#9007 - Dec 1990

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015.<br />

16 COMMUNITY & ARTS The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong><br />

Performance<br />

cont. from pg 15<br />

.where the anger is aimed:<br />

against mind control, repression<br />

and rip-offs. Then again,<br />

maybe Thor who took part in<br />

the demolition had been<br />

watching the Leafs play<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

The Floor Show<br />

Bill was impressed by the<br />

slam dancing. He said it<br />

reminded him of a friendly<br />

rugby game -where you<br />

receive a bone-crunching<br />

tackle, jump up and pat the<br />

tackler on the bum, exclaim<br />

"well done" and get ready to<br />

· be thrown on your face again.<br />

Karen concurred that it was<br />

the most gentlemanly (sexist<br />

adjective, eh?) sport. And all<br />

in all, discounting the guy<br />

with the Charles Manson<br />

eyes, all the participants<br />

seemed to thoroughly enjoy<br />

getting whacked about.<br />

Kate McNeD<br />

The performance given by<br />

Kate McNeil at the Last<br />

Temptation on November 25<br />

was slightly more laid back<br />

than the B.F.G. show.<br />

Accompanied by Norm Amadio<br />

on keyboard Kate sang an<br />

eclectic mixture of jazz standards,<br />

original compositions<br />

and even some show tunes.<br />

How about "Just to be on the<br />

street where you live" or Cole<br />

Porter's "Love For Sale" as<br />

smile inducers?<br />

A Surpme Guest<br />

·McNeil was joined for her<br />

last set by some guy named<br />

Don Thompson who shows a<br />

lot of promise as a sax player.<br />

His breathy horn helped<br />

shape a fuller, smoother<br />

sound. There were some<br />

occasionally too jagged edges<br />

during the show (you want<br />

slick you go to the Bermuda<br />

Onion), but jazz is by definition<br />

improvisational and the<br />

odd missed note or forgotten<br />

word only heightens the sense<br />

of fun and musical risk-taking._<br />

Kates Place<br />

Beggining January the back<br />

room at the Last Temptation<br />

will be called Kate's Place on<br />

Sunday afternoons and will<br />

set fingers snapping between<br />

5 and lOpm. Oh yeah, Bill<br />

loved the show.<br />

·Much Musk<br />

With the Last Temptation<br />

back on-line, the Free Times<br />

reopened, the Silver Dollar<br />

again booking interesting acts<br />

and rumours of future happenings<br />

at Scadding Court,<br />

not ·to mention a proposed<br />

Drum Benefit Concert (inter-<br />

. ested musicians phone 599-<br />

4317), the Market music<br />

scene is as robust and diverse<br />

as ever.<br />


00 For Rent and Sale<br />


A SHARED HOUSE Nassau St<br />

2nd Fir. 2 Lg windows, view of<br />

street. Share bathroom and<br />

kitchen with 2; $330 plus. Avail.<br />

July 1, 599-2358, 599-6815<br />

•!• 1970 GTO Convertible; 455<br />

4 spd. blk on blk $5000 as is. Call<br />

599-DRUM, ask for box 1.<br />


VWs-1974, 1973, 1969, 1967<br />

convertible. All as is. One package.<br />

Best otTer. Caii599-DRUM,<br />

ask for Box 2.<br />


FOR SALE Late model, well<br />

maintained, exceUent condition.<br />

$60.00 Phone 979-7254.<br />



almost new, still under warranty.<br />

463-6270 or 593-6891. Ask for<br />

Trevor.<br />

•!• WANTED: ads for apartment<br />

and rental houses. phone<br />

599-DRUM.<br />

•!• The Industrial Workers of<br />

the World are looking for people<br />

in Kensington interested in working<br />

ina market campaign against<br />

Environmental Action Tuesdays<br />

The Drum occasionally<br />

suffers space constraints.<br />

Such was the case last month<br />

with an article about a series<br />

of concerts at Sneeky Dees<br />

sponsored by the Toronto<br />

Disarmament Network. We<br />

regret not being able to alert<br />

our readers about some fine<br />

music and also missing the<br />

opportunity of informing<br />

them of some-free passes<br />

provided by the TON.<br />

Tuesday evenings in<br />

November offered a mixed<br />

bag of musical styles with<br />

four bands appearing each<br />

night. The best sets of the<br />

series were played by the<br />

Angels of Montenegro,<br />

League of Nations and the<br />

Matriphiles. Make an effort<br />

to catch these bands next<br />

chance you get.<br />

02 Child Care<br />

•!• YOUNG MOM with 2 yr<br />

old will babysit part/fulltiine in<br />

my home (fenced yard). Rea

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