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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
nsington Market<br />
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Ot\ltt'<br />
Ta.m ,bor<br />
MAP<br />
&<br />
GUIDE<br />
See pages 8&9<br />
The Slam, not the Slammer: BFGs Steve Johnson at the Record Peddler court-costs benefit<br />
Colin [!uffer reports, page 15 ·<br />
Flash Fire<br />
Fuels Fear<br />
by Colin Puffer<br />
A sudden fire in the doorway<br />
of a Kensington Avenue restaurant<br />
at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday<br />
November 21 has left many in<br />
photo: DavldPerlman the COnlmUnity WOndering three<br />
·A glass door kicked in, gasoline things.<br />
. pouretLbut it could h;avebeen First, people are wondering<br />
much much worse .<br />
who would set a fire on the<br />
photo: Krash<br />
ground floor of a building which<br />
has up to twenty people, including<br />
children, living in it. Second,<br />
what could their reasons be?<br />
Third, if it's happened once,<br />
what's to say it won't keep happening?<br />
MARSHAL page 2<br />
and much much more<br />
Regularly:<br />
Ne~s, news .........•..............•••.......... 2,3<br />
Market Matters, Mutterings<br />
Kensington Environment~I ••••••••••••••••• 4,S<br />
Talking Drum<br />
Editorial, Opinion, Letters •••••••••••••••••• 6,7<br />
Map and Direciory •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8, 9<br />
Market Gourmet •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 0<br />
Learning With You<br />
Arcade, Oasis ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; ••• 11-14<br />
Dates to Watc·h ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11<br />
Entertainment and Sports ••••••••••••••••••• 1 5<br />
Drum Hum, (community ads) •••••••••••••• 16<br />
Also, pageS<br />
CRUNCH<br />
Ill<br />
Also, page 1 0-11<br />
HOLY<br />
(Fish for Christmas)<br />
Also, page 12-13<br />
ARCADE<br />
& OASIS<br />
two youth views<br />
Also, page 14<br />
What Bob<br />
the Waiter's<br />
Waiting For<br />
K.F. Editorial<br />
DRUM, FOR<br />
FROM THE<br />
START<br />
Ken sington Market Drum, 70A Kensin ton Ave., Canada, M 5T 2K l (416) 599-DRUM
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
2<br />
Arson Says Fire Marshal<br />
from page 1<br />
At approximately 5:30a.m.<br />
on Wednesday Eric Layman,<br />
a self-described night-owl,<br />
heard the sound of breaking<br />
glass, which was followed<br />
seconds later by smoke rising<br />
from the Le Uyen Restaurant<br />
(56 Kensington Ave.)<br />
located on the ground floor.<br />
Eric immediately called the<br />
fire department to report the<br />
fire.<br />
Evacuation<br />
The residents of the apartment<br />
block started knocking<br />
on each other's doors and<br />
within minutes the building<br />
was almost completely evacuated.<br />
With Number 8<br />
Pumping Station only 2<br />
blocks away on Bellevue<br />
Ave. no more than five minutes<br />
elapsed between the call<br />
and the arrival of the fire<br />
department. The fire was<br />
rapidly brought-under control.<br />
The blaze took place in the<br />
entryway of the restaurant.<br />
Damage was confined to the<br />
glass door, the awning above<br />
the entrance, plastic light fixtures<br />
and scorching on the<br />
walls and stairs leading down<br />
to the restaurant.<br />
It took Inspector R.L.<br />
Schnurr, from the Office of<br />
the Fire Marshal, only minutes<br />
to determine that the<br />
fire had been intentionally<br />
set. His verdict: someone<br />
had kicked in the glass door,<br />
poured gasoline inside and<br />
out and set it alight with an<br />
open flame. This leads us<br />
back to the qu~stion of who<br />
would light such a potentially<br />
murderous blaze.<br />
Rumours abound. Perhaps<br />
the best indication of the<br />
nature of these rumours is<br />
that the investigation will be<br />
handled by 14 Division<br />
Asian Crime Unit.<br />
What Investigation?<br />
Repeated phone-calls to<br />
14 Division have yielded<br />
only the information that it<br />
is likely the Asian Unit will<br />
deal with the crime. But no<br />
one seems to know just who,<br />
if anyone, is assigned to the<br />
case. Officer Hua, where are<br />
you? Even the suggestion by<br />
the Drum that there are persons<br />
in the Market with<br />
information that the police<br />
might find valuable has<br />
elicited no response from 14<br />
Division. Certainly, confirmation<br />
by the police that an<br />
investigation was proceeding<br />
would assure nervous Market<br />
residents that the inci-<br />
NEWS<br />
dent was not just being filed<br />
as an Asian Crime and left to<br />
the Asian community to sort<br />
out. ·<br />
And More Questions<br />
Tho~gh most of the Drum<br />
staff has never attended journalism<br />
school (tht:: eat's out<br />
of the bag) there is a ,general<br />
awareness that a report<br />
Doctor's. Hospital<br />
Wo01en's Detox Riles So01e<br />
Drum StaH<br />
Is there a double standard<br />
about the treatment of alcoholism?<br />
In men it is seen as<br />
something that society has a<br />
responsiblity to treat and<br />
mitigate. Amo·ng women it<br />
seems it's something for<br />
which family doctors,<br />
churches and husbands are<br />
expected to provide remedies.<br />
Womens de-tox centres<br />
arc scarce-of the 118<br />
beds in the city, only 8 arc<br />
for women- and underfunded.<br />
Women's de-tox centres<br />
run into community opposition<br />
when they are proposed.<br />
This appears to be what's<br />
happening with Doctors<br />
Hospital's proposed 17 bed<br />
de-tox centre at 892 Dundas<br />
St. W. The second of 2 public<br />
meetings attracted 400<br />
people, many opposed. And<br />
Drum has seen multi-lingual<br />
letters, also opposing the<br />
project, distributed as far<br />
afield as Harbord and Major<br />
Streets.<br />
Part of the problem that<br />
projects like-this run into is a<br />
perception that the place will<br />
increase the number of<br />
drunks and rubbies in the<br />
area. In fact, most of the<br />
people using this facility<br />
would be there for 2 nights<br />
with a maximum of 3.<br />
The proposed place is a<br />
shelter for people in distress<br />
awaiting referral or other<br />
support services. It's not a<br />
place of incarceration. People<br />
arrive voluntarily or<br />
escorted by police. Nobody<br />
c~n be forced to stay, so people<br />
are not taken there<br />
unless they want help.<br />
Because de-tox centres are<br />
seen as something. that is<br />
usually placed in downscale<br />
neighbourhoods, they in fact<br />
have that effect on the neighbourhood.<br />
When institutions<br />
like Doctors Hospital go far<br />
afield to locate a de-tox centre,<br />
residents near by wonder<br />
why it was not placed in the<br />
hospital's backyard: Harbord<br />
and Brunswick for instance.<br />
Is the implication that there<br />
is no alcoholism in the<br />
Lower Annex? Or that<br />
places of treatment should<br />
be near the sources of temptation?<br />
Beacusc the centre is to be<br />
located so far from Doctors<br />
Hospital there have been<br />
suggestions that they are<br />
avoiding putting a downscale<br />
facility in an upscale neighbourhood.<br />
A hospital<br />
spokes-person denies this,<br />
explaining that no suitable<br />
site closer to the hospital<br />
could be found. This is partly<br />
because city by-laws prevent<br />
crisis facilities being within<br />
250 metres of each other.<br />
As institutions decentralize<br />
they put all kinds of services<br />
out into the community.<br />
Some of these services are<br />
perceived as positive, some<br />
as negative. Should the Hospital<br />
take steps to contradict<br />
the impression that upscale<br />
neighbourhoods don't get<br />
controversial facilities.<br />
climate of suspicion and is a<br />
perfect breeding ground for<br />
rumour. Perhaps the worst<br />
result of dark hints about<br />
gangs and organized crime is<br />
that people are afraid to<br />
come forward with informa<br />
tion. Someone must surely<br />
know more and care about a<br />
crime that endangered so<br />
should answer the questions<br />
who, when, why and where.<br />
It is therefore disconcerting<br />
to have to write an article<br />
where so many fundamental<br />
questions remain unanswered.<br />
Those that are<br />
answered only lead to more<br />
questions. This is not a good<br />
state of affairs. It creates a<br />
The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />
photo: SN Bianca<br />
(!h rlf) many lives. ~<br />
JlWJL City of Toronto<br />
City property owners and occupants ....<br />
Be Nice. Clear Your Ice.<br />
Please 'remember that it's your responsibility to<br />
remove snow or ice from public sidewalks in front of,<br />
or beside your property, within 12 hours after any fall<br />
of snow, freezing rain or hail, and to keep them clear.<br />
If the snow or ice is not cleared from the entire<br />
surface of sidewalks abutting your property, the City<br />
will remove the snow or ice ancf charge the cost of<br />
removal to the property owner's realty taxes.<br />
If you are a senior citizen or have a physical disability,<br />
you may be eligible for the City's free snow-clearing<br />
service. For application information, please call the<br />
Oepartment'of Public Works and the Environment at<br />
392-7768.<br />
TOO users please call 392-0678.<br />
Nicholas Vardin. P. Eng.,<br />
City Engineer and Commissioner,<br />
Department of Public Works and the Environment<br />
Legal Wrongs and Fringe Benefits<br />
Local Record Company Aquitted<br />
by Colin Puffer<br />
. In the last Drum we<br />
reported the impending trial<br />
on November 5 in Ottawa of<br />
Fringe Product Inc. and the<br />
Record Peddler On<br />
November 8 a 12 person jury<br />
aquitted the two companies<br />
on charges of distributing<br />
and possession for the purpose<br />
of distributing obscene<br />
material. The material in<br />
question was two albums,<br />
"Here Today, Guano<br />
Tomorrow" and "Feed Us A<br />
Fetus America", by Victoria's<br />
DayGlo Abortions. The<br />
crown has 30 days in which<br />
to appeal the decision but<br />
Fringe owner Ben Hoffman<br />
doesn't think this is likely.<br />
Though the result was<br />
praised by the Canadian<br />
Civil Liberties Association<br />
and the Canadian Recording<br />
Industry Association, no one<br />
is claiming final victory.<br />
Most involved in the trial<br />
believe that the nebulousness<br />
of Canadian obscenity<br />
laws make future prosecutions<br />
likely.<br />
Inverted Process<br />
Hoffman himself expressed<br />
relief that 2 years of<br />
court app·earances were<br />
finally over but had reservations<br />
about the whole legal<br />
process. He felt the trial did<br />
nothing to clarify obscenity<br />
laws. He went on to explain<br />
that in most criminal cases<br />
the crime is well defined and<br />
it is the jury's duty to determine<br />
whether or not the<br />
defendant committed the<br />
crime. In the Fringe obscenity<br />
trial the process was<br />
reversed. There was no<br />
denying that Fringe had pas- ·<br />
sessed the albums and it was<br />
the jury's job to decide<br />
whether or not that possession<br />
was a crime. And<br />
though Hoffman hopes that<br />
the court descision will make<br />
. police think twice about laying<br />
charges, there is still<br />
nothing to prevent the cop<br />
on the beat from pressing<br />
charges that may result in a<br />
very expensive court case -<br />
for a "crime" that may not<br />
be a crime.<br />
The Cost<br />
If Fringe had pleaded<br />
guilty when initially charged<br />
they most likely would have<br />
escaped with a fine of $500-<br />
1000. Because the company<br />
decided to fight the prosecution<br />
they have ended up with<br />
court costs approaching<br />
$100,000. Fringe received<br />
virtually no support from<br />
major record labels but<br />
musicians in Vancouver and<br />
Toronto banded together for<br />
a series of fund-raisers that<br />
will help defray legal costs.<br />
(see Performance, page 15).<br />
In the end Hoffman says<br />
he's pleased with the results<br />
and glad it's all over but with<br />
the enormous financial drain<br />
and time involved he doubts<br />
he has the resources or energy<br />
to do it again.
