#9102 - Mar 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

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16 COMMUNITY & ARTS The Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum, <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>1991</strong><br />

Letter to An Unknown Girl<br />

by Alma Penn<br />

Hello.<br />

I don't know your name or where you live. You are<br />

about eight or ten years old.<br />

One day just after school I saw you crossing<br />

the road, wearing a pink snowsuit. You were crying<br />

in a very scared sort of way. You were<br />

with two grown-up people who were pulling you by<br />

your arms so that your feet were off the ground.<br />

There was a woman with you and a man. The<br />

man looked angry and the woman looked scared.<br />

The man was shouting at you about playing with<br />

boys after school. He said you were a bad girl. He<br />

said that you were going to grow up to be a bad girl<br />

who gets into trouble. Many times he told you to<br />

stop crying.<br />

When you didn't stop he said' if you didn't stop<br />

crying he was going to give it to you right there in the<br />

street. And he said he was going to tell your old man<br />

· about you. He said that your old man was going to<br />

give it to you too.<br />

He raised his arm up high like he was going to<br />

hit you very hard.<br />

So I am the person who stepped into the<br />

· street. I had two children with me who stayed on<br />

the sidewalk. And the man said that you were making<br />

people stare at you. So I said that I was staring at<br />

him, not you. Then he said did I think you should<br />

play with five boys after school and I just said again,<br />

I was watching him.<br />

Then the woman said come on Jet's go, (:l.nd<br />

the three of you disappearep into a bunch of big<br />

buildings.<br />

I don't know what happened to make the man<br />

so angry. And I don't know what happened later.<br />

But I'm very worried that he was hurting you, and<br />

that he was going to hurt you again. And I was afraid<br />

that if I tried to help you he would hurt you even<br />

more. But there are three things I want to tell you.<br />

1) Nobody has the right to hurt you. It doesn't<br />

matter who they are. It doesn't matter what their<br />

reasons are. If someone at school hits you or hurts<br />

you, you have to let them know it's not ok. And to<br />

ask for help if you need it. The same goes for that<br />

man. It's not ok for him to hit you. You have the<br />

right to feel safe, to feel happy, to go to school, to<br />

have friends. And if he is hurting you, you have to<br />

tell a grown-up person who you trust. And keep<br />

telling them until you get some help.<br />

2) If you feel like you don't know how to ~et<br />

help here's an idea. Call the KIDS HELP PHONE . .<br />

It's free. You can even call from a pay phone with no<br />

money. If you call from home the call will not show<br />

up on your phone bill. You have to dial 1-800-668-<br />

6868.<br />

You can call anytime day or night, 7 days a<br />

week, as often as you want to. You don't have to say<br />

who you are, or where you live. The people who<br />

answer phone calls at the KIDS HELP PHONE are<br />

good listeners. And they've talked to other kids with<br />

lots of different problems. They're not going to do<br />

anything themselves unless you ask them to. Mostly<br />

they help kids figure out a way to solve problems for ·<br />

themselves. ·<br />

And the phone number is on milk boxes and in<br />

the phone book under KIDS. ·<br />

3) You don't have to grow up to be a bad girl<br />

who gets into trouple. He can't make you bad by<br />

calling you bad. You can g row up to be bra,ve and<br />

strong and special. It's up to you, not him.<br />

SUNDAY -MARCH 17, the<br />

start of the City's annual spring<br />

flower show in the rotunda at<br />

city hall. This year's show is<br />

called contemplations . on a<br />

Japanese garden. The show runs<br />

till <strong>Mar</strong>ch24, 9.00am to9.00pm<br />

daily.<br />

MONDAY MARCH 18, and<br />

MONDAY MARCH 25: from<br />

9.30a.m.-11.00pm(withbreaks .<br />

for lunch and dinner): in the<br />

ONT ARlO ROOM,<br />

MacDonald Block, Bay and<br />

Wellesley, 2nd floor, west side,<br />

the public is invited to comment<br />

on proposed changes to the<br />

provincial environmental<br />

assessment process. Call 323-<br />

2669 (Environmental Assessment<br />

Committee) for further<br />

information.<br />


7.00 p.m. Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket<br />

Area Task Force; committee<br />

room 6, City Hall<br />

Grange Housing Work<br />

Group, 7.30 pm University<br />

Settlement House<br />






On Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 21,<strong>1991</strong>,<br />

