#9103 - Apr 1991

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Digital Archiving Completed by the Ethnography Lab, A University of Toronto Anthropology Initiative<br />

and Produced in Collaboration with David Perlman/Wholenote Media Inc between July-December 2015.<br />

10<br />

Bob The Waiter<br />

Has ...<br />

~ ·.-,J., --·.=--""..:-~./- _--g...... - r:rz:::_:::::;.;;;;;_~---------.r<br />

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SO instead · - . b-y -KI-Igo-re-Tr-out-Jr-. ----:-<br />

The AI Within·<br />

They acted out their little dance as<br />

if they were the dueling projections<br />

of Zen masters from another time and<br />

space.<br />

He shouted and flailed his arms inhis<br />

-postured whiskey poses, only<br />

sometimes making sense like an<br />

empty booze bottle is only sometimes<br />

visible as it rolls down a late night<br />

street and is glimpsed in each dim<br />

passing street light.<br />

Mostly his tongue rolled noisily<br />

along through the dark spots. F'n<br />

bitch this ... and F'n bitch that.<br />

In the local alcoholic dialect she<br />

made wounded baby seal sounds.<br />

If you could have seen! what I heard<br />

!! you would have known!!!, that<br />

somewhere on that grey, cardboard<br />

smelling pile of cloths and bedding<br />

that they were dragging along the<br />

street the hot stained pajama bottoms<br />

of jealousy had just been pulled out of<br />

the laundry bag oflife and we were all<br />

in for a show.<br />

She came off really good at first.<br />

Moving up over his blue line, hitting<br />

him on his blind side with a barely<br />

comprehensible tirade about how he<br />

was responsible for them being tossed<br />

out oftheir apartment. Seems he could<br />

never find workandspentmostofhis<br />

time hanging out a drunken window<br />

dry heaving L.C.B.O. drool all over<br />

the pigeons on the telephone wires.<br />

He charged back on the offensive<br />

(and folks I mean offensive) with a<br />

gymnastically impossible description<br />

of the time she screwed those engineering<br />

students in the park for beer<br />

money.<br />

That was hitting her below the belt<br />

wherethehurtinghandofmanseldom<br />

sets foot' and just like a woman in a<br />

Bob Dylan song her eyes started<br />

bleeding big wet witch tears.<br />

"I wuz jus try in to get that beer fer<br />

your be ... be ... beer. .. birthday<br />

party,"she sobbed.<br />

"Yeah well... the only reason I<br />

rented that bowling alley of an<br />

apartment was cause you wanted· a<br />

big place".<br />

Well, that wasn't exactly like<br />

selling your watch to buy her a hair<br />

ribbon only to find out that she cut if<br />

off and sold it to a wig maker in order<br />

to buy you a new watch chain, but it<br />

was common human ground.<br />

ldon 'tknow what it is in a fell a that<br />

makes him suddenly realize he's gone<br />

too far. When that higher man within<br />

pushes aside the mean outer little guy<br />

'and that giant AI Waxman within<br />

comes down the Augusta Ave. of life<br />

and stops long enough from waving<br />

at people to take your face between<br />

his nationally syndicated hands and<br />

says "Hey garnbino lighten up ...... be<br />

happy".<br />

That guy felt the palms of AI all<br />

right.<br />

He repositioned his toque, zipped<br />

up his fly, nervously ajustedhis hand<br />

paintedC.N. Tower tieandtuckedhis<br />

polyester dinner jacket back into his<br />

friendly goodwill corduroys.<br />

"Lets go baby" he said tenderly,<br />

"stop cryin ..... yer makin everybody<br />

stare at us".<br />

As if responding to an orchestra<br />

leader's baton the hundred pairs of<br />

eyes on Baldwin S t.that had paused in<br />

their shopping to witness all this,<br />

shifted back to their vegetables and<br />

the shabby couple shuffled on along<br />

the street.<br />

Nobody really knew what Jamie<br />

did for a living. He really wasn't too<br />

sure himself.<br />

Every day he'd go into his office<br />

and move papers around his desk and<br />

make phone calls,<br />

Jamie made money. Lots of money.<br />

You only had to ask him to find that<br />

out.<br />

Like a corpulent hippo -in a mud<br />

hole of fmance it stuck to him. He<br />

stank from it and he loved it.<br />

At the end of each day he'd lumber<br />

out of his wallow five minutes before<br />

the human tide flushed itself down<br />

the elevator shafts of the financial<br />

district so he could snort a couple of<br />

lines in the executive washroom.<br />

He loved to stand in the stairwell<br />

outside the exec john and lean against<br />