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />
DEEP SIX<br />
Or j~t the name of the game<br />
by David Perlman They objected to the size of<br />
the project.<br />
The proposed seventy unit Reports are that at the last<br />
nonprofit housing develop- Deep Quong board meeting<br />
ment at 25 Cecil Street has a plan was put forward for a<br />
just completed a full circle building with fewer bachelor<br />
tour of the City's-planning units and a higher percentage<br />
procedures and is now back of 2 and 3 bedroom apart- _<br />
to square one-namely that ments. This allows for fewer<br />
the city's planning advisory required parking spaces,<br />
committee must call a public which in turn means no need<br />
meeting, at which the people for expensive undergro·und<br />
proposing the project must parking. This brings the cost<br />
present a new plan.<br />
within provincial guidelines.<br />
As reported in the last So, if indeed the neigh-<br />
Drum, the proposed housing bourhood's objection to the<br />
passed a stormy land-use project was size, this should<br />
committee meeting on Octo- help get the project through.<br />
ber 30. But the full Council But the original group of<br />
then turned it down, voting workers for whom the proinstead<br />
to call for a new ject was designed will not so<br />
meeting and a revised plan. - easily find spaces in this<br />
At issue here is, most cru- · redesigned building.<br />
cially the size of the building. The date for a new public<br />
Deputant after deputant rose meeting will likely be<br />
at the land use meeting to announced early in the new<br />
say they were riot opposed to year, with a return visit to<br />
the nature of the develope the land-use committee as its<br />
ment (assisted housing with a dubious reward.<br />
large number of apartments<br />
for single, shift workers in The writer is a member of<br />
the Spadina watershed). the Deep Quong Board.<br />
Killing With<br />
Merry Cheer<br />
Over-indulgence fatal for pet says vet<br />
nr. Jack Gewarter<br />
Amidst the hustle and<br />
bustle of holiday preparations<br />
it is easy to overlook<br />
our animal friends who all<br />
too often become Christmas<br />
casualties.<br />
While most people have<br />
.. the best intentions when giving<br />
pets as gifts, the responsibility<br />
involved in looking<br />
after ·a new puppy or kitten<br />
properly is too great to suddenly<br />
thrust upon anyone as<br />
a Yuletide surprise. Each<br />
year, many humane shelters<br />
become overloaded with<br />
animals destined for<br />
euthanasia for that very reason.<br />
, If you already own a pet,<br />
try not to overindulge it in<br />
Christmas cheer. Frequently<br />
animals end up in emergency<br />
clinics choking or vomiting<br />
with inflamed bowels,<br />
twisted stomachs, impactions<br />
and perforations due<br />
to an overdose of Christmas<br />
turkey or bones. The attraction<br />
tinsel has for cats often<br />
leads to intestinal trauma as<br />
well, so keep it high on the<br />
tree and out of ki\ty's reach<br />
- likewise the lights and electrical<br />
cables that suddenly<br />
become irresistably chewable.<br />
Other hazards for pets at<br />
this time of year include<br />
road salt burns between the<br />
pads of their paws and frostbite.<br />
These can . be controlled<br />
by wiping off pads<br />
with a damp towel at the<br />
door and monitoring duration<br />
of exposure to the elements.<br />
Outdoor pets should<br />
always be provide with a dry<br />
shelter, insulated from wind,<br />
sleet and snow.<br />
Coats tend to get dry,<br />
itchy and flakcy in the winter<br />
due to central heating. A<br />
humidifier is a good idea for<br />
both human and animal<br />
skin, and a few drops of vegetable<br />
oil mixed with the<br />
food each day also helps.<br />
Animals can enjoy the<br />
holiday season as much as<br />
we do, as long as we remember<br />
that they depend on us<br />
for proper care and common<br />
sense.<br />
Bloorcourt<br />
Veterinary<br />
Clinic<br />
Consultation By Appointment Monday to Saturday<br />
Health Care, Surgery and Acupuncture<br />
1079 Bloor Street West<br />
I 6) 537-9677<br />
Dr. Jack<br />
NEWS<br />
•••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
Coming in January<br />
Carwash<br />
by Derek Rogers<br />
... While the other workers screamed in horror and frantically raced for the cutoff<br />
switch, Bob calmly looked through the viewing window. He put his ear to the<br />
glass·and could distinctly hear "Singing in the rain, Just singing ... "<br />
What's the FUS<br />
Jack Gewarter will report on Feline Urinary Syndrome, its causes and symptoms<br />
and ways you can help your cat avoid this problem.<br />
The Return of Open Stage ·<br />
There's been so much music in the Market area that we decided to cover stories<br />
other than Open Stage this month. Next month Open Stage is back. Look for<br />
a report on the nuts at Grossman's Tavern.<br />
"Kensinaton Drum Artide, Backaround and Inaccuracies"<br />
This is the title of a document prepared' by Julia Goldstein, director of Cecil<br />
Centre. Here's an excerpt: "The article itself contains many errors and distortions.<br />
There are errors of fact, judgement, and some basic misunderstandings<br />
about how a community agency functions. The intent of the article is, quite simply,<br />
to discredit my work as Director, and to discredit the Board."<br />
Market Gourmet Gets Cookina Aaain ·<br />
After a brief maternity leave, Peigi T."willbe back with something savoury to<br />
stimulate jaded holiday season palates.<br />
Railway Lands and LRT _<br />
An open letter to the Minister of the Environment<br />
" ... so, following this principle, the minister should give priority (and offer a<br />
streamlined environmental assessment process) to transit projects based on legislative<br />
and educational solutions, not those dependent on high priced technology.<br />
And the minister should intervene to prevent urban planning that encourages<br />
long distance commuting ... "<br />
And in February<br />
El fuego Iatino<br />
Drum Entertainment gets cosmopolitan with a look at The Don Quixote's flamenco<br />
dancing show.<br />
~-----************************************:--------~<br />
C<br />
""DT "'"'~ T,. .~ c'TTJ::"r.T.r ur""'r'<br />
_ ti .:~;.l~ l .../ .0~ : rl.J. _..L 1\ .._ 10 L<br />
Children'; Safety<br />
0 Don't leave children alone for a minute or you<br />
invite accidents at Christmas time. __./<br />
0 Plug-in electric toys should be labelled by the<br />
Canadian Standards Association ( CSA ).<br />
0 Don't buy combustible toys or ones that use<br />
flammable liquids.<br />
Your Tr~e<br />
0 Don't buy a tree with shedding needles.<br />
0 Cut off 2 inches diagonally from the trunk.<br />
Keer the tree in water in a non-tip stand away<br />
from exits and sources of heat.<br />
0 Plastic trees should have a fire-retardant labeL<br />
Lighting Safety<br />
0 Lighting sets must be labelled by the Canadian<br />
Standards Association (CSA). Replace \ vorn<br />
sets.<br />
0 Don't overload outlets. Protect wires from<br />
injury.<br />
0 Don't hang lights on a metallic tree.<br />
*<br />
0 Outdoors, use special outdoor lighting. ~<br />
0 Unplug the lighting before you go to bed or leave<br />
the house.<br />
Christmas Parties and Smoking<br />
0 Use flame-retardant or non-combustible<br />
decorations and costumes.<br />
0 Don't smoke near the tree or decorations.<br />
0 Have large ashtrays, and store matches above the<br />
reach of children.<br />
0 Check for cigarette butts in upholstered furniture<br />
before you go to bed. '<br />
~ · {<br />
* "¥<br />
* ':,<br />
* -"<br />
* ,<br />
*<br />
HAVE A<br />
fi·RE~ SAFE<br />
HOliDAY<br />
FIRE! PHONE 911<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
4<br />
•••••••••••••••••••••<br />
MARKET.·<br />
- Drum Staff<br />
~\.. '\, cvt Y 2 ~\AC \;G.<br />
SeP ~(~* VJe, .~t<br />
e~..,t +•\1\"\e. A~v .. :\ ~<br />
\ \A.Q..:;\- ' ;:; '""" c4 r v .:.:.- """' .,_. c<br />
--=_\~ \;i? (Aw;:-t.sTA 'AAC,~G<br />
\Al'-.)G-LEi i\J~ -- \qct .:.> )<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong> MARKET MATTERS 5<br />
Garbage Crunch III<br />
At a waste reduction action group<br />
meeting <strong>Dec</strong>ember 11 - it was<br />
decided that a 3-member delegation<br />
will meet Amer and Vardin January<br />
7 at 10 am. Phone Robert Rex (928-<br />
1726) for detailed informa_tion.<br />
""" 0%; /_<br />
'<br />
- ~ '- _.,,, '•""<br />
1\ltr·q.<br />
... ~/<br />
Drum<br />
Bulletin<br />
PUBLIC WORKS Commissioner Nick Vardin<br />
rejected Councillor Amer's request for one extra<br />
weekly garbage pick-up for the Market's produce<br />
merchants. But his department will immediately<br />
institute nightly pick-ups for the 18 restaurants in<br />
the area not presently so served (only 3 are). And<br />
they will reintroduce, immediately, their collection<br />
of corrugated cardboard.<br />
Details of these arrangements will be discussed in<br />
a joint meeting between the commissioner, councillor<br />
Amer and a delegation from the Kensington<br />
waste reduction action group. The group's response<br />
is to call a meeting to discuss strategies for meeting<br />
with the commissioner, on Tuesday <strong>Dec</strong>ember 11<br />
at 7:30pm at St. Stephen's. (Contact Robert Rex,<br />
928-1726, evenings, for more information). Anyone<br />
interested in seeing the commissioner's report<br />
should come to the meeting, as also anyone who<br />
wants to be part of the City Hall delegation.<br />
•••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
,(<br />
City of Toronto Information and Communication-<br />
Services Division, Department of the City Clerk<br />
Gift-Giving- It's Your Choice<br />
Durable Items Instead of Disposable Ones:<br />
