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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />
and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />
The Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum, <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>1991</strong> NEWS & VIEWS 3<br />
Hospital To Make<br />
Western Plans Public, April17<br />
by David Perlman<br />
photo by Buzz Burza<br />
.<br />
Toronto Hospital Corporation<br />
(THC) has temporarily<br />
abandoned the series of<br />
meetings, more or less<br />
monthly, of a "Community<br />
Liaison Advisory Group". The<br />
group comprises in theory<br />
many individuals, groups and<br />
agencies affected by the<br />
Corporation's Plans for<br />
Toronto Western Hospital.<br />
But it is plagued by poor<br />
attendance. So the hospital has<br />
decided to hold a display and<br />
public meeting April 17 to<br />
show their plans to date.<br />
The display will be available<br />
for viewing from 6:15 pm and<br />
the meeting will commence at<br />
7:00. There will be two things<br />
to look at: plans for rebuilding<br />
the main site, ·and plans for<br />
what to do with the crumbling<br />
Leonard Street Parking<br />
Garage. .<br />
The hospital is committed to<br />
going ahead with an application<br />
for a rezoning of the main<br />
site. They want six floors on<br />
top of the two under construction<br />
at the Bathurst/Dundas<br />
corner. And they want to build<br />
some new kind of outpatient<br />
facility at the north end, along<br />
Nassau Street.<br />
The rezoning application<br />
process contains a number of<br />
meetings at which the public<br />
hasrights. Theareacityplanner<br />
will be at the meeting to talk<br />
about the process. The<br />
Hospital's architects and<br />
planners will also be on hand to<br />
present their work to date and<br />
to listen to concerns.<br />
The second issue to be covered<br />
at the meeting is what to<br />
do with the crumbling Leonard<br />
Street Parking Garage. The<br />
range of options is very wide.<br />
The hospital could, for<br />
example, simply put up a fivefloor<br />
replacement garage, with<br />
very little further public input.<br />
Or they could take the chance<br />
of trying to do something more<br />
creative with the site-like<br />
putting the parking<br />
underground and putting<br />
affordable housing or other<br />
community uses on top.<br />
One developer, the Goldman<br />
Group, thinks they have an idea<br />
that could work-co-op housing<br />
on top, hospital parking below.<br />
They'll display some version<br />
of their ·plan, answer<br />
questions, and listen very hard.<br />
What they and the hospital<br />
will be listening forisanystrong<br />
community feeling about their<br />
plans-for or against. In the<br />
case of the Leonard Street<br />
garage, for example, it is<br />
unlikely that either Goldman<br />
or the Hospital will proceed<br />
with a housing initiative if<br />
neighbourhood reaction to the<br />
idea is mostly negative.<br />
The April17 meeting will take<br />
place inside the hospital, to<br />
make it equally accessible to<br />
people from east and west of<br />
Bathurst. The meeting place<br />
(fourthflooratrium,FraserFell<br />
Pavilion) can be reached from<br />
any of the hospital's entrances.<br />
DRUM<br />
offers some space<br />
free of charge for<br />
information about<br />
community events.<br />
S99:DRUM<br />
Bloorcourt<br />
Veterinary<br />
Clinic<br />
Consultation By Appointment Monday to Saturday<br />
Health Care, Surgery and Acupuncture<br />
1079 Bloor Street West<br />
,(416) 537-9677 Dr. Jack<br />
The House,<br />
91 Bellevue, 925-2103<br />
English as a Second Language Program<br />
(ask for Peggy Shek)<br />
St. Stephen's Daycare<br />
(ask for Fatima Alves)<br />
Youth Recreation<br />
(ask for Frank Pimentel)<br />
Community Work,<br />
169 Brunswick, 926-8221<br />
Adu)t Services<br />
(ask for <strong>Mar</strong>ia Santos)<br />
Senior Services<br />
(ask for Irene Tsang)<br />
Conflict Resolution Service<br />
(ask for Nathalie Rockhill)<br />
and also<br />
Youth Employment Centre<br />
531-4631 (ask for Anita Block)<br />
A.I.D.E.S.<br />
323-1498 (ask for Toni Lauriston)<br />
King Edward Daycare<br />
922-8705 (ask for B~trice Milner)<br />
TheComer ,<br />
977-7223 (ask for Allen Flaming)<br />
The Drug-Free Arcade .<br />
920-8980 (ask for Kim Kazur)<br />
St Stephen's Community House:<br />
Serving Metro from the Downtown West<br />
THE HOUSE - 91 Bellevue Ave.<br />
English as a Second Language Program (ESL) • Ingles como segunda lengua • Classes de Ingles Como<br />
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