Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015. 4 TALKING DRUM ••••••••••••••••••••• MARKET.· MUTTERINGS - Drum Staff ~\.. '\, cvt Y 2 ~\AC \;G. SeP ~(~* VJe, .~t e~..,t +•\1\"\e. A~v .. :\ ~ \ \A.Q..:;\- ' ;:; '""" c4 r v .:.:.- """' .,_. c --=_\~ \;i? (Aw;:-t.sTA 'AAC,~G \Al'-.)G-LEi i\J~ -- \qct .:.> ) Avv.\.
Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-<strong>Dec</strong>ember 2015. The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>1990</strong> MARKET MATTERS 5 Garbage Crunch III At a waste reduction action group meeting <strong>Dec</strong>ember 11 - it was decided that a 3-member delegation will meet Amer and Vardin January 7 at 10 am. Phone Robert Rex (928- 1726) for detailed informa_tion. """ 0%; /_ ' - ~ '- _.,,, '•"" 1\ltr·q. ... ~/ Drum Bulletin PUBLIC WORKS Commissioner Nick Vardin rejected Councillor Amer's request for one extra weekly garbage pick-up for the Market's produce merchants. But his department will immediately institute nightly pick-ups for the 18 restaurants in the area not presently so served (only 3 are). And they will reintroduce, immediately, their collection of corrugated cardboard. Details of these arrangements will be discussed in a joint meeting between the commissioner, councillor Amer and a delegation from the Kensington waste reduction action group. The group's response is to call a meeting to discuss strategies for meeting with the commissioner, on Tuesday <strong>Dec</strong>ember 11 at 7:30pm at St. Stephen's. (Contact Robert Rex, 928-1726, evenings, for more information). Anyone interested in seeing the commissioner's report should come to the meeting, as also anyone who wants to be part of the City Hall delegation. ••••••••••••••••••••••• KENSINGTON ENVIRONMENTAL ,( City of Toronto Information and Communication- Services Division, Department of the City Clerk Gift-Giving- It's Your Choice Durable Items Instead of Disposable Ones: • cloth napkins and serviettes • rechargeable batteries and charger • refillable safety razors • refillable cigarette lighters (only for the smoker, if you know one) • plants instead of cut flowers • a shaving brush and soap bar · • reusable cloth coffeemaker filters • a fountain pen • quality toys and clothes • picnic hamper with reusable dishes and cutlery Environmental Gifts: • a certificate for adoption of a whale, • a peregrine falcon, a tree • a book on environmental matters • a donation to an environmental group • a balcqny or back yard compostcr • an artificial tree, wreath or other decoration • a bicycle • a cloth shopping bag • a yogurt maker • recycled paper stationery Experiences and Personal Services: • a personal gift certificate for baby sitting, · • lawn cutting, snowclearing, or a home-cooked meal • a certificate for a restaurant meal, theatre, concert, sight seeing trip, hot air balloon ride, sports exent, etc. Homemade Items: • fruitcake, cookies, sauces, breads, etc. • decorations made from styrofoam, cloth remnants, • old jars, egg cartons, cans, plastic jugs, etc. • hand-knit sweaters, quilts, etc. • handcrafted wooden bowls, trays, ·bird-feeders, etc. Commissioner of Public Works, Nick Vardin, recently communicated with Liz Amer's office and offered Kensington retailers "material recovery" (which basically means corrugated cardboard) 5 nights of the week. The following are excerpts from Vardin's letter to Liz Amer. November 21, <strong>1990</strong> To: City Services Committee Subject Refuse Pick-up in the Kensington Market Area Origin: City Services Committee Meeting of March 3, 1989 (c39csc90897:445) Recommendations: 1. That material recovery ·and garbage collection services be extended to the Kensington Market Area retail stores and restaurants as described in this report; and 2.That full garbage coll~ction services not be extended to commercial properties at this time: Background: Your committee at its meeting of March 3, 1989, in considering a communication (Feb. 14, 1989 from Administrator of the Kensington Area Task Force, together with my report of January 1989 to the Task Force respecting the above, requested me to report on the cost of providing garbage pick-up six nights a week in the Kensington Market Area. (Comments: Here Mr. Vardin gives details of the services his department presently provides for Residences. Commercial Propertie.s and Restaurants. What folcws are excerpts from the rest of the letter.) I can extend material reco~ery to retail stores and restaurants and garbage collection up to 5 nights-a-week to all restaurants in the Kensington Market Area using existing labour and equipment. I will commence these services in January. 1991. By-law No. 20298 governing the collection of waste in the City of Toronto allows £or only two pick-ups per week from commercial properties up to a maximum or 0. 34 cubic metres per pick-up. In order for the City of Toronto to increase the current level of services to commercial properties (the By-law) will have ·to be ammE!Dded. If By-law No. 20298 is amended to extend the current collection frequency and quantity of collection in the Kensington Market Area, I am certain that all commercial properties in the City of Toronto that presently receive private pick-up will shift to municipal pick-up. The provision of complete garbage services to commercial properties cannot be limited to one area of the City. such as the Kensington Market Area. Complete garbage services to all commercial properties will have significant financial implications. ,1'.E"ISt"IGTQA/6ARBABE ACTION StJ/itf£Yf1£Stff. TS QUESTION No. 1 PERCENT SURVEYED WHO SUPPORT TUESDAY-THURSDAY-SATURDAY COLLECTION 77% '-- PERCENT SURVEYED WHO SUPPORT 3 DAY/WEEK COLLECTION OTHER -THAN ABOVE 40% PERCENT SURVEYED WHO SUPPORT GREATER THAN 3 DAYS PER WEEK COLLECTION 7,.5% QUESTION No's 2 THROUGH 4 BREAKDOWN OF GARBAGE PER WEEK (IN .ft'XI"Nn> AN.O .PE.RCEN7} CARDBOARD MEAT AND FISH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES QUESTION No 5 I 2,985 # 6,824 # 559 # 29% 66% 5% PERCENT SURVEYED USING PAIVA TE CONTRACTORS FOR COLLECTION -- OF THOSE USING PRIVATE CONTRACTORS, PERCENT USING THEM FOR 100 % OF COLLECTION PERCENT USING THEM FOR 50-100% OF COLLECTION QUESTION No 6 33% 67% ' IDEAS FOR ACTION TO REDUCEWASTE IN THE MARKET AREA ( 22.6% PERCENT SUf!VEYED WHO ARE WILLING TO SEPAR~TE AND RECYCLE -- 58% 1 I OTHER GOOD IDEAS MENTIONED -- SECONDARY MFG. COMMERCIAL BLUE CONTAINERS