• cloth napkins and serviettes<br />
• rechargeable batteries and charger<br />
• refillable safety razors<br />
• refillable cigarette lighters<br />
(only for the smoker, if you know one)<br />
• plants instead of cut flowers<br />
• a shaving brush and soap bar<br />
· • reusable cloth coffeemaker filters<br />
• a fountain pen<br />
• quality toys and clothes<br />
• picnic hamper with reusable dishes and cutlery<br />
Environmental Gifts:<br />
• a certificate for adoption of a whale,<br />
• a peregrine falcon, a tree<br />
• a book on environmental matters<br />
• a donation to an environmental group<br />
• a balcqny or back yard compostcr<br />
• an artificial tree, wreath or other decoration<br />
• a bicycle<br />
• a cloth shopping bag<br />
• a yogurt maker<br />
• recycled paper stationery<br />
Experiences and Personal Services:<br />
• a personal gift certificate for baby sitting, ·<br />
• lawn cutting, snowclearing, or a home-cooked meal<br />
• a certificate for a restaurant meal, theatre, concert, sight<br />
seeing trip, hot air balloon ride, sports exent, etc.<br />
Homemade Items:<br />
• fruitcake, cookies, sauces, breads, etc.<br />
• decorations made from styrofoam, cloth remnants,<br />
• old jars, egg cartons, cans, plastic jugs, etc.<br />
• hand-knit sweaters, quilts, etc.<br />
• handcrafted wooden bowls, trays, ·bird-feeders, etc.<br />
Commissioner of Public Works, Nick Vardin, recently communicated with Liz<br />
Amer's office and offered Kensington retailers "material recovery" (which basically<br />
means corrugated cardboard) 5 nights of the week. The following are excerpts from<br />
Vardin's letter to Liz Amer.<br />
November 21, <strong>1990</strong><br />
To: City Services Committee<br />
Subject Refuse Pick-up in the Kensington Market Area<br />
Origin: City Services Committee Meeting of March 3, 1989<br />
(c39csc90897:445)<br />
Recommendations:<br />
1. That material recovery ·and garbage collection services be<br />
extended to the Kensington Market Area retail stores and restaurants<br />
as described in this report; and<br />
2.That full garbage coll~ction services not be extended to commercial<br />
properties at this time:<br />
Background:<br />
Your committee at its meeting of March 3, 1989, in considering a<br />
communication (Feb. 14, 1989 from Administrator of the Kensington<br />
Area Task Force, together with my report of January 1989 to the<br />
Task Force respecting the above, requested me to report on the<br />
cost of providing garbage pick-up six nights a week in the Kensington<br />
Market Area.<br />
(Comments: Here Mr. Vardin gives details of the services his<br />
department presently provides for Residences. Commercial Propertie.s<br />
and Restaurants. What folcws are excerpts from the rest of<br />
the letter.)<br />
I can extend material reco~ery to retail stores and restaurants<br />
and garbage collection up to 5 nights-a-week to all restaurants<br />
in the Kensington Market Area using existing labour and equipment.<br />
I will commence these services in January. 1991.<br />
By-law No. 20298 governing the collection of waste in the City<br />
of Toronto allows £or only two pick-ups per week from commercial<br />
properties up to a maximum or 0. 34 cubic metres per pick-up. In<br />
order for the City of Toronto to increase the current level of<br />
services to commercial properties (the By-law) will have ·to be<br />
ammE!Dded.<br />
If By-law No. 20298 is amended to extend the current collection<br />
frequency and quantity of collection in the Kensington Market<br />
Area, I am certain that all commercial properties in the City of<br />
Toronto that presently receive private pick-up will shift to<br />
municipal pick-up.<br />
The provision of complete garbage services to commercial properties<br />
cannot be limited to one area of the City. such as the Kensington<br />
Market Area. Complete garbage services to all commercial<br />
properties will have significant financial implications.<br />
,1'.E"ISt"IGTQA/6ARBABE ACTION StJ/itf£Yf1£Stff. TS<br />
QUESTION No. 1<br />
'--<br />
QUESTION No 5<br />
I<br />
2,985 #<br />
6,824 #<br />
559 #<br />
29%<br />
66%<br />
5%<br />
QUESTION No 6<br />
33%<br />
67%<br />
(<br />
22.6%<br />
I<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
6<br />
TALKiNG<br />
- ·RvM<br />
. ......<br />
~<br />
We've said a lot of no's<br />
over the past year:<br />
'no to<br />
TTC/METRO's stubborn<br />
pursuit of a Spadina<br />
LRT (an expensive engineering<br />
~olution to a legal,<br />
social and educational prob-<br />
_lem):<br />
-no to the City trying to<br />
.operate Cecil Community<br />
Centre as an office building<br />
for social service agencies;<br />
-no to the erdsion of<br />
affordable rental living in<br />
the downtown;<br />
-no to Peterson thinking<br />
he could give the provinc~'s<br />
voters less notice than a<br />
landlord must to evict a<br />
tenant;<br />
-no to a renewed Area Task<br />
Force until the present one<br />
has run its course;<br />
-no to hero-type, cloakand~dagger<br />
drug policing in<br />
Kensington;<br />
-no to no St. Andrew rose<br />
garden;<br />
-no to more public works<br />
that don't work for the local<br />
public;<br />
-no to the Olympics;<br />
-no to the GST.<br />
So, this time, a small bunch<br />
of yeses instead:<br />
-yes to Bob the Waiter's<br />
Christmas wish list; (p.~)<br />
-yes to the prospect of<br />
a food terminal for terminal<br />
food;(p.4)<br />
-yes to the suggestion.<br />
that GST stands for General<br />
Strike Tomorrow;<br />
-yes to noisy peace;<br />
-yes to saying no when it<br />
counts;<br />
-and, oh yes, to our readers,<br />
thanks.<br />
Drum is a publication of Kensington Market Drum,<br />
70A Kensington Avenue, Toronto M5T 2Kl .<br />
Drum is published monthly.<br />
Phone or fax (416) 599-DRUM<br />
for information on deadlines.<br />
Drum is distributed free door to door<br />
between Queen and College, Bever~ and Euclid;<br />
from College north to Harbord between Spadina<br />
and Bathurn. And it is available at the commer·<br />
cia I outlets listed in the map guide, as well as at<br />
selected outlets across Metro. For schools and<br />
study groups, up to 100 copies of Drum are<br />
available, free of charge if you collect.<br />
Drum is available by subscription, outside<br />
our door to door distribution area. The cost is<br />
S 18 a year. Back issues are available.<br />
Items in Drum credited to individuak ore in<br />
the copyright of those individuals. Points of<br />
view in such items ore those of the writer, not<br />
necessarily Drum's.<br />
TALKING DRUM The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />
~'<br />
\\j\ \ IV ~<br />
LOAJJ~~<br />
~~P ~NK.<br />
· LDN€~~ (<br />
~~ ~f '&f\lK .<br />
R()6Bt;'R_ .ENJK .<br />
~ UP\N l<br />
•••••••••••••••••••••<br />
• that the Royal Bank at<br />
College and Spadina had<br />
changed it's window ledges<br />
to stop stree people from<br />
sleeping there<br />
• that the Doctors Hospital<br />
Multicultural Commu·<br />
nity Health Campus, Clinical<br />
and Community Services<br />
Centre is now open:<br />
Reports are that it's supposed<br />
to inc! ude a few<br />
thousand feet for community<br />
use. Details?<br />
• that Scadding Court<br />
Community Centre had<br />
held its annual general<br />
meeting and Cecil Centre<br />
was seeking a constitution:<br />
Maybe Keith Spicer will<br />
take on the Cecil challenge<br />
once he's settled Canada<br />
• that the BFGs would<br />
J<br />
play a benefit for Fringe<br />
Product, a local company<br />
charged for distributing<br />
"obscene materia]" - 2<br />
albums by Dayglo Abortions:<br />
See Legal Wrongs<br />
and Fringe Benefits, pg. 2<br />
• that eight were elected to<br />
the downtown community<br />
health board: more about<br />
that in Peter Holt's letter<br />
on page 7<br />
that Deep Quong Homes<br />
on Cecil St, a planned 70<br />
unit subsidised housing<br />
complex, had cleared some<br />
hurdles but the race was<br />
not over: not by a long<br />
shot. see page 3<br />
• that you could read the<br />
Cecil director's side of<br />
things in the <strong>Dec</strong>ember<br />
Drum: (We'd received a<br />
Drum Monthly<br />
Our next 5 publication dates are;<br />
• Jan 12<br />
• Feb 1<br />
• March 1<br />
• Apri14 .<br />
•May_7<br />
For information regarding deadlines please call<br />
Drum at 599-DRUM. If you are inquiring about<br />
deadlines for the Jan. edition, you should call soon.<br />
document written by the<br />
centre's director about the<br />
Drum.) You'll have to wait<br />
. for January's magazine.<br />
(See Distant Drum, page<br />
3, for a pre-turkey taste)<br />
• that it was time at last for<br />
tenant rights and we would<br />
have a clip-out version of a<br />
"tenant survey" in the<br />
<strong>Dec</strong>ember DRUM:why is<br />
this one so hard? More on<br />
Kensington landlords in<br />
the New Year<br />
• that, in January, we'd<br />
publish an open letter to<br />
the Minister of the Environment<br />
of Ontario, a<br />
challenge to the province<br />
regarding the Railway<br />
Lands and Spadina LRT:<br />
sec Distant Drum for a<br />
preview<br />
• that there's a tangled<br />
parking tale unravelling on<br />
Augusta: More Market<br />
Mutterings, Page 4<br />
• that the St. Stephen's<br />
Community House fund-<br />
. raiser was to be a Kensing·<br />
ton Celebration: According<br />
to sources who coul4<br />
afford the event....<br />
• that City councillor<br />
Amer had written to City<br />
Public Works Commis·<br />
sioner Vardin, supporting<br />
a request from Market residents,<br />
merchants, and<br />
environmentalists for an<br />
extra weekly garbage pickup:<br />
Now Vardin's written<br />
back saying yes and no.<br />
See Garbage Crunch III<br />
on page 5<br />
