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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
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The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Nov</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong> ?????????? 13<br />
Mat~ri~ii.')>._o ·tbis page supplied by workers & members of St. Stephen's Drug-Free Arcade<br />
The Arcade<br />
by Carla da Ponte<br />
The Arcade is really great.<br />
If kids are on the street doing<br />
nothing or are at home really<br />
bored, they should go the the<br />
Arcade someday and see<br />
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Smoking<br />
Susan Lem<br />
Teenagers nowadays have<br />
started this thing about<br />
Movie Review by Emmy Pantin<br />
"Karate Kids" starts with a<br />
typical "street scene" with<br />
typical "street kids".<br />
Although this movie is a cartoon<br />
it was realistically and<br />
very well done. It goes on to<br />
introduce the malevolent<br />
"smiling man". The main<br />
characters are Karate, the<br />
hero, Rosa, Kafate'.s girl<br />
friend, Pedro, a young boy<br />
and loyal friend of Karate,<br />
Mario, Pedro and Karate's<br />
friend and of course the smiling<br />
man.<br />
Mario and Pedro statt<br />
working in the market place,<br />
juggling. But later get all<br />
their money stolen. The smiling<br />
man comes on the scene<br />
and offers the boys a gold<br />
watch but before the boys<br />
can -get in to trouble Karate<br />
saves them. Karate explains<br />
(quite effectively) how the<br />
boys could get A.I.D.S. and<br />
what A.I.D.S. could do to<br />
them. The next day the smiling<br />
man offers the boys<br />
money to come with him and<br />
Mario goes with him, ignoring<br />
the advice of Karate.<br />
Pedro finds Karate and tells<br />
him what happened to Mario<br />
and Karate gets a friend to<br />
chase the smiling man's<br />
black car. That's where the<br />
high-speed chase begins. It's<br />
a great scene. I really liked<br />
this movie, it was realistically<br />
done, with no bull shit and it<br />
was done in a way that really<br />
educated me - and wasn't<br />
boring. And that's the main<br />
word - education. It's format<br />
was well done and was<br />
clearly made for street kids.<br />
Some parts were scary and<br />
very straight forward, but<br />
don't let that turn you off<br />
this movie, I highly rcccom- ·<br />
mend it.<br />
Halloween Dance<br />
On Friday, October 26th<br />
the Arcade held a Halloween<br />
Dance at St. Stephen's Comrpunity<br />
House. Prizes were<br />
awarded for the winners of"<br />
the AIDS Awareness Week<br />
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Poster competition and for<br />
best costumes at the dance.<br />
A good time was had by all.<br />
Thanks to our volunteers for<br />
helping us make it a rousing<br />
success!<br />
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