#9102 - Mar 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

The Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum, <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>1991</strong> MUTTERINGS 13<br />

Info For A Price<br />

Directory of "Environmentally<br />

Sound ProduCts and Services"<br />

Now Available (for $50.00)<br />

This Directory which lists mainly<br />

Canadian suppliers of a wide range<br />

of environmentally sound products<br />

and services was co-ordinated<br />

by the City of Toronto DepartmentofPurchasing<br />

and Supply. It<br />

was developed to assist governments<br />

and businesses in locating<br />

suppliers who have environmentally<br />

sound products and services<br />

to sell.<br />

Copies are available from Ann<br />

Carino, Department of Purchasing<br />

and Supply, 18th Floor, West<br />

Tower, _City Hall, Toronto,<br />

Ontario Canada M5H 2N2.<br />

Phone(416) 392-7311 Fax: (416)<br />

392-0801<br />

And Speaking Of<br />

Recyclable Paper<br />

There are now (count 'em)<br />

TWENTY separate reports and<br />

publications available on one or<br />

another aspect of CityPian '91,<br />

the ongoing rewrite of the City's<br />

official plan.<br />

All you need to get all of them<br />

is<br />

- a phonecall to the clerk's<br />

office (to get an order form) 392-<br />

7410<br />

-$139 (plus GST)<br />

Us? We're waiting for the movie<br />

to come out (it's called election<br />

'91 and will be in your ward by<br />

November). -<br />

And Speaking Of<br />

Election Time<br />

Who out there hasn't received a<br />

copy of a true blue little newsletter<br />

called The TaxReformer (with<br />

our nonpartisan mayor smiling<br />

from the cover)? The<br />

TaxReformer is putout by a group<br />

called Citizens for Property Tax<br />

Reform, 122 McGill Street. This<br />

issue, their second, wants us to<br />

believe that market value assessment<br />

in metro, a.k.a. property tax<br />

reform, is a monster of the provincia!<br />

NDPs making. Gee, we<br />

thought it was generic provincial<br />

greed for metrobucks, and metro<br />

greed for citybucks. It may be a<br />

realmonsterallright,sowhymake<br />

divisive party politics out of a<br />

grassroots issue?<br />

And StiU Speaking Of<br />

Election Time<br />



would be advised to register early,<br />

according to Mr. Bob Clark, director<br />

of the legislative services<br />

division, city of Toronto.<br />

While Toronto doesn't go to<br />

the polls until November 12, under<br />

Ontario election rules individuals<br />

seeking office must register<br />

with the City Clerk before they<br />

can raise or spend any campaign<br />

money. This applies to candidates<br />

for the offices of Mayor, City<br />

Councillor, Metro Councillor, and<br />

School Board Trustees. (Registration<br />

forms for all these offices<br />

are now_available from City Hall.)<br />

by Drum Staff'<br />

For people seriously thinking<br />

of running, City Clerk Barbara<br />

Caplan advises that they "become<br />

fully informed of their obligations<br />

under the Municipal Elections<br />

Act." The Act can be purchased at<br />

Publications Ontario, 880 Bay<br />

Candidate: Jack Layton, Office: Mayor<br />

Street, telephone 392-5320. Info<br />

about registering can be obtained<br />

from the Commission of Election<br />

Finances, 151 Bloor Street West,<br />

Suite 800, telephone 965-0455.<br />

Mr. Clark's Division of the<br />

Clerk's office, phone 392-7036,<br />

will also provide information to<br />

those considering running. (The<br />

first thing they will tell you? Don't<br />

plan on being a last-minute entry<br />

in the race.)<br />

Candidates for any office affecting this ward are invited to provide photographs<br />

to Drum upon registration<br />

Cure For The No-Ray­<br />

Of-Fiscal-Sunshine Blues<br />

Bob didn'l_forget to shut up shop<br />

MPP =Man Perpetually in Politics .<br />

photo by Buzz Burza<br />

Not much that most of us can do.<br />

But if you're a health professional<br />

(i.e. eligible for grants) there's<br />

always a syndromeyoucanstudy.<br />

Here's an example: let's hypothesize<br />

that there's a condition<br />

called "Seasonal Affective Disorder"<br />

(SAD, for short). And let's<br />

observe that SAD happens most<br />

when there isn't any sunshine. So<br />

if we design a box that gives out<br />

light, like sunshine, then we can<br />

apply for grants - to study<br />

whether, once someone gets used<br />

to sitting in the box, she or he is<br />

less SAD than before. And after<br />

that we can apply for grants to<br />

design portable boxes so that SAD<br />

sufferers can get mobile again.<br />

Good idea, right? Only one<br />

problem. The Clarke Institute beat<br />

us to it.<br />

If you want to participate in the<br />

"largest ever study of the use of<br />

light therapy visors in the treatment<br />

of seasonal affective disorder"<br />

you must be "between the<br />

ages of 18 and 65, experiencing<br />

non-psychotic major d~pression<br />

of the seasonal sub-type according<br />

to psychiatric diagnostic crite­<br />

.ria."<br />

From right to left, George Kalomiris, Osler Fish<br />

photo by Buzz Butza<br />

You can't have the cat but you can rent this space. Cal/599-<br />

DRUM for advertising info.

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