#9006 - Nov 1990

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

~~ ........ ~ ... -- -<br />

The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Nov</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />

Eight Elected to<br />

Downtown Health Board<br />

Lee Zaslofsky<br />

Lee is a Community<br />

Health Worker, West Central<br />

Community Health Centres<br />

Last October 16 the<br />

Downtown Community<br />

Health Board held elections<br />

to fill its eight positions.<br />

The elections were held in<br />

a crowded room at the 519<br />

Community Centre. Sixteen<br />

residents tried for the<br />

Board's eight positions.<br />

After a talk by Board of<br />

Health chair Jack Layton<br />

and Fran Perkins of the Public<br />

Health department, the<br />

voting began.<br />

The eight people elected<br />

to the Community Health<br />

Board include people with a<br />

variety of interests and backgrounds:<br />

Michael Shapcott, a<br />

community organizer; Louise<br />

Sommers, a childbirth<br />

instructor; Robert Hutchinson,<br />

a counsellor at the People<br />

With AIDS Foundation;<br />

Phong Tham, an AIDS Educator<br />

working with Vietnamese-Canadians;<br />

John<br />

Campey, a longtime community<br />

activist; Dick Moore,<br />

Alison Stirling, and myself.<br />

These days there is a growing<br />

emphasis on the community's<br />

role in health. After<br />

all, it's pretty hard to keep<br />

healthy if your city or neighbourhood<br />

is polluted, if<br />

incomes are too low, if social<br />

strife is an everyday thing.<br />

That's where the Community<br />

Health Boards come in.<br />

There is one in each of<br />

Toronto's four health areas.<br />

Their mandate is to make<br />

sure community residents<br />

have a strong voice in shaping<br />

the City's health services,<br />

and in raising the health<br />

NEWS<br />

issues we feel are important.<br />

Kensington shares many<br />

problems with other downtown<br />

residents, while having<br />

a few of its own. It's going to<br />

be important for Kensington<br />

residents to make their voices<br />

heard as the newly elected<br />

Community Health Board<br />

gets to work.<br />

Deep Quong Clears Hurdles<br />

But Race Not Over<br />

David Perlman<br />

October 30, after close to<br />

five hours of heated deputations<br />

and acrimonious debate,<br />

the City's Land Use committee<br />

voted 4-2 to approve a 70-<br />

unit subsidised housing complex,<br />

Deep Quong Homes, at<br />

25 and 27 Cecil Street. The<br />

motion to approve was made<br />

by Councillor Amer who<br />

called the project "the single<br />

most ·important issue I have<br />

dealt with in my Ward". Also<br />

voting to approve were eouncillors<br />

Layton, Maxwell and<br />

Hall, of Wards 6, 11 and 7.<br />

Opposed were Councillors<br />

Gardner of Ward 15 and<br />

Councillor Walker of Ward<br />

16.<br />

Deep Quong Homes now<br />

goes to a vote of council,<br />

probably December 4. And<br />

judging from the reactions of<br />

the two councillors who<br />

opposed the project at the<br />

land use committee meeting,<br />

the project will have its<br />

oppopents at Council.<br />

And judging by the number<br />

and tone of deputants for<br />

and against the project, there<br />

will be people who won't let<br />

the ' matter rest, whether<br />

Council approves the development<br />

or turns it down.<br />

The Deep Quong Board,<br />

of which this writer is a<br />

member, will meet Tuesday<br />

<strong>Nov</strong>ember 6 to attempt to<br />

respond to concerns raised at<br />

. the meeting, and to attempt<br />

the difficult task of getting<br />

neighbourhood people<br />

opposed to the project<br />

involved in the committees<br />

that will have the task of seeing<br />

to it that the project is<br />

controlled by the community<br />

it is located in.<br />

•••••••••••••••••••••••<br />


Coming in December ·<br />

For Cecil Centre Watchers<br />

Drum has come into possession of a document prepared<br />

by the executive director of Cecil Centre and circulated to,<br />

among others, the Cecil Board of Management. The document<br />

responds to Drum coverage of Cecil Centre issues,<br />

and suggests that Drum has motives other than our stated<br />

ones. Decide for yourselves in the December Drum.<br />

nme at Last for Tenant Rights<br />

The on-again-off-again effort to get a tenant move_ment<br />

going in the Kensington Market area is gathering steam<br />

once more.<br />

Watch out for the "tenant survey" that volunteers will<br />

be carrying around the area between now and month end.<br />

The questions are simple, the responses could make or<br />

break efforts to protect the existing stock of affordable<br />

housing in the Market area.<br />

For people who get missed by the surveyors, we'll have<br />

a clip-out version of the questionnaire in the December<br />

DRUM.<br />

Coupons, Coupons, Coupons<br />

Biggest news on the Drum commercial front, if you're a<br />

retailer or the provider of any service in the Market area,<br />

you can be on our December/January beaFthe-winter<br />

Kensington coupon monopoly map. Contact DRUM at<br />

599-DRUM for details, by FRIDAY <strong>Nov</strong>ember 23.<br />

And in January<br />

Challenge to the province, ... an open letter to the Minister<br />

of the Environment of Ontario, regarding the Railway<br />

Lands and the Spadina LltT.<br />

- . - - ··-<br />

---?"- · ~--:;:;;;-<br />

Kensington! Get the guaranteed best rate for your GIC •••<br />

3<br />

-<br />

Now<br />

Add<br />

Its your<br />

Central<br />

Guarantee<br />

You can earn 1/40/o<br />

extra interest by<br />

investing in:<br />

• a special18-monlh GIC<br />

Invest $5,000 or more in an 18-<br />

month GIC and you will get an<br />

interest rate that's 1/4% higher than<br />

our posted 2-year rate.<br />

• a GIC when you haye<br />

2 qualifying accounts/services<br />

Invest at least $5,000 in a 1 to 5<br />

year GIC and you will get an extra<br />

1/4% interest per annum when<br />

you have any two of the following<br />

Central Guaranty accounts or<br />

services:<br />

• Chequing Account<br />

• Savings Account<br />

• RRSP/RRIF<br />

• Mutual Funds<br />

• loan<br />

• mortgage<br />

• personal line of credit<br />

• No-fee VISA card<br />

• Personal Trust Products<br />

• a GIC when you're 55 or over<br />

If you are 55 or over, you can earn<br />

the 1/4% extra interest for a GIC of<br />

$5,000 or more. Your interest must<br />

be deposited monthly into a<br />

FeeCutter Chequing Account or a<br />

Super T-Bill Savings Account.<br />

Term~ 1 to 5 years.<br />

And The Best Rate. Guaranteed.<br />

We guarantee that our Guaranteed<br />

Best Rate will be equal to or better<br />

than the nationally-posted rates<br />

offered by the following major<br />

banks and trust companies on a<br />

comparable GIC:<br />

Bank of Montreal<br />

Bank of <strong>Nov</strong>a Scotia<br />

CIBC<br />

Toronto-Dominion Bank<br />

Royal Bank<br />

Royal Trust<br />

Canada Trust<br />

This offer expires <strong>Nov</strong>ember 30,<br />

<strong>1990</strong>. Maximum bonus per<br />

certificate: 1/4% per annum.<br />

This offer may not be combined<br />

with any other special offers.<br />


343 College Street (at Augusta) CENTRAL~GUARANTY<br />

Joe Totino, Branch Manager<br />


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