the w·all so he could silently look up<br />

the skirts of the secretaries using the<br />

staircase to the ladies john above.<br />

Somehow today felt alittledifferent<br />

to Jamie.<br />

Life was somehow losing its fun<br />

and excitment.<br />

He reflected back on those first<br />

heady $55,000 per year days with the<br />

company when the president entrusted<br />

him with evictions ~d past due collections.<br />

Life had meaning then. Then he<br />

was like a giant regulator fine tuning<br />

an economic system gone wrong. A<br />

system where those shabby foul<br />

smelling little people who lived in<br />

those dumpy high rises the company<br />

owned threatened chaos by withholding<br />

rents and key money.<br />

He'd heard ail the usual excuses.<br />

"My husband deserted me, took all<br />

the money, and left all the kids" or "I<br />

can't pay these rents and my student<br />

loan too".<br />

Deadbeats, lesbian commies who<br />

can't keep a real man.<br />

KeymoneywasJamie'sspeciality.<br />

Jamie waddled over to the theatre<br />

district and stood ouL~ide the Yuppie<br />

bar he usually got bombed in.<br />

Maybe it was the blow or maybe it<br />

was the time of year but he just didn't<br />

feel like rubbing shoulders with all<br />

the plebs who'd recently bee.n<br />

crowding into what was once his<br />

private domain.<br />

Often after a long day of collections<br />

and threats Jamie' d come here and<br />

stand at the end of the bar in the<br />

employee's service area dispensing<br />

free drinks and witty stories about his<br />

days' successes to all the sweet young<br />

things who'd crowd around him.<br />


-Funny now that the recession was<br />

ending they didn't crowd around him<br />

as often, eagerly accepting his free<br />

rounds.<br />

No, today Jamie was going to take<br />

a little walk on the wild side.<br />

He lumbered along Queen West<br />

. looking for new action.<br />

The Horseshoe? no, not his style.<br />

The Rivoli?, pass, the chicks in<br />

there all look like lesbian single<br />

mothers.<br />

How about that place with all the<br />

steel ants welded to the outside? No<br />

way. That's where those bands that<br />

sounded like car parts being ground<br />

up in a blender played.<br />

J Jamie .... was looking for some soul.<br />

The club was down a flight of stairs.<br />

It was dark. Kindareal dark for Jamie.<br />

The brothers were lounging around<br />

the far end of the bar and on a little<br />

stage there was a drum kit, a piano<br />

and a couple of amplifiers.<br />

The brothers were obviously musicians,<br />

two of them had electric guitars<br />

slung over their shoulders and they<br />

talked softly amongst themselves as<br />

they drank their beer and looked down<br />

the bar suspiciously at Jamie.<br />

After a few minutes the tallest one<br />

of them strode slowly along the bar<br />

and sat down on the stool next to<br />

Jamie. ·<br />

Hebununed a cigarette from Jamie<br />

and accepted his offer of a round of<br />

beers for the band.<br />

Jamie was being daring.<br />

Wait till he told everyone about<br />

how he spent an evening in the wierd<br />

part of town hanging out with blues<br />

black people.<br />

"Jamie" thought Jamie, "You're a<br />

rebel''<br />

He looked over his shoulder into<br />

the bar room mirror and imagined<br />

himself in a black leather jacket..<br />

The conversation came easy and<br />

the empty bottles soon covered the<br />

bar.<br />

Jamie nervously rambled on about<br />

nothing, namely his own. gluttonous<br />

little life.<br />

He judged himself to be readily<br />

accepted amongst these strange,<br />

friendly men as he watched them smile<br />

and nod their heads as they seemed to<br />

closely follow everything he said.<br />

"Yeahman,"Jamieslylysnickered,<br />

''I'm on a roll".<br />

After a few more beers the musicians<br />

got up ori stage and started to<br />

jam the blues as Jamie tried to keep<br />

time with his fingers.<br />

In a break between numbers the<br />

-drummer (the tall man) called out to<br />

Jamie. "Hey brother, you don't happen<br />

to play harp do you?"<br />

Jamie immediately thought about<br />

the Marx brothers and looked perplexed.<br />

"No man, I mean do you blow?''<br />

Jamie reached in his suit pocket<br />

and pulled out his vial stash of cocaine<br />

and held it up; being among friends.<br />

Everyone laughed and Jamie felt<br />

strange.<br />

"No man" laughed the drummer.<br />

"I see what your jones is, brother, "I<br />

mean do you like .... play the harmonica".<br />

Jamie flushed and felt embarrassed.<br />