• that the Downtown Coalition<br />
for Social Justice<br />
was going to show people<br />
how Tory legislative and<br />
governmental misdeeds<br />
arise from conservative/<br />
corporate agenda: but if<br />
Drum doesn't register for<br />
the GST we'll lose our corporate<br />
advertising<br />
• that 5,000 people gath·<br />
ered in downtown T.O. for<br />
a rally for peace and the<br />
environment and that advice<br />
issued by the Health<br />
department to parents of<br />
children who contract<br />
hand, foot and mouth disease<br />
(coxsackie virus), i.e<br />
use disposable diapers, is<br />
short-sighted, ecologically:<br />
And we wish people would<br />
start referring to them as<br />
non-disposable, which is<br />
what they are<br />
• that many students and<br />
employers are realizing the<br />
benefits of Cooperative<br />
Education, which allows a<br />
student to gain life and<br />
working experience while<br />
earning school credits: why<br />
shouldn't you be able to<br />
earn a school credit making<br />
Drum, for example?<br />
• that the column Open<br />
Stage would look at Grossman's<br />
Tavern this month:<br />
Grossman's hasn't moved<br />
and it'll be even better<br />
next month
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong> MARKET MATTERS 7<br />
•••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
Letters to DRUM<br />
Letters<br />
may be posted or hand delivered to Kensington Market<br />
Drum, Letters. 70A Kensington Avenue, Toronto Ontaro M5T<br />
2Kl. Or you can fax your letters (but you have to phone ahead<br />
to 599-DRUM). Letters will be published in full where space<br />
permits. Letters edited for length will be noted.<br />
1 •.<br />
OHIP Needs Rehab<br />
Dear Drum:<br />
Re: Hi, I'm Kate and I'm<br />
an alcoholic: PLEASE!!<br />
Being an alcoholic, (unfortunately<br />
still active) it made<br />
me reflect on my first bout<br />
with rehabilitation, and there<br />
were many. Waking up in my<br />
busted old flat, tire oil<br />
stained Volkswagon Bug in a<br />
Janeway in · the Sherbourne<br />
Carlton area, which I called<br />
home, with Clothes so tattered<br />
and dirty, you could<br />
read the 12 Steps through the<br />
scat of my jeans. I realized I<br />
needed help, so with the help<br />
of my old friend, then the<br />
director of Seaton house<br />
men's hostel, I was directed<br />
to the St. Michaels Hospital<br />
detox centre on Adelaide St.<br />
Upon my arrival the door<br />
was opened and in one<br />
glance nothing else had to be<br />
said. I was directed to the·<br />
Salvation Army Harbour<br />
Light centre on Jarvis St.<br />
With toast and jam for breakfast,<br />
and no name stew for<br />
lunch, my recovery began.<br />
Having to work eight hours a<br />
day in the Thrift shop at<br />
Queen and Sherbourne as<br />
part of my recovery and to<br />
pay my room and board I<br />
had the damnest time acquiring<br />
a tan working in the basement,<br />
sorting out bags of<br />
mothball stenched clothing,<br />
though I did become much<br />
thinner from eating the fine<br />
cuisine the Centre provided.<br />
My strongest memory of the<br />
twelve days I stayed there<br />
was how impeccably dressed<br />
the Soldiers of the Salvation<br />
Army were.<br />
Recovery #2:<br />
Waking up on a urine<br />
stained mattress with the<br />
sounds and sights toO disgusting<br />
to relate, I realized that -I<br />
was back in detox. The rollercoaster<br />
ride began again.<br />
With the help of a man called<br />
Grafton who I called on<br />
many times through the<br />
years, I was told there was an<br />
opening at the Quinton<br />
Warner house in London,<br />
Ont. With no funds for transportation,<br />
and having to be<br />
there that day, I was in a real<br />
dilemma. There was about<br />
seven inches of snow on the<br />
ground, and a mild blizzard<br />
was occuring, being it was the<br />
middle of February. With the<br />
help of my fellow drunks,<br />
each of whom chipped in and<br />
got me bus fare, (T.T.C.), I<br />
Councillor Counsels<br />
The Editor<br />
You referred in your October<br />
issue to my resignation as<br />
chair of the Kensington Market<br />
Area Task Force. I<br />
believe tha_t my resignation<br />
was appropriate and further<br />
that it docs not limit my ability<br />
to represent my constituents<br />
in the market area<br />
at City Council.<br />
I believe that the Task<br />
Force as constituted was not<br />
a workable way to acheive<br />
community objectives. Some<br />
have suggested that<br />
K.M.A.T.F. should become a<br />
standing committee of City<br />
Council. l don't think this is<br />
either possible or practical.<br />
First, given the number of<br />
distinct neighbourhoods in<br />
Toronto it would be difficult<br />
to have a standing committee<br />
for one and not for all. Secondly,<br />
the City Clerk has<br />
advised that a standing committee<br />
would not be possible<br />
under the City's procedure<br />
by-law.<br />
I have recommended<br />
establishing a new community<br />
organization with representation<br />
from all groups in<br />
the market. The committee<br />
could meet at one of the<br />
local commun~ty centre~ and<br />
elect a chair or co-chairs<br />
from among the representatives.<br />
My office staff and City<br />
staff could assist with the<br />
development of this organization<br />
in a supportive role.<br />
I have developed a good<br />
system in my office for providing<br />
representation to all<br />
residents of Ward 5. I am<br />
prepared to work hard for<br />
my consituents. Because of<br />
our work with market residents<br />
and business people,<br />
several things have been<br />
accomplished or are pending:<br />
* City Council supported<br />
funding for the Drug-free<br />
Arcade on Augusta;<br />
* Council supported the<br />
women's anti-violence rally;<br />
* My office has sqpported<br />
the community's anti-drug<br />
campaign;<br />
* We supported the Kensington<br />
Karnival;<br />
* New planning strategies,<br />
if acceptable to Council and<br />
the community, will enhance<br />
the residential nature of the<br />
market through a variety of<br />
strategies as requested by<br />
residents;<br />
* At my request, Council<br />
will soon be considering a<br />
new strategy to solve the<br />
conflict over canopies. Prosecutions<br />
have been temporarily<br />
stayed while this is<br />
considered;<br />
* I have asked the Commissioner<br />
of Public Works to<br />
report on an additional<br />
weekly garbage pick-up in<br />
Kensington and am in strong<br />
support of the community's<br />
garbage reduction effort.<br />
All residents of the market<br />
are invited to call my office<br />
with their specific concerns<br />
and suggestions. I now have<br />
a new Chinese speaking constituency<br />
worker, Constance<br />
Yau.<br />
We look forward to hear-<br />
. ing from you.<br />
Yours truly<br />
LizAmer<br />
Councillor - Ward 5<br />
grabbed a blanket from my<br />
bed and headed for the 401<br />
west. Nine rides and eight<br />
hours later I arrived in London.<br />
The address I had to go to<br />
was twelve blocks from<br />
where I was dropped off.<br />
After phoning to find out<br />
where my Lincoln Limo was,<br />
and then t_old that there<br />
wasn't one I asked the<br />
address. After being told the<br />
address the phone call was<br />
abruptly finished by the person<br />
at the centre. I then proceeded<br />
to trudge through the<br />
cold and snow with recovery<br />
hopefully in my future, and<br />
all my worldly possessions<br />
tucked safely in my shirt<br />
pocket.<br />
The Bottom Line:<br />
With over fifty live-in<br />
recovery programs in Ontario<br />
alone, I'm appalled the<br />
Ontario Government, in<br />
these hard times I might add,<br />
would have the nerve to<br />
spend $40,000.00 of hard<br />
working Ontarians taxes to<br />
send someone to the United<br />
States for recovery. We have<br />
just as good if not better<br />
recovery programs here in<br />
Ontario for as little as $100.00<br />
per day.<br />
The only problem with the<br />
local programs is that there<br />
are no limos, no Gucci directors,<br />
and heaven forbid, no<br />
suntans in October. Kate<br />
McNeil- Good Luck! -<br />
Ontario- GET REAL!!!!!<br />
Sincerely Yours,<br />
Randy Duncan.<br />
Kensington<br />
No More<br />
Dear Madam or Sir,<br />
Concerned merchants<br />
write that drivers who park<br />
illegally are sometimes<br />
charged $20 for the crime.<br />
They say that "it does not<br />
make for good busjness".<br />
Reducing car use is good for<br />
my business, good for the<br />
environment, and good for<br />
public health. My family and<br />
I have stopped shopping at<br />
Kensington- as much as we<br />
like the produce and the<br />
prices- because there's no<br />
place to push or park a bike.<br />
Sometimes cars and trucks<br />
even block the sidewalk.<br />
Kensington is not a people<br />
place; it's no place for pedestrians/bicyclists,<br />
and it's no<br />
longer a place for my money.<br />
Yours Truly<br />
Helen Hansen<br />
November 12<br />
I was elected to the Board of<br />
Directors of Metro Tenants<br />
Legal Services. Received lOth<br />
eviction .notice. 'They have now<br />
used every box on the form. It<br />
certainly feels like harasment.<br />
Yesterday, I agreed to, be part<br />
of a group of women who are<br />
planning to purchase a piece of<br />
land and 'build shelters so we<br />
can spend the next 10 years<br />
waiting for ihe earth's last gasp.<br />
We are part of a growing group<br />
who believe that unless human<br />
beings immediately 'act to stop<br />
the destruction of our home it<br />
will be destroyed. I must admit<br />
that I am the optimal optimist<br />
who believes all thing.
