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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
12<br />
Services<br />
continued from previous page<br />
Central Guaranty<br />
Trust<br />
· 343 College,<br />
961-8247<br />
Mon closed. Tues-Thurs<br />
1 0-5'<br />
Fri 10-7, Sat 12-3.<br />
Century 21<br />
First Realty Inc.<br />
377 Spadina,<br />
340-8900<br />
lonny Louie, broker.<br />
Front Row Video<br />
Centre<br />
400 College,<br />
927-1702<br />
Great selection, great<br />
popcorn.<br />
Jenina's Unisex<br />
Hair<br />
368 College,<br />
966-0830<br />
Portuguese & Spanish<br />
spoken.<br />
K . F Editorial<br />
24 Bellevue, 599-3786<br />
Kim's Hair Fashion<br />
280 Augusta,<br />
924-5943<br />
The hair salon for<br />
women and men.<br />
Lazerline Desktop<br />
Publishing & Design<br />
Inc.<br />
317 College,<br />
924-8726<br />
Fax 924-3826<br />
Newcomer's<br />
Business Self-Help<br />
Office<br />
George Brown College<br />
21 Nassau, 867-2370<br />
Info and advice to new<br />
business.<br />
Samko Coin Laundry<br />
150 Augusta,<br />
595-5277<br />
Clean and Friendly, 7<br />
days a week.<br />
Dry Cleaning Too!<br />
Spadlna Retail Post<br />
Outlet<br />
~.i!l0'- !i:J<br />
576-578 Dundas,<br />
593-8885<br />
Full service retail<br />
postal outlet.<br />
Sun King Cleaners<br />
576-578 Dundas, r,-CI'7~-·<br />
irJ,l\)\.<br />
593-8885 ~~!1\LJ<br />
Quality Dry Cleaning,<br />
Repairs and Alterations<br />
-Fast!<br />
Sun One Hour Photo<br />
Lab<br />
310 Spadina,<br />
591-9307<br />
One hr. processing,<br />
cameras,<br />
accessories, passport<br />
photos.<br />
DON'T<br />
FOR<br />
THE NEXT<br />
ARE<br />
Call599-DRUM<br />
for info<br />
St. Stephen's<br />
Community House<br />
91 Bellevue<br />
ESL, Daycare, Youth<br />
Recreation,<br />
925-2103;<br />
Adult Services,<br />
Senior Services,<br />
Conflict Resolution,<br />
926-8221;<br />
Youth Employment<br />
Centre, 531-4631;<br />
A.I.D.E.S. 323-1498;<br />
The Corner,<br />
977-7223;<br />
The Drug Free<br />
Arcade, 920-8980;<br />
King Edward<br />
Daycare, 922-8705.<br />
Holy Week and Easter<br />
At the Church of<br />
St. Stephen-In -The -Fields<br />
(Anglican)<br />
I AM ThE<br />
AND Thf LIFE<br />
Saturdays (to May 18) - 7pm, Vespers<br />
<strong>Mar</strong>ch 24 - Sundays of the Passion, with liturgy of the<br />
Palms<br />
8:30 am - Said Eucharist, 11:15 pm - Sung Eucharist<br />
5:00 pm - The Gatherings: The Passion & Modern Dance<br />
<strong>Mar</strong>ch 28 - Maundy Thursday<br />
6:00pm Parish Supper, 7:30 pm - Sung Eucharist<br />
<strong>Mar</strong>ch 29 - Good Friday, 12:00 noon - Solemn Liturgy<br />
<strong>Mar</strong>ch 30 - Holy Saturday<br />
9:00 pm - The Great Vigil of Easter<br />
(continues all night until 6 am - Sung Eucharist)<br />
<strong>Mar</strong>ch 31 - Sunday of the Resurrection - Easter Day<br />
11 :15 am - Sung Eucharist<br />
St. Stephen's is located on the south side of Coll~ge St. at<br />
Bellevue, between Spadina & Bathurst. Further<br />
information: 921-6350.<br />
All are welcome<br />
141 McCaul Street<br />
Toronto, Ont., Canada<br />
MST 1W3<br />
Telephone: (416) 598-3269<br />
WORSHIP · SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.<br />
II ~1<br />
ih • A caring _Christian<br />
~~ ' · ~ commumty<br />
. ~ •. 1 · ~ · , · •- (G il)' I t • Bible-based pre~chirg<br />
-~ .. n JiYI~ . . • .. ~ ! I • Open to everyone<br />
.)t:"r. :1 . :fLUt .• :il"oco<br />
"·~~:£ . ~ · · • t~~<br />
· ,ritil ·:-~,ill meaning In hie<br />
~~lfJ·J·< ~~ ff..~1ffl~J·ffi! ~J A warm. welcome<br />
awaits you<br />
!.};if:'{; ~~%i~J .<br />
~fu~te; ·s ~~ices <strong>Mar</strong>ch 31, <strong>1991</strong> ~<br />
The Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum, <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>1991</strong><br />
The· <strong>Mar</strong>ket· GOtirmet<br />
During Passover and Easter- visiting friends to cook with them,<br />
or sharing a festive meal at home has reminded me once again how the<br />
best fish recipes arc the ones that waste nothing. This is a measure<br />
born out of thrift, and out of respect for the bounty of the sea, but one<br />
which is also the secret to some of the most delicious meals I have ever<br />
