#9006 - Nov 1990

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

2 NEWS The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Nov</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />

Bank Stops Street Sleepers ·<br />

Mike Milando<br />

Until recently, enclaves in<br />

the walls of the Royal Bank<br />

branch at the southwest corner<br />

of Spadina and College<br />

served as sleeping quarters<br />

for about two or three Market<br />

residents. Then the bank<br />

erected barriers in that<br />

space, wooden embankments<br />

slanted at 45 degrees<br />

with a decorative metal plate<br />

across them.<br />

Before the metal plate was<br />

added, the branch's manager<br />

didn't know what the finished<br />

product would look<br />

like, only that the building<br />

was receiving a face-lift,<br />

some kind of remodelling or<br />

restructuring. Customer<br />

relations explained that customers<br />

have complained,<br />

saying they are reluctant to<br />

use · banking machines<br />

because of fear of street<br />

people.<br />

Nearby, the Corner Dropin<br />

on Augusta Ave. isn't a<br />

place for street people to<br />

sleep either, but everyone is<br />

welcome for coffee and a<br />

sandwich each morning and<br />

to hang out for part of the<br />

day. Many of the people who<br />

go there sleep on the street.<br />

A group of them agreed to<br />

speak with me, if they didn't<br />

have to give their names.<br />

Almost all said they understand<br />

wjly the bank would<br />

erect the barriers: they are in<br />

the business of serving customers<br />

and when the customers<br />

complain you have to<br />

do something .. They didn't<br />

seem very concerned.<br />

But they explained that<br />

there will always be people<br />

for whom sleeping on the<br />

street is· an appropriate thing,<br />

at a given time. And like<br />

most banks, the Royal Bank<br />

is at a streetcorner which is<br />

Time for Another Capsule?<br />

New Health Campus Unveiled<br />

Masha Buell<br />

The new Doctors Hospital<br />

Multicultural Community<br />

Health Campus, Clinical and<br />

Community Services Centre<br />

was officially opened on<br />

Monday October 22 with a<br />

ceremony in the new building<br />

at 340 College Street.<br />

The Honourable Lincoln M.<br />

Alexander, Lieutenant Governor<br />

of Ontario, shared the<br />

unveiling of the cornerstone<br />

with. Zanana Akande, Minister<br />

of Community and Social<br />

Services and MPP for<br />

St.Andrew-St. Patrick,<br />

Metro Chairman Alan<br />

Tonks and six-year-old<br />

Yvonne Lee from King<br />

Edward Public School.<br />

Yvonne read a list of items<br />

that were placed in a time<br />

capsule under the cornerstone.<br />

Time capsule contents<br />

include copies of documents<br />

found in the original 1888<br />

time capsule, as well as current<br />

newspapers, coins, hospital-specifi.c<br />

information,<br />

and some childrens' handicrafts.<br />

(The original artifacts<br />

found in the 1888 cornerstone<br />

can be viewed in the<br />

new Health Sciences Library<br />

on the sixth floor of the new<br />

Clinical and Community Services<br />

Centre at 340 College<br />

Street.)<br />

The new Clinical and<br />

Community Services Centre<br />

represents a milestone in the<br />

plans for the Doctors Hospital<br />

Multicultural Community<br />

Health Campus which will<br />

function as an umbrella<br />

organisation for a complete<br />

range of medical, social and<br />

community services, delivered<br />

in partnership with<br />

many social and health service<br />

agencies.<br />

well-lit with many passersby.<br />

So it's a lot safer than other<br />

places. They said sleeping in<br />

a back alley, people are<br />

· often beaten up - sometimes<br />

by crusaders who think<br />

they'll improve society by<br />

beating up a street person to<br />

teach him or her a lesson.<br />

They suggested that customers<br />

of the bank who are<br />

afraid of people sleeping on<br />

the street should try it, even<br />

one time. Maybe when they<br />

have, their fear of people<br />

sleeping on the street won't<br />

be as great as their understanding<br />

of the fear that<br />

street people face.<br />

Malcolm, who works at the<br />

Drop-in and used to live on<br />

the street himself, added: the<br />

way things are going - free<br />

trade and layoffs, the GST<br />

- more people than realize<br />

it will be taking up this challenge<br />

in the near future.<br />

Community Centre Roundup<br />

Mike Milandao<br />

Cecil Seeks<br />

Constitution<br />

A sub-committee was set<br />

up by Cecil Centre's adminstrative<br />

committee, to look<br />

at relations betwee n the<br />

Cecil executive- which is<br />

also the board of management-and<br />

the administrative<br />