He'd fooled around on one of those<br />

hohner harmonicas one summer at<br />

camp but he certainly never considered!<br />

Wait a second. Holy gambino if<br />

Jamie didn't suddenly feel a tingling<br />

in his fingers and toes.<br />

It was as if some higher man within<br />

took over Jamie and the mean little<br />

guy Jamie watched as the big guy<br />

within crossed Jamie's body over the<br />

Augusta Ave. of life and stepped up<br />

onto the stage.<br />

He. involuntarily waved to the<br />

bartender as he took a mean looking<br />

little hohner D harp from the guitar<br />

player. ·<br />

One and two and "three and four, ..<br />

Dum dum dum dum ... and Jamie<br />

blew lustily into the hot metal reeds<br />

of the harp and his notes flew out of<br />

the harmonica and stuck to the wall<br />

like Mississippi mud.<br />

The guitar player shouted some<br />

wierd stuff into the microphone about<br />

a mannish boy and Jamie's captive<br />

brain raced wildly behind whatever<br />

had seized control of his body.<br />

After the wave of panic subsided<br />

Jamie relaxed and started listening to<br />

his own playing.<br />

He was great!!!<br />

'The Kensington Market Drum, <strong>Apr</strong>il<strong>1991</strong><br />

While Jamie blew a particularily<br />

rude and nasty cat fight of a solo the<br />

guitar player leaned over and shouted<br />

in his ear.<br />

"You may be white on the outside<br />

man, but inside your soul is black".<br />

Jamie's head snapped to the left<br />

and he heard himself say. ·<br />

"Lighten up gambino .... be happy<br />

"!Then his head snapped. back to his<br />

harp and he finished his solo in such<br />

a way that his. mid-solo rest was rendered<br />

significant with meaning and<br />

wild blues innovation.<br />

The song ended and Jamie stepped<br />

heavily off the stage the D-harp literally<br />

smoking blues steam in his<br />

hand.<br />

Jamie barely had time to feel the<br />

ache on his sweat drenched chapped<br />

lips and ask himself just what the hell<br />

was going on before the drummer<br />

was pounding his back and saying<br />

"Shit man, tell me if you ain't James<br />

Cotton in white face, where did you<br />

Jearn that"!?<br />

"Oh er at summer camp" Jamie<br />

heard himself say.<br />

Dreamily Jamie rolled his cocaine<br />

on the bar and it soon disappeared up<br />

everybody's noses.<br />

Jamie was totally freaked. As the<br />

coke raced through his veins like a<br />

hungry ghost slashing nerve endings<br />

with icy teeth Jamie couldn't decide<br />

if what just happened really happened<br />

or not.<br />

Another image rose in his mind<br />

that he at first suppresseq. For some<br />

reason or another it kept coming back<br />

stronger the harder Jamie tried to suppress<br />

it. Almost as a vision, he saw it.<br />

A man was walking up Augusta<br />

Ave. andhewaswavingtoeverybody<br />

and everybody was waving back at<br />

him.<br />

Only he wasn't waving at Jamie<br />

because he had his back to him and he<br />

couldn't see Jamie.<br />

He was all the way up to Baldwin<br />

when he turned and beckoned with a<br />

longsweepofhisarmandthenhewas<br />

gone.<br />

Jesus H. Christ swooned Jamie<br />

what the hell is happening to me?<br />

First I'm playing harmonica like<br />

James Cotton and now I'm seeing<br />

visions of, of ..... .<br />

"Hey Bro you wanna score some<br />

more stuff?" chimed the drummer. .<br />

"Yeah sure" said Jamie. "Lets get<br />

out of here".<br />

They hussled out on to the dark<br />

rainy street into the band's cube van<br />

and drove north. In a few minutes<br />

they pulled off of Dundas Street and<br />

turned up Augusta. .<br />

Jamie started to get that wierd<br />

dreamy feeling again.<br />

"Hey man here's our money ... "<br />

urged the drummer.<br />

''Take all of your money and put it<br />

all together in your hand"<br />

"What now?" moaned Jamie.<br />

The cube van slowed down opposite<br />

an old wooden doorway.<br />

"You see that door overthere man",<br />

whispered the drummer.<br />

"Well you go over there and put<br />

your right hand in the hole on the right<br />

side of the door and your left hand<br />

with the money in it in the other hole<br />

right beside it".<br />

"But" sputtered Jamie.<br />

"No buts man", growled the<br />

drununer. "W ecalled before we drove<br />

on up here. It's all set up, Just do it<br />

man".-<br />

Jamie rolled out of the van and<br />

stuck both his hands into the darkness<br />

of the door.<br />

He felt a human hand snatch the<br />

money from his left hand and as he<br />