·- ----·--- I<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
8 The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong> .<br />
Drum's Kensington ]<br />
Three hunclrecl stores •<br />
Street by Street: the people who<br />
Body & Soul Restaurants Grocery Bakery Veg & Fruit Entertai<br />
l•a$iG•I<br />
Samko Coin Laundry<br />
150 Augusta, 595-5277<br />
Clean and Friendly, 7<br />
days a week. Dry OeaningToo!<br />
Melo's Food Centre<br />
151 Augusta, 596-8344<br />
Portuguese Style<br />
Sausages<br />
Import and Export<br />
Lusitania Grocery<br />
152 Augusta Avenue<br />
593-9745<br />
Portuguese Grocery<br />
Store<br />
The Boat<br />
158 Augusta, 593-9218<br />
International Cuisine<br />
Specializing in Portuguese<br />
Food<br />
CAAMUnited<br />
Hardware<br />
160 Augusta & 564 Dundas<br />
598-8195 or 596-8098<br />
Two L.ocations!<br />
Barr.aca das Frutas!Roszler<br />
Fruits<br />
186 Augusta, 593-9709<br />
Fruit and Vegetables<br />
House of Spice Importers<br />
190 Augusta, 594-8724<br />
or 182 Baldwin, 593-9804<br />
Spice, Coffee, Fruits,<br />
Nuts<br />
Vanipha<br />
193 Augusta, 340-0491<br />
Fine Lao Thai Cuisine<br />
Restaurant, catering,<br />
take-out<br />
Park Royal<br />
199-201 Augusta, 593-<br />
9314<br />
Furniture and Appliances<br />
Everything for the Home<br />
Caza National<br />
200 & 224 Augusta<br />
596-6417<br />
Clothes For The Whole<br />
Family<br />
Shoney's .<br />
Recycled Clothing<br />
206 Augusta, 979-
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
The Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong> 9<br />
arket Visitors Guide<br />
not all under one roof<br />
ve helped pay the bills for Drum<br />
ent House & Garden Fish & Meat Furniture Appliances & More<br />
ca a:<br />
iDiCJ·:·I · I<br />
S TR~EET :_ ~<br />
I<br />
I<br />
~~~lm unily<br />
Centre<br />
STREET .~ .-------.....,<br />
Drop.ln<br />
College ~<br />
w<br />
:;<br />
z<br />
~<br />
CJ<br />
z<br />
iii<br />
i5<br />
:.::<br />
I IQI I<br />
EST~<br />
Kensington Fruit Market<br />
34 St Andrew, 593-9530<br />
Fruits, vegetables, aloes<br />
too!!<br />
Freshness, a family busines.o;<br />
Exile<br />
34b St Andrew Street<br />
596-0827<br />
As<br />
1•«·••1<br />
Usual The Unusual<br />
Bhae Mounfain Consulting<br />
College, #208, 235-<br />
College, 928-2936<br />
IDzt:chuan, Mandarin and<br />
dishes- Toronto's<br />
Fully licensed.<br />
D'ARCY<br />
G<br />
D<br />
Massimo's<br />
302 College, 967-0527<br />
Sit down, Pick-up, and<br />
Delivery<br />
Pizza and Pasta Heaven<br />
Flying Monkey Natur..d<br />
Foods<br />
314 College, 968-1515<br />
Open 7 days a weekfrom<br />
bulk food to crystals<br />
Lazerline Desktop Publishing<br />
& Design Inc.<br />
317 College Street<br />
924-8726 Fax 924-3826<br />
College Books<br />
321 College, 975-0849<br />
A new bookstore serving<br />
university and community<br />
Nick's Grill<br />
339 College, 921 9745<br />
Good food, Cheap beer<br />
Central Guaranty Trust<br />
343 College, 961-8247<br />
Mon closed. Tues<br />
Thurs 10-5, Fri 10-7, Sat<br />
12-3.<br />
Jenina's Unisex Hair<br />
368 College, 966-0830<br />
Portuguese & Spanish<br />
spoken, Christmas Special<br />
prices for <strong>Dec</strong>ember.<br />
Quality Bakery<br />
370 112 College, 922-2595<br />
Taste the difference<br />
Quality makes. Bagel<br />
special $1.50/dz. Open<br />
Sundays.<br />
Great Horse Natural<br />
Foods 'n Things<br />
378 College, 964-1805<br />
Organic meats, tofu, natural<br />
cosmetics, et~tera<br />
Front Row Video Centre<br />
400 College Street, 927-<br />
1702<br />
Open<br />
Come see<br />
Sneaky Dee's<br />
431 College, 368-5090<br />
Global Survival Tuesdays<br />
Great Music, Good<br />
Cause<br />
Mars Food<br />
432 College St<br />
921-6332 • "'if'\<br />
Out Of This World<br />
Spadina Ganlen Restaurant<br />
116 Dundas West, 977-<br />
3413/4<br />
Szechuan-Hunan &<br />
Peking Cuisine<br />
Fully licensed, LLBO<br />
Spadina Retail Post Outlet<br />
~~ .ifl0"- hi]<br />
576-578 Dundas, 593-<br />
8885<br />
Full service retail postal<br />
outlet.<br />
r' .Lrr':l<br />
S . c lj;(lli11<br />
un Kmg leaners "")_,d;<br />
576-578 Dundas, 593-<br />
8885<br />
Quality Dry Oeaning,<br />
Repairs and Alterations<br />
- Fast!<br />
~<br />
I•1~U4•1<br />
Sun One Hour Photo<br />
Lab<br />
·310 Spadina, 591-9307<br />
One hr. processing, cameras,<br />
accessories, passport<br />
photos<br />
Switzers Deli Restaurant<br />
324 Spadina, 596-6900<br />
Catering, deli delivery<br />
Order by fax 596-7044<br />
Liquor Control Board of<br />
Ontario<br />
337 Spadina, 597-0145<br />
Fine wine, spirits and<br />
beer from around the<br />
world.<br />
Leaderwave<br />
Trading Co. Ltd.<br />
369 Spadina, 340-1727<br />
Century21,<br />
First Realty Inc.<br />
377 Spadina, 340-8900<br />
Tonny Louie, broker<br />
Grossman's Tavern<br />
379 Spadina, 977-7000<br />
Neighbourhood Bar.<br />
Nightly Entertainment<br />
Spadina Cafe<br />
401 Spadina, 340-6383<br />
A Pleasant Change. A<br />
Little of the Continent in<br />
Chinatown<br />
Spadina Ganlen Restau·<br />
rant<br />
416 Spadina Ave., 598-<br />
2734<br />
S1echuan-Hunan &<br />
Peking Cuisine<br />
Fully licensed, LLBO<br />
EIMocambo<br />
464 Spadina Ave. 324-9667<br />
Music & good times,<br />
local & international,<br />
everynight.<br />
Silver Dollar<br />
484 Spadina, 915-8832<br />
Music most evenings.<br />
Reggae, jazz, rock and<br />
blues.<br />
u.-aw~nt.stm!<br />
DRUM, FOR<br />
FROM THE<br />
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1ll City of Toronto<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
10 MARKET MARKET The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />
MARKEfGOURMH Santa Cod is<br />
Peigi T Rockwell/<br />
[This feature will return next issue, as usual] coming ... to Town<br />
Recipe for a ioyous start<br />
to the festive season;<br />
a healthy baby girl, Alethea Rose Rockwell, born<br />
Saturday <strong>Dec</strong>ember 1st at 3:30 in the afternoon,<br />
weighing 7 lbs 3 oz.<br />
Love and best wishes from everyone at DRUM!<br />
by Masha Buell<br />
Who travels all around the<br />
world-<br />
On Christmas Eve for<br />
example-<br />
And vanishes without a trace?<br />
(Be sure to get a sample!)<br />
Santa Cod lives in cold<br />
northern waters off the coast<br />
of Canada and Norway. And<br />
what a traveller! Wellknown<br />
to_ people all around<br />
the world - from Europe to<br />
the Americas, the Caribbean<br />
and Africa. Salt cod is<br />
generally available all year<br />
,round in Kensington Market.<br />
Carlos Estrela and the festive St. Johns' cod, Kensington Markel<br />
Fish Co.<br />
John Pacheco and Ha Huynh, Saigon Fish Market.<br />
Saint Who?<br />
At this festive time of year<br />
there is particular demand<br />
for enormous Sao Gioviai<br />
or St. Johns' cod. Shaped llke<br />
a kite, these thick white<br />
salted fish are the basis of<br />
traditional Portuguese<br />
Christmas Eve feasting.<br />
Carlos Estrela at the<br />
Kensington Market Fish<br />
Company and John Pacheco<br />
at the Saigon Ffsh Market<br />
suggested that the St. Johns'<br />
Cod has to be soakd in fresh<br />
water for at least 12 hours,<br />
changing the water at least 3<br />
or 4 times. But just as e~ry<br />
turkey eating family has its<br />
own secret recipe for stuffing<br />
DRUM discovered that there<br />
are as many ways to dress up<br />
Santa Cod as there are<br />
families to welcome him.<br />
Here are two recipes<br />
that sounded terrific. Let us<br />
know what you, think!<br />
Afsoak the fish overnight,<br />
and change the water several<br />
times. Put the soaked fish<br />
into a pot of fresh water and<br />
boil it with some vegetables -<br />
potatoes, collard greens or<br />
broccoli, olive oil, vinegar,<br />
and add some chick peas or<br />
black-eyes peas (pre-cooked)<br />
towards the end.<br />
B/soak the fish overnight,<br />
and change the water several<br />
times. Cut it up into pieces.<br />
On a large oven-proof tray,<br />
put a layer of olive oil, sliced<br />
onions, sliced tomatoes and<br />
green pepyers. Put the fish<br />
on top, spread out. Then<br />
cover the fish with more olive<br />
oil, onions, tom a toes, peppers<br />
and Portuguese pimento<br />
sauce (it comes in a jar and is<br />
generally available in the<br />
Market). Add a squirt of<br />
fresh lemon juice over it all,<br />
surround the whole thing<br />
with a garland of raw<br />
potatoes, and bake it in the<br />
oven for about half an hour<br />
at 350 degrees.<br />
Santa Cod, hanging around Kensington until Christmas ....<br />
The Festive Fish<br />
John and Carlos<br />
both described family<br />
gatherings: "The family gets<br />
together and there's a big<br />
buffet presented. From the<br />
middle of the day the eating<br />
begins and just continues. By<br />
midnight people open<br />
presents ... " said Carlos. The<br />
feast includes salt cod, trays<br />
of shrimp and huge crabs, as<br />
~ Cidade de Toronto<br />
well as dried fruits and nuts,<br />
pastries, and lots of homemade<br />
wine or brandy. .<br />
John (formerly of Martin's<br />
Fish Market on Kensington<br />
Ave.) says that children in<br />
the Azores eat all kinds of<br />
fish and seafood at<br />
Christmas, as well as the<br />
sweet things. And if they<br />
want presents they stay up<br />
until midnight - or wait until<br />
morning!<br />
Aten~ao, proprietarios e inquilinos ...<br />
Ajam com Zelo. Limpem o Gelo!<br />
Quero lembrar-vos que a limpeza da neve ou gelo dos<br />
