#9007 - Dec 1990

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />

10 MARKET MARKET The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />

MARKEfGOURMH Santa Cod is<br />

Peigi T Rockwell/<br />

[This feature will return next issue, as usual] coming ... to Town<br />

Recipe for a ioyous start<br />

to the festive season;<br />

a healthy baby girl, Alethea Rose Rockwell, born<br />

Saturday <strong>Dec</strong>ember 1st at 3:30 in the afternoon,<br />

weighing 7 lbs 3 oz.<br />

Love and best wishes from everyone at DRUM!<br />

by Masha Buell<br />

Who travels all around the<br />

world-<br />

On Christmas Eve for<br />

example-<br />

And vanishes without a trace?<br />

(Be sure to get a sample!)<br />

Santa Cod lives in cold<br />

northern waters off the coast<br />

of Canada and Norway. And<br />

what a traveller! Wellknown<br />

to_ people all around<br />

the world - from Europe to<br />

the Americas, the Caribbean<br />

and Africa. Salt cod is<br />

generally available all year<br />

,round in Kensington Market.<br />

Carlos Estrela and the festive St. Johns' cod, Kensington Markel<br />

Fish Co.<br />

John Pacheco and Ha Huynh, Saigon Fish Market.<br />

Saint Who?<br />

At this festive time of year<br />

there is particular demand<br />

for enormous Sao Gioviai<br />

or St. Johns' cod. Shaped llke<br />

a kite, these thick white<br />

salted fish are the basis of<br />

traditional Portuguese<br />

Christmas Eve feasting.<br />

Carlos Estrela at the<br />

Kensington Market Fish<br />

Company and John Pacheco<br />

at the Saigon Ffsh Market<br />

suggested that the St. Johns'<br />

Cod has to be soakd in fresh<br />

water for at least 12 hours,<br />

changing the water at least 3<br />

or 4 times. But just as e~ry<br />

turkey eating family has its<br />

own secret recipe for stuffing<br />

DRUM discovered that there<br />

are as many ways to dress up<br />

Santa Cod as there are<br />

families to welcome him.<br />

Here are two recipes<br />

that sounded terrific. Let us<br />

know what you, think!<br />

Afsoak the fish overnight,<br />

and change the water several<br />

times. Put the soaked fish<br />

into a pot of fresh water and<br />

boil it with some vegetables -<br />

potatoes, collard greens or<br />

broccoli, olive oil, vinegar,<br />

and add some chick peas or<br />

black-eyes peas (pre-cooked)<br />

towards the end.<br />

B/soak the fish overnight,<br />

and change the water several<br />

times. Cut it up into pieces.<br />

On a large oven-proof tray,<br />

put a layer of olive oil, sliced<br />

onions, sliced tomatoes and<br />

green pepyers. Put the fish<br />

on top, spread out. Then<br />

cover the fish with more olive<br />

oil, onions, tom a toes, peppers<br />

and Portuguese pimento<br />

sauce (it comes in a jar and is<br />

generally available in the<br />

Market). Add a squirt of<br />

fresh lemon juice over it all,<br />

surround the whole thing<br />

with a garland of raw<br />

potatoes, and bake it in the<br />

oven for about half an hour<br />

at 350 degrees.<br />

Santa Cod, hanging around Kensington until Christmas ....<br />

The Festive Fish<br />

John and Carlos<br />

both described family<br />

gatherings: "The family gets<br />

together and there's a big<br />

buffet presented. From the<br />

middle of the day the eating<br />

begins and just continues. By<br />

midnight people open<br />

presents ... " said Carlos. The<br />

feast includes salt cod, trays<br />

of shrimp and huge crabs, as<br />

~ Cidade de Toronto<br />

well as dried fruits and nuts,<br />

pastries, and lots of homemade<br />

wine or brandy. .<br />

John (formerly of Martin's<br />

Fish Market on Kensington<br />

Ave.) says that children in<br />

the Azores eat all kinds of<br />

fish and seafood at<br />

Christmas, as well as the<br />

sweet things. And if they<br />

want presents they stay up<br />

until midnight - or wait until<br />

morning!<br />

Aten~ao, proprietarios e inquilinos ...<br />

Ajam com Zelo. Limpem o Gelo!<br />

Quero lembrar-vos que a limpeza da neve ou gelo dos<br />

passeios em frente ou ao lado da vossa propriedade,<br />

e da vossa responsabilidade. A limpeza devera<br />

efectuar-se dentro das 12 horas ap6s a queda do<br />

nevao, chuva gelada ou granizo.<br />

Caso a neve ou gelo nao sejam removidos da<br />

totalidade dos passeios contiguos a vossa<br />

propriedade, o municipio procedera a sua limpeza<br />

e lanc;:ara as despesas a ela inerentes na Contribuic;:ao<br />

Predial do proprietario.<br />

As pessoas com mais de 65 anos ou ffsicamEmte<br />

impossibilitadas, podem vir a beneficiar do servic;:o<br />

de limpeza gratuito que o municipio oferece. Para<br />

informac;:oes sobre a forma de solicitar este servic;:o,<br />

contactar com o Departamento de Obras Publicas e<br />

Ambiente, atraves do 392-7768.<br />

Nicholas Vardin, Eng. P.<br />

Engenheiro Civil e<br />

Comissario de Obras Publicas e Ambiente

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