#9102 - Mar 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

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The Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum, <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>1991</strong><br />


- -RVM<br />

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Talking Drum<br />

Some 'people are wondering out loud what<br />

DRUM will and won't publish (see letters:<br />

who censors who? )<br />

We're wondering too . But some<br />

things are clearer than a month ago ~<br />

For instance, DRUM IS NOT<br />

"NONPARTISAN". The Leslieville Times and<br />

the Midtown Voice and the Beach Metro are<br />

nonpartisan (it says so right inside). DRUM<br />

is something else.<br />

We sometimes disagree with things<br />

people say in our pages. Sometimes it's an<br />

article, sometimes an advertiser.<br />

Sometimes rt's all of us disagreeing,<br />

sometimes it's not. Opinions it:J a piece are<br />

those of the person taking credit for the<br />

piece. Where no-one is credited, the<br />

responsibility's Drum's.<br />

DRUM is a "Kensington people's paper"-­<br />

which is to say<br />

*mostly meant to provide a forum<br />

for people \1\fhO live or work in the<br />

Kensington market area (see maps page<br />

1 0)<br />

*mostly made by Kensington people.<br />

We think it's important to reflect ·<br />

the <strong>Mar</strong>ket's diversity. We don't think it's<br />

ok to preach hate. We accept that we have<br />

a responsibility to make it clear when<br />

something that's in here is the opinion of<br />

Drum. And when it's not.<br />

DRUM is multipartisan.<br />

We believe it's our responsibility to<br />

indicate when something's been edited or<br />

censored. And not to edit or censor without<br />

the knowledge and consent of the writer.<br />

We believe that people have a right to ask<br />

that a piece be published exactly as<br />

submitted or not at all. If you are<br />

mentioned you should assume that you have<br />

a right to reply. -<br />

We have the right to accept or reject<br />

any piece. Responsibility for exercising<br />

this right lies with the publisher and the<br />

editorial collective.<br />

Drum is a publication of KensinQton <strong>Mar</strong>ket lJrum,<br />

24 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, MST 2N4<br />

Drum is published monthly.<br />

Phone or fOx (4 16) 599-DRUM<br />

for information on deadlines.<br />

Drum is distributed free door to door<br />

between Queen and Colleae, Beverly and Euctid;<br />

from College north.to Hoibcird between Spodino<br />

and Bothun!. And it is available at the commer·<br />

ciol outlets tiS!ed in the mop guide, as well os at<br />

selected outlets across Metro. For schook and<br />

study groups, up to 1 00 copies of Drum ore<br />

available, free of charge if you collect.<br />

.c<br />

Drum is available by subscription, outside<br />

our door to door distribution area. The cost is<br />

S 18 a year. Bock isstm are available.<br />

Items in Drum credited to individuok ore in<br />

the copyright of those indivi~uals. Points of<br />

view in such items ore those of the writer, not<br />

necessarily Drum's.<br />

THAT there would be a<br />

benefit for DRUM upstairs<br />

at the Silver Dollar,<br />

February 24<br />

And another at the Santa Fe<br />

May 16. Stay tuned.<br />

THAT some would come<br />

just for a shot at the<br />

fabulous door prizes<br />

Rick; your dogfood is<br />

waiting.<br />

THAT a shootout on<br />

Dundas December 27 had<br />

people scared<br />

Now there's a feeling beyond<br />

fear-6 dead and life<br />

f?Oes on?<br />

Where did these children<br />

learn the culture of the gun?<br />

THAT a de.toxification<br />

centre for women at<br />

Claremont and Dundas<br />

would open as scheduled<br />

in April<br />

Is no news good news?<br />

_THAT a co-op was being<br />

proposed for western<br />

hospital's Leonard street<br />

lot<br />

See for yourself, April 17<br />

(story, page 3)<br />

That there would be major<br />

changes to Kensington<br />

garbage schedules come<br />

mid-February _<br />

See Easy as 1 ,2,3,4, page 4<br />

That an "east market report"<br />

containing many<br />

recommendations for the<br />

market would be submitted<br />

to the Feb 13 meeting<br />

of the task force<br />

It was brought back for .<br />

further discussion to the<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 20 meeting (seep. 5<br />