waited to feel the packet of coke drop<br />

into his right hand he noticed a slight<br />

tingling around his wrists.<br />

"What" shouted Jamie.<br />

'Tv been handcuffed!!!! Hey you<br />

gotta help me", Jamie called back to<br />

his new friends in the van.<br />

They,were all smiles.<br />

"Hey sucker. We told you it was all<br />

set up. Nighty, night". ·<br />

"No, come back, where are you<br />

going? You can't just leave me here<br />

handcuffed to this door"! cried Jamie.<br />

Bu( they were gone. Howling and<br />

laughing up the street.<br />

Jamie had heard about this part of<br />

town before.<br />

Isn't it that part of town where that<br />

scary motor blending rock band lives<br />

and all those Oriental gang shottings<br />

happened, thought Jamie. This was<br />

serious and Jamie had to take a leak.<br />

The street was deserted and it was<br />

raining, this was the worst day of<br />

Jamie's life.<br />

Far off Jamie could hear a creaking<br />

sound getting closer and closer.<br />

Around the corner there came a<br />

man and a woman pushing a shopping<br />

cart piled with soggy clothes and<br />

bedding. They slowed as they neared<br />

the man with no hands leaning against<br />

the door. ·<br />

"Hey buddy", said the tall weirdly<br />

dressed man.<br />

"You in some kinda trouble"?<br />

"Well",moaned Jamie, I was handcuffed<br />

to this door. .. by ... some ... ah<br />

robbers. Yeah robbers .... muggers:<br />

Punk robber .... muggers".<br />

"Punk robber muggers you say ?'l<br />

wondered the man.<br />

"Yeah, they're in ·a band, I think"<br />

grimaced Jamie.<br />

"Oh yeah, I read about them in the<br />

newspaper I think?" the weirdly<br />

dressed man replied.<br />

"They fix sinks too".<br />

"Yeah whatever Pop. Look ... Ah<br />

Sir do you think you could find a<br />

hacksaw or call a locksmith or something.<br />

I gotta take a leak".<br />

The woman who had been standing<br />

in the shadows behind the shopping<br />

cart walked slowly around and stood<br />

beside Jamie.<br />

She raised her arm and lit her bic<br />

lighter in front of Jamie's face and let<br />

out a piercing scream before falling<br />

backward into the shabby mans arms,<br />

her hand clawing theC.N. Tower hand<br />

painted tie above his shabby heart.<br />

"George", she hissed, "it's him.<br />

That horrible little bugger who evicted<br />

us from the apartment".<br />

"Well what do ya know", smiled<br />

shabby George.<br />

Jamie didn't recognize them. All<br />

those seedy, needy little people looked<br />

the same to him:.<br />

"Look mister, if ther,!! has been<br />

some misunderstanding" whined<br />

Jamie.<br />

"No misunderstanding", said<br />

shabby George.<br />

It was then that Jamie noticed the<br />

long scissors in shabby George's hand.<br />

"Why did it have to end like this"!<br />

thought Jamie.<br />

"Just hold still", sneered shabby.<br />

George.<br />

George proceeded to cut Jamie'<br />

jacket off.<br />

"Hey fella that's a $500 jacket",<br />

warned Jamie.<br />

"That's O.K.", piped shabby<br />

George.<br />

"I'll just sew it back together".<br />

"Hey wait a minute they're my<br />

pants you're pullin off lady. Help!!<br />

Police!!! yelled Jamie.<br />

Shabby George and the woman<br />

bundled Jamie's jacket, pants and shirt<br />

up and put them on the cart and headed<br />

off down the street.<br />

"You can't just leave me!" im·<br />

plored Jamie.<br />

"We'llleave you your undies you<br />

might catch cold", called back the<br />

woman.<br />

A few wheel squeaks and they were<br />

gone.<br />


Sgt. Kennedy of Metro Police 14tl;<br />

Division thought he'd seen everythin~<br />

in his 20 years as a police officer.<br />

He wasn't too fazed to see in th<<br />

beam of his search light this fat gu)<br />

wearing nothing but a pair of dayglo"'<br />

yellow boxer shorts with "I'm Sexyj<br />

printed all over them standing witl'<br />

his hands stuck into two holes in l<br />

.door.<br />

The downtown twist was that then<br />

was piss running down his legs.<br />

I saw the whole thing.<br />

I was out putting up posters for th<<br />

upcoming Kensington Drum News<br />

paper Benefit.<br />

They're great posters.<br />

They say : MAY 16th, 8PM 3rd<br />

floor party room of<br />

SANTA FE<br />



129 PETE!<br />

STREET - be there or be square -<br />

The bands will be D-Squad anc<br />

Culture Shock.<br />

"Heycomeonnow",you'resaying<br />

"did you tell us this whole shaggy do!<br />

story just to plug your fundraiser"?<br />

Well not exactly.<br />

continued next page

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