Taylor<br />
Group’s president and COO.<br />
“With this international<br />
investment, the Taylor Group<br />
is committed to becoming<br />
a truly global player by<br />
opening new markets and<br />
combining the strengths of<br />
both organizations, which<br />
complement each other<br />
well. We see tremendous<br />
opportunities for growth in<br />
market access, new products,<br />
lower cost, and enhancing<br />
service and support”.<br />
The new CVS board will<br />
include Taylor, who will serve<br />
as president of CVS; Davis<br />
Taylor, director of sudden<br />
service; and Hal Nowell,<br />
director of sales at Taylor.<br />
Davide Bertozzi, director of<br />
sales and marketing at CVS,<br />
will join the CVS board, while<br />
the current board member,<br />
Federico Zanotti, will serve as<br />
managing director.<br />
Taylor group acquires<br />
controlling shares of<br />
CVS Ferrari<br />
NEIP III is an investment<br />
company managed by ITAGO<br />
with interests in several<br />
medium-sized specialized<br />
Italian industrial businesses.<br />
As result of the transaction,<br />
NEIP III is completely exiting<br />
its participation in CVS.<br />
BP, formerly Battioni &<br />
Pagani and a historic name<br />
among the Italian material<br />
handling and side loaders<br />
industry since 1959, is<br />
privately owned by the Pagani<br />
family and will retain a 10%<br />
share in CVS. SDB, a company<br />
owned by Bertozzi, will retain<br />
a 5% share.<br />
CVS, founded in 1973, is<br />
an established manufacturer<br />
of mobile container handling<br />
and heavy cargo handling<br />
equipment in reach stackers<br />
and high-capacity forklifts.<br />
CVS is a front-runner in<br />
offering digital integration and<br />
innovative electric and hybrid<br />
solutions with patented energy<br />
recovery and regeneration<br />
systems with the lowest<br />
environmental footprint.<br />
CVS has posted a triple<br />
revenue increase since 2020,<br />
boosted by new product<br />
introductions and broader<br />
market reach. With operations<br />
at two plants in Roveleto di<br />
Cadeo (Piacenza) e Sorbolo<br />
(Parma) in Italy, CVS employs<br />
120 people with a yearly<br />
volume capacity of about 200<br />
units.<br />
“CVS has found a new home<br />
From left: Federico Zanotti, CEO of CVS Ferrari; Lex Taylor, CEO of<br />
The Taylor Group; Robert Taylor, president and COO of The Taylor<br />
Group; and Davide Bertozzi, director of sales and marketing at<br />
CVS Ferrari.<br />
with an industrial investor that<br />
can provide long-term stability<br />
and adequate resources<br />
to enhance the company’s<br />
development further” Zanotti<br />
said. “In combination with the<br />
Taylor Group, CVS will boost<br />
its capabilities in after-market<br />
support, broaden its product<br />
offering, and further increase<br />
production volumes at the<br />
Cadeo and Sorbolo plants.<br />
The current management<br />
will stay onboard to signal<br />
continuity and commitment to<br />
the company’s future.”<br />
The Taylor Group, based<br />
in Louisville, Mississippi, is a<br />
group of subsidiary companies<br />
ranging in goods and services<br />
from material handling<br />
equipment and container<br />
handlers to generators to<br />
construction equipment to<br />
parts and service centers and<br />
fleet management. Taylor’s<br />
mission has been to provide<br />
customers with the highest<br />
quality products worldwide<br />
and back them up with the<br />
most responsive after-market<br />
service organization available.<br />
Founded in 1927, Taylor<br />
is one of the largest,<br />
privately owned American<br />
manufacturers of heavy<br />
industrial lift equipment,<br />
intermodal, and construction<br />
industry equipment. For<br />
97 years, Taylor has been<br />
committed to customer<br />
satisfaction and personal<br />
relationships with their<br />
customers through the Taylor<br />
sales group, the dealer sales<br />
network, and Taylor Sudden<br />
Service’s after-market support.<br />
<strong>International</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> | FEBRUARY / MARCH <strong>2024</strong> IBC