passeios em frente ou ao lado da vossa propriedade,<br />
e da vossa responsabilidade. A limpeza devera<br />
efectuar-se dentro das 12 horas ap6s a queda do<br />
nevao, chuva gelada ou granizo.<br />
Caso a neve ou gelo nao sejam removidos da<br />
totalidade dos passeios contiguos a vossa<br />
propriedade, o municipio procedera a sua limpeza<br />
e lanc;:ara as despesas a ela inerentes na Contribuic;:ao<br />
Predial do proprietario.<br />
As pessoas com mais de 65 anos ou ffsicamEmte<br />
impossibilitadas, podem vir a beneficiar do servic;:o<br />
de limpeza gratuito que o municipio oferece. Para<br />
informac;:oes sobre a forma de solicitar este servic;:o,<br />
contactar com o Departamento de Obras Publicas e<br />
Ambiente, atraves do 392-7768.<br />
Nicholas Vardin, Eng. P.<br />
Engenheiro Civil e<br />
Comissario de Obras Publicas e Ambiente
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
11<br />
Learning With You is Drum's cooperative learning section. Make Drum<br />
aware of a concern or interest you want others to share or understand. We in<br />
return will take time and make space available for you to communicate your<br />
interests and concerns. You arc invited to offer your ideas - writing, drawing,<br />
thoughts, question'S, suggestions for joint projects. Send them to the Arcade at<br />
293 Augusta or to Oasis Alternative School care of Scadding Court, the two<br />
groups participating in this month's Learning With You, or of course to us at<br />
Drum (70A Kensington Ave, Tontonto, MST 2Kl; 599-DRUM).<br />
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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
...<br />
~<br />
12 LEARNING WITH YOU The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />
Material on this page supplied by workers & members of St. Stephen's Drug-Free Arcade<br />
Ai'ds ·<br />
Workshop<br />
by Susan Lem<br />
In our community and<br />
schools we don't have<br />
enough education about aids<br />
and relating to people with<br />
aids. For example, false<br />
information is spreading<br />
throughout our community<br />
and our schools, such as aids<br />
· being as contagious as warts<br />
and that simply is not true. I<br />
became aware of the lack of<br />
education in our community<br />
and our schools when I<br />
heard the ludicrous rumours<br />
about aids.<br />
Kim, Kate and Allan (the<br />
people from the Arcade)<br />
invited two people from the<br />
P.W.A., People with Aids,<br />
Jim and David.<br />
Jim talked about how he<br />
kept it a secret about having<br />
aids for about 3 112 years<br />
because he didn't know anyone<br />
with aids and he was<br />
very confused, but then he<br />
built up his confidence when<br />
he went to a drop in center<br />
for aids and they helped him<br />
a lot.<br />
So if you are a person with<br />
aids or you arc confused you<br />
can go to the drop in center<br />
for aids. Jim is a volunteer<br />
worker at the P.W.A. Jim's<br />
family was very supportive .<br />
and still is. David had somewhat<br />
of the same situation<br />
but his family wasn't very<br />
supportive. Jim and David<br />
talked about information<br />
. that helped me understand<br />
more abouf aids. Our community<br />
and our schools need<br />
more education about topics<br />
such as aids. People like Jim<br />
and David can go to any<br />
school to talk about aids if<br />
they are invited so if you arc<br />
interested you could contact<br />
The PW A Foundation of<br />
Toronto, 925-7112.<br />
TALKIN'<br />
ABOUT A.I.D.S.<br />
Review by Emmy Pantin - 13 yrs<br />
Talkin' about A.I.D.S.<br />
starts out with a funny rap<br />
song during the opening<br />
credits. It's a great song.<br />
Very hip, very 90's. The<br />
video consists of skits and<br />
cartoons, and (of course)<br />
people talking about<br />
A.J.D.S.<br />
The video was very hip,<br />
very today, even funny in<br />
some parts. But it lacked<br />
something. I think they<br />
should have emphasized<br />
some of the funnier stuff like<br />
the cartoon, "the A.I.D.S.<br />
nerd". They should have<br />
looked at different aspects of<br />
A.I.D.S. I think they tried to<br />
do that, but they ended up<br />
with different people saying<br />
the same thing. Don't get me<br />
wrong, I'm not trying to say<br />
the whole thing should have<br />
been a bundle of laughs.<br />
There were some excellent<br />
serious parts. They had a few<br />
people talk about what living<br />
with A.I.D.S. is like. That<br />
was interesting too.<br />
The video was great and I<br />
recommend it, but don't see<br />
it if you are looking to suddenly<br />
understand A.I.D.S.<br />
~} \<br />
t~<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong> L E A R N I N ·G W I T H . Y 0 U 13<br />
What is Oasis?<br />
by Shaila Lakin<br />
· We arc an alternative high<br />
school that provides a comfortable<br />
and supportive<br />
atmosphere for our student<br />
body, which allows us to<br />
communicate with each<br />
other on 'both a group and<br />
one to one basis. This program<br />
was designed for people<br />
between the ages of fourteen<br />
to twenty, who either<br />
want to leave or have left<br />
school. Others come here<br />
because we work individually.<br />
The credits arc worked on<br />
at our own level, what's comfortable<br />
for the student. We<br />
can work on general or<br />
advanced credits ranging<br />
from grades nine to twelve.<br />
We have group classes<br />
twice a week. Topics include<br />
health, law, sexuality, consumer<br />
affairs and how to<br />
deal with everyday problems.<br />
We go on field trips a11 over<br />
- Ontario to learn more about<br />
our province. This has<br />
proved to be very successful<br />
for the students with learning<br />
more about ourselves. We<br />
also offer gym and art as<br />
../<br />
OASIS Trips<br />
by Angie Benitez<br />
extra credits for those who<br />
are interested.<br />
Although we have a<br />
relaxed independent setting,<br />
attendance is mandatory.<br />
This is taken care of by a<br />
contract between you and<br />
one of our teachers. This lets<br />
you know what is to be done<br />
and how we11 you can accomplish<br />
your work.<br />
We also have a work/study<br />
program as well, which<br />
allows us to go to school and<br />
work and earn a co-op credit<br />
for our job experience. This<br />
option puts the students at<br />
ease knowing we have the<br />
choice of what we want and<br />
need for ourselves.<br />
We have a strcetworker on<br />
hand full time for those who<br />
are finding difficulties at<br />
school or home or just want<br />
to talk. Allhough we're still<br />
just a small school we're<br />
growing with an outreach<br />
program at Alexandra Park<br />
Community Center. Hopefu11y<br />
one day we wi11 expand<br />
to a bigger school to help<br />
more people organize their<br />
lives and get back onto the<br />
right track:<br />
School trips are an important<br />
part of the Oasis program.<br />
Each month we go on<br />
a trip somewhere outside of<br />
Metro. Since the school year<br />
started we've been to three<br />
field trips.<br />
The first one was to the Six<br />
Nations Indian Reserve in<br />
Brantford. We saw the reservation<br />
and the Chief's Council<br />
office. A man on the Band<br />
Council explained land<br />
claims and Indian reserve<br />
routines.<br />
At Niagara Falls we saw<br />
the Weiland Canal on the<br />
way to the Falls on a beautiful<br />
fall day. Everyone's been<br />
to Niagara Falls but for most<br />
of us this was the first time in<br />
the S~enic Caves right under<br />
the Falls and the Spanish<br />
Aero Car over the Niagara~<br />
Gorge.<br />
The recent trip was to the<br />
Darlington Nuclear Power<br />
Plant and the GM plant in<br />
Oshawa.<br />
Many of the students do go<br />
to these field trips. We enjoy<br />
it since it's a whole day<br />
event. Next trip on the agenda<br />
is the Ontario Science<br />
Centre in <strong>Dec</strong>ember and skiing<br />
in January. It should be<br />
very interesting.<br />
Description of the Oasis<br />
Physical Education Program<br />
by Manny Frizado<br />
The physical education<br />
program here at Oasis is just<br />
like at a normal school. Only<br />
I think better. You ask me<br />
why? Well ~ think about it.<br />
Young teenagers in big high<br />
schools don' t really like<br />
lflt. c 1-il C. Kt iV I HAI ,<br />
) fAII.1 J;: O fuE. j Ok E. I.<br />
I<br />
going to gym. E ve ry gym<br />
teacher in a big high school<br />
has a program for his students<br />
that consists of a 2<br />
week program of what the<br />
teacher wants to see his students<br />
do, and there's alot of<br />
boring sports teens don't like<br />
see PHYSED, top of pg 14<br />
I<br />
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OASIS .• ~<br />
IOn the trip to Niagara Falls, Herman spotted this<br />
motel. We had to stop.<br />
This is what your car looks like before it's finished.<br />
Oasis Questionnaire<br />
an Interview with an Oasis Student<br />
by John Sebastiao<br />
Q: What do you think of<br />
the Oasis program?<br />
A: The Oasis program is<br />
excellent, because students<br />
can work on any subject at<br />
their own pace.<br />
Q: Do you think you will<br />
be_nefit from the program?<br />
A: In a way yes a nd no<br />
because it is in a community<br />
center and not a real school<br />
setting.<br />
Q: Since your enrollment<br />
at Oasis has ·your school<br />
work been better or worse?<br />
A: Well I would say it has<br />