at the St. John's Lutheran<br />

Church, 274 Concord Avenue<br />

_(west of Ossington Ave:, and<br />

south of Bloor St W.), in<br />

Toronto, at 7 p.m., the<br />

Community of South Africans/<br />

Azanians For National<br />

Reconciliation invites the<br />

Media and the Public toaD A Y<br />

OFPRA YER to commemorate<br />

those who died in Sharpeville<br />

and other Cities and Townships,<br />

in 1960, when the South African<br />

police and army opened fire on<br />

unarmed civilians, killing many<br />

people, wounding and maiming<br />

many others including women,<br />

the old and children.<br />

Joining us will be the Rev.<br />

Maurice Ngakane, exile in<br />

United States. He brings with<br />

him a message that will challenge<br />

all of us.<br />

The 21st MARCH,<br />


UNITED NATIONS as the<br />


END RACISM,and dubbed by<br />

Blacks as SHARPEVILLE<br />

DA Y,isanimportantlandmark<br />

in the history of the struggle of<br />

the African people against<br />

apartheid and racism.<br />


TION CALL: REV. L.<br />

PAYNTER (416) 282-6073.<br />

SUNDAY MARCH 23:<br />



SQUARE<br />

Hippity-hop down the bunny<br />

trail Saturday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 23 for all<br />

the egg-citment ofBunnymania<br />

IlonCityHall'sNathanPhillips<br />

Square. Hare-raising fun for<br />

kids 10 and under, from 1 to 4<br />

p.m.; the Laura Secord Easter<br />

Bunny, the secret Bunny Trail,<br />

Bunnymania maps, tailtwitching<br />

Bunny Tales, a<br />

warren of wacky wabbits, ears<br />

and nose-making, rabbit-style,<br />

with puppeteer Jeff Esery,<br />

Magic Mike and Bunny Magic.<br />

THURSDAYS: Scat Cabaret<br />

at Scadding Court: free coffee,<br />

free child care (under five),<br />

starts at 7 pm, pay what you can.<br />

Music and a bit of theatre.<br />

Phone 588-8580 for info.<br />

••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />



CITY: History of Electricity in<br />

Toronto<br />

Electric lighting arrived in<br />

Toronto in 1879 when two arc<br />

lamps were turned on at<br />

McConkey's Restaurant at 145<br />

Yonge Street. Things would<br />

never be the same.<br />

The trexpendous impact of<br />

electricity and the ways it<br />

changed how people in<br />

Toronto worked, played and<br />

organized their homes is presented<br />

in Bright Lights, Big<br />

City: The History of Electricity<br />

in Toronto, a free exhibit of<br />

archival photographs,<br />

documents and artifacts on<br />

view at the <strong>Mar</strong>ket Gallery of<br />

the City of Toronto Archives<br />

from <strong>Mar</strong>ch 2 to June 23, <strong>1991</strong>.<br />

Electrifying stuff!<br />

From the beginning, T AAG<br />

was determined thatthe exhibit<br />

should extend beyond the<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ket Gallery venue. This<br />

objective is being accomplished<br />

through the production of an<br />

exhibit catalogue, written by a<br />

local historian, and the production<br />

of educational kits for primary<br />

and secondary schools.<br />

The <strong>Mar</strong>ket Gallery is located<br />

on the Second Floor of<br />

the historic South St. Lawrence<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ket at 95 Front Street East.<br />

Admission is free. For more<br />

information, or to arrange<br />

group or school visits, please<br />

telephone (416) 392-7604.<br />


DEATH! TheN ew Intelligence<br />

Lectures given by Jan Cox,<br />

author of "The Death of<br />

Gurdjieff in The Foothills of<br />

Georgia" are screened Sundays<br />

at 6:30 p.m. at 1044 Bathurst<br />

Street. 652-0099<br />

Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition<br />

JULY 12-14 at CITY HALL<br />

More than 400 artists<br />

More than 80,000 visitors<br />

30th annual exhibition.<br />

Applications to display are<br />

invited from professional and<br />

amateur artists.<br />

Call Ms. Tracey Capes, Coordinator,<br />

967-6149 (answering<br />

service) for information.<br />

outdoor art mart<br />

in kensington<br />

Call for artists, multicultural,<br />

interested informing -<br />

open air art market in<br />

Kensington.<br />

call 921-0738.<br />

Ski.n. II t.y Re.nee. Long<br />



APRl L 6 -28. <strong>1991</strong><br />

~<br />

Opening-Saturday April6. 3pm<br />

Wednesday to Saturday 12 - 5pm<br />

588 <strong>Mar</strong>kham St. o 2nd Floor o Toronto<br />

~<br />

~<br />

588-2978<br />

~<br />


photographers<br />

advertising + editorial<br />

industrial + portrait<br />

still life + location<br />

post production<br />

videographers<br />

inquire 416-599-drum<br />

~<br />


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