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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
The Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum, <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>1991</strong> ,<br />
15<br />
continued from page 5<br />
Concerns: that city, metro and community<br />
must come up with a comprehensive<br />
waste reduction action plan for the market,<br />
or run the risk of losing the essence of<br />
the <strong>Mar</strong>ket-the sale of produce. In<br />
essence the problem is that the <strong>Mar</strong>ket<br />
receives basically the same garbage disppsal<br />
service from the City as the surrounding<br />
residential areas (two nights a week)<br />
Recommendation 7 (A-J)<br />
A. one additional garbage pickup a<br />
week, so therefore, collections Monday,<br />
Thursday and Saturday;<br />
B. In the absence of A., immediate<br />
reinstatement of the previous practice:<br />
Monday garbage collections missed<br />
because of a holiday should be postponed<br />
to the Tuesday instead of cancelled out<br />
.right;<br />
C. that the City resume nightly collection<br />
of cardboard (5 nights a week); that<br />
merchants and local garbage action groups<br />
participate in a program to separate waxed<br />
from unwaxed cardboard; that the<br />
province look to introducing a "discouragement<br />
tax" on produce delivered from<br />
outside the province in waxed cardboard;<br />
that there be a public education program<br />
in the area to educate people to the differenc~<br />
between waxed and unwaxed cardboards;<br />
D. that community, metro and city<br />
develop means for merchants to separate<br />
at source food matter from cardboard, and<br />
to store the food matter for return to the<br />
Ontario Food terminal for composting or<br />
other use;<br />
E. that the task force advise metro of<br />
Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket support for a plan to<br />
set up composting facilities on a commercial<br />
scale at the Ontario food terminal<br />
F. that the Task Force support nightly<br />
waste collection for all areas restaurants;<br />
G. that the introduction of nightly pickup<br />
of garbage for. retaurants be followed<br />
by introduction of a plan for commercial<br />
recycling and food waste separation by all<br />
restaurants receiving nightly pick-up;<br />
H. that following the successful introduction<br />
of commercial recycling and food<br />
waste separation by retaurants, nightly<br />
garbage collection be extended to all area<br />
businesses willing to implement this commercial<br />
recycling and food waste separation<br />
plan;<br />
I. that City Metro and local garbage<br />
action group try to arrange for as many<br />
homes as possible in the area to receive<br />
backyard composters;<br />
J. that wherever possible, a comprehensive<br />
garbage action program in the<br />
Kensington area be used to generate work<br />
for local people, and cooperative educational-opportunities<br />
for local youth.<br />
ON BALDWIN STREET (note: as with<br />
several of the other recommendations<br />
here, these apply not only to Baldwin<br />
Street but to all the streets in the CR zone<br />
of the <strong>Mar</strong>ket)<br />
Concerns:<br />
- rapidly rising rents due to high tenant<br />
turnover,<br />
-high proportion of absentee landlords<br />
willing to allow apartments above<br />
stores to deteriorate;<br />
-incentives for people to convert second<br />
story residential uses to other uses;<br />
-prohibitive parking requirements for<br />
people wanting to put in affordable rental<br />
accommodation above stores;<br />
- high land cost downtown making new<br />
affordable housip.g starts less likely, and<br />
making nonprofit housing starts in the<br />
area almost impossible.<br />
Recommendation 8 (A· E)<br />
A. That the Task Force support the<br />
establishment of a Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket<br />
Tenant Association, and make provision<br />
for representation of such a tenant group<br />
on the Task Force;<br />
B. That the City provide the Task Force<br />
with a list of known rents in the <strong>Mar</strong>ket<br />
area;<br />
C. That the City provide incentives for<br />
property owners in the CR zone who are<br />
attempting to expand the supply of housing<br />
aqove stores in the CR area (see recommendation<br />
1F above);<br />
D. That the City and Task Force sup<br />
. port variances from the commercial density<br />
allowed on a site where the property<br />
owner is seeking at least as much new<br />
rental housing on the site as new commercial<br />
square footage;<br />
E. That City, Task Force and community<br />
associations support efforts to have all<br />
the people who inhabit Kensington adequately<br />
housed.<br />