eaten.<br />
Both of the recipes that follow were acquired from people who<br />
"didn't have a recipe". Capturing the flavour of the cook is part ofthe<br />
fun.<br />
by Popular Demond<br />
yfish<br />
·A chowder made of several<br />
varieties of fish and crustaceans,<br />
flavoured with wine [Provencalfrom<br />
boui (boil) and abaisso (to<br />
settle, go down]<br />
The classiest dishes are of-<br />
. ten the simplest. This Good Friday<br />
classic makes a hearty and<br />
delicious supper. Serve it with<br />
plenty of garlic bread or polenta<br />
to soak up all the wonderful juice,<br />
and a green salad afterwards. And<br />
the rest of the wine.<br />
(courtesy of Ida Carnevali)<br />
"Go and buy fish with easy,<br />
big bones. Not little bones. Like<br />
cod and some bass. Or grouper.<br />
And get some shrimps, some<br />
squid, anything you like. Clams<br />
(but you have to soak them in<br />
water and cornmeal overnight to<br />
A Passover tradition.<br />
Every year in the spring<br />
Sally's family and mine get together<br />
just before Passover to<br />
make gefilte fish. As our little<br />
children get older the necessary<br />
fish shopping becomes more and<br />
_ more interesting for them, and<br />
making the fish balls is a wonderful<br />
excuse for a fun cooking/social<br />
event.<br />
Neither Sally nor I have<br />
Jewish mothers (our husbands<br />
do), so Sally got this recipe from<br />
the woman in the fish store.<br />
"You buy whitefish and pike,<br />
or pickerel, enough so it's a pound<br />
of each kind once it's cleaned.<br />
Ask for all the heads and bones<br />
and skin in another bag.<br />
Put the skins and heads and<br />
bones in a big pot with at least a<br />
quart of water. 2 sliced onions, a<br />
couple of stalks of celery with the<br />
leaves on, a teaspoon of salt,<br />
pepper, and 3 teaspoons of sugar.<br />
Boil it and then let it simmer for<br />
a long time with the lid on. The<br />
soup is ready when the heads fall<br />
apart and the bones look clean<br />
after you stir. When it's ready,<br />
strain it carefully, and keep it hot.<br />
Grind the fish into a big bowl<br />
(or get it ground in the fish store).<br />
Add 2 teaspoons salt, a little<br />
pepper, a grated onion (or you<br />
by Masha Buell<br />
clean the grit away) or octopus,<br />
scallops or mussels. And fish head<br />
for broth - one big one.<br />
So you cut the fish into<br />
chunks, and you shell the shrimp<br />
and clean the squid. Then you put<br />
an onion and the fish head, salt,<br />
pepper, parsiey and water to boil<br />
for about half an hour.<br />
So put the fish - the white<br />
fish- with some butter, olive oil,<br />
beat it up with fine garlic, onion,<br />
maybe some coriander or tarragon,<br />
and saute it all. As the oil<br />
absorbs, add the broth in little<br />
bits but you have to strain it off<br />
first Open the wine and put some<br />
in.<br />
After the fish is looking almost<br />
done you add the seafood<br />
because it doesn't take long to<br />
cook."<br />
can put the onion through the<br />
grinder with the fish) 2 tablespoons<br />
of matzo meal. In a smaller<br />
bowl beat 2 eggs with 1 tablespoon<br />
of water and 2 tablespoons<br />
of oil. Mix this thoroughly into<br />
the fish. Taste- it should be saltY,<br />
and peppery.<br />
With wet hands shape the<br />
fish into balls about the size of a<br />
lemon. This recipe should make<br />
about 15 pieces.<br />
Drop the balls into the soup<br />
which should be simmering but<br />
not boiling hard. Then take a big ·<br />
carrot and make slices. Put them<br />
on top of the fish to help hold<br />
them down in the soup. Cover the<br />
pot and simmer for about2 hours.<br />
Check the soup and add hot water<br />
if necessary.<br />
Remove the fish from the<br />
soup with a slotted spoon. Remove<br />
the carrots as well. Cover<br />
and refrigerate. They are best if<br />
they stand for a whole day and<br />
night before you serve them.<br />
Use the carrots for<br />
garnish,and serve the fish with<br />
horseradish and beetroot sauce.<br />
Keep the soup and make<br />
chowder with it or freeze it for<br />
another time. It is delicious and<br />
nourishing.<br />
(Fish by Matyas)