#9101 - Feb 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

6<br />


The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>1991</strong><br />

TALKiNG<br />

~ ·RvM.<br />

•••<br />

'<br />

We started out compiling notes for this<br />

editorial about the way the media wasn't<br />

watchdogging itself in the coverage of events<br />

in West Asia:<br />

- -complex events in the Persian Gulf area<br />

reduced to"the war"<br />

--the sportstaik in the reporting (whole new<br />

ball game)<br />

--who was saying SAD~dam and who sad-DAM<br />

--who was referring to "President George<br />

Bush" and who to "US President George Bush"<br />

~ -who was making any effort to differentiate<br />

between the terms "Iraqi" and "Arab" and<br />

"Islam", and so on anti on.<br />

Finally, we were going to ask you to<br />

boycott any paper or tv or radio station that<br />

referred to what is happening in !'the Gulf"<br />

as "Operation Desert Storm" without<br />

explaining that Operation Desert Storm was<br />

the US Pentagon's name for the killings.<br />

But we succumbed exhausted, in despair -­<br />

switched off and out, right out.<br />

Then we he-ard "carpet bombing" and wondered<br />

how much death was being swept under the<br />

carpet, so we tried to phone .Joe Clark to say<br />

"tell the United Nations whose forces these<br />

suppo-sedly are to teli Bush to do no burning<br />

until they've carpet bombed it for a few<br />

weeks with leatlets instead".<br />

The leaflets wbuld say, "You the people of<br />

Iraq, rise up against the tyrant Saddam<br />

Hussein, murderer of his people. Reclaim your<br />

cause. We will support you in your struggle<br />

for freedom" is what we wanted Clark to tell<br />

the UN to tell Bush to tell who? But whose<br />

leaflet would you believe in Iraq today?<br />

Now we hear the CBC newscaster Nash<br />

preface a report with "we remind<br />

you that<br />

this report is cleared by US military<br />

censors" -- as if to say "so it has a clean<br />

bill of health."<br />

Hey, CBC, how about a new radical<br />

policy -- if one of your people files a<br />

report that doesn't "clear the US military<br />

censors", it should go back to t .he person who<br />

submitted it. They should rewrite and<br />

resubmit, with the truth intact (that's the<br />

radical part). Don't worry if nothing ever ·<br />

gets through that way. We wouldn't mind. At<br />

least it would be news.<br />

•••••••••••••••••<br />



THAT Arson in the doorway<br />

of a Kensington Avenue<br />

Karaoke bar endangered<br />

lives.<br />

And now, twice, life has been<br />

lost. See Latest Dundas<br />

Shootout pg 2. -<br />

THAT the Goofs played the<br />

Apocalypse for the Record<br />

Peddlar.<br />

And then headed west. See pg.<br />

15.<br />

THAT women's detox centres<br />

are scarce - 8 of 118 . beds -<br />

and there's community opposition<br />

to the one proposed for<br />

I;>undas and Claremont.<br />

The women's community care<br />

centre is still scheduled to open<br />

jn April, see pg. 2<br />

THAT a proposed non-profit<br />

·housing building at 25 Cecil<br />

St. looked like i( was in trouble.<br />

News is the group's board will<br />

be asked to look at another site<br />

in the area.<br />

THAT one of the hazzards<br />

for pets, this time of year, is<br />

salt burns.<br />

See letters.<br />

THAT market merchants<br />

support the idea of a composter<br />

at the food terminal.<br />

Prove it. See page 5.<br />

THAT the winter parade was<br />

cancelled.<br />

There's a full "91 Carnival season<br />

planned. Call 947-0673 for<br />

info. ·<br />

THAT we couldn't get a picture<br />

of Jack Layton as auctioneer<br />

at the St. Stephen's<br />

Elmo fund-raiser.<br />

Applicants for auctioneer for the<br />

. DRUM benefit <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 24<br />

(Silver Dollar) should call 599-<br />

. 4317.<br />

THAT there's extra market<br />

garbage service on the way.<br />

And so, it seems, there is. See<br />

pg. 4.<br />

THAT Kensington's garbage<br />

breakdown was 29% cardboard,<br />

66 % meat and fish,<br />

5% fruit and vegetables.<br />

Bob the waiter checked. See<br />

Kensington Environmental.<br />

THAT Market Gourmet<br />

would return.<br />

And has. See pg. 10.<br />

THAT salt fish has toget<br />

soaked for at least 12 hours.<br />

More like 24, some market<br />

cooks say.<br />

THAT you'd be able to read<br />

the Cecil Centre's executive<br />

director's side of things in<br />

DRUM.<br />

See pg. 12. Sorry about the<br />

small print, but it's not a paid<br />

· promotion!<br />

THAT DRUM has some<br />

space·available, free of charge<br />

for information about community<br />

events.<br />

But we don't have a crystal ball.<br />

Phone 599-DRUM (or fax by<br />

arrangement at the same number)<br />

7 days before month-end.<br />

THAT this month's open<br />

stage would be Grossmans' •.<br />

Yup.<br />

THAT members of reggae<br />

band Revelation made a video<br />

in the market.<br />

And some of them will play for<br />

DRUM. See pg. 1.<br />

And this time last year, for<br />

cryin' out loud ....<br />

THAT the expansion of the St.<br />

Andrew' s/Baldwin parking<br />

garage would commence in the<br />

summer of 1990 and be completed<br />

in the spring of <strong>1991</strong>.. ..<br />

THAT on the subject of the proposed<br />

new abortion legislation,<br />

a small group of market people<br />

interviewed were almost all for<br />

women's choice ....<br />

THAT the corner dropin for<br />

homeless people on Augusta<br />

was looking for new housing for<br />

people who drop in at the corner.<br />

. THAT the market must make<br />

strides toward trying a pedestrian<br />

mall again.<br />

T~ f¥,ffrS ~ 0\J<br />

/V'ID N06D 'f>Y S ~~£<br />

• •••••••••••••••..•.•••••

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