#9102 - Mar 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

The Kensington <strong>Mar</strong>ket Drum, <strong>Mar</strong>ch <strong>1991</strong><br />

VIEWS<br />

9<br />

North of<br />

Superior<br />

A Very<br />

Distant Drummer<br />

Chris Mmmclo Rrrrepportts ...<br />

Outward Bound:<br />

what?, where?, when?, why?,·who?<br />

The words say it all folks.<br />

1) Outward:(adj) pertaining to the exterior or out­<br />

-side, outer, external<br />

2) Bound: (noun) boundary, litpit; (adj) having<br />

one's cours~ directed on the way, destined; (verb) to<br />

leap; (past tense) to bind<br />

Combining the word "outward" with any of above<br />

definitions of the word "bound" would well describe<br />

this organization. Located at the top of the Great<br />

Lakes- the North of Superior area- one can find<br />

this school of widerness philosophy. The wilds surround<br />

you everywhere with little sign of progress<br />

other than "Home Place" from where we set out on<br />

our trip.<br />

Our winter course takes us out ofdoors, days into<br />

nights into days, in a frigid Canadian winter wonderland;<br />

cross country skiing, snow shoeing, dogs and<br />

sled mushing, sleeping, cooking, eating and living in a<br />

community of people eager to share what they have<br />

to offer.<br />

Everyone is part of our intricate environment;<br />

building, communicating personally and professionally,<br />

we all depend on each other for basic survival.<br />

Look around you and see only too clearly why we all<br />

have the desire to escape beyond our own world to a<br />

place only nature seems to provide - stretching the<br />

limits of mind and soul.<br />

~<br />

Days 6and 7: The road side kitchen<br />

photobyChrisMeto _<br />

Day 2: Doing lunch out on the lake<br />

photo by Chris Melo

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