b een better beca use it is<br />
independent work and a<br />
change of setting.<br />
Q: How would you<br />
describe the academic studies<br />
at Oasis?<br />
A: Well, I find them challenging<br />
and about the same<br />
as any other academic school.<br />
Q: How long do you plan<br />
to stay at Oasis?<br />
Writer's Block<br />
byC.K.B.<br />
It's like an impenetrable<br />
dilrkness<br />
resisting all light,<br />
Or a warrior beating his fists in<br />
a futile fight,<br />
Or maybe it's a young man in<br />
love<br />
yet always rejected,<br />
A man of success yet with<br />
absolutely no future projected.<br />
This is the feeling of man's effort<br />
to express his plight,<br />
Yet sometimes he just writes and<br />
writes and writes ...<br />
photo by N cil!<br />
photo by Gibral<br />
A: Long enough to go back<br />
to a regular school setting.<br />
Q: What do you think of<br />
the teaching staff at Oasis?<br />
A: I find them understanding<br />
and considerate to each<br />
student's needs.<br />
GM:<br />
The Plant<br />
by Gibral Beck<br />
& Vanessa Marshall<br />
The students of Oasis had<br />
a chance to visit the GM of<br />
Canada plant which is located<br />
in Oshawa Ontario.<br />
When we arrived we boarded<br />
a tram and went in to the<br />
plant to view a short video<br />
about assembly.<br />
After the video we again<br />
boarded the tram and were<br />
on our way to a two-hour<br />
tour. We were taken through<br />
two assembly plants<br />
(Chevrolet and Buick) and<br />
they were huge.<br />
The GM plant was first<br />
opened in 1954 and has<br />
made a variety of cars from<br />
GM motor division, except<br />
Cadillac.<br />
Some of the GM cars are<br />
brought in from the U.S.A.<br />
and in return some of the<br />
cars are shipped into the<br />
States. There are many different<br />
types of jobs to be<br />
done in making a car. In the<br />
stamping plant, doors, hoods<br />
and the body of the cars are<br />
made. Sent along to the<br />
body plant, they are assembled,<br />
(the plant has special<br />
robotic arms that do most of<br />
the spot welding) then made<br />
ready to be dipped into<br />
primer for painting to<br />
improve rust resistance.<br />
After the cars are painted<br />
they are sent to the team<br />
line where the workers<br />
install the wind shields; front<br />
grills, instrument panels,<br />
seats, other fittings and trim.<br />
After they are provided with<br />
tires, oil, gas, and water.<br />
Then they come off the<br />
assembly line where wheel<br />
alignment and exhaust emission<br />
tests are conducted. We<br />
see GM, top ofpagel4<br />
r qz)ea/Jlqz)~<br />
,<br />
by Doris Zwierzynski & Vanessa Marshall<br />
Dear Doris,<br />
I'm a sixteen year old female. I just broke-up from a three<br />
year relationship with someone I still love. I want to move on,<br />
but I'm finding it really hard. I like someone right now, but I<br />
don't know how to approach him. It's been so long since I've<br />
had to play the dating scene , and I'm scared I'll look stupid.<br />
How do I get over my ex., and make my mystery man want me?<br />
Signed, Nervous and Confused.<br />
Dear Nervous and Confused,<br />
Don't worry about it too much. Be flirtatious, let him know<br />
that you like him, but don't lead him on, because you aren't<br />
ready. Just try to love your ex., as a friend, and when that happens<br />
you should be ready for your mystery man.<br />
Doris.<br />
Dear Doris,<br />
Recently I met a girl who I'd like to get to know. The problem<br />
is, I don't know how to approach her. Please help me.<br />
Signed, Truly Confused .<br />
Dear Truly confused,<br />
I'll give you a couple of pointe rs, but you have to get the<br />
courage to go and tell her face to face what you really think of<br />
her. Here's a couple of pointers to get your courage up. Write<br />
her a letter, she doesn't exactly have to know that it's from you,<br />
but give her a little clue. Talk to her quite a bit, don't be too<br />
shy.<br />
Doris.<br />
If you'd like io send a letter to me, I'd love it. Mail problems<br />
to : Eear Doris<br />
''<br />
C/0 Oasis A lt. School ;>"<br />
707 Dundas St W Rm #3<br />
~Omnto M5W 2W6<br />
~<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
14 COMMUNITY & ARTS - The Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />
Mut.ant Christmas ·<br />
Hits the Wrong Spot<br />
-Bob the Waiter<br />
I know of several small<br />
families living here in the<br />
Market. Like a lot of families<br />
these days there is only one<br />
parent. More often than not<br />
this lone parent is a woman.<br />
Sometimes "Dad" may be<br />
shacked up with his new girlfriend,<br />
maybe he's a hardworking<br />
guy that shares<br />
everything he can wiili his<br />
"ex" or maybe he was last<br />
seen headed west. Anyway<br />
you cut it, the functioning<br />
postwar Brady Bunch-style<br />
nuClear family is becoming<br />
rarer and there arc lots of<br />
desperate women out there<br />
duelling daily with Messrs<br />
landlord; bill collector, and<br />
Wilson.<br />
Three against one isn't fair<br />
and it isn't fun. And· then,<br />
ladies and kids, there's<br />
Christmas.<br />
The ancient Celtic festival<br />
of light and the arbitrarily<br />
fixed celebration of the birth<br />
of Christ have been bound<br />
and buggered by several generations<br />
of Mr Eatons and<br />
Mr Ad Executive until there<br />
isn't muc~ joy (except for the<br />
financially solvent) or good<br />
will left.<br />
Christmas should be a time<br />
of joy and love for all.<br />
Instead, the advertising-driven<br />
high expectations of our<br />
own culture disenfranchise<br />
more people than Christmas<br />
can incorporate.<br />
What makes me bleed is to<br />
think that there are brave<br />
intelligent women out there<br />
who think that they have<br />
somehow failed because they<br />
can't scrape together the<br />
wherewithal to buy their kids<br />
the new "Gold Edition" batman<br />
doll, or "Ninja Turtle<br />
Sewer Hockey Set" that<br />
some TV jerk-claims is their<br />
child's birthright.<br />
Maybe around the middle<br />
of November we should all<br />
lock up our TVs in the closet.<br />
Perhaps the lowering of<br />
expectations and consumer<br />
demand would be enough of<br />
a Doc Martin to the head of<br />
the advertising industry to<br />
change things a bit.<br />
Maybe then there would<br />
be a little less pressure, a little<br />
less disappointment. Ho!<br />
Ho! Ho! let me pinch myself.<br />
Oh yeah. I guess I'm dreaming.<br />
How can you protect<br />
yourself and your kids from<br />
the modern myth-making<br />
power of television unless<br />
you sit there with one finger<br />
on the mute button? I guess<br />
you can't.<br />
So instead Santa I want<br />
skates for Julie, a paint set<br />
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
for Vincent and a respectable<br />
yearly guaranteed<br />
income for all women. (Now<br />
I'm really dreaming.)<br />
I already know what I<br />
want for Christmas. I want to<br />
hear the sound of my Mother's<br />
voice, I want the bee's<br />
wax candle my room mate is<br />
going to make on our little<br />
kitchen stove, I want a bottle<br />
of beer wrapped up in an old<br />
spraypainted page of the<br />
Drum and I want a kiss from<br />
all the women and children I<br />
know.<br />
I also know I don't want<br />
an LRT line cutting my<br />
neighbourhood in two so<br />
more people can get down to<br />
Eatons faster, I don't want<br />
any of my friends and neighbours<br />
sitting home alone on<br />
Christmas day with a bottle<br />
or needle thinking of all the<br />
people they've ever hurt.<br />
And I don't want Mr. Wilson's<br />
7% solution.<br />
So Merry Christmas Kensington<br />
Market, try to wrap<br />
the people you love in love<br />
and forget the big ticket<br />
items.<br />
Oh yes. And a special<br />
Merry Christmas to the little<br />
man at CISIS whose job it is<br />
to clip "subversive" articles<br />
from community newspapers.<br />
I hope Santa brings you a<br />
real job .<br />
Churches in<br />
the Drum Area<br />
. • St. Mary Magdalene,<br />
136 Ulster<br />
• St. Stephen in the Fields,<br />
103 Bellevue<br />
• St. Matthias,<br />
45 Bellwoods<br />
• St. Alban The Martyr,<br />
100Howland<br />
• St. Thoma'!' Anglican,<br />
383 Huron<br />
. • First Baptist,<br />
101 Huron<br />
• First Church of<br />
Christ Scientist,<br />
196 St. George<br />
• Holy Word Church,<br />
206McCaul ,<br />
• Portuguese Evangelical,<br />
132 Nassau<br />
• St. Patrick,<br />
141 McCaul<br />
• St. Stanislaus,<br />
12 Denison<br />
• St. Cyril and Methodius,<br />
115 Robinson<br />
• Harbour Light,<br />
723 Queen W.<br />
• Scott Mission,<br />
502 Spadina<br />
• Bathurst St. United,<br />
736 Bathurst<br />
• Bloor St. United,<br />
300 Bloor St. W.<br />
• College St. United,<br />
452 College<br />
• Trinity-St. Paul United,<br />
427 Bloor W.<br />
• St. Georges Lutheran, Julian<br />
410 College Calendar Churches<br />
• Christ Universal Centre, • Russian Orthodox<br />
517 College<br />
Holy Trinity,<br />
• Overcomers Church, 23 Henry<br />
506 College<br />
• St. Mary's Dormition<br />
• Assemblies of the First Born, Ukrainian Catholic,<br />
257 Euclid<br />
276 Bathurst<br />
• First Ula-.linian Pentacostal,<br />
557 Bathurst<br />
• Chinese Presbyterian<br />
(English Service),<br />
177 Beverly<br />
• Knox Presbyterian,<br />
630 Spadina<br />
The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong> ENTERTAINMENT/SPORTS 15<br />