committee itself (AC).<br />

That sub-committee of the<br />

AC is presently formulating<br />

proposals that amount to<br />

"radical surgery on the centre's<br />

structure" in the opinion<br />

of director Julia Goldstein.<br />

Sub-committee members<br />

Julia Goldstein, Josie Hayes,<br />

and Robert Barnett are<br />

examining the constitutions<br />

of other centres for adoption<br />

in whole or in part by Cecil<br />

Centre, or as aids in writing ~<br />

new one for Cecil Centre~<br />

There has been mention at<br />

administrative committee<br />

(AC) meetings of including<br />

public input to this process in<br />

the future, but no decision<br />

has been made.<br />

This sub-committee originated<br />

around the time of resignations<br />

from the administrative<br />

committee (and<br />

Board) by Louisa Kamin and<br />

Yvonne Ferrer, members<br />

whose view of the AC's role<br />

and powers differed from the<br />

director's. They and Kerry<br />

Gearin had been attempting<br />

to respond to staff discontent<br />

after the AC -received a<br />

unanimous, unsigned staff<br />

memo from the Centre's<br />

staff, an attempt "blocked by<br />

the director" says Kelly<br />

Gearin. '<br />

Gearin is a member of the<br />

AC and its executive. However,<br />

at the last AC meeting,<br />

which Gearin did not attend,<br />

chairperson Roberta King<br />

announced that Gearin's resignation<br />

in "a local newspaper"<br />

was "accepted", commenting<br />

that it would have<br />

been nice if the centre had<br />

been informed directly.<br />

But Gearin says she has<br />

not decided to resign and<br />

that her letter in the last<br />

issue of Drum, while critical<br />

Does anyone out there have a<br />

picture of how it was before?<br />

Yvonne Lee (centre), behind,from left to right, The Honourable Lincoln M.<br />

Alexander, Zanana Akande, Bob Hall, and Dr. Bob Frankford.<br />

of the centre's management,<br />

said ·nothing about her<br />

resigning. She says "If I had<br />

decided to resign, I would<br />

have communicated this<br />

directly to the centre." She<br />

signed the letter as an<br />

"Executive Board Member".<br />

Scadding Court's<br />

lOthAGM<br />

Scadding Court Community.<br />

Centre located at<br />

Bathurst and Dundas streets<br />

held its annual general<br />

meeting October 26. Eight<br />

persons were acclaimed to<br />

the centre's Board of Management.<br />

Pat Dale, Bill Graham,<br />

Ming-Chu Yung, and Minerva<br />

Hui are new. Krista<br />

Snow, Alice LeBlanc, Sonny<br />

Atkinson, and Dermot<br />

Moore continue - they<br />

were acclaimed after their<br />

two-year terms expired.<br />

The other four of the 12<br />

elected positions on the<br />

Board are held by Chris<br />

Bolton, Jenny Chen, Mario<br />

Silva, and Sunny Labrosse,<br />

who enter the second year of<br />

their two-year term. The<br />

remaining four of the 16<br />

member Board are appointed<br />

officials.<br />

Board chairp~rson Sunny<br />

Labrosse announced that<br />

architects will be chosen for<br />

the centre's planned expansion<br />

in about 10 days, and<br />

the centre hopes to have<br />

something on paper by the<br />

end of the year. He said that<br />

one of the main reasons the<br />

Board in the past year had<br />

been able to focus on policy<br />

matters that affect day to daymatters<br />

was the staff, suggesting<br />

initiatives. This year's<br />

retreat of Board and staff<br />

had been the best of his<br />

experience he said.<br />

Terri Hope, director of the<br />

centre, highlighted cooperative<br />

programming initiatives<br />

that had been started in the<br />

past year. Among others, the<br />

list included anti-racism<br />

action, AIDS aware ness,<br />

Chinese outreach, and after<br />

school programming with<br />

neighbouring Ryerson Public.<br />

The general meeting was<br />

followed by a dance.<br />

photo: Buzz Bu!7.a<br />

photo: Brian Summers<br />

GOOFS<br />

To Play Benefit<br />

Colin Puffer<br />

Censorship of art has been<br />

an issue recently much discussed<br />

in North America. We<br />

are aware of the prosecution<br />

of the Cincinatti gallery that<br />

displayed Robert Mapplethorpe<br />

's photographs and have<br />

heard about the charges<br />

against 2 Live Crew. We know<br />

that Canada Customs regularly<br />

restricts the importation of<br />

literature into the country. But<br />

there is a prosecution of a local<br />

company, Fringe Product Inc.<br />

that hasn't received much<br />

attention. See Another Court<br />

~_,__P_g:}~ _<br />

- 'NEW<br />


LABOUR<br />

SONGS<br />

For use in ·ra!Hes,<br />

pickets, and &rgaruzing.<br />

'The Litde Red<br />

.Songbook" is now<br />

totally Conadian.<br />

n..c,.,..o;... ......,.,.,.,~

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