#9101 - Feb 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

16<br />

The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>1991</strong><br />

MARKET'S<br />

MUSIC<br />

(from page 1)<br />

neighbourhood event, will<br />

begin in the Market, giving<br />

local residents first chance at<br />

the available tickets. Though<br />

the evening will focus on the<br />

music of Kensington, it will<br />

also feature poetry, video<br />

shows (of last summer's<br />

Carnival and some great<br />

Goofs footage), an auction<br />

and even some stand up<br />

comedy. Although the<br />

benefit committee feels they<br />

might be able to squeeze one<br />

or two more acts into the<br />

program the line up to date<br />

looks like this: · AI<br />

Cromwell, Steve Fever, The<br />

Foggy Mountain Deadboys,<br />

Eileen O'Toole, Tom St.<br />

Louis (Angels of<br />

Montenegro), Caitlin<br />

Jenkins, Lee Shropshire,<br />

The Boom Band, Norm<br />

Hacking and The Virgins.<br />

Dollars at the Door<br />

.-<br />

The Market's Music .... Live!<br />

A Benefit<br />

for<br />

Kensington Market Drum<br />

$10.00<br />

or less if necessary<br />

All proceeds to Drum<br />

Keep our paoer<br />

--=--<br />

The Drum realizes that some<br />

folks would prefer to spend a ~<br />

Sunday evening in quiet appreciation for the free<br />

contemplation, preparing home delivery they've been<br />

for the rigours ·of the up- · receiving. In certam parts of<br />

coming week at work, rather the market, sometime within<br />

than attending the party of the next two weeks,<br />

the century. These people Drummers will be knocking<br />

will also be given the on doors in a fund raising<br />

opportunity to express their bid. The goal is to raise 1<br />

dollar from every household<br />

that has been getting the<br />

Drum on a regular basis.<br />

This should ensure<br />

continuing delivery.<br />

Showtime<br />

The benefit will commence<br />

with the first act taking the<br />

stage at 7pm ~harp. The<br />

organizers are tight lipped<br />

about the order in which the<br />

Rerformers will appear.<br />

'They're all headliners, as<br />

far as I'm concerned", says<br />

artistic director Robert<br />

The Silver Dollar<br />

Spadina/North of College<br />

7:00pm<br />

Sunday,<strong>Feb</strong>.24, <strong>1991</strong><br />

Agricola. "This show will<br />

run like a finely crafted<br />

watch, so you'd better be on<br />

time if you don't want to<br />

miss anything."<br />

For advance tickets please<br />

call 599-DRUM or Colin at<br />

599-4317.<br />

&<br />

.,<br />



00 For Rent and Sale 04 Help at Hand<br />


apartment and rental INJURED WORKERS.<br />

houses. Phone 599-DRUM Free legal services for low<br />

income people with WCB<br />

THINKING OF ·and CPP claims. For info<br />

SUBLETTING . YOUR phone 363-0304.<br />

PLACE? let your .<br />

community know first b 07 Events<br />

phoning 599-DRUM. y The Kensington Market<br />

02 Chil

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