A Revelation in the Market<br />
by Michelle Morrow<br />
The many faces of Revelation<br />
are probably familiar to<br />
you; whether you live in<br />
Kensington Market or just<br />
pass through on weekends to<br />
shop.<br />
November 5th and 6th<br />
were busy days for Toronto's<br />
'cream of the crop' reggae<br />
band - Revelation, who<br />
were in the Market to film<br />
their video "Lost Without<br />
Your Love", from the<br />
upcoming album 'One<br />
Nation'.<br />
· Now, with a grant from<br />
VideoFact in conjunction<br />
with Much Music, and funding<br />
from private sources,<br />
Revelation's first video,<br />
directed by Jim Banks of<br />
Reel Impressions, is complete.<br />
DAYl:<br />
Set up for filming began<br />
early in the morning at the<br />
famed El Mocambo Club.<br />
Several sets were constructed<br />
there, including the<br />
restaurant, bedroom, and<br />
night club scenes. Props were<br />
placed, camera tracks were<br />
laid, smoke was wafted,<br />
directions were given. Stars<br />
and extras took their places<br />
and sprung into action after<br />
each call for "action!"<br />
Evening rolled in, along<br />
with the numerous extras<br />
who had signed up to take<br />
part in the crowd shots, and<br />
several Toronto reggae<br />
artists such as Special Ice,<br />
Chester Miller, Devon "Mr.<br />
Metro" Martin, Bruce<br />
Robinson of the Sattalites,<br />
and radio DJs Dave Long<br />
(CHRY); David Kingston<br />
(CKLN), and Sheila Napper<br />
(CIUT).<br />
The stage at the El Mo was<br />
.soon the centre of activity as<br />
Revelation came together.<br />
Filming for the evening<br />
wrapped up around 11 pm.<br />
Steven Cogdell tells me "It<br />
was great to see such fantastic<br />
local support". Nigel<br />
Murray added more than his<br />
drumming; he contributed<br />
the fashions seen in the<br />
video from his store 'Dancing<br />
Days' at 17 Kensington<br />
. Ave. ·<br />
DAY2:<br />
After location shooting at<br />
Allan Gardens, the band and<br />
the crew returned to Kensington.<br />
The melancholy saxophone<br />
solo by Richard<br />
v<br />
Invitation<br />
You are cordially in\·ited tv attmd an ART EXHIBITION by<br />
<strong>Dec</strong>ember 17·20. <strong>1990</strong> 10:00 a.m. - 8:00p.m.<br />
Nim.ikiis Gallery - 139 Seaton Street. Toronto<br />
Worils feawred by: I ~<br />
Richard Bedwash D?ug Fox Daria Fisher-Qdjig \ _.<br />
Stephen Snake !c~n GibsOn Ken Syrene .,<br />
Eliiabeth Burning Lo:"!'la Dennis Brian Wright·McLeod A<br />
Simon Paul Dene Ray !ohn Cook ~<br />
I<br />
Opening night reception- <strong>Dec</strong>ember 17th 6 p.m.-10 pm. ! #<br />
Meet the artists and listen to story-teller.<br />
Lenore Keeshtg·Tobias as she tells you about the<br />
TRICKSTER/NANABUSHZHQ. Lenore is also a writer.<br />
cultural activist and a founding member of "THE<br />
For more information call: Vema Friday 369{)804<br />
Top Row: Bernie Pitters, Whitey Don, Steven Cogdell,<br />
Friendly Man, Freddy Phinn. Bottom Row: Garry Lowe,<br />
Howard Moore, Rosco Christie, Richard Howse, Nigel Murray<br />
Howse was filmed with<br />
Dancing Days as a backdrop,<br />
and the final scenes<br />
were shot on Dundas St. W.<br />
Friendly Man leans casually<br />
on a wall, as Steven searches<br />
for his lost love, played by<br />
university student Hilary<br />
-Syme, who says she had "a<br />
lot of fun" during the shoot.<br />
Fun, faith, hard work, and<br />
perseverance: Revelation<br />
follows this recipe for success.<br />
Revelation Productions<br />
and Publishings would like<br />
to thank the following for<br />
their invaluable support:<br />
VideoFact, Much Music,<br />
Reel Impressions, Cherry<br />
Beach Sound, The El<br />
Mocambo, Dancing Days,<br />
The Kensington Drum,<br />
Charmalee Knox, Chris Tadman,<br />
Dawn Murray, Jeremy<br />
Waring, Joe Bingham,<br />
Michelle Morrow, Donna<br />
Middlemiss, John Cogdell,<br />
Agnes Cseke, Josephine<br />
Patrick, Willard at Mag Fax,<br />
Stacey and the T.O. Massive.<br />
Revealing'facts<br />
Band resume:<br />
Revelation formed in June 1989; first reggae band to<br />
have their own Root in Caribana (<strong>1990</strong>); received A<br />
Canadian Reggae Music Awards nominations (1989); p<br />
Cosby nomination (<strong>1990</strong>); international airplay and<br />
sales of the 1989 cassette 'Crucial Thing' and the<br />
Friendly Man 7" single 'Jah The Earth's Rightful Ruler' in<br />
Canada, U.S. Jamaica, and Euro~.<br />
Band members - Steven Cogdell (vocals, guitar),<br />
Friendly Man (vocals, guitar), Whitey Don (vocals, g_uitar),<br />
Nigel Murray (arums), Garry Lowe (bass), Fred~<br />
-Phinn (keyboards), Bernie Pitters (keyboards), and the<br />
Radical Horns: Richard Howse (saxophone), Rosco<br />
Christie (trombone), and Howard 'The Reverend' Moore<br />
(trumpet). Special appearances by Lisette Cogdell and<br />
Dianna Wyndham (backing vocals), and Chris Tadman<br />
(percussion).<br />
Catch the video 'Lost without Your Love' to be<br />
released some time soon on Much Music, also the new<br />
Revelation album 'One Nation'. The Kensington Drum ·<br />
will he the first to know - so read it here first!<br />
z<br />
....<br />
0<br />
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />
16 COMMUNITY & ARTS The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />
Performance<br />
cont. from pg 15<br />
.where the anger is aimed:<br />
against mind control, repression<br />
and rip-offs. Then again,<br />
maybe Thor who took part in<br />
the demolition had been<br />
watching the Leafs play<br />
Philadelphia.<br />
The Floor Show<br />
Bill was impressed by the<br />
slam dancing. He said it<br />
reminded him of a friendly<br />
rugby game -where you<br />
receive a bone-crunching<br />
tackle, jump up and pat the<br />
tackler on the bum, exclaim<br />
"well done" and get ready to<br />
· be thrown on your face again.<br />
Karen concurred that it was<br />
the most gentlemanly (sexist<br />
adjective, eh?) sport. And all<br />
in all, discounting the guy<br />
with the Charles Manson<br />
eyes, all the participants<br />
seemed to thoroughly enjoy<br />
getting whacked about.<br />
Kate McNeD<br />
The performance given by<br />
Kate McNeil at the Last<br />
Temptation on November 25<br />
was slightly more laid back<br />
than the B.F.G. show.<br />
Accompanied by Norm Amadio<br />
on keyboard Kate sang an<br />
eclectic mixture of jazz standards,<br />
original compositions<br />
and even some show tunes.<br />
How about "Just to be on the<br />
street where you live" or Cole<br />
Porter's "Love For Sale" as<br />
smile inducers?<br />
A Surpme Guest<br />
·McNeil was joined for her<br />
last set by some guy named<br />
Don Thompson who shows a<br />
lot of promise as a sax player.<br />
His breathy horn helped<br />
shape a fuller, smoother<br />
sound. There were some<br />
occasionally too jagged edges<br />
during the show (you want<br />
slick you go to the Bermuda<br />
Onion), but jazz is by definition<br />
improvisational and the<br />
odd missed note or forgotten<br />
word only heightens the sense<br />
of fun and musical risk-taking._<br />
Kates Place<br />
Beggining January the back<br />
room at the Last Temptation<br />
will be called Kate's Place on<br />
Sunday afternoons and will<br />
set fingers snapping between<br />
5 and lOpm. Oh yeah, Bill<br />
loved the show.<br />
·Much Musk<br />
With the Last Temptation<br />
back on-line, the Free Times<br />
reopened, the Silver Dollar<br />
again booking interesting acts<br />
and rumours of future happenings<br />
at Scadding Court,<br />
not ·to mention a proposed<br />
Drum Benefit Concert (inter-<br />
. ested musicians phone 599-<br />
4317), the Market music<br />
scene is as robust and diverse<br />
as ever.<br />
00 For Rent and Sale<br />
A SHARED HOUSE Nassau St<br />
2nd Fir. 2 Lg windows, view of<br />
street. Share bathroom and<br />
kitchen with 2; $330 plus. Avail.<br />
July 1, 599-2358, 599-6815<br />
•!• 1970 GTO Convertible; 455<br />
4 spd. blk on blk $5000 as is. Call<br />
599-DRUM, ask for box 1.<br />
VWs-1974, 1973, 1969, 1967<br />
convertible. All as is. One package.<br />
Best otTer. Caii599-DRUM,<br />
ask for Box 2.<br />
FOR SALE Late model, well<br />
maintained, exceUent condition.<br />
$60.00 Phone 979-7254.<br />
almost new, still under warranty.<br />
463-6270 or 593-6891. Ask for<br />
Trevor.<br />
•!• WANTED: ads for apartment<br />
and rental houses. phone<br />
599-DRUM.<br />
•!• The Industrial Workers of<br />
the World are looking for people<br />
in Kensington interested in working<br />
ina market campaign against<br />
Environmental Action Tuesdays<br />
The Drum occasionally<br />
suffers space constraints.<br />
Such was the case last month<br />
with an article about a series<br />
of concerts at Sneeky Dees<br />
sponsored by the Toronto<br />
Disarmament Network. We<br />
regret not being able to alert<br />
our readers about some fine<br />
music and also missing the<br />
opportunity of informing<br />
them of some-free passes<br />
provided by the TON.<br />
Tuesday evenings in<br />
November offered a mixed<br />
bag of musical styles with<br />
four bands appearing each<br />
night. The best sets of the<br />
series were played by the<br />
Angels of Montenegro,<br />
League of Nations and the<br />
Matriphiles. Make an effort<br />
to catch these bands next<br />
chance you get.<br />
02 Child Care<br />
•!• YOUNG MOM with 2 yr<br />
old will babysit part/fulltiine in<br />
my home (fenced yard). Rea