for text). It will be discussed<br />

by task force members privately<br />

the first Wednesday<br />

in April, a_fter which it<br />

comes back to a full task<br />

force meeting April 24.<br />

That the chicken packers<br />

at 541/2 Kensington were<br />

applying to expand<br />

No joy from the city. Seep.<br />

4<br />

G-ST RALLY !9'1<br />

•••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

Letters to DRUM<br />

24 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, M5T 2N4<br />

Who Is Censoring Who?<br />

We are writing in reference<br />

to the piece that appeared in<br />

the last issue of the Drum<br />

called "Cisco's list of drink<br />

personalities" by Cisco. We<br />

were shocked and angered to<br />

see that the Drum, a paper<br />

put together by people that<br />

quite clearly have a vision for<br />

the <strong>Mar</strong>ket, a vision of a none<br />

orp or ate-de vel opme n t<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ket built on mutual support<br />

and respect, would<br />

choose to print a piece that so<br />

effectively targeted and<br />

insulted so many of the 9ifferent<br />

people that make up<br />

the 'Kensington Community'.<br />

The statements, such as<br />

"Tequila .. .for criminals who<br />

call themselves refugees,"<br />

"No-name-brand ... for welfare<br />

families with no personality",<br />

"Vodka (Screwdriver,<br />

Caesar, etc) ... for discreet,<br />

horny women" and<br />

"Carlsberg ... for faggots", to<br />

name only a few, are racist,<br />

sexist, classist and homophobic.<br />

Our main concern is. that<br />

the Drum clarify its editorial<br />

policy. Obviously, the Drurp<br />

cannot claim to be 'non-partisan'.<br />

It has made choices in<br />

the past about whose voices it<br />

thinks should be heard and<br />

who they support on a variety<br />

of issues. Although we recognize<br />

the Drum is in a very difficult<br />

position of trying to<br />

accurately represent the<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ket community and yet<br />

also trying to promote social<br />

responsibility, an editorial<br />

policy is still possible.<br />

Firstly,. the concern that all<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ket residents should find<br />

the Drum accessible to their<br />

voice is a genuine one, but<br />

translates into simple liberalism<br />

when confronted with the<br />

question of people who try to<br />

promote race or gender<br />

hatred in the paper. These<br />

voices are all too forcefully<br />

represented constantly in our<br />

society, in the government, in<br />

institutions and in the mainstream<br />

media. The simple<br />

fact is, that by allowing these<br />

voices space in the paper,<br />

you ultimately discourage<br />

others (who are the objects<br />

of that hatred) from seeing a<br />

place for themselves in the<br />

Drum. Racism, sexism, and<br />

other oppressions silence<br />

_and exclude people. So it<br />

becomes necessary to choose<br />

between printing the voices<br />

of racists (for instance) or<br />

the many other voices of the<br />

culturally diverse <strong>Mar</strong>ket<br />

community. If you get few<br />

negative responses to the<br />

printing of Cisco's 'article.'<br />

this may illustrate exactly<br />

that point.<br />

Secondly, the question of<br />

censorship. By defining-an<br />

editorial policy which clearly<br />

refuses to print hate literature,<br />

you are not censoring<br />

the voices of those people.<br />

You are merely refusing to<br />

collaborate with them by<br />

putting your labour and your<br />

collective efforts into publishing<br />

their material. That's<br />

primarily why we are concerned<br />

about the printing of<br />

Cisco's article without editorial<br />

comment. Since our<br />

labour helped produce the<br />

paper, it concerns us that th_e<br />

final product so clearly contradicts<br />

and insults our own<br />

values. That's not to say that<br />

we expect to agree with<br />

every opinion expressed,<br />

only that we expect a paper<br />

to be responsible as far as<br />

basic human rights and dignity<br />

are concerned. Ultimately,<br />

although you are trying to be<br />

accountable to 'the community',<br />

that community has<br />

many diverse elements and<br />

you can't be equally accountable<br />

to, say, queer bas hers<br />

and the <strong>Mar</strong>ket's lesbian and<br />

gay population, so you have<br />

to choose who you are going<br />

to be accountable to and<br />

how.<br />

continued on page 7

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