#9102 - Mar 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

The Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum, <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>1991</strong><br />

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Drum's TV Survey<br />

Not long ago some results from a survey were published in the<br />

Toronto Star.<br />

The survey was done by the Ryerson Polytechnical Institute's<br />

children's television course.<br />

The survey was intended to find out about two things:<br />

what young people watch on television, and<br />

whether or not they watch tv with someone or alone.<br />

We thought it would be fun to do our own survey. We'll let<br />

you know in future DRUMs what people said. So have a look<br />

at the questions, and then write us a letter. If you like, you<br />

could get someone to help you - they could ask the questions<br />

and write down your answers. Big kids can help little people<br />

with this - so can grown-ups.<br />

How old are you?<br />

Are you a boy or a girl?<br />

What shows do you like on tv (1st, 2nd and 3rd choice)?<br />

Do you watch tv shows or videos alone?<br />

Which ones?<br />

Do you watch tv shows or videos with someone else?<br />

Which ones?<br />

Who watches with you?<br />

Who chooses what gets watched?<br />

Do you have to ask someone if it's ok before you watch tv?<br />

Do you watch tv before school?<br />

Which shows?<br />

Do you watch tv at lunch time?<br />

Which shows?<br />

. Do you watch tv after school?<br />

Which shows?<br />

Do you watch tv after supper on a school night?<br />

Which shows?<br />

How much time do you spend watching tv shows or videos on<br />

the week-end or during holidays?<br />

· Do you talk with people in your family about the shows you<br />

watch?<br />


Learning With You<br />

c/o Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum<br />

24 Bellevue Avenue<br />

Toronto Ontario M5T 2N4<br />



Every day 35.000 children die from hunger related<br />

disease and thousands more from wars. drugs. car<br />

accidents. at home, AIDS. environmental causes and lots<br />

of other things that can be fixed.<br />

How would we feel if more than 35.000 children· in Canada'<br />

died tomorrow7 Would we do more to try to stop It fromhappening?<br />

What would the grief be like if it was<br />

happening In our own homes rather than other places7<br />

Adults In our part of the world will know what It would<br />

be like if children all over the place drop to the ground<br />

and pretend to be dead for ten minutes. Everywhere,<br />

schools. playgrounds. malls. movies. anywhere_ you are.<br />

·Be safe ! Plan to be with friends. the more the better.<br />

Small people ask big people to help you !<br />

Make copies If you can. give them to ten friends, or make<br />

posters or just tell all kids.<br />


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